Team Together Starter - Teacher S Book
Team Together Starter - Teacher S Book
Team Together Starter - Teacher S Book
St a r t e r
Teacher’s Book
with Digital Resources
Starter level
For pupils For teachers
• Pupil’s Book • Teacher’s Book with Digital
with Digital Resources Resources
• Activity Book • Flashcards
• Presentation Tool
• Worksheets
English Benchmark and Team • Audio
Together make the perfect
partners for your language
and assessment needs
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Scope and sequence .............................. 2
Introduction ............................................. 4
Assessment ........................................... 10
Classroom language............................ 13
Lessons notes ........................................ 14
Family What’s your name?, My name’s Introducing yourself and others Help at home
Friends and
1 family
Pets …, I’m …
Who’s this? This is (my) …
Classroom objects I’ve got … Identifying and counting school Look after your things
My school
2 bag
I haven’t got … objects and saying what you’ve
In the classroom What’s this?, It’s a ... Identifying things in the Tidy up
3 classroom
The book is on the chair. / The
pens are on the floor.
classroom and saying where
things are
Toys What colour is it? It’s … Identifying toys and their Share with your friend
4 favourite
What’s your favourite toy? It’s
my …
colours, and saying your
favourite toy
Body He’s got … / She’s got … Identifying body parts and saying Be safe
My body!
5 He hasn’t got ... / She hasn’t
got …
what people have and haven’t
Clothes Where’s my …?, It’s on the ... Identifying clothes and Be on time
My blue
6 jacket
I’m wearing … describing what you are wearing
Animals They’re ... Identifying animals and saying Look after animals
7 tigers!
What are these? They’re … what they are
Picture dictionary
Progress path
and counting school Look after your things p, r Make a school bag
d saying what you’ve Pat, pen, pencil, pencil case, red, Rob,
rubber, ruler
things in the Tidy up c, w Make a desk tidy
and saying where cake, car, carrot, cat, wall, water,
window, woman
toys and their Share with your friends t, y Make a toy box and colour toys to
nd saying your teacher, teddy, ten, Tom, yellow, yes, put in it
oy yoghurt, yoyo
The main focus of the Starter level is to develop listening and
speaking skills alongside the acquisition of key vocabulary
and structures. The course also develops pupils’ fine motor
skills through activities such as ticking, matching, circling
and tracing. From Unit 5, key vocabulary is presented on the
page to assist with word recognition. Optional worksheets
provided online offer some early reading and writing skills
which progress from recognising letters and words, to tracing
letters, to writing a few known words. The Vocabulary time
section in the Activity Book allows children to consolidate the
vocabulary from the series and develop some early writing
skills. The Activity Book also has the whole English alphabet
at the back of the book for reference. The Starter level has
been carefully planned as an introductory level to the series,
building the foundations to enable a smooth transition to
Level 1 of the course.
Pupil’s Book Additional ideas for Extension, TPR and 21st century skills
activities, as well as suggestions on how to support or
The Pupil’s Book provides materials to present the target challenge mixed-ability students provide an excellent toolkit
language effectively. It includes an introductory Welcome for busy teachers who may lack time for planning.
spread to introduce colours and numbers 1–10, and eight
main units. Cut-out templates are also provided at the end The Introduction includes recommended procedures for
of the Pupil’s Book to be used with the Project lessons. The effective use of projects and also contains tips on working
Picture dictionary reviews all the core unit vocabulary. with mixed-ability groups.
Finger puppets
Lesson 1
1 Make and show. Class Audio
1 Friends and family The Class Audio MP3s have all the recordings for the Pupil’s
Listen and follow. 1 2 3
Book and Activity Book. In order to facilitate using the audio
materials, all recordings are appropriately numbered on the
pages of the Pupil’s Book and the Activity Book. All audio for
the series can be found online.
4 5 6
2 1.21
Sing and play.
1.2 Listen, point and say.
some tracing activities. It also contains stickers for use and activities.
with vocabulary exercises. There are Vocabulary time, Fun
time and Alphabet time sections to practise all the target
vocabulary and letters. Presentation tool and digital
Lesson 2 Language practice 1 1
1 Vocabulary time
1 2
Photocopiable resources
a b
A collection of useful photocopiable resources can be found
2 1.4
Listen, find and stick.
online. These include activities to develop very early reading
a b c d
68 sixty-eight
and writing skills – including tracing and word recognition –
five 5
and focus on key vocabulary, numbers 1–10 and letters of the
alphabet. See page 11 for more information.
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4 four
• Activity Book
Practice Extra activity TPR
Pupil’s Book
Unit objectives • Introduce the four flashcards (boy, cat, friend, girl) for
the lesson. Show the flashcards and get ss to repeat
Pupil’s Book
to introduce yourself; to say the names of family each word after you.
members • Place each card in different parts of the classroom.
Lesson 1
1 1.1 Listen and follow.
When you say one of the words, ss must run to the
Friends and family Language • Use puppets or soft toys to perform the following correct flashcard. (If you do not have enough space for
• Teacher’s Book
conversation for the class: this in your room, ss can simply stand and point to the
1 1.1
Listen and follow. boy, brother, cat, dad, friend, Hello!/Hi! I’m … . What’s your name? correct card.)
Vocabulary My name’s … .
girl, mum, sister
• Introduce another toy by saying:
What’s your name? My Say hello to my friend, … . Activity Book
Grammar name’s …, I’m …, Who’s Hello, … . 1 1.3 Listen. Look and match.
this?, This is (my) … • Say Hello!/Hi! What’s your name? to some ss and
• Focus ss on page 4 of the Activity Book. Elicit the
encourage them to reply. Guide them to reply I’m … or
• Class Audio
Introducing yourself and names of the children and cats.
Functions My name’s … . Repeat with several ss.
others • Play the audio. Ss match each child to his/her cat.
• Ask two ss on opposite sides of the classroom to
stand up (so that everyone can hear them). Get one to Answer key 1 b, 2 a
Phonics b, d
say Hello!/Hi! What’s your name? The other replies I’m …
Kim: Hello!
or My name’s … . Repeat several times with different ss,
Bill: Hi!
2 Listen, point and say.
using the Lollipop stick technique.
1 2 3 4
Kim: I’m Kim. What’s your name?
Extra activity TPR Bill: My name’s Bill.
and Kim) and the cats (Meg and Tom). Give them the uses the stickers for the first time. Make sure ss
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
Friends and family objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10). Can
opportunity to call out any other words they know (e.g. have the correct stickers. Demonstrate how to use
boy, cat, girl). the stickers correctly as once they are stuck on, they
understand the main information when people
1 1.3
Listen. Look and match.
introduce themselves (e.g. name, age, where they are • Introduce the vocabulary boy, cat, friend, girl. Point to cannot be moved.
Bill and say boy, etc. Ss repeat after you.
• Tests
a b
• paper and drawing materials for each student
Finishing the lesson
• Unit 1 Stickers (back of the Activity Book) • Hold up the four flashcards (boy, cat, friend, girl) one by one
Kim: I’m Kim. What’s your name?
2 1.4
Listen, find and stick. and elicit the words.
Bill: My name’s Bill.
• Distribute drawing paper and materials. Ss make their own
a b c d
• Posters.
4 four
Kim: A boy and a girl. Friends!
Monitoring ss’ learning: Lollipop stick technique Extra activity TPR
Bill: A cat and a cat! Friends!
M01_TT_AB_S_GLB_92496.indd 4 25/11/2019 11:14 am
Peer learning: pairwork • Play the ‘Goodbye’ song that ss learned in the Welcome
Bill & Kim: Ha, ha!
lesson. (You can use this at the end of each lesson in
this unit.)
16 17
2 My school bag 1
Listen and circle.
1 2.1
Listen and follow.
a b a b
Dialogue to 3 4
Exercises to
introduce the practise new
a b a b
first set of
vocabulary and a 2 2.6
Listen and number.
simple language a b
c d
2 2.1
Listen, point and say.
1 2 3 4
3 2.7
Listen. Then say.
Notes for teachers to indicate the key Simple speaking tasks with models to
vocabulary and language taught on the practise new language
page or spread
Lessonn1 4
Lesso 1 Language practice 2 Exercises to test
Ou comprehension of
1 2.9
Listen and follow. Point to Rob. r Te a m 1 2.11 2.12
Listen again. Now listen, look and match.
1 2
the story
1 2 3 4
4 Exercises to
a c b d
practise new
2 2.13
Listen, point and say.
1 2 3 4
3 2.14
Listen and number.
a b c
Letters and sounds Pp Lesson 5
Lessonn1 6
Lesso 1 4 Letters and sounds Rr 2
worksheets online
1 2.18
Listen, find and say. 1 2.19
Listen, find and say. to introduce pupils
to letters A–Z in
both lower case
and upper case
Sounds presented
with example
p b f P j b p L r d R q R B h Chant to practise
both sounds at the
Exercises to build
end of Lesson 6
letter recognition
P d p q b P D
3 2.20
Listen and chant.
18 eighteen Pat, pen, pencil, pencil case red, Rob, rubber, ruler nineteen 19
3 4
1 2 3 a b a b
2 Draw.
4 5
2 PR
2 2.21
Sing and play.
3 2.25
Listen. Then say.
Stage to sing
and share what 20 twenty twenty-one 21
children have
70 seventy seventy-one 71
activity: Progress
path at the back
P r o g re s s path
Look and say.
of the Pupil’s Unit 7 Unit 8
Book Unit 2
Unit 1
Unit 3 Unit 6
Well done!
Unit 4
Unit 5
78 seventy-eight seventy-nine 79
Listen and match.
2 3 4
1 2.3
Listen. Look and tick ( ).
a b c d
Further practice
in the Activity
Book with fun 2 2.4
Listen, find and stick.
sticker activities
a b c d
12 twelve thirteen 13
3 4
a b a b
2 2.23
Listen, cross (✘) and play! 2 2.27
Listen and draw.
at the end of the
18 eighteen nineteen 19
train apple
socks leg
1 2 3 4 5 6
sixty-nine 69 seventy-seven 77
Monitoring progress and exam randomly to call on students for questions, thus ensuring
that all students have an active role and will produce a
readiness with Team Together similar amount of language, because student talking time
Team Together can be used for all general English courses. (STT) matters!
When the children get older, it can also be used to prepare • Traffic light cards. Use them to check that students know
pupils for external exams, including Cambridge English what to do on a given task. Students show you a green/
Qualifications and PTE Young Learners. yellow/red card, depending on their level of confidence.
Team Together provides teachers and institutions with the Other types of assessment tools you can use are those
GSE tools that enable them to demonstrate visibility of oriented towards helping you actively observe the different
student progress step-by-step, and a way of identifying and skills and competences that your students are developing
addressing learner needs and supporting the achievement while they are working in class.
of goals whether these be general or exam-related. For more • Checklists. These are very useful to assess different tasks
information about how using the GSE can support your or different stages of the same task at the same time.
planning and teaching, the assessment of your learners, and Taking note of your students’ performance on the spot will
in selecting or creating additional materials to supplement provide you with objective evidence of their true level of
your core programme, please go to competence.
Team Together is additionally aligned to English Benchmark • Observation forms. The teacher collects data on students’
which can provide an independent measure of learner work by filling in observation forms to adjust teaching
proficiency and formative information to support planning procedures where necessary.
and next steps. English Benchmark is a motivating English
• Video/audio recordings. These are excellent tools to
test for young learners aged 6–13, which proves students’
observe your students from a different perspective and
English abilities to parents, monitors learning progress and
analyse their strengths and weaknesses, behaviour and
ensures teaching targets the right skills.
classroom relationships in depth. (Be aware that you may
need parental permission to record children.)
Formative assessment / Assessment
Peer learning
for learning Working together in pairs or groups gives students an
Formative assessment, or assessment for learning, is “the opportunity to share knowledge and also learn from their
process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by classmates. Tools that can be used for peer work and peer
learners and their teachers, to identify where the learners are learning are:
in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get
• Think-pair-share. Students work on their own, then discuss
there” (Assessment Reform Group, 2008).
their ideas in pairs and finally they present their ideas to a
Here are some suggestions on how to implement assessment group or to the whole class.
for learning in your classroom.
• Two stars and a wish. Students say two positive things
about the work of their partner and suggest one area for
Main strategies of formative assessment improvement.
The main stages of the formative assessment process are: • Expert envoy. This is a tool to use with mixed ability
1 Setting the aims and criteria for success classes. If you have students who are strong in some areas,
2 Monitoring students’ learning, including giving constructive you may choose them to be the ‘experts’ for their class or
feedback group and ask them to help their classmates.
3 Peer learning
4 Independent learning/long-term assessment
5 Letters d, e, f
6 Letters D, E, F
7 Letters g, h, i
8 Letters G, H, I
9 Letters j, k, l
10 Letters J, K, L
Stick five flashcards on the board. Ask one student to come to
the board and to write numbers under the pictures, following
your instructions, e.g. Doll’ is number (one). Do the same with
the four remaining cards. Then, ask individual students What’s
number (three)?
Look (at me/at the board). Open the window/door. Tidy up.
Take out your books/ Close the window/door. Put that in the bin, please.
notebooks/coloured Collect the stickers/cards/spinners/scissors, please.
pencils. Goodbye!
See you tomorrow.
Have a nice weekend/holiday.
Managing the class
Be quiet, please. Who’s next?
Look at me/Listen to me. Repeat after me.
Come to the board. Wait a minute, please.
Put your hands up/down.
Words of praise
Well done! Great work! Thank you.
That’s correct! Good luck!
Work in pairs/groups.
Make a circle.
Show your partner/friend/group.
Tell your partner/friend/group.
Now ask your partner/friend/group.
4 6
Hello! 1
6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 two three 3
4 four five 5
Global Scale of English (GSE) • Play the song again for ss to sing along and do the actions.
• Listening: Can use basic informal expressions for
greeting and leave-taking (e.g. ‘hello’, ‘hi’, ‘bye’) (GSE Shake. Shake. Shake.
10). Can use a few simple words to describe objects Clap. Clap. Clap.
(e.g. colour, number), if supported by pictures (GSE 19). It’s time for English class.
Shake. Shake. Shake.
Clap. Clap. Clap.
Get ready, everyone!
Materials Shake. Shake. Shake.
• different board marker pens which are coloured blue, Clap. Clap. Clap.
green, brown, orange, red and yellow It’s time to have some fun.
• A4 pieces of paper, each with a number (1–10) drawn
Shake. Shake. Shake.
on it
Clap. Clap. Clap.
• items for ss to count (e.g. pens, crayons)
Sit down, everyone!
Phonics b, d
2 1.2
Listen, point and say.
1 2 3 4
6 six boy, cat, friend, girl; What’s your name? My name’s …, I’m … Objectives
• Lesson aims: to ask and answer about names
• Target language: boy, cat, friend, girl; What’s your
name? My name’s …, I’m …
Activity Book
1 2
from) (GSE 19).
• Speaking: Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly
and clearly (GSE 10).
• Unit 1 flashcards (boy, cat, friend, girl)
• puppets and/or soft toys
• paper and drawing materials for each student
a b
Finishing the lesson
• Hold up the four flashcards (boy, cat, friend, girl) one by one
Kim: I’m Kim. What’s your name?
and elicit the words.
Bill: My name’s Bill.
Kim: Say hello to my cat, Meg. • Distribute drawing paper and materials. Ss make their own
drawing of one of the four things from the flashcards.
Bill: Hello, Meg.
Bill: Say hello to my cat, Tom. • Extension When ss have finished, ask them to show each
Kim: Hello, Tom. other their picture and say the word.
Kim: A boy and a girl. Friends!
Extra activity TPR
Bill: A cat and a cat! Friends!
• Play the ‘Goodbye’ song that ss learned in the Welcome
Bill & Kim: Ha, ha!
lesson. (You can use this at the end of each lesson in
this unit.)
1 1.5
Listen and circle.
1 2
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
a b a b
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10). Can
3 4
understand the main information when people
introduce themselves (e.g. name, age, where they are
from) (GSE 19).
a b a b
• Speaking: Can introduce themselves (e.g. name, age,
2 1.6
Listen and number. where they are from) (GSE 15).
• Unit 1 flashcards (boy, cat, friend, girl)
• puppets and/or soft toys
• paper and drawing materials for each student
3 1.7
Listen. Then say.
• a soft ball
seven 7
1 2
• Show page 7 in the Pupil’s Book and say What’s your
name? I’m Kim.
Pupil’s Book
five 5
• Ss look at the two pictures. Elicit the names of the Answer key 1 b, 2 a
children. Ss may say girl and boy as these are the words
they have focused on. Accept this, but then focus ss on 1 Woman: What’s your name?
the names Bill and Kim. Bill: Hi, I’m Bill.
• Play the first part of the audio. Ask Is it Bill? Is it Kim? 2 Woman: What’s your name?
Demonstrate writing the number 1 in the box next to the Kim: Hello. My name’s Kim.
picture of Kim.
• Repeat with the second part and demonstrate writing
2 Draw and share.
the number 2 in the correct box.
• Ss draw a picture of themselves.
Answer key Kim 1, Bill 2
Extra activity TPR
1 Man: Hello. What’s your name?
• Place half the ss around the outside of the
Kim: Hi. My name’s Kim.
classroom and ask them to hold up their pictures.
2 Man: Hi. What’s your name?
The rest of the ss move around and ‘meet’ those with
Bill: Hello, I’m Bill.
pictures. They start with Hello. My name’s …, but can
continue with What’s your name?
Extra activity TPR
• Use the Lollipop stick technique to select ss (make
sure you include them all by the end) and ask What’s
your name? Children jump up and reply My name’s … or
I’m … . Do this as quickly as you can to make it more fun.
Finishing the lesson
• Ask ss to stand in a circle. Throw the ball to one student
and ask What’s your name? The catcher answers My
3 1.7 Listen. Then say. name’s … and then throws the ball to someone else, asking
the same question. Continue the game and encourage ss to
• Focus ss on the pictures at the bottom of page 7. Play gradually get faster and faster.
the audio as a model of the language to be practised.
• Use puppets or soft toys to act out the conversation
with other names:
What’s your name?
My name’s … .
What’s your name?
I’m … .
• Ss repeat after you What’s your name? and My
name’s … . / I’m … . Point away from yourself when you
say your and toward yourself when you say My and I’m.
• Ask two ss in opposite parts of the classroom (so
everyone can hear) to stand and practise the questions
and answer (using their own names).
• Ss ask and answer in pairs.
• paper and drawing materials for each student
d e Pupil’s Book
1 2 3
• Write the number 8 on the board and tell ss to find
page 8 in the Pupil’s Book. Check they have all found it.
Give ss a minute to look at the pictures.
• Focus ss on the pictures. Ask Who’s this? pointing to the
characters ss already know and eliciting answers.
• Play the title and Scene 1. Say Point to Ann. Point to
6 six
M01_TT_AB_S_GLB_92496.indd 6 25/11/2019 11:14 am
• Play the rest of the story. Tell ss to point to the correct
picture as they listen to each scene.
a b c d
nine 9
1 a b
• Show page 9 in the Pupil’s Book and say Who’s this? This
is my mum. This is my dad. It’s my brother. This is my sister.
2 a b
Pupil’s Book
1 1.18
Listen, find and say.
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can hear the initial sound in simple words
(GSE 10).
• Speaking: Can say the sounds of the alphabet, if
supported by pictures (GSE 13).
• Unit 1 flashcards (boy, brother, cat, dad, friend, girl,
mum, sister)
2 Find and circle B and b.
• pens/pencils
B T B Presentation
• Show page 10 in the Pupil’s Book and say b, b, boy.
(Make sure to use the sound of the letter and not its name.)
k b l f Write the letters B and b on the board and repeat the b
P B B Practice
Pupil’s Book
Answer key
Look and connect Bb.
2 Find and circle B and b.
• Write the letters B and b on the board. You may need
these Bb
thatsounds letters are two forms of the
on 5
letter if the ss are not aware of the concept of capital
1 in their
findTell ss that when your eye sees b or
and say.
B, your mouth says b. Tell them that when b starts an
k b l f
important word or someone’s name, it likes to make itself
big and important – it becomes B. To support your ss’
understanding, you may wish to use their L1 for this
• Ss look at the letters in the cloud and circle B and b.
• Extension If you have an English alphabet chart or P B B
posters in the room, ask ss to find the letter B or b and
point to it (you do not need to ask ss to say the word it
is in). You can also direct pupils to pages 78–79 of the
Activity Book.
Answer key Ss find and circle the examples of B and b in
the cloud artwork.
Finishing the lesson
8 eight
2 Find and circle B and b.
• Play the Stand or sit? game to give further practice with
the target sound. Start with words that ss know, e.g. boy,
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Starting the lesson
• Focus ss on the main picture on page 6 in the Pupil’s Book.
3 1.20
Listen and chant. Review some of the language ss already know, e.g. girl, boy,
dad, Dan, doll, duck eleven 11
Kim, Bill, Tom, Meg, cat.
• Point to the pictures of the toys in the box. Elicit or present
the words (dog, doll). Do some repetition practice of the
Activity Book
• Show page 11 in the Pupil’s Book and say d, d, dad.
on1 6
Less 1 Letters and sounds Dd 1 (Make sure to use the sound of the letter and not its name.)
Write the letters D and d on the board and repeat the d
1 Look and colour. D d .
2 Look and connect Dd. Pupil’s Book
f p D f d
the initial d sound. They repeat the sound.
• Play the audio. Ss point to the correct picture as they
listen. They repeat the sounds and words.
d b d p D d P
m P e d
d R e m o
3 1.20 Listen and chant.
3 1.20
Listen and chant.
• Ss listen and repeat the chant.
dad, Dan, doll, duck
f p D f d
• Divide the class into two. One half can chant the b section
and the other half the d section. They could repeat the
d d d L
chant and increase the speed each time for fun.
Photocopiable resources
If appropriate for your class, you may wish to use some of
the following photocopiable resources now or later in the
Resources 3–20: a–z and A–Z
4 5 6
• Unit 1 flashcards (boy, brother, cat, dad, friend, girl,
2 Sing and play.
mum, sister)
12 twelve
Assessment for Learning
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
Monitoring ss’ learning: Traffic light cards technique
Peer learning: pairwork; groupwork
Unit 1 Project
• Before the lesson, prepare all the materials and make two
finger puppets of your own for demonstration.
• Show the puppets to the class and demonstrate what
ss can do with them. For example, put one puppet on each
hand and have a conversation between them, e.g. What’s
your name? I’m Ben.
Pupil’s Book
• finger puppets from Lesson 7
• drawing materials for each student
3 1.25
Listen. Then say.
Assessment for Learning
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
thirteen 13
Monitoring ss’ learning: Traffic light cards technique
Peer learning: pairwork
Activity Book
Listen and tick ( ).
a b
1 1.26
Listen and number.
b c d
Starting the lesson
• Get ss to use the puppets they made in the previous
3 4 2 1.27
Listen and match.
lesson to revise language from the unit. Put them into
a b a b
1 a pairs to practise asking and answering, e.g. Who’s this?
This is … .
2 b
2 1.23
Listen and colour.
3 c
4 d • Show page 13 in the Pupil’s Book and say Who’s this?
This is my sister.
3 Look and colour for Unit 1.
10 ten eleven 11
Pupil’s Book
2 Draw.
• Distribute drawing materials.
• Ss draw a picture of the people in their families. They
should include themselves and can include mum, dad,
brothers, sisters (if they have them all) and any pets
they have. You may need to supply new words for pets,
but students can also use their pets’ names.
2 My school bag
Pupil’s Book Unit objectives
to talk about school objects and to use have got
Lesson 1 for possession
Phonics p, r
2 2.2
Listen, point and say.
1 2 3 4
Activity Book
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
Lesson 1
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
2 My school bag
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10).
Speaking: Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly
and clearly (GSE 10).
1 2.3
Listen. Look and tick ( ).
• Unit 1 flashcards (boy, brother, cat, dad, friend, girl,
mum, sister)
• Unit 2 flashcards (bag, pen, rubber, ruler)
• a pen, a rubber, a ruler and a bag
• Unit 2 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
2 2.4
Listen, find and stick. Assessment for Learning
a b c d
12 twelve
• Show page 14 in the Pupil’s Book and say pen, rubber,
Activity Book
ruler, bag. Hold up an example of each item as you say the
word. 1 2.3 Listen. Look and tick ( ).
• Focus ss on the pictures. Elicit the names of the
Practice items ss know.
• Tell ss to listen and tick the items that Kim has
Pupil’s Book got. Use the Traffic light technique to check they
understand what they have to do.
1 2.1 Listen and follow. • Play the audio. Ss listen and tick the correct
• Guide ss to find page 14 in the Pupil’s Book. Check that pictures.
all the ss have found it. Focus ss on the big picture at Answer key Ss tick the pen, the ruler and the rubber.
the top of the page. Point to the main characters and
say Who’s this? Elicit the words Kim, mum and Meg. Kim’s mum: Let’s go, Kim.
• Teach the new vocabulary pen, rubber, ruler and bag, Kim: OK. I’m ready for school. I’ve got a pen.
using real objects. Hold up each item and say the name I’ve got a ruler. I’ve got a rubber.
clearly several times, e.g. pen. Ss repeat the words after Kim’s mum: And your school bag?
you. Hold up one item and ask Is it a pen? Ss answer Kim My school bag? No! Ummmm. Oh, Meg!
yes or no. Hold up one item and ask Is it a pen or a
ruler? Ss answer It’s a (pen). Hold up one item and ask
1 2.4 Listen, find and stick.
What is it? Ss answer It’s a (pen).
• Tell ss to look at you. Play the audio. • Play the audio. Pause to allow ss time to put the
• Ss turn over their books and listen again. This time they stickers in the correct place.
point to the character who speaks. • Extension When ss have finished, ask them to point
to each picture and say the word.
Kim’s mum: Let’s go, Kim. Answer key 1 b, 2 d, 3 a, 4 c
Kim: OK. I’m ready for school. I’ve got a pen. I’ve
got a ruler. I’ve got a rubber. 1 rubber
Kim’s mum: And your school bag? 2 bag
Kim My school bag? No! Ummmm. Oh, Meg! 3 pen
4 ruler
• Focus ss on the pictures at the bottom of the page. Extra activity TPR
Point to each in turn and say the word. Ss repeat after • Play the ‘Goodbye’ song ss learned in the Welcome
you. lesson. (You can use this at the end of each lesson in
• Play the audio as ss look at their books. The first time this unit.)
tell them to point to the correct picture as they listen.
• Play the audio again for ss to repeat the words.
1 2
c d • Unit 2 flashcards
• Real objects (bag, pen, rubber, ruler)
• drawing materials for each student
3 2.7
Listen. Then say.
Assessment for Learning
fifteen 15 Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
Monitoring ss’ learning: Traffic light cards technique;
Lollipop stick technique
Activity Book Peer learning: groupwork
Pupil’s Book
Activity Book
• real objects (bags, pens, etc.)
• drawing materials for each student
a c
d e
Pupil’s Book
Point to Rob.
• Play the audio again and introduce the new vocabulary
(passively at this stage). Pause after Scene 3. Say I’ve
got books. Point to the books. Do the same with pencil
case and crayons.
• Play and pause after Scenes 4 and 5. Tell ss to point to
the pencil, pencil case, crayons and bag.
Answer key Ss point to Rob in pictures 2, 3 and 4.
1 2.11 2.12
Listen again. Now listen, look and match.
3 2.14
Listen and number.
a b c
• Unit 2 flashcards and real objects (bag, book, crayon,
pen, pencil, pencil case, rubber, ruler)
4 2.15
Listen and sing. • Vocabulary time (back of the Activity Book)
seventeen 17 • Unit 2 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
2 a b Presentation
• Show page 17 in the Pupil’s Book and say I’ve got a book.
I haven’t got a crayon. I’ve got a pencil. I haven’t got a pencil
3 a b
Pupil’s Book
fifteen 15
1 2.18
Listen, find and say.
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can hear the initial sound in simple words
(GSE 10).
• Speaking: Can say the sounds of the alphabet, if
supported by pictures (GSE 13).
• Unit 2 flashcards (bag, book, crayon, pen, pencil, pencil
case, rubber, ruler)
2 Find and circle P and p.
• Alphabet time (back of the Activity Book)
• Team Together Alphabet Classroom Poster
p b f P j b p L
Assessment for Learning
P d p q b P D Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
18 eighteen Pat, pen, pencil, pencil case
• Show page 18 in the Pupil’s Book and say p, p, pen.
2 Look and connect Pp. (Make sure to use the sound of the letter and not its name.)
Write the letters P and p on the board and repeat the p
p P F b sound.
f C p w D
Pupil’s Book
d m P P p
1 2.18 Listen, find and say.
q F j U • Guide ss to find page 18 in the Pupil’s Book. Focus ss
on the page and point to each picture in turn. Do some
repetition practice of all six words (pen, book, pencil,
pencil case, rubber, Pat).
16 sixteen • Say the four words starting with p (pen, pencil, pencil
case, Pat) and ask ss to look at your lips and mouth as
you make the sound. They repeat the sound.
• Play the audio. Ss point to the correct picture as they
listen. They repeat the sounds and words.
• Extension Elicit any other English words ss know that
start with the p sound (they may know a few words, e.g.
paper, pasta). Avoid any words that start with a blend of
letters, e.g. play, at this level. All ss repeat these words
for further practice with the initial p sound.
p b f P j b p L
p P F b
f C p w D
P d p q b P D
18 eighteen Pat, pen, pencil, pencil case
d m P P p
q F j U
• Play the Stand or sit? game to give further practice with the
target sound. Start with words that ss know, e.g. Pat, pen,
pencil, but move on to other words with other initial sounds,
e.g. bag, duck, pasta, Peter. Include some from the unit.
Capitals-only version
If you are using the version of Team Together Starter with
capitals only, you may wish to adapt some of the tasks on
this page as your class will not be differentiating between
lower- and upper-case letters.
r d R q R B h
Assessment for Learning
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
3 2.20
Listen and chant. presentation
red, Rob, rubber, ruler nineteen 19
• Show page 19 in the Pupil’s Book and say r, r, ruler.
(Make sure to use the sound of the letter and not its name.)
Write the letters R and r on the board and repeat the r
2 Look and connect Rr. sound.
Pupil’s Book
C f r q R r i k
r d R q R B h
r v s c
3 2.20
3 2.20
Listen and chant.
Listen and chant.
• Ss listen and repeat the chant.
red, Rob, rubber, ruler nineteen 19
Photocopiable resources
If appropriate for your class, you may wish to use some of
the following photocopiable resources now or later in the
Resources 3–20: a–z and A–Z
4 5 Materials
• Unit 2 flashcards (bag, book, crayon, pen, pencil, pencil
case, rubber, ruler)
• templates of the school bag and school objects for ss
6 to cut out
2 2.21
Sing and play.
• a completed model school bag with objects for
• scissors and glue
• crayons or coloured pencils
20 twenty
• Before the lesson, prepare all the materials and make a
model school bag for demonstration.
• Show page 20 in the Pupil’s Book and say Look! Show ss
an example of the completed model school bag and say I’ve
got a bag.
Pupil’s Book
1 2.24
Listen and tick ( ).
• model bags made in the project lesson
• drawing materials for each student
3 2.25
Listen. Then say.
Assessment for Learning
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
twenty-one 21 presentation
Monitoring ss’ learning: Lollipop stick technique;
Traffic light cards technique
Peer learning: pairwork
Activity Book
• Ss use the bags and school items they made in the previous
a b
a b
lesson. Say Find a green pen/red crayon, etc. Ss take out
and hold up any items of the correct colour.
2 2.23
Listen, cross (✘) and play! 2 2.27
Listen and draw. • Use the Lollipop stick technique to select some ss to
tell each other what they have got. Ss say I’ve got a … .
Encourage them to use the colours.
Pupil’s Book
2 Draw.
• Distribute drawing materials.
• Ss draw and colour pictures of three classroom items in
the bag.
3 Our classroom
Pupil’s Book Unit objectives
to talk about things in the classroom; to say
Lesson 1 where things are
naming things in a
Functions classroom; describing
where things are
Phonics c, w
2 3.2
Listen, point and say.
1 2 3 4
• Lesson aims: to name things in a classroom
• Target language: door, teacher, whiteboard, window;
Activity Book What’s this? It’s a …
Lesson 1
Global Scale of English (GSE)
3 Our classroom • Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
1 3.3
Listen. Look and number. objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10).
• Speaking: Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly
and clearly (GSE 10).
• Unit 2 flashcards (bag, book, crayon, pen, pencil, pencil
case, rubber, ruler)
• Unit 3 flashcards (door, teacher, whiteboard, window)
• A hand puppet or soft toy
• Real objects (pen, rubber, ruler)
2 3.4
Listen, find and stick. • Unit 3 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
a b c d
Activity Book
• Show page 22 in the Pupil’s Book and say teacher,
whiteboard, door, window. Point to each item as you say the 1 3.3 Listen. Look and number.
• Focus ss on the picture. Elicit the names of the items
ss know.
Practice • Tell ss to listen and number the items that Kim
says. Use the Traffic light technique to check they
Pupil’s Book understand what they have to do.
• Play the audio. Ss listen and number the correct
1 3.1 Listen and follow. picture for each.
• Guide ss to find page 22 in the Pupil’s Book. Ss look at Answer key 1 teacher, 2 whiteboard, 3 door, 4 window
the main picture together. Point to Kim, Dan and Tom
and ask Who’s this? Elicit the names. 1 Kim: Look, Dan. This is my classroom!
• Point to the teacher in the picture and ask Who’s this? Dan: Oh! Who’s this?
Give the answer It’s a teacher. Ss repeat the answer Kim: It’s my teacher, Mrs Brown.
after you. 2 Dan: Oh! And what’s this?
• Hold up any objects ss know, e.g. pen, rubber, ruler, and Kim: It’s a whiteboard.
ask What’s this? Elicit answers and guide ss to reply It’s 3 Dan: Oh! And what’s this?
a … . Do some repetition practice with the answers. Kim: It’s a door.
• Use a hand puppet or soft toy to touch objects around 4 Dan: Oh! And what’s this?
the room and ask the following questions. You answer Kim: It’s a window.
the questions. Dan: Oh … and a cat!
What’s this? It’s a whiteboard.
What’s this? It’s a door.
What’s this? It’s a window. 2 3.4 Listen, find and stick.
• Drill the question and answers. • Play the audio. Pause to allow ss time to put the
• Tell ss to look at you. Play the audio. stickers in the correct place.
• Ss turn over their books and listen again. They point to • Extension When ss have finished, ask them to point
the character who speaks. to each in turn and say the word.
Answer key 1 b, 2 a, 3 d, 4 c
Kim: Look, Dan. This is my classroom!
Dan: Oh! Who’s this? 1 whiteboard 2 teacher 3 window 4 door
Kim: It’s my teacher, Mrs Brown.
Dan: Oh! And what’s this?
Kim: It’s a whiteboard.
Dan: Oh! And what’s this? Finishing the lesson
Kim: It’s a door.
Dan: Oh! And what’s this? Extra activity TPR
Kim: It’s a window. • Play the Team race game with the four flashcards
Dan: Oh … and a cat! for the lesson (door, teacher, whiteboard, window).
2 3.2 Listen, point and say. • Extension Use all the flashcards from Unit 2 to extend the
game and do some revision.
• Focus ss on the pictures at the bottom of the page. Point
• Finish with the ‘Goodbye’ song ss learned in the Welcome
to each in turn and say the word. Ss repeat after you.
lesson. (You can use this at the end of each lesson in this
• Play the audio as ss look at their books. The first time
tell them to point to the correct picture as they listen.
• Play the audio again for ss to repeat the words. Extra activity TPR
• Play the ‘Goodbye’ song ss learned in the Welcome
1 teacher 2 whiteboard 3 door 4 window lesson. (You can use this at the end of each lesson in
this unit.)
1 3.5
Listen and number.
a b
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
c d objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10). Can
understand basic questions about what things are
in their immediate surroundings or in pictures (e.g.
‘What’s this?’) (GSE 22).
• Speaking: Can name everyday objects in their
2 3.6
Listen and tick ( ).
immediate surroundings or in pictures, if guided by
1 2
questions or prompts (GSE 19).
a b a b
3 a b 4 a b
• Unit 3 flashcards (door, teacher, whiteboard, window)
• Unit 2 flashcards and real classroom objects (bag,
3 3.7
Listen. Then say.
book, crayon, pen, pencil, pencil case, rubber, ruler)
• drawing materials for each student
twenty-three 23
a b c
Starting the lesson
• Review the vocabulary from the previous lesson and unit.
Hold up or touch objects (e.g. door, window, whiteboard)
a b c
and ask What’s this? Elicit It’s a … . Then hold up the
flashcard for the word teacher and ask Who’s this? Elicit
It’s a teacher. (Avoid using yourself for this as the answer
a b c
would need to be You’re a teacher.)
2 Draw and share.
• Show page 23 in the Pupil’s Book and say What’s this?
It’s a door. What’s this? It’s a window. Go to and touch each
item as you ask the questions.
twenty-one 21
Pupil’s Book
Activity Book
• Unit 3 flashcards (chair, desk, floor, wall)
• Unit 2 flashcards and real classroom objects (bag,
book, crayon, pen, pencil, pencil case, rubber, ruler)
• Paper and drawing materials for each student
Activity Book
Story Lesson 3
1 3.10
Listen. Look and number.
Starting the lesson
a c
• Review the language from the previous lessons using real
objects and flashcards. Hold or touch objects and ask
What’s this? Elicit It’s a … .
• Show page 24 in the Pupil’s Book and say The crayons
are on the desk. Point to crayons on a desk as you say it.
d e
Pupil’s Book
Look and colour the circles. Values Be tidy
1 3.11 3.12
Listen again. Now listen, look and match.
1 2 3
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10). Can
b c
recognise familiar words and phrases in short, simple
songs or chants (GSE 18). Can understand basic
2 3.13
Listen, point and say. statements about where things or people are, if
1 2 3 4
spoken slowly and clearly and supported by pictures or
gestures (GSE 24).
• Speaking: Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly
3 3.14
Listen and tick ( ). and clearly (GSE 10). Can sing a simple song, if
1 a b 2 a b supported by pictures (GSE 22).
3 a b 4 a b
• Unit 3 flashcards (chair, desk, floor, wall)
4 3.15
Listen and sing. • Vocabulary time (back of the Activity Book)
twenty-five 25 • Unit 3 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
2 3.17
Listen and match.
Starting the lesson
• Revise the vocabulary for the unit using the flashcards
Pupil’s Book
twenty-three 23
1 3.18
Listen, find and say.
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can hear the initial sound in simple words
(GSE 10).
• Speaking: Can say the sounds of the alphabet, if
supported by pictures (GSE 13).
• Unit 3 flashcards (chair, desk, door, floor, teacher, wall,
whiteboard, window)
2 Find and circle C and c.
• Alphabet time (back of the Activity Book)
• Team Together Alphabet Classroom Poster
Assessment for Learning
G d c q r B C Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
26 twenty-six cake, car, carrot, cat
2 Look and connect Cc.
• Show page 26 in the Pupil’s Book and say c, c, cat.
(Make sure to use the hard sound of the letter and not its
name.) Write the letters C and c on the board and repeat
J Q C P the c sound.
c y h p j
Pupil’s Book
Capitals-only version
You may wish to support your ss by focusing only on the
capital letter C in the following activities.
1 3.18
Listen, find and say.
Activity Book
Capitals-only version
You may wish to omit the following activity if your ss
are not ready to deal with both lower-case and upper-
case letters.
2 Letters
Look and
andsounds CcCc.
Lesson 5
• Ss
1 look
Lookat the
and pictures
colour. C c and
. letters. Encourage them
to say cat at the start and cake when they finish.
They draw lines to connect all the letters C and c
together. As ss work, encourage them to make the
sound c.
Answer key
2 Look and connect Cc.
c y h p j
a e o c
24 twenty-four
Assessment for Learning
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
3 3.20
Listen and chant. presentation
wall, water, window, woman twenty-seven 27
G h W w w Practice
R W H w j Pupil’s Book
cGWnawMw capitals only, you may wish to adapt some of the tasks on
this page as your class will not be differentiating between
lower- and upper-case letters.
repeat the chant. If appropriate for your class, you may wish to use some of
the following photocopiable resources now or later in the
Extra activity TPR
wall, water, window, woman twenty-seven 27
• Divide the class into two. One half can chant the c Resources 3–20: a–z and A–Z
section and the other half the w section. They could
continue the chant and increase the speed each time for
4 5 Materials
• Unit 2 flashcards or real objects (bag, book, crayon,
pen, pencil, pencil case, rubber, ruler)
• templates of the desk tidy for ss to cut out
6 • a completed desk tidy for demonstration
• scissors and glue
• crayons or coloured pencils
• a soft ball
2 3.21
Listen and play.
28 twenty-eight
Assessment for Learning
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
Monitoring ss’ learning: Lollipop stick technique;
Unit 1
3 Project Unit 3 Project
Traffic light cards technique
Peer learning: pairwork
• Before the lesson, prepare all the materials and make a
desk tidy for demonstration.
• Show page 28 in the Pupil’s Book and say Look! Show
an example of the desk tidy that ss are going to make. Put
some real pens or pencils in it. Take one object out of the
desk tidy and say, e.g. I’ve got a pencil.
Pupil’s Book
1 3.23
Listen and number.
• desk tidies and items to put in them (from previous
• coins (for a game)
• drawing materials for each student
3 3.24
Listen. Then say.
Assessment for Learning
twenty-nine 29 Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
Monitoring ss’ learning: Traffic light cards technique
Peer learning: pairwork
Activity Book
a b
a b
• Ss use the desk tidies and school items they made in the
previous project lessons. Tell them to put some of the items
2 3.26
Listen and draw.
in their desk tidies.
2 Look and play!
• Go around the classroom and take out items from the desk
tidies, hold each one up and ask What’s this? Elicit It’s a … .
Encourage ss to use colours, e.g. a blue pen, a red pencil.
• Ss continue to do the same in pairs.
3 Look and colour for Unit 3.
• Show page 29 in the Pupil’s Book and say What’s this?
26 twenty-six twenty-seven 27
Pupil’s Book
1 It’s a desk.
2 It’s a window.
3 It’s a door.
4 It’s a whiteboard.
4 My favourite toy
Pupil’s Book
Unit objectives
to talk about favourite toys and their colours
Lesson 1
Phonics t, y
2 4.2
Listen, point and say.
2 4
Lesson 1
Global Scale of English (GSE)
4 My favourite toy
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10).
1 4.3
Listen. Look and circle. Speaking: Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly
and clearly (GSE 10).
1 3
• toys (ball, car, robot, teddy – several of different
4 6
colours, if possible)
• Unit 4 flashcards (ball, car, robot, teddy)
• Unit 4 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
Listen, find and stick.
b c d
Assessment for Learning
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
Monitoring ss’ learning: Lollipop stick technique
28 twenty-eight Peer learning: groupwork
• Show page 30 in the Pupil’s Book and say ball, car, Activity Book
teddy, robot. Hold up an example of each item as you say
1 4.3 Listen. Look and circle.
the word.
• Focus ss on the pictures on page 28 in the Activity
1 4.5
Listen and circle.
1 2
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can identify common objects from
descriptions, if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 28).
a b
3 4
• toys or pictures of toys (ball, car, cat, teddy, doll, robot)
2 4.6
Listen and number.
a • Unit 4 flashcards (ball, car, robot, teddy)
thirty-one 31
1 2 Presentation
• Show page 31 in the Pupil’s Book and say What colour is
a b a b
it? It’s green.
3 4
a b a b
Pupil’s Book
2 Draw, colour and share.
Activity Book
• Unit 4 flashcards (ball, car, doll, plane, robot, teddy,
train, yoyo)
• paper and drawing materials for each student
Activity Book
Starting the lesson
• Review the language from the previous lessons using real
Story Lesson 3 toys and/or flashcards (ball, car, robot, teddy). Show the
toys and ask What’s this? Elicit It’s a … . Ask What colour is
1 Listen. Look and number.
it? Elicit It’s … .
a c
• Show page 32 in the Pupil’s Book and say doll, plane,
train, yoyo.
d e
Pupil’s Book
• Introduce the topic of sharing. Take one of the toys and Scene 5
play with it alone. Mime turning your back and keeping Rob: Let’s share!
the toy to yourself. Say I’m not sharing. Then invite one Pat & Kim: Yes! Let’s all play!
or two ss to share the toy and play with you. Say I’m Bill: Thank you!
• Using the Happy/sad face technique, distribute
2 Look and colour.
the cards with faces. Play alone again and say I’m not
sharing. Is it good? Ss show their cards. Share the toy • Ss look at the pictures and colour in the circles of
with others and ask I’m sharing. Is it good? Ss show those which show children sharing. They can use any
their cards. colour.
• Extension You may wish to support your ss’ Answer key Ss colour pictures 1 and 3.
understanding by explaining or discussing what ss do
to tidy up at school and at home in their first language.
Discuss why it is good to share (e.g. you have more Finishing the lesson
things to play with, you make friends, you have more
• Read the story to ss again, but this time pause for ss to
fun). Ask ss of examples of when they share things, at
fill the gaps. Choose the key words ss have learned and
home and at school.
used already, e.g.
• Focus ss on the first two pictures of the story and
Bill. Explain that Bill has no toys. Use the Happy/
Kim: Let’s play!
sad face cards again. Ask Is Bill happy? or Is Bill sad?
Bill: What’s your favourite … (toy)?
showing the appropriate cards to indicate the meaning
Kim: It’s my … (train).
of happy and sad. Ss show their cards.
• Do the same with pictures 3 and 4. Then focus on
picture 5. Using the Happy/sad face cards, elicit that Bill
is happy at the end when all the children share.
Answer key Ss point to picture 5.
1 4.11 4.12
Listen again. Now listen, look and match.
1 2 3 4
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10). Can
recognise familiar words and phrases in short, simple
a b c d songs or chants (GSE 18). Can understand basic
2 4.13
Listen, point and say.
statements about where things or people are, if
1 2 3 4
spoken slowly and clearly and supported by pictures or
gestures (GSE 24).
• Speaking: Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly
3 4.14
Listen and tick ( ). and clearly (GSE 10). Can sing a simple song, if
1 a b 2 a b supported by pictures (GSE 22).
3 a b 4 a b
• toys, if possible (ball, car, doll, plane, robot, teddy, train,
4 4.15
Listen and sing. yoyo)
thirty-three 33 • Unit 4 flashcards (ball, car, doll, plane, robot, teddy,
train, yoyo)
• Vocabulary time (back of the Activity Book)
• Unit 4 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
Activity Book
2 4.17
Listen and match.
Starting the lesson
2 • Revise the vocabulary for the unit using real toys or
flashcards (ball, car, doll, plane, robot, teddy, train, yoyo).
Play any of the following games: Which card is this?, What’s
3 missing, Which card have you got?, Where is this card?,
Standing up.
4 Presentation
• Show page 33 in the Pupil’s Book and say What’s your
favourite toy? It’s my train.
thirty-one 31
Pupil’s Book
1 4.18
Listen, find and say.
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can hear the initial sound in simple words
(GSE 10).
• Speaking: Can say the sounds of the alphabet, if
supported by pictures (GSE 13).
10 Materials
• A4 pieces of paper, each with a letter (B, D, P and T) on
yc Z Y c
2 Find and circle T and t.
• Alphabet time (back of the Activity Book)
• Team Together Alphabet Classroom Poster
fTt d
ti C F
Assessment for Learning
Td T A B t Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
34 thirty-four teacher, teddy, ten, Tom
• Show page 34 in the Pupil’s Book and say t, t, teddy.
2 Look and connect Tt.
(Make sure to use the hard sound of the letter and not its
name.) Write the letters T and t on the board and repeat the
t sound.
m r T t T
t b l t A T
Pupil’s Book
t H t T E t
1 4.18 Listen, find and say.
t t T M b t • Guide ss to find page 34 in the Pupil’s Book. Focus ss
on the page and point to each picture in turn. Do some
f L R e p repetition practice of all six words (plane, teddy, teacher,
table, ten, cat).
• Say the four words starting with t (teddy, teacher, table,
32 thirty-two
Classroom Poster. Ask ss to find the letter T or t and As they work, encourage them to make the t sound.
point to it. (You do not need to ask ss to say the word it 2 Look and connect Tt.
is in.)
Answer key Ss find and circle the examples of T and t in the
cloud artwork.
m r T t T
yc c
t ZbY l
2 Find and circle T and t.
t A T
fTt d
ti C F t H t T E t
b t t T M b t
Td T A B t
34 thirty-four teacher, teddy, ten, Tom
f L R e p
32 thirty-two
Capitals-only version
If you are using the version of Team Together Starter with
capitals only, you may wish to adapt some of the tasks on
this page as your class will not be differentiating between
lower- and upper-case letters.
Photocopiable resources
If appropriate for your class, you may wish to use some of
the following photocopiable resources now or later in the
Resources 3–20: a–z and A–Z
on1 6
Less 1 Letters and sounds Yy 4
1 Look and colour. Y y .
y h g p q Presentation
• Show page 35 in the Pupil’s Book and say y, y, yellow.
(Make sure to use the sound of the letter and not its name.)
e t b y Write the letters Y and y on the board and repeat the y
thirty-three 33
Pupil’s Book
on1 6
Less 1 4 Letters and sounds Yy 4 2 Look and connect Yy.
2 Find and circle Y and y. • Ss look at the pictures and letters. Encourage them
• Write1 Listen,Y
the letters find
on the board. If necessary, to say the words yoyo at the start and yellow when
remind ss that these are two forms of the same letter. they finish. As they work, they make the y sound.
• Ss look at the letters in the cloud and circle Y and y. Answer key
• Extension Use the Alphabet time section at the back of 2 Look and connect Yy.
the Activity Book and/or the Team Together Alphabet
Classroom Poster. Ask ss to find the letter Y or y and
point to it. (You do not need to ask ss to say the word it
is in.)
Answer key Ss find and circle the examples of Y and y in
the cloud artwork.
2 Find and circle Y and y.
y h g p q
yc Z Y c
e t b y
t d C F r
W Y aq Y
thirty-three 33
Photocopiable resources
If appropriate for your class, you may wish to use some of
the following photocopiable resources now or later in the
Resources 3–20: a–z and A–Z
• Unit 4 flashcards (ball, car, doll, plane, robot, teddy,
train, yoyo)
• templates of the toy box and toys for ss to cut out
2 4.21
Sing and play. • a completed model toy box and toys
• scissors and glue
• crayons or coloured pencils
36 thirty-six
• two puppets or soft toys
• Use the unit flashcards (ball, car, doll, plane, robot, teddy,
train, yoyo) to revise the key vocabulary. Use the Where is
this card? and/or What’s missing? games.
• Before the lesson, prepare all the materials and make a toy
box and some cut-out toys for demonstration.
• Show ss page 36 in the Pupil’s Book and then an
example of the toy box and toys they are going to make.
Say Look! I’ve got my robot.
Pupil’s Book
1 2
a b
Global Scale of English (GSE)
3 4
• Listening: Can understand basic phrases or sentences
about things people have, if supported by pictures (GSE
a b
• Speaking: Can talk about things they have, using a
2 Draw.
basic phrase (GSE 28).
• Unit 4 flashcards (ball, car, doll, plane, robot, teddy,
train, yoyo)
• drawing materials for each student
a b
a b 2 Find, colour and say.
Starting the lesson
• Ss use the toy boxes they made in the previous lesson to do
some revision of the target language for the unit. Put them
2 Look, count and match. Then say.
into pairs to practise talking about the toys, e.g. What’s this?
1 It’s my … . What colour is it? It’s … . What’s your favourite
toy? It’s my … .
4 3 Look and colour for Unit 4.
6 • Show page 37 in the Pupil’s Book and say What’s your
34 thirty-four thirty-five 35 favourite toy? It’s my red car.
Pupil’s Book
5 My body!
Pupil’s Book Unit objectives
to name body parts; to talk about what body
Lesson 1 parts people have got
5 My body! Language
1 5.1
Listen and follow. arms, body, face, feet, hair,
hands, head, legs
Phonics f, h
2 5.2
Listen, point and say.
1 2 3 4
38 thirty-eight arms, body, head, legs; He’s got … / She’s got …
Lesson 1
Global Scale of English (GSE)
5 My body!
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10).
1 5.3
Listen. Look and match. Speaking: Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly
1 and clearly (GSE 10).
3 b • Unit 4 flashcards or real toys (ball, car, doll, plane,
robot, teddy, train, yoyo)
• Unit 5 flashcards (arms, body, head, legs)
2 5.4
Listen, find and stick. Assessment for Learning
a b c d
Kim: Look at Bill! He’s got four arms! Extra activity TPR
Bill: Yes! I’ve got four arms. • Place each card in different parts of the classroom.
Pat: Look at Rob! He’s got three legs! When you say one of the words, ss must run to the
Rob: Ha, ha! And look at Kim! She’s got two heads! correct flashcard. (If you do not have the room for this,
Kim: Yes, I’ve got two heads! they can simply stand and point to the correct card.)
Pat: Look … I’ve got one body!
• Extension Choose individual ss to do the activity using
the Lollipop stick technique. The rest of the class can help
2 5.2 Listen, point and say. by pointing to where the student should go.
• Focus ss on the pictures at the bottom of the page.
Extra activity TPR
Point to each in turn and say the word. Ss repeat after
you. • Play the ‘Goodbye’ song ss learned in the Welcome
• Play the audio as ss look at their books. The first time, lesson. (You can use this at the end of each lesson in
tell them to point to the correct picture as they listen. this unit.)
• Play the audio again for ss to repeat the words.
1 5.5
Listen and tick ( ).
1 2
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise familiar key words and
a b a b
phrases in short, basic descriptions (e.g. of objects,
3 4 people or animals), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE
a b a b
2 5.6
Listen and number.
• Unit 5 flashcards (arms, body, head, legs)
• drawing materials for each student
c d
Activity Book
3 4 Presentation
• Show page 39 in the Pupil’s Book and say She’s got two
a b a b
heads. He’s got four arms.
2 Draw and share.
Pupil’s Book
• Unit 5 flashcards (arms, body, face, feet, hair, hands,
head, legs)
• paper and drawing materials for each student
Activity Book
Story Lesson 3
a c
• Show page 40 in the Pupil’s Book and say face, feet,
hair, hands.
2 Look and colour. Values Be safe
1 2 3
Pupil’s Book
Scene 2 Scene 1
Scene 3 Scene 2
Bill: He’s got three legs. Bill: Look! He’s got two heads!
Pat: But he hasn’t got feet! Pat: Cool! He hasn’t got hair!
Scene 4 Scene 3
Kim: She’s got a green face! Bill: He’s got three legs.
Pat: But he hasn’t got feet!
Scene 5
Rob: She’s got three arms. Scene 4
Kim: But she hasn’t got hands! Kim: She’s got a green face!
Fairground Scene 5
assistant: Are you ready? Rob: She’s got three arms.
Kim & Rob: Yes. Kim: But she hasn’t got hands!
Scene 6 Fairground
Bill: This is fun! assistant: Are you ready?
Kim & Rob: Yes.
1 5.11 5.12
Listen again. Then listen, look and match.
1 2 3 4
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10). Can
recognise familiar words and phrases in short, simple
songs or chants (GSE 18). Can understand basic
statements about where things or people are, if
a b
2 5.13
Listen, point and say. spoken slowly and clearly and supported by pictures or
1 2 3 4 gestures (GSE 24).
Speaking: Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly
and clearly (GSE 10). Can sing a simple song, if
supported by pictures (GSE 22).
3 5.14
Listen and number.
a b c d
• Unit 5 flashcards (arms, body, face, feet, hair, hands,
4 5.15
Listen and sing. head, legs)
forty-one 41
• drawing materials for each student
• Vocabulary time (back of the Activity Book)
• Unit 5 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
Activity Book
Assessment for Learning
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
on1 4
Less 1 Language practice 5 presentation
1 5.16
Listen, find and stick. Monitoring ss’ learning: Traffic light cards technique
a b c d
Peer learning: pairwork
• Show page 41 in the Pupil’s Book and say He’s got two
heads. He hasn’t got hair.
thirty-nine 39 Pupil’s Book
1 5.18
Listen, find and say.
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can hear the initial sound in simple words
(GSE 10).
Speaking: Can say the sounds of the alphabet, if
supported by pictures (GSE 13).
• Unit 5 flashcards (arms, body, face, feet, hair, hands,
kF H head, legs)
Hb h A
2 Find and circle F and f.
Ld f W g F Assessment for Learning
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
42 forty-two face, family, feet, four
Activity Book
t f b p h • Show page 42 in the Pupil’s Book and say f, f, face.
(Make sure to use the sound of the letter and not its name.)
Write the letters F and f on the board and repeat the f
F L J Y B sound.
r q d f
Pupil’s Book
40 forty
1 5.18 Listen, find and say.
• Guide ss to find page 42 in the Pupil’s Book. Point to
each picture in turn. Do some repetition practice of all
six words (face, train, feet, family, four, pencil). The word
family was introduced in Unit 1, but will need revision at
this point.
• Say the four words starting with f (face, feet, family,
four) and ask ss to look at your lips and mouth as you
make the sound. They repeat the sound.
• Play the audio. Ss point to the correct picture as they
listen. They repeat the sounds and words.
• Extension Use the Alphabet time section at the back of
the Activity Book and/or the Team Together Alphabet
Classroom Poster. Ask ss to find the letter F or f and
point to it. (You do not need to ask ss to say the word it
is in.) You can also direct pupils to pages 78–79 of the
Activity Book.
Answer key Ss find and circle the examples of F and f in the
t f b p h
cloud artwork.
Hb J Y
2 Find and circle F and f.
ft q f F r q d f
Ld f W g F 40 forty
Capitals-only version
If you are using the version of Team Together Starter with
capitals only, you may wish to adapt some of the tasks on
this page as your class will not be differentiating between
lower- and upper-case letters.
Photocopiable resources
If appropriate for your class, you may wish to use some of
the following photocopiable resources now or later in the
Resources 3–20: a–z and A–Z
F W g F
3 5.20
Listen and chant.
Assessment for Learning
face,hands, hat,family
feet, four, head forty-three 43
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
Activity Book
H h h h E
is in.)
Answer key Ss find and circle the examples of H and h in
the cloud artwork.
2 Find and circle H and h. e o p f H r
h H h h H D
kF H
Hb h A
h L H h h H
mh MnHjh h H h B b
F W g F
forty-one 41
3 5.20
3 Listen and chant.
Listen and chant.
Photocopiable resources
If appropriate for your class, you may wish to use some of
the following photocopiable resources now or later in the
Resources 3–20: a–z and A–Z
4 5
• Unit 5 flashcards (arms, body, face, feet, hair, hands,
head, legs)
6 • templates of the funny friend and body parts to cut out
• a completed model of a funny friend
2 5.21
Sing and play.
• scissors
• crayons or coloured pencils
• Before the lesson, prepare all the materials and make a
funny friend for demonstration. You will need to glue the
body parts on it to make sure you can hold it up.
• Show ss page 44 in the Pupil’s Book and say Look! Show
them an example of the funny friend model they are going
to make. Hold it up and say, e.g. Hello, I’m Boo. I’ve got
three arms. I’ve got four legs. I haven’t got hair.
Pupil’s Book
1 5.24
Listen and circle.
a b
a b
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can understand basic phrases or sentences
about things people have, if supported by pictures (GSE
a b
a b 24).
Speaking: Can talk about things they have, using a
basic phrase (GSE 28).
2 Draw.
• Unit 5 flashcards (arms, body, face, feet, hair, hands,
head, legs)
• paper and drawing materials for each student,
including crayons
forty-five 45
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
Monitoring ss’ learning: Lollipop stick technique;
Traffic light cards technique
Activity Book Peer learning: pairwork
a b
a b 2 Colour and say.
Starting the lesson
• Ss use the funny friends they made in the previous lesson
to do some revision of the target language for the unit. Put
Listen and colour.
them in pairs to practise asking and answering, e.g. Who’s
2 5.23
3 Look and colour for Unit 5. • Show page 45 in the Pupil’s Book and say He’s got two
feet. She’s got one face.
42 forty-two forty-three 43
Pupil’s Book
2 Draw.
• Distribute drawing materials.
• Ss draw a picture of a funny friend. Encourage them to
use all of the body parts learned in the unit.
6 My blue jacket
Pupil’s Book Unit objectives
to name clothes; to talk about what you are
Lesson 1 wearing
Phonics s, j
2 6.2
Listen, point and say.
1 2 3 4
Lesson 1
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
My blue jacket nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10).
1 6.3
Listen. Look and match. Speaking: Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly
1 and clearly (GSE 10).
Pupil’s Book Dad: Are you ready for the school show, Kim?
Kim: Yes! I’ve got my red skirt. I’ve got my brown
1 6.1 Listen and follow. jumper. Oh, no! Where’s my T-shirt?
Dad: What colour is it?
• Before listening to the audio, introduce the key
Kim: It’s yellow.
vocabulary using clothes and/or flashcards (skirt,
Dad: Look! It’s on the chair!
jumper, T-shirt, jacket). Show each item of clothing
Kim: Oh, yes! Where’s my blue jacket?
or card and present the word, e.g. T-shirt. Ss repeat.
Dad: It’s on the floor!
Repeat with jacket, jumper and skirt.
Kim: Oh, no! Meg! No!
• Display the clothing or flashcards (skirt, jumper, T-shirt,
jacket) around the classroom. Say the word and ask
ss to point to the correct item. They repeat the words 2 6.4 Listen, find and stick.
• Play the audio. Pause to allow ss time to put the
• Revise colours using the clothes. Point to each item of
stickers in the correct place.
clothing and ask What colour is it? Elicit answers from
• Extension When ss have finished, ask them to point
ss. Use skirts, jumpers, etc. that ss are wearing also.
to each in turn and say the word.
• Guide ss to find page 46 in the Pupil’s Book. Focus them
Answer key 1 c, 2 d, 3 a, 4 b
on the main picture at the top of the page.
• Play the audio. Ss listen and follow the conversation.
1 T-shirt 2 jacket 3 skirt 4 jumper
• Play the audio again. This time ss point to the clothes in
the picture as they hear them.
1 6.5
Listen and circle.
1 2
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can understand basic statements about
where things or people are, if spoken slowly and clearly
a b a
3 4
and supported by pictures or gestures (GSE 24).
b b
2 6.6
Listen and match.
a b c d
Activity Book
c d • Show page 47 in the Pupil’s Book and say Where’s my
skirt? It’s on the chair.
2 Draw and share.
Pupil’s Book
• Unit 6 flashcards or real clothes (boots, dress, jacket,
jeans, jumper, skirt, socks, T-shirt)
5 • a picture of a school show
• paper and drawing materials for each student
Values Be on time
Assessment for Learning
2 Look and find.
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
48 forty-eight boots, dress, jeans, socks; I’m wearing …
Monitoring ss’ learning: Happy/sad face technique
Activity Book
Lesson 3
Starting the lesson
• Review the language from the previous lessons using the four
1 6.10
Listen. Look and number. flashcards (jacket, jumper, skirt, T-shirt). Show the flashcards
a c and ask What’s this? Elicit jacket, jumper, skirt, T-shirt.
b • Show page 48 in the Pupil’s Book and say boots, dress,
jeans, socks.
d e Practice
Pupil’s Book
Answer key Ss point to picture 3, which shows that Pat is Answer key Ss colour pictures 2 and 3.
on time.
1 6.11 6.12
Listen again. Now listen, look and match.
1 2 3 4
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10). Can
recognise familiar words and phrases in short, simple
a b c d
songs or chants (GSE 18). Can understand basic
statements about where things or people are, if
Listen, point and say.
spoken slowly and clearly and supported by pictures or
• Unit 6 flashcards or real clothes (boots, dress, jacket,
4 6.15
Listen and sing. jeans, jumper, skirt, socks, T-shirt)
forty-nine 49 • paper and drawing materials for each student
• Vocabulary time (back of the Activity Book)
• Unit 6 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
Activity Book
Assessment for Learning
on1 4
Less 1 Language practice 6 Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
1 Listen, find and stick.
Monitoring ss’ learning: Traffic light cards technique
a b c d
2 6.17
Listen and draw. Starting the lesson
• Revise the vocabulary for the unit using real clothes or the
flashcards (boots, dress, jacket, jeans, jumper, skirt, socks,
T-shirt). Play any of the following games: What’s missing?,
Which card have you got?, Where is this card?, Yes/No!
• Show page 49 in the Pupil’s Book and say I’m wearing a
yellow T-shirt. I’m wearing a red skirt.
forty-seven 47 Pupil’s Book
2 6.13 Listen, point and say. Girl: Hello! I’m wearing a skirt. I’m wearing socks.
• Focus ss on the four pictures. Elicit the words first. Boy: Hi! I’m wearing jeans. I’m wearing boots.
• Play the audio. Ss repeat the words.
1 6.18
Listen, find and say.
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can hear the initial sound in simple words
6 (GSE 10).
Speaking: Can say the sounds of the alphabet, if
supported by pictures (GSE 13).
• Unit 6 flashcards (boots, dress, jacket, jeans, jumper,
2 Find and circle S and s. skirt, socks, T-shirt)
• Alphabet time (back of the Activity Book)
• Team Together Alphabet Classroom Poster
sc Z S c h T P j r j J
Sa q Assessment for Learning
sW r S
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
50 fifty seven, sister, six, socks
2 Look and trace. • Show page 50 in the Pupil’s Book and say s, s, socks.
(Make sure to use the sound of the letter and not its name.)
S SSS Write the letters S and s on the board and repeat the s
s sss Practice
3 Look and trace.
Pupil’s Book
remind ss that these are two forms of the same letter.
• Ss look at the letters in the cloud and circle S and s.
• Extension Use the Alphabet time section at the back of
2 Look and trace.
the Activity Book and/or the Team Together Alphabet Extra activity TPR
Classroom Poster. Ask ss to find the letter S or s and • Demonstrate making the shapes of the letters.
point to it. (You do not need to ask ss to say the word it Stand with your back to the class and draw the
is in.) pattern in the air. Ss follow you and make the same
Answer key Ss fi nd and circle the examples of S and s in movements. Tell them to continue while you turn and
the cloud artwork. check they are doing it correctly. Ss can also practise
2 Find and circle S and s.
drawing the letter shape on the back of another
student with their finger.
Capitals-only version
If you are using the version of Team Together Starter with
capitals only, you may wish to adapt some of the tasks on
this page as your class will not be differentiating between
lower- and upper-case letters.
Photocopiable resources
If appropriate for your class, you may wish to use some of
the following photocopiable resources now or later in the
Resources 3–20: a–z and A–Z
h T P j r j J
Assessment for Learning
Sa q
r S Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
3 6.20
Listen and chant. presentation
jacket, jeans, juice, jumper fifty-one 51
• Show page 51 in the Pupil’s Book and say j, j, jumper.
2 Look and trace. (Make sure to use the sound of the letter and not its name.)
Write the letters J and j on the board and repeat the j
J JJJ sound.
j jjj Pupil’s Book
3 Look and trace.
1 6.19 Listen, find and say.
j juice • Help ss find page 51 in the Pupil’s Book and point to
each picture in turn. Elicit the words (doll, jacket, jeans,
juice, jumper, pencil). Do some repetition practice of
all six words (jumper, jacket, pencil, jeans, juice, doll).
The word juice is new, so explain this and give it extra
forty-nine 49
• Say the four words starting with j (jacket, jeans, juice,
jumper) and ask ss to look at your lips and mouth as
you make the sound. They repeat the sound.
• Play the audio. Ss point to the correct picture as they
listen. They repeat the sounds and words.
• Extension Elicit any other English words ss know that
start with the j sound. (They may know a few words or
names, e.g. jump, Joe.) All ss repeat these words for
further practice with the initial j sound.
h T P j r j J
Finishing the lesson
a q r S • Play the Which letter game with the letters B, D, T, S and J.
Start with the sounds in isolation. Move on to words that
3 Listen and chant.
3 Listen and chant. ss know, e.g. ball, book, desk, doll, teddy, ten, sister, socks,
• Ss listen to and repeat the chant.
jacket, jeans, juice, jumper fifty-one 51 jacket, jeans, then move on to other words, e.g. big, box, dig,
dog, tall, tap, say, sing, jam, jump.
Extra activity TPR
• Divide the class into two. One half can chant the s Capitals-only version
section and the other half the j section. They could
If you are using the version of Team Together Starter with
continue the chant and increase the speed each time for capitals only, you may wish to adapt some of the tasks on
fun. this page as your class will not be differentiating between
lower- and upper-case letters.
4 5
• a completed model of two paper dolls
• templates of the paper dolls to cut out
2 6.21
Sing and play.
• scissors
• crayons or coloured pencils
• Unit 5 flashcards (arms, body, face, feet, hair, hands,
52 fifty-two
head, legs)
• Unit 6 flashcards (boots, dress, jacket, jeans, jumper,
skirt, socks, T-shirt)
• Before the lesson, prepare all the materials and make one
boy and one girl paper doll with clothes for demonstration.
• Show page 52 in the Pupil’s Book and the paper dolls
and their clothes ss are going to make. Hold one up and say
I’m wearing … .
Pupil’s Book
• paper dolls and clothes made in the project
• drawing materials for each student
• coins
fifty-three 53
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
Monitoring ss’ learning: Traffic light cards technique
Peer learning: pairwork
Activity Book
3 4
• Ss use the paper dolls and clothes they made in the
a b a b
a b c d
previous lesson to do some revision of the target language
2 Look and play. for the unit. They move around the classroom and ‘meet’
2 Look, colour and say.
Start other dolls. Model the language you want them to use, e.g.
Hello!/Hi! I’m … . I’m wearing.
3 4
4 1
50 fifty fifty-one 51
Pupil’s Book
2 Draw.
• Ss complete a picture of themselves wearing clothes.
Elicit some of the clothes they can include first.
• Distribute drawing materials.
7 They’re tigers!
Pupil’s Book Unit objectives
to name animals
Lesson 1
7 They’re tigers!
frog, hippo, lizard, monkey,
1 7.1
Listen and follow. snake, spider, tiger, zebra
Phonics m, k
2 7.2
Listen, point and say.
1 2 3 4
Lesson 1
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
They’re tigers! nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10).
1 7.3
Listen. Look and count. Speaking: Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly
and clearly (GSE 10).
• Unit 6 flashcards and real clothes (boots, dress, jacket,
jeans, jumper, skirt, socks, T-shirt)
• Unit 7 flashcards (hippo, monkey, tiger, zebra)
1 2 3 4
• Unit 7 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
a b c d
• Before playing the audio, introduce the key vocabulary Dan: Mum! Dad! Kim! Look at the animals! What’s
using flashcards (hippo, monkey, tiger, zebra). Show each this?
flashcard and present the word, e.g. hippo. Ss repeat. Kim: It’s a hippo!
Repeat with monkey, tiger and zebra. Dan: Oh, yes! One hippo.
• Display the flashcards (hippo, monkey, tiger, zebra) Kim: And look! They’re tigers. One, two, three. Three
around the classroom. Say the word and ask ss to point tigers!
to the correct item. They repeat the words again. Dan: Oh, yes …
• Use all four flashcards together and introduce the word Dad: Look! They’re zebras. Two zebras!
animals. (Make sure to include the group of animals to Mum: And look! They’re monkeys! One, two, three, four,
reinforce the use of the plural -s.) Ss repeat. five. Five monkeys!
• Guide ss to find page 54 in the Pupil’s Book. Focus Dan: They’re funny!
them on the main picture at the top of the page. Point
to each group of animals and present the words hippo,
tiger, monkey, zebra. (There is only one hippo, so leave 2 7.4 Listen, find and stick.
this plural for the moment.) Make sure ss pronounce the • Play the audio. Pause to allow ss time to put the
final z sound at the end of each plural form. stickers in the correct place.
• Extension Contrast the single animal on the flashcards • Extension When ss have finished, ask them to point
(hippo, monkey, tiger, zebra) with the groups in the to each picture and say the word.
picture on page 54 in the Pupil’s Book. Drill tiger – Answer key 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 d
tigers, etc.
• Play the audio. Ss listen and follow the conversation. 1 zebra
• Play the audio again. This time ss point to the animals. 2 tiger
3 hippo
Dan: Mum! Dad! Kim! Look at the animals! What’s this? 4 monkey
Kim: It’s a hippo!
Dan: Oh, yes! One hippo.
Kim: And look! They’re tigers. One, two, three. Three
tigers! Finishing the lesson
Dan: Oh, yes …
Dad: Look! They’re zebras. Two zebras! Extra activity TPR
Mum: And look! They’re monkeys! One, two, three, four, • Play the Team race game with the four flashcards
five. Five monkeys! for the lesson (hippo, monkey, tiger, zebra).
Dan: They’re funny!
• Play the ‘Goodbye’ song ss learned in the Welcome lesson.
2 7.2 Listen, point and say. (You can use this at the end of each lesson in this unit.)
Listen and number.
b c d
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10).
2 7.6
Listen and circle.
1 2
a a Materials
• Unit 7 flashcards (hippo, monkey, tiger, zebra)
b b • drawing materials for each student
3 4
• real objects (classroom objects, clothes, toys)
a a
a b
c d
Pupil’s Book
2 Draw and share.
fifty-three 53
2 7.6 Listen and circle.
• Start by revising the plural form. Show a pencil and
ask What’s this? Elicit pencil (or a pencil). Then hold up
several pencils and ask What are these? Elicit pencils.
(At this stage, don’t worry about full sentences.) Repeat
with some other objects that ss know (arm – arms, hand
– hands, leg – legs).
• Focus ss on the pictures and elicit the names of the
animals. Point to each picture and ask What are these?
For the moment, elicit the plural form of the name
(not full sentences), e.g. hippos. Where possible, count
the number of animals in each picture, e.g. one, two –
two hippos. Ss repeat the name of each animal in the
plural form.
Activity Book
1 They’re monkeys.
2 They’re tigers.
3 They’re hippos.
4 They’re zebras.
• Unit 7 flashcards (frog, hippo, lizard, monkey, snake,
spider, tiger, zebra)
• an animal puppet or toy animal
5 • paper and drawing materials for each student
Activity Book
and ask What’s this? Elicit hippo, monkey, tiger and zebra.
a c
Put all the cards together and ask What are these? Elicit
They’re animals.
b • Use the flashcards (hippo, monkey, tiger, zebra) to play the
What’s missing? or Numbers game (or any other flashcard
d e
Pupil’s Book
1 7.11 7.12
Listen again. Now listen, look and match.
1 2
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10). Can
a b c d recognise familiar words and phrases in short, simple
songs or chants (GSE 18). Can understand basic
2 7.13
Listen, point and say.
1 2 3 4
statements about where things or people are, if
spoken slowly and clearly and supported by pictures or
gestures (GSE 24).
snake lizard frog spider
Speaking: Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly
3 7.14
Listen and number. and clearly (GSE 10). Can sing a simple song, if
supported by pictures (GSE 22).
• Unit 7 flashcards (frog, hippo, lizard, monkey, snake,
4 7.15
Listen and sing. spider, tiger, zebra)
fifty-seven 57
• pictures (from magazines, the internet, etc.) of groups
of the animals taught in the lesson
• Vocabulary time (back of the Activity Book)
• Unit 7 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
Activity Book
Assessment for Learning
on1 4
Less 1 Language practice 7 Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
1 7.16
Listen, find and stick.
a b c d Monitoring ss’ learning: Traffic light cards technique
Peer learning: pairwork
2 7.17
Listen and circle.
Starting the lesson
1 2
• Revise the vocabulary for the unit using the flashcards
(frog, hippo, lizard, monkey, snake, spider, tiger, zebra). Play
a a
any of the following flashcard games What’s missing? Which
card have you got?, Where is this card?, Yes/No.
b b
3 4
• Show page 57 in the Pupil’s Book and say What are these?
a a
They’re snakes. They’re lizards. They’re frogs. They’re spiders.
b b
fifty-five 55
Pupil’s Book
1 7.18
Listen, find and say.
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can hear the initial sound in simple words
(GSE 10).
Speaking: Can say the sounds of the alphabet, if
supported by pictures (GSE 13).
• Unit 7 flashcards (frog, hippo, lizard, monkey, snake,
spider, tiger, zebra)
tqKF i k S k
2 Find and circle M and m.
• A4 pieces of paper, each with a letter (P, J, T and M) on
wm M
Mn ZSc • Alphabet time (back of the Activity Book)
• Team Together Alphabet Classroom Poster
MW n t W Assessment for Learning
58 fifty-eight May, Meg, monkey, mum Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
Activity Book
Starting the lesson
• Use the eight flashcards of the unit vocabulary (frog, hippo,
Letters and sounds Mm Lesson 5
lizard, monkey, snake, spider, tiger, zebra) to revise the words.
1 Look and colour. M m .
Begin by showing the cards and eliciting the words. Do
some repetition practice.
• Play the Which card is this?, Which card have you got? or
Where is this card? games with the flashcards.
• Show page 58 in the Pupil’s Book and say m, m, monkey.
(Make sure to use the sound of the letter and not its name.)
Write the letters M and m on the board and repeat the m
m mmm Practice
3 Look and trace.
Pupil’s Book
m monkey
1 7.18 Listen, find and say.
• Guide ss to find page 58 in the Pupil’s Book and point
to each picture in turn. Do some repetition practice of
all six words (monkey, jumper, May, Mum, tiger, Meg). Use
56 fifty-six
tqKF i k S k
2 Find and circle M and m. Resources 3–20: a–z and A–Z
wm M
Mn ZSc
MW n t W
58 fifty-eight May, Meg, monkey, mum
Activity Book
Activity Book
Starting the lesson
• Play the Stand or sit? game to revise the m sound. Start
with m words that ss know, e.g. Meg, monkey, Mum, but
move on to other words starting with the same sound, e.g.
on1 6
Less 1 Letters and sounds Kk 7
man, mat, milk.
1 Look and colour. K k .
• Show page 59 in the Pupil’s Book and say k, k, Kim.
(Make sure to use the sound of the letter and not its name.)
Write the letters K and k on the board and repeat the k
2 Look and trace.
K KKK Practice
tqKF i k S k
work, they make the k sound.
4 5
• a completed animal mask
• templates of the animal masks to cut out
• scissors and string
• crayons or coloured pencils
2 7.21
Sing and play.
• Unit 4 flashcards (ball, car, doll, plane, robot, teddy,
train, yoyo)
• Unit 7 flashcards (frog, hippo, lizard, monkey, snake,
spider, tiger, zebra)
60 sixty
• Before the lesson, prepare all the materials and make
examples of a mask for demonstration.
• Show page 60 in the Pupil’s Book and say Look! Show
them an example of the mask they are going to make. Put
one on and say, e.g. Hello! I’m Tom the tiger.
Pupil’s Book
Extra activity Fast finishers For successful project work in the classroom at this level,
you may wish to do the following.
• Ask more confident ss to help other ss who have yet to
• Boost the quality of your students’ work by showing
them good examples of the final product before they
• If any ss have not been successful at creating a usable
• Prepare students by getting them to think about the
mask, encourage them by saying they will have the
project in advance.
chance to make something else in the next project. Put
them with a partner who has created something usable • Keep a flexible project schedule and involve students
for the following activities. in the project design whenever possible.
• Hold up one by one some of the masks ss have made • Avoid making all the decisions for students. Allow
and ask What’s this?, then What colour is it? Elicit them to use their own creativity, and to take the
answers from the class. project work in directions they want to go in.
• Put on your mask and tell ss to put on their masks.
Introduce your animal, e.g. say Hello, I’m Tom the tiger. • Record evidence of progress by preparing and filling in
Ask one student What’s your name? Elicit an answer, e.g. a checklist of what students ought to be doing at each
I’m Magic the monkey. stage of the project.
• Be aware that it will take time for students to develop
Extra activity TPR
time management skills and learning skills. Not all
• Ss move around the classroom wearing their masks. students will be able to complete the project work at
(Clear an area for them so that they don’t fall over the same pace, or to the same level of quality. Provide
anything if their vision is impaired by their masks.) They
students who need it with extra support during the
ask each other’s name and introduce themselves to
each other.
• Speaking: Can talk about things they have, using a
2 Draw.
basic phrase (GSE 28).
• masks from the project
• drawing materials for each student
3 7.24
Listen. Then say.
Assessment for Learning
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
sixty-one 61 presentation
Monitoring ss’ learning: Traffic light cards technique
Peer learning: pairwork
Activity Book
Listen and tick.
a b
Listen and number.
b c d
Starting the lesson
• Ss use the masks they made in the previous lesson to revise
3 4
2 Find, say and tick ( ). the target language for the unit. Tell them to put on their
a b a b
mask. Then tell them to find another student wearing the
Start same mask and make a pair. Then ask ss to point at other
2 Look, match and say. animals and ask What are these? Elicit They’re … .
3 c
Finish • Show page 61 in the Pupil’s Book and say What are
4 3 Look and colour for Unit 7.
these? They’re animals.
Photocopiable resources
If appropriate for your class, you may wish to use some of
the following photocopiable resources now or later in the
Resource 24 and/or 29: Reading and Writing 4: Animals
8 I like cakes
Pupil’s Book Unit objectives
to name some foods; to say what you like and
Lesson 1 don’t like
Phonics g, l
2 8.2
Listen, point and say.
1 2 3 4
• Unit 7 flashcards (frog, hippo, lizard, monkey, snake,
spider, tiger, zebra)
• Unit 8 flashcards (apples, cakes, lemonade, lemons)
• a picture of a children’s party
2 8.4
Listen, find and stick.
a b c d
• Unit 8 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
1 8.5
Listen and circle.
Global Scale of English (GSE)
a b c d
• Listening: Can understand simple phrases about likes
and dislikes (GSE 23).
a b c d
a b c d
Activity Book
3 a b 4 a b
• Show page 63 in the Pupil’s Book and say I like apples. I
like cakes. I like lemons. I like lemonade.
2 Draw, colour and share.
Pupil’s Book
• Unit 8 flashcards (apples, cakes, carrots, grapes, juice,
lemonade, lemons, sweets)
5 • drawing materials for each student
Activity Book
Starting the lesson
Lesson 3
• Review the language from the previous lessons using the
four flashcards (apples, cakes, lemonade, lemons). Show the
1 8.10
Listen. Look and number. flashcards and ask What’s this? or What are these? Elicit It’s
a c lemonade. They’re apples/cakes/lemons.
• Point to the flashcard with apples and say I like apples. Get
ss to repeat after you. Practise the language with the rest
of the vocabulary.
• Show page 64 in the Pupil’s Book and say It’s juice.
Values Be polite
Pupil’s Book
2 Look and colour.
1 2 3
Scene 3 Scene 2
Pat: I’ve got carrots! Kim: I’ve got lemonade!
Dan: Mmmmm, I like carrots! Rob: I don’t like lemonade.
Kim: Say, ‘please’, Dan. Ann: How about juice?
Dan: Sorry. Carrots, please! Rob: Oh, yes, please.
Pat: OK, Dan! Kim: I like apples, but I don’t like apple juice!
Dan: Thank you! Scene 3
Scene 4 Pat: I’ve got carrots!
Rob: I’ve got grapes! Dan: Mmmmm, I like carrots!
Pat: I don’t like grapes. What are these? Kim: Say, ‘please’, Dan.
Ann: They’re apples. Dan: Sorry. Carrots, please!
Pat: Oh, I like apples. Thank you, Ann! Pat: OK, Dan!
Dan: Thank you!
Scene 5
Kim: Let’s have cakes! Scene 4
Bill: Oh, yes! Oh, no! Rob: I’ve got grapes!
Kim: Tom! Meg! Pat: I don’t like grapes. What are these?
Bill’s mum: It’s OK! Look! I’ve got sweets! Ann: They’re apples.
Children: Oh, yes, please! Pat: Oh, I like apples. Thank you, Ann!
Pat: It’s a great party! Scene 5
Kim: Let’s have cakes!
Bill: Oh, yes! Oh, no!
2 Look and find.
Kim: Tom! Meg!
• Introduce the words please and thank you, using Bill’s mum: It’s OK! Look! I’ve got sweets!
classroom objects. Pretend that you have no book, pen, Children: Oh, yes, please!
ruler, etc. and ask ss for them. Say A pen, please, then Pat: It’s a great party!
Thank you.
• Pass the flashcards of the food (apples, cakes, carrots,
grapes, juice, lemonade, lemons, sweets) around the 2 Look and colour.
class. Then ask for them in turn, saying, e.g. Grapes, • Ss look at the pictures and colour in the circles (in
please, and Thank you. any colour) on those which show children saying
• Using the Happy/sad face technique, distribute please or thank you.
the cards with faces and ask Are ‘please’ and ‘thank Answer key Ss colour pictures 1 and 3.
you’ good? Ss show their cards. Then rudely point to a
student’s pen, say Pen! and take it. Ask Is that good? Ss
show their cards.
• Ask ss to find examples in the story of when the children
Finishing the lesson
say Please or Thank you. Play the audio if necessary. • Show the flashcards of the food items (apples, cakes,
carrots, grapes, juice, lemonade, lemons, sweets). Ask What’s
Answer key Students point to pictures 2 and 4.
this? What are these? Elicit the answer. Give some flashcards
to ss and then ask for them. Say Grapes, please. Take the
flashcard and say Thank you.
• Ss stand in a circle. Show the first flashcard to Student
1 and guide him/her to say … , please. Give him/her the
flashcard and make sure he/she says Thank you.
• Student 1 then shows the flashcard to Student 2, who says
the same. Student 2 then shows it to Student 3, and so on.
• Once the card is circulating with no problems, show Student
1 the second flashcard for that to be passed around the
circle. Continue until all the flashcard are in circulation.
1 8.11 8.12
Listen again. Now listen, look and match.
1 2 3 4
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can recognise a few familiar everyday
nouns and adjectives (e.g. colours, numbers, classroom
objects), if spoken slowly and clearly (GSE 10). Can
recognise familiar words and phrases in short, simple
songs or chants (GSE 18). Can understand basic
statements about where things or people are, if
a b c d
• Unit 8 flashcards (apples, cakes, carrots, grapes, juice,
4 8.15
Listen and sing. lemonade, lemons, sweets)
sixty-five 65 • drawing materials for each student
• Vocabulary time (back of the Activity Book)
• Unit 8 Stickers (back of the Activity Book)
Activity Book
Assessment for Learning
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
on1 4
Less 1 Language practice 8
1 8.16
Listen, find and stick. Monitoring ss’ learning: Lollipop stick technique;
a b c d
Traffic light cards technique; Happy/sad face card
Peer learning: pairwork
2 8.17
Listen and draw.
Starting the lesson
• Play any of the following games: What’s missing?, Which
1 2
• Show page 65 in the Pupil’s Book and say I like sweets. I
don’t like carrots. I like grapes. I don’t like juice.
sixty-three 63
Pupil’s Book
Bill: I’ve got six cakes! I like cakes! 1 grapes 2 sweets 3 juice 4 carrots
Kim: I’ve got lemonade!
Pat: I’ve got carrots! 2 8.17 Listen and draw.
Rob: I’ve got grapes!
• Elicit the names of the food before ss listen. Draw
a blank face on the board and demonstrate how to
2 8.13 Listen, point and say. make them smiley or sad.
• Focus ss on the four pictures and elicit the words first. • Play the audio. Ss listen and complete the faces.
• Play the audio. Ss repeat the words as they point to the Answer key 1 sad face, 2 happy face, 3 happy face,
pictures. 4 sad face
• Extension Use the Lollipop stick technique to select
ss. Ask them to choose and say I like juice/carrots/ 1 Boy 1: I don’t like apples!
grapes/sweets. The rest of the class point to the relevant 2 Boy 1: I like sweets!
picture. 3 Girl 1: I like juice!
4 Girl 1: I don’t like cakes!
1 juice 2 carrots 3 grapes 4 sweets
1 8.18
Listen, find and say.
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can hear the initial sound in simple words
(GSE 10).
• Speaking: Can say the sounds of the alphabet, if
supported by pictures (GSE 13).
• Unit 8 flashcards (apples, cakes, carrots, grapes, juice,
2 Find and circle G and g.
lemonade, lemons, sweets)
• A4 pieces of paper, each with a letter (S, J, M and G) on
gb P t D G l L T j r J l
• Alphabet time (back of the Activity Book)
• Team Together Alphabet Classroom Poster
Wc m g G
og Assessment for Learning
66 sixty-six
Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
game, garden, girl, goodbye
Activity Book
O P G V • Show page 66 in the Pupil’s Book and say g, g, girl.
(Make sure to use the sound of the letter in girl and not its
name.) Write the letters G and g on the board and repeat
u e a n g the g sound.
G B J M W Pupil’s Book
u e a n g
gb P t D G l L T j r J l
Wc m g G
66 sixty-six game, garden, girl, goodbye
z m g i
64 sixty-four
Capitals-only version
If you are using the version of Team Together Starter with
capitals only, you may wish to adapt some of the tasks on
this page as your class will not be differentiating between
lower and upper case letters.
Photocopiable resources
If appropriate for your class, you may wish to use some of
the following photocopiable resources now or later in the
Resources 3–20: a–z and A–Z
l L T j r J l
Assessment for Learning
Wc m g G Setting aims and criteria: lesson objectives
3 8.20
Listen and chant. presentation
legs, lemonade, lemons, lizard sixty-seven 67
L LLL Practice
Pupil’s Book
l lll 1 8.19 Listen, find and say.
3 Look and trace. • Help ss find page 67 in the Pupil’s Book and point to
each picture in turn. Elicit the words. Do some repetition
l lemons lemons practice of all six words (lemons, lemonade, sweets, legs,
crayons, lizard).
• Say the four words starting with l (lemons, lemonade,
legs, lizard) and ask ss to look at your lips and mouth
as you make the sound. They repeat the sound.
sixty-five 65
• Play the audio. Ss point to the correct picture as they
listen. They repeat the sounds and words.
• Extension Elicit any other English words ss know that
start with the l sound. (They may know a few words or
names, e.g. look, laugh.) All ss repeat these words for
further practice with the initial l sound.
• Ss look at the letters in the cloud and circle L and l. 2 Look and trace.
• Extension Use the Alphabet time section at the back of
the Activity Book and/or the Team Together Alphabet Extra activity TPR
Classroom Poster. Ask ss to find the letter L or l and • Demonstrate making the shapes of the letters.
point to it (you do not need to ask ss to say the word it Stand with your back to the class and draw the
• is in). pattern in the air. Ss follow you and make the same
Answer key Ss find and circle the examples of L and l in movements. Tell them to continue while you turn and
the cloud artwork. check they are doing it correctly. Ss can also practise
2 Find and circle L and l.
drawing the letter shape on the back of another
student with their finger.
LKtt l j i L
• Before tracing with a pencil, ss trace the shapes in
the book with their finger.
• Ss then trace the shapes in the Activity Book. Check
that they keep between the lines on the grid. As they
Photocopiable resources
If appropriate for your class, you may wish to use some of
the following photocopiable resources now or later in the
Resources 3–20: a–z and A–Z
4 5
• a completed plate, glass and food
• templates of the plate, glass and food items to cut out
• scissors and glue
• crayons and coloured pencils
• Unit 7 flashcards (frog, hippo, lizard, monkey, snake,
spider, tiger, zebra)
2 8.21
Sing and play.
• Unit 8 flashcards (apples, cakes, carrots, grapes, juice,
68 sixty-eight
lemonade, lemons, sweets)
Unit 8 Project
• Before the lesson, prepare all the materials and make a
plate, glass and a set of food items for demonstration.
• Show page 68 in the Pupil’s Book and say Look! Show
them an example of the plate, glass and food they are
going to make. Say I like carrots, grapes and sweets. I don’t
like apples and cakes.
Pupil’s Book
1 8.24
Listen and match.
1 2 3 4
Global Scale of English (GSE)
• Listening: Can understand basic phrases or sentences
about things people have, if supported by pictures (GSE
• Speaking: Can talk about things they have, using a
b d
basic phrase (GSE 28).
2 Draw.
• items made in the project
• Unit 8 flashcards (apples, cakes, carrots, grapes, juice,
lemonade, lemons, sweets)
• drawing materials for each student
• Fun time (back of the Activity Book)
3 8.25
Listen. Then say.
Starting the lesson
• Ss use the plates and food items they made in the previous
2 Look and tick ( ). Then say.
✗ • Show page 69 in the Pupil’s Book and say I like grapes.
I don’t like carrots.
3 Look and colour for Unit 8.
66 sixty-six sixty-seven 67
Pupil’s Book
2 Draw.
• Ask ss to draw food they like in the happy box and the
items that they don’t like in the sad box.