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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 1

ISSN 2250-3153

Performance Analysis for a Alamouti’s STBC Encoded

MRC Wireless Communication System over Rayleigh
Fading Channel
Srabanty Ahmed Shaon*, Sazzad Ferdous**
B.Sc in E.E.E.,AUST

Abstract- This paper investigates the effect of antenna diversity modulated STTD systems with imperfect pilot symbol channel
for a double transmit and multiple receive antenna supported estimation (Gu and Leung2003). Since wireless communications
wireless communication system that employs single user is challenged by limited spectral resources, multi-user spatial
Alamouti’s space time block coding (STBC) and maximal ratio multiplexing has recently received considerable attention.
combining (MRC) scheme on secured text message Multi-user MIMO systems can significantly improve system
transmission. The FEC encoded Alamouti-MRC transmission throughput via transceiver signal processing if the number of
system under investigation implements RSA cryptographic transmit antennas is much larger than the number of receive
algorithm and deploys various multi-level digital modulations antennas (Choi et. al., 2004). Alamouti STTD has been analyzed
(16- PSK, 16-DPSK and 16-QAM) techniques over an Additive analytically for multi-level quadrature amplitude modulation (M-
White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh Fading Channels. QAM), which has become very attractive for wireless
It has been observed from the study that in case of without communications due to its high spectral efficiency, (Zhu et. al.,
receive antenna diversity the system shows comparatively worst 2011). An analytical expression for the BER of 16/64-QAM
performance in 16-DPSK scheme and satisfactory performance without STTD in Rayleigh fading with imperfect pilot symbol-
in 16-QAM. It is noticeable that the system performance is assisted channel estimation was in (Tang et. al., 1999). However,
improved with increase in number of receive antenna. The the integration operation in the analytical formula requires heavy
performance analysis shows that with implemented computation load, and thus it is impractical to extend to STTD
Alamouti-MRC scheme (4 receive antenna) under 16-QAM systems. An effective approach to evaluate QAM performance
digital modulation, the system provides excellent performance analytically using the characteristic function was proposed in
over a significant low signal to noise ratio(SNR) values. (Xia and Wang 2005).
We shall consider the case of the simple Alamouti’s space-
Index Terms- Antenna Diversity, AWGN Channel, Bit Error time block code as it is the only scheme which can provide full
Rate, MRC, Rayleigh Fading, STBC. rate and full diversity for any signal constellations. Network
security measures are provided using RSA algorithm to protect
data during their transmission in the proposed scheme. Therefore,
I. INTRODUCTION this paper focuses on the evaluation of the BER performance for
the FEC encoded secured Alamouti-MRC transmission system
C ommunication systems using multiple antennas at the
transmitter and/or the receiver have recently received
increased attention due to their ability to provide substantial
for various multi-level digital modulations (16-PSK, 16-DPSK,
16-QAM) techniques over an Additive White Gaussian Noise
capacity improvements while achieving low error rate and/or (AWGN) and Rayleigh Fading Channel with the transmit
high data rate by flexibly exploiting the attainable diversity gain diversity technique in conjunction with receive antenna diversity.
and/or the spatial multiplexing gain (Zhang et. al., 2011). The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the system
Recently much attention has been paid on transmit diversity as an description, including the transmitter, channel, and coherent
efficient technique to combat fading and simplify the receiver models. Performance analysis is presented in Section 3.
implementation of mobile terminals (Zhu et. al., 2011). Several Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 4.
methods in transmit diversity are proposed in (Zhu et. al., 2011,
Alamouti 1998, Wang and Wang 2004, Derryberry et. al.,2002).
Among them, Alamouti space-time block coding (STBC) II. COMMUNICATION SYSTEM MODEL
(Alamouti 1998) is very simple and attractive due to its The MIMO wireless communication system under
advantages of not requiring feedback of channel state consideration is shown in Figure 1. In such a communication
information and easy implementation. So far, studies on system, a single user is transmitting the secured text messages.
Alamouti space-time transmit diversity (STTD) have mainly For secret message transmission the most widely used public-key
assumed binary phase shift keying (BPSK) or quadrature phase cryptosystem RSA is used here. After encryption of plaintext the
shift keying (QPSK) modulation (Alamouti 1998, Wang and ciphertext is converted into binary messages. The transmitted
Wang 2004, Derryberry et. al., 2002, Gu and Leung2003). bits are channel encoded by a convolutional encoder of rate r
Although analytical studies have been presented for BPSK- = 1/2, interleaved for minimization of burst errors and then

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 2
ISSN 2250-3153

converted to M-ary signal. This M-ary signal is modulated using and second symbols x1 and x2, respectively. During the first
various types of multi level digital modulation techniques such as symbol period, the encoder will send x1 and x2 to the first and
quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), phase shift keying second transmit antennas, respectively. During the next symbol
(PSK) and differentially phase shift keying (DPSK). The period x*1 and –x*2,where where * denotes complex conjugate,
modulated digital signals are fed into the Alamouti Space Time will be sent to the first and second transmit antennas
Block Encoder, where the input stream is first segmented into respectively.
two -symbol blocks. Each two-symbol block includes the first

Fig1. Block diagram of FEC encoded Multi user MIMO STBC secured wireless communication system.

These two transmit antennas can either be collocated or

distributed remotely if proper symbol timing synchronization
scheme is adopted. Now the space-time encoded streams are sent
to the wireless channels through the two transmit antennas.
Assuming rj1 and rj2 are the received signals at the jth receive
antenna at time t and t + T, respectively, then rj1 and rj2 are given
by (Zhu et. al., 2011, Khan 2005, Mart´ınez et. al., 2011). 1= arg ( |hj1|2 +|hj2|2) – 1)2 | 1|
+ d2( 1, 2)]

2= arg ( |hj1|2 +|hj2|2) – 1)2 | 2|

+ d2( 1, 2)]
rj1=hj1x1+hj2x2+nj1 (3)
where d2(x, y) = (x - y)(x* - y*) = |x - y|2
rj1= -hj1x*2+hj2x*1+nj2 (1)
The complex symbols are now digitally demodulated, de
interleaved, convolutionally decoded and decrypted to recover
where hji, i=1,2, j=1,2,……NR, is the fading coefficient for the transmitted data.
the path from transmit antenna i to receive antenna j,j j
and n1 and n2 are the noise signals for receive antenna j at time
t and t + T, respectively. III. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
The receiver constructs two decision statistics based on the
linear combination of the received signal. The The computer simulation has been conducted to evaluate the
decision statistics are given by BER performance of the FEC encoded secured Multi-user STBC
encoded MIMO wireless communication system based on the
parameter given in Table 1. To illustrate the effect of various
1= hji|2 x1 + ji
+hj2( )* multi-level digital modulations (16-PSK, 16-DPSK, and 16-
QAM) techniques over an Additive White Gaussian Noise
2= hji|2 x2 + j2
- hj1( )* (2) (AWGN) and Rayleigh Fading Channel first the effect of 16-
DPSK modulation technique is investigated with receive
The maximum likelihood decoding rules for the two diversity.
independent signals x1 and x2 are then

Table 1:Simulated Model parameters

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 3
ISSN 2250-3153

Parameter Description
Type of input signal for the single user Secured Text Message
No. of Transmitting and Receiving antennas 2X4
Channel coding ½ rated Convolutional Encoding
Digital Modulation Techniques 16-QAM, 16-PSK and 16- DPSK
Public key {7,187}
Private key {23,187}
Channel AWGN and Rayleigh Fading channel
Signal to noise ratio, SNR 0 to 20 dBs

Figure 2 shows the BER performance evaluation of 16-

DPSK modulation technique with the transmit diversity in
conjunction with the receive diversity. At the BER values of 10-1
with the receiver diversity the SNR is reduced to about 4 dB and
7dB for 2X2 and 2X4 system, respectively. The BER
performance evaluation of 16- PSK modulation technique with
the transmit diversity in conjunction with the receive diversity is
illustrated in figure 3. At the BER 10-2 with the transmit and
receive diversity the required SNR are 10dB, 11.5dB and 13dB
for 2X4, 2X3 and 2X2 system, respectively. Figure 4 depicts the
BER performance evaluation of 16-QAM modulation. At the
BER 10-2 the required SNR is reduced to 3dB when 2X2
antennas are applied compared to 2X1 antennas and for 2X4 the
SNR is reduced to about 7 dB.

Fig 3. BER performance analysis for 16-PSK system with

transmitter and receiver diversity.

Fig 2. BER performance analysis for 16-DPSK system with

transmitter and receiver diversity.
Fig4. BER performance analysis for 16-QAM system with
transmitter and receiver diversity.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 4
ISSN 2250-3153

Figure 5 shows the BER performance evaluation for all

modulation techniques with 2x4 antennas configuration. At 9 dB
SNR the BER values for 16-DPSK and 16-QAM are 0.1346 and
0.0071 respectively, viz. the BER performance is improved by
29.42dB.Under AWGN and Rayleigh fading channel
environment, the transmitted and received secured text message
is shown in Table 2 at 19dB SNR for the FEC encoded
Alamouti- MRC transmission system for 16-DPSK modulation
scheme with 2X1 antenna system. The erroneous characters in
the retrieved text messages are shown in bold faces
(Table 2). The error will be reduced with adaptation of 16-QAM
system with more transmitter and receiver diversity.

Figure 5. BER performance analysis for 16-QAM, 16-PSK

and 16-DPSK system with 2X6 antennas.

Table 2: Message transmission in support of 16-DPSK modulation technique with 2X1 antenna system

Transmitted secured text message and received text messages under Rayleigh fading
Transmitted If there were no noise, messages can be sent electronically to the outer limits of the universe by
Plaintext using small amount of power.

If there weDq•LDnoise,messages can be se¢t elEc•D1.Dcally•to the outDD l}µ}t0•oV the univeD0
Retrieved b• usDng shDllaamo-}P•OV pow(r.

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 5
ISSN 2250-3153

Third Author – Author name, qualifications, associated institute Correspondence Author – Author name, email address,
(if any) and email address. alternate email address (if any), contact number.


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