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Differential Spatial Modulation For High-Rate Transmission Systems

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Nguyen et al.

EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and

Networking (2018) 2018:6
DOI 10.1186/s13638-017-1013-1

R ES EA R CH Open Access

Differential spatial modulation for

high-rate transmission systems
Thu Phuong Nguyen1* , Xuan Nam Tran1 , Minh-Tuan Le2 and Huan X. Nguyen3

This paper introduces a new differential spatial modulation (DSM) scheme which subsumes both the previously
introduced DSM and high-rate spatial modulation (HR-SM) for wireless multiple input multiple output (MIMO)
transmission. By combining the codeword design method of the HR-SM scheme with the encoding method of the
DSM scheme, we develop a high-rate differential spatial modulation (HR-DSM) scheme equipped with an arbitrary
number of transmit antennas that requires channel state information (CSI) neither at the transmitter nor at the
receiver. The proposed approach can be applied to any equal energy signal constellations. The bit error rate (BER)
performance of the proposed HR-DSM schemes is evaluated by using both theoretical upper bound and computer
simulations. It is shown that for the same spectral efficiency and antenna configuration, the proposed HR-DSM
outperforms the DSM in terms of bit error rate (BER) performance.
Keywords: MIMO, Differential spatial modulation, High-rate differential spatial modulation

1 Introduction as energy consumption compared with V-BLAST and

In recent years, many transmission techniques for wireless STBCs; (3) the spatial position of each transmit antenna
multiple input multiple output (MIMO) communication is utilized to convey information, thus allowing SM to
systems have been proposed. A byword is the spatial mod- obtain a spectral efficiency that increases logarithmically
ulation (SM) [1, 2], which has attracted increased research with the number of transmit antennas. Coherent Space-
interest recently. By exploiting the difference in the chan- Time Shift Keying (CSTSK) [6–8] is possible of striking
nel impulse response of a wireless link from a transmit a flexible tradeoff between the obtainable diversity and
antenna element to a receive one, the transmit antenna multiplexing gain. This scheme was shown to exhibit a
indices are utilized as an additional means to carry infor- better performance than the SM and SSK schemes since
mation. Compared with the Vertical Bell Laboratories it is possible to obtain both transmit and receive diver-
Layered Space-Time (V-BLAST) [3] and space-time block sity, rather than only receive diversity as in SM. But
codes (STBCs) [4, 5], SM has several advantages which unlike SM, CSTSK needs multiple RF chains at the trans-
are attained by the following three essential features: (1) mitter. CSTSK is also inferior to SM in that it requires
unlike the V-BLAST, in an SM scheme, only one transmit strict Inter-Antenna Synchronization (IAS) as V-BLAST
antenna is activated during transmission, thereby com- and STBC. Furthermore, low-complexity ML detection
pletely avoiding the problem of inter-channel interference algorithms for SM systems with M−QAM, M−PSK mod-
(ICI) among the transmit antennas; (2) since only one ulation are proposed in [9] and [10], respectively. In these
antenna is activated for signaling the SM, transmitter detection algorithms, the ML search complexity is inde-
needs to use only a single radio frequency (RF) chain, pendent of the constellation size. As a consequence, SM
which certainly helps to reduce the hardware cost as well is a promising MIMO technique over the conventional
MIMO schemes.
Until now, most investigations on SM assumed that the
CSI is available at the receiver. This assumption is rea-
*Correspondence: phuong.nt@mta.edu.vn sonable when the channel varies slowly compared with
Le Quy Don Technical University, Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
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Nguyen et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2018) 2018:6 Page 2 of 12

the symbol rate, and knowledge of the channel can be symbols. Therefore, a substantial increase in spectral
obtained via training. Unfortunately, obtaining channel efficiency is achieved as compared to other
knowledge is not always realizable when the channel differential modulation schemes.
changes quickly. Moreover, for MIMO channels, the num- • In order to improve the spectral efficiency, it is
ber of channel coefficients to be measured is equal to possible to increase either the signal space HR−DSM
the product of the number of transmit antennas and the or the M − PSK constellation. The scheme is thus
number of receive antennas. The length of the training more flexible than the DSM [16].
sequence grows proportionally with the number of trans- • Compared with the DSM system, the proposed
mit antennas [11]. This could result in a large decrease scheme is more advantageous under the
of the overall system throughput. In order to dispense space-constraint situations. For the DSM, in order to
with the CSI estimation, a blind detector have been increase the spectral efficiency, more transmit
recently proposed for SM [12]. However, this detector antennas need to be used. The proposed HR-DSM
requires a large number of observed symbols and thus scheme, however, can keep the number of transmit
increased computational complexity for signal estima- antenna within the limit and increase the M − PSK
tion. Therefore, solutions that do not require CSI and constellation size.
large observations, such as differential modulation, are • The proposed scheme is superior to the DSM system
very useful. as it has two separate constellations. In the DSM
Differential signaling is a widely used approach to deal system, increasing the spectral efficiency reduces
with the problem of high-mobility wireless communica- distance between the signal points in the DSM
tions without requiring CSI. The differential transmis- constellation. Thanks to having two separate
sion concept has been successfully implemented in many constellations, the proposed HR-DSM can keep the
MIMO systems, e.g., the differential Alamouti scheme signal space HR−DSM at a required level and
[13] and differential spatial multiplexing [14]. However, increase the M − PSK signal constellation.
this approach could hardly be directly applied to SM or
Space Shift Keying (SSK) because the channel in SM/SSK The contributions of this paper can be summarized as
systems is the virtual modulation unit, which makes the follows:
design of differential SM/SSK unique and difficult. Very • A systematic approach is presented for the design of
recently, a number of differential schemes for SM have SC codewords for an arbitrary number of transmit
been proposed [15–19], called differential SM (DSM), antennas, assuming nT ≥ 2.
which can be applied to any equal energy signal constella- • A theoretical union bound on the bit error rate of the
tions. Similar to SM, DSM activates only one antenna at a HR-DSM scheme is derived in the closed form. The
symbol instant. Therefore, ICI is avoided and the require- derived bound can be used as a means to evaluate the
ment of IAS is relaxed. However, the performance of DSM BER performance of HR-DSM when the
is restricted at a given spectral efficiency. signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) is sufficiently high.
Motivated by the aforementioned challenge, in this • Computer simulation results, supported by the
paper, we propose a new DSM scheme based on the con- theoretical upper bound, are provided to benchmark
cept of spatial constellation (SC), SC codewords [20] and the BER performance of the propose HR-DSM
HR-SM codeword [21], called High-Rate Differential Spa- scheme with those of related differential transmission
tial Modulation (HR-DSM), for an arbitrary number of schemes, such as the differential Alamouti [13], the
transmit antennas. In the proposed HR-DSM scheme, single-antenna differential scheme (DPSK), the
transmit signal matrix (i.e., HR-DSM codewords) are gen- differential scheme of quasi-orthogonal space-time
erated simply by multiplying SC codewords by signal block code (DQOSTBC) [22], and the DSM.
symbols drawn from an M-PSK constellation. The role
of the SC matrices is to determine how the constellation The rest of paper is organized as follows. System model
symbols are weighted and which antenna combination is of the proposed HR-DSM is introduced in Section 2.
selected to transmit the HR-DSM codewords. It is noted The design of the SC codewords for the HR-DSM is
that the role of SC matrices is similar that of the disper- presented in Section 3. In Section 4, a closed-form
sion matrices (DM) for SM in [7, 8]. However, the designs of pairwise error probability (PEP) and a theoretical
of these two matrices are based on different approaches. upper bound are derived. Section 5 presents simulation
The advantages of the proposed HR-DSM scheme can be results and analysis. Finally, conclusions are drawn in
elaborated as follows: Section 6.
Notation: Throughout the paper, we use the following
• In the proposed HR-DSM scheme, information bits mathematical notations. (·)H , (·)T , and  · F denote the
are carried by both SC codewords and constellation Hermitian transpose, transpose, and Frobenius norm of a
Nguyen et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2018) 2018:6 Page 3 of 12

vector or matrix, respectively. Re(·) denotes the real part • Only one antenna remains active at each time instant.
of a complex number. This means that only one entry in any column of S is
2 System model • Each antenna is activated only once in the nT
Figure 1 shows the transmitter and receiver configura- successive time instants of the transmit signal matrix.
tion of the proposed HR-DSM with nT transmit antennas This means that only one entry in any row of S is
and nR receive antennas working over a Rayleigh flat- non-zero.
fading channel. Assume that at time instant t, symbol
st is transmitted via the nt -th transmit antenna, nt = An example of the transmit signal matrix for nT = 3 is
⎡ ⎤
1, 2, · · · , nT . The transmitted signal vector is given by 0 s12 0
s = 0 · · · 0 st 0 · · · 0 , where only the nt -th ele- given by S = ⎣ s21 0 0 ⎦, where snt t denotes the trans-
ment is non-zero. In our proposed HR-DSM system, we 0 0 s33
collect the transmit signal vector s in time and form a mit symbol over the nt -th antenna at time t. This matrix
nT × T actual transmit signal matrix S. As proved in determines that at time instant 1, the symbol s21 is trans-
[23], for non-coherent MIMO systems, for arbitrary block mitted over transmit antenna 2 while transmit antennas 1
length T, number of receive antennas nR and signal-to- and 3 remain idle. Similarly, at time time instants 2 and
noise ratio (SNR), the capacities obtained for nT > T 3, the symbols s12 and s33 are transmitted over antennas
and nT = T are equal. Therefore, we set T = nT in 1 and 3, respectively, while the other two transmit anten-
our proposed scheme. This means that each transmit sig- nas remain idle. According to this design, each antenna is
nal matrix is sent during T = nT symbol durations. activated only once during each block, making differential
The actual transmit signal matrix S satisfies the following operation possible so long as the wireless channel remains
conditions: unchanged over two successive HR-DSM blocks.

Fig. 1 Proposed HR-DSM system model

Nguyen et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2018) 2018:6 Page 4 of 12

The proposed HR-DSM transmitter works as follows: At Ĉt+1 = arg min Yt+1 − Yt C2F
time t + 1, (l + m) data bits enter the HR-DSM transmit- ∀C

ter, among which l bits are mapped into a nT × T matrix = arg min trace (Yt+1 − Yt C)H (Yt+1 − Yt C)
Xt+1 , out of K matrices in the signal space HR−DSM with ∀C

basic elements drawn from M1 −PSK constellation, while = arg max trace Re YH
t+1 Yt C ,
remaining m = log2 M bits are mapped into a M−PSK
constellation symbol xt+1 . The resulting nT × T HR-
DSM codeword C is generated by multiplying X by x, i.e., This is equivalent to
Ct+1 = Xt+1 · xt+1 .
The actual transmitted signal matrix St+1 is computed 

{X̂t+1 , x̂t+1 } = arg max trace Re YH
t+1 Yt Xx . (5)
via the following formula ∀X,x

3 HR-DSM codeword design

St+1 = St · Ct+1 . (1)
As HR-DSM codewords C are obtained simply by mul-
tiplying matrices X in the signal space HR−DSM by the
Note that relation Eq. (1) is the fundamental differen- constellation symbol x, our objective is to design suitable
tial transmission relation. Without loss of generality, we matrix X for a given nT .
choose C0 = InT , where InT is the nT ×nT identity matrix. For a given nT , with M1 −PSK constellation, we
Then, the chain of transmitted matrices is given by: define the following nT × 1 permutation vector pp =
p1 p2 · · · pnT , (p = 1, 2, · · · , nT ! ). For the proposed
S0 = C0 HR-DSM scheme, we define the basic form of the genera-
S1 = S0 C1 = C0 C1 tor matrix G
. . ⎡ ⎤
St = St−1 Ct = C0 C1 · · · Ct x11 · · · x1nT
1⎢ . .. .. ⎥
.. G(p, M1 ) = ⎣ .. . . ⎦ (6)
xnT 1 · · · xnT nT

Let Ht be the nR × nT fading matrix with the (i, j)-  T

th entry hij denoting the normalized complex fading where column vector xn = x1n x2n · · · xnT n , (n =
gain from transmit antenna j to receive antenna i. 1, 2, · · · , nT ), is a nT× 1 vector with complex valued
nT  2
At the receiver side, the chain of received matrices, entries;  = xn  =  
nt =1 xnt n is the magnitude of
Y0 , . . . , Yt , Yt+1 . . ., is given by
x, which is used to normalize the transmit power.
Then, a general procedure for designing the matrix X
Yt = Ht St + Nt (2) for nT transmit antennas is summarized as follows:

1. Assign the first permutation

 vector to
p1 = 1 2 · · · nT .
 T ! −1) permutation
2. Built (n  vectors
 pp of p1 : 
Yt+1 = Ht+1 St+1 + Nt+1 , (3) p2 = 2 1 · · · nT , · · · , pnT ! = nT nT−1 · · · 1 .
3. Arrange the G(pp ) matrices corresponding to
where Yt is the nR × T received signal matrix and Nt is the permutation vectors pp as follows:
nR × T AWGN matrix. Using the differential transmission
(a) Fix the p1 -th element of vector column x1 to
relation in Eqs. (1) and (2), we can rewrite Eq. (3) as
1 and 0s elsewhere.
(b) Let the pn -th elements of remaining column
Yt+1 = Ht+1 St+1 + Nt+1 vectors xn be selected from M1 −PSK
= Ht+1 St Ct+1 + Nt+1 constellation symbols and 0s elsewhere.
= Yt Ct+1 − Nt Ct+1 + Nt+1 4. Generate the corresponding matrix X:
= Yt Ct+1 + Nt  . (4)
 n −1

Xq = G pp , M1 , q = 1, 2, · · · , nT ! M1 T .

where Nt  is the nR × T AWGN matrix. Therefore, to esti- For example, for nT = 3, with BPSK constellation, we
mate the information matrix, the optimal ML detector can can construct a signal set HR−DSM which includes q =
n −1
be derived as nT ! M1 T = 3! 22 = 24 matrices X as follows:
Nguyen et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2018) 2018:6 Page 5 of 12

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
1 0 0 1 0 0 Then, for a given spectral efficiency, M and M1 are
X1 = ⎣ 0 1 0 ⎦ X2 = ⎣ 0 −1 0 ⎦ selected such that the following minimum Euclidean dis-
⎡0 0 1 ⎤ ⎡0 0 1 ⎤ tance
1 0 0 1 0 0
X3 = ⎣ 0 1 0 ⎦ X4 = ⎣ 0 −1 0 ⎦
δmin = min δ(Ci , Cj ). (8)
⎡ 0 0 −1⎤ ⎡ 0 0 −1 ⎤ i=j
1 0 0 1 0 0
X5 = ⎣ 0 0 1 ⎦ X6 = ⎣ 0 0 1 ⎦
is maximized for all pairs of distinct codewords Ci  = Cj
⎡0 1 0 ⎤ ⎡ 0 −1 0 ⎤ and for all combinations of (M, M1 ).
1 0 0 1 0 0
X7 = ⎣ 0 0 −1 ⎦ X8 = ⎣ 0 0 −1 ⎦ According to the design procedure, for a given nT
and with M1 − PSK constellation, a total of Q =
⎡ 0 1 0⎤ ⎡0 −1 0 ⎤ n −1
nT ! M1 T matrices X in the signal space HR−DSM
0 1 0 0 −1 0
X9 = ⎣ 1 0 0 ⎦ X10 = ⎣ 1 0 0 ⎦ can be obtained.
  Therefore, one matrix X is able to
n −1
carry l= log2 nT ! M1 T information bits. In addi-
⎡0 0 1 ⎤ ⎡0 0 1 ⎤
0 1 0 0 −1 0 tion, one M − PSK constellation symbol corresponds to
X11 = ⎣ 1 0 0 ⎦ X12 = ⎣ 1 0 0 ⎦ m= log2 M information bits. Both of them are transmit-
⎡ 0 0 −1 ⎡ 0 0 −1
ted within nT symbol periods. Consequently, the spectral
⎤ ⎤
0 0 1 0 0 1 efficiency of the proposed
  HR-DSM  scheme is equal
X13 = ⎣ 1 0 0 ⎦ X14 = ⎣ 1 0 0 ⎦ 1 1 nT −1
nT (l + m) = nT log2 nT ! M1 + log2 M bpcu.
⎡0 1 0 ⎤ ⎡ 0 −1 0 ⎤ Clearly, the additional spectral efficiency offered by our
0 0 −1 0 0 −1 proposed scheme is substantially higher than that of DSM.
X15 = ⎣ 1 0 0 ⎦ X16 = ⎣ 1 0 0 ⎦
⎡ 0 1 0⎤ ⎡ 0 −1 0⎤ 4 Theoretical upper bound of HR-DSM
0 1 0 0 −1 0 Suppose that the message Ct is sent at each block. Since
X17 = ⎣ 0 0 1 ⎦ X18 = ⎣ 0 0 1 ⎦ errors occur during transmission of the actual transmit-
⎡1 0 0 ⎤ ⎡1 0 0 ⎤ ted signal matrix St due to channel fading and noise, after
0 1 0 0 −1 0 differential decoding, assume that the message Et in each
X19 = ⎣ 0 0 −1 ⎦ X20 = ⎣ 0 0 −1 ⎦ block is detected. It follows that Et EHt = InT , where In is
⎡ 1 0 0⎤ ⎡ 1 0 0⎤ the nT × nT identity matrix. In order to measure the dif-
0 0 1 0 0 1 ference between Ct and Dt , we define Dt = Et CH t . So the
X21 = ⎣ 0 1 0 ⎦ X22 = ⎣ 0 −1 0 ⎦ matrix distance between C and E can be expressed as

t t
⎡1 0 0 ⎤ ⎡1 0 0 ⎤ trace Re InT
− Dt . When no error occurs, Dt = InT ,
0 0 −1 0 0 −1 so trace Re InT − Dt = 0. Since Dt DH t = InT , it fol-
X23 = ⎣ 0 1 0 ⎦ X24 = ⎣ 0 −1 0 ⎦ lows that matrix Dt has the same orthogonal property as
1 0 0 1 0 0 the message matrix Ct and the actual transmitted signal
matrix St .
The motivation behind assigning the only non-zero ele-
Recall that the HR-DSM transmitter transmits the
ment of vector column x1 to 1 is to guarantee that the
matrices St and St−1 instead of directly transmitting the
proposed HR-DSM scheme obtains high performance.
message matrices Ct . Due to the influence of fading and
Thanks to this assignment, for the case Xi = Xj and
noise, suppose that while St and St−1 are transmitted, Qt
xi = xj , we get Ci = Cj . Without this assignment, there
and Qt−1 are actually received which causes that the dif-
possibly exist Xi = Xj and xi = xj such that Ci = Cj ,
ferentially decoded message matrices Ct to become the
leading to a wrong detection at the receiver.
error message matrices Et . Obviously, Qt = Et Qt−1 =
In order for the proposed HR-DSM system to achieve
high performance, the transmitted signal space C needs
Et Ct−1 and Qt QHt−1 = Et .
Let ηc and ηe be the decision variables for transmission
to be designed such that the minimum Euclidean distance
matrices C and E, respectively. Besides, let P (C → E|H)
between two arbitrary transmission signal matrices Ci ,
be the pairwise error probability of deciding E when C
Cj ∈ C is maximized [24]. Define the difference between
is transmitted for a given channel realization H. Then,
two matrices Ci and Cj as di,j = Ci −Cj , then the Euclidean
P (C → E|H) can be expressed as
distance between two transmission signal matrices Ci and
Cj can be expressed as

  P (C → E|H) = P (ηe − ηc > 0|H)

δ Ci , Cj = det dH i,j di,j . (7) = P trace Re t−1,t > 0|H , (9)
Nguyen et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2018) 2018:6 Page 6 of 12

where Var []

= Var [trace {Re ( )}]
ηc = trace Re Yt YH H
t−1 St−1 St , ⎛ ⎞


ηe = trace Re Yt Yt−1 Qt−1 Qt (10) ⎜   2 ⎟
= 8⎜

hij  ⎟ N0

and i=1,...,nR
⎛ ⎞
t−1,t = ηc − ηe . (11)
⎜   2 ⎟
Substituting Eq. (2) into Eqs. (10) and (11), we have − 4N0 ⎜

hij  ⎟ trace {Re (Dt )} ,
⎠ (17)

trace Re t−1,t trace Re Ht−1 HH t Dt − InT

+ trace Re St Ht NH H H H H which can be simplified to

t−1 Qt−1 Qt + Nt Ht−1 Ct−1 Qt−1 Qt
⎛ ⎞
−St Ht NH H H H
t−1 St−1 St − Nt Ht−1 St−1 St−1 St
. (12)
⎜   2 ⎟
Note that the second-order noise terms in Eq. (12) are Var [] = 2ρ ⎜

hij  ⎟ N0 .
⎠ (18)
ignored since they are quite small compared to other noise i=1,...,nR
terms when SNR is large enough. Let

From Eqs. (9), (13), (16), and (18), it follows that
 = trace Re t−1,t
⎛ ⎞ Pr (C → E|H)
⎜   2 ⎟ = Pr (ηe − ηc > 0|H)
= −⎜

hij  ⎟ ρ + trace {Re ( )} ,
⎠ (13)
= Pr ( > 0|H)
⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞

⎜ ⎜   2 ⎟ ⎟
where ρ is defined as ⎜ ⎜ hij  ⎟ /4⎟
= Q ⎜γρ ⎝ ⎠ ⎟ , (19)

⎝ ⎠
ρ = trace Re InT − Dt , (14) j=1,...,nT

and where Q denotes the Gaussian tail function, and γ =

Es /N0 is the SNR per symbol. Defining the instantaneous
= St Ht NH H H H H
t−1 Qt−1 Qt + Nt Ht−1 Ct−1 Qt−1 Qt SNR as
− St Ht NH H H H H ⎛ ⎞
t−1 St−1 St − Nt Ht−1 St−1 St−1 St . (15)
⎜   2 ⎟
For given transmission matrices C and E, Qt−1 , Qt , St−1 γb = γ ⎜

hij  ⎟ ,
⎠ (20)
and St , and ρ can be considered as determinis- i=1,...,nR
tic quantities. Therefore, we can easily show that
E [trace {Re ( )}] = 0. Taking the expectation of both and using the alternative form of the Gaussian Q-function
sides of Eq. (13), we have: [25], we can write
⎛ ⎞ Pr (C → E|H) = Q (ρ/2) γb
⎜   2 ⎟ "π/2 # $
E [] = − ⎜

hij  ⎟ E [ρ] + E [trace {Re ( )}]
⎠ 1 (ρ/2) γb
= exp − dθ. (21)
π 2sin2 θ
⎛ ⎞ 0

⎜   2 ⎟ Averaging Eq. (21) over all realizations of the channel

= −⎜

hij  ⎟ ρ.
⎠ (16) matrix H, we obtain the PEP as
j=1,...,nT "∞ ! 
Pr (C → E) = Q (ρ/2) γb p (γb ) dγb . (22)
The computation of the variance of  is more com-
plicated, because some terms in Eq. (15) are correlated,
although most of the terms are assumed to be mutually where p (γb ) is the PDF of γb given in [26].
independent. It is proved in the “Appendix” section that Let u represent a sequence with q information bits
the variance of  is given by: and û denotes an error sequence with the same number
Nguyen et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2018) 2018:6 Page 7 of 12

of information bits. The bit error probability Pb of the performances of not only the proposed HR-DSM scheme
proposed HR-DSM scheme is union-bounded by [27, 28]: but also the DSM scheme when SNR is sufficiently high.


Pb ≤ Pr (C → E) · w u, û , (23) 5.2 Comparison between the differential detection
2q HR-DSM and the coherent detection SM
C =E

In order to support our analysis in Section 4, Fig. 3
where w u, û is the Hamming distance between presents an example to compare the differential detec-
sequences u and û. The PEP Pr (C → E) is given by tion scheme of HR-DSM with the coherent-detection SM
Eq. (22). scheme. The simulations are realized with nR = 4 and
nT = 2, 4. The BER performances of the differential
5 Performance evaluation and the coherent schemes are compared under the same
In this section, Monte Carlo simulations and the theoret- spectral efficiency of 3 bpcu. Note that when SM and
ical upper bound are used to study the BER performance HR-DSM use the same signal constellation, their spectral
of the proposed HR-DSM scheme for different antenna efficiencies are not equal.
arrangements, as well as to compare them against differ- It is observed from the figure that compared to the SM,
ent MIMO systems, such as coherent detection SM [1] HR-DSM suffers from a performance degradation of less
and DSM [15], the differential scheme of the well known than 3 dB in the SNR, particularly in the high SNR region.
Alamouti scheme [13], the DPSK scheme, DQOSTBC
scheme [22]. Simulations are carried out over the quasi- 5.3 BER performance comparison of proposed HR-DSM
static Rayleigh fading channel. We assume that the chan- and other transmission schemes.
nel state information is perfectly known at the receiver of In Fig. 4, we compare the BER performance of HR-DSM
an SM system. In addition, ML detection is applied to all and DSM with the same spectral efficiency of 2.5 bpcu. To
systems under consideration. obtain spectral efficiency of 2.5 bpcu, the HR-DSM uti-
lizes BPSK and 8-PSK constellations, while DSM adopts
5.1 Comparison between theoretical and simulation the QPSK constellation . The simulations are carried out
results with nT = 2 and nR = 1, 2, and 4. It can be seen from the
In Fig. 2, the theoretical and simulation BER performances figure that the proposed HR-DSM outperforms DSM.
versus the signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) are plotted. Figure 5 shows the BER curves of HR-DSM and other
The theoretical and simulation results match well in the transmission schemes with the spectral efficiency of 3
high SNR regions for all cases. This implies that the bound bpcu. The first one is the differential scheme of the well-
given by Eq. (23) can be used as a tool to evaluate BER known Alamouti scheme (DA) with nT = 2 [13]. The



HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 4), (M1, M) = (8, 4), (theo)

10 HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 4), (M1, M) = (8, 4), (sim)

HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 4), (M1, M) = (8, 8), (theo)


HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 4), (M1, M) = (8, 8), (sim)

−3 HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 1), (M1, M) =(2, 8), (theo)

HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 1), (M1, M) =(2, 8), (sim)

HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 4), (M1, M) = (4, 8), (theo)

HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 4), (M1, M) = (4, 8), (sim)

10 DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 1), M0 = 4, (theo)

DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 1), M0 = 4, (sim)

HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 4), (M1, M) = (4, 8), (theo

HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 4), (M1, M) = (4, 8), (sim)

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21

Fig. 2 Theoretical and simulation results of BER performances of HR-DSM

Nguyen et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2018) 2018:6 Page 8 of 12

SM, (nT, nR) = (2, 4), QPSK, 3bpcu
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 4), (M1, M) = (4, 8), 3 bpcu
SM, (nT, nR) = (4, 4), BPSK, 3bpcu
10 HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 4), (M1, M) = (4, 8), 3 bpcu




0 3 6 9 12 15 18

Fig. 3 BER performance comparison of the differential detection HR-DSM and the coherent detection SM

second is the single-antenna differential scheme, DPSK. schemes. This is because when nR = 1, 2, the erro-
The third is the differential scheme of quasi-orthogonal neous antenna detection of HR-DSM is so significant that
space-time block code [22] (DQOSTBC) with nT = 4. it redeems its coding gain. Increase in nR reduces the
And the last is the DSM. Simulation results indicate that, erroneous antenna detection of HR-DSM considerably.
when nR = 1, 2, the proposed HR-DSM exhibits the Therefore, when nR = 4, the coding gain of HR-DSM due
worse performance than DA and DQOSTBC. However, to the use of lower order modulation dominates the result
when nR = 4, HR-DSM outperforms all the remaining and thus HR-DSM outperforms the others.

DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 1), QPSK
DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 2), QPSK
DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 4), QPSK
10 HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 1), (M1, M) =(2, 8)
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 2), (M1, M) =(2, 8)
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 4), (M1, M) =(2, 8)




0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27

Fig. 4 BER performance comparison of proposed HR-DSM and DSM at 2.5 bpcu (nT = 2)
Nguyen et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2018) 2018:6 Page 9 of 12




−2 DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 1), QPSK

DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 2), QPSK
DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 4), QPSK
DA, (nT, nR) = (2, 1), 8PSK

10 DA, (nT, nR) = (2, 2), 8PSK
DA, (nT, nR) = (2, 4), 8PSK
8−DPSK, (nT, nR) = (1, 1)
−4 8−DPSK, (nT, nR) = (1, 2)
8−DPSK, (nT, nR) = (1, 4)
DQOSTBC, (nT, nR) = (4, 1), 8PSK
DQOSTBC, (nT, nR) = (4, 2), 8PSK
10 DQOSTBC, (nT, nR) = (4, 4), 8PSK
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 1)
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 2), (M1, M) = (4, 8)
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 4), (M1, M) = (4, 8)
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24

Fig. 5 BER performance comparison of proposed HR-DSM and other transmission schemes at 3 bpcu

In addition, it can be observed that in all antenna diversity. Thus, at high SNR, DA and DQOSTBC outper-
configurations, DA and DQOSTBC benefit more from form HR-DSM and DSM.
increasing the SNR than does DSM and HR-DSM. This is
because the diversity order of HR-DSM, as well as DSM, 5.4 HR-DSM with multiple transmit antennas
approaches that of single antenna system which is nR as Figure 6 compares the BER performance of HR-DSM
detailed in [2]. In contrast, the Alamouti scheme with with multiple transmit antennas with the same spectral
nT = 2 provides full diversity, i.e., 2nR and QOSTBC efficiency of 3 bpcu. To obtain spectral efficiency of 3
with nT = 4 provides half of the maximum achievable bpcu, all antenna configurations utilize QPSK and 8-PSK




HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 1)

−3 HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 2)
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (2, 4)
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (3, 1)
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (3, 2)
10 HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (3, 4)
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 1)
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 2)
HR−DSM, (nT, nR) = (4, 4)

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24

Fig. 6 Simulation results of the HR-DSM for 2, 3, and 4 transmit antennas

Nguyen et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2018) 2018:6 Page 10 of 12

constellations, i.e., (M1 , M) = (4, 8). It can be seen from the cross-correlation between trace {Re ( 1 )} and
the figure that although all antenna configurations uti- trace {Re ( 2 )}. These quantities will be evaluated in the
lize the same modulation order, the HR-DSM system with following sub-sections.
nT = 4 provides the best BER performance, the HR-DSM
system with nT = 3 has better BER performance com- Evaluation of Var [trace {Re (1 )}], Var [trace {Re (2 )}]
pared with the HR-DSM system having nT = 2. In other trace {Re ( 1 )} can be evaluated as follows:
words, the more transmit antennas are used, the less the
Var [trace {Re ( 1 )}]
performance loss of HR-DSM is as compared to SM. This  

is because in the configuration with nT = 3, 4, the best set = Var trace Re Qt−1 QH H
t St Ht Nt−1
of the signal space HR−DSM is selected in order to obtain  

+ Var trace Re Qt−1 QHt St−1 Ht−1 Nt
improved performance. ⎛ ⎞
Another observation is that for the same number of ⎜   2 ⎟
receive antennas, HR-DSM configurations with nR = 1 = 4⎜

hij  ⎟ N0 .
⎠ (27)
will provide almost same performance. For nR = 2, 4, i=1,...,nR
HR-DSM with nT = 4 outperforms HR-DSM with j=1,...,nT

nT = 2, 3. The likelihood of erroneous antenna detection It could be observed from Eq. (25) that trace {Re ( 1 )}
decreases with an increasing number of receive antennas. and trace {Re ( 2 )} have the same structure. Therefore,
This observation can be used as a guideline for selecting we can similarly get:
the signal constellation and the spatial configuration. To ⎛ ⎞
get the full potential of HR-DSM, the system should be
⎜   2 ⎟
equipped with sufficient receive antennas. Var [trace {Re ( 2 )}] = 4 ⎜

hij  ⎟ N0 .
⎠ (28)
6 Conclusions j=1,...,nT

In this paper, a new differential space time modulation Finally, we can write
scheme based on the HR-SM codeword is proposed for
MIMO systems. In addition, a theoretical upper bound is Var [trace {Re ( 1 )}] + Var [trace {Re ( 2 )}]
⎛ ⎞
derived for the evaluation of the BER of the proposed HR-
DSM scheme. Simulation results show that this scheme ⎜   2 ⎟
= 8⎜

hij  ⎟ N0 .
⎠ (29)
outperforms the DSM scheme in terms of BER perfor-
mance. The performance of the proposed scheme can be j=1,...,nT
improved by selecting the set of transmission matrices
having the largest minimum Euclidean distance. Undoubt- Evaluation of Cov (trace {Re (1 )} , trace {Re (2 )})
edly, the proposed method paves a new way to design The cross-correlation Cov (trace {Re ( 1 )} ,
differential SM schemes with more transmit antennas. trace {Re ( 2 )}) can be expressed as
= Cov (trace {Re ( 1 )} , trace {Re ( 2 )})
Evaluation of the variance of trace {Re ()} = Cov (δ1 , δ2 )
⎛ ⎞
First, we can write
⎜   2 ⎟
trace {Re ( )} = trace {Re ( 1 )} − trace {Re ( 2 )} , = 2N0 ⎜

hij  ⎟ × trace {Re (Dt )} ,
⎠ (30)
(24) i=1,...,nR
1 = St Ht NH H H H H
t−1 Qt−1 Qt + Nt Ht−1 Ct−1 Qt−1 Qt , 

δ1 = trace Re St Ht NH H
t−1 Qt−1 Qt
2 = St Ht NH H
t−1 St−1 St + Nt HH H H
t−1 St−1 St−1 St , (25)
+ Nt HH H H
t−1 St−1 Qt−1 Qt , (31)
Now, the variance of trace {Re ( )} is given by:
Var [trace {Re ( )}]
δ2 = trace {Re (St Ht NH H H H H
t−1 St−1 St + Nt Ht−1 St−1 St−1 St
= Var [trace {Re ( 1 )}] + Var [trace {Re ( 2 )}]
= trace {Re (Ht NH H H
t−1 St−1 + Nt Ht−1 St . (32)
− 2Cov (trace {Re ( 1 )} , trace {Re ( 2 )}) . (26)
From Eq. (26), we can see that the variance of Proof Since St , Ht and Qt are matrices with determinis-
trace {Re ( )} consists of three parts: the variance of tic entries, the cross-correlation is related to the 2 noise
trace {Re ( 1 )}, the variance of trace {Re ( 2 )}, and matrices Nt , Nt−1 only. Moreover, these noise matrices
Nguyen et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2018) 2018:6 Page 11 of 12

are mutually independent of each other, and any cross- Authors’ contributions
correlation between two terms with different noise matri- The authors have contributed jointly to all parts on the preparation of this
manuscript, and all authors read and approved the final manuscript.
ces is zero. Hence only consists of the cross-correlation
between the terms with the same noise matrix. For Nt Competing interests
only, there is one term with noise matrix Nt , so The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s Note
δ1 = trace Re Nt HH H H
t−1 St−1 Qt−1 Qt , Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in


δ2 = trace Re Nt Ht St , (33) published maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details
hence, the cross-correlation for Nt is 1 Le Quy Don Technical University, Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Hanoi, Vietnam.
2 Hanoi Department of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam. 3 Middlesex
0 = E [δ1 δ2 ] University, London, UK.
⎛ ⎞
⎜   2 ⎟ Received: 21 July 2017 Accepted: 17 December 2017
= N0 ⎜

hij  ⎟

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