Kaust Repository: Cluster Formation and Joint Power-Bandwidth Allocation For Imperfect Noma in Dl-Hetnets
Kaust Repository: Cluster Formation and Joint Power-Bandwidth Allocation For Imperfect Noma in Dl-Hetnets
Kaust Repository: Cluster Formation and Joint Power-Bandwidth Allocation For Imperfect Noma in Dl-Hetnets
Abstract—Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has re- comes from combinatoric and non-linear nature of the CF and
cently drawn attentions on its ability to fairly serve multiple PBA problems, which is the main focus of this paper.
users on the same radio resource with a desirable performance. Recent efforts on CF and power allocation for PD-NOMA
However, achievable NOMA gain is primarily limited by channel
gain disparity and successive interference cancellation (SIC) can be exemplified as follows: PD-NOMA was adopted by
receiver characteristics. Accordingly, we introduce an imperfect 3GPP long-term evolution advanced (3GPP LTE-A) networks
SIC receiver model considering the power disparity and sensitiv- for multiuser superposition transmission (MUST) [3]. The
ity constraints, delay tolerance, and residual interference due to results showed that the MUST can increase the system ca-
detection and estimation errors. Then, a generic cluster formation pacity and improve the user experience significantly. The
(CF) and Power-Bandwidth Allocation (PBA) is formulated as
a mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem for work in [2] developed new analytical results for ergodic
downlink (DL) heterogeneous networks (HetNets). After dividing sum rate and outage probability of a cellular DL scenario
the MINLP problem into mixed-integer and non-linear subprob- with randomly deployed users. It was shown that NOMA
lems, we first transform CF into a multi-partite matching, which can achieve substantial performance enhancement in terms of
is solved sequentially using bi-partite matching techniques. For ergodic sum rates, however, the outage performance depends
sumrate maximization, max-min fairness, and energy & spectrum
efficiency objectives, we secondly put highly non-convex joint on the users’ targeted data rates and allocated powers. User
PBA into a convex form using geometric programming (GP). fairness in DL-NOMA systems has been investigated in [4]
Extensive simulations unleash the potential of NOMA to handle considering perfect channel state information channel state
large number of users, traffic offloading, and user fairness. information (CSI), and average CSI feedback. The impact
of user pairing was investigated in [5] for a two-user DL-
NOMA system with fixed power allocation and cognitive
I. I NTRODUCTION radio inspired power allocation. User clustering and resource
LTRA -D ENSE networks have been considered as a promis- allocation of DL/UL decoupled HetNets is studied in [6] where
U ing solution since network densification has the abil-
ity to boost network coverage and capacity, while reducing
clusters are formed using blossom algorithm. Moreover, it has
been shown that while using DL-NOMA decoding error does
operational and capital expenditures of fifth generation (5G) not provide any performance enhancement over OMA, using
networks [1]. However, traditional HetNets dedicate radio an inverse decoding order can achieve NOMA gain which
resources to a certain user either in time or frequency domains, is upper bounded by channel gain disparity. Joint power and
i.e., orthogonal multiple access (OMA) where the number of channel allocation for NOMA system has been investigated in
connected/served users at a given time instant is strictly limited [7] wherein near optimal solution was proposed by combining
by the resource availability. Also considering the expected Lagrangian duality and dynamic programming. The work in
explosive number of devices, required massive connectivity [8] incorporated multiple antennas with NOMA systems, and
necessitates more spectrum efficient access schemes with proposed memorization-maximization method for optimizing
extended coverage. sum rates of DL-NOMA systems. Authors of [9] characterized
In this regard, NOMA has recently attracted attentions by the ergodic sum capacity maximization problem of a two-
allowing multiple users to share the same time and frequency user multiple input multiple output (MIMO)-NOMA system
resources. In particular, power domain NOMA (PD-NOMA) under statistical CSI with the total power constraint and
can serve multiple users at different power levels by ensuring minimum rate constraint for the weak user. Recently, [10]
that some users can cancel some of the interference out before first groups users into a single cluster, and then optimizes their
decoding their own signal. In this way, high channel gain users respective power allocation. Aside from works above, our main
with low power transmission can improve their performance contributions in this paper can be enlisted as follows:
by canceling low channel gain users’ interference. As low 1) In practice, constraints and imperfections of SIC receivers
channel gain users cannot cancel high channel gain users, constitute a limiting factor on achievable gain by NOMA.
their performance loss is mitigated by high power levels. For a successful interference cancellation (IC), SIC receivers
Therefore, performance gain achieved by NOMA is primarily must observe a certain signal power disparity which is mainly
determined by reception power and channel gain disparity determined by the hardware sensitivity. Furthermore, decoding
[2]. Therefore, one of the foremost challenges of the NOMA process imperfections leaves some residual interference at the
very end. Thus, we first model a practical NOMA receiver and
A. Celik, R. M. Radaydeh, and M-S. Alouini are with Computer, Electrical, show impacts of constraints and imperfections on achievable
and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division at King Abdullah NOMA performance.
University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, 23955-6900, KSA.
F. S. Al-Qahtani is with Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2) After formulating the optimal CF and PBA as an MINLP
Texas A&M University, Doha, Qatar. problem, we develop a solution methodology by considering
mixed-integer CF and non-linear PBA parts separately. A
generic CF scheme is obtained by creating a multi-partite
graph (MPG) via partitioning users with respect to their
channel gains. Weighting metrics of the MPG is determined
to consider both channel gain disparity and QoS demands of
users. Resulted weighted multi-partite matching (WMM) is
then solved sequentially using weighted bi-partite matching
(WBM) methods.
3) For given CFs, we finally show how PBA can be put in
standard GP form for energy and spectrum efficiency, network
sumrate maximization, and max-min fairness objectives. Then,
we investigate impacts of traffic offloading, user density, and
different cluster sizes and compare NOMA and OMA schemes
under aforementioned objectives.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section
II introduces the system model along with constraints and Fig. 1: Illustration of user clustering and traffic offloading.
imperfections of SIC. Then, Section III first formulates the
optimal CF and PBA problem and provide developed solution
methodology. Numerical results are presented in Section IV spectral density. The composite channel gain, gji , between a
and Section V concludes the paper with a few remarks. generic transmitter node j and a generic receiver node i is
given as
´η i i
II. S YSTEM M ODEL gji “ Kji δj,i j 10ξj {10 |hij |2 (2)
We consider DL transmission of a 2-tiered HetNet where where Kji is a constant related to antenna parameters, δj,i is
each tier represents a particular cell class, i.e., tier-1 consists the distance between the nodes, ηji is the path loss exponent,
of a single macrocell and tier-2 comprises of smallcells. The i
10ξj {10 „ ln N p0, σji q represents the log-normally distributed
spatial distribution of SBSs and user equipments (UEs) follow
shadowing, ξji is a normal random variable representing the
Poisson point process (PPP) Φs of density λs and Φu of
variation in received power with a standard deviation of σji ,
density λu , respectively. Denoting the number of SBSs as S,
the index set of all cells/BSs is denoted by C “ tc|0 ď c ď Su i.e., ξji „ N p0, σji q, and hij is the complex channel fading
where c “ 0 and 0 ă c ď S represent the macrocell coefficient.
and smallcells, respectively. We note that the terms BS, cell Among other interference cancellation (IC) methods, suc-
and their indices will be used interchangeably throughout the cessive IC (SIC) is regarded as the most effective IC technique
paper. Maximum transmission powers of BSs are generically in terms of robustness and applicability in practice [11]. In
denoted as Pc which equals to Pm and Ps for MBS and SBSs, the DL-NOMA, BSs broadcast the superposed signals with
respectively. low power level for high channel gain users and high power
For a given user-cell association, Uc denotes the index set of level signals for low channel gain users. To extract desired
Uc UEs associated with BSc . UEs are assumed to be equipped signal from composite signal, the SIC receiver first decodes
with a single antennař and single SIC receiver. Furthermore, the strongest interference, then re-generates the transmitted
index set of all U “ c Uc UEs is given as U “ c Uc . Uc is
Ť signal by re-encoding and re-modulation, and finally subtracts
partitioned into clusters such that set of users within cluster r it from the received composite signal, which is repeated for
is symbolized as Kcr fi ti|αc,r i
P t0, 1uu where αc,r i
is a binary succeeding interference components. Let us now focus on a
indicator for the association of UEi with Kc . Denoting the set single cluster of BSc Kcr “ ti| gci´1 ě gci ě gci`1 , @iu which is
allocated to subcarrier r with bandwidth θcr . Fig. 1 illustrates
ř as R, cluster r of cell c is allowed to utilize
of all clusters
an exemplary MBS cluster, K0r “ t1, 2, . . . , 10u. As per SIC
0 ď θcr ď 1, c,r θcr ď 1, portion of the entire DL bandwidth,
B, as per NOMA principles. principles, NOMA allocates transmission power weights as
In DL-NOMA, while BSs broadcast the superposition of ωci´1 ă ωci ă ωci`1 , @i P Kcr , and decoding order set for UEi
messages for its subscribed members. Therefore, received is obtained as
signal by UEi P Kcr can be expressed as piKcr ą . . . ą pii`1 ą pii ą pii´1 ą . . . ą pi1 (3)
ÿ looooooooooomooooooooooon loooooooooomoooooooooon
zc,r “ gci pAic,r αir yi ` Ajc,r αc,r
yj q ` nrc (1) Higher Rank Decoding Order: Oih Lower Rank Decoding Order: Oi`
where Kcr is the cluster size, pij is the power of UEj P Kcr ’s
Intra-cluster Intf.
message received by UEi , Oih “ ti ` 1, . . . , Kcr u is the
where Aic,r “ pPc ωc,ri
q1{2 is the signal amplitudes for UEi , higher rank decoding order set, and Oih “ t1, . . . , iu is the
ωc,r is theřtransmission power weight of BSc for UEi P Kcr
lower rank decoding order set for UEi . UEi can only cancel
such that i,r ωc,r ď 1, @c, yi is the signal intended for UEi , the interference induced from higher rank members, while
r 2
and nc „ N p0, σc,r q is the additive white Gaussian noise with interference from lower rank members cannot be decoded
variance σc,r “ N0 θcr B where N0 is the thermal noise power as they are weaker than the desired signal. Furthermore, the
hardware sensitivity of the SIC receiver requires a minimum A. Optimal Problem Formulation
signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) to distinguish signal from noise. In a large-scale network, determining optimal values for
Therefore, power disparity and sensitivity constraints (PDSCs) integer valued cluster number/sizes and binary valued user-
can be expressed in linear scale as [10] cluster associations induces impractical computational com-
ÿ plexity, Therefore, we relax this combinatoric problem by
pij ´ pik ě p∆ , @ UEi , @ UEj P Oih (4) making following assumptions: 1) Each cluster have a dedi-
k“1 cated band so that inter-cluster interference is avoided within a
where p∆ denotes the hardware sensitivity. The intuition macrocell coverage area, and 2) The cluster size is determined
behind (4) is that during the IC process of UEj P Oih , receiver by orthogonalizing the highest channel gain user.
observes undecoded signals of UEk P Oih , k ă j, as noise.
Moreover, a non-ideal SIC observes some residual interference
Po : max O pα, ω, θq
after SIC due to detection errors and CSI imperfections. α,ω,θ
Accordingly, a generic signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio
C1 : s.t. αc,r “ 1, @c, u
(SINR) representation of the imperfect SIC receiver can be r
given by ÿ
C2 : αc,r ď Lc , @c, r
c,r u
γc,r “ř ÿ
p h i pc,r `
c,r `
pl,i 2
c,r ` σc,r
C3 : ωc,r ď 1, @c
jPO i kPOih zO
i lPOi`
kPKcr lPKcr r,u
(5) C4 : θcr ď 1,
where 0 ď i ď 1 is the residual interference factor,
pi,i i i i j,i j i j
c,r “ Pc ωc,r gc αc,r , and pc,r “ Pc ωc,r gc αc,r . Denoting C5 : řj´1 ď 1, @c, r, @u, j P Ouh
the affordable number of ICs by highest channel gain user pj,u
c,r´ k“1 pk,u
` ˘
as Lc , Oph is the set of first min L, |Oh | mot dominant C6 : qu ď Cu , @u
i i
interference elements of Oih . The first, second, and third C7 : u
αc,r P t0, 1u, 0 ď θcr r
ď 1, 0 ď ωc,u u
ď αc,r
terms in denominator represent the residual interference after
cancellation, uncancelled interference due to delay constraint,
and uncancelled lower rank interference, respectively. Hence, For a generic objective function, Opα, ω, θq, joint CF and
the capacity of UEi is given by PBA problem can be formulated as in Po where vector-
ÿ ized form of power allocation variables is denoted as ω “
Ci “ αc,r θcr B log2 p1 ` γc,r
q (6) rω1u , . . . , ωcu , . . . , ωS`1 u
s, ωcu “ rωc,1
u u
, . . . , ωc,r u
, . . . , ωc,R s,
c,r u 1 u Uc
ωc,r “ rωc,r , . . . , ωc,r , . . . , ωc,r s. α follows the same notation
of ω. Likewise, vectorized form of bandwidth allocation
variables is given by θ “ rθ1 , . . . , θc , . . . , θS`1 s where θc “
rθc1 , . . . , θcr , . . . , θcRc s. In Po , C1 ensures that a UE is assigned
In HetNets, UEØBS associations are determined by the to at most one cluster and C2 limits the number of UEs within
received signal strength (RSS) information. Thus, MBSs are a cluster by Lc , which is a design parameter. C3 and C4
loaded with significant amount of traffic since their high constraint the total power and bandwidth allocation weights to
transmission power yields large number of user association. unity. PDSCs and QoS requirements are introduced in C5 and
In order to offload data traffic from MBSs to SBSs, UEØBS C6 , respectively. C8 defines optimization variables’ domains
association is done by introducing a bias factor, 0 ď β ď 1. where the power allocation for UEu on cluster r to zero
While β “ 0 is the setting where entire traffic is offladed to (0 ď ωc,u r
ď αc,r u
) if UEu R Kcr . Po is apparently an MINLP
SBSs (i.e., there is no serving MBS), β “ 1 is the case where problem which requires impractical time complexity even for
no traffic offload occurs. A simple case of traffic offloading is moderate sizes of the network. As a fast yet high performance
illustrated in Fig. 1 where cell-edge macrocell UEs located at suboptimal solution methodology is of the essence to employ
the orange colored offloading zones of the SBSs are associated NOMA in practice, we develop a solution methodology by
with the SBSs. As channel gain disparity is desirable for decoupling this hard problem into subproblems.
a better NOMA performance, SBSs can take care of the
offloaded UEs by treating them as cell-edge users and pairing
them with their original subscribers in their coverage area B. Cluster Formation Using Multi-partite Matching
which is shown in red color. In this case, original subscribers CF is a critical step to maximize the achievable performance
of smallcell enjoys the interference-free (i.e., orthogonalized) gain by NOMA. Hence, designing a clustering technique
performance while offloaded SUEs can still obtain a good which accounts for channel gain disparity and QoS require-
service. This is a main result of the inherent fairness feature ments of cluster members is utmost importance. To be more
of NOMA as low channel gain users are compensated with specific, let us consider the CF of UEs associated with BSc .
relaxed interference and high power allocation, on the other For a given Lc , maximum size of clusters is limited by Lc ` 1
side, high channel gain users with low power allocation are as the highest channel gain UE within a cluster can cancel
compensated with IC opportunities. interference of at most Lc UEs.
Accordingly, user index set of BSc , Uc “ ti|gci ą gci`1 , 1 ď a, b ď 1 can be manipulated to obtain energy &
i ď Uc u, can be partitioned into Lc ` 1 disjoint channel gain spectrum saving, spectrum saving, and energy saving by
levels, i.e., setting pa, bq to p1, 1q, p0, 1q, and p1, 0q, respectively.
2) Network Sumrate Maximization: O2 pω, θq “ c,r,u Cu
Pc` “ ti | i P Uc ; p` ´ 1qRc ` 1 ď i ď `Rc u, for ` ă Lc
3) Max-Min Fairness: O3 pω, θq “ minpCu q
PcLc “ ti | i P Uc ; pLc ´ 1qRc ` 1 ď i ď Uc u As being in the class of nonlinear problems, GP is a
where Rc “ rUc {Lc s is the number of clusters within Uc as powerful and high speed optimization tool in order to handle
a function of the cluster size and Pc` X Pc` “ H, @`1 ‰ `. communication network problems. GP exploits many useful
That is, intra-partition and inter-partition channel gains are in theoretical and computational properties of monomials and
descending order (i.e., gci ě gcj , i, j P Pc` , @i ă j), and the posynomials which are defined as follows [13]
lowest channel gain within Pc` is higher than all channel gains Definition 1. A function f : Rn`` Ñ R is defined as a
within Pc` , @`1 ą `. One can also think of partitions as UEs monomial such that
falling into non-overlapping spatial ring zones as shown in ź epjq
ep1q ep2q
Fig. 1. Based on MPG depicted in Fig. 2, CF subproblem can f px|κ, eq “ κx1 x2 . . . xnepnq “ κ xj (8)
P c1 P c2 P cL-1 P cL where the multiplicative constant κ ě 0 and the exponential
... constants epjq P R, j “ 1, 2, ..., n. On the other hand,
Kc 1
1,1 1,2 1,L-1 1,L
positive sum of monomials is defined as a posynomial
ÿ ÿ ź epjq
gpf q “ fi pxi |κi , ei q “ κi xj i (9)
K cr r,1 r,2 ... r,L-1 r,L i i j
where κi ě 0 and the exponential constants ei P R, j “
Fig. 2: Multi-partite Matching Representation for CF Even though standard form of GP problems (GPPs) are
non-convex due to the non-convexity of posynomials, it can
be formulated as a WMM. As it is a hard problem, WMM easily be converted into an equivalent convex problem based
can be solved in a sequential manner such that sequence `, on following features of posynomials: 1) Posynomials are
0 ď ` ď Lc is a WBM between partitions Pc` and Pc``1 . closed under addition, multiplication, and positive scaling, 2)
Denoting the cluster set at the end of sequence ` as If f is a monomial and g is a posynomial, then g{f is also
Kcr p`q, 1 ď r ď Rc , Kc1 pLc q “ t1, Rc , . . . , r, 1u represents a posynomial, and 3) Posynomials can be converted into a
the final clustering set, for example, the sequential formation convex form with logarithmic change of functions, variables,
of first cluster Kc1 is highlighted in Fig. 2 with red colors. and multiplicative constants [14]. Recent solution methods can
Considering the MPG as a matrix of size Rc ˆ Lc ` 1 solve even large-scale GPs extremely efficiently and reliably
where columns are represented by partitions, Hc P RRc ˆLc `1 [13]. To give a rough idea of the current state of the art, a
and Qc P RRc ˆLc `1 represent the channel gain and QoS small desktop computer can solve a typical sparse GP with
requirements, respectively. The edge weight from rth element 104 variables and 106 constraints in under a minute using
of Pc` to sth element of Pc``1 can be given by standard interior-point algorithms [15]. In what follows, we
explain how Poi s can be put into standard GP form starting
r,s hr` {hs``1
Ec,` “ (7) from their common set of constraints C3 ´ C7 .
|q`r ´ q``1
s |
Total power and bandwidth allocation constraints in C3 and
which makes WBM favor for new cluster members with high C4 are simply sum of variables and can easily be recognized
channel gain disparity and close QoS requirements. Note that as posynomials. Received signal powers can also be shown as
each matching sequence is in the form of rectangular assign- monomials, i.e.,
ment problem (RAP) which is generally solved by Munkres ź 1
C. Joint Bandwidth and Power Allocation where e is the vector of exponential with similar notation as
For a given CF ᾱ, we now focus on joint PBA problem in ω, κi,j
c,r “ P c g i j
c c,r and e 1
c ,r 1 “ 1 if pc1 , r1 , j 1 q “ pc, r, jq,
otherwise, exponentials are zero valued. Please note that
Poi pω, θ|ᾱq : min Oi pω, θq s.t. C3 -C7 u
ωc,r u
ď αc,r in C7 is embedded in the multiplicative constant
of the monomial in (10). Hence, the nominator of the SINR
where we consider following objectives
expression in (5) is a monomial while the interference power
1) Energy-Spectrum´řCost Minimization:
¯a ´ř ¯b in the denominator is a posynomial. Noting that σc,r 2
“ N0 Bθcr
u r u u
O1 pω, θq “ c,r,u ωc,r c,r θ c where 0 ď is a monomial, inverse SINR (ISINR) ρc,r fi 1{γc,r is also a
` ˘
posynomial since it is ratio of a posynomial to a monomial. dramatic change is observed at ą 10´5 , p∆ ą ´70 dBm
PDSCs in C5ř, on the other hand, can be put into a posynomial where NOMA delivers a poor performance with respect to
p∆ ` j´1 k,u
k“1 pc,r OMA which allocate each user with 100 kHz bandwidth.
form as j,u
ď 1 which is nothing but a posynomial
to monomial ratio. Assuming that cluster are formed to ensure
i i
high SINR regime, we have log2 p1 ` γc,r q » log2 pγ̃c,r q.
Therefore, QoS constraints in C6 rcan be written in the form of
a generalized posynomial as ku c ρuc,r ď 1 where ku “ 2qu {B .
In Po1 , the objective is a posynomial for integer valued
pa, bq (i.e., a P t0, 1u and b P t0, 1u) as it is a ratio of
posynomials. For real valued factors, however, posynomials to
real valued powers is not suitable for GPPs. Fortunately, this
can be handled by introduction of scalar auxiliary variables
φ and ψ such that the objective is changed to ratio of
monomials O1 “ φ {ψř b with additional posynomial constraints
u r 2
c,r,u ωc,r ď φ and c,r θc ď ψ. For Po , network sumrate
maximization O2 pω, θq can be transformed into product of Fig. 3: SIC imperfections
posynomials as follows
Fig. 4 shows the impacts of offloading factor β and cluster
ÿ ` ˘ p‹q ÿ ´`
u θc
˘ r¯ size (i.e., number of ICs) L on network sumrate, max-min
max θcr log2 1 ` γc,r u
« max log2 γ̃c,r
c,r,u fairness, and energy & spectrum efficiency (a “ b) in sub-
p‹‹q ź` ˘θcr p‹‹‹q ź` ˘θcr figures Fig. 4a, Fig. 4b, and Fig. 4c, respectively. Similarly,
“ min ρuc,r ď min %uc,r (11) subfigures of Fig. 5 illustrate the effects of UE density λu .
ω,θ ω,θ,%
c,r,u c,r,u While subfigures a-b share a common legend, energy and
where the approximation p‹q is based on high SINR assump- spectrum cost in subfigure d is differentiated by employing
tion. Due to the monotonicity of the logarithm, maximization solid and dashed lines, respectively. Moreover, we prefer to
of logpf p¨qq is equivalent to maximization of f p¨q which present results in a normalized scale for a better comparison
yields p‹‹q by changing the objective from maximization of of different parameters within the same plot.
SINRs to minimization of ISINRs. As mentioned before, non- In Fig. 4a, increasing L (i.e., increasing cluster size or num-
integer powered posynomials can be handled by introduc- ber of ICs) improves the network sumrate which is obviously
tion of auxiliary variables and constraints, i.e., ρuc,r ď %uc,r become more gradual as L gets larger. Moreover, NOMA gain
which naturally yields the transformation of objective as in is higher for smaller β values as offloading more users to SBSs
` ˘θ r give a better chance to form clusters with a higher channel gain
p‹ ‹ ‹q, min c,r,u %uc,r c . Finally, Po3 can be adjusted
ω,θ,% disparity. Finally, sumrate performance first increase and then
to GP framework by maximizing a scalar auxiliary variable decrease as β increases, which is resulted from the variation in
ϕ which is set as a common QoS threshold for all users, users’ SINR due to the user association. In Fig. 4b, max-min
i.e., Cu ą ϕ, @u. Please note that while ω and θ can fairness decreases as L ranges from 1 to 5. This is intuitive
joinlty be optimized in O1 , it is not possible for O2 and O3 since max-min fairness tends to equalize user rates which
` ˘θ r
since the base and power of %uc,r c are both optimization reduce if more users share the same bandwidth. Interestingly,
variables. Fortunately, joint PBA can be handled by primal- L “ 1 always give a better max-min rate than OMA scheme
dual decomposition and projected subgradient method [16]. while L ą 1 cases do not always provide a better rate for
different β values. Please note that max-min fairness curves
IV. N UMERICAL R ESULTS AND A NALYSIS follow a similar shape of sumrate with respect to β because
For the simulations, average MBS cell size is arranged to of the variation in users’ SINR due to the user association.
be 500m ˆ 500m. QoS requirements of users are uniformly Energy efficiency in Fig. 4c, on the other hand, decreases
distributed with a mean of 1.5 Mbps. Unless it is stated as β increases since more users are associated with the far
explicitly otherwise, we use the default simulation parameters away MBS. Please also note that putting more users in the
given in Table I. same cluster also increases the energy cost as cluster members
need to have a certain reception power disparity following
TABLE I: Table of Parameters from PDSCs. However, spectrum costs plotted in dashed lines
Par. Value Par. Value Par. Value increase to compensate the loss in energy efficiency. That is,
ηcu 3.76 σcu 10 dB β 0.3 spectrum and energy costs variate in opposite directions to
N0 ´174 dBm u 10´5 p∆ ´100 dBm
Et|Hcu |2 u 1 Pm 46 dBm Ps 30 dBm
achieve QoS requirements of UEs.
B 20 M Hz λs 10 λu 100 In Fig. 5, increasing user density increases number of
clusters and decreases power and spectrum availability per
Fig. 3 shows the impacts of receiver sensitivity and residual cluster. Accordingly, we observe that sumrate increases until
interference on the normalized sumrate performance for a the network is overloaded (around λu “ 150), then it starts
cluster of 10 users with 1 MHz bandwidth. While the cluster decreasing with increasing λu . λu and number of clusters
sumrate significantly degrades as and p∆ increases, the most increase proportionally which decreases the available spectrum
1 1 1
Eng. OMA
L=1 Eng. M=1
Max-Min Rate
L=5 Spc. OMA
0 0
10-1 100
10-1 100 10-1 100
Eng. L=4
Max-Min Rate
Eng. L=5
0.6 0.6 0.6 Spc. OMA
Spc. L=1
Spc. L=2
0.4 L=1 0.4 0.4
L=2 Spc. L=3
Spc. L=4
L=4 Spc. L=5
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 50 100 150 200 250 300 50 100 150 200 250 300
u u u
per cluster. Hence, max-min rate constantly decreases since [5] Z. Ding, P. Fan, and H. V. Poor, “Impact of user pairing on 5g
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