Le 2008
Le 2008
Le 2008
Abstract—A resource allocation framework is presented for of the primary network from excessive interference due to
spectrum underlay in cognitive wireless networks. We consider spectrum access from secondary networks. As described in
both interference constraints for primary users and quality of [3], users from a secondary network (who are referred to as
service (QoS) constraints for secondary users. Specifically, inter-
ference from secondary users to primary users is constrained to secondary users) can access the spectrum owned by the pri-
be below a tolerable limit. Also, signal to interference plus noise mary network provider (whose users are referred to as primary
ratio (SINR) of each secondary user is maintained higher than users) using spectrum underlay or spectrum overlay. Spectrum
a desired level for QoS insurance. We propose admission control underlay and overlay techniques are the basis for designing
algorithms to be used during high network load conditions the emerging cognitive radio networks. Also, in contrast to
which are performed jointly with power control so that QoS
requirements of all admitted secondary users are satisfied while resource allocation problems in traditional wireless networks
keeping the interference to primary users below the tolerable [4]-[6], in cognitive radio networks primary users should be
limit. If all secondary users can be supported at minimum protected while secondary users access the spectrum.
rates, we allow them to increase their transmission rates and
In the spectrum overlay paradigm, secondary users are only
share the spectrum in a fair manner. We formulate the joint
power/rate allocation with proportional and max-min fairness allowed to access spectrum resources (i.e., channels) owned
criteria as optimization problems. We show how to transform by the primary network provider if these channels are not
these optimization problems into a convex form so that their being used by primary users. Here, spectrum sensing needs to
globally optimal solutions can be obtained. Numerical results be performed to avoid possible collision with primary users
show that the proposed admission control algorithms achieve
[7], [8]. Given that the spectrum opportunities are detected
performance very close to that of the optimal solution. Also,
impacts of different system and QoS parameters on the network by a spectrum sensing technique, it is important to coordinate
performance are investigated for the admission control, and the spectrum sharing among secondary users in such a way
rate/power allocation algorithms under different fairness criteria. that different design objectives can be achieved. Centralized
architectures for spectrum sensing and sharing in cognitive
Index Terms—Cognitive radio, spectrum sharing, spectrum wireless networks were proposed in [9] and [10]. In general,
underlay, spectrum overlay, interference temperature limit, ad- a medium access control (MAC) layer protocol with sensing
mission control, rate and power allocation. capability is important to perform fair resource allocation
among secondary users while avoiding collision with primary
T HE emerging high-speed wireless access technologies For the spectrum underlay paradigm, it is required that an
and the requirements of different wireless applications interference limit corresponding to an interference temperature
are expected to create huge demand for spectral resources in level be maintained at receiving points of the primary network.
the next generation wireless systems. Achieving high spectrum A graph-theoretic model for spectrum sharing/access among
utilization is, therefore, one of the most critical research secondary users was proposed in [11] where different objective
objectives in designing wireless communication systems today. functions were investigated. In [12], the channel allocation
In fact, it has been reported that current utilization of some problem was formulated using game theory. Here, the pro-
allocated spectrum can be as low as 15 % [1]. Therefore, posed utility functions capture the interference perceived by
there is an increasing interest in developing efficient methods one user on each channel and/or the interference this user
for spectrum management and sharing which is encouraged by creates to its neighboring users. In these papers, primary
both industry and FCC [2]. This motivates to exploit spectrum users were not explicitly protected from interference due to
opportunities in space, time, frequency while protecting users spectrum access by secondary users. In [13], a heuristic-
based channel and power allocation algorithm was proposed
Manuscript received August 10, 2007; revised October 15, 2007; accepted where interference constraints for primary users were con-
October 26, 2007. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper sidered. However, how good the performance of the pro-
and approving it for publication was M. Guizani. This work was supported
in part by the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) and in posed algorithm compared to the optimal solution was not
part by a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council known. In [14], a user removal algorithm based on the tree-
(NSERC) of Canada. pruning algorithm was proposed so that QoS constraints for
L. B. Le is with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (e-mail:
longble@mit.edu). secondary users and interference temperature constraints for
E. Hossain is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- primary users are satisfied. The proposed removal algorithm
neering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 5V6 (e-mail: is, however, computationally extensive.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/T-WC.2008.070890 In this paper, we propose a resource allocation frame-
c 2008 IEEE
work for spectrum underlay in cognitive wireless networks. network or simply a mobile node in an ad hoc network. The
Specifically, we consider design problems of cognitive wire- CDMA technology will be assumed although the model may
less networks using code-division multiple access (CDMA) be extended for other technologies as well.
technology with explicit interference protection for primary Simultaneous communications among users (i.e., both pri-
users and QoS constraints for secondary users. We assume mary and secondary users) will interfere with each other. We
that secondary users have the requirement of a minimum will consider the interference constraints at the receiving ends
transmission rate in terms of SINR (or equivalent bit error rate of the primary network which will be referred to as primary
(BER)) and maximum power constraints. When the network receiving points in the sequel. We assume that each primary
load is high, we show how to perform admission control to receiving point can tolerate a maximum interference level.
guarantee QoS constraints for secondary users and interference Also, secondary links have desired QoS performance in terms
constraints for primary users. If all of the secondary users can of BER. Fig. 1 illustrates the transmission setting considered
be supported, we solve the joint rate and power allocation in this paper.
problems under two popular fairness criteria, namely, the max-
min and the proportional fairness (PF) criteria [15], [16].
Similar design problems exist in conventional wireless A. Modeling of QoS and Interference Constraint
networks. In [17], different user removal algorithms for joint Assume that there are M primary receiving points and N
admission control and power control were proposed which secondary communication links in the considered geographical
employed the power control technique developed in [18]. area. Let us denote the channel gain from the transmitting
These admission control algorithms were proposed for the node of secondary link i to receiving node of secondary link
traditional cellular wireless networks and did not take into (s)
j by gj,i while the channel gain from the transmitting node
consideration the interference constraints which are present (p)
in a cognitive radio network based on spectrum underlay. of secondary link i to primary receiving point j as gj,i . If Ni
Moreover, joint rate and power allocation problems in CDMA denotes the total noise and interference due to primary users’
wireless network were solved in several works in the literature transmissions at the receiving side of secondary link i, for
[19]-[21]. Most of the existing works in the literature, however, wireless access based on CDMA, the corresponding effective
aim to maximize the network throughput. However, it is im- bit-energy-to-noise power spectral density ratio can be written
portant to maintain throughput fairness among users to avoid as [19]
severe QoS degradation for users with unfavorable channel B gi,i Pi
conditions. In addition, for the spectrum sharing problem, both μi = (s)
Ri N gi,j Pj + Ni
QoS and interference constraints need to be considered. These
design aspects will be considered in the resource allocation where B is the spectrum bandwidth, Ri is the transmission
framework proposed in this paper. rate of secondary link i. Here, B/Ri is the processing gain
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. System model which is usually required to be larger than a particular value.
and problem definition are presented in Section II. Section III The processing gain is simply equal to one for other multiple
presents the solutions for the admission control problem. The access technologies such as FDMA and μi denotes the SINR.
solutions of the power/rate allocation problem for the spectrum In the sequel, we will refer to μi as SINR in all cases. Now,
underlay model are described in Section IV. Section V presents if a particular modulation scheme is employed, there will be
the numerical results. Conclusions are stated in Section VI. an explicit relationship between BER and SINR. Thus, for
a specific required level of BER for secondary link i, μi is
II. S YSTEM M ODEL AND P ROBLEM D EFINITION required to be larger than a corresponding value γi . Hence,
the QoS requirement for secondary link i can be expressed as
We consider the hierarchical spectrum sharing problem
in a cognitive wireless network where several unlicensed μi ≥ γi , i = 1, 2, · · · , N. (2)
users (secondary users) and licensed users (primary users)
transmit data in the same spectral region. Specifically, the Now, let Ij be the maximum interference level tolerable
spectrum underlay model is investigated in this paper where by primary receiving point j. The interference constraint for
secondary users and primary users transmit simultaneously primary receiving point j can be written as
in a common frequency band (e.g., as in a CDMA-based
wireless network). Interested readers are referred to [3] for (p)
gj,i Pi ≤ Ij , j = 1, 2, · · · , M (3)
an excellent survey and for more details about the taxonomy
of these spectrum access models. The entities we work with
are the communication links each of which corresponds to a where total interference at the primary receiving point j
pair of users who wish to communicate with each other. We should be smaller than the tolerable limit. We assume that
will refer to the communication links belonging to secondary transmission rate of secondary link i can be adjusted in an
networks as secondary links. allowable range where the minimum and the maximum values
We assume that there are a number of primary and sec- are Rimin and Rimax , respectively. Also, power of secondary
ondary users communicating with their partners simultane- link i is constrained to be smaller than the maximum limit
ously. Here, the term “user” will be used broadly where it can Pimax . We assume that all channel gains can be made available
be a mobile node or base station/access point in a centralized at a control point.
Remark: If the channel is frequency-selective and an L-finger III. A DMISSION C ONTROL A LGORITHMS
RAKE receiver is used at each receiver, the effective bit- As has been mentioned in Section II, we will consider the
energy-to-noise spectral density ratio can be written as [21] admission control problem when the network load is high and
L (s) all of the secondary links transmit with their minimum rate (if
B Pi l=1 gi,i,l
μi = L (s) (4) admitted). Now, using equation (1), we can rewrite the QoS
Ri 2 N
3 j=1,j=i Pj l=1 gi,j,l + Ni constraint in (2) as follows:
N (s)
(s) γi Rimin gi,j γi Rimin Ni
where gi,j,l is the channel gain for the l-th path from the Pi ≥ Pj + , i = 1, 2, · · · , N.
transmitter of link j to the receiver of link i. Let us denote B g (s) B g (s)
(s) L (s) (s) L (s) j=1,j=i i,i i,i
gi,i = l=1 gi,i,l and gi,j = 2/3 l=1 gi,j,l (i = j).
Substituting these quantities into (4), we can obtain equation These constraints for all secondary links can be written in
(1) with the corresponding “equivalent” channel gains gi,j . the matrix form as follows:
As a consequence, the same analysis can be applied to both (I − F )P u (7)
where I is an identity matrix of order N × N , u is a column
vector which can be written as
B. Admission Control Problem
γ1 R1min N1 γ2 R2min N2 min
The admission control problem considered in this paper u= , ,··· ,
is similar to that investigated in [17]. Specifically, secondary B g (s) B g (s) B g
1,1 2,2 N,N
links requesting access to the spectrum licensed to the primary
where (.) denotes the matrix/vector transpose. And F is an
network have QoS requirements expressed in (2). The major N × N matrix whose (i, j)-th element is
challenge for the spectrum sharing problem comes from the ⎧
interference protection for primary users expressed in (3) ⎨ γi Rmin (s)
(s) , if i = j
which is usually not considered in the conventional fixed Fi,j = B gi,i
⎩ 0, if i = j.
spectrum allocation paradigm.
In particular, we are interested in the scenario where a
number of secondary links wish to access the spectrum with A. Constrained Power Control
minimum transmission rate (i.e., Ri = Rimin ) and both Recall that we are interested in a scenario where not all N
the QoS requirements (in (2)) as well as the interference secondary links can be admitted into the network while satis-
constraints (in (3)) are satisfied. The problem is how to choose fying the QoS and the interference constraints stated in (2) and
the subset of requesting links with maximum size such that (3), respectively. We will first focus on the power allocation
the constraints in (2) and (3) are both satisfied. problem under maximum power constraint (i.e., P P max )
and QoS constraints while ignoring the interference constraints
for the time being.
C. Joint Rate and Power Allocation Problem In [18], the authors proposed an efficient iterative power
When the network load is low, all requesting secondary control algorithm which can be implemented synchronously or
links with minimum transmission rates can be supported while asynchronously. Specifically, let Pi (t) and Pi (t + Δt) denote
satisfying the QoS and the interference constraints in (2) the power levels of secondary link i after two consecutive
and (3), respectively. If this is the case, secondary links power updates at time instants t and t + Δt, respectively. The
would increase their transmission rates above the minimum power of secondary link i at time t+Δt is updated as follows:
values and share the spectrum in a fair manner. For notational γi
convenience, we will arrange power, rate and other quantities Pi (t + Δt) = min Pimax , Pi (t) (8)
μi (t)
of all secondary links into the corresponding vectors. For
example, P will denote a column vector whose element Pi where μi (t) is the instantaneous SINR at the receiving side of
is the transmission power of secondary link i. The joint rate secondary link i at time instant t with power vector P (t). It
and power allocation problem can be stated as was shown in [18] that this power control algorithm converges
to the fixed point solution of
maximize f (R)
subject to Rmin R Rmax , P P max (5) P = min {P max , F P + u} (9)
and constraints (2), (3) which will be referred to as the stationary power vector. Let Ω
be the set of secondary links and P Ω be the stationary power
where the objective function f (R) strikes a balance between
vector when the power algorithm with the rule as in (8) is run
maximizing throughput and maintaining fairness for different
with the secondary link set Ω. From the results obtained in
secondary links. Specifically, we will investigate two fairness
[17], we have the following facts:
criteria, i.e., f (R) = max {mini Ri } to achieve max-min
fairness and f (R) = i=1 ln(Ri ) to achieve proportional Fact 1: If all secondary links in Ω can be supported (i.e., the
fairness [15], [16]. We will show how to solve the admission power control algorithm in (8) results in a stationary power
control as well as the joint rate and power allocation problems vector P Ω satisfying the QoS constraints in (2)), the QoS
in Sections III and IV, respectively. constraints will be satisfied with equality.
Fact 2: If a subset Ω ⊆ Ω is the set of secondary links Proof: The proof is provided in Appendix A.
which are not supported with stationary power vector P Ω , Because of the complexity of the problem, we propose a
then PiΩ = Pimax for i ∈ Ω . low-complexity admission control algorithm in this subsection.
Now, let us define the following “interference measures”: The proposed algorithm also removes the “worst” link one-
⎡ ⎤ by-one. In each step, we perform the power control algorithm
N (s)
(s) gi,i B Ω as in (8) and remove one secondary link from the network
αi (P ) = ⎣Pi Ω ⎦
gj,i + Ni − P (10)
γi Ri i until the remaining set of links satisfies both the QoS and the
j=1,j=i interference constraints. Here, the key issue is to construct a
⎡ ⎤
N (s)
gi,i B Ω removal criterion which achieves good overall performance.
βi (P Ω ) = ⎣ gi,j PjΩ + Ni ⎦ − P (11) Because there are two different kinds of constraints, we
γi Ri i
j=1,j=i consider the following cases in each removal step.
DΩ0 (P Ω ) = βi (P Ω ), for Ω0 ⊆ Ω. (12) Case 1: Interference constraints for all primary receiving
i∈Ω0 points stated in (3) are satisfied but QoS constraints in (2)
are violated.
We can easily see that
In this case, we employ the SMIRA algorithm as presented
DΩ (P Ω ) = βi (P Ω ) = αi (P Ω ). (13) in Section III.A.
i∈Ω i∈Ω
Case 2: Interference constraints for primary receiving points
We can also see that if the QoS constraint for secondary stated in (3) are violated.
link i is satisfied with equality, then βi (P Ω ) = 0. Also, Note that this case covers both the scenarios where QoS
DΩ (P Ω ) = 0 if and only if all secondary links in Ω are constraints in (2) are violated or not. In this case, we would
supported. In general, we have βi (P Ω ) ≥ 0 and the value of remove the link which violates both QoS and interference
βi (P Ω ) reflects the degree by which the QoS constraint for constraints the most in each step. Now, we define the measure
secondary link i is violated. Also, it is intuitive that αi (P Ω ) which quantifies degree of violation at primary receiving point
quantifies the aggregate relative interference that secondary j as follows:
link i creates for other links in Ω. We will present single and
multiple link removal algorithms for admission control in the (p)
ηj (Ω) = Ij − gj,i PiΩ . (15)
following subsection.
2) Multiple Removal Algorithm: In practice, it may be R in each removal step which satisfies
desired to have a fast admission control algorithm, especially
when many links are to be removed in a highly congested DΩ (P Ω )
Ω1 = argmax M
network. In this case, multiple links may be removed from the Ω1 DΩ (P Ω ) + k=1 ηk (Ω)
network in each removal step. In [17], the authors proposed ⎧ ⎫
⎨ (s) ⎬
the SMART(R) algorithm which removes R links from the (s) Ω
× max gj,i Pi , gi,j PjΩ
network in each step. Before presenting the removal metric, ⎩ ⎭
i∈Ω1 j∈Ω,j=i j∈Ω,j=i
let us define ⎫
ηj (Ω) ⎬
+ M
gj,i PiΩ . (20)
Ω/Ω PiΩ , if i ∈ Ω0 DΩ (P Ω ) + ηk (Ω) ⎭
Pi 0 = (17) i∈Ω1 j=1 k=1
0, otherwise.
In fact, the removal metric in (20) is similar to that for single
removal in (16). However, the total interference effects of the
Now, the SMART(R) algorithm removes links in the set Ω\Ω0
potential removal set is accounted for in this metric. Note that
which attains
Ω0 is the remaining set of links after R links in the set Ω1 =
Ω \ Ω0 have been removed from the network. As before, the
max DΩ (P Ω ) − DΩ0 (P Ω/Ω0 ) (18) power control algorithm in (8) is run until the stationary power
Ω0 ⊂Ω
vector is attained before the removal algorithm is activated.
The computational complexity of I-SMART(R) is of O(N 2 )
|Ω \ Ω0 | = R and recall that DΩ0 (P Ω/Ω0 ) = which is the same as that of I-SMIRA algorithm.
i∈Ω0 βi (P ). In essence, the SMART(R) algorithm re-
moves a set of links of size R which contributes the most to
DΩ (P Ω ). Note that DΩ (P Ω ) reflects the degree of violation C. Some Implementation Issues
of QoS constraints. Thus, the SMART(R) algorithm tends to In order to guarantee both the QoS requirements for sec-
remove the set of worst links in each removal step. To simplify ondary users and interference constraints for primary users,
the calculation of (18), we can use the following result. (s) (p)
all channel gains (i.e., gi,j and gi,j ) must be continuously
estimated for online admission control operation. Also, per-
Proposition 2: The removal metric of the SMART(R) algo-
forming distributed power and admission control for spectrum
rithm can be rewritten as
underlay may be difficult because of the following reasons.
First, interference constraints are required to be satisfied at
DΩ (P Ω ) − DΩ0 (P Ω/Ω0 ) = βi (P Ω ) + αi (P Ω ) all times in general. This requirement may only be fulfilled
/ 0 by centralized implementation because secondary links are
⎡ ⎤ not allowed to cause even a short-term violation of QoS
+ P − Ni −⎣
gi,j PjΩ ⎦ . (19) and interference constraints as in the conventional wireless
γi Ri i networks [17], [18]. Second, primary users usually do not
/ 0 j ∈Ω
/ 0 ,j=i (p)
assist secondary users in estimating the channel gains gi,j .
Thus, secondary users are responsible for making these chan-
Proof: The proof is provided in Appendix B. nel gains available at the central controller for power and
admission control purposes.
The formula to calculate the removal metric in this propo- (s)
sition is simpler to compute because it only calculates all the The channel gains between secondary links (i.e., gi,j ) can
terms over the removal set of size R which is usually very be estimated by using pilot-aided or other approaches [22],
small. Note that if R = 1, the SMART(R) algorithm removes [23]. Channel gains from transmitters of secondary links
a single link in each removal step. Now, for our admission to primary receiving points (i.e., gi,j ) can be estimated by
control problem with both QoS and interference constraints, employing sensors near all receiving points which are then
we propose an interference constraint-aware SMART(R) re- forwarded to the central controller [8].
moval algorithm which will be referred to as I-SMART(R) in
the sequel. Similar to the I-SMIRA algorithm, we consider the IV. O PTIMIZATION OF J OINT R ATE AND P OWER
following cases in each removal step. A LLOCATION
Case 1: Interference constraints for all primary receiving When the network load is low, all secondary links can be
points stated in (3) are satisfied but QoS constraints in (2) admitted into the network. In this case, they can increase
are violated. their transmission rates above the minimum values. In this
In this case, we employ the SMART(R) algorithm as section, we show how to solve the optimization problem stated
presented above. in (5). The decision variables are transmission rates R and
powers P . As in [19], we will assume that continuous rate
Case 2: Interference constraints for primary receiving points and rate variation is achieved by varying the processing gain.
stated in (3) are violated The results obtained in this paper, therefore, can be considered
In this case, we remove the set of links Ω1 = Ω \ Ω0 of size as upper bounds for the discrete case.
A. Rate and Power Allocation with Max-Min Fairness Proposition 3: The optimal solution of the joint rate and power
It is observed that the objective function in (5) is equivalent allocation problem satisfies Ri = Rj , ∀i, j.
to min {maxi 1/Ri }. By introducing a new variable t and Proof: The proof is provided in Appendix C.
writing down all the constraints explicitly, the optimization Hence, the rate and power allocation problem under max-
problem (5) becomes equivalent to min fairness achieves perfectly fair rates for all secondary links
in the sense that optimal transmission rates for all links are
minimize t the same.
subject to
1/Ri ≤ t, i = 1, 2, · · · , N B. Rate and Power Allocation with Proportional Fairness
B gi,i Pi For proportional fairness criterion, the objective function
≥ γi , i = 1, 2, · · · , N N
Ri N (s)
+ Ni f (R) = i=1 ln(Ri ) can be rewritten as
j=1,j=i gi,j Pj
gj,i Pi ≤ Ij , j = 1, 2, · · · , M maximize ln Ri . (23)
i=1 i=1
Rimin ≤ Ri ≤ Rimax , Pi ≤ Pimax , i = 1, 2, · · · , N. N
This objective function is equivalent to min (1/ i=1 Ri ).
(21) After changing variables and using the procedure as in Section
This optimization problem is not convex. However, we can IV. A, the optimization in (5) with proportional fairness
transform it into a geometric program which can be solved criterion can be written as
efficiently (Chapter 4, [25]). Specifically, the optimization
minimize t subject to
⎛ ⎞
subject to γi
γi Ni
ln ⎝ e(yi −xi ) ⎠ ≤ 0,
gi,j e(xj −xi +yi ) +
t−1 Ri−1 ≤ 1, i = 1, 2, · · · , N (s)
Bgi,i j=1,j=i Bgi,i
N i = 1, 2, · · · , N
γi −1 (s) γi Ni
R i Pi gi,j Pj + R P −1 ≤ 1,
(s) i i N (p)
gj,i xi
Bgi,i j=1,j=i Bg i,i ln e ≤ 0, j = 1, 2, · · · , M
i = 1, 2, · · · , N i=1
Optimal, I = 3N0
I−SMIRA, I = 3N0
I−SMART(2), I = 3N0
0.45 Optimal, I = 10N0
Outage probability
0.4 I−SMIRA, I = 10N0
0.35 I−SMART(2), I = 10N0
Secondary users Communication link
Primary users Interference to primary user 5 10 15 20
Target SINR (dB)
Fig. 1. Spectrum sharing among primary and secondary users.
Fig. 3. Outage probability versus target SINR for different interference
constraint requirements (for N = 7).
Optimal removal
0.45 SMIRA 10
0.4 SMART(1) I−SMART(1)
I−SMART(1) 9
Outage probability
0.25 7
0.05 4
5 10 15 20
Target SINR (dB)
5 10 15
Fig. 2. Outage probability versus target SINR of different removal algorithms Number of requesting links
(for I = 5N0 , N = 7).
Fig. 4. Number of admitted links versus number of requesting links from
secondary users (for I = 5N0 , SINR = 15 dB).
the primary receiving point (i.e., BS) as I. The minimum
transmission rate on secondary links is Rimin = 64 kbps and
the maximum transmission rate is Rimax = B/P G, where are obtained by exhaustive search. As is evident, both of
P G is the minimum processing gain. For each simulation the proposed single removal algorithms (i.e., I-SMIRA, I-
run, the locations of secondary links (i.e., transmitting and SMART(1)) achieve outage probability very close to that of
receiving nodes) are generated randomly. The measure of optimal removal, especially for low and medium values of
interest is obtained by averaging over 103 simulation runs. target SINR (i.e., target SINR < 10 dB). Fig. 2 shows that
We will investigate performance of four removal algorithms, SMIRA and SMART(1) algorithms, which do not account
namely, SMIRA, SMART(R), I-SMIRA, and I-SMART(R) al- for interference constraints in the removal metrics, consis-
gorithms. For SMIRA and SMART(R) algorithms, we remove tently achieve higher outage probability than I-SMIRA and
links in each removal step using the metrics in (14), (18), I-SMART(1) for all target SINR values. Outage performance
respectively, until the remaining links satisfy both the QoS for I-SMART(2), which removes two links in each removal
and the interference constraints. In contrast, we consider two step, is also shown in these two figures. It can be observed
different cases in each removal step as presented in Section that I-SMART(2) has higher outage probability than all other
III.B for the I-SMIRA, I-SMART(R) removal algorithms. Two removal algorithms.
performance measures will be investigated, namely, outage We illustrate the number of admitted links and outage
probability and number of admitted links. Outage probability probability versus the number of requesting links for different
is calculated as the ratio of average number of removed links removal algorithms in Figs. 4-5, respectively. These two fig-
and average number of requesting links. ures show that I-SMIRA and I-SMART(1) algorithms achieve
The outage probability versus target SINR under different almost the same outage performance. In addition, outage per-
set of constraints for different removal algorithms and optimal formance of I-SMART(R) algorithm degrades rapidly with the
removal is shown in Figs. 2-3. Results for optimal removal number of removed links R. In order to quantify the tradeoff
0.7 2200
I−SMIRA PF, SINR = 10dB, I = 20N0
I−SMART(1) 2000 PF, SINR = 15dB, I = 5N
0.6 0
I−SMART(3) 1800 Max−min, SINR = 10dB, I = 20N
0.3 1000
0.1 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
5 10 15 Minimum processing gain
Number of requesting links
0.3 800
500 PF
0.05 400
10 12 14 16 18 20
0 Target SINR (dB)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Number of removal steps Fig. 8. Total throughput versus target SINR under different fairness criteria
(for Rmin
i = 256 Kbps, N = 5, I = 5N0 ).
Fig. 6. Probability distribution for the number of removal steps under
different removal algorithms (for N = 15, I = 5N0 , SINR = 15 dB).
DΩ (P Ω ) − DΩ0 (P Ω/Ω0 )
= βi (P Ω ) − βi (P Ω/Ω0 ) (24)
0.94 i∈Ω i∈Ω0
Fairness index
= βi (P Ω ) + βi (P Ω ) − βi (P Ω/Ω0 ) (25)
0.9 i∈Ω
/ 0 i∈Ω0 i∈Ω0
⎧ ⎡ ⎤
0.88 ⎨ (s)
gi,i B Ω
= Ω
βi (P ) + ⎣ (s) Ω
gi,j Pj + Ni − P ⎦
0.86 ⎩
i∈Ω0 j∈Ω,j=i
γi Ri i
/ 0
⎡ ⎤⎫
0.84 g
B ⎬
⎣ i,i
PiΩ ⎦
PF, SINR = 10dB, I = 20N
0 − gi,j PjΩ + Ni − (26)
PF, SINR = 15dB, I = 5N γi Ri ⎭
0 i∈Ω0 j∈Ω0 ,j=i
0.8 ⎡ ⎤
10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Minimum processing gain = βi (P Ω ) + ⎣ (s)
gi,j PjΩ − gi,j PjΩ ⎦
/ 0 i∈Ω0 j∈Ω,j=i j∈Ω0 ,j=i
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= βi (P ) + gi,j PjΩ (28)
i∈Ω0 j ∈Ω
improves when the minimum processing gain increases (i.e., i∈Ω
/ 0
/ 0 ,j=i
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