Conlon 2019 JJJJJ
Conlon 2019 JJJJJ
Conlon 2019 JJJJJ
the emitted wave is dependent on the pleural assessment in which the Image quality can be optimized by
probe used, with modifications made target for interrogation lies close to the following best practice: (1)
by the provider. In general, the higher the probe. Conversely, low-frequency Choose the right probe for study.
the frequency, the higher the image probes have good penetration Consideration of not only the
resolution, although this is at the but do not have the axial or ultrasound wave frequency but
expense of limited penetration. longitudinal resolution found in also the probe footprint (ie, size
High-frequency probes are therefore higher-frequency probes. For of the probe relative to the
ideal for evaluation of superficial example, a curvilinear probe site of image acquisition) and
structures. Linear probes have (2–5 MHz) is ideal for abdominal appropriate probe preset (ie,
the highest frequencies, ranging assessment, which requires adequate commercially developed software
from 8 to 22 MHz, and are often used tissue penetration for visualization specific to the POCUS study type)
for vascular-access procedures or of structures. should be undertaken. (2) Adjust the
TABLE 2 Common Ultrasound Artifact Findings, Image Interpretation, and Diagnostic Assessment
Ultrasound Artifact Image Interpretation Diagnostic Assessment
Acoustic shadowing A structure that reflects most of ultrasound wave, resulting in Diagnostic clue for strong reflector (eg, gall stone or calcified
(Fig 1A) a bright image and underlying dark area structure)
Posterior acoustic Relative brightness behind a structure that is hypoechoic or Diagnostic clue for presence of an abscess in soft tissue
enhancement anechoic ultrasound
(Fig 1B)
Adjust gain to avoid missing free fluid in abdominal ultrasound
when evaluating structure behind urinary bladder
Reverberation artifact Presence of highly reflective structures makes ultrasound waves The presence of vertical lines in lung POCUS (known as B or Z
(Fig 1C) bounce multiple times before they return to a probe lines) is due to the apposition and reverberation of the visceral
and parietal pleura and can exclude the diagnosis of
Mirror image (Fig 1D) Presence of strongly reflective surface refracts ultrasound wave The common appearance of normal lung (no parenchymal
in an altered direction; the returned wave is misinterpreted as disease, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax) in a right-upper —
though it comes from a deeper structure quadrant ultrasound is often visualized as the liver “mirrored”
over the diaphragm
Edge artifact (Fig 1E) A dark line generated by a lateral border of an anechoic circular Be aware of the presence of the artifact in image interpretation,
structure (eg, gall bladder) for example, avoid misinterpreting the artifact as acoustic
shadowing from a gall stone
Adapted from Boniface KS. Ultrasound basics: physics, modalities, and image acquisition. In: Brown SM, Blaivas MM, Hirshberg EL, et al, eds. Comprehensive Critical Care Ultrasound.
Mount Prospect, IL: Society of Critical Care Medicine; 2015.
hemodynamic POCUS, when detailed assessment of the causes of mortality.34 Hemodynamic POCUS can
compared with clinical examination the hemodynamic issues.”33 be used to diagnose PPHN, estimate
and laboratory-based data, alters our pulmonary artery pressure, direct
perceptions of underlying Pulmonary Hypertension therapies, and evaluate response
hemodynamic status and may change Persistent pulmonary hypertension of to therapy by serial reassessment.
our management.23,24 We know that the newborn (PPHN) is a common Signs of pulmonary hypertension,
cardiac output can be variable in cause of neonatal hypoxic respiratory such as hypertrophy with or
states of shock, such as sepsis, and insufficiency that results from without dilatation of right
that titration of therapies can a failure of normal circulatory ventricle (RV), enlarged right-sided
improve outcomes.25–27 Cardiac transition after birth. Most commonly, cardiac structures, and flattening
output can either be inferred or PPHN is secondary to impaired or of the interventricular septum,
directly measured within delayed relaxation of the pulmonary can be recognized by using
hemodynamic POCUS. In neonatology, vasculature due to diverse neonatal hemodynamic POCUS (Fig 3 A and
superior vena cava flow has been pulmonary pathologies, and its B).18,35 More advanced
used as a surrogate of cardiac presence is associated with high echocardiographic methods for the
output to determine systemic blood
flow during transitional circulation,
with a value . 40 mL/kg per minute
being associated with improved
neurologic outcomes and
Appendicitis characterized by an inflamed ap- FIGURE 9
pendix (arrow) with hyperechoic fat stranding Fluid-distended stomach (shown by the asterisk) and thickened pylorus (arrow) in a patient with
(shown by the asterisk). pyloric stenosis.
Purulent supraclavicular periosteal fluid iden-
tified and drained under ultrasound guidance.
The provider is using the out-of-plane (short-
axis) technique and can directly visualize the
FIGURE 13 needle tip (arrow) within the fluid collection
A, Foreign body (arrow) with posterior shadowing (shown by the asterisk) identified on ultrasound immediately above the clavicle in the trans-
of the palmar aspect of the hand, which was unable to be visualized on radiography. B, Ultrasound verse plane, which is identified by its posterior
guided the extraction of this foreign body. shadowing (shown by the asterisk).
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: No external funding.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
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