Tendinopatia 1
Tendinopatia 1
Tendinopatia 1
Tendinopathy and Sports
tendinopathy when compared with eccentric exercise. Its effectiveness in reducing pain in acute and chronic
Additionally, combination of eccentric training with tendinopathies was demonstrated in a systemic review
ESWT was shown to be more beneficial when compared including 446 patients, over seven RCTs, and compara-
with eccentric training alone. In an RCT consisting of tive clinical trials.22 The authors concluded that not only
68 patients with chronic Achilles tendinopathy and a did topical GTN reduce pain in daily activities, it also
history of failed management, Rompe et al16,17 found enhanced tendon strength. Bokhari and Murrell23 con-
that combining ESWT with eccentric training yielded ducted three RCTs to assess the long-term benefits of GTN
significant improvements in pain and function at a patches in noninsertional Achilles tendinopathy, lateral
4-month follow-up in midportion Achilles tendinopathy elbow tendinopathy, and supraspinatus tendinopathy.
and at 1 year in insertional Achilles tendinopathy. These At a 3-year follow-up, only noninsertional Achilles ten-
results should encourage clinicians to administer ESWT dinopathy showed significant improvement whereas
as an adjunct to eccentric training. Despite the increasing no additional benefits where noted in any patient at a
interest in ESWT in the management of tendinopathy, 5-year follow-up. Nonetheless, the authors demonstrated
there is very limited research of its effectiveness in the short-term benefits of GTN patches in reducing pain in
upper limb. Galasso et al18 conducted an RCT to deter- lateral epicondylitis. Owing to the limited evidence and
mine its effectiveness in 20 patients with noncalcifying conflicting results, the treating clinician should make a
supraspinatus tendinopathy, demonstrating significant decision on administering a GTN patch. Patients using
improvements in pain and range of movement compared GTN patches have also reported of significant incidences
with baseline and the placebo group. Although further of headaches and need to be cautioned by the clinician
research is warranted in the area, current management prior to its use.22,24
should incorporate ESWT as an adjunct to eccentric train-
ing, especially in the lower limb. Manual Therapy
Laser Therapy and Therapeutic Ultrasound Soft-tissue mobilization has been a part of management
protocols for tendinopathies. A systemic review and meta-
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been proposed as a
analysis conducted by Desjardins-Charbonneau et al25
management option for tendinopathy. A systemic review
demonstrated low-level evidence for efficacy of soft-tissue
with meta-analysis analyzed 17 RCTs to determine the
mobilization for patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy.
clinical effectiveness of LLLT on pain and function in
Furthermore, an RCT comparing the efficacy of soft-tissue
shoulder tendinopathy.19 The authors concluded that
mobilization with a supervised exercise program con-
LLLT produced clinically significant improvements in
cluded no significant benefits of soft-tissue mobilization
shoulder pain and function when used as an adjunct to
in reducing pain in rotator cuff tendinopathy.26
exercise therapy and even as monotherapy. Tumilty et al20
conducted a double-blind RCT including to study the
Emerging Concepts of Managing Tendinopathy
effect of photomodulation and eccentric exercises in 80
participants with chronic Achilles tendinopathy. Their Tendon Neuroplastic Training
results demonstrated clinically significant improvements
The exact source of tendon pain still eludes us, and this
in pain and function at a 12-week follow-up in favor of
is touted as one of the prime reasons for failed tendon
photomodulation being used as an adjunct to eccentric
rehabilitation by some authors, as they debate over
training twice a week. These studies demonstrate the
local and centrally mediated pain. In a recent narrative
potential of laser therapy as a treatment option in the
review, Rio et al27 proposed a new approach to rehabili-
future as further research in this area is warranted.
tation where they employed an exercise protocol using
Therapeutic ultrasound is commonly used for upper
externally paced strength training. Their new approach
and lower limb tendinopathy. However, there is very
aimed to restore corticospinal control of the muscle
low-quality evidence for its efficacy in improving pain
tendon complex by employing isometric and isotonic
and function as demonstrated by in a systemic review
strengthening in nine athletes, administering external
of 11 RCTs.21
paced resistance using a metronome capable of induc-
ing excitability and inhibition. Even though their results
Glyceryl Trinitrate
demonstrated significant pain reduction with both forms
Although glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) patches are used in of exercise at a 4-week follow-up, isometric training had
the management of tendinopathy by clinicians in man- significant immediate reduction in pain. This trial is the
aging acute and chronic patients, there is conflicting first of its kind and gives direction to future studies in
evidence regarding its long-term and short-term efficacy. this area with larger patient groups.
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Education and Research, October-December 2017;51(4):175-181 177
Himmat S Dhillon et al
Table 1: Summary of studies using PRP for resistant lateral epicondylitis (modified from Dhillon et al30,31)
Patients PRP
Authors Study type studied Control type Outcome measure Results
Mishra and Cohort study 15 cases vs Bupivacaine 1A VAS, Mayo elbow score 81% reduction in pain in PRP
Pavelko33 5 controls group at 6 months
Creaney et al34 Prospective 80 cases vs 70 Autologous 1B PRTEE Improvement in PRTEE at 6
randomized controls blood months 35.8 in PRP and 46.8 in
trial ABI group with higher conversion
to surgery in ABI group
Thanasas et al35 RCT 14 cases vs 14 Autologous 1A VAS, Liverpool elbow 70.8% improvement in PRP
controls blood score group and 57.8% in the
autologous blood group at 6
Behera et al32 Prospective 15 cases vs 10 Bupivacaine 1A VAS, modified Mayo Significant improvement at 6
randomized controls clinic performance index months and 1 year for all scores
trial for elbow, Nirschl score
PRTEE: Patient-rated tennis elbow evaluation; ABI: Autologous blood injection
Table 2: Summary of studies using PRP for rotator cuff injury (modified from Dhillon et al30,31)
Study Patients
Authors type studied Control Outcome measure Results
Randelli et al37 RCT 26 cases vs Nonapplication SST, UCLA score, Constant
PRP positively affected cuff rotator
27 controls of PRP score healing of grade I and II tears
Rha et al RCT Dry needling Shoulder pain and disability
Clinical effect of the PRP injection was
index, passive ROM superior to the dry needling from 6
weeks to 6 months after initial injection
Weber et al39 RCT 30 cases vs Nonapplication UCLA score, VAS, SST, No significant difference in VAS scores
30 controls of PRP ASES score between groups and no statistically
significant differences in recovery of
motion, SST, or ASES scores
ROM: Range of motion; SST: Simple shoulder test; ASES: American shoulder and elbow surgery; UCLA: University of California, Los
Angeles shoulder scale
Table 3: Studies using PRP for patellar tendinopathy (modified from Dhillon et al30,31)
Authors Study type Patients studied Control Outcome measure Results
Filardo et al41 Case–control 15 cases vs 16 Physical Tegner, EQ VAS, Statistically significant improvement in all
study controls therapy and pain level scores at the end of the PRP injections and a
further improvement was noted at 6 months
Gosens et al42 Prospective 36 patients – VAS, VISA Statistically significant improvement in VAS
case series and VISA scores in patients receiving PRP
Table 4: Pain provocation tests for lower limb tendinopathy for tendon-related pain.44 On the contrary, Rio et al45
Tendon Low-load tests High-load tests have proposed a more centrally mediated response with
Achilles tendon Single leg heel raise Hop multiple potential contributors to pain.
Patellar tendon Decline squats Single leg highjump,
landing from height Optimum Tendon Loading
Hamstring Single leg bent knee Single leg dead lift
tendon bridging Although the pathology of tendinopathy is still elusive,
Gluteal tendon Single leg stance Hop it is known that unaccustomed tendon loading is respon-
sible for development of tendinopathy. However, the
Areas of Clinical Uncertainty amount of load that induces tendon pathology is still
unknown.4 Therefore, sports physiotherapists need to
The Pathology of Tendinopathy
develop exercise programs with sufficient rest intervals
To make good clinical decisions regarding management, between bouts, especially during trainings in season. The
the understanding of the pathological process of a dis- sports physiotherapists need to construct programs that
order is essential. The exact mechanisms underpinning ensure systemic progression of load in order to achieve
tendinopathy have eluded medical professionals with enhancement of the muscle–tendon unit capacity. Studies
some authors proposing an inflammatory component4 have shown type-1 collagen takes up to 3 days to respond
and others opposing this notion and claiming that acute to high-load training, and daily bouts of high-load train-
tendinopathy is a noninflammatory response.43 This ing place excessive strain on the tendon, eventually
debate has resulted in experimentation with various leading to injury.46 As per discussions during the lecture
physiotherapy and medical interventions, majority of on management of tendinopathy by Mr David Spurier,
which have been successful in determining an effective sports physiotherapists should consider employing an
concrete solution to the most effective management of approach of high-load training, followed by days of
tendinopathies (Table 4). low-load training followed by medium-load training to
ensure optimum rest to allow tendons to accommodate
Pain in Tendinopathy
to the loads.
Pain is the primary limiting factor in regard to function
and performance. Interestingly, a tendon can be pain-free Clinical Practice in Sports Physiotherapy
even with the presence of pathology leading to specula-
Quantification of Tendon Function and Symptoms
tion on whether the pain is a locally or centrally medi-
ated response. Neovascular ingrowth following collagen • Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment (VISA): The
disorganization is proposed to be locally responsible questionnaire has shown to have good test–retest,
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Education and Research, October-December 2017;51(4):175-181 179
Himmat S Dhillon et al
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