مواد متغيرة الطور
مواد متغيرة الطور
مواد متغيرة الطور
Lecture (3):
Phase Change Materials (PCM) Storage
Dr. Aouf A. Al−Tabbakh
Phase Change Material (PCM)
It is defined as any material that can be used to store or release thermal
energy while its phase changes. The processes that are commonly used in
engineering are melting associated with absorption of heat and solidification
accompanied by the release of heat.
Properties of a feasible PCM
1) Large latent heat (hfg).
2) High thermal conductivity (k).
3) Melting temperature should be within practical range.
4) Has a congruent (homogeneous) melting with minimum subcooling.
5) Chemically stable (does not react with other materials or decomposes).
6) Non toxic and non corrosive.
7) Low in cost.
Water Storage Tank Solar Radiation
PCM units
Solar Radiation
Solar Collector
PCM units