15 Plant Growth N Development-Entrance Questions N Answers
15 Plant Growth N Development-Entrance Questions N Answers
15 Plant Growth N Development-Entrance Questions N Answers
1. Growth is c. Only one daughter cell continues to divide while
a. A reversible permanent increase in size of an the other differentiates & matures
organ or its parts or an individual cell. d. All daughter cells differentiate & mature
b. An irreversible permanent increase in size of 11. In arithmetic growth, on plotting the length of the organ
an organ or its parts or an individual cell. against time, we get
c. A reversible temporary increase in size of an a. Linear curve b. Sigmoid curve
organ or its parts or an individual cell. c. Hyperbola d. Parabola
d. An irreversible temporary increase in size of an 12. The diagram given below represents
organ or its parts or an individual cell.
2. Plant growth continues throughout the life due to the
presence of
a. Meristems b. Parenchyma
c. Cambium d. Collenchyma
3. The growth where new cells are always added to the
plant body by the meristem is called
a. Primary growth a. Arithmetic growth b. Geometric growth
b. Secondary growth c. Primary growth d. Secondary growth
c. Open form of growth 13. Given below is a graph representing geometrical
d. Arithmetic growth growth. Label A, B and C.
4. In plants, primary growth occurs due to
a. Lateral meristems & Vascular cambium
b. Root apical meristem & shoot apical meristem
c. Vascular cambium & cork cambium
d. Apical meristems & lateral meristems
5. In gymnosperms and dicots, secondary growth takes
place due to
a. Apical meristems & lateral meristems
b. Lateral meristems, apical meristems & vascular
cambium a. A= Log phase, B= Lag phase, C= stationary
c. Apical meristems, vascular cambium & lateral phase
meristems b. A= Lag phase, B= stationary phase, C= Log
d. Lateral meristems, vascular cambium & cork- phase
cambium c. A= Log phase, B= stationary phase, C= Lag
6. At cellular level, growth occurs due to increase in the phase
amount of d. A= Lag phase, B= Log phase, C= stationary
a. Protoplasm b. Cytoplasm phase
c. Nucleoplasm d. Endoplasm 14. In geometric growth, exponential growth is expressed
7. A maize root apical meristem can produce more than as
a. 17,500 new cells per day a. W1 = W0 ert b. W1 = W0 ert
b. 17,500 new cells per hour c. L1 = L0 rt d. Le = Lt rt
c. 1750 new cells per day 15. In the formula W1 = W0 ert, W1 means
d. 1750 new cells per hour a. Initial size b. Final size
8. Cells in a watermelon can increase in size by up to c. Growth rate d. Base of natural logarithm
a. 350 times b. 3500 times 16. In what way water becomes an essential element for
c. 35,000 times d. 3,50,000 times plant growth?
9. In which growth phase, the cells have increased a. It is needed for cell enlargement
vacuolation, size and new cell wall deposition? b. It increases the turgidity of cells that helps in
a. Meristematic phase b. Elongation phase extension growth.
c. Maturation phase d. Lag phase c. It provides medium for enzymatic activities
10. In arithmetic growth, following mitotic division, needed for growth
a. All daughter cell continues to divide d. All the above
b. All daughter cells stop division & differentiation
17. The process in which the cells in meristems (root apical a. Light b. Temperature
& shoot-apical) and cambium diverge and mature to c. Nutrition d. Growth regulator
perform specific functions is known as 22. Which of the following plants shows Heterophylly due
a. Differentiation b. Dedifferentiation to environment?
c. Redifferentiation d. Expansion a. Cotton b. Coriander
18. Formation of meristems like interfascicular cambium c. Buttercup d. Larkspur
and cork cambium from differentiated parenchyma 23. Complete A, B, C and D.
cells is an example for
a. Expansion b. Dedifferentiation
c. Development d. Redifferentiation
19. Which correctly describes the process of development?
a. Development= dedifferentiation +
a. A= plasmatic growth, B= cell division, C=
b. Development= growth + redifferentiation
Maturation, D= Senescence
c. Development= growth + differentiation
b. A= cell division, B= plasmatic growth, C=
d. Development= differentiation + elongation
Maturation, D= Senescence
20. Plants follow different pathways in response to
c. A= cell division, B= Maturation, C= plasmatic
environment or phases of life to form different kinds of
growth, D= Senescence
structures. This ability is called
d. A= plasmatic growth, B= Maturation, C= cell
a. Plasticity b. Photoperiodism
division, D= Senescence
c. Vernalization d. Differentiation
21. Regarding the factors controlling the plant
development, select the odd one out.
d. Spraying juvenile conifers with GAs hastens the 39. You are given a tissue with its potential for
maturity period. differentiation in an artificial culture. Which of the
35. Internode elongation just prior to flowering in plants following pairs of hormones would you add to the
such as beet, cabbages and many plants with rosette medium to secure shoots as well as roots?
habit is called a. IAA and gibberellin
a. Bolting b. Pruning b. Auxin and abscisic acid
c. Abscission d. Apical dominance c. Auxin and cytokinin
36. Coconut milk stimulates cell division as it is rich in d. Gibberellin and abscisic acid
a. Auxin b. Ethylene 40. Given below are some statements regarding ethylene.
c. Gibberellin d. Cytokinin Pick out the false statements.
37. Match the following: a. The most widely used source of ethylene is
Column I Column II ethephon.
A. Cousins 1. Kinetin b. Ethephon in an aqueous solution is readily
B. Gaseous PGR 2. ABA absorbed and transported within the plant and
C. Closure of stomata 3. Ripened oranges releases ethylene slowly.
4. Corn-kernels & c. Ethephon hastens fruit ripening in tomatoes &
D. Skoog & Miller
coconut milk
apples and accelerates abscission in flowers
E. Zeatin 5. Ethylene
and fruits.
a. A-2, B-5, C-1, D-3, E-4
d. It obstructs female flowers in cucumbers
b. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-5, E-1
thereby decreasing the yield.
c. A-3, B-5, C-2, D-1, E-4
41. During mid-1960s, it was reported 3 kinds of inhibitors:
d. A-5, B-4, C-3, D-2, E-1
inhibitor-B, abscisin II & dormin. They were chemically
e. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-5, E-4
identical and now known as
38. Natural cytokinins are mainly synthesized in regions of
a. Ethylene b. ABA
a. Photosynthesis such as leaves & tender stems.
b. Rapid cell division such as root apices, shoot
c. Gibberellin d. NAA
42. In most situations, ABA acts as an antagonist to
buds, young fruits etc.
a. GAs b. Ethylene
c. Ripened fruits and senescent leaves.
d. Vascular tissues such as xylem and phloem. c. Cytokinin d. Auxin