ABB Level SwitchPDF - Js Viewer
ABB Level SwitchPDF - Js Viewer
ABB Level SwitchPDF - Js Viewer
Buoyancy Level Switch
Introducon Features
The MS10 is a single-pole, double-throw electric switch capable of −� Electrical Contacts are Magnecally Isolated from Process
sensing the liquid level inside a process vessel. The unit is typically −� Mounng Via 1-1/2 in. NPT Process Connecon
mounted via the integral 1-1/2 in. MNPT connecon. Several standard −� Oponal Flange Mounng Adapters Available
adapters are available for use when a 1-1/2 in. FNPT is not available on
−� Hermecally Sealed SPDT Switch (NO / NC Contact)
the vessel. The MS10 requires no preventave maintenance as it is
totally sealed. The MS10 provides either a normally open or normally − Vibraon Resistant
closed dry contact to acvate external devices such as alarms or sole- −� Switch is Totally Enclosed within Stainless Steel Housing
noids. Variaons in process uid specic gravity have minimal eect − Hex Shaped Housing & SPDT Contacts Allow for Easy Installaon
on the level measured because of the small size of the integral oat. − FM, CSA, and ATEX
Switch type Magnecally actuated, hermecally sealed, bi Factory Mutual Research Corp and CSA Canadian Standards
-stable switch. Associaons Hazardous Locaons:
Single pole, double throw (Form C) FM XP CL I, Div 1& 2, GP A,B,C,D T6@Ta=176°F
Contact Material Rhodium alloy (80°C)
Switch Acon Break before make DIP CL II, Div 1& 2, GP E,F,G CL III
I /1 / AEx d IIC T6@Ta=176°F(80°C)
Max Deadband Approx. +/- 0.50 in. of oat travel IS I /1 / A,B,C,D T6@Ta=176°F(80°C)
I /0/ AEx ia IIC T6@Ta=176°F(80°C)
Contact Rangs AC rang (max): 250 V or 1 amp resisve or
100 VA
DC rang (max): 125 V or 0.5 amp resisve or ATEX II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6
100 W (-40°C < Tamb < +80°C)
Lamp Load Rang: 1/3 A @ 125 VAC
2460 (-40°F < Tamb < +176°F)
See IR10 for higher Switch Contact Rangs
Sample Application Using K-TEK Level Switches
Process Temp. -40 to 450 °F / -40 to 232 °C
Contact factory regarding use in colder
Contact Temp. -40 to 302 °F / -40 to 150 °C
ABB Inc. Note
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notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed
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particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any
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responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or
Fax: +1 225 673 2525 possible lack of information in this document.
Service e-mail: We reserve all rights in this document and in the
subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or
utilization of its contents - in whole or in parts – is
forbidden without prior written consent of ABB.