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Hypotheses Testing 2018

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Statistics 2

Hypothesis Testing

Edited by: K V Kumaran

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1. In a sack containing a large number of beads 14 are coloured gold and the remainder are of different
colours. A group of children use some of the beads in a craft lesson and do not replace them.
Afterwards the teacher wishes to know whether or not the proportion of gold beads left in the sack
has changed. He selects a random sample of 20 beads and finds that 2 of them are coloured gold.

Stating your hypotheses clearly test, at the 10% level of significance, whether or not there is
evidence that the proportion of gold beads has changed.
Q3, June 2001

2. The maintenance department of a college receives requests for replacement light bulbs at a rate of
2 per week.
Find the probability that in a randomly chosen week the number of requests for replacement light
bulbs is
(a) exactly 4,
(b) more than 5.
Three weeks before the end of term the maintenance department discovers that there are only 5
light bulbs left.
(c) Find the probability that the department can meet all requests for replacement light bulbs before
the end of term.
The following term the principal of the college announces a package of new measures to reduce
the amount of damage to college property. In the first 4 weeks following this announcement, 3
requests for replacement light bulbs are received.
(d) Stating your hypotheses clearly test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is
evidence that the rate of requests for replacement light bulbs has decreased.
Q5, June 2001

3. The number of houses sold per week by a firm of estate agents follows a Poisson distribution with
mean 2.5. The firm appoints a new salesman and wants to find out whether or not house sales
increase as a result. After the appointment of the salesman, the number of house sales in a randomly
chosen 4-week period is 14.

Stating your hypotheses clearly test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not the new
salesman has increased house sales.
Q2, Jan 2002

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4. The owner of a small restaurant decides to change the menu. A trade magazine claims that 40% of
all diners choose organic foods when eating away from home. On a randomly chosen day there
are 20 diners eating in the restaurant.

(a) Assuming the claim made by the trade magazine to be correct, suggest a suitable model to
describe the number of diners X who choose organic foods.
(b) Find P(5 < X < 15).
(c) Find the mean and standard deviation of X.
The owner decides to survey her customers before finalising the new menu. She surveys 10
randomly chosen diners and finds 8 who prefer eating organic foods.

(d) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is reason to believe that the proportion
of diners in her restaurant who prefer to eat organic foods is higher than the trade magazine’s
claim. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q6, Jan 2002

5. Past records show that 20% of customers who buy crisps from a large supermarket buy them in
single packets. During a particular day a random sample of 25 customers who had bought crisps
was taken and 2 of them had bought them in single packets.

(a) Use these data to test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not the percentage of
customers who bought crisps in single packets that day was lower than usual. State your hypotheses
At the same supermarket, the manager thinks that the probability of a customer buying a bumper
pack of crisps is 0.03. To test whether or not this hypothesis is true the manager decides to take a
random sample of 300 customers.

(b) Stating your hypotheses clearly, find the critical region to enable the manager to test
whether or not there is evidence that the probability is different from 0.03. The probability for
each tail of the region should be as close as possible to 2.5%.
(c) Write down the significance level of this test.

Q4, June 2002

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6. A single observation x is to be taken from a Poisson distribution with parameter . This observation
is to be used to test H0 :  = 7 against H1 :   7.

(a) Using a 5% significance level, find the critical region for this test assuming that the probability
of rejection in either tail is as close as possible to 2.5%.
(b) Write down the significance level of this test.

The actual value of x obtained was 5.

(c) State a conclusion that can be drawn based on this value.

Q2, Jan 2003

7. A doctor expects to see, on average, 1 patient per week with a particular disease.

(a) Suggest a suitable model for the distribution of the number of times per week that the doctor
sees a patient with the disease. Give a reason for your answer.
(b) Using your model, find the probability that the doctor sees more than 3 patients with the
disease in a 4 week period.

The doctor decides to send information to his patients to try to reduce the number of patients he
sees with the disease. In the first 6 weeks after the information is sent out, the doctor sees 2 patients
with the disease.

(c) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is reason to believe that sending the
information has reduced the number of times the doctor sees patients with the disease. State
your hypotheses clearly.

Medical research into the nature of the disease discovers that it can be passed from one patient to

(d) Explain whether or not this research supports your choice of model. Give a reason for your

Q6, June 2003

8. Vehicles pass a particular point on a road at a rate of 51 vehicles per hour.

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(a) Give two reasons to support the use of the Poisson distribution as a suitable model for the
number of vehicles passing this point.
Find the probability that in any randomly selected 10 minute interval

(b) exactly 6 cars pass this point,

(c) at least 9 cars pass this point.

After the introduction of a roundabout some distance away from this point it is suggested that the
number of vehicles passing it has decreased. During a randomly selected 10 minute interval
4 vehicles pass the point.

(d) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence to support the suggestion
that the number of vehicles has decreased. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q5, Jan 2004
9. From past records a manufacturer of ceramic plant pots knows that 20% of them will have defects.
To monitor the production process, a random sample of 25 pots is checked each day and the
number of pots with defects is recorded.

(a) Find the critical regions for a two-tailed test of the hypothesis that the probability that a plant
pot has defects is 0.20. The probability of rejection in either tail should be as close as possible
to 2.5%.
(b) Write down the significance level of the above test.

A garden centre sells these plant pots at a rate of 10 per week. In an attempt to increase sales, the
price was reduced over a six-week period. During this period a total of 74 pots was sold.

(c) Using a 5% level of significance, test whether or not there is evidence that the rate of sales per
week has increased during this six-week period.
Q6, Jan 2004

10. Brad planted 25 seeds in his greenhouse. He has read in a gardening book that the probability of
one of these seeds germinating is 0.25. Ten of Brad’s seeds germinated. He claimed that the
gardening book had underestimated this probability. Test, at the 5% level of significance, Brad’s
claim. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q3, June 2004
11. (a) Explain what you understand by a critical region of a test statistic.

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The number of breakdowns per day in a large fleet of hire cars has a Poisson distribution with
mean .

(b) Find the probability that on a particular day there are fewer than 2 breakdowns.
(c) Find the probability that during a 14-day period there are at most 4 breakdowns.

The cars are maintained at a garage. The garage introduced a weekly check to try to decrease the
number of cars that break down. In a randomly selected 28-day period after the checks are
introduced, only 1 hire car broke down.

(d) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not the mean number of breakdowns has
decreased. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q5, June 2004

12. In an experiment, there are 250 trials and each trial results in a success or a failure.

(a) Write down two other conditions needed to make this into a binomial experiment.

It is claimed that 10% of students can tell the difference between two brands of baked beans. In a
random sample of 250 students, 40 of them were able to distinguish the difference between the
two brands.

(b) Using a normal approximation, test at the 1% level of significance whether or not the claim is
justified. Use a one-tailed test.
(c) Comment on the acceptability of the assumptions you needed to carry out the test.

Q4, Jan 2005

13. Over a long period of time, accidents happened on a stretch of road at random at a rate of 3 per
Find the probability that

(a) in a randomly chosen month, more than 4 accidents occurred,

(b) in a three-month period, more than 4 accidents occurred.

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At a later date, a speed restriction was introduced on this stretch of road. During a randomly chosen
month only one accident occurred.

(c) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence to support the claim that
this speed restriction reduced the mean number of road accidents occurring per month.

The speed restriction was kept on this road. Over a two-year period, 55 accidents occurred.

(d) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is now evidence that this speed
restriction reduced the mean number of road accidents occurring per month.
Q6, Jan 2005

14. A drugs company claims that 75% of patients suffering from depression recover when treated with
a new drug.

A random sample of 10 patients with depression is taken from a doctor’s records.

(a) Write down a suitable distribution to model the number of patients in this sample who recover
when treated with the new drug.

Given that the claim is correct,

(b) find the probability that the treatment will be successful for exactly 6 patients.

The doctor believes that the claim is incorrect and the percentage who will recover is lower. From
her records she took a random sample of 20 patients who had been treated with the new drug. She
found that 13 had recovered.

(c) Stating your hypotheses clearly, test, at the 5% level of significance, the doctor’s belief.
(d) From a sample of size 20, find the greatest number of patients who need to recover from the
test in part (c) to be significant at the 1% level. (4)
Q7, June 2005

15. A teacher thinks that 20% of the pupils in a school read the Deano comic regularly.

He chooses 20 pupils at random and finds 9 of them read the Deano.

(a) (i) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence that the percentage
of pupils that read the Deano is different from 20%. State your hypotheses clearly.

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(ii) State all the possible numbers of pupils that read the Deano from a sample of size 20 that
will make the test in part (a)(i) significant at the 5% level.

The teacher takes another 4 random samples of size 20 and they contain 1, 3, 1 and 4 pupils that
read the Deano.

(b) By combining all 5 samples and using a suitable approximation test, at the 5% level of
significance, whether or not this provides evidence that the percentage of pupils in the school
that read the Deano is different from 20%.
(c) Comment on your results for the tests in part (a) and part (b).
Q7, Jan 2006

16. Breakdowns occur on a particular machine at random at a mean rate of 1.25 per week.

(a) Find the probability that fewer than 3 breakdowns occurred in a randomly chosen week.

Over a 4 week period the machine was monitored. During this time there were 11 breakdowns.

(b) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence that the rate of
breakdowns has changed over this period. State your hypotheses clearly. (7)

Q4, June 2006

17. It is known from past records that 1 in 5 bowls produced in a pottery have minor defects. To
monitor production a random sample of 25 bowls was taken and the number of such bowls with
defects was recorded.

(a) Using a 5% level of significance, find critical regions for a two-tailed test of the hypothesis
that 1 in 5 bowls have defects. The probability of rejecting, in either tail, should be as close to
2.5% as possible.
(b) State the actual significance level of the above test.

At a later date, a random sample of 20 bowls was taken and 2 of them were found to have defects.

(c) Test, at the 10% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence that the proportion of
bowls with defects has decreased. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q7, June 2006

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18. Past records from a large supermarket show that 20% of people who buy chocolate bars buy the
family size bar. On one particular day a random sample of 30 people was taken from those that
had bought chocolate bars and 2 of them were found to have bought a family size bar.

(a) Test, at the 5% significance level, whether or not the proportion p of people who bought a
family size bar of chocolate that day had decreased. State your hypotheses clearly.

The manager of the supermarket thinks that the probability of a person buying a gigantic chocolate
bar is only 0.02. To test whether this hypothesis is true the manager decides to take a random
sample of 200 people who bought chocolate bars.

(b) Find the critical region that would enable the manager to test whether or not there is evidence
that the probability is different from 0.02. The probability of each tail should be as close to
2.5% as possible.
(c) Write down the significance level of this test. (1)

Q6, Jan 2007

19. Bacteria are randomly distributed in a river at a rate of 5 per litre of water. A new factory opens
and a scientist claims it is polluting the river with bacteria. He takes a sample of 0.5 litres of water
from the river near the factory and finds that it contains 7 bacteria. Stating your hypotheses clearly
test, at the 5% level of significance, the claim of the scientist.

Q2, June 2007

20. Linda regularly takes a taxi to work five times a week. Over a long period of time she finds the
taxi is late once a week. The taxi firm changes her driver and Linda thinks the taxi is late more
often. In the first week, with the new driver, the taxi is late 3 times. You may assume that the
number of times a taxi is late in a week has a Binomial distribution.

Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence of an increase in the
proportion of times the taxi is late. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q6, June 2007
21. Dhriti grows tomatoes. Over a period of time, she has found that there is a probability 0.3 of a ripe
tomato having a diameter greater than 4 cm. She decides to try a new fertiliser. In a random sample
of 40 ripe tomatoes, 18 have a diameter greater than 4 cm. Dhriti claims that the new fertiliser has
increased the probability of a ripe tomato being greater than 4 cm in diameter.

Test Dhriti’s claim at the 5% level of significance. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q5, Jan 2008

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22. (a) Explain what you understand by

(i) a hypothesis test,

(ii) a critical region.


During term time, incoming calls to a school are thought to occur at a rate of 0.45 per minute. To
test this, the number of calls during a random 20 minute interval, is recorded.

(b) Find the critical region for a two-tailed test of the hypothesis that the number of incoming
calls occurs at a rate of 0.45 per 1 minute interval. The probability in each tail should be as
close to 2.5% as possible.
(c) Write down the actual significance level of the above test.

In the school holidays, 1 call occurs in a 10 minute interval.

(d) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence that the rate of incoming
calls is less during the school holidays than in term time.

Q7, Jan 2008

23. A test statistic has a Poisson distribution with parameter .

Given that
H0:  = 9, H1:   9,

(a) find the critical region for the test statistic such that the probability in each tail is as close as
possible to 2.5%.
(b) State the probability of incorrectly rejecting H0 using this critical region. (2)

Q3, May 2008

24. Sue throws a fair coin 15 times and records the number of times it shows a head.

(a) State the distribution to model the number of times the coin shows a head.

Find the probability that Sue records

(b) exactly 8 heads,

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(c) at least 4 heads.

Sue has a different coin which she believes is biased in favour of heads. She throws the coin
15 times and obtains 13 heads.

(d) Test Sue’s belief at the 1% level of significance. State your hypotheses clearly.

Q5, May 2008

25. A call centre agent handles telephone calls at a rate of 18 per hour.

(a) Give two reasons to support the use of a Poisson distribution as a suitable model for the number
of calls per hour handled by the agent.
(b) Find the probability that in any randomly selected 15 minute interval the agent handles
(i) exactly 5 calls,
(ii) more than 8 calls.

The agent received some training to increase the number of calls handled per hour. During a
randomly selected 30 minute interval after the training the agent handles 14 calls.

(c) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence to support the suggestion
that the rate at which the agent handles calls has increased. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q6, May 2008
26. A single observation x is to be taken from a Binomial distribution B(20, p).

This observation is used to test H0 : p = 0.3 against H1 : p ≠ 0.3.

(a) Using a 5% level of significance, find the critical region for this test. The probability of
rejecting either tail should be as close as possible to 2.5%.
(b) State the actual significance level of this test.
The actual value of x obtained is 3.

(c) State a conclusion that can be drawn based on this value, giving a reason for your answer.

Q3, Jan 2009

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27. A web server is visited on weekdays, at a rate of 7 visits per minute. In a random one minute on a
Saturday the web server is visited 10 times.

(a) (i) Test, at the 10% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence that the rate of
visits is greater on a Saturday than on weekdays. State your hypotheses clearly.

(ii) State the minimum number of visits required to obtain a significant result.
(b) State an assumption that has been made about the visits to the server.
In a random two minute period on a Saturday the web server is visited 20 times.

(c) Using a suitable approximation, test at the 10% level of significance, whether or not the rate
of visits is greater on a Saturday. (6)
Q6, Jan 2009

28. An effect of a certain disease is that a small number of the red blood cells are deformed. Emily has
this disease and the deformed blood cells occur randomly at a rate of 2.5 per ml of her blood.
Following a course of treatment, a random sample of 2 ml of Emily’s blood is found to contain
only 1 deformed red blood cell.

Stating your hypotheses clearly and using a 5% level of significance, test whether or not there has
been a decrease in the number of deformed red blood cells in Emily’s blood.
Q2, June 2009

29. Past records suggest that 30% of customers who buy baked beans from a large supermarket buy
them in single tins. A new manager questions whether or not there has been a change in the
proportion of customers who buy baked beans in single tins. A random sample of 20 customers
who had bought baked beans was taken.

(a) Using a 10% level of significance, find the critical region for a two-tailed test to answer the
manager’s question. You should state the probability of rejection in each tail which should be
less than 0.05.
(b) Write down the actual significance level of a test based on your critical region from part (a).

The manager found that 11 customers from the sample of 20 had bought baked beans in single

(c) Comment on this finding in the light of your critical region found in part (a).
Q4, June 2009

30. (a) Define the critical region of a test statistic.

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A discrete random variable X has a Binomial distribution B(30, p). A single observation is used to
test H0 : p = 0.3 against H1 : p ≠ 0.3

(b) Using a 1% level of significance find the critical region of this test. You should state the
probability of rejection in each tail which should be as close as possible to 0.005.
(c) Write down the actual significance level of the test.

The value of the observation was found to be 15.

(d) Comment on this finding in light of your critical region. (2)

Q6, Jan 2010

31. A company claims that a quarter of the bolts sent to them are faulty. To test this claim the number
of faulty bolts in a random sample of 50 is recorded.

(a) Give two reasons why a binomial distribution may be a suitable model for the number of faulty
bolts in the sample.

(b) Using a 5% significance level, find the critical region for a two-tailed test of the hypothesis
that the probability of a bolt being faulty is 14 . The probability of rejection in either tail should
be as close as possible to 0.025.
(c) Find the actual significance level of this test.

In the sample of 50 the actual number of faulty bolts was 8.

(d) Comment on the company’s claim in the light of this value. Justify your answer.

The machine making the bolts was reset and another sample of 50 bolts was taken. Only 5 were
found to be faulty.

(e) Test at the 1% level of significance whether or not the probability of a faulty bolt has
decreased. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q6, June 2010

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32. A student takes a multiple choice test. The test is made up of 10 questions each with 5 possible
answers. The student gets 4 questions correct. Her teacher claims she was guessing the answers.
Using a one tailed test, at the 5% level of significance, test whether or not there is evidence to
reject the teacher’s claim.

State your hypotheses clearly.

Q2, Jan 2011

33. Richard regularly travels to work on a ferry. Over a long period of time, Richard has found that
the ferry is late on average 2 times every week. The company buys a new ferry to improve the
service. In the 4-week period after the new ferry is launched, Richard finds the ferry is late 3 times
and claims the service has improved. Assuming that the number of times the ferry is late has a
Poisson distribution, test Richard’s claim at the 5% level of significance. State your hypotheses
Q4, Jan 2011

34. A traffic officer monitors the rate at which vehicles pass a fixed point on a motorway. When the
rate exceeds 36 vehicles per minute he must switch on some speed restrictions to improve traffic

(a) Suggest a suitable model to describe the number of vehicles passing the fixed point in a 15 s

The traffic officer records 12 vehicles passing the fixed point in a 15 s interval.

(b) Stating your hypotheses clearly, and using a 5% level of significance, test whether or not the
traffic officer has sufficient evidence to switch on the speed restrictions.
(c) Using a 5% level of significance, determine the smallest number of vehicles the traffic officer
must observe in a 10 s interval in order to have sufficient evidence to switch on the speed
Q2, May 2011

35. A shopkeeper knows, from past records, that 15% of customers buy an item from the display next
to the till. After a refurbishment of the shop, he takes a random sample of 30 customers and finds
that only 1 customer has bought an item from the display next to the till.

(a) Stating your hypotheses clearly, and using a 5% level of significance, test whether or not there
has been a change in the proportion of customers buying an item from the display next to the
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During the refurbishment a new sandwich display was installed. Before the refurbishment 20% of
customers bought sandwiches. The shopkeeper claims that the proportion of customers buying
sandwiches has now increased. He selects a random sample of 120 customers and finds that 31 of
them have bought sandwiches.

(b) Using a suitable approximation and stating your hypotheses clearly, test the shopkeeper’s
claim. Use a 10% level of significance.
Q6, May 2011
36. David claims that the weather forecasts produced by local radio are no better than those achieved
by tossing a fair coin and predicting rain if a head is obtained or no rain if a tail is obtained. He
records the weather for 30 randomly selected days. The local radio forecast is correct on 21 of
these days.
Test David’s claim at the 5% level of significance.

State your hypotheses clearly.

Q2, Jan 2012
37. (a) Explain briefly what you understand by
(i) a critical region of a test statistic,

(ii) the level of significance of a hypothesis test.

(b) An estate agent has been selling houses at a rate of 8 per month. She believes that the rate of
sales will decrease in the next month.
(i) Using a 5% level of significance, find the critical region for a one tailed test of the
hypothesis that the rate of sales will decrease from 8 per month.

(ii) Write down the actual significance level of the test in part (b)(i).
The estate agent is surprised to find that she actually sold 13 houses in the next month. She now
claims that this is evidence of an increase in the rate of sales per month.

(c) Test the estate agent’s claim at the 5% level of significance. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q7, Jan 2012
38. A test statistic has a distribution B(25, p).

Given that
H0 : p = 0.5, H1 : p  0.5,
(a) find the critical region for the test statistic such that the probability in each tail is as close as
possible to 2.5%.
(b) State the probability of incorrectly rejecting H0 using this critical region.
Q2, May 2012

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39. (a) Write down the two conditions needed to approximate the binomial distribution by the Poisson
A machine which manufactures bolts is known to produce 3% defective bolts. The machine breaks
down and a new machine is installed. A random sample of 200 bolts is taken from those produced
by the new machine and 12 bolts are defective.

(d) Using a suitable approximation, test at the 5% level of significance whether or not the
proportion of defective bolts is higher with the new machine than with the old machine. State
your hypotheses clearly.
Q3, May 2012
40. (a) Explain what you understand by a hypothesis.
(b) Explain what you understand by a critical region.

Mrs George claims that 45% of voters would vote for her.

In an opinion poll of 20 randomly selected voters it was found that 5 would vote for her.

(c) Test at the 5% level of significance whether or not the opinion poll provides evidence to
support Mrs George’s claim.

In a second opinion poll of n randomly selected people it was found that no one would vote for
Mrs George.

(d) Using a 1% level of significance, find the smallest value of n for which the hypothesis H0 : p =
0.45 will be rejected in favour of H1 : p < 0.45.

Q6, Jan 2013

41. An online shop sells a computer game at an average rate of 1 per day.

(a) Find the probability that the shop sells more than 10 games in a 7 day period.

Once every 7 days the shop has games delivered before it opens.

(b) Find the least number of games the shop should have in stock immediately after a delivery so
that the probability of running out of the game before the next delivery is less than 0.05.

In an attempt to increase sales of the computer game, the price is reduced for six months. A random
sample of 28 days is taken from these six months. In the sample of 28 days, 36 computer games
are sold.
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(c) Using a suitable approximation and a 5% level of significance, test whether or not the average
rate of sales per day has increased during these six months. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q3, May 2013

42. In a manufacturing process 25% of articles are thought to be defective. Articles are produced in
batches of 20.

(a) A batch is selected at random. Using a 5% significance level, find the critical region for a two
tailed test that the probability of an article chosen at random being defective is 0.25.

You should state the probability in each tail, which should be as close as possible to 0.025.

The manufacturer changes the production process to try to reduce the number of defective articles.
She then chooses a batch at random and discovers there are 3 defective articles.

(b) Test at the 5% level of significance whether or not there is evidence that the changes to the
process have reduced the percentage of defective articles. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q3, May 2013

43. Frugal bakery claims that their packs of 10 muffins contain on average 80 raisins per pack. A
Poisson distribution is used to describe the number of raisins per muffin.

A muffin is selected at random to test whether or not the mean number of raisins per muffin has

(a) Find the critical region for a two-tailed test using a 10% level of significance. The probability
of rejection in each tail should be less than 0.05.
(b) Find the actual significance level of this test.

The bakery has a special promotion claiming that their muffins now contain even more raisins.

A random sample of 10 muffins is selected and is found to contain a total of 95 raisins.

(c) Use a suitable approximation to test the bakery’s claim. You should state your hypotheses
clearly and use a 5% level of significance.
Q6, May 2013_R

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44. A company claims that it receives emails at a mean rate of 2 every 5 minutes.

(a) Give two reasons why a Poisson distribution could be a suitable model for the number of
emails received.
(b) Using a 5% level of significance, find the critical region for a two-tailed test of the hypothesis
that the mean number of emails received in a 10 minute period is 4. The probability of rejection
in each tail should be as close as possible to 0.025.
(c) Find the actual level of significance of this test.
To test this claim, the number of emails received in a random 10 minute period was recorded.

During this period 8 emails were received.

(d) Comment on the company’s claim in the light of this value. Justify your answer.
During a randomly selected 15 minutes of play in the Wimbledon Men’s Tennis Tournament
final, 2 emails were received by the company.

(e) Test, at the 10% level of significance, whether or not the mean rate of emails received by the
company during the Wimbledon Men’s Tennis Tournament final is lower than the mean rate
received at other times. State your hypotheses clearly. (5)
Q3, May 2014
45. (a) State the conditions under which the normal distribution may be used as an approximation to
the binomial distribution.

A company sells seeds and claims that 55% of its pea seeds germinate.

(b) Write down a reason why the company should not justify their claim by testing all the pea
seeds they produce.

To test the company’s claim, a random sample of 220 pea seeds was planted.

(c) State the hypotheses for a two-tailed test of the company’s claim.

Given that 135 of the 220 pea seeds germinated,

(d) use a normal approximation to test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not the
company’s claim is justified.
Q5, May 2014
kumarmaths.weebly.com 25
46. Before Roger will use a tennis ball he checks it using a “bounce” test. The probability that a ball
from Roger’s usual supplier fails the bounce test is 0.2. A new supplier claims that the probability
of one of their balls failing the bounce test is less than 0.2. Roger checks a random sample of 40
balls from the new supplier and finds that 3 balls fail the bounce test.

Stating your hypotheses clearly, use a 5% level of significance to test the new supplier’s claim.
Q1, 2014_R
47. Sammy manufactures wallpaper. She knows that defects occur randomly in the manufacturing
process at a rate of 1 every 8 metres. Once a week the machinery is cleaned and reset. Sammy then
takes a random sample of 40 metres of wallpaper from the next batch produced to test if there has
been any change in the rate of defects.

(a) Stating your hypotheses clearly and using a 10% level of significance, find the critical region
for this test. You should choose your critical region so that the probability of rejection is less
than 0.05 in each tail.
(b) State the actual significance level of this test.

Thomas claims that his new machine would reduce the rate of defects and invites Sammy to test
it. Sammy takes a random sample of 200 metres of wallpaper produced on Thomas’ machine and
finds 19 defects.

(c) Using a suitable approximation, test Thomas’ claim. You should use a 5% level of significance
and state your hypotheses clearly.
Q5, 2014_R

48. The proportion of houses in Radville which are unable to receive digital radio is 25%. In a survey
of a random sample of 30 houses taken from Radville, the number, X, of houses which are unable
to receive digital radio is recorded.

(a) Find P(5  X < 11).


A radio company claims that a new transmitter set up in Radville will reduce the proportion of
houses which are unable to receive digital radio. After the new transmitter has been set up, a
random sample of 15 houses is taken, of which 1 house is unable to receive digital radio.

(b) Test, at the 10% level of significance, the radio company’s claim. State your hypotheses
Q2, May 2015

kumarmaths.weebly.com 26
49. Liftsforall claims that the lift they maintain in a block of flats breaks down at random at a mean
rate of 4 times per month. To test this, the number of times the lift breaks down in a month is

(a) Using a 5% level of significance, find the critical region for a two-tailed test of the null
hypothesis that ‘the mean rate at which the lift breaks down is 4 times per month’. The
probability of rejection in each of the tails should be as close to 2.5% as possible.

Over a randomly selected 1 month period the lift broke down 3 times.

(b) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether Liftsforall’s claim is correct. State your
hypotheses clearly.
(c) State the actual significance level of this test.
The residents in the block of flats have a maintenance contract with Liftsforall. The residents pay
Liftsforall £500 for every quarter (3 months) in which there are at most 3 breakdowns. If there are
4 or more breakdowns in a quarter then the residents do not pay for that quarter.
Liftsforall installs a new lift in the block of flats.

Given that the new lift breaks down at a mean rate of 2 times per month,
(d) find the probability that the residents do not pay more than £500 to Liftsforall in the next year.
Q5, May 2015

50. In a region of the UK, 5% of people have red hair. In a random sample of size n, taken from this
region, the expected number of people with red hair is 3.
(a) Calculate the value of n.

A random sample of 20 people is taken from this region.

Find the probability that

(b) (i) exactly 4 of these people have red hair,

(ii) at least 4 of these people have red hair.


Patrick claims that Reddman people have a probability greater than 5% of having red hair. In a
random sample of 50 Reddman people, 4 of them have red hair.

(c) Stating your hypotheses clearly, test Patrick’s claim. Use a 1% level of significance.
Q2, May 2016

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51. A potter believes that 20% of pots break whilst being fired in a kiln. Pots are fired in
batches of 25.
(a) Let X denote the number of broken pots in a batch. A batch is selected at random.
Using a 10% significance level, find the critical region for a two tailed test of the
potter’s belief. You should state the probability in each tail of your critical region.

The potter aims to reduce the proportion of pots which break in the kiln by increasing the
size of the batch fired. He now fires pots in batches of 50. He then chooses a batch at
random and discovers there are 6 pots which broke whilst being fired in the kiln.
(b) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence that increasing
the number of pots in a batch has reduced the percentage of pots that break whilst
being fired in the kiln. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q1, May 2017

52. A company receives telephone calls at random at a mean rate of 2.5 per hour.
(a) Find the probability that the company receives
(i) at least 4 telephone calls in the next hour,
(ii) exactly 3 telephone calls in the next 15 minutes.
(b) Find, to the nearest minute, the maximum length of time the telephone can be left
unattended so that the probability of missing a telephone call is less than 0.2.

The company puts an advert in the local newspaper. The number of telephone calls
received in a randomly selected 2 hour period after the paper is published is 10.
(c) Test at the 5% level of significance whether or not the mean rate of telephone calls
has increased. State your hypotheses clearly.
Q2, May 2017

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53. Bill owns a restaurant. Over the next four weeks Bill decides to carry out a sample survey to obtain
the customers’ opinions.
(a) Suggest a suitable sampling frame for the sample survey.
(b) Identify the sampling units.
(c) Give one advantage and one disadvantage of taking a census rather than a sample survey.
Bill believes that only 30% of customers would like a greater choice on the menu. He takes a
random sample of 50 customers and finds that 20 of them would like a greater choice on the menu.

(d) Test, at the 5% significance level, whether or not the percentage of customers who would like
a greater choice on the menu is more than Bill believes. State your hypotheses clearly.
IAL, Q2, Jan 2014
54. The number of telephone calls per hour received by a business is a random variable with
distribution Po(λ).

Charlotte records the number of calls, C, received in 4 hours.

A test of the null hypothesis H0: λ = 1.5 is carried out.
H0 is rejected if C > 10.

(a) Write down the alternative hypothesis.

(b) Find the significance level of the test.
Given that P(C > 10) < 0.1,
(c) find the largest possible value of λ that can be found by using the tables.
IAL, Q4, Jan 2014
55. A company claims that 35% of its peas germinate. In order to test this claim Ann decides to plant
15 of these peas and record the number which germinate.
(a) (i) State suitable hypotheses for a two-tailed test of this claim.

(ii) Using a 5% level of significance, find an appropriate critical region for this test. The
probability in each of the tails should be as close to 2.5% as possible.
(b) Ann found that 8 of the 15 peas germinated. State whether or not the company’s claim is
supported. Give a reason for your answer.
(c) State the actual significance level of this test.
IAL, Q5, June 2014

kumarmaths.weebly.com 29
56. Accidents occur randomly at a crossroads at a rate of 0.5 per month. A researcher records the
number of accidents, X, which occur at the crossroads in a year.

(a) Find P(5 ≤ X < 7).


A new system is introduced at the crossroads. In the first 18 months, 4 accidents occur at the

(b) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is reason to believe that the new
system has led to a reduction in the mean number of accidents per month. State your
hypotheses clearly.
IAL, Q4, Jan 2015
57. The Headteacher of a school claims that 30% of parents do not support a new curriculum. In a
survey of 20 randomly selected parents, the number, X, who do not support the new curriculum is

Assuming that the Headteacher’s claim is correct, find

(a) the probability that X = 5,

(b) the mean and the standard deviation of X.

The Director of Studies believes that the proportion of parents who do not support the new
curriculum is greater than 30%. Given that in the survey of 20 parents 8 do not support the new

(c) test, at the 5% level of significance, the Director of Studies’ belief. State your hypotheses

The teachers believe that the sample in the original survey was biased and claim that only 25% of
the parents are in support of the new curriculum. A second random sample, of size 2n, is taken and
exactly half of this sample supports the new curriculum.

A test is carried out at a 10% level of significance of the teachers’ belief using this sample of size

Using the hypotheses H0 : p = 0.25 and H1: p > 0.25

(d) find the minimum value of n for which the outcome of the test is that the teachers’ belief is
IAL, Q6, Jan 2015

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58. A company produces chocolate chip biscuits. The number of chocolate chips per biscuit has a
Poisson distribution with mean 8.

(a) Find the probability that one of these biscuits, selected at random, does not contain
8 chocolate chips.
A small packet contains 4 of these biscuits, selected at random.

(b) Find the probability that each biscuit in the packet contains at least 8 chocolate chips.

A large packet contains 9 of these biscuits, selected at random.

(c) Use a suitable approximation to find the probability that there are more than 75 chocolate
chips in the packet.

A shop sells packets of biscuits, randomly, at a rate of 1.5 packets per hour. Following an
advertising campaign, 11 packets are sold in 4 hours.

(d) Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence that the rate of sales of
packets of biscuits has increased. State your hypotheses clearly.
IAL, Q4, June 2015
59. A single observation x is to be taken from a Poisson distribution with parameter λ.

This observation is to be used to test, at a 5% level of significance,

H0: λ = k H1: λ ≠ k

where k is a positive integer.

Given that the critical region for this test is (X = 0) ∪ (X ≥ 9)

(a) find the value of k, justifying your answer.

(b) Find the actual significance level of this test.
IAL, Q4, June 2015
60. Past information at a computer shop shows that 40% of customers buy insurance when they
purchase a product. In a random sample of 30 customers, X buy insurance.

(a) Write down a suitable model for the distribution of X.

(b) State an assumption that has been made for the model in part (a) to be suitable.

kumarmaths.weebly.com 31
The probability that fewer than r customers buy insurance is less than 0.05.

(c) Find the largest possible value of r.

A second random sample, of 100 customers, is taken.

The probability that at least t of these customers buy insurance is 0.938, correct to 3 decimal places.

(d) Using a suitable approximation, find the value of t.

The shop now offers an extended warranty on all products. Following this, a random sample of 25
customers is taken and 6 of them buy insurance.

(e) Test, at the 10% level of significance, whether or not there is evidence that the proportion of
customers who buy insurance has decreased. State your hypotheses clearly.

IAL, Q4, June 2015

61. The number of eruptions of a volcano in a 10 year period is modelled by a Poisson distribution
with mean 1.
(a) Find the probability that this volcano erupts at least once in each of 2 randomly
selected 10 year periods. (2)
(b) Find the probability that this volcano does not erupt in a randomly selected 20 year period.
The probability that this volcano erupts exactly 4 times in a randomly selected w year
period is 0.0443 to 3 significant figures.
(c) Use the tables to find the value of w.
A scientist claims that the mean number of eruptions of this volcano in a 10 year period is
more than 1.
She selects a 100 year period at random in order to test her claim.

(d) State the null hypothesis for this test. (1)

(e) Determine the critical region for the test at the 5% level of significance.
IAL, Q5, Jan 2016
62. A fisherman is known to catch fish at a mean rate of 4 per hour. The number of fish caught by the
fisherman in an hour follows a Poisson distribution.
The fisherman takes 5 fishing trips each lasting 1 hour.
(a) Find the probability that this fisherman catches at least 6 fish on exactly 3 of these trips.
The fisherman buys some new equipment and wants to test whether or not there is a change in the
mean number of fish caught per hour.
Given that the fisherman caught 14 fish in a 2 hour period using the new equipment,
(b) carry out the test at the 5% level of significance. State your hypotheses clearly.
IAL, Q7, Jan 2016
kumarmaths.weebly.com 32
63. A single observation x is to be taken from X ~ B(12, p).

This observation is used to test H0 : p = 0.45 against H1: p > 0.45.

(a) Using a 5% level of significance, find the critical region for this test.
(b) State the actual significance level of this test.
The value of the observation is found to be 9.

(c) State the conclusion that can be made based on this observation.
(d) State whether or not this conclusion would change if the same test was carried out at
(i) 10% level of significance,

(ii) 1% level of significance.

IAL, Q3, June 2016
64. Last year 4% of cars tested in a large chain of garages failed an emissions test.
A random sample of n of these cars is taken. The number of cars that fail the test is represented
by X.
Given that the standard deviation of X is 1.44,

(a) (i) find the value of n

(ii) find E(X)

A random sample of 20 of the cars tested is taken.

(b) Find the probability that all of these cars passed the emissions test.
Given that at least 1 of these cars failed the emissions test,

(c) find the probability that exactly 3 of these cars failed the emissions test.
A car mechanic claims that more than 4% of the cars tested at the garage chain this year
are failing the emissions test. A random sample of 125 of these cars is taken and 10 of
these cars fail the emissions test.

(d) Using a suitable approximation, test whether or not there is evidence to support the
mechanic’s claim. Use a 5% level of significance and state your hypotheses clearly.
IAL, Q7, June 2016

kumarmaths.weebly.com 33
65. A mobile phone company claims that each year 5% of its customers have their mobile
phone stolen. An insurance company claims this percentage is higher. A random sample
of 30 of the mobile phone company’s customers is taken and 4 of them have had their
mobile phone stolen during the last year.

(a) Test the insurance company’s claim at the 10% level of significance. State your
hypotheses clearly.
A new random sample of 90 customers is taken. A test is carried out using these 90
customers, to see if the percentage of customers who have had a mobile phone stolen in
the last year is more than 5%.
(b) Using a suitable approximation and a 10% level of significance, find the critical
region for this test.
IAL, Q1, Oct 2016
66. In the manufacture of cloth in a factory, defects occur randomly in the production process
at a rate of 2 per 5 m2.
The quality control manager randomly selects 12 pieces of cloth each of area 15 m2.

(a) Find the probability that exactly half of these 12 pieces of cloth will contain
at most 7 defects.
The factory introduces a new procedure to manufacture the cloth. After the introduction
of this new procedure, the manager takes a random sample of 25 m2 of cloth from the next
batch produced to test if there has been any change in the rate of defects.

(b) (i) Write down suitable hypotheses for this test.

(ii) Describe a suitable test statistic that the manager should use.

(iii) Explain what is meant by the critical region for this test. (3)
(c) Using a 5% level of significance, find the critical region for this test.
You should choose the largest critical region for which the probability in each tail
is less than 2.5%
(d) Find the actual significance level for this test.
IAL, Q1, Jan 2017
67. A seed producer claims that 96% of its bean seeds germinate.
To test the producer’s claim, a random sample of 75 bean seeds was planted and 66 of
these seeds germinated.
Use a suitable approximation to test, at the 1% level of significance, whether or not
the producer is overstating the probability of its bean seeds germinating. State your
hypotheses clearly.
IAL, Q6, Jan 2017
kumarmaths.weebly.com 34
68. At a particular junction on a train line, signal failures are known to occur randomly at a
rate of 1 every 4 days.
(a) Find the probability that there are no signal failures on a randomly selected day.
(b) Find the probability that there is at least 1 signal failure on each of the next 3 days.
(c) Find the probability that in a randomly selected 7-day week, there are exactly 5 days
with no signal failures.
Repair works are carried out on the line. After these repair works, the number, f, of signal
failures in a 32-day period is recorded.
A test is carried out, at the 5% level of significance, to determine whether or not there has
been a decrease in the rate of signal failures following the repair works.
(d) State the hypotheses for this test. (1)
(e) Find the largest value of f for which the null hypothesis should be rejected.
IAL, Q1, June 2017
69. In a large population, past records show that 1 in 200 adults has a particular allergy.
In a random sample of 700 adults selected from the population, estimate
(a) (i) the mean number of adults with the allergy,
(ii) the standard deviation of the number of adults with the allergy.
Give your answer to 3 decimal places. (3)
A doctor claims that the past records are out of date and the proportion of adults with the
allergy is higher than the records indicate.
A random sample of 500 adults is taken from the population and 5 are found to have the
A test of the doctor’s claim is to be carried out at the 5% level of significance.
(b) (i) State the hypotheses for this test.
(ii) Using a suitable approximation, carry out the test. (6)
It is also claimed that 30% of those with the allergy take medication for it daily.
To test this claim, a random sample of n people with the allergy is taken. The random
variable Y represents the number of people in the sample who take medication for the
allergy daily.
A two-tailed test, at the 1% level of significance, is carried out to see if the proportion
differs from 30%
The critical region for the test is Y = 0 or Y ⩾ w
(c) Find the smallest possible value of n and the corresponding value of w (4)
IAL, Q4, June 2017

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