Fincher 1972
Fincher 1972
Fincher 1972
@ Copyright 1972
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.
This paper was preparedfor the Symposiumm the Handlingo.C OilfieldWaters of the Societyof
?etroleuwEngineersof AIME, to be held in Los Angeles,Calif.,Dec. 4-5, 1972. Permissionto &PY
is restrictedto an abstractof not more than 300 words. Illustratiofismay not be capied. The
abstractshouldcontainconspicuousacknowledgmentof where and by Iihomthe paper is presented.
publicationelsewhereafter publicationin the JOURN./ILOF PETROLEUMTECHNOLOGYor the SOCIETYOF
ENGINEERSJOURNALis usuallygrated upon requestto the Editorof the appropriate
jcurnalprovidedogreementto give proper credit is made.
~isc~ssionof this paper is invited. Three copiesof any discussionshouldbe sent to the
Societyof Petroleuml?mgineers office. Such discussionmay be presentedat the above meetingand,
the paper,
. . ,Paybe consideredfor publicationin one of the two SPE m~Eazines.
>aper: “without queskion, the system- reconstruct what has been taking place
atic reporting of equipment failures and should be obtained and correlated with
:he electronic processing of data tO other information as to treatments, and
place this information in a useful form ! all secondary type data to improve the
are a good investment of the small value of the monitoring overall, past,
~mount of time and money required. Pos- present and future.
itive management support gave the neces-
sary initial momentum to this program. Emphasis on the necessity of care-
Since then the program has been largely ful and thorough “detective” work is
self sustaining as field personnel have well stated in Byars 3 “Equipment Records
become aware of its usefulness in solv- and Histories” section of his paper,
ing current problems and +n reducing the “Corrosion Detection and Control
probability of future problems. Monitoring” . Excerpts from the Intro-
duction and Summary of Byars’ paper
“Engineering and management have follow: “The prime objective of cor-
used Equipment Failure Summaries to (1) rosion detection is to establish the
quickly detect problem wells and highly severity of corrosion before damage
localized problems on which there is a occurs-- monitoring is required to estab-
quick return for corrosion control ex- lish that conditions have not changed
penditures, (2) tre,in personnel to and/or that control efforts are satis-
better understand occurrences and causes factory. A failure is often the first
of equipment failures, (3) evaluate warning of a corrosion problem. The
routine corrosion control measures, and push is to get back on production.
(4) make annual or other scheduled Since it is impossi’~le to determine the
reviews of the overall corrosion control most economical approach on short
proqram to determine where and how this notice, the control is often selected
program can be made more effective. based on ‘Justification by Panic’. Btit
it does not have to be this way because
“Obviously the emphasis has been detection and monitoring programs can
placed on the useful application of help avoid such predicaments. In
electronically processed data, not on Smnmary: (1) Corrosion detection and
the mechanics of data processing. This monitoring are extremely important parts
is where the emphasis belongs. It is, of corrosion control.. (2) No single
in fact, the responsibility of the detection and monitoring technique can
corrosion engineer to properly use this be used to tell the full story. (3)
technological tool to improve profits Many approaches to detectioil and moni-
through more effective corrosion toring are available, including:
control.” Records and histories, corroding speci-
mens, chemical analysis, electrical
Direct Inspection measurements and inspection. (4) Field
conditions are continually changing and
Inspection to implement the care- you must follow your corrosion control
ful examination of all available equip- programs for maximum effectiveness. (5)
ment at every opportunity enables the Corrosion control is an important part
corrosion engineer to obtain valuable of achieving maximum profit Srom your
direct evider?ce concerning the corrosion company’s operations.”
and its control. Here is where team
work of all availabie experts in met- Direct examination. inspection, of
allurgical corrosion and chemical fields after periods of service
should be concentrated to obtain the can provide useful information, and the
maximum amount of information any and need for corrosion control, e~pecially
every time any piece of oil field equip- if the inspection can be done on any
ment is opened up and becomes available. regular scheduled basis and is not
The appearance of the metal, scales, necessitated due to breakdown. The
corrosion products, scoured, eroded Or equipment can be examined carefully
abraded surfaces and their location, visually, measured with micrometers for
every bit of evidence that may help ko wall thickness and pit depth and any
:elltale corrosion patterns noted. There film, receivers or sources (for radio-
lay be some pieces of the equipment whick graphic) to the external surface of the
:annot be excmined minutely without de- ?ortion of the equipment to be measured.
stroying their usefulness. Sometimes ?lammang4 describes the devices and
:he information that might be gained their operation as follows:
:rom “destructive” testing may be worth
;he expense. Ultrasonic
Indirect Inspection
—. Ultrasonic transmitters for non-
destructive testing consist of flat
Some non-destructive testing can quartz crystals which vibrate mechani-
]e done by instrument “logging” devices cally when a compatible high frequency
:hat will not harm the equipment. Their voltage is applied to them. The sound
lse necessitates opening up equipment to wave generated passes from the transmit-
jain access in at least one end, e.g., ter through the liquid “couplanc” to the
LO inspect downhole casing or tubing, specimen. The ultrasonic waves will
:he logging devices must be inserted at travel through the specimen until they
>ne end. This requires equipment to be encounter an interface or discontinuity,
:emoved from operations for the time usually the opposite surface of the
:equired to make the examination, log specimen. The reflected sound wave is
the pipe, etc. Often this type of infor- received and transformed into an elec-
mation, which should be done on a regu- trical impulse by a piezoelectric
larly scheduled basis is most helpful in element. The impulse is reproduced on
the overall economical picture. Runs of a cathode ray tube screen as a vertical
this type should be made early in the displacement from the zero line on the
life of any equipment to serve as a graticule (Graticule: a scale on trans-
~ase-line and to provide the necessary parent material in the focal plane of an
~ackground for comparing later runs and optical instrument for the location and
assessing corrosion damage or the succ- measurement of objects) . The time be-
ess of corrosion control. Some of tween the initial pulse and the first
these runs and the use of optical bore- reflection is relative to the distance
scopes, etc. can be run on pipe on racks traveled by the sound wave.
before installing, or if removed for
any purpose before being re-used. Often This distance traveled would be
the examination is for the purpose of equal to twice the thickness of the
checking reuseability of the equipment. specimen or twice the distance to the
Downhole inspection with television or discontinuity. The sound velocity is
cameras is a possibility that should constant and therefore it is relative to
not be overlooked in the overall picture the thickness. The reflected sound
where the sizes permit use of this type waves are transformed into electric
of inspection device. Of course, pre- impulses showing up on a cathode ray
ferred examinations would be made in tube screen and forming sequential
equipment while in service and would not “pips”. The distance between
require opening up, shutdown, or lost reflections can be calibrated on the
production. graticule by using a stair-step block
of machined thickness and the thickness
NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTS measured by referring to the graticule
and its known calibrations. Once the
Non-destructive methods available known thickness is measured and adjus-
for the examination of producing equip- ted on the screen, the operator can then
ment without interfering with operations start his measurements on the specimen,
include ultrasonic and radiation devices reading the thickness direckly from the
These devices car;be used wherever graticule.
access to the outside of the equipment
is convenient, or if buried, can be One unit is a battery operated,
unearthed sufficiently to apply the fully transistorized pulse echo device
transducers (for ultrasonics) or the which weighs less than 12 pounds. Its
r ~. . . ------ ---- . . . - ..---— —
radioactive isotopes, such as Cesiurn- rods, even wires on altered ~park plugs
137, Iridium-192, and Cobalt-60. The can be used. These must be inserted
limitations to the use of radiography and usually require insulation from the
are the metal thickness (about 9 inches equipment metal and each other where
with Cobalt-60) and diameter-to-wall multiple coupons are used in a holder,
thickness relationships. A small bore, fitting, etc.
thick walled body does not produce a
distinct image. There is simply not Also included, and more properly
enough difference in metal thickness to termed “probes”, are those pieces of
provide contrast in the picture. The metal, insulated from each other and
use of any radioactive source requires the equipment, and electrically connec-
that a licensed operator be present. table to the appropriate instrumenta-
Unlicensed personnel must remain clear tion, control apparatus, etc. used for
of a prescribed area during the time resistance measurement, polarization,
that an isotope is out of the protective galvanic couple, and film zesistivity
case or an X-ray machine is energized. techniques.
(Shielding with various materials like
lead reduces the critical area) The Before describing some of thejr
object and the surroundings do not uses and characteristics, an excellent
retain any radioactivity upon comple- presentation of the overall problem5is
tion of exposure. If prescribed safety quoted from Chittum and Englander ’s
procedures are followed, the technique paper: “Frequently it is the practice
is harmless to plant and animal iife, to take for granted that.general cor-
and it serves as a valuable method of rosion rates for steel can be measured
non-destructive testing. accurately and unequivocally by using
any type of coupon or probe placed
PROBES OR CORRODING SPECIMENS wherever an attack occurs in a system.
HDwever, experience raises considerable
The term “probes” can be used to doubt as to the reliability of many
designate any device, piece of metal, such measurements, and suggests that
equipment part, made of the equipment many coupons and probes influence the
metals or equivalents, inserted into attack on themselves by changing both
a system under study. Another term for general rate and uniformity of the
“probes”, used by Byars3, is “corroding corrosion. A desired measurement is
specimens” . The system may be the the rate of uniform metal loss from the
equipment or an alternate of substitute, wall of the system suffering corrosion.
simulating the system as perfectly as The actual results obtained by conven-
possible. Standby equipment could be tional means for measuring corrosion
used, or a side-stream or by-pass~ are frequently different from what is
equivalent or identical to the main desired. This paper reports the
parts. Pilot systems could be used if results from a laboratory investigation
and where valid. Laboratory equipment to evaluate several of the common
has been used and can be with reason- methods used for corrosion rate
able care to simulate the equipment measurement. ..“
both as to metal and environment plus
the necessary range of operating para- They conclude: “1. Wall type
meters. weight loss coupons are able to measure
general rates for either oxygen or acid
Included under the category of corrosion with adequate accuracy and
probes are hydrogen probes, coupons, with satisfactory reproducibility. Wa 1
electrodes, and a great many others type split-sleeve coupons make possible
partially listed below: separate and accurate measurements for
the top and bottom of a pipe. 2. Rec-
Coupons, Spools, Nipp lest and tangular plate weight loss coupons,
Other Fittings centrally located in a flowing brine,
are able to measure oxygen corrosion
Pieces of metal such as plates, rates with accuracy that tends to be
YE 4720 D. R. F~
erratic but may be useful for qualita- tance ratio of the probe varies, but
tive work. 3. Rectangular plate weight not linearly with the loss of metal.”
loss coupons, centrally located in a
flowing brine, give high corrosion rates Polarization Resistance Method
for acid attack, but may provide rela-
tive results that are interpretable for The polarization resistance method
experience. 4. Rod type weight loss of corrosion detection is a technique
coupons give corrosion rates for acid for measuring corrosion rates directly
attack that are still higher than the without the necessity of exposing a
rectangular plates and demand more specimen for a time period between
experience for interpretation. 5. Re- readings. The method is based on small
sistance type probes tend to display all current and potential measurements on
possible problems for such corrosion small electrodes. Because of the fact
rate measuring units. The center-strearr that an electrical current flows betweer
specimens give high erratic results for the electrodes, it is necessary that th(
both oxygen and acid corrosion rates. electrolyte in which the tests are
The wall type probes are able to measure performed be a conductive one. ..
oxygen corrosion rates accurate-. , but
must be attached more carefully than The one principal advantage of
those used in the tests to avoid giving the polarization resistance method is
high results for acid corrosion. 6. the determination of instantaneous
Polarization probes tend to display all corrosion rates as compared to other
possible problems for such corrosion methods in which metal loss is measured
specimens. Meaningful rates require over a finite period of time. The term
considerable experience with the design “instantaneous” should be clarified:
and use in the system.” instantaneous means that each reading
on the instr~~ment can be translated
A rt..centNACE Standard6 discusses directly into corrosion rate. However,
the electrical methods as follows: the electrodes must be acclimatized to
“Several relatively new techniques for the environment before meaningful rates
measuring the corrosion rate of metals can be obtained.
are currently finding wide usage in
industry. These techniques are (1) the The instantaneous rate measured by
electrical resistance method, (2) ‘pol- the polarization resistance method is
arization resistance method, and (3) th< an average rate of penetration and does
galvanic method. not measure the pitting rate. However,
since pitting conditions result from
Electrical Resistance Technique nonuniform conditions on the surface of
metals, an indication of these corldi-
The measurement of corrosion by tions can be obtained with the dual
electrical resistance is based on the electrode system and both of the three
change of resistance of a metallic electrode methods of measurement. Sine,
specimen as its cross-section decreases all methods provide a measurement of
from a loss of metal.. . pitting tendency, the advantages of one
over the other will depend mainly on thl
In using the method, the corrosion read-out characteristics of the instru-
probe is exposed to the environment and ment. The read-out should make little
readings are taken on the instrument difference in the manual, portable type
at various intervals of time depending instrument but could make recordings
on the sensitivity of the probe. To either difficult to obtain or interpret
determine the rate of corrosion, the
loss of metal occurring between any A disadvantage in the polarization
two readings is divided by the time resistance method for rate measurement
interval to give a rate of penetration is that the electrodes must be in,a
per unit time... conductive solution. Thus, the tech-
nique cannot be used in gaseous environ.
As corrosion proceeds, the resis- ments or nonconducting liquids such as
prodl~ct than hydrogen. Its use for tion and/or device that will pilot
monitoring should be more extensive accurately enough whether oxygen is
than it is and has been. Only one present or might be suspected of being
reference was found. present may save time and money. AS
long as the simpler device shows no
A method of inhibitor evaluation probability of the harmful effects of
based on measurement of hydrogen trace oxygen presents, it may not be
evolved during corrosion? apparatus necessary to test with sufficiently
used, evaluation procedure and typical sensitive instrumentation as frequently
test results are given. The method or diligently to verify oxygen presence
was developed to simulate oil well or absence as would otherwise be desir-
corrosion as closely as possible and able.
still give rapid evaluation results.
Hot brine is passed continuously by an Carbon Dioxide
iron coupon and subsequently discharged
from the system so prevent build-up of Carbon dioxide10 also plays an
corrosion products. Simulation of important role as discussed below:
fluid flow is accomplished by rotating “Because carbon dioxide plays such a
the sample and provision is made for prominent role in sweet corrosion, some
introduction of a gas in the brine. Thf of the factors governing its behavior
gas and liquid leaving the iron coupon should be considered. The impartant
are separated and the amount of hydro- factors governing the volubility clf
gen in the gas stream determined. This carbon dioxide are pressure, tempera-
provides a means ~f continuously measur. ture, and composition of the wate~.
ing the rate of hydrogen evolution and Pressure increases the volubility (Fig-
consequently of the corrosion rate. ure 5)Y temperature decreases the
Effect of a chemical on this rate is volubility (Figure 6)? and many dis-
determined by injecting it into the solved minerals may buffer the water
flow stream in front of the sample and (prevent PH reduction). In a gas-
recording the change in rate of hydro- condensate well, with almost no dis-
gen evolution. Oil is not used in the solved minerals and at relatively
liquid stream because oil well cor- high temperatures, pressure is the
rosion is an ionic process and occurs controlling factor influencing carbon
only when metal is in contact with dioxide volubility. In fact, the
water. partial pressure of carbon dioxide can
be used as a yardstick to predict
-en Gas corrosiveness of gas-condensate wells.
?E_4z2~JuwmRax ~.
The salt water usually produced dictive device. P~oduced fluid samples
by a sweet oil well contains Jissolved can be obtained, possibly from a well
minerals and the foregoing relationship with no previous corrosion problems.
does not always apply. However, corro- TO find if the well might procluce
sion is mcst often encountered where th~ corrosive fluids if the water to oil
carbon dioxide content is high. As a ratio increased (“cut” increased) a
first approximation, the partial pres- number of corrosivity tests c=.nbe made
sure of carbon dioxide is useful in Besides tests at the “as-produced”
predicting corrosivity of sweel oil water-to-oil ratios, both higher and
wells. In Figure 7, the volubility of lower cuts than the as-produced are run
C02 in a typical sweet well has been A “Corrogram” can be made from the
calculated. “ data, in which the corrosivities found
are plotted against the cut. Operators
J&l@12 can be forewarned oi potential corrosio
problems if higher corrosivities are
Liquids obtairted from systems found at higher cuts.
may have dissolved materials or uni-
formly dispersed particles. If Solids
representative sampling can be made
and the materials are obtained on a Results of examination and analy-
reproducible basis related to their sis of any solid materials which can
sources, results of analyses may be be obtained from a system may provide
helpful in corrosim monitoring. additional helpful information. This
type of “detective” work ctirrelated
Dissolved ircn content 11 can be with others may be and aid in obtain-
a valuable detection tool: “Orleof ing a better idea of what is occurring
the first methods of monitoriilg corro- in the system. Is the solid material
sion in oil (and gas) fields utilized scale, wax, corrosion products, gunk,
dissolved iron content data. The crud, stiff emulsion, mill scale or
~method was used extensively in the bits of metal? Is it represerltative
development of systems for controlling of conditions or a random occurrence?
oil (and gas) field equipment corrosion
Procedures, applications and case CONCLUSIONS
histories have been cited in the
literature12. Visual and photoelectric The ideal corrosion monitoring
comparators were used as portable system would not necessarily use a!.1
calorimeters for measuring the available techniques, even if ample
dissolved iron content of produced money and shut down time to implement
water. Titration procedures also all of them were available, or if new
were used in the field and laboratory. installations, wells, plants, etc.
could be planned, designed and built
In 1958, a joint publication using all of them. The wise corrosion
the American Petroleum Institute and engineer might plan his monitoring
the NACE described the methods then with several priorities or levels of
in use. Utilization of dissolved iron necessity and urgency in mind.
content tests may be found in the
minutes of various NACE Technical Unit The foremost criteria would be
Committees, with the currently respon- safety - ecology protection, minimized
sible unit being T-lC on Detection of interference to operations and economy,
Corrosion in Oil Field Equipment. even if the corrosion efigineer were a
Analytical procedures for determining super salesman who could sell the best
iron8are described in an API publica- and/or most expensive to his management
tion . Systems conditions would govern the
monitoring techniques desired. Those
Corroqrams best suited to match specific needs
in plant~ well, well equipment should
Corrograms can be used as a pre- be used, considering the operating
. . ..-. --------- .------------------ --, -- -- .+.- --u
—J.+. ----
Uninhibited 2 to 10