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CoriolisEffectTG 2

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Teacher Guide: Coriolis Effect

Learning Objectives
Students will …
• Model how the Coriolis effect works using the analogy of playing catch while standing on
a moving object.
• Observe how the motion of the thrower affects the velocity of the throw.
• View a moving object in different frames of reference, and show how a rotating frame of
reference can cause motion in straight lines to appear curved.
• Model the Coriolis effect on Earth’s surface.
• Explain air circulation patterns on Earth using the Coriolis effect.

Coriolis effect, deflect, frame of reference, high-pressure
system, low-pressure system, tropical cyclone, velocity

Lesson Overview
The Coriolis effect is one of the trickiest and most
misunderstood phenomena in science. The Coriolis Effect
Gizmo uses the analogy of two kids playing catch to explain
the Coriolis effect, first using the model of throwing a ball
between moving trains, then throwing a ball on a merry-go-
round, and finally throwing a ball across Earth’s surface.
The Student Exploration sheet contains four activities:
• Activity A – Students model throwing a ball between two moving trains.
• Activity B – Students model throwing a ball on a spinning merry-go-round.
• Activity C – Students model throwing a ball on Earth.
• Activity D – Students apply the Coriolis effect to global wind patterns, high and low-
pressure systems, and tropical cyclones.

Suggested Lesson Sequence

1. Pre-Gizmo activity ( varies)

Several of the experiments shown in the Gizmo can be modeled in the classroom,
depending on the available materials. For example, one student can sit on a rolling chair
and try to throw a foam ball through a hula hoop set up in the school hallway. The
student can first do this while sitting stationary, and then while being pushed sideways
down the hall. Students will see that the path of the thrown ball is influenced by the
sideways motion of the chair.

If you have access to a playground merry-go-round, you can have student volunteers
attempt to play catch while rotating on the merry-go-round. If not, there are several
excellent videos that show what happens. See the Selected Web Resources for ideas.

2. Prior to using the Gizmo ( 10 – 15 minutes)
Before students are at the computers, pass out the Student Exploration sheets and ask
students to complete the Prior Knowledge Questions. Discuss student answers as a
class, but do not provide correct answers at this point. Afterwards, if possible, use a
projector to introduce the Gizmo and demonstrate its basic operations.

3. Gizmo activities ( 15 – 20 minutes per activity)

Assign students to computers. Students can work individually or in small groups. Ask
students to work through the activities in the Student Exploration using the Gizmo.
Alternatively, you can use a projector and do the Exploration as a teacher-led activity.

4. Discussion questions ( 15 – 30 minutes)

As students are working or just after they are done, discuss the following questions:
• What are some different frames of reference you use in your life? [For example,
while you are riding in an airplane, you might consider the inside of the plane to
be the frame of reference.]
• In this Gizmo, what factors affect the path of the thrown ball? [The speed and
direction of the throw as well as the speed and direction of the thrower.]
• On the merry-go-round, does the ball move in a straight path or a curved path?
[The ball moves in a straight line.]
• What makes the ball appear to go in a curved path from the perspective of the
people on the merry-go-round? [The people are rotating but think of themselves
as being stationary. As a result, the ball path appears curved.]
• How is the situation on Earth similar to the merry-go-round? [If you view from
above the North Pole, the thrower is rotating counterclockwise just like the
thrower on the edge of the merry-go-round.]
• How does the frame of reference affect our perception of winds on Earth’s
surface? [From our frame of reference, it appears that winds move along a
curved path. However, the winds are actually moving in straight lines while Earth
is rotating below them.]

5. Follow-up activity: Convection cells and global wind patter ( 3-4 days)
The Coriolis Effect Gizmo was designed to be used along with the Convection Cells
Gizmo to provide an in-depth understanding of the causes of global wind patterns and
ocean circulation.

After completing the Convection Cells Gizmo, assign student groups to a short research
project on a related topic. This could include the jet stream, how hurricanes form, polar
vortex, the Gulf Stream, the oceanic conveyor belt, El Nino, and many others. Ask
students to explain how convection and the Coriolis effect relate to these phenomena. In
addition, discuss how the phenomenon could be affected by global climate change.

Scientific Background:
While the Coriolis effect is often misunderstood, the cause is fairly simple. When an object is
launched from a moving platform, the motion of the platform will affect the motion of the object.
For example, if a quarterback throws a ball downfield while running to his right, the ball will

move to the right as well as downfield. The two types of motion can be represented by vectors
(arrows) representing the motion of the ball and the motion of the thrower. In this case, the ball
velocity is found by simply adding the two vectors together.

This combination of motion is illustrated at right. The thrower on the

train is moving to his right (red arrow) and throws the ball away from
the train (blue arrow). The resulting velocity of the ball (yellow arrow)
is a combination of these two motions.

On a merry-go-round, the situation is very similar. When the thrower

stands on the edge of the merry-go-round, he is moving to his right
(red arrow) as he throws the ball toward the center (blue arrow). The
resulting motion of the ball is deflected to the right (yellow arrow).

Earth is like the merry-go-round because Earth is also rotating. If an

object such as a rocket is launched, it will be influenced by Earth’s
rotation, which is about 1,670 km/h, or 1,000 mph at the equator.
Winds moving away from the equator are deflected to the east
because of this rotational motion. Winds moving toward the equator
are deflected toward the west because their initial rotational speed is
less than at the equator.

As shown in the Gizmo, the actual path of objects over Earth’s

surface is basically straight (albeit curved by Earth’s gravity).
However, when mapping wind patterns, we usually use the frame of
reference where Earth is stationary. When a rotating body is used
as a frame of reference, it causes straight paths to appear curved.
This results in wind patterns similar to the map at right, where winds
moving toward the equator are deflected to the west and winds
moving away from the equator are deflected to the east.

The Coriolis effect causes a variety of wind patterns on Earth,

including the circulation of winds around high and low-pressure
systems. The familiar counterclockwise spiraling of winds and
clouds around the center of a hurricane is a result of the Coriolis effect.

Selected Web Resources

Coriolis effect on a merry-go-round videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPsLanVS1Q8,
Coriolis effect on trains: https://scijinks.gov/coriolis/
Coriolis effect explanation: https://stratus.ssec.wisc.edu/courses/gg101/coriolis/coriolis.html
Global winds: http://www.ces.fau.edu/nasa/content/resources/global-wind-patterns.php
Convection Cells Gizmo: https://www.explorelearning.com/gizmo/id?1090
Hurricane Motion Gizmo: https://www.explorelearning.com/gizmo/id?619
Coastal Winds and Clouds Gizmo: https://www.explorelearning.com/gizmo/id?627


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