CS0161 FTL51 Overfill Protection in Propylene
CS0161 FTL51 Overfill Protection in Propylene
CS0161 FTL51 Overfill Protection in Propylene
Chemical plant Liquiphant M FTL51 with FTL325P Nivotester Steel storage tanks
Liquiphant FTL51 and Nivotester Solution The FEL57 electronics is a two-wire Pulse
FTL325P are used as high level switch- A high level switch was required for overfill Frequency Modulation (PFM) transmis-
es for overfill protection in a propylene protection. The Endress+Hauser Liquiph- sion and is a very safe way of conveying
oxide (PO) storage tank. This Pulse ant M FTL51 has been in use at this facility information from the filed instrument into
Frequency Modulation (PFM) signal for several years as a high level switch, so the control room. In comparison to a 4 to
transmission setup allows a periodi- the choice was simple. The Liquiphant was 20 mA transmission, the information is
cally function test without dismounting specified with an FEL57 electronic module encoded in the frequency of impulses, su-
the instrument. In addition, a radar and an FTL325P Nivotester to ensure an perimposed as a 10 mA current. A failure in
instrument is used for continuous level intrinsically safe installation. This also this case is represented by no pulses (0 Hz).
measurement. allowed the ability to test the complete
instrument functionality without removal This transmission allows for explosion proof
Company profile and intrinsically safe installation. The Nivo-
from the tank.
Chemical plant in Michigan tester FTL325P is typically installed in the
Results control room. It provides the power supply
This company manufactures several prod- The customer selected Endress+Hauser for the FTL51, the IS barrier and a relay
ucts at this site. The chemicals produced based on a combination of past experience, output for level switch point and alarm.
here primarily service the automotive reduced equipment maintenance, and price.
market and OEM market. The FEL57 module is equipped with an
Instrument description internal test generator. As describe above,
Application every Liquiphant model checks the fre-
The FTL51 tuning fork level switch vibrates
The project was to replace an aging carbon continuously with its resonance frequency. quency of the tuning fork and therefor the
steel horizontal cylinder bulk storage tank, If the tines are covered with liquid, the quality of the measured signal continuously.
with a new stainless steel vertical cylinder resonance frequency drops and the instru- The internal test generator now checks if
bulk storage tank. The old tank had a ca- ment detects the presence of material. In this continuous self-test is working properly.
pacitance probe that the instrument techni- addition, the analysis of the frequency and
cian wanted to upgrade to radar. To prevent the amplitude of the vibration also allows This installation allows the customer to
overfilling of the tank, a tuning fork point for a sensor reliability check. For example, test the complete instrument functionality
level instrument was installed. corrosion of the fork resulting in an increase without removal from the tank by push-
in resonance frequency, or blocking of the ing a test button. This test procedure saves
Temperature: 68°F (20°C) tines resulting in a loss of vibration, will be dismounting and mounting costs every time
Pressure: 50 psig (1.5 bar) detected instantaneously. the overfill function has to be checked in
the plant for routine maintenance.
SIL (Safety Integrity Level) rating
The Liquiphant and Nivotester combination
with periodically push-button test function-
ality is SIL2 and SIL3 rated in accordance
to the IEC 61508/61511 and ISA 84.01-
96 standards and has been certified by the
TÜV Rheinland of North America and the
German TÜV. Radar continuous