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Assignment - 2 - Group - Rusydiana - 210107110061

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Project 2

Name of the Group Members:

1. Shofi Hikmatul Muna (210107110060)
2. Rusydiana An-Nahar (210107110061)
3. Khumairo Qurrotu’ain (210107110062)
4. Soraya Balqis (210107110065)
5. Chintya Ainun Nabilla (210107110066)

Part 1: General Description

Type of Course ( ) General English ( ) English for Specific Purposes

Target audience ● Age group: 15-17 Years old.

● Students’ educational level: Eleventh Grade High School.
● Students’ English Proficiency level: Beginner to Intermediate CEFR:
● Class size: 35 students.
● How class size affects this activity: The class size allows the lecturer
to do pairs or group work.
Classroom ● My classroom is equipped with a) an LCD projector, b) a
equipment Technology-enabled whiteboard, c) WIFI, and d) Speakers.
● I have to prepare additional equipment myself and they are 1) a
laptop and 2) portable loudspeakers.
● My students need to bring their laptops (most of them have a laptop)

Lesson Aims ● Help students learn about verbs from command sentences that end in
“-Iy” and how to use them.

At the end of this activity, my students should be able to:

Learning Objectives
● Identify the words ending “-Iy” in the text “Girl Reading at the
● Students can create 5 paragraphs in groups according to
topics of interest and use command sentences ending in the
word “-Iy”.
Assumptions ● Students have learned how to use COCA resources before this
● Students have read the materials shared and watched videos and
resources before this meeting.
● Students have mastered English sentence constructions.
● Students have learned what a command sentence is that has the
word “-Iy” at the end of the sentence.
Assessment ● Formative assessment: Individually, students identify words ending in
“-Iy” in the text “Girl Reading at the Park”.
● Summative assessment: in groups, students must create a paragraph
(narrative) that contains information about a group’s interests, for
example: daily activities, such as cooking, exercising, studying, or
travelling. At least 5 sentences using command words ending in “-Iy”.
Class time 90 Minutes

Resources (and ● https://www.vedantu.com/stories/a-day-at-the-park-story Resource

links) short story text (girl reading at the park)
● https://youtu.be/NeIn9Ut_ukY?si=uuDvI2Ds2UrIhcc4 Resource
youtube videos (the material about suffix-ly)
● Corpus of Contemporary American English

Part 2: Materials development process

The first step is to choose a grammar topic, in this case the grammar topic that can be
chosen for the assignment is the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). Students can
select several grammar topics that can help students' understanding. There are several grammar
topic options available to choose from, students can choose other grammar topics that can help
students' understanding and increase their understanding of the grammar topic material. These
topics discuss selecting relevant grammar to students.

In preparing learning, start by displaying a short story text on the board or distributing
printed copies. Share a discussion about the story then ask to encourage them to recall details from
the text and Introduce the concept of adverbs focus on adverbs with the -ly suffix. Then, give the
examples and explain their function in modifying verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

The first activity starts from increasing students' understanding by providing video materials.
2.) The next process requires stopping the learning video at key points to explain and discuss the
examples shown in the video. The purpose of this strategy is to ensure students' understanding of
the material being studied and ensure that students are actively involved in the learning process. 3.)
Then, to clarify students' understanding of what they discovered or learned, as well as to explain
how the -ly suffix can make a difference in the function of a word in a sentence. By explaining this
concept, teachers help students understand the role and function of the -ly suffix in changing root
words into adverbs. 4.) The next step is to divide students into small groups which is an effective
strategy in creating a collaborative and supportive learning environment, where students can
interact, work together, and learn together more effectively. 5.) In this step, the teacher gives
instructions to students to create worksheets that will be given by the teacher. These instructions
aim to provide guidance to students about what is expected of them when working on the
worksheet. 6.) After preparing the equipment, in this step students work together in groups to work
on worksheets using the Keyword in Context (KWIC) method available in the Corpus of
Contemporary American English (COCA). 7. At this stage, students are asked to identify and list the
words that appear in COCA after the -ly suffix. Through this activity, students can develop a better
understanding of the use of words with the -ly suffix in English, as well as improve their skills in
analyzing data and organizing information systematically. 8.) Then, from the list, students are able to
write the example of the sentences. 9.) The ninth step involves students checking for words that
match the -ly suffix that they found in the previous text, and then they look for examples of
sentences from COCA that use those words. The aim is to strengthen students' understanding of the
use of these words in context. 10.) The next step is to present the students' work. After following all
of the parts, students have time to work in front of the class and the last is providing the feedback by
teachers is an important step in the learning process that aims to help students understand
strengths and areas for improvement in their work. There is also a review of the correct answer and
discussion in the formation of the word -ly suffix, students are asked to share interesting or
challenging examples they found about COCA during exploration activities, as well as provide
feedback regarding the understanding.

Part 3: Lesson Plan

Timing Stages Ss/T Aims
(minutes) T/Ss

Pre - Activity
- Start the lesson by displaying a short story text To identify -ly
on the board or distribute printed copies. suffix words
Instruct students to read the story individually. in a short
( See Resources 1) Ss/T story text
- Engage students in a brief discussion about the
20 minutes story. Ask questions to encourage them to recall
details from the text. And also ask the student
questions. (see Activity 1 in Part 4)
- Introduce the concept of adverbs and specifically T/Ss
focus on adverbs formed with the suffix "-ly".
Provide examples and explain their function in
modifying verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
Main Activity
To learn The
- The teacher provides video material that can use of -ly
increase students' understanding (see Resources suffix in a
2) word and
- Pause the video at key points to explain and how does it
T/Ss change the
discuss examples. Encourage students to take
notes during the video. part of
- The teacher explains further about what speech
50 minutes students’ finding and how the -ly suffix makes
differences in part of speech function. (see
Activity 2 in Part 4)

- The teacher divides the students into groups

Ts/Ss To practice
consisting of four students.
- The teacher give the instruction to do the making -ly
worksheet that the teacher will be given (see suffix words
activity 3, in part 4) and find the
- The students do the worksheet together with a example of
group by using the Keyword in Context (KWIC) in Ss/Ss sentences by
using the
COCA. The teacher will monitor the activity and
Keyword in
act as a facilitator. (See Resources 3)
- Students will list the word that come after -ly
(KWIC) in
suffix based on their findings in COCA
- Students also need to write examples of
- The students will check the suitable words with
-ly suffix find in the text before and the example
of the sentences in COCA
To presents
- The students present their works in front of the Ss/T students’
work and
- The teacher gives feedback for students’ work T/Ss
speaking skills
Post Activity
- Review the correct answers to the practice
activities as a class, discussing the formation of
adverbs with the suffix "-ly."
- Ask students to share any interesting or To review
challenging examples they found on COCA the lesson
during the exploration activity. and
20 minutes - Provide feedback on students' understanding of T/Ss implement
the grammar concept and their ability to apply it the -ly suffix
in context. words at
- The teacher assigns students for homework. In a paragraph
group consisting of 2 students, they have to
write a paragraph containing at least 5 sentences
using adverbs formed with the suffix "-ly" to
describe actions. The details of the homework
(see Activity 4 in Part 4)

Part 4: The complete and ready-to-use materials

Pre Activity

A. activity 1

The question for the short story text:

1. What do you know about suffixes?

2. When is the suffix used?
3. Mention any words that end in "ly" in the text you have read

The answer of question:

1. What do you know about suffixes?

A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning.

2. When is the suffix used?

We use suffixes whenever we need to change a word or add more information to it.

3. Mention any words that end in "ly" in the text you have read

In the texts we read, words like “honest,” “responsive,” and “effective” end in “-ly.” These
words describe how something is done.

Main activities

A. activity 2
This activity allows you to learn about suffix-ly to increase students' understanding by watching the
videos on youtube. And also the teacher explains and discusses more about suffix-ly from those
videos. Here is the Breakdown:

- Play the video material. Pause the video at key points to explain and discuss examples.
Encourage students to take notes during the video to aid their understanding.
- Explain the concept of suffixes and specifically focus on the "-ly" suffix. Explain that "-ly" is
often added to adjectives to form adverbs.
- After watching the video, further explain the concept of how the "-ly" suffix changes the part
of speech of words. Provide additional examples and clarify any confusion students may
- Engage students in an interactive discussion about the words they observed in the video.
Encourage them to share their findings about the example of the "-ly".

B. activity 3

This activity allows you to learn how the suffix-ly is used in a real context. In addition, you are going
to do group work by using COCA. In order to do so, please follow the directions below:


Please follow the below steps in order:

1. The teacher will divide the class into groups of four students each.
2. The teacher will explain a worksheet containing exercises related to words with the "-ly"
3. The students do the worksheet together with a group by using the Keyword in Context
(KWIC) in COCA. The teacher will monitor the activity and act as a facilitator. Listen carefully
as the teacher explains the instructions on the worksheet.
4. Use the KWIC feature to search for words that come after the "-ly" suffix.
5. Record these words in the designated section of your worksheet.
6. Based on your findings in COCA, create examples of sentences using the words you listed
with the "-ly" suffix.
7. Write these sentences in the space provided on your worksheet.
8. check the suitable words with -ly suffix find in the text before and the example of the
sentences in COCA
9. Each group will present their findings and examples in front of the class.

The KWIC Page:

Post Activities

D. Activity 4



Please follow the below steps in order to complete this homework

1. The teacher will explain a worksheet containing exercises related to words with the
"-ly" suffix.
2. The students do the worksheet together with a group by using the Keyword in
Context (KWIC) in COCA. The teacher will monitor the activity and act as a facilitator.
Listen carefully as the teacher explains the instructions on the worksheet.
3. Use the KWIC feature to search for words that come after the "-ly" suffix.
4. Record these words in the designated section of your worksheet.
5. Based on your findings in COCA, create examples of sentences using the words you
listed with the "-ly" suffix.
6. Write these sentences in the space provided on your worksheet.
7. Check the suitable words with -ly suffix find in the text before and the example of
the sentences in COCA

Answer key

A. Activity 1

1. What do you know about suffixes?

A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its


2. When is the suffix used?

We use suffixes whenever we need to change a word or add more
information to it.

3. Mention any words that end in "ly" in the text you have read

In the texts we read, words like “honest,” “responsive,” and “effective” end
in “-ly.” These words describe how something is done.

B. Activity 3

The answer will be vary

The KWIC web will appear as follows

C. Activity 4

The answer will vary


Criteria Rating Points Feedback

Completeness 5 pts 3 pts 2 pts
Meets all the Some The
required componen paragraph
components. The ts are lacks
paragraph missing. sentences
consists of at The using
least 5 sentences paragraph adverbs
using adverbs contains formed
formed with the fewer than with the
suffix "-ly" to 5 suffix "-ly"
describe actions. sentences or does
using not
adverbs effectively
formed describe
with the actions.
suffix "-ly"
or lacks

Grammar, 5 pts 3 pts 2 pts

spelling, Generally free Contains Too
and of most errors. some many
punctuati Grammar, errors in errors in
on spelling, and grammar gramma
punctuation are , spelling, r,
accurate. or spelling,
punctuati or
on, but punctua
they do tion,
not making
significan the
tly paragra
detract ph
from difficult
compreh to
ension. underst
Organization 5 pts 3 pts 2 pts
and focus The
Has a clear topic The focus is
sentence. All unclear,
has a
sentences are and the
focus, but
well-organized organizatio
and contribute to n of
the overall focus sentences is
may lack
of the paragraph. weak. Some
clarity or
Sentence sentences
structure is may be
varied. unclear or

Part 5: Roles of the Group Members

1. Khumairo Qurrotu’ain : The section for creating titles for the material that will be used in
learning and creating lesson plans is in part 3.

2. Shofi Hikmatul Muna: Making part 4: the answer of the question, activity2 and 3, key answer
activity 1 and 3, found the link of resources, short story text and youtube videos.

3. Chintya Ainun Nabila: The role in this collaborative work is in the second part. This section
explains and develops the materials process (pre, main, and post activities).

4. Rusydiana An Nahar: In post activities (activity 4, homework), there are steps used to do
homework, Answer key homework.

5. Soraya Balqis: Making a learning plan before learning can be seen in the first section (General
Description). It has been stated in detail in it. Starting from Type of Course to Resources (and

NOTE : Before we divided the assignments, we had an online meeting via Google Meet to determine
what materials we would use and try COCA together. We do our parts via Google Doc, so we can
work on them together in different places.

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