English Reviewer
English Reviewer
English Reviewer
-A literary device in which words are used to express an contradiction between appearance and
-Reality is usually the opposite of what it seems
-Is when a speaker or writer -Is when the audience or the -Is when the outcome of a
says one thing but actually reader is aware of something situation is totally different
means the opposite. that the character does not from what contradicts and
-Sarcasm know. contrasts.
-Two most commonly used methods in organizing data are the tabular method through the use
of tables and the graphical method which uses the graphs and charts.
1. Tables allow the reader to classify and compare the given facts.
2. Graphs that show the relationship between two or more sets of ideas.
-Plot two or more sets of facts -Present a set of bars. -Show a whole group as a
on vertical and horizontal -Each bar stands for a circle and divides the circle
axes. specific quantity, amount or into smaller units that look
like slices of a pie.
-Allows us to compare the
quantity represented by each
3. Diagrams are graphics that explain in detail the relationships between the parts of an
idea to the whole idea. 3 types of diagrams:
Prosodic features of speech-Refer to the way we speak or the way of putting sounds together to
become a connected meaningful speech.
Figurative language
Paragraph-Comprised of sentence.
- Group of sentences organized around a central topic.
-Is the main idea of the story.
-2 types of themes:
-Is the broad topic it brushes upon. -Is the author’s point view about that topic his
or her work.
Example: Love
Example: Love is blind.
Claim and counterclaim-Method of writing that tries to convince the readers to accept your
Grammatical signals of claim and counterclaim: But, however, by contrast, another way of
viewing this, rather, another possibility, on the other hand, on the contrary, though, although,
nevertheless, while it is true, in fact.