WHEREAS, the barangay is the basic political unit that serves as the primary planning and implementing
unit of government policies, programs and projects and activities of the community, and as a
forum wherein the collective views of the people may be crystallized and considered and
disputes may be amicably settled;
WHEREAS, the planning and implementation of these activities needs effective mechanism as basis for an
effective and efficient governance;
WHEREAS, the Department of Interior and Local Government is the primary agency of the government that
assists local government towards `effective and efficient governance;
WHEREAS, the DILG is implementing the Barangay Governance Performance Management System
(BGPMS) a program that seeks to assess the delivery of services and accomplishments of the
barangay in relation to their mandated functions;
WHEREAS, Barangay Pug-os (DLY) fully believes that BGPMS greatly helps in the achievements of its
goals and aspirations;
NOW THEREFORE, I, IRWIN M. ANCHETA , Punong Barangay of Barangay Pug-os (DLY), SINAIT,
Ilocos Sur by virtue of the power vested in me by the Local Government Code of 1991 and other
existing laws, do hereby order;
Section 1. CREATION – The BGPMS Assessment Team is hereby organized to be composed of the
Sang Brgy Member & Chairperson, Committee on Education
Sang Brgy Member & Chairperson, Committee on Livelihood
Brgy Treasurer
NGO/CSO Representative
1.) Coordinate closely with the DILG Municipal Office on the project implementation;
2.) Gather data using the data capture form (DCF)
3.) Ensure accuracy of data gathered;
4.) Assign point score using the BGPMS Scaling System
5.) Analyse the assessment result;
6.) Prepare and submit State of Barangay Governance Report (SBGR);
7.) Conduct utilization conference
Section 3. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. The Team shall coordinate with the representative of the
Department of the Interior and Local Government for proper technical advice.
Done this 15TH day of November, 2023 at Barangay Pug-os (DLY), SINAIT, Ilocos Sur.
Punong Brangay
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Sur
Municipality of Sinait
WHEREAS, the State condemns discrimination against women in all its forms and pursues by all
appropriate means and without delay the policy of eliminating discrimination against women in keeping with
the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and other
International Instruments consistent with Philippine law;
WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 9710 otherwise known as the Magna Carta of Women, is a
comprehensive women’s human rights law that seeks to eliminate discrimination against women by
recognizing, protecting, fulfilling and promoting the rights of Filipino women, especially those in the
marginalized sectors;
WHEREAS, Section 12 D, Rule IV of the Rules and Regulations Implementing the Magna Carta of
Women provides for the establishment a Violence Against Women (VAW) desk in every barangay to
ensure that violence against women cases are fully addressed in a gender-responsive manner;
WHEREAS, Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2010 – 2 dated December 9, 2010 jointly issued by
the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD), the Department of Health (DOH), the Department of Education (DepEd) and the
Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) to provide the guidelines and procedures for the establishment of
Violence Against Women (VAW) desk in every barangay pursuant to Section 12 D.2 of the Implementing
Rules and Regulations of RA 9710;
WHEREAS, JMC No. 2010 – 2 provides that the Punong barangay shall designate an area within
the barangay hall for the VAW desk and he/she shall provide for the necessary furniture and fixtures such
as but not limited to, table, chairs, separate filing cabinet and log book for record-keeping of cases.
Likewise, the Punong Barangay shall ensure the confidentiality of the case and privacy and safety of the
WHEREAS, the said Joint Memorandum Circular provides that the Punong Barangay shall
designate a VAW Desk person who is trained in gender-sensitive handling of cases; preferably a woman
barangay kagawad or woman barangay tanod. And in cases where there are no trained personnel, ensure
that the person assigned shall undergo basic gender sensitivity training and orientation on anti-violence
against women laws;
NOW THEREFORE, I, IRWIN M. ANCHETA , Punong Barangay of Pug-os (DLY), SINAIT, Ilocos
Sur, by virtue of the power vested in me by law, do hereby order the establishment of Barangay Violence
Against Women (VAW) Desk;
SECTION 2.Functions of the Barangay Violence Against Women Desk. The VAW Desk shall
perform the following tasks:
3. Keep VAW case records confidential and secured, and ensure that only authorized personnel can
access it;
4. Assist victims of VAW in securing Barangay Protection Order (BPO) and access necessary
5. Develop the barangay’s gender-responsive plan in addressing gender based violence, including
support services, capacity building and referral system;
6. Coordinate with and refer cases to government agencies, non-government organizations (NGOs),
institutions, and other service providers as necessary;
7. Address other forms of abuse committed against women, especially senior citizens, women with
disabilities, and other marginalized groups;
3.1. A Violence Against Women and Children (RA 9262) victim-survivor is accompanied by someone to
the barangay or the victim herself goes to the barangay.
3.1.1. Make the woman (and children, if applicable) comfortable in a safe and private room giving
her water and other immediate needs, if any;
3.1.2. Assess the situation and get initial information to determine the risks on hand and if
immediate medical attention is needed. If so, facilitate referral to the nearest medical
3.1.3. After the victim survivor has stabilized, assist the Punong Barangay/kagawad in the
conduct of an investigation in a gender-sensitive and non-judgmental manner in a
language understood by her;
3.1.4. Inform her of her rights and the remedies available and the processes involved particularly
in relation to the Barangay Protection Order. Assist her to file application, if she decides to
have a barangay protection order;
3.1.5. Record the incident using the National VAW Documentation System barangay form
(Annex 1);
3.1.6. If victim-survivor desires to be in a safe shelter, seek the assistance of the other barangay
officials, barangay tanod or the police in getting her belongings and refer to a shelter
/women’s center or to the MSWDO;
3.1.7. Assist the victim survivor to file for a temporary protection order (TPO) or permanent
protection order (PPO) with the nearest Family Court within 24 hours after issuance of the
BPO, if the victim-survivor so desires or she applies directly for a TPO/PPO instead of a
BPO; and
3.1.8. Report to the incident within four (4) hours to the PNP and the MSWDO.
3.2. A victim-survivor of VAWC is reported by a community member.
3.2.1. Verify the information and if needed, seek assistance from the PNP;
3.2.2. Assess the situation and facilitate the rescue of the victim-survivor when necessary to
ensure her safety, and when applicable the safety of her children;
3.2.3. Inform the victim-survivor about her rights and remedies available particularly the BPO and
its processes. Assist her to apply for a BPO, if she so desires;
3.2.4. Refer victim-survivor for medical care and temporary shelter and other needs when
needed based on the assessment done;
3.2.5. Record the incident using the National VAW Documentation System barangay form
(Annex 1);
3.2.6. If not done earlier, report the incident within four (4) hours to the PNP and the MSWDO.
3.3 For rape, trafficking in persons and other cases which do not fall under the jurisdiction of the barangay,
assist the victim-survivor to file a complaint at the PNP Women and Children Protection Center or the
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).
SECTION 4.Funding. The cost of the establishment and operations of the VAW Desk shall be
charged under the barangay’s gender and development (GAD) budget, which shall be at least five percent
(5%) of the budgetary allocation.
SIGNED this 15th day of November, 2023 at Barangay Pug-os (DLY), SINAIT, Ilocos Sur.
Punong Barangay
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Sur
Municipality of Sinait
WHEREAS, Local Government Units (LGUs) including barangays are mandated by RA 7160
otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991 to promote the general welfare of inhabitants thru
implementation of responsive policies and programs that would empower uplift the living condition of the
WHEREAS, illiteracy is seen as one of the causes of poverty, abuse, unemployment and similar
problems of our society that hinder economic prosperity and social development at the local and national
WHEREAS, the State under RA 7165 is mandated to give priority the adoption of measures for the
total eradication of illiteracy and it shall encourage and nationalize the formulation of policies and the
implementation of programs on non-formal, informal, and indigenous learning systems as well as self-
learning, independent, and out-of school study programs particularly those that respond to community
WHEREAS, to carry out the declared policy, there is hereby created Local Literacy Coordinating
Councils which shall be an inter-agency body who will assist the national council in the implementation of
programs that will improve the education sector at the local levels;
WHEREAS, the Local Literacy Coordinating Council (LLCC) as stated in DILG Memorandum
Circular No. 2007-155 dated November 26, 2007 can be organized as functional committee under the
social development sector. As such, it shall actively participate and assist the Local Development Council
(LDC) in the performance of its planning function by providing inputs to the education subsector;
WHEREAS, addressing illiteracy is not a sole responsibility of the national government but rather a
concerted effort between and among National Government Agencies (NGAs) and Local Government Units
(LGUs) in order to facilitate growth and development.
Section 1. Composition. The Barangay Literacy Coordinating Committee shall be composed by the
following officials, barangay-based workers and other stakeholders.
Child Development Worker
Barangay Treasurer
Representative of Women’s Organization
Representative of the Private Sector
Representative of the OSYs
Section 2. Functions. The Barangay Literacy Coordinating Committee shall perform the following
duties and functions.
DONE this 15Th day of November, 2023 at Barangay Pug-os (DLY), SINAIT, Ilocos Sur.
Punong Barangay
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Sur
Municipality of Sinait
WHEREAS, Section 14, Article II of the Philippine Constitution states that, the State recognizes the
role of women in nation-building and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and
men as affirmed by Republic Act 9710 otherwise known as the Magna Carta of Women;
WHEREAS, it is a declared policy of the state to promote the empowerment of women and pursue
equal opportunities for women and men and ensure equal access to resources and to development results
and outcome;
WHEREAS, the State affirms women’s rights and shall intensify efforts to fulfil its duties under
international and domestic laws to recognize, respect, protect, fulfil and promote all human rights and
fundamental freedom of women, especially marginalized women in the economic social, political, cultural
and other fields without distinction or discrimination on account of class, age, sex, gender, language,
ethnicity, religion, ideology, disability, education and status;
WHEREAS, the Philippine Council of Women, Department of the Interior and Local Government
(DILG), Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and National Economic Development Authority
(NEDA) issued Joint Memorandum Circular 2013-01setting the guidelines on the Localization of the Magna
Carta of Women;
WHEREAS, Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2013-01 was issued to prescribe policies and
procedures in mainstreaming gender perspective in local planning, programming and budgeting; local
legislation; project development; implementation, monitoring and evaluation pursuant to RA 9710 and align
efforts of local government units and national governments on Gender and Development (GAD) and its
commitments to international declarations;
WHEREAS, Local Government Units (LGUs) are mandated to establish and/or strengthen their
GAD Focal Point System or similar GAD mechanisms to accelerate gender mainstreaming within their
Section 1. Composition. The Barangay GAD Focal Point System shall be composed by the
following officials, barangay-based workers and other stakeholders.
Barangay Health Worker
Barangay Treasurer
Barangay Nutrition Scholar
Chief Tanod
Child Development Worker
Lupong Tagapamayapa Member
Representative of Women’s Organization
Barangay Human Rights Action Officer
Representative of the Private Sector
Representative of the Academe/School
Section 2. Functions. The Barangay GAD Focal Point System shall perform the following duties
and functions.
1. Provide policy advice to the LCE to support and strengthen and the GFPS and the LGUs
gender mainstreaming efforts;
2. Direct the identification of GAD strategies, PPAs and targets based on the results of
gender analysis and gender assessment, taking into account the identified priorities of the
LGU and the gender issues and concerns faced by the LGUs constituents and employees;
3. Ensure the timely submission of the LGU GPB, GAD AR and other GAD-related reports to
the DILG which shall be consolidated for submission to PCW and appropriate oversight
4. Ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the GAD PPAs and the judicious
utilization of the GAD budget;
5. Build and strengthen the partnership of the LGU with concerned stakeholders such as
women’s groups or CSOs, national government agencies, GAD experts and advocates,
among others in pursuit of gender mainstreaming;
6. Recommend awards and/or incentives to recognize outstanding GAD PPAs or individuals
who have made exemplary contributions to GAD.
7. Facilitate the gender mainstreaming efforts of the LGU through the GAD planning and
budgeting process;
8. Formulate the LGU GPB in response to the gender gaps and issues faced by their
constituents including their women and men employees;
9. Assist in the capacity and competency development of and provide technical assistance to
the offices or units of the LGU. In this regard, the TWG shall work with the Human
Resource Development Office (HRDO) on the development and implementation of a
capacity development program on GAD for its employees, as necessary;
10. Coordinate with the various units/offices of the LGU and ensure their meaningful
participation in strategic and annual planning exercises on GAD including the preparation,
consolidation and submission of GPBs;
11. Lead the conduct of advocacy activities and the development of information, education and
communication (IEC) materials to ensure critical support of local elected officials,
department heads and staff, and relevant stakeholders to the GFPS and to gender
12. Monitor the implementation of GAD-related PPAs and suggest corrective measures to
improve their implementation;
13. Prepare and consolidate LGU GAD ARs and other GAD-related reports;
DONE this 15TH day of November, 2023 at Barangay Pug-os (DLY), SINAIT, Ilocos Sur.
Punong Barangay