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Red S04 S2 Model

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s2- sog

l. Explain brieflywhatyou understand by

(a) a sampling frame,

(6) a statistic.

a) A ttst ot- a.J^ {^q- ^./\4.r\^,b€.v,s

q/ a. pog.r\c^lsun
b) & f,.rnct-rarrl c\ a. fa\n 2on^ ScrplpV- tt*.-L Cry\^tz,tnzr.r ,\c)
ttnL..nOrz\rr\ 1Zrf IllfJLbQf-f
The continuous random variable Xis uniformly distributed over the interval [-1, 4].


(a) P(X<2.7),
(D) 800,
(c) Var (-rQ.

X- U,C-\, trl q) p(x. z-+)

b) e(x), q1): \-S
c) v(x) , (b.o'=
3. Brad planted 25 seeds in his greenhouse. He has read in a gardening book that the probability of
one of these seeds germinating is 0.25. Ten of Brad's seeds germinated. He claimed that the
gardening book had underestimated this probability. Test, at the 5%o level of significance, Brad's
claim. State your hypotheses clearly.

X, * Seels \l"afr
$orrnrna*ez xp B(ZS / O.?J)
Hot f ,0,2^S P(X >- lo) , t-?(K(q) 3
l- 0. 1zs+ = O.o+\3
(r: f>0'zs P(x> 1)
) O'0S, So r€solE rs not shurtuttccLtli,l srqn(Qrc6tut / So U"e re is
' hdb gurdsro to
frup,!, hgoot *s
"n*S ^o\(
4- (d) State two conditions under which a random variable can be modelled by a binomial
In the production ofa certain eleckonic component it is found that l0% are defective.

The component is produced in batches of20.

(D) Write down a suitable model for the distribution of defective components in a batch.
Find the probability that a batch contains

(c) no defective components,

(l) more than 6 defective components.
(a) Find the mean and the variance of the defective components in a batch.

A supplier buys 100 components. The supplier will receive a refund ifthere are more than 15
defective components.

ff) Using a suitable approximation, find the probability that the supplier will receive a refund.

q) (qrf^ qrcrnt t S or Succn's.J or {<Atle- a^r[ t{"\e*

prs,edltartltq qc ex)u\ orlfflf- rs ln&&nDent ond (cr\sto^
frxed nunrder $ trtala.
b,) 3r, -B(eolo- t) /=*depec,trr.p- co.^pD^o^hs .
c-\ p(L=O). O.1 b ,O.l216
d) P (e, 6) = l-P (x<O= l-o'19?6 = Q'0()29
/^=np i zO(o.D. 2 F2 . np(rp).
-r ro(0.9)' tB

$) 1\= ruo (o.t) = I O g,* 6(ruo, o'l) P &n/"(*o)

p (cc>rs) : t- P(oc(rs) e.O4Et
5. (a) Explain what you understand by a critical region ofa test statistic.

The number ofbreakdowns per day in a large fleet ofhire cars has a Poisson distribution with
mean *.

(6) Find the probability that on a particular day there are fewer than 2 breakdowns.
(c) Find the probability that during a 14-day period there are at most 4 breakdowns.

The cars are maintained at a garage. The garage introduced a weekly check to try to decrease
number of cars that break down. In a randomly selected 28-day period aftei the checks
inhoduced, only I hire car broke down.

(@ Test, at the 5Yo level of significance, whether or not the mean number of breakdowns has
decreased. State your hypotheses clearly.

4,1 nanga- ol^ vottue*s o1 a, tq.* str^trut,L uhrcl^. L*lo\r\a lAccrA

U"e- nu\l o{lrgg1s Lrou\D b- cty cteS-
b) {= tl breat,r}urru per dj r -P" ( t*)
p(e <2), P(r,o)tP(x=l) , d:* + +d+ = g.19ot
o) C, * bnea/,.-CoL-rrtr ?q ltt J"^rs
P( -- o
S-fo(.l-) Us\) Hu
= *breattJ,h^l\., Pe, 2g d*3. b^Po (q)
"\) 5

tls : \= li P(b.. l) = o-oglb

Hr. Atl
>5'/. ;- nd^ lrgnrltca*? lcunxi{ }rt\u}a n{cc}.qa a/ N.JJ. r\fl(,.^r.
Ir) eno5\ e,.rr2cn-cr ho &30 e7..F irarlr Lar |ec-fnc..ec8. -
6' Minor defects occur in a particular make of carpet at a mean rate of 0.05 per m2

(a) Suggest a suitable model for the distribution ofthe number ofdefects
in this make ofcarpet.
Give a reason for your answer.

A carpet fitter has a contract to fit this carpet in a small hotel. The hotel
foyer requires 30 m2 of
this carpet. Find the probability that the foyer carpet contains

(D) exactly 2 defects,

(c) more than 5 defects.

The carpet fitter orders a total of355 m2 ofthe carpet for the whole hotel.

(4 Using a suitable approximation, find the probability that this total area
of carpet contains 22
or more defects.


cn P..ssor- L --*' r..rt, -ar 21V.,A a^ po(g^od

?ex A 31 *.
da;er-S oL.-'{ Srnlutcrl,r1 1 t- Jc4ren&^Ot^.. 6u^D G.-h a. co^/dnh.J

b) 30^ a r) &nP,(r-J) P( x=c-) 2 e_'\s" :OZS\

c) ((x> 5) = \-P(xs) -->
: o.coks
oU 35Si^' -) [,rf, (r]-]J) x xr ( n,+s,tHs)

p6* :*{&iLt's) s P(z,a't'#o ? (z? o-m)

= l-dfo.t)) t e- tG6 ?
A random variable Xhas probability density function given by

(a) Calculate the mean ofX

(D) Specif, fully the cumulative distribution function F(r)
(c) Find the median ofX
(d) Comment on the skewness of the distribution of X

a) e (x) '
l"+,.y.' il +a, * J,' Qfa. = Cir' Il* t*',:Jl
H,t* L
b) Fk)-Jer'Y. 0{rr\ J+ao 'ft b l: " !x- r(,).i
lrrtz J: Hrb
+ F(,) , [*#oJ" +3I

' fr'r** ft
:- F(r)' o L<o
ix- osI-a \
tsr sL
t, ('*o +i,
c) F(Or) =A- s s(r) =| ,'. ( Oz J2

A(Lz* * rg) = * -) 27-1+t3 Lz.S -) L4 . 1.+S

-'_ CSz. , l, Lrt Gs;1

d) l.V-e.rr. trrraJt a-n

( r.2t) rc+a-*.*-\ SLo--.-J

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