PD 160
PD 160
PD 160
M.sc. PHYslcs (1"t semester)
Examination, Dec.-2020
lMa mun Mar&s:30
lMinimum P.ss Markr:29
Nore : Aswe! lioh botll the Sections 4 di@ted. The nems in the riEhl-hmd lMsin indicale mks
(g) Srlte the fomu l. e fo r the fint aDprorin atio tr oI lh. root of the .qu ltio n obt.ined by
rbe ncrhod of tulse pNirion.
(h) Delitre shift opemto. E.
It ,t. 21
A 3 "zl
=l,z .lZ
12 tl
(b) D€dve the ro.nal equltions for lining ! strdght tine f(x) = ax + b using le$t
6, (r) GiveD th€ folloving t ble:
3 5 6
(r) 8 512
Conrlroct ![e difereme hhlc r.d lDd (1,5) usitrs suitable ltrlcrpolaliotr forrulae,
(b) Evalult.
f(4, - 3xz).rr, t.kirs 10 int€Flls by Tmpmitl,l rule. coDput€ the
exaca valu€ and fitrd rh€ absolute ..d ddive .rroB iD you. r6ul(
ta, cneo ;: = - wnh itrilial @trdnion y-l !i x{,lind t lor t=0.1. b} ruler\
nerhod, taki;g srep hngth h=0,2.
rbr cumpur. yr0 4) frun lhe rqu,tion : y, /r0) = l, r.libg b=0.1 by rhe
d- = -
fourth ord.r Ruhge-Kuth Method, correct lo five decinrl pllccs.