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PD 160

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M.sc. PHYslcs (1"t semester)
Examination, Dec.-2020
lMa mun Mar&s:30
lMinimum P.ss Markr:29
Nore : Aswe! lioh botll the Sections 4 di@ted. The nems in the riEhl-hmd lMsin indicale mks

1. Fill h the with rppmprinre sods!

bluk 1x10-10
(a) whot ic rur rime errcr in c-l!nguag.?
(b) Whth header lil. coDlri$ tne filc b.tripuhrioDs tuncri.nr itr c?
(c) Wite lhe lomat sp€cifier used to print rh. v.ltr€s ol dotrblc typc vai,bl€.
(d) \tlich typ. orv.lD€ do€s ! lunction reruru by d€flult?
(e) Whlt is strins co.stlnt?
(, Writ€the@m.oft o .xrct nethods for solvirg . ry em ofliDear tron-hoDoseneous

(g) Srlte the fomu l. e fo r the fint aDprorin atio tr oI lh. root of the .qu ltio n obt.ined by
rbe ncrhod of tulse pNirion.
(h) Delitre shift opemto. E.

0) wril. lpproxiblrior in evahrring rh€ d€finire i.t€snl Jj (x)dx,

the error of
wherc (r) t rh€ itrrepolrrirg polyroDial.
0 whlt is rhe disdvlntlg€ ofEtrl€.'s nelhod for mlvilg ordimry direreDrill
€qultiotrs of lirsr order?
2. Answer rh€ follo{itrs shot anss.r type queslioNr 215=10
(a) conhent on'cris ! niddle lcvel languoge.
(b) Write the syn(!! of if, if-els. &d nesred if-.lse srlren€nt!.
(c) wh,t is me.nt by lssocirtivity ofoperaton?
(d) Deriye th. N*ton-Raphon it.rdiob fomrl.e ror itrdirg rhc squarc rcot of ','
(e) ( omnuk rh. donitr,ni eigen v,lue ofthe rollowiDs b'.r* I - '! --lr'zl *l,e
Smtio,-B rsr.=60
Ans{er .ll question$
3. (!) D€scrib€ the bitnis. op.raroB i, C-lmguage.
(b) E4lain the various symbols us.d tu m,king r flo! chrn gtuhg ! sulrabb .$dnl..
(a) D*cribe l[c vrdous drla lypec N€d iD C. List thc user d.fi@d dd, typ.s.
(b) $hor t beart by hienrchy ol opcmroK? Explair coditioml operatol
4. (a) Difierend.re berseetr rh€ entry. @ntmlled nnd crii contrc[ed loops giving damples.
O) wnt. a Orcgrln ro son rhe elenents or u rmy aserdirg order.
(,) Explain lh€ difi€rctrt wrys of passiry panoet€r to the functiotu.
(b) Wrne r progEm to !e!nh m iten ir o li.i ofcl€berrs. oircar 8e.rch)
5. (!) Uppcr triatrsulrrise th. fouowing .y3teh of equarions rnd obrlin solution ming
GaussiaD elimiDtion nethod,
(b) Using merhod ol F.h. position, Iind r root of x' + 2x - 2 = 0, cor€cr up b thre€
lignifi..nr ligur€..
(!) Find th. eigen vrlus ,nd €igen vetor. of tne follo{itrs syDmet.ic malri! usilg

It ,t. 21
A 3 "zl
=l,z .lZ
12 tl
(b) D€dve the ro.nal equltions for lining ! strdght tine f(x) = ax + b using le$t
6, (r) GiveD th€ folloving t ble:

3 5 6
(r) 8 512
Conrlroct ![e difereme hhlc r.d lDd (1,5) usitrs suitable ltrlcrpolaliotr forrulae,
(b) Evalult.
f(4, - 3xz).rr, t.kirs 10 int€Flls by Tmpmitl,l rule. coDput€ the
exaca valu€ and fitrd rh€ absolute ..d ddive .rroB iD you. r6ul(
ta, cneo ;: = - wnh itrilial @trdnion y-l !i x{,lind t lor t=0.1. b} ruler\
nerhod, taki;g srep hngth h=0,2.
rbr cumpur. yr0 4) frun lhe rqu,tion : y, /r0) = l, r.libg b=0.1 by rhe
d- = -
fourth ord.r Ruhge-Kuth Method, correct lo five decinrl pllccs.

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