Westways Paris
Westways Paris
Westways Paris
Magots was just as I had remembered: all the tables and wicker chairs facing
out onto the boulevard, as if waiting for a parade. Not a single Kir Royale
imbiber or Gauloises smoker wanted to miss the stream of life passing by,
not a second of it. It hardly mattered that the late-summer sky threatened
to storm. We were here for it all. Even the deluge.
A boy-faced maître d’ dressed in a suit grabbed Sophie, an old friend I like to refer to as my favor-
3 menus and waved me over. “Mademoiselle, which ite London gypsy, and Nathalie, the daughter of a
table do you prefer? Pour toi, anywhere.” former Australian ambassador to Paris, had joined
BY ALISON GEE happiness, no?” With that, he placed me front and Taking in the show playing out in front of us,
center. Handing me a menu, he smiled and winked. Nathalie raised her flute and cooed: “Paris is back.”
I glanced up at him—with his tie askew and his My local friends had told me that recent years
golden floppy hair, he looked about 21, my daugh- had done a hatchet job on the City of Light. The
ter’s age. Mais, did it matter, really? city’s cost of living and increasingly crowded con-
“Merci, it’s absolument parfait,” I replied in my ditions had been driving residents away. According
best Franglish, and winked back. Because, when in to a 6-part series published in early 2023 by Le
Paris … Parisien newspaper, the city’s population declined
I had first sat at one of these tables when I was by 122,919 over the past decade. Les Deux
Magots has
20 and a Cambridge exchange student, counting By many accounts, the once-glorious French
served as a
out francs from my backpack pocket until I had capital had reached a physical and psychological front-row
enough for a café crème. Who could resist being nadir. Slothful civic services meant that heaps of seat to Paris’
part of this? It was legend that Ernest Hemingway trash bags lined the sidewalks, even in posh neigh- “theater of
wrote several chapters of The Sun Also Rises on borhoods. Graffiti exploded on city walls. Well-
since it opened
the café’s second floor. Pablo Picasso met his muse meaning lovers clamped padlocks (a symbol of in the late
Dora Maar here, finding her irresistible after she eternal amour) on the stately bridges spanning the 1800s.
plunged a knife into their café table, right between
his fingers. The Doors’ Jim Morrison idled on this
terrace, downing caffè Americanos (though not
Since its greening, the river’s banks had denim look and fanny pack were simply not
become a low-key meeting ground for good enough for me to associate with.
Parisian twentysomethings. They sat on Or the time when my brilliant and hand- Hôtel Rochechouart
Emily in Paris As it turned out, opera would be the theme of benches, grooving to techno, sharing bottles some first love and I stood at the tower’s Located at the base
devotees will our entire day. That evening, we walked along the of Beaujolais, basking in the golden lamplight base, ready to ascend, and the early spring of Montmartre, this
delight in
Seine until we reached Bel Canto, a cozy Paris eat- shimmering off the dark river. skies started to snow. With the frost collect- beautiful art deco
the Christian
Dior Museum ery with an opera concept. As we waited for our Sophie glanced down at her Cartier. “Oh, ing on his hair, he clutched his Armani scarf to boutique hotel has
(above) and the meal, a handsome server waltzing past us with Ali, get ready for this!” she gushed, waving his neck and grimaced. He looked so miser- très French rooms and
Ladurée pastry plated appetizers suddenly turned around and northward. A second later, the Eiffel Tower able, so averse to adventure, so unwilling to spectacular rooftop
shop (right).
started belting out “Libiamo ne’lieti calici” from erupted into a glittering light show. laugh at life’s little inconveniences. He said no views. Rates start at
La Maison
Rose (opposite La Traviata. “C’est incroyable!” I squealed and reached to the theater of life. It was then that I knew $228.
page) is a Throughout the 4-course meal, several exquisite over to hug her. “Paris, I love you!” Sophie we had reached the beginning of the end.
popular eatery performers—professional opera singers—serenaded when I saw a blocks-long line of adorable teen girls beamed. I shook off the creeping melancholia Paris Marriott Champs
in the artsy
us, acting out embraces and feuds, which seemed fancied up in selfie-worthy dresses. They were part “So, do you think Paris is a man or a and steadied my hands, and Sophie and I Elysees Hotel
a bit wacky at first. One of the singers explained to of the Emily in Paris phenomenon—this new gener- woman?” I asked. whooshed upward in the lift. At the top, I