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Esol Ebook

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Empower your employees with

English Language courses

Those whose first language is not English make up
18% of the UK’s employed population particularly
in industries such as health and social work, retail,
construction, manufacturing, and hospitality.*

For companies that have a large workforce from

other countries, language barriers can become a
struggle for both the company’s productivity and the
wellbeing of its staff.

Are you a business with a high number

of non-English speaking workers that are
having some difficulty with the language

Providing English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

can improve communication, engagement and productivity
in the workplace as staff feel invested in, more comfortable
and less like another number. It also improves their quality
of life outside of work, setting them up for success to live
and work in the UK.

Dundee and Angus College is a member of English UK

and is accredited by the British Council. We can provide
a range of different ESOL courses depending on what
you need for your business and employees, whether it’s
providing English learning on your behalf or implementing
your own bespoke English Language course within your
work environment.

* according to a study by The Migration Observatory at Oxford University of Quarter 3 2021.

Our Courses

English Language (ESOL)

Location: Gardyne Campus
Duration: 16 weeks
Levels: Elementary - Advanced

This 16 week course will help you

improve English language skills for
international communication or in
order to prepare for living, working and
studying in the UK. It is ideal for you if
you are planning to visit Scotland on a 6 English Language (ESOL)
month Standard Visitor Visa. The course
develops reading, writing, listening and
speaking skills, grammar, pronunciation Location: Online, on campus or on
and vocabulary. There is a strong focus site at your business
on interactive communication and the Duration: 16 weeks - work-based/
course also includes project work with
flexible learning
a special focus on Scotland, guided
self-study, one-to-one support from a Ranging from beginner to advanced,
dedicated group tutor and cultural visits this is an adaptable course that can be
and events. There may be some online tailored to the needs of your business.
learning depending on your level. It can be delivered on site with bespoke
ESOL packages for your learners
featuring language training that is
specific to the work of your company.
This course will help your employees
boost their communication skills and
confidence to speak English.

2 D&A Business
English Language (ESOL)
Evening Class
Location: Gardyne Campus
Duration: 34 weeks English Language
Tuesday evenings 5.45pm - 8.30pm (ESOL) Full Time
Location: Arbroath or Gardyne
Option 1: General English Courses Campus
at three levels - Elementary, Pre- Duration: 34 weeks
Intermediate, Intermediate
This course is designed to help you
This course is designed to help learners
develop communication skills and gain improve your English language skills
confidence in English in order to live to prepare you for living, working
and work in the UK, using English for and studying in the UK and to be
international communication. Classes are able to use English for international
face to face and cover: communication. At lower levels,
students will be introduced to basic
‒ Focus on all aspects of language –
grammar and vocabulary and there
vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation
will be an emphasis on equipping
‒ Practise all four skills – reading, writing, students with the practical language
listening, speaking and skills that they need to participate
‒ Task-based learning in pairs and groups in everyday situations outside the
‒ Regular homework and assessments
At higher levels, students’ knowledge
and use of language will be extended
and refined and there will be a focus
on exam skills and academic English.
Option 2: Cambridge Exams preparation
Higher level groups will also prepare
courses – three groups - Upper-
intermediate (First), Advanced and for Cambridge exams.
IELTS (International English Language
Testing System)
Gain international qualifications recognised
by companies and universities in order
to work and study in the UK or abroad.
Lessons may be online or on campus.
Exams are optional and the fees are paid
by the students. The prices are set annually
by Cambridge and are subject to change.
Topics cover:
‒ Task-based methodology
‒ Extensive and in-depth language
‒ Development of comprehension
and productive skills for work/study
‒ Regular assignments
‒ Practice using exam techniques

3 D&A Business
Teach your team

Want to teach your team yourself?

Here are the English teaching
courses we have available:

Introduction to Teaching
English as a Foreign Grammar for English
Language (TEFL) Language Teachers
Location: Online and in-person
Location: Online and in-person at
at Gardyne Campus on Tuesday
Gardyne Campus on Wednesday
Duration: 6 weeks
Duration: 6 weeks
Also known as Teaching English to
Speakers of other Languages (TESOL). This course is ideal for you if you are
This interactive online course teaches the thinking of teaching English but are worried
basics of Teaching English as a Foreign about your grammatical knowledge. It’s also
Language. A taster course, it focuses on perfect if you are a newly qualified English
language analysis, teaching methodology language teacher or if you have been
and lesson planning. Learners will teaching for a while but want a grammar
acquire a toolkit of ideas and gain refresher. It will show you how to identify
confidence in their ability to either start and understand the grammar of English
teaching or to apply for a further teaching so that you can go on to teach it to your
qualification. Learners living in/near learners. You will learn how to recognise
Dundee will be given the opportunity to parts of speech and the terms used to
observe experienced teachers and to gain describe them. You will also learn how verb
valuable skills by working as volunteers in tenses work and when we use them. The
our ESOL classes (Tuesday evenings). course will also cover other grammatical
areas including those that are most difficult
for learners of English. This is an interactive
course with plenty of learner involvement.
You may want to consider this course
to brush up on your own grammatical
knowledge before starting a TEFL, TESOL
or CELTA course.

4 D&A Business
PDA Introduction to
Tutoring ESOL (ITESOL) Cambridge Certificate
in Teaching English
Location: Online
Duration: 20 weeks
to Speakers of Other
Languages (CELTA)
This online course consists of two SQA
Location: Gardyne Campus
units: Language & Learning in ESOL
and Developing ESOL Tutoring Skills. Duration: 16 weeks
It is designed to provide those who are
The CELTA qualification is the
new to ESOL with the basic necessary
internationally recognised standard for
skills and knowledge to deliver ESOL in a
a career in English Language Teaching.
supported context. As well as introducing
It’s a practical, classroom-based teacher
key terminology, it will provide learners
training course giving a good foundation
with opportunities to explore the nature of
in basic teaching techniques including
language from a learner’s perspective. This
classroom management, lesson planning,
is a practical course and in Semester 2
error correction, language analysis &
learners will plan and deliver short tutoring
using resources. Interactive input sessions
sessions. Online classes run Wednesdays
focus on teaching methodology and
1-5pm and include a combination of live
language awareness. This input is put to
lessons, study groups, tasks and one-
practical use in the preparation of lesson
to-one tutorials. Additional tasks include
plans and 6 hours of assessed teaching
research, reflection & lesson prep. Learners
practice. In addition there are at least 120
who live in/near Dundee will be given
additional learning hours of independent
the opportunity to observe experienced
background reading, assignment writing
teachers and to gain valuable skills by
and lesson preparation. You will be
working as volunteers in our ESOL classes.
offered the opportunity to gain valuable
skills by working as volunteers in our
ESOL classes.

Teaching ESOL Literacies

to Adults
Location: Online Create your own
Duration: 20 weeks
bespoke workplace
In this online course, you will learn how to
analyse and evaluate adult ESOL literacies
English Language
within a Scottish context, identify and assess course
ESOL literacies learners and their learning
needs, apply skills and strategies to support D&A College can help you create your
ESOL literacies learning, and plan and deliver own courses to teach English to your
ESOL literacies learning. As well as interactive staff as another language. All courses
and modules can be tailored to your
online classes, this course includes additional business needs. The course duration
learning hours of independent background can be modified, either taking a lighter
reading, lesson planning and portfolio touch over a longer period, or a more
preparation. intensive short programme.

5 D&A Business
Case study: 2 Sisters Food Group

It has helped improve communication for

attendees which has made an impact on
them, those they interact with at work and
hopefully in their community as well.

With more than 14,000 staff members from 36 different countries, 2 Sisters
Food Group is one of the leading food manufacturers in the UK. Having
such a diverse workforce can lead to language barriers for those who speak
and understand a limited level of English. The learning and development
team at the 2 Sisters poultry factory in Coupar Angus wanted to assist and
develop employees by providing language support to those who wanted or
needed it.

2 Sisters had received FWDF funding (Flexible Workforce Development

Fund) from the Scottish Government that is used to develop bespoke
training programmes, enabling employers to prioritise skills and address
any skill gaps in their workforce. The funding allows businesses to create
these upskilling courses with local colleges which is why 2 Sisters decided
that D&A College would be the most suitable option for them to create an
English Language course.

D&A College was fairly local to the business, had contacts within the
company and already provided ESOL classes within its curriculum. This
meant it would be easier for 2 Sisters to develop a programme using its
established connections and the expertise of the college’s lecturers and
tutors. In partnership with D&A College’s ESOL team, 2 Sisters developed
an English Language training programme called, ‘Work Words,’ designed
to improve vital on-the-job language skills. The programme consisted of
10 one-hour facilitated sessions concentrating on key aspects of factory
life, ranging from compliance, dignity and respect, food quality and safety,
hygiene and health safety, and wellbeing. The business also benefited from
ESOL classes provided by the college.

Employees progressed through their initial course and some moved through
to the next level within ESOL at D&A College. Through running the course,
2 Sisters were able to see what the uptake would be and assess any issues
that might crop up to fix. The team learnt to tweak the timings of sessions
based on feedback from employees who attended, creating a positive
impact for them as they were able to influence changes into the course.
This has allowed the company to develop a future version of the classes
with the help of D&A College.

6 D&A Business
The courses made an impression with
those who attended. A number have
said they hope they could continue with
their classes.

The expectations of 2 Sisters was to have professionally run sessions,

against a defined teaching criteria and to have good communication
throughout the entire process from the college. “All these expectations
were met and it certainly was a positive experience,” states Alan Clark,
Learning & Development Manager at 2 Sisters Food Group in Coupar
Angus. “The courses made an impression with those who attended. A
number have said they hope they could continue with their classes. It has
helped improve communication for attendees which has made an impact
on them, those they interact with at work and hopefully in their community
as well.”

The learning and development team have improved their next offering of
Work Words using feedback from this first iteration of the course and will
be offering a new batch of ESOL classes since a significant number of
their team will benefit from them. 2 Sisters hope the uptake will be even
greater this year and in turn further improve communication skills within
the workplace.

7 D&A Business
Meet the team

Amanda Avison
ESOL Lecturer
Amanda has worked at Dundee and Angus College
for 13 years as a lecturer and more recently as a
teacher trainer. She teaches general English to all
Cathie Johnston
levels of learners from beginner to advanced, as ESOL Lecturer
well as exam classes, literacy classes and Business
Cathie has been teaching ESOL for almost five
English. Over the last few years, Amanda has
years. Having originally trained as an Occupational
been involved in teacher training on the CELTA
Therapist, Cathie was a lecturer in Health and
course. She also has a special interest in teaching
Social care for 15 years, and has always enjoyed
pronunciation to students and contributes to CPD
working with, and supporting, groups of people. She
and pronunciation training for teachers. Amanda
loves working with learners from all over the world
really enjoys working with the wide range of
within a team of skilled and positive teachers. Her
students in our multilingual classes and learning
favourite part of being an ESOL lecturer is helping
about their cultures and life experiences.
learners to build their confidence in understanding
and using English, and encouraging them to reach
their full potential.

Susan Hain
ESOL Lecturer
Sue has been involved in English Language
teaching for 17 years after careers in Education
Administration, Drama Teaching and Student
Berenice Hunter
Counselling. She has a Cambridge CELTA ESOL Lecturer
and DELTA plus Cambridge Teacher Training
Accreditation and a Professional Development Berenice’s journey in teaching began after
Diploma in ESOL Literacies. She has delivered graduating when she went abroad to teach English
teaching in different contexts including ESOL, EAP in Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic, where
and Community-based ESOL. Since 2015, Sue she became a teacher trainer. Since returning
has been a trainer, delivering training on Cambridge to Scotland and joining the English Language
CELTA courses (face-to-face and online) and SQA Teaching and Training (ELTT) team at D&A College,
(Level 9) Teaching ESOL Literacies to Adults. She she has also been involved in curriculum design
is also a Committee Member on NATECLA Scotland and development, mentoring, teacher development
with a specific remit for Teacher Training. Sue loves and international projects. Berenice loves being
the enthusiasm of ESOL learners, their energy, a part of the ELTT team and enjoys working with
motivation and thirst for learning and feels lucky people from all over the world, especially as the
to be part of a forward-looking team delivering to team helps learners achieve their ambitions,
learners and practitioners. Her special interests are whether they’re learning to write in English for the
ESOL Literacies, social practice based learning, first time or applying for university.
and using drama in her classroom teaching.

8 D&A Business
Flexible Workforce Development and will need to apply for a student visa. Your
course tuition fee will be in line with international
fees. Please contact
Funding is available through the Flexible international@dundeeandangus.ac.uk for details.
Workforce Development Fund.
Tuition fees may be paid for full-time students
in Scotland subject to meeting residency
requirements, applications should be made to the
appropriate funding body. International Students
please contact
ITA Funding international@dundeeanfangus.ac.uk.

You may be eligible to apply for Individual

Training Account (ITA) funding, please visit for
Fee Waiver
more information and to apply: If you are a current full-time student of D&A or if
you or your partner receive benefits, are eligible
to claim benefits or are on a low income you may
qualify for a fee waiver. Please bring evidence of
benefits with you to registry services. This also
applies to au pairs who will need to bring in a
EU applicants letter from their employer.

If you have settled status under the UK EU For more information contact Andrea Dew on
Settlement scheme, you may be eligible for a 01382 834902 or email
bursary. EU students who do not have settled a.dew@dundeeandangus.ac.uk
status will be classified as international students

D&A College Facilities

Gym Memberships
Across the three D&A Campuses
we have a number of modern, Corporate and personal memberships
state of the art facilities that can are available at Gardyne Sports Centre
be hired for private use.

‒ A training restaurant and kitchen

‒ A fully-equipped gym
‒ 25m swimming pool
‒ Gym halls of varying sizes
With free car parking just outside the building, the
‒ Outdoor pitch venues are such a convenient location to bring your
‒ Dance studio team together for training or team building, why not
entertain clients or prospects at a showcase event.
‒ Theatre
‒ Classroom space Availability is usually freely available within college
holiday periods, but there is often availability in
term time too.

9 D&A Business
Break down
the language
in your

Speak to the D&A Business Partnership Team

to see how you can improve and grow your
business with employee training.
Tel: 01241 432724
Email: business@dundeeandangus.ac.uk

10 D&A Business

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