Sujet BTS Anglais 2022
Sujet BTS Anglais 2022
Sujet BTS Anglais 2022
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Le sujet se compose de 3 pages, numérotées de 1/3 à 3/3.
After last summer's abrupt switch to virtual internships, employers are planning new
experiences to keep this key source of talent development working.
Most college students missed out on traditional internships in 2020 due to the COVID-
19 pandemic. Many employers canceled their programs; among employers that held
5 internships last summer, approximately 72 percent did so virtually, according to the
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
Internships have bounced back this year. "There has been a 6,000 percent increase
in internship postings this year compared with last year," said Rebekah Paré, associate
dean at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and executive director of SuccessWorks,
10 a professional development center at the school. "The numbers are still below pre-
pandemic levels, but there have been significant opportunities in technology, health
care, research and K-12 education."
Paré said most of the internships are still virtual, but there's been a larger mix of in-
person and hybrid programs than in 2020. […]
15 "Students have been very excited about the return of in-person programs, and if they
have a choice, in-person is their first choice," Paré said.
NACE data shows that students who held virtual internships typically found that the
quality of the networking and interactions suffered, though work performance was
largely consistent between in-person and virtual experiences.
20 "Students are suffering through Zoom fatigue; they're tired of being on video all the
time," Paré said.
"Virtual internships created access that both students and employers did not have
25 before," Paré said. "Students applied for internships knowing that they could not have
applied to those before because of logistical reasons. And employers were able to
expand their talent pool and diversify their teams for that same reason." […]
"Students who were successful with virtual internships had a few things in
30 common," Paré said. "They had a lot of scheduled check-ins with their supervisor, and
they also had access to a group chat with their team members and other opportunities
to feel part of the team." The following are a few basic tips for running successful
remote internship programs.
onboarding : integration
1) In your opinion and possibly based on your experience, what are the conditions
and benefits of a good internship? (200 mots +/- 10%)
Vous êtes Raj ou Shyla Fleming, chargé(e) par le responsable commercial d'envoyer
un courriel à ces personnes dans lequel figureront les informations qui suivent :
En conclusion, vous assurez aux stagiaires que cette période de stage leur sera très