2019 Boltzmann Equation
2019 Boltzmann Equation
2019 Boltzmann Equation
Chapter 1
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Boltzmann equation
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F (r, v, t) = δ(r − ri (t))δ(v − vi (t)) (1.2)
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Boltzmann equation 3
the relation
3 3 r , v
d rd v =J d3 rd3 v (1.8)
r, v
where J is the Jacobian determinant of the transformation written out in
full as:
∂r1 ∂r2 ∂r3
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0 0
∂r1 ∂r1 ∂r1
∂r1 ∂r2
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∂r2 ∂r2 ∂r 2
0 0 0
∂r1 ∂r2 ∂r3
0 0 0
∂r3 ∂r3 ∂r3
J =
∂v1 ∂v2 ∂v3
0 0
∂v1 ∂v1 ∂v1
0 ∂v 1 ∂v 2 ∂v 3
0 0
∂v2 ∂v2 ∂v2
∂v 1 ∂v 2 ∂v 3
0 0 0
∂v3 ∂v3 ∂v3
This expression for the Jacobian assumes that the after-collision position of
a molecule is uncorrelated with the before-collision velocity of the particle,
which is the assumption of molecular chaos. Owing to this assumption, the
chain of hierarchy of distribution functions can be terminated at the one-
particle distribution function, and the Boltzmann equation becomes self-
closed with the collision term that is here derived and is expressed by the
Boltzmann distribution function itself. Making use of (1.5) and (1.6),
J =1+ dt + O(dt)2 (1.9)
where we note that the determinant J is equal to the product of the two
3 by 3 sub-determinants located at the upper-left and lower-right corners.
The upper-left determinant is unity. The lower-right determinant is diagonal
with elements
1+ dt,
and the like. Here the repeated indexes are summed over.
d3 r d3 v = 1 + dt + O(dt)2 d3 rd3 v (1.10)
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which means that the same number of particles are in the new volume
element as in the old element except for those gained or lost by interaction
among the particles themselves denoted by the last term of (1.11). Expanding
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the left hand side (LHS) of (1.11) in a Taylor series about (r, v, t), we have
∂f ∂f dri ∂f dvi
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LHS(1.11) = f (r, v, t) + + + dt
∂t ∂ri dt ∂vi dt
3 3 ∂ai
× d rd vdt 1 + dt + O(dt)2 . (1.12)
∂f ∂f dri ∂f dvi ∂ai δf
+ + +f dt = . (1.13)
∂t ∂ri dt ∂vi dt ∂vi δt c
Boltzmann equation 5
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Then the number of collisions (per unit time) of the particles in the above
flux with the particles of velocity v is (1.15) × f (v, r, t)d3 v:
b db dϕ|v − v1 | f (r, v1 , t)d3 v1 f (v, r, t)d3 v.
Then integrating the above equation over all v1 and dividing by d3 v gives
the total rate of change of f (v, r, t) due to collisions which scatter v-particles
out of the range (v, v + dv):
∞ 2π
δf 3
= d v1 db b dϕ|v − v1 | f (v, r, t)f (r, v1 , t). (1.16)
δt out 0 0
v + v1 = v + v1 . (1.20)
2 2 2 2
The collision may be thought of as a linear orthogonal transformation from
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|v − v1 | = |v − v1 |.
d3 v1 d3 v = d3 v1 d3 v.
The actual evaluation of this integral for small angle scattering will be
performed in §1.7. If the fluid contains several kinds of particles, then each
kind of particle has its own distribution function and we readily generalize
Boltzmann’s equation to
∂fα ∂fα ∂fα
+ vi + ai = Cαβ (fα fβ ) (1.22)
∂t ∂ri ∂vi
where α and β refer to the particle species, Cαβ (fα fβ ) denotes the collision
operator and the summation includes α.
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Boltzmann equation 7
Summation invariant. Let Q be any particle property such that the sum
of the Q’s of two particles involved in collision remains unchanged in the
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g = v − v1 , (1.25)
f = f (v, r, t), f1 = f (v1 , r, t), f = f (v , r, t), f1 = f (v1 , r, t).
Hence, ΔQ = 0.
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= d3 v1 dσg f f1 − f f1 = 0 (1.30)
δt c
which is satisfied if and only if f f1 = f f1 . Or
logf (v ) + logf (v1 ) = logf (v) + logf (v1 ).
Hence the quantity logf (v) is a summation invariant and it should be
expressible as a linear combination of the three summation invariants, 1,
mv, and mv 2 /2:
logf (v) = ma1 + a2 · mv − a3 v 2
where a1 , a2 , a3 are arbitrary constants. By completing the squares, one
a22 m a2 2
logf (v) = m a1 + − a3 v − .
2a3 2 a3
By a simple transformation, f (v) can be put into the form
m 32 m(v − V)2
f (v) = N exp − (1.31)
2πT 2T
where N, V, T are related with a1 , a2 , a3 and defined by
3 1 3 3 1 m 2 3 m
N = f d v, V − vf d v, T = v f d v − V 2.
N 2 N 2 2
Equation (1.31) is a moving Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution function. If the
gas has no directional preference (V = 0) and is distributed isotropically,
m 3
2 mv2
f (v) = N exp − . (1.33)
2πT 2T
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Boltzmann equation 9
F(r) = −e∇φ(r)
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This is the kinetic theory version of the entropy, which is in fact the negative
entropy, −S(t). We have
dH ∂f
= d3 v 1 + log f (v, t) .
dt ∂t
For a spatially homogeneous gas, using (1.21) in the above equation gives
= d v1 d v2 bdb dϕ|v1 − v2 | f2 f1 − f2 f1 (1 + logf1 ).
3 3
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dt 4
× log (f1 f2 ) − log(fi f2 )
where we note that (f2 f1 − f2 f1 ) [log (f1 f2 ) − log(fi f2 )] ≤ 0 always. There-
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Boltzmann equation 11
is assumed to be much shorter than the time scale for the moments, i.e.,
n(r, t), V(r, t), T (r, t) to change appreciably. Therefore the fluid equations
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+ ∇ · (nV) = 0 (continuity equation) (1.41)
∂ ∂
(mnVi ) + (mnvi vj ) − nFi = 0 (Fi = mai )
∂t ∂xj
(momentum equation) (1.42)
∂ mn 2 ∂ mn 2
v + v vj − nFi Vi = 0
∂t 2 ∂xj 2
(energy equation) (1.43)
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w = v − V(r, t).
Then evidently, w = 0 and vi vj = Vi Vj + wi wj . Using (1.41) in (1.42)
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dVi ∂Pij
mn =− + nFi (1.44)
dt ∂xj
d ∂ ∂
= + Vj
dt ∂t ∂xj
Pij = mnwi wj = m wi wj f d3 v. (1.45)
Boltzmann equation 13
So far we have obtained the first three moment equations, (1.41), (1.44),
and (1.49). Our purpose is to obtain hydrodynamic equations to govern the
hydrodynamic variables n, V, T . The three moment equations contain πij
and q, which must be expressed in terms of n, V, T . Since the quantities πij
and q involve the integrations of the distribution function f , an approximate
solution for f must be found. If f is obtained approximately in terms of
(n, V, T ), πij and q can be expressed in terms of (n, V, T ), and a closed
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(or perfect).
Using (1.57) in (1.56) yields
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dVi Fi 1 ∂p 2 μ ∂
= − − μ∇ Vi − ∇·V . (1.58)
dt m mn ∂xi 3 ∂xi
The energy equation takes the form
3 dT 1 ∂vi ∂vj
n = −λ∇2 T − p∇ · V − πij + (1.59)
2 dt 2 ∂xj ∂xi
where λ is the coefficient of thermal conduction: q = −λ∇T .
Boltzmann equation 15
or in uniform motion, the three normal stresses have the same value, i.e. the
fluid is isotropic:
The shear stress πij should be traceless, because, by definition, it makes zero
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We also assume that in general flow the shear stress components are propor-
tional to the corresponding time rates of angular deformation. Consulting
Fig. 1.2, we have the relations
dφ1 dφ1
dx1 = dV2 , π21 ∼
dt dt
dφ2 dφ2
dx2 = dV1 . π12 ∼
dt dt
So we can write
1 dφ1 dφ2 dV2 dV1
π12 = (π12 + π21 ) = μ + =μ + .
2 dt dt dx1 dx2
The complete form of πij which is traceless can be easily written down as
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dVi dVj 2
πij = μ + − ∇ · Vδij . (1.66)
dxj dxi 3
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Boltzmann equation 17
where μ = mmaa+mmb
is the reduced mass. Since the kinetic energy is conserved,
the above relations give g = g . The relative velocity g is deflected through
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ax ∂vay ∂vaz ∂vbx ∂vby ∂vbz
∂vax ∂vax ∂vax ∂vax ∂vax ∂vax
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∂vax ∂vay
∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v
az bx by bz
ay ∂vay ∂vay ∂vay ∂vay ∂vay
∂vax ∂vay ∂vaz ∂vbx ∂vby ∂vbz
∂(va , vb ) ∂vaz ∂vaz ∂vaz ∂vaz ∂vaz ∂vaz
J= =
∂(va , vb ) ∂v
ax ∂vay ∂v ∂v ∂v by ∂vbz
az bx
∂vbx ∂vbx ∂vbx ∂vbx ∂vbx ∂vbx
∂v ∂v
ax ∂vay ∂vaz ∂vbx by
∂vby ∂vby ∂vby ∂vby ∂vby ∂vby
∂vax ∂vay ∂vaz ∂v
∂vby ∂vbz
∂v ∂vbz ∂vbz ∂vbz ∂vbz ∂vbz
Boltzmann equation 19
= (1.75)
In the first integral in the above equation, we change the integration variables
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where u = m2m b
a +mb
(g · k̂)k̂ (see (1.73)) and we used d3 va d3 vb = d3 va d3 vb .
In the RHS integral, we rename the integration variables by dropping the
primes (then g goes to g) to obtain
Φ(va )fa (va )fb (vb )g b db dϕd3 vb d3 va
= Φ(va )fa (va )fb (vb )g b db dϕd3 vb d3 va . (1.76)
[[· · ·]] = (· · ·)b db dϕ.
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This is equal to LHS of (1.77) for arbitrary choice of the function Φ, and
thus we conclude
∂ 3
Cab (fa fb ) = −
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Boltzmann equation 21
Thus we obtain
2 mb
[[ui uj ]] = 4πg
ma + mb
gi gj 4θ gi gj 2θ 2θ
× b db 2 2 sin + δij − 2 sin cos . (1.83)
g 2 g 2 2
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2 mb gi gj θ
[[ui uj ]] = 4πg (δij − 2 ) sin2 b db. (1.84)
ma + mb g 2
Using the Rutherford scattering formula for Coulomb collisions,
θ ea eb ma mb
tan = , e : charge, μ =
2 b μ g2 ma + mb
the integral in (1.81) is obtained
θ ea eb
sin2 b db = J (1.85)
0 2 μg2
λdλ b μg2
J= λ= . (1.86)
0 1 + λ2 ea eb
Using the above equations in (1.81) and (1.83) gives
2 2 gi 1 1
[[ui ]] = −4πea eb J + (1.87)
ma g 4 mb ma
4πe2a e2b
[[ui uj ]] = J (g2 δij − gi gj ). (1.88)
g4 m2a
Now the collision term (1.79) becomes, upon using the above equations,
2 2 J 1 1 ∂ gi 3
cab (fa fb ) = 4πea eb + fa fb d vb
ma ma mb ∂vai g3
e2 e2 ∂2 g δij − gi gj 3
+ 2π a 2b J fa f b d vb . (1.89)
ma ∂vai ∂vaj g3
Use the following identity
2 2
gi 1 ∂ g δij − gi gj 1 ∂ g δij − gi gj
= =−
g3 2 ∂vbj g3 2 ∂vaj g3
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in (1.89) and integrate by parts the result to finally obtain the Landau
collision integral
e2 e2 ∂ fb ∂fa fa ∂fb
cab (fa fb ) = 2π a b J d3 vb Uij −
ma ∂vai ma ∂vaj mb ∂vbj
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g2 δij − gi gj
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Uij = . (1.91)
Boltzmann equation 23
Then (1.89) can be put into the Fokker–Planck form of the collision integral:
∂ ∂ 1 3
cab (fa fb ) = A −fa fb d vb
∂vai ∂vai g
∂2 ∂2 3
+B fa g fb d vb
∂vai ∂vaj ∂vai ∂vaj
This equation gives the change of the distribution function due to the
collisions between the composing particles. The effect of prime and no prime
particle collisions are summed over the distribution. The first term is termed
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the dynamic friction and the second the diffusion term. This equation,
although derived from the Boltzmann collision integral here, is valid for
Markovian process of weak scattering and can be derived independently.
For this, see References: Krall, N. A. and Trivelpiece, A. W., Principles of
Plasma Physics, San Francisco Press, 1986; Sturrock, P. A. Plasma Physics
Cambridge University Press (1994). Also the Fokker–Planck equation above
can be derived from Lenard–Balescu equation (Chapter 12) by taking an
by on 01/04/24. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.
(1.93) and (1.94) are two coupled equations through the cross-collision terms
Cei and Cie . Since the Landau collision terms are appropriate for plasma of
frequent Coulomb collisions, Brakinskii’s two-fluid equation is widely used
for collisional plasma investigation.
In contrast with a simple gas, there are no summation invariants. But
we have the following relations:
Cab d3 v = 0 (a = e, i; b = e, i) (1.95)
which implies that the total number of particles of each species is not changed
due to collisions between like particles as well as between unlike particles.
We have for like particles
ma vCaa d3 v = 0, (1.96)
ma v 2 Caa d3 v = 0. (1.97)
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Boltzmann equation 25
The above two equations express the conservation of momentum and energy
for the total pair of collisions involving unlike particles.
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Re = −Ri . (1.109)
ψ(r + a) = (a · ∇)n ψ(r)
∂ 1 ∂ ∂
= ψ(r) + ai ψ(r) + ai aj ψ(r) + · · · .
∂xi 2 ∂xi ∂xj
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Boltzmann equation 27
∂Vαβ 1 ∂ 2 Vαβ
Uαβ = Vαβ − vγ + v v + ···
∂vγ 2 ∂vγ ∂vκ γ κ
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1 2
where Vαβ = v δαβ − vα vβ .
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In the lowest order, the electron and ion distributions are the local
ma 2 ma (v − Va (r, t))2
fa (v, r, t) = na (r, t) exp − (a = e, i)
2πTa (r, t) 2Ta (r, t)
+ ∇ · (na Va ) = 0 (1.114)
∂ Va
ma n a + Va · ∇ Va = −∇pa + ea na E + × B + R(0)
∂t c
3 ∂
na + Va · ∇ Ta + na Ta ∇ · Va = 0. (1.116)
2 ∂t
me n e (0)
e =− u = −Ri : f rictional f orce, (1.117)
√ 3/2
3 me Te
u = Ve − Vi , τe = √ : collision time,
4 2π ni J Z 2 e4
where Z is ionic charge number and J is given by (1.86). The energy equation
(1.116) is the adiabaticity: the entropy change, dsa /dt = 0.
As the higher order solutions, the momentum and energy equations take
the forms of (1.101) and (1.102), respectively. But the frictional force is
reduced by a factor of 0.51 and, in addition, a thermal force RT , which
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Re = Ru + RT (1.118)
me n e
Ru = − (0.51u + u⊥ ) (1.119)
3 ne B0
RT = −0.71ne ∇ Te − × ∇Te . (1.120)
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2 ωce τe B0
The symbols and ⊥ are referred to the direction of the ambient magnetic
field (B0 ). If the plasma is unmagnetized, the ⊥-components are discarded.
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The thermal forces are given rise to, due to the temperature gradients. The
heat Qa is a plasma-proper term which represents the heat generated by
collisions between electrons and ions:
3me ne
Qi = (Te − Ti ) ≡ QΔ . (1.121)
mi τ e
The heat acquired by the electrons is obtained by using (1.121) in (1.112).
Another point worthy of attention in Braginskii’s solution is that a heat
flux (qeu ) is given rise to by the relative motion between electrons and ions,
in addition to the usual heat flux(qeT ) generated by temperature gradients:
qe = qeu + qeT .
3 ne Te B0
qeu = 0.71ne Te u + × u. (1.122)
2 ωce τe B0
The ion heat flux qi takes the familiar form ∝ ∇Ti . Viscosity πij , heat flux q,
heat Q, and frictional and thermal force R all contribute to the production
of entropy in the plasma. Define the entropy per electron as
se = lnTe − ln ne + const. (1.123)
The electron entropy equation is written in the form
∂ qe QΔ
(ne se ) + ∇ · se ne Ve + + = ϑe (1.124)
∂t Te Te
where ϑe is the entropy production per unit volume:
1 e ∂Vei ∂Vej 2
Te ϑe = −qe · ∇lnTe − R · u − πij + − δij ∇ · Ve .
2 ∂xj ∂xi 3
Boltzmann equation 29
that the electron and ion distributions become the same after infinite time.
Derive the momentum equation for the fluid velocity Ve (r, t). Use (1.93)
for the left hand side. This example demonstrates the necessary algebra.
Multiply (1.93) by v and integrate over d3 v.
3 ∂fe ∂ ∂
me d vv = me vfe d3 v = (me ne Ve (r, t))
∂t ∂t ∂t
3 ∂fe 3 ∂fe ∂
me d vv v · = me d vvi vj = me d3 v vi vj fe
∂r ∂xj ∂xj
= me (ne vi vj ) (1.127)
where v = vi (in the following ‘i’ is the free index indicating the vector
component). We define the random velocity
wi = vi − Vi (r, t). (1.128)
Then we have
∂ ∂
= (me ne Vi Vj + me ne wi wj ) = (me ne Vi Vj + Pij )
∂xj ∂xj
3 1 ∂fe 3
−e d vv E + v × B · d v
c ∂v
1 ∂fe
= −e d3 vvi Ej + ejlm vl Bm .
c ∂vj
Integrating by parts and using ∂vi /∂vj = δij give
3 Bm
= e d v Ej δij + ejlm (vi δlj + vl δij ) (ejlm δlj = 0)
= ene E + Ve × B . (1.129)
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−νme ne (Ve − Vi ).
∂t ∂xj c
= −νme ne (Ve − Vi ).
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Using the continuity equation in the above yields [Krall and Trivelpiece 1986
p. 89]
∂ Ve
me n e + Ve · ∇ Ve + ∇ · Pij + ene E + ×B
∂t c
= −νme ne (Ve − Vi ). (1.130)
∂Pij ∂Pji
Note that ∇ · Pij = ∂xj = ∂xj .
Example. Derive the energy equation by taking the moments of (1.93) and
(1,94) with 12 mα vα2 . The first two terms give
∂ 1 ∂ 1
mα nα v 2 α + 2
mα nα vj v α .
∂t 2 ∂xj 2
Collecting the above results gives for the energy equation in the form
∂ 1 2 ∂ 1 2
mα nα v α + mα nα vj v α − eα nα E · Vα = Qα .
∂t 2 ∂xj 2
Boltzmann equation 31
Braginskii, S. I. Transport process in a plasma, in Reviews of Plasma Physics Vol. 1:
Consultant’s Bureau, New York, 1965.
Braginskii, S. I. Transport phenomena in a completely ionized Two-temperature plasma,
Soviet Phys. JETP, 6 (1958) p. 358.
Bhatnagar, P. L., Gross, E. P. and Krook, M. Phys. Rev. 94 (1954) p. 511
Chapman, S. and Cowling, T. G. The Mathematical Theory of Nonuniform Gases,
Cambridge University Press, 1952.
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