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Tuần 1 - Electronic Devices-Introduction

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Pham Ngoc Thao

MEMS and Microsystem Department
Building E3 – room 706
Email: thao.pham@vnu.edu.vn

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Vietnam is gradually becoming a
factory to manufacture and
assemble components for
electronic products of many big
brands in the world such as
Samsung, LG, Canon, Toshiba.

The vision to 2030 sets targets

for growth: The production value
of electronics and information
technology industry is very high,
in the period to 2020, it will reach
17-18% per year; in the period
from 2030 to 19 - 21% per year.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices2
1. To provide the student with a comprehensive
understanding of electronic devices.

2. To learn electronic devices such as diode, Bipolar

Junction Transistor and Field Effect Transistor

3. Understanding the concept of electronic devices


4. Analyze the bias techniques for electronic devices

5. Understanding the application of electronic devices

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
1. Passive components: are those who utilises or store
energy in the form of voltage or current.

2. Active components: are those who delivers or produce

energy or power in the form of a voltage or current


Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices4
 Resistor: electrical component that resists the
flow of either direct or alternating current
 Used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels,
to divide voltages, etc.
 Electrical resistance: the measure of the degree
to which a conductor opposes an electric current
through that conductor

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices5
International Norm CEI
60757 (1983)
Resistor color coder

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices6
Component Symbol Decription

Resistor (fixed value) Slows down the current passing

through it by a fixed amount

Variable resistor Slows down the current. The

resistance can be changed by
twisting it.
Potentiometer A three legged variable resistor.
Used to split voltage or just as a
variable resistor
Light Dependent The resistance decreases as the
Resistor (LDR) light intensity increases

Thermistor Increasing the temperature of a

thermistor decrease it's resistance

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices7
 A component which has the
ability or “capacity” to store
energy in the form of an
electrical charge producing a
potential difference across
its plates (much like a small
rechargeable battery)
 Types:
◦ Ceramic
◦ Electrolytic
 Measuring
 Use

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices8
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices9
 A passive two-terminal
electrical component that
stores electrical energy in a
magnetic field when electric
current flows through it.
 An inductor typically consists
of an insulated wire wound
into a coil around a core.
 Unit: Henry (H)

magnetic flux Φ
Current density I E

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Multimeter LCR meter

Ưu điểm
Ưu điểm
Dải đo rộng, độ chính xác cao
Giá thành rẻ, đơn giản dễ sử
Tính năng đo đa dạng
Có bộ nhớ lưu trữ và phân tích dữ
Dễ dàng mua được ở nhiều nơi
Đáp ứng đầy đủ các chức năng
Nhược điểm
đo thiết yếu
Giá thành cao
Nhược điểm
Kích thước lớn, không thích hợp cho
Không kiểm tra nhanh được
những công việc đòi hỏi tính linh
thông số các loại linh kiện dán
hoạt cao
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Two-legged component Three-legged component

Bipolar Junction Transistor


Four-legged component Multi-legged component

IC (Integrated circuit)

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Gordon Moore
(Co-Founder : Intel)
Prediction: The
number of
transistors on a chip
doubles every two

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
IC (Integrated circuit):

LSI (Large-scale integration)

VLSI (Very-large-scale integration)

http:// srankhala.com http:// pinterest.com

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
I. Introduction to Semiconductor
II. Diode and Its Applications
III. Special-Purpose Diodes
IV. Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)
V. Field-Effect Transistors (FETs)
VI. Other Electronic Devices

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Text book
Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and
Circuit Theory, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall

References and additional reading:

• ELECTRONIC DEVICES, 9th edition, Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice Hall
• Semiconductor Physics And Devices, 3rd ed. - J. Neamen
• Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 3rd edition, S. M. Sze and
Kwok K. NG, Wiley.
• Solid state electronic devices, 6th edition, Ben G.Streetman and
Sanjay Kumar Banerjee, PHI Learning Publisher.
• Linh kiện bán dẫn và vi mạch, Hồ Văn Sung, NXB Giáo Dục,
• Giáo trình linh kiện điện tử, Trương Văn Tám, ĐH Cần Thơ, 2003.

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Quizzes/ Mid term Exam = 40%
Final Exam = 60 %
Total = 100 %

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử
University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
 Vũ đình hưng
 0867-618-962
 Email: vudinhhung1601@gmail.com

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
ELT 2032 1

 Tạ Đình Đức Hiếu

 0942-08-4242
 Email:tadinhduchieu2709@gmail.com

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Introduction to Semiconductor
• Atomic Structures
• Semiconductors, Conductors, and Insulators
• Covalent Bonds
• Conduction in Semiconductor
• N-Type and P-Type Semiconductor
• The Diode
• Biasing the Diode
• Voltage Current Characteristic of a Diode
• Diode Models
• Testing a Diode

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Diode Applications
• Half-Wave Rectifiers
• Full-Wave Rectifiers
• Power Supply Filters and Regulations
• Diode Limiting and Clamping Circuits
• Voltage Multipliers
• The Diode Data Sheet

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Special-Purpose Diodes
• Zener Diodes
• Zener Diode Applications
• Varactor Diodes
• Optical Diodes
• Other Types of Diodes
• System Application

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)
• Transistor Structure
• Basic Trans. Operation
• Transistor Characteristic & Parameters
• The Transistor as an Amplifier
• The Transistor as a Switch
• Transistor Packages and Terminal Identification

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Transistor Bias Circuits
• The DC Operating Points
• Voltage Divider Bias
• Other Bias Methods

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Field-Effect Transistors (FETs)
• The JFET
• JFET Characteristic & Parameters
• JFET Biasing
• MOSFET Characteristic & Parameters
• MOSFET Biasing

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices
Other Electronic Devices
• …

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Linh kiện Điện tử

University of Engineering and Technology - VNU Electronic Devices

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