Chapter 2-Business Tax Ballada
Chapter 2-Business Tax Ballada
Chapter 2-Business Tax Ballada
As earlier defined, succession is a 3. Successors. Heirs, devisees and
mode of acquisition by virtue of which the legatees are all successors. An heir is
property, rights and obligations to the extent a person called to the succession
of the value of the inheritance, of a person are either by the provision of a will or by
transmitted through his death to another or operation of law; if by will, they are
others either by his will or by operation of called voluntary heirs; if by operation
law. The rights to the succession are of law, legal or intestate heirs.
transmitted from the moment of death of the Devisees and legatees are persons to
decedent. whom gifts of real property and
personal property respectively, are
KINDS OF SUCCESSION given by virtue of a will.
1. Testamentary or testate - is that
which results from the designation of 4. Acceptance. The acceptance of an
an heir, made in a will executed in the inheritance may be express or tacit.
form prescribed by law. An express acceptance may be made
2. Legal or intestate - is that effected in a public or private document. A
by operation of law since the tacit acceptance is one resulting from
decedent did not execute a will. acts by which the intention to accept
3. Mixed - is that effected partly by will is necessarily implied, or which one
and partly by operation of law. would have no right to do except in
the capacity of an heir.
1. Death of the decedent. Decedent is An heir may accept or repudiate an
the general term applied to the person inheritance. The acceptance or
whose property is transmitted through repudiation of the inheritance is an
succession, whether or not he left a act which is purely voluntary and
will. If he left a will, he is also called free. The effects of the acceptance or
the testator or testatrix. repudiation shall always retroact to
the moment of the death of the
2. Inheritance. Inheritance includes all decedent. Any person having the free
the property, rights and obligations of disposal of his property may accept
a person which are not extinguished or repudiate an inheritance.
by his death. The inheritance of a
person includes not only the property Executors and Administrators
and the transmissible rights and An executor is a person appointed by a
obligations existing at the time of his testator to carry out the directions and
death, but also those which have requests in his will, and to dispose of the
accrued thereto since the opening of property according to his testamentary
the succession. A personal right, such provisions after his death. An administrator is
as a license to practice law, cannot be a person appointed by the court to administer
inherited. Devise is a testamentary the assets and liabilities of a decedent. He is
disposition of real estate while legacy usually a relative of the decedent who has
is a gift or will of personal property. come forward and applied for the position.
bequest by will of personal property.