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April 2024

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Is Your Station This Year’s Champion?

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 CHINO HILLS

8 AM to approximately 4PM - “B” SHIFT FIELD OF DREAMS


includes Pizza & refreshments (does not include Kemper shirts)
Tessa Coplin (909) 260-9829 tessa.coplin@bigleaguedreams.com

Visit: lafra.org/softball & Download
the Roster/Merchandise form
Order Deadline April 10, 2024


JUD REAM (310) 770-5421


CHAD CORONA (760) 533-9426

On the cover: Members of Air Ops perform a river rescue in Pacomia. Photo | Mike Meadows

Photo Inset: TF21 defending the B-side exposure at Manchester. Photo | James Anderson
2 • April 2024

The Last Hook & Ladder Jumper—Fred Nuesca • .....07

Benefits of The Ultimate Hot Box • ............................08

The History of the Seagrave A xe • .............................10

President’s Message • ...........................................................................05
Battalion News • .....................................................................................13
Rosie’s Corner—Tom Taylor • ...............................................................31
Estate Planning • ....................................................................................33
Mini-Drill 101 • ........................................................................................35
Retirement Dinner Announcements • ...................................................37
The Station Fridge • ...............................................................................39
Dealing with Spam • ...............................................................................41
The Coasters
Electric Cars • ...................................................................................43
LAFD Shift Calendar • ...........................................................................47
Memorials • ...........................................................................................48
Retired Guy
The President • ....................................................................................49
LAFRA Mailbox • ....................................................................................50
LAFD History
TIC • ....................................................................................................52
Donations • .............................................................................................54
Minutes of the Board of Trustees • ........................................................55
Classifieds • ...........................................................................................58
Fire Service Day • .................................................................................61

Notice: Production of The Firemen’s Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion of the magazine’s costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers.
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these
advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any
of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.

Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association.
No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.

April 2024 • 3
owned and published by the
Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association
7470 N Figueroa Street, Los angeles CA 90041

John Hicks • Managing Editor............................................editor@lafra.org
Eric Santiago • Creative Editor...............................................eric@lafra.org
Display Advertising.................................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231

Erik Scott, Nicholas Prange, Margaret Stewart

Financial guidance from CONTRIBUTING WRITERS

Art Sorrentino, Deborah Lew, Mark Khitikian

someone who gets you PHOTOGRAPHERS

Gary Apodaca, David Blaire, Brandon Buckley, Chris Eckenrode, Greg Doyle,
Harry Garvin, Yvonne Griffin, Justin Johnson, Gavin Kaufman, Mike Meadows,
Kyle Rausch, Jacob Salzman, Adam VanGerpen, Rick McClure, Jason Stilwell
Let’s connect to get you where you want to go.
Jennifer M Brown, CFP®, CDFA®, BFA™
LAFD wife
Financial Consultant | 805-375-3258 Chris Stine .............................................................President
jennifer.brown@thrivent.com Jim Duffy ........................................................Vice-President
connect.thrivent.com/jennifer-brown Jim Dolan, Steve Ruda & Gene Bednarchik.......Community Affairs Liaisons
CA Insurance 0816794
Brian Wall Frank Aguirre Mike Sailhamer
Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) Cesar S. Garcia JD Fox Milton Quintana
owns the CFP® certification mark, the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL
PLANNER™ certification mark, and the CFP® certification mark (with Chris Bustamante Jeff Halloran Paul Duke
plaque design) logo in the United States, which it authorizes use of Craig White John King Steve Berkery
by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and Danny Wu John Marasco Steven Jones
ongoing certification requirements. 5980702.1 Derwin Pitts Juan Albarran Tim Halloran
Elber Navarro Kenny Breskin Tyler Tomich

To contact a chaplain, please call Senior Chaplain, Tim Werle at
(213) 797-2404 or the MFC Floor Captain at (213) 576-8920

Kevin Smith..........................Chaplain Tim Werle............................Chaplain

Danny Leon..........................Chaplain Mark R. Wolf......................Chaplain
George A. Negrete..............Chaplain Jesus Pasos.........................Chaplain
Daniel Lee............................Chaplain Rick Godinez........................Chaplain

Fire-Relief ...............................................................(323) 259-5200
Relief Association Toll Free Number .........................(800) 244-3439
Relief Medical Plan ................................................. (866) 995-2372
Fax Number ................................................................(323) 259-5290

Todd Layfer • Executive Director.............................(323) 259-5243
Vivian Dang • Human Resources Director..................(323) 259-5247
Liberty Unciano • Controller/Treasurer..................(323) 259-5225
Trevor Inouye • Operations Supervisor.....................(323) 259-5286
Marlene Casillas • Development & Marketing Director(323) 259-5217

Claims & Benefit Information...................................(866) 99-LAFRA
THE FIREMEN’S GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemen’s
Relief Association, 7470 N Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, Cal­i­for­nia 90041. Annual $48 Subscription
included with Association mem­ber­ship; Non-members: $60. Single issues $8 postpaid. Back issues $10
postpaid. Pe­ri­od­i­cals post­age paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing office. POST­MAS­TER: Send
ad­dress changes to: THE FIREMEN’S GRAPE­VINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los An­ge­les, CA 90041.

Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Clas­si­fied and Display Ad­ver­tis­ing rates please call (323)
259-5200, ext. 231 or 253. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the month of
pub­li­ca­tion. The opin­ions ex­pressed here­in are those of the writ­ers and do not nec­es­sar­i­ly reflect the official
views of the Los An­ge­les City Fire De­part­ment or the Los An­ge­les Firemen’s Relief Association. The Fire-
men’s Grapevine uses Chat.openai.com as an editing and sourcing resource. Articles written in this publica-
tion may contain information from such source.

4 • April 2024
Hello April… new month, new beginning, new mindset, new mium of 5.22%. If you are Medicare eligible, you will see a decrease of
focus, new start, new intentions, new results. May it be a great month -6.56%, and if you are a non-Medicare retiree, you will see an increase
and bring laughter, joy, good health, and camaraderie to all my friends, of 5.20% for a net decrease of 2.71% overall. The Medical Committee
family, coworkers, and loved ones. I would like to take a moment to ac- made the decision to make some plan design changes for this renewal
knowledge the courage, bravery, steadfastness, and perseverance of our to the Kaiser HMO plan. These changes were necessary to maintain the
Firefighters and their families involved in the recent Alameda Incident. affordability of the Kaiser HMO plan and to be consistent with the cur-
This incident has affected all of us, but no one more than the members rent LAFRA PPO Medical copays. Effective July 1, 2024, the following
involved and their families. Our focus at LAFRA is to support these changes will take effect: Increasing the office visit copay from $10 to
members and their loved ones in any way we can over the weeks and $15 per visit. Increasing the Emergency Room copay from $75 to $150
months ahead. LAFRA is working in collaboration with UFLAC and per visit for Non-Medicare Retirees and $120 per visit for Medicare Re-
the LAFD to focus on the recovery and long-term wellness of our mem- tirees. Prescription copays are increasing from: Generic Tier 1: $5 retail/
bers and their families. $10 mail to $10 retail/ $20 mail. Brand Tier 2: $10 retail/ $20 mail to $20
Attention all members, you should have received a Mem- retail/ $40 mail. Specialty: $10 copay to $20 copay.
ber Summary Report last month. What is included in your Member Workers Compensation update: Have you suffered an injury/
Summary Report, and why do you need to review it? This report will illness that has been the result of a work-related cause? If you’re an
provide you with all the current information that LAFRA has on file active member, the process is somewhat clear and has become more
for you. This document includes your current Relief dues, Life and Ac- streamlined. When a member is injured, notification shall be made to
cident coverage, Estate Planning Benefit, and (LTC) Long Term Care the member’s supervisor as soon as possible. The supervisor would then
coverage if purchased above the base coverage. While you are reviewing initiate the reporting process through the Injury/Illness Reporting Sys-
this document, please pay close attention to the last line, which is the tem. This process includes several forms, including the DWC-1 form
amount, if any, you are contributing to Widows, Orphans, and Disabled that needs to be signed by the member. Once forms are submitted by the
Firefighters Fund. If you are contributing, please consider increasing supervisor MLU is notified and becomes the main point of contact be-
that amount, or if you are not contributing, please open your heart and tween the members and our Workers Compensation TPA (Sedgewick).
start your monthly investment today for this great organization. You can If you are retired and need to file a Workers Compensation Claim for
call Member Services at (323) 259 5287 to get started today. Another a work-related injury/illness, please contact The Medical Liaison Unit
great option is to become a recurring donor; simply visit givetoahero. (MLU) directly at:
org/donate-now to set up monthly contributions via credit card, e-check,
PayPal, or Venmo. Medical Liaison Unit (MLU)
It’s that time of year again for changes to your medical Figueroa Plaza, 201 N. Figueroa Street, Room 1250
coverage. The month of April is open enrollment for the LAFRA PPO Los Angeles, CA 90012
Medical and Kaiser plans. Open enrollment will occur this month for lafdmedicalliaison@lacity.org
coverage effective July 1, 2024. You should be receiving an open enroll- Phone: 213-202-3440 Fax 213-202-3174
ment package this month. If you need additional info, please reach out to
the Member Services team. Open enrollment is the time to add or delete ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: The Lane Kemper Softball Classic
dependents and the opportunity to join a medical plan for Firefighters by is rapidly approaching. Please join us on April 24, 2024, from 8:00 am-
Firefighters. If you do not take advantage of this open enrollment period, 5:00 pm for this historical event, benefiting the WIDOWS, ORPHANS,
you will have to wait until October’s open enrollment unless you have an & DISABLED FIREFIGHTER’S FUND. For more information, please
IRS qualifying event like a marriage or the birth of a child. contact Jud Ream (310) 770-5421 or Chad Corona (760) 533-9426. Refer
The Medical Committee and Full Board approved the 2024 to page 1 for flyer.
plan renewal at the March board meeting. The rate increase for
LAFRA’S PPO plan for retirees will be 1.77%, and for the active PPO Save the Dates:
plan, the increase will be 8.50%. These increases will be effective July 1, • Scholarship Exam Day – 4/13
2024. We are still unsure what the new subsidy increase will be for our • Lane Kemper – 4/24
upcoming contract negotiations. LAFRA did present our plan to LAFPP • Pechenga Reunion – 5/13 to 5/17
last month for approval, as this is part of our contractual obligation. We • Hope for Firefighters – 6/6
have provided all documentation requested and are awaiting a decision
from LAFPP on what the increase in subsidy will be for this next plan
year. This item will be on the agenda at the April 4, 2024, LAFPP meet-
ing. LAFRA will provide updated rates as soon as we are provided with Christopher Stine
those changes from LAFPP. If you are currently enrolled in our Kaiser president@lafra.org
HMO plan and are an active member, you will see an increase in pre- 323.259.5202

April 2024 • 5
Let’s give it a go!
Make Your Reservation Now!
Monday, May 13 to Friday, May 17, 2024


AT (888) 732-4264
 CHECK IN & Catch Up with Old Friends - 2 PM
13  RECEPTION GET-TOGETHER Beer & Wine (Provided)
for RV SITE MAP information, BEFORE contacting
15 SHOP LAFD MERCH at Clubhouse - 10 AM-2 PM
 DINNER / Wine & Beer (Provided) -
5 PM PAYMENT: Once your RV spot is reserved, contact
Loan Tran for payment at (323) 259-5254.

Clubs will be charged $10.00 per site for any site canceled within 30 days of the
check-in date. Cancellations within two weeks of arrival date will be charged the
 CHECK OUT - 12PM! Till next time...
17 full amount for all nights booked. Pet fees will be collected by the Club
Coordinator. Three pets are allowed per RV. There is a $5.00 charge per pet for
up to seven nights; there is no charge for service animals.

CONTACT: JUAN ALBARRAN (805) 807-3616 or jmalbarran@lafra.org

6 • April 2024
Visit LAFRA.ORG/2024-Pechanga-Reunion for more details
Fred Nuesca was born in 1936 and
grew up in Santa Monica and nearby West
Los Angeles. He spent his early years play-
ing on the gymnastic equipment on Muscle
Beach just south of Santa Monica, where many
gymnasts, circus performers, and muscle men
could be seen working out on a regular basis.
Stars such as Steve Reeves, Arnold Schwar-

zenegger, and Jack LaLanne could be found
there on any given day, and many folks would
gather there on holidays for impromptu work-
TION outs and exhibitions. After one such sponta-
neous show, Fred was recruited to become an
acrobat and flyer for the Ringling Brothers and
Barnum & Bailey circus. His time performing
at circuses, events, and other demonstrations
was great preparation for him to fulfill his life-
long dream: becoming a Fireman.
In 1960, Fred joined the LAFD. He was
24 years of age. He always sought out active
assignments that pushed him to his physical
limits. He is a twice-decorated recipient of the
Medal of Valor and was asked by the Admin-
istration to demonstrate his bravery and skill
t for the community by diving into the life net
at Public Relations events. These performanc-
es helped the citizens of Los Angeles really of the “California Big Trees” program. Fred
understand the extreme lengths to which the has shared his knowledge of the outdoors as
2024 firemen would go to protect them, and Fred a volunteer with the National Park Service
was a real exemplar of dedication to getting and is a docent with Malibu Creek State Park
the job done. He remembers his time with the where he spearheaded the much-needed clean-
ays of the
LAFD, helping others in dire need, as the most up and maintenance of the grounds and visi-
arged the rewarding of his life. After over 30 years of tor center. Not content to keep his free-time
the Club service, Fred retired in 1991. activities to the forests, Fred has enjoyed free
er pet for A lifetime hiker and explorer of the diving, scuba diving, skydiving, spelunking,
Santa Monica Mountains, Fred has always marathons, ultra-marathons, and Ironman
pushed himself to find the most remote and competitions, alongside such indoor pursuits
untouched areas possible. Those explorations as antique restoration, with a specialty in an-
have led him to discover pictograph sites tique cash registers. He can currently be found
previously unreported and locations of rare in Newbury Park, California, living his very
plants, and he also participated in the registry best life.

April 2024 • 7
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic,
saunas were not what I thought of when
it came to an exercise-wellness program. more than half of firefighter fatalities on
When I belonged to a gym pre-pandemic, duty were sudden cardiac deaths. Regular
the sauna would be a nice added bonus ev- sauna use has also been shown to reduce core body temperature will rise. By hav-
ery once in a while, if I had time to spare. heart disease by 50% and strokes by 60%. ing trained your body to sweat at a lower
Now in 2023, I think a lot differently. Re- According to Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a core body temperature through regular
search over the last eight years has shown Ph.D. in biomedical science from St. Jude exercise and sauna practice, you’ll be less
an association between sauna use and a Children’s Research Hospital, saunas act
reduced risk of cardiovascular disease - as an “adversity trigger,” creating ben-
the number one killer of firefighters. The eficial stress much like exercise and ice
results of the research confirm that there baths. When working through a nagging
are many reasons we all should be sitting injury or when you’re not feeling up to ex-
in a hot box for at least 20 minutes a day, a ercising due to a bad night of sleep, the
few times a week. sauna is a saving grace to help maintain
In April 2015, an article titled “As- muscle mass. A sauna session can be a
sociation Between Sauna Bathing And substitute for a rest day by activating vari-
Fatal Cardiovascular And All-Cause Mor- ous cellular response pathways, some of
tality Events” was printed in The Journal which help prevent muscle atrophy. Sauna
of the American Medical Association. use also improves overall fitness, endur-
The study, based out of Eastern Finland, ance, and resilience. If you haven’t used a
tracked 2,300 men and found a positive sauna before and are not particularly ac-
dose-dependent effect of sauna use on tive, staying in for more than five minutes
heart-related diseases. Men who used the is not recommended. Over time, those
sauna 2-3 times per week had a 22% de- who develop a regular sauna practice
cline in sudden cardiac death, while men begin to sweat at a lower core body tem-
who used it 4-7 times per week had a 63% perature. People who exercise regularly
reduction in sudden cardiac death. These also train their bodies to sweat at a lower
numbers are eye-popping to the general core body temperature. This, in conjunc-
public, but even more so to the members tion with staying hydrated, will help im-
of the fire service. The National Fire Pro- prove endurance on the fire ground. When
tection Association (NFPA) states that wearing turnouts on a fire, over time your

8 • April 2024
if it’s a Red Flag Day, skip the sauna for
obvious reasons. Third, work your way
are exposed to during fires and overhauls. up. Using the sauna four to seven times
Some toxins are excreted through urine, a week for 20 minutes at 175 degrees is
likely to “fall-out” and perform when some through sweat. Regular sauna use where the most benefits are found. While
needed, rather than become a liability. has a robust effect on releasing toxins that at work using the sauna, get the benefits
Sauna use helps excrete various are excreted through sweat. Cadmium, and get out.
heavy metals and carcinogens firefighters which is a highly toxic metal and known The reductions in sudden cardiac
to cause cancer by targeting the body’s death, cardiac disease, depression, and
cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, inflammation should be reason enough to
neurological, reproductive, and respira- use a sauna, but there are even more ben-
tory systems, is sweated out at a 122-fold efits than that. People also benefit from
increase by using the sauna. If you never improved mental health, better immunity,
sweat, you never get rid of some of these and an extended lifespan, which are all
toxins. The sauna can also be used to ad- too important to overlook. Dedicating a
dress certain aspects of depression. While sliver of your time to using a sauna can
the sauna is not getting to the root of men- completely change your body and mind
tal health issues, elevating a person’s core in the long run. Consider incorporating
body temperature one to two degrees was sauna use into your exercise-wellness pro-
able to produce an antidepressant effect gram.
that lasted up to six weeks after a single
sauna session. Much like exercise, sauna
use helps release endorphins leading to a
robust antidepressant effect. While this is
not a platform to guide department policy,
a little common sense goes a long way.
First and foremost, always stay hy-
drated. A mixture of water, lemon juice,
and a touch of salt is a perfect way to keep
your body hydrated and is a cheap alter-
native to sugary Gatorades. If you’re not
feeling hydrated, skip the sauna. Second,

April 2024 • 9
According to the LAFD Drill Man-
ual, the pickhead axe is one of the most
functional tools carried on fire apparatus.
Its multiple uses have long proved valu-
able, and the pride in which members care
for them is unparalleled. Whether venti-
lating a Victorian or breaching a wall, the
pickhead axe has become a firefighter’s
best friend. Unfortunately, the most cher-
ished of all LAFD axes is also the rarest:
The Seagrave Axe.
Although LAFD axe heads his-
torically came in different shapes and
weights, they are now standardized, and
so too are the handles, which are made of
synthetic material instead of traditional
wood. As irreverent as this may sound to
firefighters of old, today’s firefighters pre-
fer a synthetic handle as opposed to the
feel and elegance of hickory or ash.
As for my taste, the most enjoy-
able aspect of cleaning up after a fire was
sipping on a cup-o-joe while scraping,
sanding, and rubbing boiled linseed oil
onto my 36-inch hickory axe handle. Be
that as it may, one pickhead axe stands
out amongst all others in LAFD folklore:
the incomparable Seagrave Axe. While
the allure of this distinctive axe may have
faded in the minds of our youthful De-
partment, the history behind the Seagrave
Axe should forever be internalized as part
of LAFD culture.
Aesthetically, the head of a Sea-
grave Axe is unlike any pickhead axe ever
made. There are four distinct traits dif-
ferentiating this axe from others: (1) the
overall length is longer, (2) the breadth of
the blade is thinner, (3) the pick angle is
cast slightly downward, and (4) the “axe-
lip” (where the handle enters the head) is
In 1826, blacksmiths Samuel and
David Collins, along with a wealthy
cousin of theirs, founded an axe manu-
facturing business on the banks of the
Farmington River in South Canton, CT.
Despite the Industrial Revolution having
10 • April 2024
commenced seventy-five years earlier, the United States. The Collins Co. became mold under high pressure, thus creating a
blacksmiths took an entire day to produce a legitimate global competitor and, in more uniform product with dimensional
a single unsharpened axe. The three men time, was the world’s leading axe manu- accuracy. Thanks to Root’s ingenuity, the
believed their business would flourish if facturer. costly post-machining of axes had now
they could create a way to mass-produce This global prominence, however, been eliminated.
high-quality sharpened axes at wholesale resulted in competitors counterfeiting Elisha K. Root went on to create
prices. They went on to name their new their axes and marketing labels. Although several more patents, including an au-
venture, Collins & Co. several US patents were obtained to cur- tomated machine that shaved the blade
The three owners were diverse tail such practices, none proved as valu- of axes in an effort to reduce the cost of
innovators with backgrounds in metal- able as stamping the company emblem on grindstone finishing. More than anything,
lurgy, fabrication, and finance. They com- their axes. The stamped “Crown, Arm & however, Root re-conceptualized the
menced their manufacturing enterprise Hammer” insignia above the word “Le- making of axes that catapulted Collins
by bringing in several blacksmiths from gitimus,” along with the names “Collins Co. into the world’s leading axe manufac-
neighboring areas and making each a & Co” and “Hartford,” were thereafter turer. Elisha K. Root’s inventiveness soon
specialist in a single aspect of the fabrica- etched into the axes. became widely acclaimed and, within
tion process. This specialization enabled Coinciding with the company’s time, captured the attention of another fa-
Collins & Co. to mass-produce quality growth and area development, the Col- mous industrialist.
axes that were sharpened, less costly, and linsville Volunteer Fire Department was In 1849, gun maker Samuel Colt
ready for immediate use. established in 1846. Shortly thereafter, the (Colt 45) recognized the industrialist na-
Collins & Co would soon go on to Collins Co. fabricated a unique-looking ture of Elisha K. Root and hired him away
introduce various other edge tools, steel axe (the Seagrave Axe) for the Collins- from the Collins Company. Root went on
plows, military swords, and bayonets. As ville fire engine, which they aptly named to carry out his duties with great success,
sales increased, newer machines and in- the “Fireman Axe.” Years later, Fredric developing several more techniques and
novative manufacturing techniques were Seagrave, founder of the Seagrave Corpo- machinery related to the gun industry.
introduced to meet said demand. Amer- ration, commissioned the Collins Co. to Root’s contributions to the Colt indus-
ica’s expansionist philosophy of that era provide a similar axe as a standard com- try were so noteworthy that after Samuel
triggered an upsurge in demand, and the plement on all new Seagrave fire engines. Colt’s death in 1862, Elisha K. Root was
innovative Collins & Co did not disap- It is alleged the Fireman Axe com- named President of Colt Firearms.
point. missioned by Fredric Seagrave was later After 140 years of success and com-
As business surged and the work- nicknamed the “Seagrave Axe” because munity pride, the Collins Company closed
force increased, Collins & Co. built of its association with the Seagrave Cor- its doors for the final time in 1966. Today,
dwellings and various other infrastruc- poration. In addition to the standard in- the Canton Historical Museum (www.
tures to accommodate employees and signia stamped on all quality axes, those cantonmuseum.org) preserves about 26 of
their families. The company eventually made exclusively for Seagrave also in- the original factory buildings and several
added grocery stores, a bank, a school, a cluded the wording: “Manufactured by hundred of their artifacts, including the
theater, and a rail line to ensure the overall Collins & Co Expressly for the Seagrave Seagrave Axe.
contentment of their “family-like” work- Corp.” Although no definitive proof has Although the history and culture of
force. In 1830, the township of South Can- been found as to when the production of the LAFD are vital to its very existence,
ton, CT. renamed their city “Collinsville” the Seagrave Axe was discontinued, it is they can sometimes be challenged by
in appreciation of the goodwill expressed believed to be circa 1921, as low produc- those indifferent to the greater good. As
by Collins & Co. tion numbers ceased to justify the cost. firefighters, everything we do is a prod-
Collins & Co. ultimately entered Aside from the Collins brothers, a uct of a complex set of causes, ideas, and
the international market primarily to ser- machinist named Elisha K. Root became practices. Therefore, it’s imperative that
vice the harvesting demands of Central the company’s most notable employee. In those still wearing a badge remain inquis-
and South America, the West Indies, and 1830, Root invented “die casting,” which itive of the history of their vocation, as it
Cuba. During its heyday (about 1919), the was critical in the production of their can inspire an appreciation for what may
company made nearly 90% of all axes and high-quality axes. Unlike “mold casting,” otherwise appear insignificant.
machetes used in those countries and in die casting involves injecting metal into a
April 2024 • 11


THE 2023

CaP.tain II
Richard Moody




Please RSVP to (661) 433-4679

by April 12, 2024
Tickets are available for $42 per person
Tables of twelve are available for $480

No tickets will be sold at the door, only pick-up

Limited seating available

Please make your check out to the

Los Angeles Firefighters association

Mail check to:

PO Box 6303
Lakewood, CA 90714

12 • April 2024
maybe they just didn’t sleep before. I digress. not so much the turnout time or response
The sisters had trouble waking up for route that determines who arrives first but
runs after they fell asleep. Long rings and which of the two sisters can wake their brain
short rings, gong lights or no gong lights: it up first.
didn’t matter. One would sleep in her bed, That’s all I’ve got. Hope to see you all
Hello again, readers! It’s April, and and the other would sleep just about any- at Bats and Beers and Hope for Firefighters.
that’s a fact. It’s been a slow news cycle, where else in the station, which made for Send all your stories and fun pictures to:
partially due to my lack of SOD but also to no emergency hide and seek with a 60-second Battalionjuan@gmail.com
contributions to the battalion email. Luckily, time clock. Now, this is where our humorous
I’ve gathered one good story from the bat- friend named fate comes in. One sister makes
talion, and it lets me get my creative writing A/O and promotes into a task force next door
juices flowing. I give you: A Tale of Two to her previous assignment on the same shift.
Sisters. The other sister is about to make A/O and is
There once were two “sisters” from the permanent actor.
two different misters, two different lads One night, one sister is driving her
from two different dads. Both had family new ladder truck in MacArthur Park, and
on the job and had promotional aspirations. the other is driving her truck in South Park.
Both lived far from the city and liked the A long ring comes in late at night, and both
backcountry. Both sisters were at other as- Task Forces speed towards the fire. The
signments until fate brought them together incident is on the border between the two dis-
to the same shift at the same station. Now, tricts, and it’s anyone’s guess who will arrive
fate, if that’s what you’ll call it, has a sense of first. Now, even though these two “sisters”
humor and irony. They were both assets to the aren’t related, you’d think they were because
crew, but they had one weakness: calls after as both task forces approach the incident, the
New LAFD recruitment technique? (Don’t worry, Chief—
midnight. It really is surprising that they both sisters still had some waking up to do. The
The equipment was recovered! No harm-No Foul! And,
came from some of the busiest assignments in address came and went as both trucks passed
no photo credit!!!!
the city prior to being made 800 partners, but each other AND the incident. Turns out it’s

Family and friends celebrated Firefighter III Paul Sasso’s last day on the job after serving the City of Los
Angeles for 33 years. Congratulations for finally making it to the end of your career—let the fun begin!

April 2024 • 13
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Members of Station 88 prepare to help in a rescue

of a man in the LA River. Photo | Station 88

One man was found deceased within an abandoned building following an

intense fire that required 92 Los Angeles Fire Department responders nearly
two hours to extinguish in the early morning hours. Photos | Jacob Terzoli

PE April 2024 • 15
$150 $2
in Employment in Personal
Law Results Injury Results

$13.1 for two male LAPD police officers

who were discriminated and retaliated $300 class action settlement on behalf of
consumers against Epson America, Inc.
MILLION against on the basis of their sex MILLION

$10.1 for an LAPD Captain who was

retaliated and discriminated $62 settlement for a wrongful death

for a veteran LAPD Lieutenant Officer

$4.3 who was subjected to disability
discrimination and retaliation after
$44 on behalf of air crash victims at
Long Beach airport in California
suffering a severe back injury

$3 for six LAFD firefighters who blew

the whistle on unsafe practices
$30 on behalf of eight children and
MILLION MILLION families of sexual abuse scandal

$1.5 for a firefighter who endured more

than three years of harassment $15 settlement due to traumatic limb
loss and amputation
MILLION as a result of an on-duty injury MILLION

$1.5 for two firefighter recruits who

were discriminated, harassed $10 for a construction worker who
suffered on-site injuries
MILLION and retaliated against MILLION

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16 • Lawyer
April advertising.
2024 Attorney Matthew McNicholas is responsible for this ad. No representation is made that the lawyers are certified specialists or experts in any field of law.
Every case is different. Results depend on the unique law, facts and circumstances of each case.

LAFD Engine 98 quickly extinguishes a non-injury auto fire
TION in Arleta. Photos | Ismael Miranda and Jason Stilwell

April 2024 • 17
Paid Advertisement:

Pay Attention
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18 • April 2024
Trucks 33 and 64 going defensive.
Photos | James Anderson

Whether it be rain on duty or snow off duty, camaraderie

is alive and well in Battalion 13. Photo | Station 65

April 2024 • 19
Paid Advertisement:

20 • April 2024
E65 going defensive at a major emergency structure Engine 64 makes quick work of a suspected
fire in 33’s first-in. Photo | Eric Reynoso stolen vehicle on fire. Photo | James Stilwell

Members of Station 86 prepare for Swift Water Operations. Photos | Shawn Phillips

April 2024 • 21
Monday, October 21, 2024



Benefiting Your



22 • April 2024

What do you mean I can’t park here?

Photo | Elan Raber

Battalion 17 companies make quick work of a structure fire

in a medical building in 105’s first-in. Photos | Leo Kaufman

April 2024 • 23
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24 • April 2024
Engineer Certification Training, Sir! Showing a little pride.
Photo | Ta’Ana Mitchell Photo | Ta’Ana Mitchell

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Paid Advertisement:

All smiles in Battalion 18. familysecuritylawgroup.com

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April 2024 • 25
Paid Advertisements:

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26 • April 2024
The Executive Board of Stentorians and guests enjoy some camaraderie at their annual bowling event honoring the memory of Dexter McDaniel

Pictured below are FF/PM Tanika Hubbard, Arson Investigator Afara Lalaind, FF Cliff Taitt, FF/PM Dajon Moore, Inspector Gerald Durant, Execu-
tive Secretary Alicia Thompson, in the back Capt I Robert Hawkins. Photo | Stentorians

FF Julian Jackson and FF Chaz Anderson

serving the community at CicLAvia.
Photo | Ta’Ana Mitchell

Engineer Vince Mena passes the torch, or in this case, the bull, as he retires from the department and Engineer
Johnny Ornelas becomes the “Bull” Engineer - or the member in rank with the most seniority on the job.

April 2024 • 27
Paid Advertisements:

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28 • April 2024
Retired members gathered in force at the first ever San Luis Obispo County
Luncheon. Keep your ears open for the next one. Photo | Jack Reiss

April 2024 • 29
Paid Advertisements:

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Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. CalRE #00616212

30 • April 2024
“Our Fallen Soldier” — a fitting title for a piece of art commemorating one of our own, Tom Taylor. On Saturday, March 2,
2024, an assembly of friends and family convened at Fire Station 60 in North Hollywood to pay homage to Tom Taylor, an esteemed
LAFD Apparatus Operator who made the ultimate sacrifice on January 28, 1981. In memorializing Tom’s passing, our accomplished
resident artist, Rosie Tos, undertook a creative endeavor involving a distinctive medium — Tom’s former locker door at his final as-
signment, FS 60.
The artwork features a vintage Seagrave Axe, symbolizing a century of dedicated service. The fire axe cradles an ‘80s-era
helmet, adorned with a contemporary Apparatus Shield. Serving as a backdrop are components of the modern-day uniform, includ-
ing the cap piece, complete with rank name worn post-1983. Two Magnolias poignantly represent the two spheres of Thomas Taylor’s
life — one at home and one at work. A dignified American Eagle oversees both the contemporary and historical, embodying the
enduring traditions of the Los Angeles City Fire Department.
Over the preceding 43 years, members have been urged to open the locker and delve into its contents. Therein lies a reposi-
tory of insights gleaned from that momentous day, preserved for subsequent generations of firefighters to learn from and then pass
on. Our gratitude extends to the members of Fire Station 60 and our esteemed artist, Rosie Tos, for their poignant tribute to Tom’s
sacrifice and their commitment to conserving the past while propelling us toward the future.

April 2024 • 31
Paid Advertisement:

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32 • April 2024
Firefighting is a hazardous profession. It’s better to plan now than from a hospital bed.
As I sat down at the table in the firehouse kitchen, the young fire- From the look on his face, it seemed as if he hadn’t really given
fighter set a steaming cup of coffee in front of me. “What about these questions much thought.
estate taxes?” he asked, sitting down across from me.
“Without a plan, a judge who knows nothing about you or your
“If you remain a Firefighter, you’ll probably never have an estate family will make that decision,” I told him. “With a plan you can
in excess of $20 million. Knowing you won’t have to worry about nominate a guardian. And if you have a disabled child, you’ll
federal estate taxes will just make you honest about estate plan- need to set up a special needs trust to provide for their needs that
ning,” I replied. are not taken care of by federal or state agencies.”

“Then I guess I don’t really even need a trust,” he said, kind of He slowly nodded again.
half question, half statement.
“A trust will also protect your children against the loss of their
“No, that couldn’t be further from the truth! Let’s assume, God inheritance if your spouse remarries,” I added. “And an insur-
forbid, that you’re injured on the job and can no longer handle ance trust is a good place to put your life insurance so you can
your financial affairs. You’ll need to have designated a power of make sure that the proceeds are used to benefit your family the
attorney. Whether it’s your wife or someone else, you’ll need to most.”
have it in place before the event. The same thing is true for an
advanced health care directive.” Continuing his slow nod he asked, “So what is this all going to
cost me?”
The young Firefighter squirmed in his seat as I continued, “Yours
is a hazardous profession and stuff happens. Best to plan for it Looking him straight in the eye I replied, “A trust will save you
now, not from a hospital bed.” money. Believe me when I tell you that the cost of estate plan-
ning will be a lot less than probate fees to a lawyer and your
He slowly nodded in agreement. executor.”

“You work hard so your family will be taken care of,” I said I downed the last of the coffee in my cup and stood up. “So, I’ll
between sips of coffee. “But your wisdom and love can last a lot see you in my office next week as planned?” I asked.
longer than you do. Who will raise your children if you die? If
both you and your wife should both die?” “Definitely,” he said with that now familiar slow nod.

A firehouse conversation with Richard Block, Attorney at Law

April 2024 • 33
Landmarks and fire departments across Los Angeles
will glow in respect of fallen firefighters and their
families. We invite landmarks, fire and community
organizations, businesses, and homes across the
nation to light up RED to honor fallen heroes.

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34 • April 2024

Putting on a mini drill for the Los or agencies to secure additional resources. participants on what they need to do. Ob-
Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) re- 3. Develop a Scenario: With the serve the drill carefully to ensure that all
quires careful preparation and attention objective and resources in mind, you can safety protocols are followed and that the
to detail. Mini drills are a crucial part of now develop a scenario that will chal- objectives of the drill are being met.
training for Firefighters and emergency lenge your fellow Firefighters. The sce- 6. Debrief and Evaluate: Once the
responders, as they allow them to practice nario should be realistic and relevant to drill is complete, gather the participants
and improve their skills in a controlled en- the LAFD’s mission, and it should pro- together for a debrief and evaluation ses-
vironment. Here are some general steps to vide opportunities for the participants to sion. This is an important opportunity to
follow when putting on a mini drill for the practice the skills identified in step one. discuss what went well, what could have
LAFD. Consider the level of difficulty and the po- been improved, and how the participants
1. Determine the Objective of the tential risks involved in the scenario, and can apply what they learned in future situ-
Drill: Before you can put on a mini drill, make sure that all safety precautions are ations. Encourage open and honest feed-
you need to decide what skills or scenar- in place. back, and use the information gathered to
ios you want to focus on. The objective 4. Coordinate with Participants: improve future mini drills.
of the drill should be specific and clearly Once the scenario has been developed, In conclusion, putting on a mini
defined, and it should align with the train- you need to coordinate with the partici- drill for the LAFD requires careful plan-
ing needs of the LAFD. You may want to pants to ensure that everyone is prepared ning, attention to detail, and a focus on
consult with LAFD leadership or training and available to participate. This may in- safety. By following these general steps,
officers to determine the most important volve scheduling the drill at a convenient you can help ensure that the drill is effec-
skills to practice. time (not right after lunch), communicat- tive in helping Firefighters develop and
2. Identify the Resources Needed: ing the objectives and expectations, and improve their skills. Remember that the
Once you have a clear objective in mind, assigning roles and responsibilities to objective of the drill should be specific
you need to identify the resources neces- each participant. and clearly defined, and that the scenario
sary to execute the drill. This may include 5. Conduct the Drill: On the day of should be challenging and relevant to the
equipment such as hoses, ladders, and res- the mini drill, make sure that all neces- LAFD’s mission. With the right resourc-
cue tools, as well as props or obstacles to sary resources are available and that the es and coordination, mini drills can be a
simulate realistic scenarios. You may also participants are ready to go. Set up the valuable part of training for the LAFD.
need to coordinate with other departments scenario and give clear instructions to the
April 2024 • 35
Paid Advertisements:

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36 • April 2024


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April 2024 • 37
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38 • April 2024
April 2024 • 39
Registration Opens for the 2024 US Police & Fire Championships in
San Diego
- The Olympic-style games offer first responders the opportunity to compete amongst their peers in over
35 different sports at venues throughout San Diego -

The California Police Athletic Federation (CPAF), a non-profit organization committed to promoting sport
and physical fitness among first responders, is thrilled to announce that registration opened on January
15 for the 2024 US Police & Fire Championships. Happening in San Diego from Saturday, June 8 to
Saturday, June 15, the games will feature a variety of sports including bench press, dodgeball, air pistol,
pickleball, rowing, baseball, bowling, golf, tennis, CrossFit®, and more.

“We are thrilled to be hosting our 57th season of the games in San Diego,” said Larry Collins President of
the California Police Athletic Federation. “Each sporting event offers athletes the opportunity to practice
and exercise their physical and mental well-being alongside their peers. Now, the United States Police &
Fire Championships have grown to be one of our most popular events for athletes across the country
and truly exemplify our efforts to unite public safety personnel from varying backgrounds and cultures.”

The US Police & Fire Championships are an Olympic-style competition for first responders and public
safety personnel across the United States. The annual games draw thousands of athletes from law
enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, custom and correctional officers, as well as
full-time employees (active and retired) of any eligible agency or organization in the capacity of 9-1-1
dispatchers, detention-custodial officers, crime scene investigators, or lifeguards. Last year, CPAF
expanded their eligibility requirements opening the games to volunteer and part time firefighters,
reserve law enforcement officers and peace officers, in good standing, of an eligible agency with a
minimum of two years’ service.

Now, participating athletes from all departments get the opportunity to compete amongst their peers in
a variety of Olympic-style games that offer the opportunity to celebrate the human spirit at its very best.
These games provide a welcome connection between public safety personnel from varied backgrounds
and cultures and offer the opportunity to develop camaraderie and celebrate their accomplishments.

The US Police & Fire Championships are one of four events that the California Police Athletic Federation
presents in addition to the bi-annual World Police & Fire Games, the First Responders Relay and the new
North American Fall Classic, which debuted last year. Registration for participation in the US Police &
Fire Championships begins January 15 and to sign up, please visit www.cpaf.org

40 • April 2024
Spam emails have become a regu-
lar occurrence with many of our mailboxes.
Spam is almost as old as the invention of email
itself, but they have only gotten more frustrat-
ing. Not only is spam annoying to deal with,
but it can also be dangerous, leading to infec-
tion, ransomware, and fraud.
What can you do about spam mes-
sages, especially if you notice you’re receiving
a lot of spam in your inbox? Without cutting
yourself off from the internet entirely, there
are some methods and practices you can take
to lessen the amount of spam you receive.
Natural Networks is a managed IT services
company and premium email provider; we
recommend taking the following steps to clear
spam in your inbox.


Most mail clients include a spam but-

ton: this is a specific button that is meant to
indicate a particular email was marked spam.
When spam comes to your inbox, don’t just
delete it but instead highlight it and mark it as
spam by pressing the spam button in your mail
By marking messages as spam, you
are training the filter to identify similar mes-
sages to also be spam. Eventually all messages
that share similarities with the original spam tact them directly outside of the email plat- USE AN ANTI-SPAM FILTER
message will begin to get automatically fil- form and let them know their account may
tered into your spam box. You can also search have been compromised. This is for companies or organizations
in your spam box to check for any messages who have several email accounts and want to
that may have been a false-positive, and mark BE CAREFUL WITH WHERE YOU PRO- prevent spam from reaching their team mem-
those as “not spam” in your mail client. VIDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS bers altogether. Spam filtering services can
take a more aggressive and active role in iden-
NEVER REPLY TO SPAM EMAIL So many companies and organizations tifying and stopping spam. An email spam fil-
today ask for your email address to obtain a ter will act as an additional layer of protection.
If you notice a message in your inbox certain service, or product. However, it’s im- Natural Networks provides premium
that is spam, it’s best to not open it at all, sim- possible to know for certain how secure these spam filtering services for many of our cli-
ply mark it as spam and move on. If you do companies will be with your email informa- ents, and it goes a long way in flagging and
open a message and later find that it’s spam, tion. The services you sign up for using your preventing viruses, malware, spam, and other
simply close the message and then mark it as email could be networked to other companies potentially harmful messages from reaching
spam. Never click any links, buttons, images, and organizations who will inundate you with the users inbox. Spam filtering services use
or download any attached files from a message spam emails with additional offers and ser- several methods and protocols to quickly iden-
if you suspect that it’s spam. vices. tify and delete spam messages. Spam filters
If you received a spam message that ap- To help prevent these companies from can also rely on a dictionary of known spam
peared to come from a legitimate source, you sending spam messages to your email, it’s rec- messages and accounts, which helps to imme-
should take time to inspect the email header, ommended that you setup what’s known as a diately identify and deny these types of emails
that is the message’s “to:” and “from:” fields to “throw-away account.” A throw-away email from getting through.
ensure that the email address is from who they account can be any simple valid email account By following the above recommenda-
claim they are. Spam messages often come such as a free Gmail account you can provide tions, you can start diminishing the amount
from sources that try to mask their identities to companies that require an email to provide of spam messages you get in your inbox ev-
as a more legitimate organization or person, you a simple service. This is an email account ery day. If you’re interested in learning more
but upon careful inspection you can see where that you intend to give out when a company or about how a spam filtering service from Natu-
the email is coming from. organization requires it to sign up for a ser- ral Networks can help stop the amount of spam
If a spam message has been sent out vice, or register for something like a demon- your company gets, give us a call today!
from someone you recognize, you should con- stration.

April 2024 • 41
Enhancing the LiveHealth Online virtual care
experience for your employees.
LiveHealth Online is upgrading to a new and improved whole-person virtual care experience that is seamlessly
integrated into the SydneySM Health app on December 28th 2023. The new experience provides faster, more
reliable access to care using the latest in secure technology.

An integrated and connected virtual care experience.

Whole-person virtual care.
Urgent care, mental health, and specialty services, including
dermatology, women’s health, and condition care programs are Virtual care visits are
continued through LiveHealth Online.
available through the
The most technologically advanced virtual care available.
The improved interface is simple to use and easy to understand. Sydney Health and
Stable and secure video technology provides the best Internet LiveHealth Online apps,
connection speed and video quality, giving employees a crystal-
clear experience during the visit. and/or Anthem.com and
No more waiting rooms. LiveHealthOnline.com
Employees will simply receive an email or text when it’s time for
the visit. After the initial visit intake is completed, employees
can go about their business until the doctor is ready to see them
instead of sitting in a virtual waiting room.

Enhanced virtual care accessibility.

LiveHealth Online promotes equity by reducing language barriers with interpreter services available that
meet WCAG compliance requirements.

LiveHealth Online is offered through an arrangement with Amwell, a separate company, providing telehealth services on behalf of your health plan.

42 • April 2024
California drivers have the privi- pressures were correct and to make sure I got an email askin’ me to verify my birth
lege of drivin’ on some of the worst roads no nuts or bolts had loosened up. I made date, insurance, phone number, home ad-
in the country, and the condition of these the appointment about a month prior, so dress, and emergency contact informa-
roads will probably get worse in the co- when the day came and I walked into the tion. After completin’ that information, I
min’ years as electric cars and trucks doctor’s office with my appointment veri- was taken to another page that displayed
take over. That’s because money for road fication in hand, I checked in. The lady at various information on dietary supple-
repairs and maintenance depends on the the front desk verified my insurance in- ments and weight loss enhancements. It
state’s motor fuel taxes, and that revenue formation and then asked, “Why are you was nothin’ more than advertisements.
is expected to go down. Electric vehicles here?” I told her and showed her my ap- What a pile of horse dung.
don’t use gasoline, so EV drivers don’t pointment notice. She seemed puzzled but You know, it’s bad enough havin’
pay the gas tax. The Legislative Analyst’s checked her computer information. With to watch endless medical advertisements
Office is warnin’ that $4 Billion annually some head scratchin’, she told me she on TV, but now I must be bombarded with
could disappear by 2035 when the state’s didn’t see an appointment for me. After medical ads just to complete a simple
ban on the sale of gas burnin’ cars takes further investigation, she confirmed there phone visit with my doctor. What hap-
full effect. So, to make up for the loss of was no appointment and apologized pro- pened to the phone
the gas tax on electric vehicles, the land fusely. She then asked if I wanted to re- call from a real per-
of Fruits and Nuts is testin’ vehicle tax- schedule the appointment. Since this was son askin’, “Will
es based on miles traveled. This system goin’ to be a routine check-up, I asked if I you be keepin’ your
would use GPS satellite information to could make the new appointment a “phone appointment, yes or
track a vehicle’s mileage and set fees and visit” with the doctor. I figured I could tell no?” Some have lost
taxes accordingly. Big Brother will now the doctor my tire pressure was normal their way.
be watchin’ you from above! and all my nuts and bolts were torqued to
I made a doctor’s appointment for the proper specifications. She agreed, and AC
a routine check-up, you know, to have my the phone visit was scheduled. KEEP SMILIN’
fluid levels checked and to ensure my tire A few days prior to the phone visit, choppedup@att.net

All About Your

Fire Station Extinguisher Fund
My name is Ted Bailie and I am a retired Los money not spent on mess that day, or even from
Angeles City Firefighter. The Extinguisher Program people who come into the Fire Station that want to
was started back in 1996 by Larry Hoerner, the late donate to the Widows, Orphans, & Disabled Fire-
Bruce “Snake” Larson, and myself. I also have to fighter’s Fund.
give credit to my wife, Diane, for suggesting this Ex- When I Retired in 2008, all 104 LA City Fire
tinguisher Program to me while she was reading the Stations had an extinguisher in their Fire Station or
Grapevine. I want to thank all the fire stations that facility. If there is a Fire Station without an extinguish-
have an Extinguisher Collection Box in their station er, please let a Relief Association Trustee know and
and for their continued support of this worthwhile we will see to it that the station gets one.
cause. If every Fire Station collected $30 each quarter,
The families of Firefighters that the Los Ange- the Relief Association would receive approximately
les Firemen’s Relief Association help with the many $12,000 or more per year.
donations that they receive are grateful to those that Thank you to all that continue to support The
are able to help in their cause. The Extinguisher Widows, Orphans, & Disabled Firefighter’s Fund
Fund is just another way to continue to support the through their donations and though the Extinguisher
many Firefighters and their families. Fund. My Best Regards to All My Brother and Sister
For those new Firefighters and old alike, dona- Firefighters.
tions that get into the Extinguisher can come from
anyone, anywhere, and at any time. The loose Ted Bailie (Retired LAFD)
change in your pocket, the TV chairs, the left-over

April 2024 • 43

The 2024 online application is now open!



Be a high school senior or college freshman at the time of application.
Achieve at least a 2.5 GPA.
Be a dependent of a legal guardian who is a dues-paying member of
the Los Angeles Retired Fire & Police Association (LARFPA).

44 • April 2024
April 2024 • 45


JUNE 5, 2024
$ 1 EA.


570 W. AVE. 26, LOS ANGELES, CA 90065







If paying by check, please cut this portion out and mail with your check to
LARFPA at 9521 Las Tunas Dr., Suite 4, Temple City, CA 91780
Tickets also available online at larfpa.org/events.

46 • April 2024
24|MAY 323.259.5200 LAFRA.ORG 213.977.9001 UFLAC.ORG


APRIL 2024 JUNE 2024 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 A

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
A Platoon 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 National Fallen Firefighters
B Platoon Foundation Memorial
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
C Platoon 23 Emmitsburg, MD / May 4-5
28 29 30 30 24 25 26 27 28 29
International Firefighter’s Day

5 C 6 B 7 B 8 C 9 C 10 D 11 D

Fire Service Day

12 E 13 D 14 F 15 E 16 E 17 F 18 F

Mother’s Day Armed Forces Day

19 G 20 G 21 H 22 G 23 I 24 H 25 H

26 I 27 28 J 29 I 30 K 31 J

Memorial Day (observed)


April 2024 • 47
Appointed July 22, 1973.
Retired on a service pension February 1, 2003 from FS 107.
Passed away February 23, 2024.


Appointed November 24, 1962.
Retired on a disability pension March 15, 1990 from Air Ops.
Passed away February 28, 2024.


Appointed September 1, 1962.
Retired on a service pension October 11, 1987 from FS 76.
Passed away February 29, 2024.


Appointed January 24, 1949.
Retired on a service pension January 1, 1978 from FS 12.
Passed away March 2, 2024.


Appointed June 10, 1961.
Retired on a service pension August 19, 1984 from FS 93.
Passed away March 10, 2024.

Sharon J. Larson, surviving spouse of Vernon B. Larson, Passed away January 21, 2024.
Delora L. Charles, surviving spouse of James N. Charles, Passed away February 8, 2024.
Joyce Correll, surviving spouse of Harry R. Correll, Passed away March 9, 2024.
Shirley Cooper, spouse of Lorrell B. Cooper, Passed away March 9, 2024.

48 • April 2024
Tony Di Domenico passed away on who are still alive. For those people, these sto- Ernie Castillo?’ No one was safe when Tony
January 18, 2004. This is a tribute to his sense ries will bring back many memories, but for was writing, not even Tony. “Last month’s
of humor on the 20th anniversary of his pass- most of us, they will, hopefully, bring smiles. column made mention of several of our very
ing. The stories that follow are from what Tony re- favorite characters and also their very funny
Tony was truly one of a kind, a once- ferred to as “The Golden Days of the LAFD.” noses. The names of Ortega, Castillo, Maggip-
in-a-generation person who was both profes- Most of these stories are either directly out of into (hilarious), and Chernow I believe were
sional and humorous. You will hear it said the Battalion 7 Grapevine columns Tony wrote used. It now seems that one of the wives of the
about someone that there will never be anyone from February 1969 until January 1979 when above failed to see the humor of the moment
like him. Tony is the epitome of that saying. he became the Department P.I.O. or from his and is currently talking to a ‘hit’ man on the
The reason for that is the Fire Department and “Famiglia” e-mails. Absolutely none of these East Side. Don’t waste your time - no hit man
society have changed to the point that Tony stories were made up because Tony believed with any class at all is going to hit a newspaper
and his humor would not be allowed to exist. that you should “never let the facts get in the guy. Bob Patterson told me that a long time
Tony joined the LAFD on November 7, way of a good story.” ago, and almost everyone is familiar with Pat-
1959, and retired on February 25, 1988. Dur- When Tony wrote the Battalion 7 col- terson’s verisimilitude.” Tony was not only a
ing his career, he held the rank of Fireman, umn for The Grapevine, he was known as The great storyteller, he was almost a great hand-
Captain I, and Captain II. He was also the Bat- Eastside Kid. His way with the English lan- ball player too. He won the Class “C” champi-
talion 7 aide and was the P.I.O. from 1979 until guage, at least the way he spoke English, will onship but never made it any farther because
his retirement. In 1985, Tony was named Fire- never be equaled. He would use phrases like of a war injury. While he was serving aboard
man Of The Year. This was one of the proudest “His tongue hung out like a red flannel neck- an aircraft carrier in the Korean War, a kami-
moments of his career. Bob Patterson, Tony’s tie” to describe the loser in a handball game kaze plane hit the ship causing an injury to his
friend and mentor, and also one of the great and “We’re not going to let the facts interfere left arm. Because of this injury, he was told by
LAFD cartoonists, wrote the Grapevine piece with a beautiful story like that,” which eventu- no less than the greatest handball player the
when Tony received the award: “A plaque with ally became, “Never let the facts get in the way LAFD has ever seen, Vito Maggipinto, “Kid,
the names of all past recipients dating back to of a good story.” you have a million-dollar right hand but only a
1967 hangs on the wall in the entry of the Fire- BATTALION 7 Tony had a thing for twenty-five-cent left hand.” After that, every-
men’s Relief Association office. The plaque noses. With guys like Ernie Castillo, Sam one played his left side and thus prevented him
reads, ‘The Fireman Of The Year Award Rec- Ortega, Vito Maggipinto, Bob Degenfelder, from becoming an “A” player. That’s the way
ognizes That Special Firefighter, Who Not By Red McDevitt, and Sam Chernow around how Tony told it, so you know every word was the
Any Single Act, But Rather Through His Out- could you not, on occasion, mention their nos- truth.
standing Dedication To The Fire Service, Dis- es? Did I forget to mention that Tony also had Gone from the job are guys with names
tinguishes Himself Above All Others.’’’ That a more than somewhat prominent proboscis? like Norman “Red” McDevitt, Bob “Gorilla”
was the quintessential description of Tony. Not Until the operation anyway. He wrote about Hays, Mel “Chamois Face/Dog Faced Boy”
only was he involved in LAFD-related activi- it in the November 1972 Grapevine: “The ‘B’ Dodgion, Dick “Mongo” Gilmore, Rick “RTP”
ties such as Sertoma, but he was also busy in shift caught a boomer last month on the East Watters, Ernie “Batman” Castillo, Tommy
the Boyle Heights community. He wrote ar- Side. The TV coverage was excellent- espe- “Mumbles” Muro, “Indian” Bobby Raya, Fred
ticles for La Opinion and several other local cially the close-up of the famous Sammy Cher- “The Polish Prince” Folta, and “Wee” Willie
newspapers explaining the activities of the now profile. My son and I were watching the Kessen, to name just a few. Gone are places
Fire Department on such subjects as arson and tube at home and caught the action. Now this with names like, “The Eastside Sensitivity
community relations. He also wrote an article kid doesn’t have a mean bone in his body - he Training Center” or “The Santa Fe Zoo.” The
entitled “Arson...The Crime Without Mercy” just slipped - it happens in the best of families. men that worked in these places and the events
in memory of Tom Taylor. He was also a big He shouted, ‘Look daddy - it’s Sam Chernow!’ that occurred there cannot be duplicated to-
booster of Los Bomberos, which he wrote ‘How can you tell son; there are lots of guys day.
about on many occasions. there with 17s on their helmets.’ ‘Yeah, but
The next several stories are from when there’s only one with a big funny nose- -like Art Sorrentino
Tony was the Battalion 7 Grapevine writer, you had before the operation.’ ‘What does this Dawestsidekid@Yahoo.com
The East Side Kid. Most of the people in these kid know from funny noses Sam - has he ever
excerpts have passed away, but there are some seen Maggipinto up close - or Sam Ortega - or

April 2024 • 49
perfectly good drink.” And while camping
we always had the biggest bon fire!

Chris Segovia


WODFF, peach of a man and gentleman, that was As a young fireman I worked
Ben. Together we experienced responding around George at FS 29.
Please accept this donation in mem- at night in total darkness out of a barn at It was a great experience and hum-
ory of Anton John Felando, deceased, on the Old F.S. 108. Months later we moved bling at the same time. George was one of
behalf of the John Klarin, JoAnn Gaydos, to our “new quarters”, F.S. 108, less than a the “old-timers.” He could praise you and
Diana Lindsay, Danette Bothwell and stone’s throw away from the old barn. Ben, then cut you off at the knees.
families. Jan and I hammered nails together at one RIP George.
time, Jan was our boss. To Ben’s family
my Condolences and a heartfelt thanks for Mike Bowers
IN MEMORY OF JOHN C. BARNES— sharing him with us.
Another good friend gone! I met RUMMELL—BATTALION CHIEF
John in a grocery store in Hamilton, Mon-
tana. We had never crossed paths on the IN MEMORY OF NELSON E. My favorite guy to run into at an-
job. I was in a check out line and noticed a STRANGE—FIREFIGHTER III tique shows and swap meets. A wealth of
LAFD ball cap on the man ahead of me in historic information. To Margie, and the
line. Soon found out he retired way ahead Ed Strange or “Strange Eddie” took Rummell family; our condolences.
of me, and of course we shared some mu- the dictum of the “engine house being
tual friends. As a young guy on the job, your second home” to heart. In the eve- Larry and Ceci Hoerner
he had been assigned with Gary Cramer ning it was not unheard of to witness Ed
at 22’s. John was in his second career as a strolling into the TV Room resplendently
Ravalli County Sheriff. I always addressed attired in a robe or smoking jacket while LAFRA.
John as “Officer” Barnes. Over the years, enjoying his evening pipe. Take note that
we would get together with our wives for his robe was not on the schlock rack of a Please accept this donation for the
lunch at various local spots. It was always warehouse clothier, but was resplendent Widows, Orphans, & Disabled Firefight-
a sight to see John and Carol pull up, be- with his monogram. He was one class act er’s Fund on behalf of the Antelope Valley
cause there was always at least 3 golden and a true practitioner of his craft. Fireman’s Breakfast Club.
retrievers in their vehicle. May you rejoice Rest well my “not off the rack” colleague.
in eternity with the Lord and once again
with Carol. Allen N. Norman IN MEMORY OF GEORGE L.
Bud Molle
IN MEMORY OF THOMAS E. I worked with george at old 61’s
BALTZER—ENGINEER and really learned a lot from this man! He
IN MEMORY OF CLARENCE R. was the consument engineer in all areas! I
LINDSEY JR.—ENGINEER Balls was an old friend of my par- remenember the one thing thar stands out
ents. At an anniversary party, some wrap- the most was that everytime we got a new
Jan Bernard and I worked together ping paper got caught up in the candles on captain on any shift, he would wait till
with Ben Lindsey at Engine 108 in the the table. Almost every drink and glass of the captain was alone in the office and, as
mid 70’s. Why we two new guys on the water was tossed across the table putting there was a pole hole there, he would come
job transferred up on the hill early in our out the “major” conflagration. Someone down and land on his butt on purpose, get
careers, well for me, it just happened. asked Tom and I why we didn’t try and up, dust himself off and walk out! Mean-
I’m glad I did, as it turned out we met up help and do something. Tom, without skip- while the captain would sit there stund and
with an engineer that turned out to be a ping a beat said, “I wasn’t about to waste a
50 • April 2024
yelling you all right …. Was really funny
to watch.

Gary Klasse



I went to San Fernando High School

with John, played football and had a lot of
fun together during the 1950-60’s. Cars,
hunting, camping, we even saved a baby Protect Those
barn owl. Yes, we did! It had fallen out of
a nest and John decided to care for it at
home so he put it in his truck sitting on the
with Special Needs
seat while we finishing hunting. On our re-
turn, the bird has made itself at home and Firefighter Justin Mendence set up a special needs trust to ensure his
relieved itself of last night’s dinner all over son and entire family is taken care of in the best manner possible.
the upholstery. It was a long drive home in
the smelly truck but we laughed our heads “You want to think everybody’s going to take care of your kid because
off. Then there was the baby Bobcat that everybody loves him, but unless you have a plan in place…you’re planning
needed a home, that’s another long story!
His Dad was on LA County Fire and John to fail. Leaving it to chance is not in me and my wife’s vocabulary.”
was hired there but a few years later joined
the LAFD. As happens in life we went
our separate ways but we always shared a
A Special Needs Trust Helps You:
Christmas card or phone call to ‘catch up’ • Set up long-term funding for living expenses & care
on our happenings and family doings.
Another good man gone, my heart- • Determine who will be the primary caregiver
felt sympathy and condolences to his fam-
ily, Rest In peace my friend. • Create an advisory group of experts to help caregivers make
sound decisions
Dave Kuebler
• Ensure your child’s assets are protected & well-managed
• Ensure your child maintains eligibility for special services
“I sleep a little bit easier at night knowing that my son is
Rick and I came on the job together set up for his entire life,” Justin said.
and became good friends. Over the years
we’ve had many motorcycle rides lots of
them to the rock store. Between the two
of us we were always dropping in on each
other without even letting the other one
know that we were going to show up. Made
for Good times. I want you to know, RTP
that you’re going to be greatly missed. You Whether you care for a child or adult with special needs or not,
will be riding with the big guy from now everyone should consider setting up an estate plan. Ask for a
on. “Getting Started Kit” today by emailing the Relief Association
Development & Marketing Director at donations@lafra.org
Jim Gillum or calling (323) 259-5217

April 2024 • 51
Photos and information submitted by Don Nash II, LAFD Retired

Hughes Aircraft Company

Probeye Thermal Imaging Camera
Before we get into this month’s article.
I want to say it was a privilege and an honor
to be able to share Frank Baker’s life on the
LAFD with all of you in the past few months.
It was a lot of fun matching the photos to his
story. And I learned a lot about drill tower
life in the 1950s, the two-platoon system, and
how the LAFD operated in those times. I’ve
known his son Brian since my Explorer Scout
days in the 1980s and worked with his grand-
son Andrew when I was an Engineer at 38s
from 2019-2021. However, I hadn’t met Frank
until Fleet Week 2022 at our Ralph J. Scott
Fireboat 2 exhibit. An interesting gentleman
with a wealth of knowledge.
The LAFD Historical Society has so
many artifacts in its possession that it is im-
possible to display all of them at once. One
such item is the Hughes Aircraft Company’s
Probeye Thermal Imaging Camera. On occa-
sion, I will rummage through the gold mine of
historical items we have in our vault waiting
for an opportunity to be displayed in one of
our museums. I will pick an item and tell you
something about it.
In 1929, Hungarian physicist Kálmán
Tihanyi invented the infrared-sensitive (night
vision) electronic camera for anti-aircraft de-
fense in the United Kingdom. The first Ameri-
can thermographic camera developed was an
infrared line scanner. This was created by the
US military and Texas Instruments in 1947
and took one hour to produce a single image. It
wasn’t until the 1960s when thermal imaging
was introduced to the commercial and indus-
trial sector of the civilian market.
The Hughes Aircraft Company Prob-
eye infrared thermal imager was introduced in
1974. It was the first portable TIC that didn’t
need a power cord to operate. A totally analog
device that fetched an $8,000.00 price tag in
1974 dollars. It’s a heavy device, about eight
pounds with the Argon canister attached, but
it was lightweight for its time. Over 5,000
were produced. During my research, I found
some used ones on different websites in vari-
Firefighter Matthew Rivera, FS 27-A demonstrates the proper hand
ous condition for sale as of this writing. They
position for operating the Probeye Thermal Imaging Camera.
were still being used in commercial applica-

52 • April 2024
tions as late as 2007. couraged to assist. If interested, call the Hol-
The Probeye was powered by nickel lywood Museum at (323) 464-2727 and leave a
cadmium batteries that were retained in the message. We will contact you as soon as pos-
device by snap rings giving the user three to sible.
four hours of operation. The thermal imager
had three inputs: brightness, contrast, and fo-
cus control. It also had a tripod mount where a We recognize the Line of Duty sacrifice of the fol-
wrist strap could be attached as an option. The lowing members during the month of April...
case was constructed of heavy gauge steel, but
it was not waterproof. • Capt Thomas S. Home 04-12-1909
The Argon bottles were charged at • Frm Ercil G. Morse 04-07-1924
5000 PSI and were used to cool the sensor. • Frm Eldo W. Gerloff 04-06-1927
When it fell slightly below 1000 PSI, it was • Frm Sylvestre Madrid 04-21-1932
swapped out for a full one. This was to prevent • Capt Fred W. Toenjes 04-08-1935
the bottle from running completely empty pre- • Frm Paul M. Shapro 04-05-1936
venting any kind of contamination to enter. • Frm Ben H. Morris 04-06-1940
Now here comes the murky part. After • Eng Bernard O. Burge 04-01-1957
talking to a lot of retired members, no one that • Frm William Wagner 04-28-1957
I have spoken to has any idea who might have • Sr Insp Donald G. Wilson 04-17-1962
carried it. Could it have been the mobile lab? • Sr Insp Weikko A. Rahkola 04-19-1962
Or the Hazardous Material Squads of yester- • Eng Arthur M. Compton 04-08-1966
year? It has LAFD markings with red LA City • Capt John M. Lobestein 04-21-1067
tag affixed, so it was in the LAFD inventory • Capt George W. Winchester 04-01 1969
at one point in time. If anyone reading this • Frm Dermond E. Patterson 04-22-1975
article knows, please contact the LAFD Holly- • A/O Ray A. Moore 04-20-1976
wood museum and share your knowledge with • FF Jesse E. Longwill, Jr. 04-10-1977
us. • FF Brian E. Phillips 04-25-1979
• Capt William F. Axtman 04-27-1987
Volunteers • Capt Bob A. Phelps 04-15-1993
• FF/Para Michael G. Sylvia 04-21-1997
It has been a while since we’ve gotten • Capt. Robert Egizi 04-01-2002
some new people to help with preserving the • B/C Jerome A. Boyd 04-28-2017
vast history of the LAFD and the City of Los • FF Brian G. Corntasselo 04-04-2023
Angeles. Active and retired members are en-

The black argon bottle attached to the thermal imager is used to cool the sensor.

April 2024 • 53
Donations to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighter’s Fund

NICK ZEUG from your Nationwide Life Insurance - Retirement Account


STEVEN J. BERKERY from your Corporate Secretary Payment

RICHARD J. ERQUIAGA in honor of Lauren P. Derosier

RICHARD J. ERQUIAGA in honor of Kenneth L. Meyer

GARY T. SHELFORD from the Firehouse Cafe Breakfast Klatch

GARY T. SHELFORD from the Firehouse Cafe Breakfast Klatch

DAN AND KAREN O’KEEFE in honor of Christine “Tina” Brumbaugh

Turning their individual passion into action, the members of the Eternal Flame Society
are helping our friends and comrades overcome unexpected tragedies and challenges.

By including a gift in their will or trust to your Widows, Orphans & Disabled
Firefighter’s Fund, these special donors are making an investment in our
firefighter family.

These bequests come in all shapes and sizes, including:

• A specific dollar amount
• A percentage of the estate
• A “residual” gift (whatever is left over after other bequests are distributed)

Simply tell your attorney the details of the gift you wish to leave to your Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighter’s Fund,
a non-profit charity, tax ID #95-6205446, serving our LAFD families for more than 116 years.

Join these extraordinary members of the Eternal Flame Society by including a gift in your estate plan and contacting
Relief Association Development & Marketing Director Marlene Casillas at (323) 259-5217 or mcasillas@lafra.org.

54 • April 2024
February 7, 2024

CALL TO ORDER PRESIDENT’S REPORT California Memorial will take place on Saturday,
October 12th. According to policy on the California
President Chris Stine called the Meeting of the Irma Mondragon Plaque Unveiling: Prior to the Memorial, right now, Keoki Deporter, Brian Corn-
Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Firemen’s Re- opening of the board meeting, the unveiling of the tassel, and Valerie Roberts are approved. In process
lief Association to order at 10:24 a.m. memorial plaque in honor of Irma Mondragon took yet not yet approved, is Dan Ramirez, Sean Stilson,
place. The plaque, designed by Juan Carlos Sanchez, and Richard Tucker. James Stiglich, for this state,
ROLL CALL detailed a beautiful photo and tribute to Irma and all is still not determined yet because he’s technically
that she meant to the Relief Association. Members right around that 10-year mark and they haven’t
MEMBERS PRESENT: of Irma’s family were on hand to witness the unveil- made a decision on that, but they’re trying to get
Chris Stine, President ing and express their thanks. him across the finish line with the 9/11 arrangement
Jim Duffy, Vice President because of his 9/11 exposure. More updates to come
Trustee Frank Aguirre Pension Update: The new subsidy formula is await- and Diane Vigil is on top of this to determine the
Trustee Cesar S. Garcia ing approval from ad-hoc committee. Then from numbers.
Trustee Jeff Halloran there it goes to the commissioners for a vote that
Trustee Tim Halloran would then become internal policy. More to come Pechanga Reunion: The Pechanga Reunion will
Trustee Steve Jones on this as things progress. take place Monday, May 13th through Friday, May
Trustee John Marasco 17th. Wednesday, May 15th is Vendor Day. To date,
Trustee Elber Navarro On Thursday, March 7th the medical plan renewal ten (10) vendors have confirmed their attendance. If
Trustee Derwin Pitts presentation to the Pension Commissioners will a trustee cannot attend for multiple days, May 15th
Trustee Milton Quintana take place. Dawna and Heather with Gallagher, Inc. is a good day to be present. Chris requested the
Trustee Brian Wall have been working on the presentation. event be promoted by the trustees with the actives
Trustee Craig White and retirees at breakfasts, retirements, and other
Trustee Danny Wu Firefighter of the Year Luncheon, April 18th (Rich events as appropriate to encourage people to attend.
Trustee Juan Albarran – Pension Moody): The luncheon will take place at the Uni- The flyer will be sent out in mass. There are options
Trustee Steve Berkery – Pension versal Sheraton. The Relief has purchased one table. to camp or stay at the hotel for the reunion. There is
Trustee Kenneth Breskin – Pension Trustees are instructed to let Jim and Chris know of a firefighter public safety discount on rooms avail-
Todd Layfer - Executive Director their interest in attending; and in case an additional able. Ten (10) vendors will be attending. Linda Lara
Liberty Unciano – Controller/Treasurer table will need to be purchased. of LAFD Fire Apparel is onboard to attend and sell
merchandise. UFLAC will also be present. Alma
MEMBERS ABSENT: Shift Calendars: If you need a shift calendars, there Fowble is in again as the “fun coordinator.”
Trustee Chris Bustamante are a couple of boxes here. These are the 9 x 12 ver-
Trustee Paul Duke sions. They made a couple of updates. If there is a Chaplain Responsibilities & LAFRA Support:
Trustee J.D. Fox trustee or station has need for a calendar, please see Chris received a call from the chaplain core request-
Trustee John King Chris after the meeting. ing a way for them to showcase some of the positive
Trustee Mike Sailhamer things they do; outside of showing up when some-
Trustee Tyler Tomich one passes. They want people to know who they are
UFLAC Update: At the last general membership and how they can be of assistance. There are a lot
GUESTS: meeting, it was noted that negotiations are taking of connections among the chaplains and the LAFD.
Family Members of Irma Mondragon place with a focus on higher pay and medical sub- Marlene Casillas shot video and photos, in full uni-
Steve Ruda, Community Liaison sidy. form, of each chaplain. She will start by writing up
Garth Flint, Beacon Pointe a profile for each chaplain on their background and
Mike Breller, Beacon Pointe Estate Planning Benefit: The Relief provides a $750 what religion that they actually represent.
benefit for estate planning/trust. LARFPA has also
INVOCATION & Flag Salute created a similar benefit at $600. Chris encouraged Live Health Online: Chris advised that members
members to join LARFPA for their benefit(s); and have been providing feedback recently about the
Steve Ruda led the invocation. Garth Flint, of Bea- to also take advantage of the benefit provided by the Live Health App. They were having issues in seeing
con Pointe, led the flag salute. Relief. It was also mentioned that there are opportu- a doctor, the change in the look and access of the
nities for members to leave a legacy by remember- app, etc. Chris, in checking his own app, discovered
RATIFICATION OF ACTION AND MIN- ing Widows & Orphans in your trust or will. the look and feel of the app has indeed changed.
UTES Medical provider accessibility has changed. Previ-
Colorado Springs Memorial/CPF Memorial: There ously, member would log in and a list of doctors
Chris Stine entertained a motion to approve the will be seven (7) honorees at the IAFF Colorado with names and pictures were shown as available
January 10, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes. Juan Al- Springs Memorial on Saturday, September 21st. for a member’s selection of the doctor they wanted
barran so moved. Kenny Breskin seconded. There Their names are Keoki Deporter, Brian Corntassel, to go to see. Now, you put all your information in,
was no discussion or objections. Valerie Roberts, Dan Ramirez, Sean Stilson, Rich- then you go into a queue and then a provider is as-
ard Tucker, and James Stiglich Eight (8) trustees signed to you.
Motion carried to approve the January 10, 2024 will attend, at minimum, one per family and an ad-
Board Meeting Minutes. ditional trustee. The full travel dates are Thursday, Chris will send a demo of what things look like now
September 19th through Sunday, September 22nd. and then it will be promoted via our social media
channels as well. Information about Live Health

April 2024 • 55
Online has been updated on our websites. deductions. It is at the printing house right now. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT
It will likely be sent out within the next couple of
FitOn Health: At the March 6th Medical Commit- weeks. Audit Preliminary & Fieldwork Dates: The prelimi-
tee meeting, representatives from Sharecare and nary work will take place on Monday, April 1st thru
FitOn Health will be on hand, in -person or via Payroll Donation Letters: Donations are acknowl- 5th and April 8th – 12th for fieldwork. The commit-
Zoom, to provide a status update since the rollout of edged in a couple of different ways. Payroll deduc- tee will meet to review the audit.
the new gym membership network and its enhance- tions are done annually. A one-off or in memory/
ments. The challenges of navigating the app were honor/tribute of donation will generate an immedi- BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT
discussed and it was recommended that more steps ate letter/electronic acknowledgement via the De-
or a cleaner tutorial should be provided. The FAQ velopment & Marketing department. Juan reported on the reg-4 that is scheduled for
page created has been helpful. Also, it is best to go Monday, March 25th. This is a holiday; however,
to Sharecare first, prior to going to the FitOn Health 1099s: If you had over $600 in income from the Operations staff will cover. There are estimates out
app. Overall, the positives, so far, have been getting Relief Association, you will receive a 1099 form. on an emergency generator for power. These will be
gym access for youth ages 13-17 and the availabil- Contact Loan Tran or Yan Niu in Accounting with reviewed and presented to the board when ready.
ity for facilities outside of your normal gym type of any questions.
facility. Further, they are still working on increasing ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT
the number of gym facilities in less densely popu- 2024 Budget Preparation: The medical budget will
lated areas where Relief members reside. be a big portion of the overall LAFRA budget. The Frank Aguirre presented the following motions.
medical budget will be reviewed at the February
Retirement Celebrations & Trustee Attendance: 21st Medical Committee meeting. It will then be in- The committee recommends and I so move to pay
Trustees have been pretty busy with work, life and corporated into the overall LAFRA budget for final the usual and customary bills in the amount of
attending these celebrations. If you are approached presentation to the Board at the March 6th meeting. $1,337,330.30. There was no discussion or objec-
about presenting the badge at the ceremony, it is im- tions.
perative that you attend and make the presentation. FRITS 3.0: Todd, Chris, and Bob Dillon are meet-
If the requested trustee is unable to attend, please ing every other week for updates and project check- Motion carried to pay the usual and customary
let Chris know immediately so another trustee can ins. The Elevation Solutions team is putting together bills in the amount of $1,337,330.30.
attend in their place. training or reference manuals and videos for the
staff to use in system operation. The project remains The committee recommends and I so move to pay
Board Educational Offsite: The offsite meetings on track and on budget. $685 for lapel pins. These are the pins worn with
will take place Sunday, June 23rd through Tuesday, a suit and designate the wearer as a Relief trustee/
June 25th in Huntington Beach. The expectation is Golf Wrap Up Meeting: The Golf Committee had member. There was no further discussion or objec-
that all trustees will be in attendance. There will be their wrap up meeting for the 2023 LAFD Invita- tions.
a presentation by Ian Bennett on the PSOB benefit, tional on January 30th. Financially, it was a good
either in-person or via Zoom. year. There were 82-86 golfers who participated. Motion carried to pay $685 for lapel pins.
With this number of golfers, there was a faster pace

Chris Stine entertained a motion to move into an INVESTMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Frank Aguirre presented the following motion(s).
Executive Session for voting members of the board.
Steve Berkery so moved. Juan Albarran seconded. Beacon Pointe Offside Meeting: This offsite meet- The committee recommends and I so move to ap-
ing has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 13th prove the medical plan bills totaling $1,324,274.82.
The Board entered into Executive Session at 10:57 at the Beacon Point offices in Newport Beach. Nine There was no discussion or objections.
a.m. The Board adjourned from Executive Session (9) committee members are attending.
at 11:30 a.m. Motion carried to approve the Medical Plan bills
Also, the IFEBP Investment Institute will take place totaling $1,324,274.82.
Member updates and fundraising events were dis- in Rancho Mirage, CA on Wednesday, March 6th
cussed in Executive Sesson. and Thursday, March 7th. Three committee mem- RELIEF COMMITTEE REPORT
bers will attend.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Steve Berkery presented the following motion.
Garth and Mike entered the meeting at 11:45 a.m.
2024 Conferences: Jim sent an email to the board The committee recommends and I so move to pay:
in mid-December about the upcoming dates. The Beacon Pointe 2023 Investment Performance Re-
IFEBP Washington Legislative Update is happen- view: NOTE: This discussion took place before im- The Sick & Injury benefits for Active & Retired in
ing in Washington, D.C. on Manday, May 6 through mediately after the Executive Session and before the the amount of $22,238.40 The Estate Planning ben-
Tuesday, May 7th. Jim will send out an email about Vice President and remaining reports on the agenda. efit in the amount of $8,850
this conference. An additional email to be sent in The Life & Accident Withdrawals of $0
February covering more conferences available for Garth and Mike took the board through a detailed The Assistance Committee in the amount of
the year with information about who can, should or assessment and discussion of the 2023 Investment $13,839.24 The Emergency Advancements in the
will attend. Jim will keep the board up to date on the Performance Review. Interest Rates, Inflation and amount of $0
conferences schedule. Stock Market Performance was discussed. Also, The Widows & Orphans Disabled Firefighter’s to
Asset allocation was discussed including exposure accept donations in the amount of $24,700.95 The
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT to Large Cap, International, and Alternatives along Life and Accident Death Benefit in the amount of
with Fixed Income. Market returns for 2023 were $24,000
Member Profile Report Mailing: This is the annual excellent with a composite return of 14%. The Relief Death Benefits in the amount of $60,000
report that summarizes a member’s coverages and Garth and Mike exited the meeting at 12:15 p.m.
56 • April 2024
Motion carried to pay the above Relief benefits. along with shorter PPO plan and Relief benefits Buellton on Thursday, May 16th through Monday,
“shout outs” with members touting how great the May 20th. Some of these dates overlap with the
Steve Berkery read the names of members who benefits and services are and appreciating the value Pechanga Reunion.
recently passed and asked for a moment of silence of membership. Videos watched, in all or in part, at
from the Board. this meeting included ones on: SETTING OF MEETING DATES
Hook and Ladder Enduro Video (https://www.
MEMORIALS wodff.org/hook-ladder/), Hook & Ladder Enduro: The event will take place
Drill Tower Graduation Class 2023-2 Video on Friday, March 15th & Saturday, March 16th.
Leroy B. Young (https://www.wodff.org/drill-tower-graduations/),
David Carson and its YouTube short (https://www.youtube.com/@ Lane Kemper Softball Classic: The event will take
Dale H. Messman givetoahero/shorts), and finally Social Media Wrap place on Wednesday, April 24th.
Dennis G. Bogard
Tom G. Harrison We are now doing YouTube shorts, the platform is Hope for Firefighters DTLA: The event will take
Michael G. Ziemann pushing these and investing more in channels that place on Thursday, June 6th.
Paul R. Olson have them – also it is a fantastic way to get more
Stephan C. Morgan views, in order to qualify and keep a donation but- Bob Manoa has that informal event for “if you ever
Werner H. Wahlers ton, we must maintain a certain number of views wanted to work at 14s or if you worked at 14s” on
James Stiglich annually. These are less than one minute long and Sunday, March 24th. This is an open event.
Gary E. Rummell are shot and produced in the vertical format rather
Tom Kenyon than the more traditional landscape. The next committee meetings will take place on
Wednesday, February 21st. The next board meeting
SECRETARY’S REPORT Important Note: The business cards our video team will be on Wednesday, March 6th.
hands out at the Drill Tower graduations and the
Steve Berkery started the LAFD Retiree Facebook signage they bring out is working! We saw a surge RETIREMENT CELEBRATIONS
Page. He is working through things surrounding the in Instagram followers as well as new newsletter
implementation of the page. Kenny Breskin may subscribers on that Thursday. This is the perfect Chris requested to be informed if a trustee has been
join him in managing the page going forward. Steve target audience for us to capture and engage with contacted about a retirement celebration (luncheon,
requested assistance in operating the page. Chris since they have a family member or friend that is dinner, etc.) or if they know if a trustee is needed to
advised Steve to get with Danny and potentially our now LAFD, and they are most likely to get involved attend. There are a number of celebrations coming
social media vendors, Deborah and Nick, for addi- with us – subscribe, follow, watch, share, volunteer up in early 2024.
tional guidance and input before the page is shared and hopefully at some point donate!
with the masses. Social Media Report from Nick: Mike Kolezar @ Brewport Tap House 16:00 on Sat-
Instagram urday, February 3rd.
BY-LAW COMMITTEE REPORT Followers grew by 86% (226 to 421)
Organic reach has increased by 827% (445 to 4,127) Antoine McKnight @ Hilton Culver City 18:00 on
Jeff Halloran advised the committee met on Janu- LinkedIn Saturday, February 3rd.
ary 24th. They are working through some updates Organic impressions grew by 176% (1,503 to 4,158)
and changes to the policy book and bylaws. J.D. has Clicks to the website grew by as much as 1,500% Paul Medina @ FS44 08:00 on Thursday, February
all those changes. There will be another meeting on (92 to 1,476) 8th.
Wednesday, February 21st after committee meet- Engagement rate increased by as much as 3x (5.63
ings. to 13.16) Joe Kovacic @ St. Anthony Croatian Church 712 N.
Facebook Grand LA 18:00 on Saturday, February 17th.
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT Reach (31,612), profile visits (2,813) and new page
likes (70), all increased by as much as 120% (vs Falo Tiumalu III @ Elks Lodge No. 966 San Pedro
Application & Exam Dates: The scholarship ap- 2022) 17:00 on Saturday, March 2nd. Juan will be there
plication filing period is Friday, March 1st through and can present if necessary.
Sunday, March 31st. The exam date is Saturday, CARS donation Program: The CARS program is
April 13th. Milton Quintana noted the information bringing in a steady stream of donors. The total Jabari Jumaane @ The Beehive 16:00 on Saturday,
is on the Relief website (under the Benefits tab in from 2021 to present is $11,383. April is monitoring March 9th. Brian Wall will handle.
the black ribbon near the top of the homepage) and the incoming donations on a monthly basis and fol-
an ad will be in the March Grapevine. The contact low up with the donors, thanking them, and tracking Ted Kalnas @ Knollwood Country Club in Grana-
email address is scholarship@lafra.org. all the data and associated information in our Donor da Hills 17:00 on Friday, April 26th.
database based on reports and info CARS shares in
NEW BUSINESS Chris Stine entertained a motion to adjourn. Juan
New Bequest: The daughter of a retired firefighter Albarran so moved. Craig White seconded. There
is leaving her assets to Widows & Orphans. This is “Wild Bill” Camping Trip: This is a trip in honor of was no discussion and no objections.
Planned Giving! Bill James. Milton advised he is working on a flyer
for the event. The flyer will be shared with the board Motion carried to adjourn. The Board of Trustees
Videos/Web Articles/Newsletter and Other Con- and then promoted on social media. The camping meeting adjourned at 12:52 p.m.
tent: We have dozens of videos in editing and will trip has been going for a few years. This year, a goal
be rolling them out strategically this year on our is to try to bring in a little bit more money this year Chris Stine, President
YouTube, web sites, newsletter and social media. and make it more of a charity event. It takes place
Several medical plan testimonials are in editing in Flying Flags RV Resort & Campground up in
April 2024 • 57
TRAVELER. Spacious with four 3 bath Historic Home one
beds and two slide outs. Sleeps block from Route 66. WALK
six. One queen in back, full bed to everything! 8 person MAX.
under cab and two more. Binder No special events. Gorgeous
needed for Insurance. Text John house. Unique property.
For advertising information, please contact: at (805) 407-6373 for further www.HistoricYellowHouse.
Eric Santiago - (323) 259-5231 - eric@lafra.org information or questions com
Email: nsatutor@gmail.com Listed on National Register of
Historic Places Grand Canyon
REAL ESTATE Salt River Talking Stick Fields COEUR D’ALENE, ID HOME Railway, Bearizona, Elephant
FOR SALE and Tempe Diablo Stadium. 3+1 One story 2 bed, 1.5 bath Rocks Golf Course. Call
- Old Town Scottsdale @scotts- located in quiet neighborhood in Kerry-Lynn Moede (602) 818-
TWO S/B/S GRAVE SITES FOR dale76th the Sanders Beach area. Fully 6559 JDMoede@aol.com
SALE. Rose Hills Cemetery Whit- Call us – Rod, FS-56B or Diana: furnished, wifi, central heating/
tier, curbside graves in the Garden (661)294-0971 to book direct ac, laundry. Walking distance to HAVASU/BOATERS.
of Affection, $9,000 ea., or both and avoid the short-term rental downtown CDA, the lake, parks, 3bdrm(2king,1full) 2bath, turnkey,
for $17,000. Contact: Larry Wilson platform fees. and multiple bars/restaurants. w/d, WiFi, Dish, gas bbq,
(LAFD retired) @ (951)780-1838. No pets, no smoking. Contact 1/2 mile to Windsor launch, cov-
BEACH COTTAGE AT SILVER Andrew at CDArental99@gmail. ered gated boat parking,
SERVICES STRAND, OXNARD. 2 BR/2 bath. com for questions, availability, 3 nites $450, $100 for each addi-
Sleeps 6. W/D in unit. Outdoor pricing. tional nite- cleaning included, pics
BUSY BEAVER TREE AND Pizza oven, bbq, indoor/outdoor available. Email:
LANDSCAPE. Tree trimming games, etc. 6 houses from the COLORADO RIVER HOME IN rickpuglisi1103@msn.com
and removal, stumpgrinding, and beach. Walking distance to local MOOVALYA KEYS. Parker, Az. (626) 665-9890
firewood sales. Mixed firewood, restaurants, market, and tavern. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Sleeps 8,
eucalyptus and oak. Delivery Quiet, beautiful neighborhood near 50’dock, gated community. $450/ HAVASU LANDING
available or pick up. Licensed and Channel Islands and downtown night plus fees, 3 night min. 3 Bd, 2 BTH home, sleeps 6-7.
insured. Dwayne Kastor, FS 63-B - Ventura. Endless beach sports okpauly@hotmail.com Gated Community. Fully furnished,
(818) 535-6368. and activities. Special Firefighter pano view of lake. Wi-fi, direct TV,
rate. Lisa Gillis (562) 787-1940 COZUMEL, MEXICO CONDO flat screens and BBQ. Clubhouse,
CRAIG SANFORD HEATING & Beautiful, large, modern 3 pool, spa and rec. center steps
AIR - Free estimates, residen- BEAUTIFUL BIG BEAR CABIN. bedroom, 3.5 bath condo at The away. California side of Lake
tial, commercial. Great rates for Two-story with vaulted ceiling, Landmark, 3800 sq. feet. Sleeps Havasu. Enjoy the casino, two
LAFD and LAPD. Toll free (877) 2BD/1BA . Close to lake, shops, 6, ocean views, steps from beach. launch ramps or the 12 min cata-
891-1414, (661) 298-3070, FAX skiing, and forest. Great deck, lots Smart TV, Wi-Fi, pool, jacuzzi, maran shuttle to London Bridge. No
(661) 298-3069. State License No. of trees, fireplace/wood, cable TV/ tennis. All master suites with Smoking/Pets. $175 nt. Weekdays,
527114 WiFi, BBQ, fully equipped except ensuite bathrooms. No smoking. $225 nt. Fr-Sat. Excl. Holidays. 2
linens. 6-person max , pets ok. Call David (LAFD retired) at 949- nt. min. Cleaning fee of $125. Call
INCOME TAX PREPARATION $150/day, 2-night min. Week rate 294-2953. Tony Wren 760-688-6082 LACoFD
Tired of paying excessive fees for available. Contact Donna at (760) Email: azmalproperties@gmail. for questions and pics.
lncome Tax Preparation? A and J’s 723-1475 or DnBeep@gmail. com
Tax Service has been in business com. See photos at www.schaf- Facebook: The Landmark 511 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA HOME.
for over 30 years. We offer year- fercabin.com Across the street from Indianapolis
round friendly service at very af- COME TO MAMMOTH. Newly Motor Speedway.
fordable prices. We are located on BIG BEAR RENTAL. 3 bedroom, renovated, studio-loft. Beauti- 3Bed/2Bath in town of Speedway.
Ventura Blvd. ln Woodland Hills. 3 bath chalet with large loft with ful, top-floor unit. 2 full baths, Walk or bike to Main St.
Joe Flores, Certified Tax Profes- it’s own bathroom in Fawnskin, fully-stocked kitchen, cozy patio Short drive, 7 miles, to Lucas Oil
sional, retired LAFD firefighter/ Big Bear Lake. Sleeps 10, walking facing the woods, plenty of natural Stadium, Downtown Indy, River-
paramedic. Business telephone distance to some of the best hik- light. Pool, hot tub, dry sauna and front, Museums, Etc. Available
(818) 340-3575. Cell (818) 521- ing trails in Big Bear, 15 min drive laundry are steps away. Mid-town, most dates except May 20 to 27.
9227. ajstax@hotmall.com to Snow Summit and Big Bear convenient and just steps away Call Tina or Craig at 805-377-0686
Village. Huge back deck area with from the shuttle for snow, trails or 805-377-3640
KEVIN LOCKHART ROOFING & phenomenal views of the lake. and lakes.
CONSTRUCTION. Roofing repair Lots of cooking supplies; instapot, Questions: mattydspence@ JUNE LAKE CABIN. 2BR/2BA
and maintenance, construction air fryer, and more! Game room gmail.com cabin with Carson Peak View.
waterproofing solutions. Kevin with boardgames, pool table, visit: https://bit.ly/MammothK10 Sleeps 8. Within a mile of fishing
Lockhart 18-A (661)810-4980 foosball and darts. & skiing. Close to Mammoth and
lic #536528 https://abnb.me/24MAsKIuZlb GORGEOUS WATERFRONT Yosemite. Spacious living room,
RIVERHOUSE on the lagoon kitchen, and wood deck. Smart TV
VACATION CAMBRIA HAVEN IN THE PARK of the Colorado River for rent. and Wifi. $150/night plus cleaning
RENTALS HILL AREA OF CAMBRIA. A Family home-5 bedrooms, large fee of $125. Email for pictures.
beautiful studio with one queen bonus room for kids, 4 1/2 baths . Brian Smith LAFD (310)872-7311.
AZ - VACATION RENTALS. Home bed, perfect for two people to get Sleeps 15. Fully loaded with top of junecabin52@gmail.com
to Spring Training, Barrett Jackson away. Enjoy ocean sounds and the line appliances. Private launch
Auto Auction, and Arabian Horse views with a patio and yard for ramp. No pets. No smoking. No LAKE HAVASU AMAZING
Show – WestWorld. Two homes. that small pet. Full size kitchen. large parties or events. Contact: LAKEVIEW POOL HOME. 1800
1. Walking distance to Sloan Park Close to Moonstone Beach, the Gigi (714)454-0922 (Spouse- sq.ft. built 2018, 3 bed, 2 bath,
- Chicago Cubs Spring Training Fiscalini Ranch and Cambria’s LAFD) for special firefighter family sleeps 8. (King, Queen, Full
Fields, 3+2 - Pool - Putting Green West Village. Hearst Castle is rates and for snowbirds Check out 2xTwin). Finished backyard with
– Mesa @cubbiehousemesaaz minutes away. Call Ana 559- details: pool and spa. Fully furnished w/
2. Walking distance to Scottsdale 974-2509 for fire family discount https://airbnb.com/h/theriver- linens, WiFi, internet TV, laundry,
Stadium and 10 minute drive to pricing. housevacationhome large kitchen, BBQ, 2 car garage.

58 • April 2024
Quiet neighborhood. 3 miles from Moreno at 714-724-5556 or email: Canyon Lodge. DVD, Cable, Wifi, views with park like settings, with
launch ramp. No pets / no smok- fightin25@yahoo.com Pool, Spa, Rec. Room, BBQ. pool, jacuzzi and bbq stations
ing. Call Karen (661) 965-0542. Winter $175 Sun - Thurs $195 Fri just outside of relaxing lanai. For
LARGE LAKE HAVASU HOME /Sat Holiday Periods. Summer pictures and rates contact:
LAKE HAVASU BEAUTY FOR FOR RENT – 5 bedroom, 3 bath, $150 Plus Cleaning. No Smoking mauirentalgroups@vtrips.com
RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft. 2900 sqft home with amenities or Pets. Call Craig Yoder (909) complex #7104 sleeps up to 4
Fully furnished with all ameni- & pool that easily sleeps 14+ 948-3659. adults with some exceptions for
ties- Laundry & BBQ. 13,000 sq.ft. people. Centrally located, 1 mile children. Retired firefighter owned
lot. 3 car boat-deep garage. 3 from the lake, close to downtown MAMMOTH CONDO AT THE with 10% discount given to all
miles from launch ramp. Close to shops and restaurants. Check WOODLANDS - Spacious & LAFD firefighters and policemen.
downtown shops & restaurants. out home at https://www.vrbo. sunny. 2 bedroom, loft, & 2 baths.
View of the lake. Quiet street in com/4648549ha Sleeps 8. Cable HDTV, DVD, & NASHVILLE CONDO. Two bed-
good neighborhood. No pets. No Call Julie 818-268-7906 for special Wi-Fi. Pool, Jacuzzi, & sauna in room condo, sleeps 6, in Down-
smoking. Snowbird rates. Call firefighter family rates. complex. On shuttle route. No town Nashville. Walking distance
Mike (661) 510-6246 smoking & no pets. $160/night to Broadway St, hockey and NFL
LOG CABIN NEAR JACKSON winter, $125/night summer. Plus stadium. Contact Wayne, LAFD
LAKE HAVASU GETAWAY HOLE WY: Close to Snake River, cleaning and bed tax. Call Terry @ (805) 796-7863 for availability
3 bed, 2 bath, Kitchen, Boat Park- Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, World Imlay (949)322-3473 or (949)458- and price.
ing, with a AMAZING VIEW of the Class Skiing. Call (818) 207- 0768
lake. located near restaurant’s, 0811 LAFD Retired. Visit: www. SHELL VACATION CLUB time-
and the option to use two different aspenhill MAMMOTH LAKES - One share points for sale! Points allow
boat launches both about 1 mile cabin.com for all information. bedroom, extremely charming for maximum travel flexibility. Stay
from house. large fenced in back- wildflower condo. Full amenities, at any Shell Resort or use RCI to
yard. Small PETS are welcome, MAMMOTH CONDO AT MAM- close to shuttle. Antiques, art, travel the globe with thousands
NON SMOKER Please. $180. nt. MOTH ESTATES. 4BR/3BA, satellite TV, fireplace. Sleeps 4. of options! 8700 annual points
Weekends $240. Fri-Sat EXCL sleeps 10, fully furnished, 2 Winter $110, Summer $85 plus can be used for accommodations,
Holidays. 2 night min. Cleaning TVs, DVDs, WiFi, towels/linens, cleaning fees. Call Bill Clark (818) airfare, rental cars, or cash out.
Fee $125. pics avaialable. Email fireplace. Full kitchen. Walk to 371-6722 Take over deed for $10,000 obo!
rbrianson@hotmail.com call Gondola Village and shuttle. Com- Email: shakesong@aol.com Same point value costs $30k-40k
Brian LAFD 714-376-2032 plex has pool, spa, sauna, laundry. at resort. Maintenance fees are
Winter $404/night, Summer $292/ MAMMOTH SEASONS 4 $235 monthly. Vince Nixon—LAFD
LAKE HAVASU LANDING. night, plus cleaning. Includes city CONDO. Cozy 1 bedroom condo retired 805-585-8808
TH1-29, Waterfront, 3 BD 3 BA, bed tax. No pets, no smoking. with full-size pullout couch and bo-
Direct-TV, DVD, WiFi, BBQ, Dory Jones (541) 218-6443 or nus room with twin size bunkbed RIVERFRONT IN BITTERROOT
Mooring, Casino, Market, Launch Kelly Corcoran (310) 619-5355 that comfortably sleeps 4 adults VALLEY, MT. New custom 2/2 in
Ramp, Marina, Off Road Trails, and 2 children. Conveniently Darby. Fish from deck! Leather
Gated. No Smoking/Pets, $285 MAMMOTH CONDO IN SNOW- located 15 min walk between the furn. Brand new appliances. Out-
Weekday, $850 Weekend, $1995 CREEK IV. Super nice 2 bedroom Village and Canyon Lodge at 244 door entertaining. Fly fishing, ATV
Week, Maid $150, Resort TOT fee / 2 bathroom located in FAN- Lakeview Blvd. Visit https://www. trails, hiking.Traeger/Blackstone.
25%, bring linen, (310) 418-1577, TASTIC Snowcreek IV. *PETS seasons4.com/94269/ for pics, Outdoor pool table. Wi-Fi, cable.
daggertooth@aol.com WELCOME! King, Double Queen amenities, and reviews. $125/ Laundry. 1 min. from where they
bunk, & trundle, Nicely furnished night; off-peak (May, June, Oct, film “Yellowstone.” May – Sept.
LAKE HAVASU LANDING RE- with high-end appliances. Fully Nov): $100/night; cleaning: $100. Daughter of fallen firefighter.
SORT BEACHFRONT HOME with stocked kitchen. Washer/Dryer in Bobby (310) 350-5552. www.bitterrootriverhouse.com
boat mooring. Swim, ski or fish the unit. Pricing varies by season or call (406) 274-7670
from front yard. 4 bed/2 bath, fully and demand. Exceptional condo! MAMMOTH SKI & RACQUET:
furnished. DirectTV/DVD/WiFi, Goldencreek637@gmail.com, Studio/Loft, 2 bath, King bed, SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Romantic
pool table, laundry, BBQ. Gated 909-576-2025, Website: https:// sleeps 4. Full kitchen, WiFi,TV, Chalet Family getaway. 3 bed/2
community with casino, groceries, goldencreek637.wixsite.com/ DVD, HDMI input Garage parking. bath plus loft. Sleeps 8–10. Cable
marina, launch ramp and off-road mysite Walk to Canyon Lodge. Ski back TV, washer/dryer, microwave,
trails. No pets, no smoking. $350 trail. 2 night minimum. No pets/ woodburning stove. 7 minutes to
Bowen/Garner email: MAMMOTH CONDO.10min walk smoking. Oct-April $150/nite, May- casinos and Heavenly. Located in
havasulanding27@gmail.com to Village 1bd+loft, 2ba, sleeps 6, Sept $100/nite. Plus $155 cleaning Tahoe Paradise. $125 per night
in unit pvt dry sauna, garage park- & linens. Jeff & Lisa Moir. LAFD plus cleaning. Call Shawn (661)
LAKE HAVASU LANDING ing, WiFi, Smart TVs, balcony with ret (661) 254-5788 476-6288.
RESORT. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, view, spa, pool. Fire Dept rates
waterfront house, boat, mooring available. David Jaureguy, LAFD, MAMMOTH SNOW CREEK IV.
out front, fully furnished, laundry, (818)266-9844 beautiful, full remodel 2b/2ba
gas BBQ, launch ramp, gated com- bigwoodtreetops@gmail.com 1King, 1Queen, +couch to queen.
munity, grocery store, hardware Sleeps 4-6. Fully stocked open
store. No pets, no smoking. Email MAMMOTH CONDO. Updated kitchen, large smart TVs, jacuzzi.
Kathy at scarkj@yahoo.com or 2 bedroom 1 bath old mammoth/ Bottom floor next to parking. No For
call (760) 858-4470 eagle lodge area. Sleeps 5. Fully smoking/no pets. www.airbnb.
equipped kitchen, wifi, pool, spa, com/h/ourdeerfriendsretreat advertising,
LAKE HAVASU POOL HOME. laundry. Walk to restaurants, bars, Text or email for fire rates.
1900 sq. ft. remodeled 3 bdrm, stores, park and trolly. Winter $175 Ourdeerfriendsretreat@gmail.
3 1/2 baths, sleeps 8. (1 King, summer $130 plus cleaning fee, com Shane Hirsch (LAFD)
2 queens). Backyard with pool, holiday rates vary, multiple night (714) 803-9324 email:
jacuzzi with underwater lights. discounts. No pets.Contact Will
Fully furnished w/ linens, laundry, Nevins 26”B” (714) 697-2587 MAUI, HAWAII VACATION eric@lafra.org
WIFI, INTERNET, TVs, BBQ. RENTAL. Kamaole Sands beach
$150 weekdays, $250 week- MAMMOTH CONDO. Two front resort, spacious I bedroom,
ends, $175 cleaning fee. 2 night bedrooms, Large loft. Three full 2 bath condo #7104 located in
minimum. No smoking. Call Gabe bathrooms. Sleeps 8. Walk to Kihei beautiful beach and garden

April 2024 • 59
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North Hills CA 91343

60 • April 2024
Fire Service Day

Well, it’s almost May, which

we all know is the month we celebrate
Fire Service Day. This is just a friendly
reminder to make sure you take the time
to remind family and friends to stop by
their local fire station and say a quick
hello to the crews working that day,
and to let them they are appreciated for
their service to the community at large.
This month’s tailboard is from a 1960’s
Grapevine. It is a photo of an old pam-
phlet that was handed out to people who
attended such event during that time.
Thank you to Photographer David Blaire
for the use of his great photo.

April 2024 • 61
Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association
7470 N Figueroa Street
Los Angeles CA 90041-1725

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