DC20 Alpha 0.6 PDF
DC20 Alpha 0.6 PDF
DC20 Alpha 0.6 PDF
Contents Mastery
Mastery Types..................................................................................17
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Stealth covers attempts to avoid being seen or heard by other
creatures, such as sneaking about or hiding behind cover.
These Checks occur during the moment of possible discovery
when a creature might be heard or seen.
• Sneaking: Attempting to move about quietly to avoid being
noticed by other creatures.
• Hiding: Attempting to Hide from a creature so that they
can’t see you.
Common Celestial
Typical Speakers: Angels & Archons
Typical Speakers: Civilized Societies
Typical Speakers: Dwarves
Typical Speakers: Elves
Mastery Fluency
Level Combat Mastery (CM)
0 - None You don't know the language.
Combat Mastery (CM) grants you a bonus to combat statistics,
such as your Save DC, Physical Defense, Mental Defense,
1 - Limited You can read, write, and speak the language, but
Attack Checks, and Spell Checks. Combat Mastery is directly
you must make a Language Check and succeed to
do so. tied to your Characters “experience” and is the only Mastery
that increases automatically as you level up. This allows
2 - Fluent You can read, write, and speak
Combat Mastery to provide a scaling increase in a Character's
the language fluently.
Combat abilities over time (see “Checks & Saves”(page 21)
Example: If you have 1 level of Language Mastery (Limited) for more on Combat).
in the Goblin Language, then you can can make a Language
Check to attempt to read, write, speak, or understand the Combat Mastery Formula
Goblin Language. Alternatively, 2 levels of Language Mastery 1/2 your Character’s Level (rounded up)
(Fluent) would allow you to do so without needing to make a
Check. See Checks & Saves for more information on making
Language Checks.
Combat Mastery List
DC Tip: There is more of a progression to learning a language You can gain Combat Mastery with the following categories:
and there are more subtle interactions that happen both • Attack Checks • Mental Defense
from a roleplay standpoint and a mechanics standpoint.
• Unarmed Strikes • Attribute Saves
• Weapons • Might
• Spell Checks • Agility
Language Mastery Limit • Spellcasting • Intelligence
• Physical Defense • Charisma
There is no limit to how many Languages your
• Unarmored • Save DC
Character can have.
• Light Armor
• Heavy Armor
Gaining Language Mastery • Shields
You are Fluent in Common. You can gain additional Language
Mastery using Language Points.
Spell Checks DC Tip: Each Skill has a Base Attribute that is the “default”
A creature can make a Spell Check when it takes the Spell Attribute you would use for a given Check. See Variant Skill
Checks in the Game Master Guide for more custom options
Action to cast a Spell or uses a Feature that calls for one. When
for creative ways Attributes can be used with different Skills.
a creature makes a Spell Check, it rolls a d20 then adds its
Prime Modifier and Combat Mastery to determine the result.
Trade Tools
A creature must use the specified Trade Tools when
attempting a Trade Check (see “Trades” on page 13 for
more information on Trade Tools). If a creature attempts a
Trade Check using tools not designed for the task (such as
using a hair pin instead of Lockpicking Tools to pick a lock),
they have DisADV on the Trade Check.
Language Checks
When you’re trying to read, write, or speak in a language
you have Limited Language Mastery in, you can make a
Language Check to do so. Roll a d20 and add your Charisma
or Intelligence (your choice) to the result.
8 + Prime Modifier + Combat Mastery Example: A creature has ADV on a Check. Normally it
would roll a single d20 when making the Check, but because
it has ADV it rolls two d20 instead and takes the highest
Example: A Giant Snake targets a Barbarian with a Melee number rolled.
Attack that causes the target to become Restrained. The
Giant Snake makes an Attack Check that’s Contested by the
Barbarian’s Physical Save. If the Barbarian fails its Save against
the effect it becomes Restrained. However, the Barbarian can
Gaining Advantage
repeat its Save at the end of each of its turns to free itself from When a creature makes a Check or Save, it can spend 1 or
being Restrained. When it repeats its Save, it does so against more AP to gain ADV on its Check or Save per AP spent.
the Giant Snake’s Save DC.
Example: A Barbarian chooses to make an Attack with a
Greatmaul against a creature. The Barbarian can spend 1 AP to
grant themselves ADV on their Attack Check.
If a failure statement says Failure, the creature suffers the
listed penalties if the result of its Check or Save is below the
opposing DC, Check, or Save.
Failure (each 5)
If a failure statement says Failure (each 5), the creature
suffers the listed penalties for every 5 the result of its Check or
Save is below the opposing DC, Check, or Save. Unless stated
otherwise, the creature can suffer the additional penalties
multiple times.
Ranged Attack
When a creature makes a Ranged Attack it can do so against a
target within its Range. The Range is determined by the type
of Weapon it’s Attacking with or by consulting the Feature or
Spell it’s using to make the Ranged Attack.
Close Quarters: A creature has DisADV on Ranged Attacks
while an enemy is within 1 Space of it.
Example: A Commoner has 4 HP, a Mastiff has 3 HP, a Cat Stacking: Temp HP doesn’t stack. If you gain Temp HP from
has 2 HP and a Rat has 1 HP. different effects, you choose which effect to gain Temp HP
from, and ignore the Temp HP granted by the other effects.
DC Tip: Most damage a creature takes is nonlethal and Duration: Temp HP lasts until you complete a Long Rest, or
just “wears you down” until you get closer and closer to its reduced to 0 by taking damage. An effect that grants Temp
Death’s Door. Lighter hits might graze you, while bigger hits HP may state a shorter duration, such as 1 minute, until you
knock you off your feet. The description and roleplay of how complete a Quick Rest, or a Short Rest. When the duration
damage is taken can change depending on its source and the
expires, all Temp HP gained immediately vanish.
situation, but Health Points represent how much of a beating
you can take before you die.
Health Thresholds
Health Points at 1st Level Certain game mechanics affect creatures while their current
A PC has a number of Health Points equal to 5 + (Character HP is within certain thresholds.
Level x 2) + Might. A PC also might gain additional HP from Bloodied: HP is equal to or lower than 1/2 its HP maximum.
its Ancestry or Class.
Well-Bloodied: HP is equal to or lower than 1/4 its HP maximum.
Health Point Formula
Death’s Door: HP is equal to or lower than 0 HP, to a minimum
of its Death Threshold
Health Point Formula = 5 + (2 x PC Level) +
Might + (Possible Class or Ancestry Bonus HP) A creature’s Death Threshold is equal to 0 HP minus its
Prime Modifier.
Example 1: A PC starts with a base of 5 HP. It then adds twice DC Tip: If a creature is on Death’s Door, it’s still considered
its Characters Level, which is 2 HP at level 1. Using Standard to be Bloodied and Well-Bloodied, because their HP is still
Array to get your Attributes, the highest starting Might you below 1/2 their maximum (Bloodied) and 1/4 their maximum
can have is +3. Before considering any bonuses granted by (Well-Bloodied).
Ancestry Traits or Class Features the highest starting HP a PC
can have is 10 HP (5 + 2 + 3) and the lowest is 5 HP (5 + 2 - 2). Example: A creature with a maximum HP of 8 is considered
Bloodied when its HP is 4 or lower, Well-Bloodied when its HP
is 2 or lower, and on Death’s Door when its HP is 0 or lower. If
Example 2: Certain Ancestries and Classes grant additional
its Prime Modifier is 3, the creature’s Death Threshold is -3 HP.
HP. For example, the Giantborn Ancestry grants an extra +1
That creature dies if its HP is ever reduced to -3 HP or lower.
HP, and the Fighter Class grants an extra +1 HP at level 1, for a
total HP of 12 HP (10 + 1 + 1).
DC Tip: Make sure you check each of these categories as you NPC’s on Death’s Door
level to keep your maximum HP updated. You basically get 2 Monsters and NPCs normally die when they’re reduced to
HP each time you level up + 1 more for each Attribute point 0 HP, however the Game Master can choose to implement
you gain in Might or Agility. You also might get additional HP Death’s Door on special enemies. They would drop down to
from Talents and Features you choose. 1 AP and be on Death’s Door in that same weakened state,
leaving a window for them to still talk to the party and get out
any “last words” before someone puts them out of their misery.
DC Tip: Heavy Hits are 5 over, Brutal Hits are 10 over, but if a
Character ever manages to get 15 over a targets Defense I call Adding Damage Order
this “Beyond Brutal”. Then I count by 5’s to see how many +1 Add up the damage totals in the following order:
bonus damage they get.
1. Start with the Base Damage of the Attack.
Degrees of Damage Table 2. Add up any + damage from Heavy Hits, Brutal Hits or
The table below shows how the damage of an Attack Check higher, and Critical Hits.
or Spell Check can change as determined by the result 3. Add any + damage from Action Points spent (Maneuvers,
of the Check. Class Features, AP Enhancements, etc.).
4. Add any + damage from Passives (Weapon Passives, Class
Check vs Defense Result Damage Features, Magic Items, etc.).
Lower Miss No Damage
DC Tip: Starting with the Base Damage is a great foundation
Equal or greater Hit Base Damage
and getting the Heavy Hits and higher out of the way first
5 and greater Heavy Hit Base Damage + 1 is nice. You’ll get better at all the “by 5’s” math over time!
10 and greater Brutal Hit Base Damage + 2 Then you add any damage gained by spending AP, then any
passives. This creates a great “checkpoint” system for you to
mentally navigate and keep things simple and quick.
Example: A Paladin attacks a skeleton with his Shortsword
(we start off with a Base Damage of 2). They get a Brutal Hit
and gain +2 bonus damage on their hit (2 + 2 = 4). They chose
to spend MP and use Divine Smite to increase their damage
by +2 (2 + 2 + 2 = 6). They also got hit by the target this round
and gain the Weapon Passive of the Sword of +1. So now their
total damage is 7 (2 Base + 2 Brutal + 2 Divine Smite + 1 Sword
Passive = 7 Total).
Shared Damage
When 2 or more creatures share damage, divide the total
damage by the number of creatures (rounding up), and
distribute the damage equally among the creatures.
MP Outside of Combat
When you spend MP outside of Combat, the cost is reduced Grit Points
by 1 (minimum of 1). The total MP cost before this reduction Characters with a high Charisma Attribute have a strong
can’t be greater than your Mana Spend Limit. force of will and ability to influence and impact others
around them, especially their friends and allies. Grit Points
DC Tip: If you were to run 1 mile to a neighbor's house,
there’s not much stress there… but if you were to run 1
represent a Characters being able to enact that ability on
mile away from a tiger that was chasing you… that’s FAR themselves or allies.
more difficult and exhausting. This concept holds true for
Spellcasting too. Grit Points
You gain a number of Git Points equal to your Charisma. You
Stamina Points can spend Grit Points to increase your (or your allies) resolve
when making a Save.
Martial PCs have Stamina Points (SP) which can be spent on
Techniques, on Class Features, and in place of Action Points Spending Grit Points: When you or a creature that can see
when performing Martial Maneuvers. or hear you makes a Save, you can spend 1 Grit Point as a
Reaction to grant the creature ADV on the Save. You must
Gaining Maximum SP: You can gain SP from the Martial
use this Reaction before the creature rolls any dice as part of
Mastery Feature granted by Martial Classes (Barbarian,
making the Save. A creature can only gain the benefits of 1
Fighter, Rogue, etc.), from Talents (such as the Multiclassing
Grit Point per Save.
Talents), or from Ancestry Features.
Regaining Grit Points: You regain all expended Grit Points
Regaining SP: You can regain SP during Combat in a variety of when you complete a Long Rest.
ways depending on your Class Features. You regain all spent
SP when Combat ends.
SP Outside of Combat
You can perform any Action outside of Combat that uses
Stamina without spending any SP, however the SP cost can’t
be higher than your SP maximum.
Attack Shove
You can spend 1 AP to make 1 Attack Check. You can spend 1 AP to attempt to push a creature within 1
Space of you. Make an Athletics Check contested by the
Disarm target’s Martial Check. Success: You push the creature 1
You can spend 1 AP to make an Attack Check Contested by Space away from you or to its left or right. Success (each 5):
the target's Athletics, Acrobatics, or Trickery Check (target’s Push up to 1 additional Space.
choice). The target has ADV if they’re holding the object with Knock Prone: After the result, you can choose to reduce the
2 hands. You have DisADV if the target is larger than you. You total distance the target is pushed by 1 Space to knock them
can’t Disarm a creature that’s 2 Sizes larger than you. Success: Prone instead.
The targeted object falls into an unoccupied space of your
choice within 1 Space of the creature.
If you move at least 2 Spaces in a straight line, you can spend
1 AP to attempt to Tackle a creature that’s your size or
smaller. Make an Athletics Check contested by the target's
Martial Check. Success: You Grapple the target and you both
move 1 Space in the same direction you were moving then
immediately fall Prone. Success (each 5): +1 Space moved.
DC Tip: When taking the Help Action, the GM may allow the
PC to contribute to a Skill or Trade Check by using something
other than their own Skill or Trade Mastery. If the PC is a
Psion, they may try to use their Telekinesis to contribute to
another creature’s Skill or Trade Check, but only if the GM
decides that it makes sense to do so.
Spell Feint
You can spend 1 or more AP to cast a Spell that you know. If
You can spend 1 AP to make a Trickery Check Contested by
the Spell has a Mana Point requirement, you must spend that
the target’s Insight Check.
much MP to cast the Spell.
Success: The next Attack against the target before the start of
Skill Based Actions your next turn has ADV and deals +1 damage.
A creature can take the following Skill Actions on its turn:
Analyze Creature, Calm Animal, Combat Insight, Intimidate
Conceal, Feint, Intimidate, Investigate, Jump, Medicine, You can spend 1 AP to attempt to intimidate a creature that
Mounted Defense, Pass Through, or Search. can see or hear you. Make an Intimidation Check contested
by the target’s Charisma Save.
Analyze Creature Success: The target is Intimidated by you until the end of
You can spend 1 AP to attempt to recall or discern some
your next turn.
information about a creature that you can see or hear. Make a
DC 10 Knowledge Check.
Success: You learn a piece of lore about the creature. Success Investigate
(each 5): You learn 1 creature statistic (PD, MD, Attacks, You can spend 1 AP to attempt to uncover a concealed object
Abilities, Resistances, Vulnerabilities, Immunities, etc.). on a creature, a secret compartment, or the intended function
of a mechanism within 1 Space of you.
DC Tip: There are 5 types of Knowledge Checks: Arcana Concealed Objects: You can attempt to uncover any objects
(Dragons, Constructs, Elemental, Fey, Giants, Monstrosities,
concealed on a creature. Make an Investigation Check
or Oozes), History (Humanoids), Nature (Beasts or Plants),
Occultism (Aberrations, Fiends, or Undead), and Religion contested by the target’s Trickery Check.
(Celestials). If a PC has a custom type of knowledge they Success: You know the location of any concealed object on
think might help in the situation, they can ask the GM to use the creature.
that type of knowledge instead.
Secret Compartments: You can attempt to uncover any secret
compartments. Make an Investigation Check against the
Calm Animal discovery DC of any secret compartments.
You can spend 1 AP to attempt to beguile a Beast that can see
Success: You discover the location of any secret compartments
or hear you. Make an Animal Check contested by the target’s
whose discovery DC you beat.
Charisma Save.
Success: The animal is Taunted by you for 1 minute Discern Mechanism: You can attempt to discern the
(Repeated Save) or until you target it with a harmful Attack, functionality of a mechanism (the effect of a trap, how
Spell, or other effect. Success (5): It’s also Impaired. Success to open a secret door, or activate a device). Make an
(10): It’s also Charmed. Investigation Check.
Success: You learn how the mechanism works and the
Combat Insight methods to activate and disable it (if any).
You can spend 1 AP to attempt to discern the course of actions
a creature might take on its next turn. Make an Insight Check
contested by the target’s Trickery or Influence Check Jump
(its choice). You can spend 1 AP to attempt to increase the distance you
can cover when Jumping. Make a DC 10 Martial Check.
Success: You learn the target’s emotional state and whether it
plans to make an Attack, cast a Spell, or flee combat during its Long Jump: Success: You can move 1 additional Space as part
next turn. Success (5): You know who the creature is likely to of your Long Jump. Success (each 5): +1 additional Space.
target with a harmful ability. Success (10): You know which High Jump: Success: You can move an additional 1ft (30cm) as
ability the creature plans to use. part of your High Jump. Success (each 5): +1ft (30cm).
Opportunity Attack Success & Failure: The success and failure statements of your
Prerequisite: any Martial Class Feature Spell are replaced by the success and failure statements in the
Contest section below.
Trigger: A creature you can see within your Melee Range
uses its movement to leave your Melee Range, stands up Contest
from Prone, picks up an item off the ground, or takes the The Spell Check the opposing creature makes to cast its
Object Action. Spell is Contested by the Spell Check you make to cast your
Reaction: You can spend 1 AP to make an Attack Check with Spell. When comparing the Spell Checks for the purpose of
an Unarmed Strike or a Melee Weapon that you’re wielding determining the winner of the Contest, each creature gains a
against the provoking creature. You can spend additional AP bonus to its Check equal to the MP it spent on its Spell.
to gain ADV or to perform Maneuvers with the Attack. Success: The target creature’s Spell fails and has no effect.
Creative Example 2: An enemy casts Poison Cloud at an 12 You shift into the Ethereal Plane.
area. You choose your Gust Spell and are in range of at least The creature nearest to you within 10 Spaces gains an arcane
one ally inside of the affected area. You describe a rush of 13 barrier around them that grants 4 Temp HP. If no other
wind shooting out from you to blow away the noxious cloud. creature is within range, you gain this benefit instead.
A blinding flash of light erupts from you. Each creature within
Creative Example 3: An enemy casts Disintegrate at an ally. 14 5 Spaces that can see you must succeed a Physical Save or be
You choose your Dissonant Whispers Spell and are in range Blinded.
of the enemy caster. You describe entering their mind, giving 15 You become affected by the Bless Spell.
them hallucinations that they’ve already cast the spell. 16 You gain Truesight.
17 You become Invisible.
Creative Example 4: An enemy casts Fireball at an area. You Polymorph into a Young Purple Dragon (HP 30, PD 16,
You choose your Calm Emotions Spell and are in range of 18 Attack +10, Damage 5, Fly Speed 5), but without a Breath
the enemy caster. You describe attempting to change their Weapon.
emotions to be chill and relaxed so they won’t want to hurt
A holy aura swells around you causing you and all creatures
anyone anymore. Your GM says, “That makes no sense,” and
19 within 5 Spaces to regain 5 HP, except Undead who instead
you now have to pick some other Spell or the enemy’s Spell
take 5 Holy damage.
goes off as intended.
You gain a surge of power, granting you +5 to all Spell Checks
you make.
Save Effects
Some Maneuvers force the target to make a Save against your
Attack Check or suffer a chosen effect. If you force a creature
to Save against the effects of multiple Maneuvers that are
apart of the same Attack, the target only makes 1 Save against
all Physical Save effects.
Contest Effects
Some Maneuvers force a Contest between you and the target
creature. If you initiate a Contest with a creature against the
effects of multiple Maneuvers, you and the target participate
in 1 Contest for all effects.
Spending Stamina
You can spend SP in place of Action Points when performing
a Martial Maneuver.
Maneuver: (1 AP) The target becomes Hindered (DisADV
Defense Maneuvers
The Defense Maneuvers are taken to protect your allies
on Attacks) on the next Attack it makes before the end of
or in Reaction to a trigger (an Attack Check, Spell Check,
your next turn.
or Contest).
Reaction Maneuvers: Some Maneuvers allow you to use a
Knockback Reaction when a creature is targeted by an Attack (such as
Maneuver: (1 AP) The target is pushed 1 Space away + up to 1 Parry, Raise Shield, and Side Step). For such Maneuvers, you
additional Space for every 5 it fails its Save by. can wait until after the Check is made, but you must decide to
use the Maneuver before the GM says the result of the Check.
Maneuver: (2 AP) The target falls Prone. Parry
Trigger: When a creature you can see within 1 Space
(including yourself) is targeted by an Attack.
Grapple Maneuvers
Reaction (Maneuver): (1 AP) You grant the target a +5 bonus
While you have a creature Grappled, you can spend
to PD against this Attack.
additional AP to perform Grapple Maneuvers on the creature.
When you perform a Grapple Maneuver, you make an
Athletics Check Contested by the target’s Martial Check. A Protection
willing creature can choose to fail the Contest, taking a result Trigger: A creature you can see within 1 Space is Hit
of 0 instead. Contest Success: The target is subjected to the by an Attack.
Maneuver’s damage or effect. Contest Failure: The target
Reaction (Maneuver): (1 AP) The target takes half of the
suffers no additional effects but remains Grappled by you.
damage and you take the other half. The damage you take
bypasses any Damage Reduction.
Body Block
Trigger: You are targeted by an Attack.
Raise Shield
Reaction (Maneuver): (2 AP) You reposition a creature Requires: You’re wielding a Shield.
Grappled by you to shield yourself from damage. You and the
Trigger: When a creature you can see within 1 Space
Grappled creature take half the damage dealt by the attack and
(including yourself) is targeted by an Attack.
you can move the Grappled creature to any space adjacent to
you immediately afterwards. Reaction (Maneuver): (1 AP) You reduce the damage against
the target by an amount equal to your Shield’s PD bonus.
Maneuver: (1 AP) As part of the Attack, you can move up to 2
Spaces away from the target without provoking Opportunity
Attacks from it. You can choose to move before or after
making the Attack (your choice).
Style Passive: You deal +1 damage against the last target you
Attacked since the start of your last turn.
Maneuver: (1 AP) You deal +1 damage, and the target makes
a Physical Save against being Hindered (it has DisADV on
Attack Checks and Spell Attacks) on the next Attack Check or
Spell Attack it makes before the end of your next turn. If the
target is already Hindered, they fall Prone instead.
Style Passive: You deal +1 damage against creatures that
are Hindered.
Maneuver: (1 AP) You gain a Help Die on the Attack Check.
Each time you use this Maneuver again before the end of your
turn your Help Die decreases by 1 step, to a minimum of a d4
(d8 → d6 → d4).
Style Passive: You deal +1 damage against creatures that
you’ve Attacked (or that have Attacked you) since the start of
your last turn.
Maneuver: (1 AP) You deal +1 damage, and the target makes a
Physical Save against being tethered by your Whip. You can
release the target at any time.
Tethered Creatures: While you’re wielding the Whip and the
target is tethered by it, you can’t use the Whip to make Attack
Checks. Additionally, if the target is the same size as you or
smaller it can’t move farther than the Whip’s range from you.
The target is no longer tethered if you let go of the whip.
Technique Enhancements
Technique Enhancements allow a Martial character to increase
the potency of their Techniques by spending additional SP
on the Technique. Technique Enhancements are specific to
each Technique and are included in a Technique’s description.
Many Technique Enhancements increase a Technique’s
damage (if applicable), its duration, its range, its number of
targets, or its Area of Effect (if applicable).
Performing a Technique Enhancement: When you perform
a Technique, you can spend additional SP to perform a
Technique Enhancement as part of the Technique. If the
Technique requires an Attack Check, you must choose to do
so before you make the Check. You can perform the same
Technique Enhancement only once per Technique, unless it’s
otherwise stated.
Technique Enhancements
Heroic Dive: You can spend 2 SP to bring a willing creature
within 1 Space along with you as part of Tumble and Dive.
They move the same amount of Spaces as you and must also
end their movement within 1 Space of you.
Using a Ranged Weapon, you can spend 2 AP and 1 SP to
launch a volley of projectiles. Choose a point within your
Weapon’s range. Make a single Attack Check and compare it
against the PD of all creatures of your choice within 1 Space
of the chosen point. Attack Hit: You deal 2 damage of the
Weapon’s type to each creature.
Technique Enhancements
Impairing Volley: You can spend 1 SP to cause You can spend
1 SP to force each creature within the area to make a Physical
Save. Failure: It’s Impaired (DisADV on Physical Checks)
until the end of your next turn.
Blanket of Arrows: You can spend 1 SP to increase the area to 3
Spaces from the chosen point.
Line of Arrows: You can spend 1 SP to also target each creature
occupying a Space in a Line between you and the chosen point.
Using a Melee Weapon (or Unarmed Strike), you can spend
2 AP and 1 SP to make a single Attack Check against the PD
of all creatures of your choice within 1 Space of you. Attack
Hit: You deal your Weapon (or Unarmed Strike) damage to
each creature.
Technique Enhancements
Blood Whirl: You can spend 1 SP to cause each creature
in Range to make a Physical Save. Failure: They begin
Bleeding (1 True damage at the start of their turn until DC
10 Medicine Check).
Wide Swing: You can spend 1 SP to increase the Range of
Whirlwind by 1 Space.
Throwing Finisher: If you’re wielding a Melee Weapon, you
can choose to spend an extra 1 SP at the end of the Whirlwind
to throw the Weapon at a target within 5 Spaces. Use the same
single Attack Check against this target as well. The weapon
lands within 1 Space of the target (GM discretion).
Spell Lists
There are 3 Spell Lists: Arcane, Divine, and Primal. A Spell
List represents the domains of magic accessible to a Spellcaster
using a certain source of magic. The Arcane Spell List includes
all manner of Spells that can be cast using Arcane magic. The
same is true of other Spell Lists; the Divine Spell list includes
Spells that can be cast using Divine Magic, and the Primal
Spell list includes Spells that can be cast using Primal Magic.
Range Sphere
How far away a Spell can be cast on a target. If the Spell affects You select a Sphere's point of origin, and the Sphere extends
an area centered on a space, Range determines how far away outward in all directions from that point. The Sphere's size is
the targeted space can be. expressed as a radius in feet that extends from the point.
A Sphere's point of origin is included in the Sphere's
area of effect.
Areas of Effect
The area that the Spell takes up. This is represented in a zone
of some kind in one of the following patterns below:
A Wall is a series of 1 Space squares connected to each other
with at least one face adjacent to the face of another square.
Arc The width and height of a Wall is assumed to be 1 Space
An Arc forms half of a sphere. The Arc’s size is expressed as unless otherwise stated. A length will always be given.
a radius in Spaces that extends in a 180° arc from the point of
origin in a direction of your choice. An Arc's point of origin
isn’t included in the Arc's area of effect. Categorizing Spells
Aura Schools of Magic
An Aura extends from an object, creature, or location in a
fixed distance in all directions, but not through total cover, and
moves with it. Unless otherwise stated, the object, creature, or
Astromancy is the magic of space and gravity. Spells that alter
location is subjected to the Aura’s effect(s).
gravity (reversing, decreasing, or increasing gravity), create
portals that link two different locations on the same plane of
Cone existence (or between different planes), or teleport creatures
A Cone extends in a direction you choose from its point of fall into the School of Astromancy.
origin. A cone's width at a given point along its length is equal
to that point's distance from the point of origin. A cone's area
of effect specifies its maximum length. A cone's point of origin
Chronomancy is the magic of time. Spells that reverse, slow,
is not included in the cone's area of effect.
or speed up time fall into the School of Chronomancy.
Cube Conjuration
You select a Cube's point of origin, which lies anywhere on
Conjuration is the magic of summoning things from one place
a face of the cubic effect. The cube's size is expressed as the
to another or fabricating something from nothing. Spells that
length of each side. A cube's point of origin is not included in
teleport things, summon creatures, or create objects fall into
the cube's area of effect.
the School of Conjuration.
Cylinder Destruction
A Cylinder is expressed as a circle that extends vertically.
Destruction is the magic of battle. Spells that produce effects
A Cylinder's point of origin is the center of a circle of a that injure, maim, or kill creatures fall into the School of
particular radius, as given in the spell description. The circle Destruction.
must either be on the ground or at the height of the spell
effect. The energy in a Cylinder expands in straight lines from
the point of origin to the perimeter of the circle, forming the Divination
base of the Cylinder. The spell's effect then shoots up from the Divination is the magic of revealing what cannot normally be
base or down from the top, to a distance equal to the height seen, such as a distant place, another plane of existence, or
of the Cylinder. even the future. It can also reveal knowledge and truth. Spells
that grant magical sight, give untold knowledge, or discern
A Cylinder's point of origin is included in the Cylinder's the future fall into the School of Divination.
area of effect.
DC Tip: Referring to the first round of Combat means the Initiative Terms
FIRST 12 seconds, where each creature will have 1 turn. If a PC Team: This is the group of PCs and allied NPCs.
PC uses an ability that lasts for 1 Round… that effect still lasts
12 seconds (which means each creature will have 1 turn since Enemy Team: This is the group of enemy NPCs.
the use of that ability), and it would last until the start of that Initiative Check: This is the Check you make to determine
creature's next turn. your place in the Initiative Order.
Initiative DC: This DC represents the number that needs to be
Encounter DC met or beaten for the PC Team to go first. The DC is usually 5
For each Encounter, the GM will set a DC to represent the higher than the Encounter DC (GM Discretion).
overall difficulty of challenges within the Encounter. This Initiative Order: This is the order in which each participant
serves as the default threshold for most Skill Checks during goes (after it’s established in the first Round).
Combat. Some DCs might be different than the Encounter
DC based on other game mechanics that already have set
formulas (i.e. Creatures’ Passive Scores and Defense). Rolling for Initiative
Example: If a PC is attempting to take the Hide Action, The moments leading up to Combat greatly affect Initiative.
they’re trying to beat the Passive Awareness of the enemies. This window of time establishes the location of each creature,
This Passive Awareness could be equal to the Encounter DC, what they’re doing right before Combat, and what moment
or the GM may decide that certain enemies would have a triggers the start of Combat, causing the GM to say, “Roll for
higher or lower Passive Awareness. This could also be true Initiative.”
for picking certain locks or disarming tricky traps.
Rolling for Initiative is when players make Initiative Checks
The GM may determine that some Skill Checks the PCs to determine the overall order of the participants in Combat.
attempt during an Encounter are harder or easier than the The PCs are trying to beat the Initiative DC for the Combat
Encounter DC. This is where a simple “by 5’s” method can so that the PC Team can go first in the Initiative Order. Once
quickly shift the difficulty up or down to an Easy or Hard DC. the GM has called for this, Combat has officially started and all
creatures gain access to their Action Points and any Combat
relevant features. Each PC now has to determine what their
Initiative Check is (see below) in order to roll for Initiative.
Easy DC = 5 lower than the Encounter DC
Hard DC = 5 higher than the Encounter DC
The Rogue was caught pickpocketing. Trickery Check
The Ranger knows the beast you are about to fight very well.
Animal Check
The Monk is investigating a pile of bones before a monster
attacks. Investigation Check
The Fighter sees danger and draws their sword and shield
to step in front of their allies, ready to protect them.
Attack Check
The Sorcerer describes their magic crackling around them as
they prepare for battle. Intimidation Check or Spell Check
(whichever is higher)
The Warlock has Mastery in Occultism and you are about to
fight Cultists in the middle of a ritual. Occultism Check
The Bard is absently plucking their lute, unable to think of
anything else to do. Flat d20 roll
Delayed Initiative
At any point during your turn, you can choose to permanently
delay your Initiative. To do so, you can choose a creature that
you can see and go after them in the Initiative Order (enemy
or ally). Additionally if the creature you choose is an ally, you
can instead have the two of you share Simultaneous Initiative.
When you delay your Initiative, your Action Points don’t
reset until the end of your turn in your new position in the
Initiative Order.
Evenly Spaced: PC #1, PC #2, Enemy #1, PC #3, PC
#4, Enemy #2
Alternating: PC #1, Enemy #1, PC #2, Enemy #2, PC #3, PC #4
Multiple Teams
If there are two or more Enemy Teams, Initiative order will
alternate giving a combatant from each Enemy Team and the
PC Team a turn. To determine which of the Enemy Teams
goes first, the GM can either use a Fate Check or simply
choose based on strategy or narrative.
Combat starts as soon as the GM declares, “Roll for Initiative.”
There are a few things that can happen based on the GM’s
decision of how the Combat started.
Pre-Combat Action
The exact moment a Combat Encounter begins is not always
clear cut. A GM may rule that an action performed by a PC
triggers a Combat Encounter, in which case the PC may be
able to perform that action prior to Initiative. In the case of
an already hostile environment, a GM may rule that a PC
attempting to perform an action is enough to trigger the
Combat Encounter and the action could happen on the PC’s
turn if they still want to at that time.
Not all combatants will be aware of the threat of danger and
may find themselves Surprised during the first round of a
Combat Encounter. In order to Ambush a Team you need to
be able to see the other Team without them being able to see
you. If this happens and the GM asks to “Roll for Initiative,''
each creature that was unaware that Combat was starting has
the Surprised Condition for the first Round of Combat.
Surprised Condition
You can’t spend Action Points and are Exposed (Attack
Checks against you have ADV).
Stressed Hold
Creatures with Tremorsense can sense vibrations in the ground
within a specified range, allowing them to automatically
pinpoint the location of anything that’s in contact with the
same surface, including through Cover and Concealment.
Creatures with Tremorsense and a Swim Speed can also
pinpoint the location of creatures moving through water
within the specified range.
Creatures that can’t see you are Exposed (your Attacks
against them have ADV) and Hindered against you (they
have DisADV on Attacks against you). You are Unseen by
a creature while you are imperceivable to its visual senses,
such as when you’re Fully Concealed, you’re Invisible, or
it’s Blinded.
Light Weapons Concealable: Small and easily hidden, you have ADV on Checks
Light Weapons are simple and easy to wield. Sickles, light made to Hide a Concealable weapon on your person. When
hammers, clubs, and daggers are types of Light Weapons. All you make an Attack with this weapon while it’s Hidden, you
creatures have Light Weapon Mastery. have ADV on the Attack Check.
Lance: Can be wielded with one hand while you are mounted.
Net: When you make an Attack Check with a Net the target
makes a Contested Physical Save against you. Success: The
target is Restrained until it’s freed. A creature can spend 1
AP to make a DC 10 Might Check. Success: It can free itself or
another creature within its reach. Dealing 1 Slashing damage
to the net (PD 10) ends the effect and breaks the net, freeing
the creature without harming it. A net does not deal damage
and can’t benefit from bonus damage.
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Light Light Crossbow 3 P AGI 1 2-Handed, Ammo (15/45), Impact, Reload (1)
Heavy Heavy Crossbow 3 P MIG 1 / AGI 1 2-Handed, Ammo (20/60), Impact, Reload (1)
Heavy Light Ballista 4 P MIG 4 / AGI 1 Special, 2-Handed, Ammo (40/120), Impact, Reload (1), Threatening, Unwieldy
A Magic Weapon with a listed bonus (+1, +2, +3) grants that DC Tip: As seen below with the “quality” system, I want the
bonus to your Attack Checks while being wielded. visual descriptions of your armor to be whatever you want it
to be and the “mechanics” of how good something is to be
Example: +2 Longsword adds +2 to Attack Checks. tied to the rules.
Adept +2 - 0 -
Expert +3 - 1 -
Novice +2 +1 1 DisADV
Adept +3 +2 2 DisADV
Expert +4 +3 3 DisADV
These are listed off in the Shield Table and give additional
properties when using the Shield in certain ways.
Thrown: You can make a Ranged Martial Attack by throwing
the Shield (3/5).
You have DisADV on Mental Checks.
Heavily Dazed: You also have DisADV on Mental Saves.
You automatically fail Checks that require Hearing, and all
creatures are considered Unheard by you. Additionally, you
have Resistance to Sonic damage.
Intimidated Rattled
You have DisADV on all Checks while your source of You can’t willingly move closer to your source of fear, and
intimidation is within your line of sight. you’re Intimidated (DisADV on all Checks while it’s within
your line of sight).
You’re Unseen, making creatures that can’t see you Exposed Restrained
(your Attacks against them have ADV) and Hindered against You’re Hindered (you have DisADV on Attacks), Exposed
you (they have DisADV on Attacks against you). (Attacks against you have ADV), and Grappled (your Speed
is reduced to 0 and you have DisADV on Agility Saves).
Attacks made from within 1 Space that hit you are considered Slowed
Critical Hits. You’re also Stunned (automatically fail Agility, Every 1 Space you move costs an extra 1 Space of movement.
Might, and Physical Saves), Exposed (Attacks against you have
ADV), and Incapacitated (you can’t Speak, Concentrate, or
spend Action Points).
Condition X Values
The Conditions with an X value in its name are examples of Overlapping Conditions
Conditions that apply a bonus or penalty to the target equal A target can be affected by each of the following Conditions
to the X value. If multiple unique effects impose the same multiple times, but the effects of the same Condition don’t
Condition X, the X of those effects are added together. stack on the target.
A creature can be Intimidated by more than 1 creature at a
time, suffering DisADV on Checks while any source of their
intimidation is within its sight. However, an Intimidated
creature only suffers the effects of the Intimidated
Condition once.
A creature can be Rattled by more than 1 creature at a time.
If a creature is surrounded by multiple sources of their fear,
they’re unable to move.
A creature that’s Restrained by more than 1 creature
only suffers the effects of the Restrained Condition once.
However, a creature Restrained by multiple sources will
remain Restrained until they are free from being Restrained
by all sources.
A creature can only be Taunted by 1 creature at a time. If
they’re Taunted again by another creature, the first Taunt
immediately ends.
Non-Stacking Conditions
The following Conditions don’t stack in any way: Burning,
Bleeding, Poisoned, Deafened, Blinded, Invisible,
Prone, Incapacitated, Stunned, Paralyzed, Unconscious,
Petrified, and Surprised.
Rest Terms beginning of a Long Rest, since you regain all spent Rest
Points after the first 4 hours of a Long Rest.
Rest Points: You have a number of Rest Points equal to your
Character Level. Complete Long Rest: At the end of the second 4 hour period
of the rest, you gain the full benefits of completing the Long
No Activity: Sleeping, meditating, or contemplating while idle. Rest. Some Features regain expended uses when you complete
a Long Rest (as listed in the Feature’s description), such as
Light Activity: Non-strenuous activity that requires little regaining all spent MP.
effort, such as talking, reading, eating, bandaging wounds,
light foraging, and standing watch.
DC Tip: You might just want to take a Half Long Rest (4 hour
rest) if you only need to regain HP.
Strenuous Activity: Any activity that requires physical
exertion, such as traveling, hunting, exercising, training, or Doomed
casting spells. When you complete a Long Rest, you lose all stacks of the
Dangerous Activity: Any activity that causes extreme injury or Doomed Condition.
stress, such as engaging in combat with a hostile creature.
For each 4 hour period doing No Activity, you decrease your
Exhaustion by 1. If you spend both 4 hour periods doing
Types of Rest Light Activity, you must make a DC 10 Might Save. Failure:
You gain Exhaustion 1 and the DC of this Save increases by
Quick Rest 5 until you complete a Full Rest.
A period of No Activity or Light Activity and is at least 10
minutes long. You can only gain the benefits of 2 Quick Rests
per 24 hour period.
Quick Rest Benefits: You can spend 1 or more Rest Points, up
to your maximum, at the end of a Quick Rest. When you do,
you regain HP equal to your Might (minimum of 0) plus an
additional 2 HP per Rest Point spent.
Short Rest
A period of No Activity or Light Activity and is at least 1 Full Rest
hour long. You can only gain the benefits of 2 Short Rests per
A 24 hour or longer period (determined by the GM) that is
24 hour period.
spent in an area of safety, such as a town, where you can eat
Short Rest Benefits: At any point during a Short Rest, you can well, rest, and recover. If the Full Rest is interrupted by any
spend Rest Points to regain HP following the same rules as a amount of Dangerous Activity you must begin it again.
Quick Rest. Some Features regain expended uses when you
Full Rest Benefits: At the end of a Full Rest, you gain the
complete a Short Rest (as listed in the Feature’s description).
benefits of a Long Rest and lose all levels of Exhaustion.
Your GM can determine if the Full Rest also grants additional
Long Rest benefits by choosing from the list below (or by making up
something that makes more sense in the given situation):
A period of 4 hours of Light Activity and 4 hours of No
Activity, taken in either order, for a total of 8 hours of resting. • Gain Temp HP equal to your Prime Modifier, your level, or
If one of the 4 hour periods is interrupted by any amount of twice your level.
Strenuous Activity or Dangerous Activity you must begin that • Gain ADV on a type of Check, Save or both for a given
4 hour period again. You can only gain the benefits of 1 Long period of time (1 day, 1 week, etc.).
Rest per 24 hour period.
Setting a DC “by 5’s” DC 15: This is a Hard DC to hit for those who aren’t skilled in
this Check. If a PC has a decent modifier of a +5 in a Skill, they
In general, checks work on a “by 5’s” system. This helps to stay would have around a 50% chance to succeed on this. This is
consistent and fair in a GM’s ruling of how difficult something my “go to DC” for when I REALLY don’t know if someone can
is to accomplish. Below is a chart with a quick reference and do it or not and is one step beyond the “moderate” DC of 10.
examples listed below. These are just to give a Game Master
a foundation to use and a general expectation for PCs to DC 20: This is a Very Hard DC to hit unless you have training
understand. If you want to get more specific, then of course in this Skill. Even PCs with a +10 modifier would hit a DC 20
you can set any number you want. about 50% of the time. This DC represents something of great
worth and something that would be “Very Hard”.
DC Tip: I personally always have checks be “by 5’s”, but when
it comes to setting a DC for combat-related things I use more DC 25: This is an Extremely Hard DC to hit. Even if the PC has
specific numbers. Things like the DC of a Trap or the DC of a +5 in their skill, they would need a Nat 20 to even succeed
sneaking by a particular creature might be something like a on this DC. I reserve this for things that would be next to
12, 14, 17, etc.
impossible at early levels of play, and would ONLY be possible
if the character that was attempting to hit this DC BOTH had
DC Task Difficulty a good modifier to the roll AND rolled well.
5 Very Easy DC 30: This is a Near Impossible DC to hit. It takes a LOT
10 Moderate for a character to get a +10 in a skill… and even if they did
have a +10… they would still need a Nat 20 to hit this… that
15 Hard is CRAZY. Reserve this DC for those checks that are possible
20 Very Hard for the PC to accomplish… but it’d have to be a “miracle” for
it to happen.
25 Extremely Hard
30 Near Impossible DC Tip: The best way I can describe it is this: if I have a little
bit of doubt that a PC could do it, the DC is 10… if there is a
decent amount of doubt that they could accomplish this, then
the DC is 15… but if I am VERY doubtful that the PC could
accomplish this, the DC is 20 and they better roll really high!
DC Tip: You can also do the same increments for Checks that
succeed or fail by 10 or more as well! I try not to have it be
TOO game-altering or punishing, but it’s nice to add some
flavor to those extreme rolls.
Going “by 5’s” is also simple when it comes to figuring out
complications to a situation. Let's say there’s a scenario where
a PC is trying to walk across a simple rickety wooden bridge,
the DC for this could be 10 (depending on HOW rickety it
was). Let's say it started to rain now, or a strong breeze picked
up. Now you can just dial the DC up by one “notch” to a DC
15! Simple! And if you want to add in that the PC is being
chased by bandits and needs to HURRY across as arrows and
people chase them, now it's a DC 20!
It’s very simple to step the DC up or down depending on extra
things that happen around the situation at hand.
Class Features
You gain a number of Class Features at Level 1 based on which
Class you chose (see Classes for more)
Bonus HP: All Classes have a Bonus HP column in their Class
Table. Martials get +1 Bonus HP, and all Spellcasters do not
get any Bonus HP.
Cantrips, Spells, Maneuvers Known: Check your Class Table to
see if you have any of these to pick.
Class Features
2 1 +1
3 2 +1 Subclass Features
4 2 +1
Ancestry Trait
6 3 +1 Subclass Features
7 4 +1
Ancestry Trait
Epic Boon
10 5 5 Expert (3) +1 +2 +2
12 6 +1 Talent
13 7 +1 Talent
14 7 +1 Talent
16 8 +1 Talent
17 9 +1 Talent
18 9 +1 Talent
19 10 +1 Talent
Epic Boon
20 10 7 Grandmaster (5) +1 +2 +2
Attribute Points
Check your Player Character Progression Table and see if you
gain any Attribute points.
• If you increase an Attribute, you also increase each Skill
that’s connected to that Attribute by the same amount.
• Possibly increase your Prime Modifier if you just increased
your highest Attribute to be higher than it was before.
• Update the Save values of any Attributes you increased. You
should also check on the Physical or Mental Saves as well if
those were changed.
These are the categories that you could gain HP in:
• Every PC’s Health increases by 2 when they level up (this
comes from the Health Formula of “2x PC Level”).
• Check to see if your Class Table grants any additional
“Bonus HP”.
• If you increase your Might Attribute, then you also increase
your HP by 1 for each point of Might you gain.
• You may also gain an Ancestry Trait or other Talent that
grants bonus HP.
Physical Defense: Agility is part of your Defense Formula, so
for each +1 to Agility you get, increase your PD by +1.
Mental Defense: For each +1 to Charisma and Intelligence you
get, increase your MD by 1.
Legendary Multiclass
Requirement: 17th Level or Higher
You can choose 1 of the following options:
• a 1st, 2nd, or 5th-level class feature from any class.
• a 3rd-level Subclass Feature from a Class you have at least 1
Class Feature from.
• a 6th-level Subclass Feature from a Subclass you have at
least 1 Subclass Feature from.
• an 8th-level Class Capstone Feature from any Class you
have at least 2 Class Features from.
• a 9th-level Subclass Capstone Feature from any Subclass
you have at least 2 Subclass Features from.
6 Subclass Feature
Ancestry Trait
8 Class Capstone Feature
13 Talent
14 Talent
15 Talent
16 Talent
17 Talent
18 Talent
19 Talent
Epic Boon
12 +3 6 +6 +5 +1 Talent
13 +1 +3 +1 7 +6 +5 +1 Talent
14 +3 7 +6 +5 +1 Talent
15 +1 +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 +1 8 +8 +6 +2 +1 Talent
16 +3 8 +8 +6 +1 Talent
17 +1 +3 +1 9 +8 +6 +1 Talent
18 +3 9 +8 +6 +1 Talent
19 +1 +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 +1 10 +8 +6 +1 Talent
Example: You want to play a “normal” Human PC, but (2) Resilience: Choose an Attribute. The chosen Attribute
you REALLY want to have a Breath Weapon (from the gains Save Mastery.
Dragonborn Ancestry) and you DON’T want to say that you
are “part Dragonborn”. You can create a Human with 3 points (1) Human Resolve: Your Death’s Door Threshold value is
spent in the Human Ancestry and with the other 2 points, expanded by 1.
you can get the Dragonborn’s Breath Weapon, but you could
describe that it comes from a “magic ring” on your finger. (0) Undying: You have ADV on Saves against the
This allows you to play the fantasy of a human, while still Doomed Condition.
having the “magical abilities” that you want.
DC Tip: I have done this myself with Class Features before. Expanded Traits
I had a PC who was a complete commoner… but he happen (2) Skill Expertise: Choose a Skill. Your Mastery Cap and
to find a magic sword and as soon as he picked it up he was Mastery Level in the chosen Skill both increase by 1.
granted the powers of a Paladin. If I ever lost the sword,
then those powers were gone. Its a very unique way to make (1) Trade Expertise: Choose a Trade. Your Mastery Cap and
a unique PC. Mastery Level in the chosen Trade both increase by 1.
GM and PC Notes (1) Human Determination: Once per Combat, you can
Keep in mind that this “feature” is now being represented by give yourself ADV on an Attack Check or Spell Check
an object that is not part of the PC. This means that it could while Bloodied.
be stolen or possibly work differently if the PCs go to an area
(1) Unbreakable: You have ADV on Death Saves.
that cancels all magic items (then the ring would not work).
So have an open dialogue with each other about this and how (-1) Attribute Decrease: Choose an Attribute. You decrease the
it might look at your table. chosen Attribute by 1 (to a minimum of -2).
(2) Elusive: When you take the Disengage Action, you instead (2) Escape Artist: You have ADV on Checks and Saves to avoid
gain the benefits of the Full Disengage Action. or escape being Grappled or Restrained.
(2) Halfling Bravery: You have ADV on Saves against being (1) Magnified Vision: You have ADV on Investigation Checks
Intimidated, Rattled, or Frightened. made to inspect something you’re holding or touching.
(1) Halfling Endurance: You have ADV on Saves made to resist (2) Mental Clarity: You have ADV on Saves against being
gaining Exhaustion. Dazed or Stunned.
(1) Deft Footwork: You can move through the space of a hostile (1) Strong-Minded: Your MD increases by 1.
creature 1 size larger than you as if it were Difficult Terrain.
(0) Predict Weather: You can naturally tell what the weather
(0) Beast Whisperer: You can speak to Beasts in a limited is going to be in the next hour in the area within 1 mile of
manner. They can understand the meanings of simple words, you. You don’t have DisADV on Checks or Saves as a result of
concepts, or states of emotion. You have no special ability to naturally occurring weather.
understand them in return.
Expanded Traits
Expanded Traits (1) Mana Increase: Your MP maximum increases by 1.
(1) Beast Insight: You can understand Beasts in a limited
manner. You can understand the meaning of their noises and (1) Trapper: You have ADV on Investigation Checks to spot
behaviors, though they have no special ability to understand traps and on Trickery Checks to Hide traps.
you in return.
(2) Lightning Insulation: You have Lightning Resistance (Half)
(1) Burst of Bravery: Once per Combat, you can end the and can’t be struck by natural lightning.
Intimidated, Rattled, or Frightened Condition on yourself
(1) Trade Expertise: Choose a Crafting or Subterfuge Trade.
for free at any time.
Your Mastery Cap and Mastery Level in the chosen Trade
(1) Trade Expertise: Choose an Artistry or Services Trade. both increase by 1.
Your Mastery Cap and Mastery Level in the chosen Trade
(1) Storm Knowledge: While within rainy, snowy, or
both increase by 1.
stormy environments, you have ADV on Survival Checks.
(1) Critter Knowledge: You have ADV on Nature, Survival, and Additionally, you have ADV on Knowledge Checks made to
Animal Checks involving creatures that are Small or smaller. recall information about rain, snow, and storms.
(-1) Intelligence Attribute Decrease: You decrease your (-1) Agility Attribute Decrease: You decrease your Agility by 1
Intelligence by 1 (to a minimum of -2). (to a minimum of -2).
(-2) Short Legged: Your Speed decreases by 1 Space. (-2) Short-Legged: Your Speed decreases by 1 Space.
(1) Tough: Your HP maximum increases by 1. • If you select Force damage and choose to gain a Draconic
Breath Weapon, then your Mystic Breath Weapon targets
(1) Orcish Resolve: You can now spend up to 2 AP while on PD instead of MD.
Death's Door instead of 1.
(0) Already Cursed: You have ADV on Saves against Curses. Default Traits
(1) Darkvision: You have Darkvision 10 Spaces.
Expanded Traits
(1) Mana Increase: Your MP maximum increases by 1.
(1) Draconic Ward: Once per Combat, when you enter Death's (1) Unstoppable: You have ADV on Saves against being
Door, you gain 2 Temp HP. Whenever you’re hit by a Melee Slowed or Stunned.
Attack while you have this Temp HP, your Attacker takes 1
Draconic damage. (1) Giant’s Resolve: While on Death’s Door, you reduce all
damage taken by 1.
(1) Draconic Protection: Once per Combat, when an ally within
20 Spaces is on Death's Door, you begin to surge with an (0) Unyielding Movement: You are immune to being Slowed
ancient power. While they remain on Death's Door their PD 2 (or higher).
and MD increases by 5 till Combat ends.
(2) Glide Speed: You have a set of wings that you can use to Expanded Traits
horizontally glide and slow your descent. Provided you aren't (2) Giant's Fortitude: (requires Giant’s Resolve) You gain the
Incapacitated you gain the following benefits while in the air: benefits of your Giant’s Resolve Trait while Well-Bloodied.
• Controlled Falling: You suffer no damage from Controlled (2) Strong Body: Once per Combat, when you take damage
Falling. that targets your PD, you can reduce the damage taken by an
• Altitude Drop: If you end your turn midair, you Controlled amount equal to your Might or Agility (your choice).
Fall 4 Spaces.
(1) Mighty Hurl: You throw creatures 1 Space farther than
• Glide Speed: You can use your movement to glide
normal, and objects (including Weapons) 5 Spaces farther
than normal.
(-1) Guardians Bond: Once per Combat, when an ally enters
Death's Door within 20 Spaces of you, you take an amount of (1) Titanic Toss: You have ADV on Checks made to throw
True damage equal to your Prime Modifier. creatures. You don't have DisADV as a result of making
an Attack with a Weapon with the Thrown Property
at Long Range.
(1) Mighty Leap: You can use your Might instead of Agility
to determine your Jump Distance and the damage you take
from Falling.
(1) Brute: Once per Combat, you can take the Shove or Grapple
Action as a Minor Action.
Fallen Angelborn (1) Celestial Clarity: You have ADV on Saves against being
If you choose to play an Angelborn and go down a darker path, Blinded or Deafened.
you can choose to be a Fallen Angelborn. This can happen
at character creation from evil acts done in your backstory, (1) Angelic Insight: Once per Long Rest you can grant yourself
or this can happen mid-campaign after a large change in ADV on an Insight Check to see if someone is lying.
your character.
(2) Gift of the Angels: Once per Combat you can spend 1 AP
You gain the following Ancestry Trait: and 1 MP and touch a creature to heal them over time. The
(0) Fallen: You can now spend your Ancestry Points on creature recovers 1 HP at the start of each of their turns for 1
Fiendborn Traits. minute (5 Rounds).
(0) Divine Glow: Your body can emit Bright Light in a 5 Space
radius around you at will.
(1) Intimidator: Once per Combat, you can take the Intimidate
Action as a Minor Action.
(2) Charming Gaze: Once per Combat, you can gaze upon
a creature you can see within 10 Spaces that can also see
you. Make a Spell Check contested by the target’s Repeated
Charisma Save. Success: The creature becomes Charmed by
you for 1 minute.
(2) Glide Speed: You have a set of wings that you can use to
horizontally glide and slow your descent. Provided you aren't
Incapacitated you gain the following benefits while in the air:
(1) Flyby: (requires Limited Flight) You don’t provoke (2) Camouflage: You can change the color and pattern of your
Opportunity Attacks when you Fly out of an enemy's reach. body. While motionless you have ADV on Stealth Checks
(2) Stealth Feathers: (requires Limited Flight) You have ADV (1) Prowler: You have ADV on Stealth Checks while
on Stealth Checks while Flying. in Darkness.
(-1) Winged Arms: (requires any Flying Beast Trait) Your arms (2) Fire Resistance: You have Cold Resistance (Half) and ADV
are also your wings. You can’t hold anything in your hands on Saves against Exhaustion from cold temperatures
when using a Glide Speed or Fly Speed.
(2) Cold Resistance: You have Fire Resistance (Half) and ADV
on Saves against Exhaustion from hot temperatures
Body (-2) Short-Legged: Your Speed decreases by 1 Space.
(1) Tough: Your HP maximum increases by 1.
(-1) Small-Sized: Your Size is considered Small.
(1) Thick-Skinned: Your PD increases by 1 while you’re not
wearing Heavy Armor. (-1) Reckless: Your PD decreases by 1.
(2) Powerful Build: You increase by 1 Size, but you occupy the
Space of a creature 1 Size smaller.
DC Tip: Or of course an ANGRY Barbarian might want to Maneuvers: You learn all Attack & Weapon Maneuvers plus
smash everything in sight! additional Maneuvers as shown in the Maneuvers Known
column of the Barbarian Class Table.
Savage Defense
Your primal savagery grants you the following benefits:
Savage Physical Defense: You gain access to the following PD
formula while not wearing Armor: 8 + Combat Mastery +
(Agility or Might) + Prime.
2 +1 +1 6 4 Class Feature
3 +2 9 3 Subclass Feature
4 +1 +1 +1 12 5 Talent
Ancestry Trait
5 +1 +2 15 6 Class Feature
6 +1 18 4 Subclass Feature
7 +1 +2 21 7 Talent
Ancestry Trait
8 +1 +1 24 8 Class Capstone Feature
10 +1 +2 30 5 9 Epic Boon
Level 2 Class Features Passing of Time: A seedling might consider a recent event
something that happened a moment ago and an ancient event
Nature Points something that happened yesterday. An ancient oak tree
You gain 2 Nature Points, which you can spend instead of MP might consider a recent event something that happened 10
to use your Druid Class and Subclass Features. years ago and an ancient event something over 100 years ago.
Mana Spend Limit: When you spend Nature Points, the total Expertise: A plant may be able to describe in keen detail the
number of Nature Points and Mana Points spent can’t exceed different kinds of rains, storms, quality of soil, and various
your Mana Spend Limit. local bugs and herbivores.
Techniques Known: You learn a number of Techniques as Lightly Armored: You gain +1 Speed while Unarmored or
shown in the Techniques Known column of the Fighter wearing Light Armor.
Class Table.
Shield Defender: While wielding a Shield, enemies have a -2
Stamina Points: You have a maximum number of Stamina penalty to their Melee Attack Checks against allies within 1
Points as shown in the Stamina Points column of the Fighter Space of you.
Class Table.
Thrown Weapon Fighting: You gain a +2 bonus to Ranged
Attacks with Thrown Weapons and can draw them with the
same Action you use to make the Attack.
Fighter Class Features
Two-Weapon Fighting: When you make an Attack against a
Level 1 Class Features target with a 1-Handed Weapon you’re wielding, you can use
a different 1-Handed Weapon you’re wielding in your other
hand to also Attack a different target within your Melee Range.
Fighter Stamina Make one Attack Check and apply the number rolled to each
You regain 1 SP when you perform 1 or more Save or Attack
creature's Physical Defense. You can only make this Attack
Maneuvers as part of an action, provided you don’t spend SP
once on each of your turns and can not do so as a Reaction.
as part of that action.
Second Wind
When you are dealt damage that would reduce you to 0 HP or
lower, you regain 2 SP and gain an amount of Temp HP equal
to your Prime Modifier that protects you from the triggering
damage. Once you use this Feature, you can’t use it again until
you complete a Short Rest.
You gain 1 Talent of your choice. If the Talent has any
prerequisites, you must meet those prerequisites to choose
that Talent.
Flurry of Blows
Starting Equipment The damage of your Unarmed Strikes increases by 1, and your
Attack Checks made as part of an Unarmed Strike ignore the
• 2 Light Weapon Multiple Check Penalty (up to 4 Attacks).
• 3 Throwing Weapons
• 1 set of Novice Light Armor Example: You can make 4 Attack Checks with your Unarmed
• X or Y “Packs” (Adventuring Packs Coming Soon) Strikes without DisADV, or you could make 1 Attack Check
with a Weapon and then 3 Attack Checks with your Unarmed
Strikes without DisADV.
Monk Martial Mastery
Combat Masteries: Light Weapons & Light Armor DC Tip: If you want to re-flavor your Unarmed Strikes
as attacks made with “Monk Weapons”, such as a Staves,
Weapon Passive: You gain the benefits of Weapon Nunchucks, or some other weapons, talk to your GM and
Style Passives. describe that you are using those kinds of weapons, but they
would still be considered Unarmed Strikes mechanically.
Maneuvers: You learn all Attack & Weapon Maneuvers plus
additional Maneuvers as shown in the Maneuvers Known Patient Defense
column of the Monk Class Table. Your mental and physical discipline grants you the
following benefits:
Techniques: You learn a number of Techniques as shown in
the Techniques Known column of the Monk Class Table. Patient Mental Defense: You gain access to the following
MD formula: 8 + Combat Mastery + Charisma +
Stamina Points: You have a maximum number of Stamina Intelligence + Prime.
Points as shown in the Stamina Points column of the Monk
Class Table. Patient Physical Defense: While you aren’t wearing Armor,
you gain access to the following PD formula: 8 + Combat
Mastery + Agility + Prime.
Ki Points
You have a maximum number of Ki Points equal to your
Stamina Points. When your Stamina Point maximum
increases, your Ki Point maximum also increases equally.
Regaining Ki: When you spend a Stamina Point on your turn,
you regain a Ki Point. While out of Combat, any Ki Points
you spend replenish immediately.
Ki Actions
You can spend 1 Ki Point at any time to perform 1 of the
activities listed below:
Deflect Attack: When a creature misses you with a Ranged
Attack using a physical projectile that targets your PD, you
can catch the projectile with a free hand. Additionally, you
can immediately redirect the Attack as part of the same action
at a different creature you can see within 5 Spaces. Make an
Attack Check against the new target. Hit: The target takes the
projectile’s normal damage.
You gain 1 Talent of your choice. If the Talent has any
prerequisites, you must meet those prerequisites to choose
that Talent.
Maneuvers & Weapon Passives: You gain access to all Example: A Level 1 Paladin with an Intelligence of 1 and
Maneuvers and Weapon Style Passives. a Charisma of 2 would have a maximum of 4 Mana Points
(Charisma of 2 + Paladin Table of 2).
Techniques Known: You learn a number of Techniques as
shown in the Techniques Known column of the Paladin
Class Table.
Paladin Aura
You’re surrounded by a divine aura that extends 1 Space in
every direction from you. While creatures are within your
aura, you can spend 1 AP and 1 MP to produce 1 of the
following effects:
Heal: You gain a pool of healing that you can use to restore
HP to any number of creatures within your aura, distributing
the HP among them. Make a DC 10 Spell Check. Success: You
can restore up to 3 HP. Success (each 5): +1 HP. Failure: You
only restore up to 2 HP.
Level 1 Class Features Limited Telekinesis: You’re able to use your mind to easily
move objects around you. When you take the Object Action,
you can interact with an object up to 5 lbs (2.5 kg) that is
Mind Blast within 5 Spaces. You can manipulate objects, open doors or
You can spend 1 AP to psychically assault a creature's mind
containers, etc.
within 10 Spaces. Make a Spell Check against the MD of a
target within range. Hit: The target takes 1 Psychic damage. Combat Telekinesis: You gain access to the Grapple Maneuvers.
When you make a Check as part of a Shove Action, Grapple
Action Point Enhancements Action, Grapple Maneuver, or to escape a Grapple, you
You can choose to spend additional AP when you use this can make a Spell Check instead. When you do, you use the
Feature, but before making the Spell Check. You can choose following changes:
multiple effects or the same effect multiple times.
Size: Your size is considered Medium for the purposes
• Damage: (1 AP) You deal +1 Psychic damage.
of the Check.
• Range: (1 AP) You increase the range by +5 Spaces.
• Choosing any of the following AP Enhancement options Range: You can target creatures within 5 Spaces.
forces the target to make a Mental Save against the chosen
effect. If you spend AP on multiple effects, the target only Grapple Action: While Grappling a creature, you can choose to
makes 1 Save against all effects. move normally, but the target doesn't move with you. You can
• Daze: (1 AP) The target becomes Dazed (DisADV on Mental Grapple up to 2 creatures in this way at a time.
Checks and Spell Checks) until the start of your next turn.
• Break Focus: (1 AP) The target loses their Concentration. Shove Action: You can Shove a creature in any direction of
• Rend Mind: (1 AP) The target’s MD is reduced by 2 until the your choice. This Feature doesn’t grant you the ability to
end of your next turn. Shove yourself.
• Forceful: (1 AP) The target has DisADV on their Mental
Throw Maneuver: You use your Prime Modifier instead of
Save against this Feature.
your Might to determine the distance thrown. Additionally,
you throw the creature from its Space instead of your own.
Mana Point Enhancement
You can spend 1 or more MP (up to your Combat Mastery) Body Block Maneuver: The target must be within 1 Space of you.
before you make the Spell Check to choose 2 additional AP
Enhancements per MP spent. Action Point Enhancements
You can choose to spend additional AP when you take
the Shove Action, Grapple Action, or perform a Grapple
Maneuver, but before making the Check. You can choose
multiple effects or the same effect multiple times. If you spend
AP on multiple effects, the target only makes 1 Martial Check
against all effects.
• Push: (1 AP) The target is moved up to 1 additional Space
(requires the Shove Action or Throw Maneuver).
• Rend Body: (1 AP) The target's PD is reduced by 2 until the
end of your next turn.
You gain 1 Talent of your choice. If the Talent has any
prerequisites, you must meet those prerequisites to choose
that Talent.
Desert: You gain Resistance to Fire damage and you have Expert Tracker: While tracking other creatures, you also learn
ADV on Saves against Exhaustion from hot temperatures. their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed
through the area.
Forest: You gain 1 Skill Point in 2 of the following Skills:
Awareness, Survival, and Stealth. Beast Insight: You have the ability to understand Beasts in a
limited manner. You can understand the meaning of their
Grassland: Your Speed and Jump Distance increases by 1. noises and behaviors, though they have no special ability to
understand you in return.
Jungle: You ignore Difficult Terrain and gain ADV on Saves
against being Poisoned and contracting Diseases.
Tundra: You gain Resistance to Cold damage and you have Piercing: 2 Piercing damage and Physical Save against Bleeding.
ADV on Saves against Exhaustion from cold temperatures.
Snare: 2 Bludgeoning damage and Physical Save
Subterranean: You gain Darkvision 10 Spaces. If you against Grappled.
already have Darkvision, its range is increased by 5 Spaces.
Acid: 2 Acid damage and Agility Save against Slowed until the
Additionally, you also gain a Tremorsense of 3 Spaces. If you
end of your next turn.
already have a Tremorsense, it increases by 2 Spaces.
Toxin: 2 Poison damage and Might Save against Impaired
Urban: You gain 1 Skill Point in 2 of the following Skills:
until the end of your next turn.
Insight, Investigation, and Trickery.
Flash Bang: 2 Sonic damage and Mental Save against Dazed
While you’re in one of your Favored Terrains, you have ADV
until the end of your next turn.
on Stealth and Survival Checks and can’t be Surprised.
Fire Oil: 2 Fire damage and Physical Save against Burning.
Hunter Bestiary (Flavor Feature)
You have developed a trove of knowledge hunting creatures DC Tip: It’s assumed that the Ranger always has these
which you’ve recorded in your Bestiary. Your Bestiary can supplies available to them and they’ve prepared them ahead
take the form of a book or a memory vault within your mind. of time or quickly made them on-the-fly during Combat. It
You have ADV on Checks made to learn or recall information can be however the PC and GM want to describe it.
about any creature recorded in your Bestiary.
Starting Entries: Choose a Creature Type: Aberration, Beast,
Celestial, Construct, Dragon, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, Giant, Talent
Humanoid, Monstrosity, Ooze, Plant, or Undead. Your You gain 1 Talent of your choice. If the Talent has any
Bestiary includes pre-recorded notes about various creatures prerequisites, you must meet those prerequisites to choose
of the chosen type. that Talent.
Skill Expertise
Your Skill Mastery Cap increases by 1, up to a maximum Skill
Mastery of Adept (+4).
When an effect that you can see deals damage to you, you can
spend 1 AP as a Reaction to halve the damage against you. If
the triggering effect deals half damage on a miss (or when you
succeed a Save), you take no damage instead.
You gain 1 Talent of your choice. If the Talent has any
prerequisites, you must meet those prerequisites to choose
that Talent.
Subtle Spell: When you cast a Spell, you can spend 1 MP to cast
it without any Somatic or Verbal Components.
You gain 1 Talent of your choice. If the Talent has any
prerequisites, you must meet those prerequisites to choose
that Talent.
Pact Cantrip
Pact Boon Choose a Spell you know with the Cantrip Spell Tag. The
You gain a Pact Boon from your Patron. Choose 1 of the
chosen Spell becomes your Pact Cantrip. When you cast your
following options: Weapon, Armor, Cantrip, and Familiar.
Pact Cantrip, you gain the following benefits:
Weapon Style Passive: While wielding your Pact Weapon, you Pact Familiar
benefit from that Weapon Style Passive. You can cast the Find Familiar Spell without spending MP.
When you cast the Spell, the Familiar automatically gains the
Pocket Dimension: Using a Minor Action, you can dismiss Familiar Attack and Friendly Fire Familiar Traits.
the Weapon into a pocket dimension, summon it from that
pocket dimension, or summon it from anywhere on the same
plane of existence. If you don’t have a free hand when you
summon it, or you choose not to grab it, it appears at your
feet in your Space.
New Pact Weapon: Over the course of a Quick Rest, you can
touch a Weapon in your possession, bond with it, and make it
your new Pact Weapon, ending your bond with your previous
Pact Weapon.
Pact Recovery
You can spend 1 or more Rest Points while Resting to regain
1 MP per Rest Point spent. You don’t regain HP when you
spend Rest Points in this way.
You gain 1 Talent of your choice. If the Talent has any
prerequisites, you must meet those prerequisites to choose
that Talent.
Heraldic Banner
Inspiring Presence You have a Heraldic Banner that’s made from a 10ft (3m) pole
Whenever you spend SP while in Combat, you can restore with an attached 2ft x 4ft (60cm x 120cm) flag. The banner
an amount of HP equal to the SP spent. Choose any creatures bears the emblem of your group, guild, faction, kingdom, or
within 5 Spaces that can see or hear you, and divide the other affiliated organization. A creature can spend 1 AP to
HP among them. plant or pick up the banner on the ground within 1 Space.
Display Banner: You can display the banner by carrying it
Commander’s Call with at least 1 free hand or by planting it on the ground. The
You can spend 1 AP and 1 SP to command a creature that banner is not considered on display while it’s lying on the
you can see within 5 Spaces that can also see or hear you. ground, in the possession of an enemy creature, or its emblem
The chosen creature can immediately take 1 of the following is defaced or torn.
Actions of your choice as a Reaction for free.
Banner Aura: While your banner is on display, it has an aura
Attack: The creature makes an Attack with ADV. They can’t
that extends 5 Spaces in each direction.
spend any resources on this Attack, such as AP, SP, or MP.
Dodge: The creature takes the Full Dodge Action. Banner Actions
While your banner is on display, you can take the Banner
Move: The creature moves up to their Speed without
Actions below. A creature must be within your Banner’s aura
provoking Opportunity Attacks.
and be able to see or hear to benefit from your Banner Action.
Multiple Commands: You can issue the same command multiple Bolster: You can spend 1 AP to grant creatures of your choice
times, but you can't issue a creature the same command more (including yourself) 1 Temp HP.
than once per round.
Rally: You can spend 1 AP to take the Help Action to aid a
creature of your choice with an Attack. Additionally, you can
Seasoned Commander (Flavor Feature) do so as a Reaction when another creature makes an Attack.
You have ADV on Checks made to recall information about
commonly known military organizations, ranks, procedures, Reinforce: When a creature makes a Save, you can spend 1 AP
battle tactics, armaments, histories, terms, and phrases. as a Reaction to grant it ADV on its Save.
Additional Banners
Replacing Your Banner: If you ever lose your Heraldic
Banner, you can have a new one crafted for 5g at most towns.
Alternatively, you can spend 2g for the materials and make it
yourself. You can attempt to craft a new Banner once during
each Long Rest by using Weaver’s Tools and succeeding on a
DC 15 Weaving Check.
You gain 1 Talent of your choice. If the Talent has any
prerequisites, you must meet those prerequisites to choose
that Talent.
Inscribing Spells
Inscribing a Spell into your Spellbook requires 5g and 1 hour
of work per MP required to cast it at its base MP cost. This
effort can coincide with a Rest. The gold covers any materials
required for magical experimentation and inscribing the Spell
in a format known to you.
Once you inscribe a Spell you know into your Spellbook, you
can inscribe again into a different book without requiring
any gold, provided you have writing tools and ink. Any book
containing a Spell you inscribed within it is considered one of
your Spellbooks.
• Line: The Spell affects every target in a 1 Space wide and 10 Make a DC 15 Spell Check. Success: You gain 3 Temp HP.
Space long line. Success (each 5): +1 Temp HP. Failure: 2 Temp HP. If a
• Cone: The Spell creates a 3 Space long Cone. creature hits you with a Melee Attack while you have this
• Sphere: The Spell affects every target within a 2 Space range Temp HP, the creature takes 1 Fire damage for each Temp HP
of you. it consumes with its Attack. The Spell ends once the Temp
HP is consumed.
Make a Spell Check against every target's PD within the Spell’s
area. Hit: The target takes 2 Fire damage. Mana Point Enhancements
Fire Protection: Spend 3 MP to gain Fire Resist and add 10
Mana Point Enhancements more Temp HP.
Burning: Spend 1 MP to force all targets to Save against
Burning for 1 minute. Investiture of Fire: Spend 5 MP and 1 AP to gain Fire Immunity
and add 15 more Temp HP. Additionally, while you have this
Range: Spend 1 MP to change the origin point of the Spell to Temp HP you can spend 2 AP to shoot out flames in a 3 Space
15 Spaces (instead of Self). Cone. Make a Spell Check against the PD of all creatures in
the spell’s range. Hit: The target takes 5 Fire damage.
Fog Cloud
Conjuration Grease
Cost: 2 AP + 1 MP Conjuration
Range: 20 Spaces Cost: 2 AP + 1 MP
Duration: 1 hour (Concentration) Range: 10 Spaces
Make a DC 10 Spell Check. Success: You create a sphere of fog Duration: 1 min
with up to a 4 Space radius, centered on a point within range. Make a DC 10 Spell Check. Success: Slick grease covers the
Success (each 5): Radius +1 Space. Failure: 3 Space radius. ground in 4 Spaces of your choosing. Failure: Only 3 Spaces.
The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is Fully The Spaces must connect to each other and all be within range
Concealed. Creatures within 1 Space of each other see each of the spell. These Spaces are now considered to be Difficult
other normally. It lasts for the duration or until a wind of Terrain for the duration and are flammable. If Fire touches
moderate or greater speed disperses it. these Spaces it ignites and deals 1 Fire damage to any creature
within the Space instantly and again to any creature who ends
Mana Point Enhancements their turn in this Space.
Area of Effect: Spend 1 MP to increase the radius of the spell’s
If a creature is standing in Grease when the spell initially
effect by 3 Spaces
appears, when they end their turn, or if they enter an area with
Grease, they must succeed on an Agility Save or fall Prone.
Mage Hand
Conjuration (Cantrip)
Cost: 1 AP
Range: 5 Spaces
Duration: 1 min
A spectral, floating hand appears at a point you choose within
range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it
as a Free Action. The hand vanishes if it ever moves outside of
the Spell’s range or if you cast this spell again.
When you cast the Spell or when you spend 1 AP, you can
control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an
object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve
an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a
vial. You can move the hand up to 5 Spaces each time you use it.
The hand can't attack, activate magic items, or carry more
than 10 pounds.
Ice Knife
Cost: 2 AP + 1 MP
Range: 10 Spaces
Duration: Instantaneous
You create a shard of ice and fling it at one creature within
range. Make a Spell Check against the target's PD. Hit: The
target takes 2 Cold damage and then explodes. Compare your
same Spell Check to the PD of each creature within 1 space
of the original target (including the target). Hit: Deal 1 Cold
damage. Miss: The spell does not explode and only deals half
damage to the original target.
Cost: 1 AP
Mana Point Enhancements
Range: Self (5-foot radius) Wind Tunnel: Spend 1 MP to create a 10 Space long and 2 Space
Duration: 1 Round wide Line that lasts 1 minute and requires Concentration. The
start of the Wind Tunnel must be within 5 Spaces of you, you
You imbue a Melee Weapon you’re wielding with crackling choose the direction the Line goes in and what direction the
energy. The next Attack Check that hits with this weapon wind is blowing. Creatures in the Wind Tunnel are Slowed
sheathes the target in booming energy. If the target leaves or 1 (spend 1 additional Move Speed to move 1 Space) moving
is moved from the current Space they’re in, they take 2 Sonic against the wind, but can move 2 Spaces for every 1 Space
damage and the Spell ends. spent moving the same direction as the wind. Any creature
This effect can be “stacked” multiple times from the same or that starts their turn in the Wind Tunnel must succeed on
different sources. a Might Save or be pushed 4 Spaces in the direction of the
wind. You can spend 1 AP to reverse the direction of the wind
Mana Point Enhancements in the tunnel.
Damage: Spend 1 MP to increase the damage dealt by 2.
Duration: Spend 1 MP to change the duration to 1 minute.
You can produce 1 of the following effects: If you target an object held or worn by a hostile creature,
make an Attack Check contested by the target's Agility Save.
Spell Attack: You can make a Spell Check against the MD Success: You cast Light on the object.
of a target within range. Hit: The target takes 1 Holy damage.
Bright beam of light descends on a creature that you can see Mana Point Enhancements
within range. You can make a creature within range glow Blinding Light: Spend 1 MP to make a Spell Check contested
with a subtle light for 10 minutes or make a Spell Attack. by a Physical Save from all targets within 2 Spaces of the Light
Cantrip Passive: You deal +1 Holy damage against Undead source. Failure: The target is Blinded for 1 Round.
and Exposed creatures.
Guiding Bolt
Action Point Enhancements Destruction
Damage: (1 AP) You deal +1 Holy damage.
Cost: 2 AP + 1 MP
Range: (1 AP) You increase the range by +5 Spaces.
Range: 15 Spaces
Holy Bolt: (1 AP) The target makes a Mental Save. Failure:
Duration: 1 Round
Target becomes Exposed (Attack Checks against it have
ADV) against the next Attack Check made against it before A flash of light streaks toward a creature of your choice within
the end of your next turn. range, surrounding them in a holy glow. Make a Spell Check
against the target's Mental Defense. Hit: The target takes 3
Holy damage and the next Attack Check made against the
Guidance target before the end of your next turn has ADV.
Divination (Cantrip)
Cost: 1 AP Mana Point Enhancements
Range: 5 Spaces Guiding Damage: Spend 1 MP to also add 3 Holy damage to the
next Attack Check. This damage does not come into effect if
Duration: 1 Round the Attack misses.
You can grant a Help Die (d8) to an ally within range. The
target can use this Help Die to add to any Check they make
before the start of your next turn. Casting Guidance counts as
taking the Help Action and still triggers the “Multiple Action
Penalty (Help).” If you cast Guidance or take the Help Action Cost: 2 AP + 1 MP
again before the start of your next turn, the Help Die becomes Range: 5 Spaces
a d6, then a d4, then you would not be able to use Guidance
Duration: 1 min(Concentration)
any more during that same round of Combat.
Make a DC 10 Spell Check. Success: You bless up to 3 creatures
Mana Point Enhancement of your choice within range. Success (each 10): +1 additional
Sustained: Spend 1 MP to increase the duration to 1 minute creature. Failure: Only 2 creatures.
but it requires Concentration. Whenever a target makes a Check or Save before the spell
Expand: Spend 1 MP to grant an additional Help Die (of the ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled
same size you grant with the casting of the Spell). to the total.
Shield of Faith
Cost: 1 AP + 1 MP
Range: 10 Spaces
Duration: 10 min (Concentration)
A shimmering field appears and surrounds a creature of your
choice within range.
Make a DC 10 Spell Check. Success: The target gains +2 PD
for the duration. Success (each 10): +1 PD. Failure: The
target gains 1 PD instead.
(1) Prey: The Familiar has ADV on Stealth Checks and can
attempt to Hide even when it's only Partially Concealed.
(1) Speech: The Familiar gains the ability to speak and knows
all languages you know.
You can read, write, and speak, but you must make a Language Attacks & Defense (New Section Name)
Check and succeed to do so. (Limited Mastery)
You can read, write, and speak fluently without issue. (Fluent) • Physical Defense Formula: The formula for both Light and
This also means that it only takes 2 Points to “max out” a Heavy Armor is now based on Agility. Heavy armor used
language, which works out nicely when you spend a Trade to be based off of your Might Attribute, and Agility needed
Point on a Language (since you get 2 Language Points for 1 some love, so having PD be connected to it, just makes
Trade Point). sense (see video on the channel for more on why this was
• Mana to Stamina: If you have Mana Points, you can convert • Attack Maneuvers have been separated into 2 Categories.
them to Stamina Points. Once on each of your turns, you Attack Maneuvers (Power, Extend, and Sweep) are now the
can spend 1 or more MP to regain 1 SP per MP spent. only “Attack Maneuvers”, and the rest of the Maneuvers
• Added in a “Combat Actions Sidebar” to further discuss the that cause the target to make a Physical Save are now called
differences and concepts of actions and checks inside vs “Save Maneuvers”.
outside of Combat. • You now learn a set number of Maneuvers (usually 4) at
• NEW Resource added: “Grit Points” level 1 and then can learn more over time (just like how
• You gain a number of Git Points equal to your Charisma. Cantrips work).
You can spend Grit Points to increase your (or your allies) • Shove Maneuver is now called “Knockback”.
resolve when making a Save. • Trip Maneuver is now 2 AP. The Prone Condition is much
• These give yourself or allies ADV on Saves (costing 1 Grit stronger than other conditions, so this was needed for
Point) and are the solution for having Charisma matter in balance purposes.
combat and choices during character creation. Very excited • Vicious Maneuver is removed from the game.
for this one! • Taunt Maneuver can now use an Attack Check or an
Intimidation Check.
• NEW Bow Passive: You deal +1 damage against the last
target you Attacked since the start of your last turn.
• NEW Crossbow Maneuver: You deal +1 damage and gain
ADV on the Attack Check.
• NEW Crossbow Passive: When you reload a Crossbow,
you gain 2 Spaces of Movement. Additionally, you
don’t have DisADV on Attacks made using a Crossbow
Weapon as a result of being underwater.
• Alphabetized all Conditions and cleaned up some of their
presentation to be more clear.
Quick Rest: You now heal for an amount of HP equal to your
Might (instead of Might or Agility).
• Long Rests now cause you to lose all stacks of the Doomed
• Monk
• Monk Stamina
Changed their Stamina Feature entirely.
• Rogues Stamina
You now also regain 1 SP if you hit a Flanked target.