Bridge Nine Cosmere RPG Adventure
Bridge Nine Cosmere RPG Adventure
Bridge Nine Cosmere RPG Adventure
The Cosmere® RPG was created by Brotherwise Games and Dragonsteel Entertainment
Additional Contributors: Max Brooke, Laura Hirsbrunner, Worldsingers: David Behrens, Joshua Harkey, Eric Lake,
Ross Leiser, and Lydia Suen Ben Marrow, Ian McNatt, and Evgeni Kirilov
Sensitivity Consultant: Basil Wright
Accessibility Consultant: Chris Hopper
Brand and Marketing: Adam Horne and Jillian Ross
This preview adventure requires the Cosmere RPG Beta Rules Preview to play.
Bridge Nine
Preparing for The adventure will prompt you to raise the stakes for
the Adventure specific tests, but don’t hesitate to incorporate the plot die
Before you play, make sure you have the Cosmere RPG into any scene where it would add excitement and drama!
Beta Rules Preview on hand. Consider printing out
key sections that you’ll refer to frequently, such as the
Running This Adventure
“Actions in Combat” section. The adventure begins with the characters traveling as
You’ll also need a set of polyhedral dice and a method part of an expedition to some recently uncovered ruins.
for rolling the plot die (see below). Their journey is interrupted by a chasmfiend, which
plunges the party into a chasm. At the bottom of the
The Core Mechanic chasm, the party has the chance to scrounge up supplies
Ahead of the session, familiarize yourself with the rules and help survivors. When the chasmfiend consumes
in the Beta Rules Preview. The core mechanic of the the expedition’s chull, the party must flee the danger
Cosmere RPG is the skill test, in which the player rolls a once more.
twenty-sided die and adds relevant modifiers: After a night’s rest, the characters continue to their
destination. They explore the ruins, a shrine connected
d20 + attribute + skill ranks
to the Lost Radiants, and potentially find a valuable
This adventure specifies the difficulty class (DC) artifact. The characters then head to the surface and
that each skill test needs to meet or exceed, but you may meet a group of Listeners on their way out. They can
also need to improvise the DC for situations that develop fight their way past or resolve the scene peacefully. After
during play. An average test during this adventure should they reach the surface, they arrive at the warcamps of
be DC 10, with more challenging tests set at DC 15. the Alethi highprinces.
Bridge Nine 4
Attracting a Spren Always look for opportunities to weave characters’
goals into the narrative. Finally, be ready to take notes
Throughout this adventure, there is the chance for
when characters demonstrate Ideals such as protection or
Radiant spren to be drawn to a character. To determine
freedom, potentially drawing the attention of a spren (see
which character is the closest to attracting a spren, you’ll
appendix: Spren NPCs).
be instructed to mark a character for “protection” or
“freedom” at various points during the adventure. Keep Set Expectations
a private tally of how many times a character is marked
Be sure players understand that this is a demo adventure.
for either. At the end of the story, determine the character
If this is everyone’s first Cosmere RPG experience, let
who has the most marks for each category. Each should
them know it might take extra time as everyone becomes
record that spren in the “Connections” portion of their
acquainted with the rules.
character sheet (see appendix: Spren NPCs).
If you are a GM running this game at Gen Con, set
Gather Your Party the expectation that characters are unlikely to reach the
very end of the scenario, but let your players know they
This adventure accommodates any group of three to six
can continue the adventure as part of the public Beta test
1st-level player characters. Players have several options
going live next week!
for choosing or building their characters.
Before the adventure, it’s also helpful to make sure
Pre-generated Characters. The playtest packet everyone understands how players want to handle
includes a set of six character sheets. These characters sensitive content and the overall tone of the adventure.
are ready to play, so players just need to specify their See the “Safety Tools” section in Part 6 of the Beta Rules
character’s name and physical description. Preview. Once everyone is ready to play, it’s time to begin!
Original Characters. Alternately, players can create
1st-level characters using the Demiplane online Prologue
character builder ( The only Once you’ve gathered the players and all required
options the GM should restrict are those that would materials, begin by reading the following:
entirely bypass the chasm as a hazard: specialized
climbing gear or fabrials that confer the Surges of The Stormlight Archive is the story of Roshar, a world
Adhesion or Progression. of storms and war. It is a story of growth, of passion, of
Singer Characters. This adventure is written with honor. And today, it is a story that you will tell.
human characters in mind. An experienced GM could You are not yet heroes. You currently live in a warcamp
introduce a singer player character (belonging to the at the edge of the Shattered Plains, a vast expanse
Listener culture) before or during the adventure: of chasms and plateaus. Today, you’re traveling with
◆ They might have been captured earlier in the soldiers and scholars loyal to an Alethi noble named
expedition, or pressed into service as a bridge highprince Sadeas.
crew member. That is where our story begins. A few days ago, a
◆ Once the other characters enter the chasm, a singer highstorm uncovered ruins dating back to the Silver
scout could come across the group and end up Kingdoms. Now, you’re part of an expedition sent across
working with them. the barren stone to investigate what’s left of those ruins.
Players are encouraged to set their narrative goals, Ask each player to share the role their character is playing
obstacles, and purpose ahead of your session. However, on this expedition (see the “Expedition Roles” section).
they’ll also have the opportunity to do so at the midpoint
of the adventure.
Bridge Nine 5
Expedition Roles Bridge Crew. You’re here because you were imprisoned,
enslaved, or pressed into service. You might be from
The expedition consists of a twenty-person bridge crew
any nation in Roshar, from any background, but now
and six soldiers to protect a handful of scholars and
you have the deadliest job in the highprince’s army:
scouts. Two chulls—slow, ox-sized crustaceans with a
carrying heavy bridges to move personnel during
stone shells—acts as beasts of burden, carrying wagons
battles and expeditions.
for the expedition’s scholars. The wagons contain enough
Guard. You’re here to defend the expedition from
food and water for a four-day journey.
Parshendi warriors or human bandits. You might be
Whether players are using pre-generated or original
an enlisted soldier in the army of Highprince Sadeas,
characters, give them a chance to establish their role
an independent mercenary, or a young noble trying to
in the expedition. Players can choose from one of the
prove yourself.
following options, or (with GM approval) come up with
Scholar. You’ve traveled to the warcamps as the ward
their own role.
or assistant to a prominent scholar. In Alethkar, only
Ardent. You’re a servant-priest of the Vorin church, women traditionally learn to read and write, but
a religion that reveres “the Almighty” and his Ten you might have traveled from a nation like Azir or
Heralds. Ardents typically shave their heads and do Iri where people of all genders are trained in history
not adhere to Alethi society’s gender roles. You may and science.
be on this expedition to provide spiritual guidance or Scout. You’re a scout who works for Highprince Sadeas.
training in a particular skill you have mastered. You’ve been trained as a messenger and outrider for
the army, and it’s your job to help this expedition find
the ruins.
Amirul Hhf
Bridge Nine 6
The Journey
As the adventure begins, the expedition is already
underway. Read the following:
The Attack
The adventure escalates quickly in this skill-based
scene. This scene drives toward a specific outcome—
the characters lost in the depths of a chasm—but the
characters’ actions determine how they weather that fall.
This scene unfolds in brief moments, rather than The scraping sounds grow louder and the chull retreats
proceeding in standard rounds. Characters only have into its shell. Then, with a shriek of claws on stone, a
time to make a handful of tests to determine their fate. massive creature charges up the side of the chasm!
Bridgemen and soldiers scream as a chasmfiend
Once the bridge is in place, the caravan starts making its
explodes into view. With one of its massive claws,
way across: soldiers, bridge staff, and wagon. But as the
it begins hauling itself onto the bridge, scraping and
chull reaches the midpoint of the bridge, it scuttles to
splintering the wooden planks. Violet-black carapace
the side and snaps its claws. The beast is clearly agitated,
casts a shadow over the chaotic scene, and the
refusing to move even as soldiers bring out ropes to haul
chasmfiend’s mandibles close around a fleeing scout.
it forward.
The chasmfiend is a fully grown adult: 36 feet tall, 20 feet
Any character who shows interest in the chull must make
wide, and 72 feet long. With its thick carapace and lethal
a DC 10 Deduction or Survival test. On a success, a
claws, it is impervious to any attack from a soldier. A few
character learns that the presence of an apex predator
try to fight back, but the chasmfiend easily bats them
called a chasmfiend has spooked the chull, and they gain
aside, sending them flying down into the chasm below.
an advantage on the next Agility or Athletics test they
If any characters try to save others from the
make. A character who thinks to warn others can make
chasmfiend, mark them for protection but make it clear
a DC 10 Leadership test to grant one other character an
that there’s too much chaos for them to reach the beast.
advantage on their next Agility or Athletics test.
Other members of the expedition are pushing past one
Kevin O’Neill
Bridge Nine 7
another to flee. Before any of the player characters have The bridge lands with a deafening crash on the
time to escape the bridge, read the following: chasmfiend itself, breaking a few of the beast’s smaller
legs. The chasmfiend roars in pain and recoils from the
As the chasmfiend pulls its upper half onto the bridge,
collapsed bridge, pulling itself free and retreating to
four smaller legs skittering onto the planks, you hear a
the west.
resounding crack! Its weight is too much. The bridge
is falling! If any character rolls an Opportunity on their d20 (a
“natural 20”), they briefly glimpse a white-blue light
Any character on the bridge must make their choice of an
zipping past them as they fall. They land clear of the
Agility or Athletics test to survive the collapsing bridge.
fallen bridge, completely unscathed.
There is no DC for this test; see the Agility or Athletics
Test Result table to adjudicate the outcome. Raise the
Foolhardy Heroes
stakes, adding a plot die to each roll.
Look for ways to reward players for bold behavior. If they
The bridge is broken in the center, but its ends grind try a solution that might work in an over-the-top action
against the chasm’s uneven walls, slowing its fall. People movie, give them ways to succeed. If they try something
on the edges of the bridge tumble over the side as it leans truly foolish, like jumping into the 80-foot-deep chasm to
in the direction of the chasmfiend, but some people cling escape the chasmfiend, warn them that this action is likely
to the bridge. to be deadly because their character will take 8d6 impact
damage. But ultimately, it’s up to the player to decide. If a
Agility or Athletics Test Result character dies for any reason, that player can use one of
Test Result Outcome the pre-generated character sheets to keep the adventure
5 or less Take 1d6 impact damage and suffer an injury. moving. It could be dramatic to establish the life-or-
6–14 Take 1d6 impact damage. death nature of life in Roshar, during a low-stakes early
15 or higher Take no damage. adventure where a player can always step into the shoes
of another expedition survivor.
o Another character takes half damage or
ignores an injury.
c A weapon or piece of gear is broken. Survivors
The chasmfiend is not seriously injured, but is surprised
If a character is injured, they must make an injury roll
and rattled, like any animal confronting unexpected
using a d20 (see the “Damage, Injury, and Death”
pain. It retreats into the shadows, leaving the expedition
section of the Beta Rules Preview).
members in the dimly lit chasm.
If a player rolls an Opportunity (o) on the plot die,
they can help slow the fall of another player character. Down in the chasm, it’s almost like you’ve fallen into
They can cause that character to take half damage another world. The canyon walls are smooth, worn down
(rounded down) from their fall or ignore an injury. by millennia of flash floods. Vines and frillblooms grow
If a player rolls a Complication (c), the character’s here, attended by the glowing green motes of lifespren.
primary weapon or a key piece of their gear is badly The bridge is crushed beyond repair, and the bodies of
damaged. Repairing a broken item requires materials your companions lie beside it. You hear faint groans from
(which would take time to salvage from the crash site) underneath the broken planks.
and a successful DC 15 Crafting test.
Bridge Nine 8
The player characters are not the only members of the ◆ Particularly old or new clothing
expedition to survive the fall: two soldiers and one scholar ◆ Younger (under 20) or older (over 50) than most other
stand up, and two bridgemen lie buried under some members of the expedition
rubble. The Other Survivors table notes each survivor’s Each player only needs to share one feature. If it is not
current and maximum health after the fall. already marked on their character sheet, they should
make a note of it.
Other Survivors
Name Health Description The oldest bridgeman on the crew, Doral, is still alive. He
Captain Selinar 20 / 22 The expedition’s ranking officer pulls himself into a sitting position. He winces in pain,
(he/him) (age 42), a cruel Alethi man with and lays his hand gently over his broken left leg. Forcing
light green eyes. a smile, he speaks in a quiet voice. “Bridge Nine. We’ve
Spearman Varda 8 / 14 A soldier (age 26) with close always been survivors. By the Almighty, we’ll survive this.”
(he/him) cropped hair and dark green eyes;
muscular but cowardly. If anyone talks to Doral (he/him, commoner), the
Eliah Matal 10 / 15 A sheltered but earnest historian old man explains that he’s been a bridgeman almost
(she/her) (age 32) with bright violet eyes since the War of Reckoning started five years ago. Even
and braided black hair. if his health is restored, his broken leg means he’ll be
Doral (he/him) 4 / 10 A bald Alethi man (age 56) and Slowed. He moves at half speed, unless another character
longtime bridgeman, suffering provides support.
from a broken leg.
Aran* (he/him) 6 / 12 An earnest-looking young bridge- Picking up the Pieces
man (age 17); brands mark him
The characters still need to determine a way forward
as a thief.
toward the ruins. Encourage the players to make their
Khesh* (he/him) 8 / 17 A physically imposing but slow-
own choices and narrate logical results, using this
witted bridgeman (age 24) with
no brands.
situation as another opportunity to demonstrate skill
tests. If the players want the characters to leave right
*Buried in the rubble of the collapsed bridge away, portray the NPCs engaging in tasks and have them
ask the characters for help. (But if the characters insist on
First Impressions leaving, simply move on to the next section.)
After the tightly paced action of the first two scenes, this Characters who stay near the fallen bridge can
is the first chance for the characters to take a breath and choose a course of action that could make the rest of
regard one another. the journey easier:
Two soldiers made it through the disaster, and at least Search for Survivors. Two survivors remain trapped
one bridgeman. As you help each other out of the rubble, under the bridge. A character wishing to locate
you survey the surviving members of the expedition. them must succeed on two Perception tests to do so.
What do others notice about you? The character must first make a DC 10 Perception
test, finding the young bridgeman Aran (he/him,
Invite the players to share one distinctive physical feature commoner) on a success. A successful second DC 15
about each of their characters. Most people who live in Perception test locates the sturdy bridgeman Khesh
the war camps are Alethi, who generally have tan skin (he/him, spear infantry). Both have taken 6 damage
and black hair. Possible distinctive features include: and are covered in crawling orange painspren.
◆ Light eyes (light blue, light green, light brown/gold, Neither carries any weapons or armor. Any characters
light grey, or bright violet) particularly intent on searching for survivors should be
◆ Dark eyes (brown, black, or dark shades of any of the marked for protection.
above colors) Find Food. The wagon was almost completely
◆ Pale or dark skin demolished, but a character can make a DC 10
◆ A tattoo or scar Deduction test to determine where supplies would
◆ An usual hair color have been stored. On a success, they find enough food
◆ A unique hairstyle for six simple meals. If they succeed on the test by 5 or
◆ A glyphward tied around one arm more, the character finds twelve simple meals instead
Bridge Nine 9
Map 1: Survivors
Dallin Bifano
Bridge Nine 10
of six. The meals are leaf-wrapped balls of steamed or a heavy piece of wreckage to use as an improvised
lapis grain and pork. hammer (1d10 impact damage).
Recover Water. A heavy section of the bridge collapsed During combat, the GM can spend a Complication
on the expedition’s water supply, breaking three to break an improvised weapon.
barrels. Two other barrels are clearly visible but As characters search the rubble and make skill tests,
trapped under weighty timbers. A character can make they notice that Captain Selinar and Spearman Varda
a DC 10 Athletics test, gaining an advantage if aided look increasingly agitated. They have patience for each
by another. On a success, the character pulls out one character to make two skill tests, but that number is
barrel of water. If they succeed on the test by 5 or reduced by one for each Complication rolled on the plot
more, the character recovers both barrels. Each barrel die. When the limit is reached, or the characters seem to
weighs 45 pounds. be losing their sense of urgency, move to the next scene.
Create Tools. A character can make a DC 10 Crafting
test to scrounge together some equipment. On a Finite Choices, Infinite Possibilities
success, the character can quickly fashion a simple
Characters can attempt almost anything in a tabletop
litter or wheelbarrow from the shattered wagon. Such
RPG, and sometimes their options can be overwhelming.
a device requires two free hands but can more easily
If players ever seem at a loss, a great trick is to give them
carry heavy supplies. Alternately, a character can make
two or three choices: “Do you want to look for survivors
a DC 15 Crafting test to use salvaged materials to
or supplies?” If players seem uncertain about how to
repair a broken weapon, fixing it on a success.
narratively describe their actions, you can prompt specific
Heal the Wounded. A character can roll their recovery
skill checks: “Do you want to try a Deduction or Perception
die (see the Willpower attribute description in Part 2
test to assess the situation?” Games are all about
of the Beta Rules Preview). A character who doesn’t
meaningful choices, and even a couple of options can help
make a recovery test can help one other character,
characters feel empowered. Just be sure every scene has
making a DC 15 Medicine test. On a success, the
more than one way to succeed. You never want players to
target recovers health equal to the healer’s ranks in
feel like they’re playing a game of “Guess what the GM
wants us to do.”
Salvage Valuables. An unscrupulous character can
rifle through fallen soldiers’ belongings in search of
currency. A successful DC 10 Thievery test turns up On Your Own
a pouch containing 5 diamond marks, softly glowing As the characters are picking through the rubble, they
with Stormlight. A total of 15 or higher conceals this notice that Selinar and Varda have lost their nerve.
theft from the other characters.
Climb to Safety. The chasm walls are too sheer to The two surviving soldiers are the first to give up
climb. A successful DC 20 Athletics test allows a searching for supplies or survivors. Captain Selinar
character to make it to a ledge 30 feet off the ground. mutters, “We need to get moving before that
Mark that character for freedom, but past that point chasmfiend returns.”
the wall is impassible. The heavyset spearman beside him nods, then shouts
up to the chasm: “Help! Help us!”
A character who searches for supplies or helps another
Selinar slaps him. “Varda, you crem-sucking idiot!
survivor should raise the stakes, adding the plot die to
You’ll bring the beast down on us!” Even so, both men look
their role. If they roll an Opportunity, they also find one
up to the edge of the chasm.
of the following:
There’s no response.
◆ An unbroken longspear (1d8 keen damage)
◆ An unbroken shortspear (1d8 keen damage) If a character shouts for help during the previous scene,
◆ A battered but usable shield a similar scene transpires: Selinar slaps that character
◆ A bottle of cooking oil (causing them to lose 1 focus) and there’s no answer from
above. The topside expedition members have already fled
Without making any skill tests, any character can pick up
back toward the warcamps.
a broken spear to use as an improvised staff (1d6 damage)
Bridge Nine 11
At this point, Captain Selinar is simmering with barely 2. NPCs who choose to take “fast” turns (2)
contained rage. He shoves Varda away. 3. Player characters who choose to take “slow” turns,
gaining three actions (3)
The scholar, Eliah Matal, starts to speak. “Perhaps 4. NPCs who choose to take “slow” turns (3)
we should—”
The NPCs' combat stats are in the “Soldier” section of
But Selinar interrupts her. “Brightness, this entire
part 7: Adversaries in the Beta Rules Preview. Selinar is a
storming suicide mission is your fault. Just do what I say.”
Thrill berserker, and Varda is spear infantry. Selinar
Angerspren pool like blood at the captain’s feet. He
takes fast turns and Varda takes slow turns.
shouts at Varda to get moving, then stalks toward the
As combat begins, choose two characters to make
old bridgeman, Doral. “We’ll leave this one as bait for the
DC 5 Lore tests as a free action. On success, a character
recognizes that the soldiers have succumbed to the
Selinar unsheathes his sword and holds it above the
Thrill, a berserker rage that consumes Alethi soldiers in
older man. For a moment, the captain’s green eyes seem
the heat of battle. A character who succeeds on the Lore
to flash red.
test by 10 or more also gains an advantage on their next
Choose two characters who are standing nearby and test against the soldiers.
tell them they have a moment to react. If they seem Some characters might try to avoid violence.
uncertain, call for a DC 10 Insight test to confirm Characters can take an action to reason with the soldiers.
Selinar’s murderous intent, and raise the stakes. Rolling The DC to convince each soldier is different: Selinar
an Opportunity grants an advantage on a subsequent requires a successful DC 20 test, while Varda requires a
attempt to stop him. successful DC 13 test. A character can make a Persuasion
If a character tries to persuade Selinar not to kill the test to argue with reason, threaten them with an
old bridgeman with words, first allow the next nearest Intimidation test, or appeal to their sense of duty with a
character a chance for a physical response. Mark them for Leadership test.
protection and raise the stakes on their test. A character If Captain Selinar is unconvinced, he fights to the
might attempt one of the following: death. In addition to fighting back against the characters,
◆ A character can leap into the sword’s path with a he tries to satisfy his bloodlust by attacking unarmed
successful DC 10 Agility test to take the hit instead, NPCs. If Selinar is killed, Varda surrenders.
taking 8 (1d8 + 4) keen damage from Selinar’s sword. During combat, remind players that they can spend
◆ A successful Athletics test versus Selinar’s Physical focus to graze and dodge. Remember to raise the stakes
defense of 14, allows a character to knock him prone. when characters use creative tactics, following the
◆ A character can make an attack with a light or heavy Opportunity and Complication guidelines in the Beta
weapon versus Selinar’s Physical defense of 14. A Rules Preview. Make note of any character who is
success saves Doral, but the attacking character is also particularly focused on defending others (protection)
hit by Selinar’s longsword on a Complication. or helping the bridgemen (freedom).
Bridge Nine 14
The next scene is an endeavor, a type of scene in
Running the Endeavor
which characters attempt to succeed at multiple skill tests.
Each character makes tests while fleeing the chasmfiend. An endeavor is at its best when you narrate the results of
The characters must achieve 6 successes before 4 each roll, keeping a cinematic feel rather than treating it as
failures. Approaches include the following: a mechanical exercise. Each character makes one skill test
Flee Flat-out. A character can try to flee at top speed each round. There’s no set initiative order in an endeavor,
down the center of the chasm (DC 10 Agility). but make sure each character has the chance to make a
Assist an Injured Character. A character can try to test before beginning a new round.
carry or assist an injured character (DC 15 Athletics).
Hide. A character who moves along the side of the chasm Resolving the Endeavor
can try to hide under an overhang (DC 10 Stealth) as The characters can succeed on this endeavor by
they flee. This is a good place to raise the stakes. achieving 6 successes before 4 failures.
Find a Shortcut. A character can look for a safe path Success. The characters and their group reach the
that others missed (DC 15 Deduction or Perception). crevice without any fatalities. Proceed to “Safe for Now.”
Distract the Chasmfiend. A character can attempt to Failure. The chasmfiend reaches the group, attacking
draw the beast’s attention away from the characters one of the NPCs who fell behind during the chase. The
(DC 15 Deception or Survival). This is a good place attack automatically kills that NPC. In the unlikely event
to raise the stakes. that there are no NPCs left, choose a victim from among
Bring up the Rear. A character who lets the others go
ahead can inspire the others with their bravery (DC 10
Discipline or Leadership).
Each success helps the party move closer to safety, but
the chasmfiend draws nearer with every failure. The first
time a character fails a test, read the following:
Escape Endeavor
Test Result Outcome
Success A character gets closer to safety.
Failure A character or NPC starts to lag behind.
O Give the next player’s test an advantage.
C An NPC stops fleeing, too terrified to move.
Adam J Marin
Bridge Nine 15
the characters: whoever was at the back of the group or Past the narrow crevice, the chasm opens up to
who most recently failed a test. apparent safety. If Eliah Matal is still alive, she urges the
If the victim is a player character, they have one last team onward. Checking her map, she determines that
chance to survive: the chasmfiend must succeed on an it’s an hour’s hike until another branch in the chasm. (If
attack roll: +8 versus the character’s Physical defense, Eliah and her map are lost, the characters can determine
dealing 13 (1d10 + 8) keen damage on a hit. If the attack this by simply heading onward.) By the end of that hike,
misses or the character survives, they can immediately the sun sets.
scramble to the crevice. Make a note of their narrow
escape from death, which could indicate that a spren The chasm continues to the northeast. The surface is
is aiding them. If the attack reduces them to 0 health, still 80 feet above you, with little in the way of handholds
the chasmfiend carries away their body, satisfied between you and the evening sky. On the east side of the
with its meal. canyon, about 10 feet up the wall, there’s a small cave.
Vladimir Ishelin
Bridge Nine 16
Give each character the chance to make one test to Players have the option to speak in character and reveal a
find food or water in the darkening chasm. If the secret to the other expedition members, or they can keep
characters have a light source (such as infused spheres this discussion at the “meta” level (so it’s understood by
or a makeshift torch), they can make a second test. If the players but not characters).
Doral was rescued and survived the chasmfiend chase, Eventually, the characters get to sleep. Whether or not
his advice adds an advantage to all Lore and Survival they post a rotating watch, and regardless of where in the
tests. See the Making it Through the Night table to chasm they’ve chosen to camp, the night passes without
determine the outcome of the characters’ rest. further incident.
Bridge Nine 17
Vines retreat back into cracks in the stone as the This brief scene is a chance to establish the existence
characters approach. Three decomposing bodies can of the Listeners. Known to the humans as “Parshendi,”
be found here: the Listeners are a culture within the singers, the sentient
◆ A soldier in a rotting blue uniform and rusted humanoid species native to Roshar. Any member of the
breastplate. The belt pouch contains 20 diamond expedition would know of the frequent clashes between
marks and a sapphire broam (worth 100 marks), Parshendi with Alethi armies on the Shattered Plains.
all infused with Stormlight. The corpse’s only other These bodies fell into the chasm during a battle, and
intact item is a carved wooden axehound. were washed here by the recent highstorm.
◆ A bridgeman, face-down in the water with a ruined As the group leaves this area, if there are any surviving
leather vest. A successful DC 15 Perception test bridgemen, one of them privately approaches a character.
reveals a fine knife worth 20 marks hidden inside the (If possible, choose someone who has been marked for
bridgeman’s vest. freedom.)
◆ The red bones of a long-dead Parshendi warrior.
The bridgeman takes you aside at a moment when
The warrior’s carapace plates are still strong, and
everyone else is out of earshot. “Everyone at the
could be used to fashion a shield with a successful
warcamps thinks we’re dead. It means… we have a
DC 10 Crafting test, or an improvised breastplate with
chance. If we get out of this, can you help us escape?”
the Fragile trait with a successful DC 15 Crafting test.
The soldier and bridgeman’s possessions are distinctive The bridgeman implores the character to “look the other
enough that they could be used to identify the deceased. way” at the right moment, so he can escape his servitude
A character who follows up on this in the future could be as part of Bridge Nine. A character who promises to help
rewarded with progress toward narrative goals. should be marked for freedom.
The chasm is wide here, and the walls don’t seem quite
as high. The floor of the canyon is dry, with fewer plants,
and broken stone litters the ground. The stone was
broken recently, and is not worn smooth like the rest of
the chasm.
Florian Stitz
Bridge Nine 18
Recently, a chasmfiend chrysalis was discovered on the
plateau above the shrine, resulting in a battle between
humans and Listeners. Between thousands of marching
soldiers and natural erosion over time, the crem covering
the shrine started to crumble. The last highstorm resulted
in a more dramatic collapse.
Luckily for the characters, the broken stone now
gathered at the base of the shrine makes it an easy surface
to climb. Each character must make an Athletics test,
but only rolling a natural 1 (resulting in a Complication)
causes a character to take falling damage (1d6 impact).
Rolling a natural 20 (resulting in an Opportunity) allows
a character to find a safe path that prevents any further
need for skill tests.
Ground Floor
The interior of the building is dark. Without a light
source, characters who rely on sight as their primary
sense will be Disoriented inside the shrine.
Characters seeking a light source will know that they
can use any infused spheres they might be carrying. A
single mark or broam provides bright light in a 5-foot
are decorated with elegant carvings. Brightly colored
radius, while a handful of spheres can provide 10 feet of
cremlings crawl out of the cracks in the walls, then skitter
light. A character can fashion a torch with a successful
away. The only path out of the room is a stone stairway,
DC 10 Crafting or Survival test (gaining an advantage
leading up.
if they use cloth soaked in oil or alcohol). A torch lasts
one hour, shedding bright light in a 20-foot radius. The entire first level leans toward the west; if a player
For a character who uses sight as their primary sense, were to drop a sphere in this room, it would roll downhill
their ability to see beyond a radius of bright light depends until it hit the west wall. The room is totally stable, but
on their senses range: the uneven terrain makes a characters more likely to trip
Awareness Senses Range and fall prone if they roll a Complication.
0 5 ft. The purpose of the room is mysterious to most
1–2 10 ft. members of the expedition, but a character who examines
3–4 20 ft. the mosaics and succeeds on a DC 5 Lore test recognizes
it as some type of shrine. If the character succeeds on the
For more on obscured senses, see the “Senses” section in
test by 10 or more, they also know that it dates back to a
Part 2 of the Beta Rules Preview.
cataclysmic era known as the Desolations. A character
Once the characters have found a way to perceive the
with the Archaeology or Religion also realizes the shrine
inside of the ruins, read the following:
has some connection to a legendary order of warriors now
Rubble litters the this room, and dust covers every called “the Lost Radiants.”
surface. The floor is uneven, listing to one side. The walls In particular, one symbol inlaid on the floor is
recognizable to anyone familiar with the Vorin church
Logan Feliciano
Bridge Nine 19
Map 2: Shrine (Ground Floor) Map 3: Shrine (Top Floor)
Eduardo nonato
Bridge Nine 20
(the dominant religion in eastern Roshar): the double
eye of the Almighty. A character with rhe History or
Religion expertise has the realizes that this symbol was
connected to legends of heroic knights called “the Lost
As the characters spend time in this room, the
cremlings become visibly agitated. A successful DC 10
Lore or Survival test reveals that this crimson-and-yellow
species has a venomous bite, harmless in small doses but
dangerous if a victim is overwhelmed.
Barnacle-like shapes cling to a number of surfaces in the
shrine, especially the stairs. To identify them, a character
must make a DC 10 Deduction test, or have the Biology
expertise. On a success, the character knows that these
are entrances to the cremlings’ nest.
The stairs appear stable, but uneven: they’re covered
in melon-sized domes of crem-like material, which cluster
like rockbuds on each of the steps.
Characters can make their way up the stairs, but
they’ll have to move carefully to do so without stepping
on one of the nests. Each character must succeed on a
DC 15 Agility test to proceed unless they can devise
some other way to assist one another up the stairs. On
a failed test, a character accidentally crushes a nest and
brightly colored cremlings pour out of the stone. Once
A swarm
a total of three nests have been crushed, a swarm of
cremlings forms and attacks the character that crushed
the last nest. On a Complication, the character also
falls prone. of cremlings
The swarm fights for three rounds before it disperses
(or until it is killed), and the entire stairway counts as
difficult terrain. Once each character has succeeded
or failed one test to ascend, the group finds a path
to proceed.
The higher you move up the stairs, the rubble fills the
stairway. After climbing for about thirty feet, the stairs
abruptly end. Where a landing should lead to the next
level, broken stones cover the floor. They form an uneven
ramp to the level above.
Sami Rytkönen
Bridge Nine 22
The golden light of the strange spren seems to infuse the The design of the armor in this last image seems to match
pedestal. On one side of the pedestal, a compartment the statue in this room. It shows an ancient Willshaper
slides out of the stone. Inside the drawer is a bracelet and speaking with a warform singer. It’s unclear whether their
two rings, linked by metallic chains. postures are threatening or welcoming.
Though its gemstones are cracked, the metal is Any characters not examining the walls might notice
untarnished. This is no mere jewelry. It is a priceless that they are not the first people to explore these ruins.
artifact of the Vorin church: a Soulcaster, capable of Make a Perception test (DC 15) for characters in the
transforming any substance to another with a touch. tunnel on the northeast side of the room. If a character
is actively searching that area, they can make a DC 10
Any character recognizes the significance and value Survival test instead. On a success, they notice the dust
of this item. If it has not been damaged beyond repair, on the floor and walls is scuffed near the exit to the north.
it is an incredible treasure. There are two exits from this room, and both lead
Failure. If the spren had begun to manifest, they to the surface. If any character has impressed Zephrus
disappear from view. The compartment containing during this adventure (by receiving multiple marks for
the Soulcaster does not open. A character notices the protection), the honorspren’s glowing light beckons them
compartments on the south side of the drawer, and the toward the south exit.
next character who attempts to for ce it open gains an
advantage. The Surface
Secrets of the Past The path that the characters take determines how likely
Whether or not the characters find the Soulcaster, they they are to be surprised during the next scene.
may attempt to open similar compartments in the pillar Northern Exit. A natural tunnel leads to a crack
near the statue. A successful DC 15 Athletics or Thievery in the plateau above. The rough stone provides easy
test can open one additional compartment on the south handholds and footholds, but leads characters directly
side of the pedestal. Roll on the Hidden Compartments toward the waiting singers.
table to determine its contents. Southern Exit. This path leads through a narrower,
rubble-choked tunnel. It leads outside, terminating in
Hidden Compartments a sunny ledge. From there, it’s an easy climb up to the
d4 Contents plateau. Characters who take this route are not Surprised
by the singers.
1 A blue silk ribbon embroidered with the glyph for “zephyr,”
which crumbles into dust as soon as it’s touched
2 An amethyst cut in a strange twisted pattern
Encountering the Singers
A group of Listener scouts recently discovered the shrine,
3 A sapphire and a ruby, each worth 40 marks
and sent a group of warriors to defend the site while a
4 An arrowtip made of remarkably light, silvery metal
runner fetches their scholars. Depending on the number
A character with the Fabrial Crafting or Metallurgy of player characters, they face a number of warform
expertise recognizes the arrowtip as made of singers and nimbleform singers:
aluminum, and worth 300 marks. Number Warform Nimbleform
Any other remaining compartments are empty or of PCs Singers Scouts
permanently sealed shut. The mosaics on the wall depict 3–4 2 1
other scenes of the Knights Radiant. 5 2 2
6 2 3
Some of the mosaics are impossible to make out,
their colors lost to time. Others are brighter and The Listeners are immediately hostile toward humans.
depict Shardbearers in fanciful scenes: a figure in blue For generations, Listeners have found weapons and
surrounded by stylized clouds, another in red, wreathed artifacts in ruins like this. The Shattered Plains are
in flames. The clearest image depicts a woman in violet their land, and they’re prepared to defend the site.
Shardplate, her hand extended toward a figure with ivory
skin and red carapace.
Bridge Nine 23
Map 4: The Surface
Dallin Bifano
Bridge Nine 24
If any character took the northern exit, the
Listeners see them right away. A scout calls out:
“Stop!” A voice calls out as you step into the light. “Give up
anything you have taken!” Warform
The voice speaks with an intense, rhythmic cadence.
It is joined by the humming of other voices: Parshendi.
The armored warriors of the Shattered Plains, known to
kill humans on sight.
Steve Prescott
Bridge Nine 25
Not Worth Fighting. Characters notice that Vexla’s
hands are shaking (Insight). They can imply or
outright state that they could beat the Listeners in a
fight (Intimidation). They can deny that they found Vexla
anything of value in the ruins (Deception). Any of
these tests should raise the stakes. On a Complication,
an NPC takes an action that provokes Vexla, allowing
her to regain 1 focus. A character can spend an
Opportunity to make Vexla nervous and uncertain,
removing her Deadly Speed ability for the remainder
of this scene.
Katie Payne
Bridge Nine 26
This first adventure is complete, and the characters ◆ Alternately, if the characters negotiate effectively
advance to 2nd level. You can use the outcomes from this with Highprince Sadeas, or offer the Soulcaster to
adventure to build a campaign for your playtesting group! another prominent NPC, they could gain a powerful
If the characters discovered the Soulcaster (an artifact connection.
capable of transforming any substance into stone), If any NPCs survived the chasms, they can become
it could prove to be more of a curse than a boon: ongoing characters in your campaign. Eliah Matal is a
◆ If the characters openly attempt to sell the Soulcaster, stern but fair-minded noble who can serve as a potential
they gain the attention of Highprince Sadeas, who ally or patron.
offers no reward for it. He claims that it is the rightful Any surviving bridgemen are grateful to the player
property of the church and crown, a position that characters, especially if they buy out their debts or help
Alethi nobles will support. them escape. Keep in mind that if the characters use
◆ An attempt to sell the Soulcaster on the black illegal means to help the NPCs, they may run afoul of the
market yields a fraction of its value, no more than warcamp guards.
1,000 marks. Finally, any Radiant spren drawn to the characters
◆ The characters can choose to keep and use the during this adventure will continue to watch them closely.
Soulcaster, but they must repair it with new gemstones Choose the characters who have been marked the most
(which could be costly) and teach themselves how to for protection or freedom and let them known they have
use it (obtaining GM permission to take a skill rank in impressed a spren (see appendix: Spren NPCs). Those
Transformation after practicing its use in downtime characters may take the First Ideal (Windrunner) or First
for at least one full level). Ideal (Willshaper) talent as they advance to 2nd level.
Bridge Nine 27
Spren NPCs
Artist Credit TK
Appendix: Spren NPCs 28
Other Spren Remembrance. Tending to the forgotten, listening to
people that others have ignored. (Cultivationspren)
If this is your first Cosmere RPG adventure, you’ll have
Secrecy. Alluding to a dark secret or confessing a
your hands full without tracking a large cast of spren
painful truth. (Cryptic)
NPCs. However, you may still wish to make note of
Self-Mastery. Showing restraint, confronting fears, and
characters who demonstrate Radiant ideals (and the spren
maintaining emotional discipline. (Ashspren)
they can attract):
Tenacity. Demonstrating reliability, being there when
Justice. Upholding just laws, keeping a difficult vow, needed most, standing when others fall. (Peakspren)
and adhering to rules. (Highspren) Truth. Seeking knowledge and absolute truth when
Potential. Showing a relentless drive for self- others turn to easier answers. (Mistspren)
improvement, living up to one’s own potential.
Characters who live by the Ideals may draw other
Radiant spren in future sessions, which could ultimately
lead them to Radiant paths.