Background in Brief
Background in Brief
Background in Brief
Brief facts:
1. On 06.07.1982, UPSIDA had allotted Mortgaged Property to M/s DCM
Toyota Ltd.(hereinafter referred as “said company”). After agreement
dated 20.08.1982, possession of the Mortgaged Property was handed over
to the said company on the same day. A lease deed was executed in
favour of the said Company by UPSIDA on 20.11.1987 and vide letter
dated 05.04.1989, the said company was allowed to hypothecate the lease
hold rights of the mortgaged property.
(Para 3.1)
2. It is noted that Said company changed its name to “M/s. Daewoo Motors
Limited” and this fact was informed vide date mentioned. The UPSIDA
vide letter no. 2144 dated 03.07.1997 requested the company to produce
the documents related to shareholders of the company. The UPSIDA vide
letter dated 02.01.1999 and no. 3398 directed the company to deposit a
sum of Rs. 6,97,54,100/- as a transfer levy since most of the
Directors/shareholders of the company were changed akin to transferring
of the property. The amount of Rs. 6.97 Crore mentioned in the vide letter
dated 02.01.1999 was never deposited and therefore, pre-condition for
Daewoo Motors India Ltd. to hold and possess the Mortgaged property is
not satisfied. Any mortgage created after 02.01.1999 is not valid, illegal
and contrary to the pre-condition of deposit Rs. 6.97 Crore. On
13.01.1999, The company objected the levy vide letter dated levied by
(Para 3.2)
3. On 26.04.2002, ICICI Bank Ltd. filed Original Application against
Daewoo Motors (India) Ltd. to recover a sum of Rs. 511 Crore Approx
and enforce its mortgage on securities which was allowed and recovery
certificate was issued. On 08.08.2002, The Hon’ble DRAT ordered the
sale of the subject property either by public auction or by private treaty.
On 29.03.2005, ICICI Bank Ltd. assigned its rights to recover dues to
(Writ Petition)
4. Initially mortgaged property was mortgaged in favour of Industrial Credit
Investment Corporation which was later turned into ICICI Bank Ltd.
5. An auction was held in the year 2007 in the favour of M/s Pan India
Motors which was later cancelled on 22.11.2012 by the Ld. R.O. due to
non-compliance and defaults committed in payment of the sale
consideration by the M/s Pan India Motors. The open public auction held
on 29.01.2015 for Current Assets in the present Recovery proceedings
was successful at Rs. 3.22 Crore and another public auction held on
11.09.2015 for Plant & Machinery in the present R.P. was successful at
Rs. 83.01 Crore.
6. In addition to the above, 10 auctions conducted earlier on 30.10.2015;
25.11.2016; 29.09.2017; 05.11.2018; 18.01.2019; 11.04.2019;
07.09.2020; 21.12.2020; 25.02.2021 and 06.01.2022 were failed due to
non-receipt of any bid.
(Para 2.1)
7. 08.03.2023 The public e-auction was scheduled vide Sale Proclamation
dated at the reserved price of Rs. 310 Crore(at the realizable sale value of
the fresh re-evaluation report received on 22.02.2023) to be held on
18.04.2023. 17.04.2023 One bid was received from M/s IHDP Globals
Pvt. Ltd, since the sale Proclamation dated 08.03.2023 was set aside by
the Hon’ble P.O. DRT-2 Mumbai vide order dated 20.04.2023 in Appeal
No. 7 of 2003. Registry was directed on 28.04.2023 to release EMD
deposited by M/s IHDP Globals Pvt. Ltd. along with interest, if any, by
breaking FDR, if any, following due procedure in accordance with law.
(Para 2.1)
8. 31.03.2023 The UPSIDA claimed that it has to recover the dues of Rs.
777.84 Crores as encumbrance on the property in question.
It is the case of UPSIDA that it is the owner & landlord of the mortgaged
property and authorized to allot or take back the said plot in case it is not
getting used for the purpose for which it was allotted.
(Para 3.4)
9. On 03.07.2023, at the request of the counsel of CH ARC (ARCIL) fresh
sale proclamation of the mortgaged property was fixed at the reserve
price of Rs. 355 Crore for public e-auction on 17.08.2023. A Sale
Proclamation was issued on 06.07.2023.
(Para 2.2) written as 17.08.2023) 03 bids received for
participation in the open public e-auction scheduled to be held on
17.08.2023 from (i) M/s Shakuntalam (ii) M.s Trivesh (iii) M/s Chandra.
All three bids were found not in compliance of the terms and conditions
of the Sale Proclamation dated 06.07.2023. In order to maintain judicial
propriety by complying with the orders of the higher judicial Forums,
particularly the specific order dated 11.08.2023 passed by Hon’ble High
Court of Bombay, an opportunity was given to all three bidders to comply
with the pre-requisite conditions of Sale Proclamation. Next date of e-
auction was scheduled to 28.08.2023 with inspection 22.08.2023 and date
of submission of bid 24.08.2023. (Para 2.3)
11.In the auction notice dated 16.08.2023, it is specifically mentioned that
certain portion of the property which is put up for action is subject matter
of a proceeding before the Hon’ble High Court. However, a completely
different version is given to the Hon’ble High Court during the hearing
held on the date mentioned by ARCIL stating that the property which is
subject matter of the writ petition is not included in the auction sale.
Therefore, there are two inconsistent versions. ARCIL has misled this
Tribunal and attempted to flout the orders of Hon’ble Allahabad High
Court. (Para 3.8)
12. On 21.08.2023, In response to order dated 16.08.2023 M/s Chandra
Laxmi filed compliance vide inward No. 1970(84/23). 22.08.2023 M/s
Trivesh filed compliance vide Inward no. 85/23. 24.08.2023 M/s
Shakuntalam filed compliance vide Inward no. 86/23. 24.08.2023.
However new bid was received by M/s Authum in response to the
Corrigendum dated 16.08.2023. (Para 2.4) M/s Authum filed praecipe submitting therein that he has
mentioned the praecipe to intervene in Appeal on 25.08.2023 before the
hon’ble O.O., DRT-2 Mumbai. It has also been submitted that the hon’ble
P.O. rejected the said praecipe stating that he has passed the order on
24.08.2023 in the said appeal. (Para 2.5)
14. 28.08.2023 at 12.05 PM ARCIL filed Service Affidavits in respect of
Corrigendum dated 16.08.2023 and Inspection Report. (Para 2.6) at 4:30 PM Report of e-auction of the service Provider was
taken on record vide Exh-835 and M/s Shakuntalam was declared as the
highest successful bidder at Rs. 359.05 Crore in respect of the Mortgaged
Property. (Para 2.7)
16.In compliance of the order dated 24.08.2023 of the Hon’ble P.O., DRT-2
Mumbai, Registry was directed to transfer the EMD amount received
from M/s Shakuntalam in the specified account of ARCIL. As per the
affidavit of ARCIL, M/s Shakuntalam has deposited the entire balance
sale proceeds in the specified account of ARCIL in compliance of the
order dated 24.08.2023 and has also deposited the requisite Poundage Fee
in Compliance of the order terms and conditions of the sale proclamation
dated 06.07.2023 and order dated 28.08.2023. (Para 2.7)
17.On 21.09.2023 M/s Authum filed I.As. vide Exh.841 & 844 submitting
therein that no further steps to be taken by the Recovery Officer by
confirming the sale in favour of M/s Shakuntalam and no sale certificate
be issued in their favour, as M/s Authum is a bona fide participant who
has higher offer, but could not be allowed to participate only on account
of the order dated 24.08.2023 passed by the Hon’ble DRT-2 Mumbai
which restricted persons other than those who were prosecuting or
defending themselves in the proceedings before DRT-2 Mumbai.
(Para 2.8)
18.On 21.09.2023 UPSIDA filed its I.A. vide Exh-842 submitting therein
that the UPSIDA is the owner and landlord of the Mortgaged Property
and authorized to allot or take back the Mortgaged Property in case it’s
not getting used for the purpose for which it was allotted. UPSIDA is also
not desirous of causing any loss to CH ARC and hence willing to buy
back lease hold rights by paying a sum of Rs. 360 Crore and in alternate,
UPSIDA is ready and willing to offer up to 10% more than 355 crore
Reserve Price fixed by this Tribunal which comes to Rs. 390.50 Crore to
comply formalities of the auction and/or to participate in fresh auction.
(Para 2.9)
19.On 03.10.2023 M/s Shakuntalam filed affidavit in reply to the I.A. (Exh-
846) and application for confirmation to sale (Exh-847). On 03.10.2023
M/s Chandra Laxmi filed its I.A. vide Exh-848 levelling certain
allegations against the procedure and practice adopted by this Tribunal. It
has been submitted that M/s Chandra Laxmi is ready and willing to
outbid the highest bidder(M/s Shakuntalam) and would definitely raise a
(Para 2.10)
20.On 19.10.2023 In the interest of natural justice, one opportunity was
given to M/s Chandra Laxmi and M/s Authum to prove their bona fide
and were directed to deposit at least 10% of the offer made by M/s
Authum latest by 21.10.2023.
(Para 2.10)
21.On 23.10.2023 The records were called by the Hon’ble P.O. DRT-2
Mumbai, on 23.10.2023, the order could not be pronounced on the date.
The matter thereafter was adjourned to finally 01.12.2023. (Para 2.11)
22.On 01.12.2023 The records of present Recovery Proceedings were
received. The ld. Counsels for the parties concerned appeared and
submitted that the Hon’ble P.O. DRT-2 Mumbai, has passed an Order on
24.11.2023 in Appeal (D) No. 2208/2023 filed by M/s Shakuntalam.
Later in, Ld. Counsel for ARCIL filed the order dated 24.11.2023 vide
Exh-857. Vide the said Order dated 24.11.2023, the Hon’ble P.O. DRT-2
Mumbai, quashed and set aside the order of Recovery Officer’s dated
(Para 2.12)
23.Finally, RO heard the parties on all pending Applications filed by the
parties and vide date order 17.1.2024 set aside the auction in question in
favour of M/s Shakuntalam and passed other directions as below:
A. “I.A. filed vide Exhibit-842 read with Additional Affidavit (Exh-845)
along with Further Affidavit (Exh-849) filed by UPSIDA to the
ext4ent of their higher offers of Rs. 396.00 for participation in the
open public e-auction for the Mortgaged Property is allowed.
B. The I.A. filed vide Exhibit-841 & 844 by M/s. Authum Investment &
Infrastructure Limited to the extent of their higher offers of Rs.396.00
for participation in the open public e-auction for the Mortgaged
Property is allowed.
C. I.A. filed vide Exhibit-848 by M/s. Chandra Laxmi Enterprises Pvt.
Ltd. is dismissed for non-prosecution.
D. Application filed vide Exhibit-847 by M/s. Shakuntalam Landcraft
Private Limited for confirmation of sale of the Mortgaged Property is
E. Let the Mortgaged Property be put to open public e-auction with
Reserve Price of Rs.396,00,00,000/- (Rupees Three Hundred Ninety
Six Crore Only).
F. UPSIDA and M/s. Authum Investment & Infrastructure Limited are
directed to deposit Rs.396,00,00,000/- (Rupees Three Hundred Ninety
Six Crore Only) through demand draft/ pay order drawn in favour of
the "Recovery Officer, DRT-II, Mumbai, in R.P. No.1 of 2012 (TRP
No.2 of 2023) within 15 days from the date of its uploading on the
DRT's website. Out of said amount of Rs.396,00,00,000/- (Rupees
Three Hundred Ninety-Six Crore Only) each directed to be deposited
by UPSIDA and M/s. Authum Investment & Infrastructure Limited,
Rs.39,60,00,000/- be kept as EMD for proposed open public e-auction
auction. The decision with regard to the remaining amount shall be
taken after receipt of the said amount of Rs.396,00,00,000/- each from
UPSIDA and M/s. Authum Investment & Infrastructure Limited.
G. Out of the total amount deposited by the Successful Highest Bidder,
M/s. Shakuntalam Landcraft Private Limited, excluding Rs.35.50
Crore deposited by Mr. Ashish Gupta as EMD, Rs.39,60,00,000/-, be
kept as EMD on behalf of M/s. Shakuntalam Landcraft Private
Limited for proposed open public e-auction auction. The decision with
regard to the remaining amount shall be taken while issuing
sale proclamation.
H. ARCIL is directed to file on affidavit within one week clarification on
the present status with regard to Column No. 5 of the Schedule of
Property in the Sale Proclamation dated 06.07.2023 (Exh-811) vis-à-
vis Orders Dated 17.04.2023 and 16.08.2023 passed by the Hon’ble
Court of Uttar Pradesh.
I. No order as to the cost.”
Legal Analysis:
Relevant Provisions:
Provided that-
The facts in Eva Agro Feeds Pvt Ltd. (Supra) were that
even after cancelling the highest bid of the appellant, in the
subsequent sale notice dated 24.12.2021, Respondent No.2,
i.e., the Liquidator had again fixed the reserve price of the
subject property at Rs. 10.00 Crore which was the reserve
price in the previous round of auction sale and which was
also the bid value of the appellant. It was observed that post
auction it is not open to the Liquidator to act on third party
communication and cancel an auction, unless it is found
that fraud or collusion had vitiated the auction.
31. It is matter of record that the auctions have failed consistently. In our
view the order of the RO is not in accordance with the law. It was
required not to cancel the auction and to direct UPSIDA and M/s Authum
to deposit the equal amount deposited by M/s Shakuntalam and hold on
inter se bidding between them to fetch the best sale consideration. It is
correct that there is no provision in the DRT Act for inter se bidding but it
is not barred as well. In many other cases it has happened and there are
judicial precedents as well. Now M/s Shakuntalam need to file an appeal
within 30 days i.e., up to 17th Feb, 2024.