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CCSM Assignments

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Task 1...........................................................................................................................................................2
Task 2...........................................................................................................................................................5
Task 3.........................................................................................................................................................14
Single unified networking diagram........................................................................................................14
Detailed cost breakdown.......................................................................................................................15
Task 4.........................................................................................................................................................22
J. Boyle, RandyCorporate Computer Security (4th Edition) [Online]..........................................................23
Task 1
a) Schematic diagram

A symbolic and simplified representation of layout of the actual network system that is going to be built
for Digital Fortress. Certain additional features have been added to improve existing facilities.
Communication is made via the internet using standard facilities like mail server, application server, etc.

Fig: Schematic diagram

Traffic and volume calculation

For the following calculation, voice data is assumed to be of 1mn and video call to be of 50mb

Site Voice data per day Video data per day Basic/Multimedia data Staf
per day
Office 10 minutes of voice 10 minutes of video call 25 emails per day 7
call by 7 staffs by 4 staffs 15 attached emails of
Total: 10*7=70mb Total: 500kb each
10*4*60=2400mb Total:
IT server 15 minutes of voice 10 minutes of 3 staffs 20 emails per day 5
room call by 5 staffs Total: 10 attached emails of
Total: 15*5=75mb 10*3*60=1800mb 500kb each

For other sites

Site Voice data per day Video data per day Basic/multimedia data per No. of
day stafs
Data 25 minutes of 15 minutes of video call 25 emails per day 10
center voice call by 10 by 5 staffs 15 attached emails of 500kb
DC1 staffs Total: each
DC2 Total: 15*5*60=4500mb Total: 25*1+15*500=7.3mb
Factory 15 minutes of 10 minutes of video call 20 emails per day 5
voice call by 5 by 3 staffs 15 attached emails of 500kb
staffs Total:10*3*60=1800mb Total:20*1+15*500=7.34mb
Total: 15*5=75mb
Remote 15 minutes of 10 minutes of video call 25 emails per day 7
sites voice call by 7 by 5 staffs 20 attached emails of 500kb
staffs Total: each
Total: 10*5*60=3000mb Total:25*1+20*500=9.79mb
Data guard 10 minutes of 5 minutes of video call 15 emails per day 3
voice call by 3 by 2 staffs 10 attached emails of 500kb
staffs Total: 5*2*60=600mb each
Total: 10*3=30mb Total:15*1+10*500=4.89mb

b) List of additional product

i) Mail server:
ii) File server
iii) IP PBX
iv) Print server
v) Web server
vi) Application server

Additional features are further elaborated below:

i) Mail server: Mail server is simply an agent where mails sent over in the web is stored and
delivered. It works two ways by sending or receiving email to or from the sender and the
receiver. Service providers will have assigned a dedicated server for this particular purpose which
is beneficial in various ways such as security, privacy of information.

ii) File server: File server acts as an external hard drive for the entire company sites that are spread
across the region. The purpose of file server is to keep data and information secure from any
sorts of breach, or damage as servers are located in a secure area. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is
used to manipulated and circulate data among the users/sites.

iii) IP PBX: It is a telephone that can make use of the internet protocol to make audio and video
calls. The cost of calling through PBX is comparatively low hence, it is used to make remote calls.

iv) Print server: What print server does is it connects printers to computers and laptops in different
sites. Various printing tasks can be queued. It can also be used to assign tasks to other printers
on specific printing tasks.

v) Web server: Web server delivers files that form web pages to users in response to their requests.
Client computers communicate with the servers where request are made for web sites which is
then fulfilled by the server.

vi) Application server: Application server is a program in a distributed network that provides
business logic for an application program. What it does it provides client computers with
installation files and data. Once an application has been installed in the application server, it
saves a lot of time as other client computer can access it.

Task 2
a) Technical options for local communication
For data transmission and connection

i) Optical fiber: Pulses of light is passed through threads of glass which works as the
transmission medium. There are basically two types of fiber optic cable i.e. single mode
and multi-mode. Multi-mode is fiber with large core diameter. It can only be extended to
shorter amount of distance compared to single mode. Whereas, single mode only
supports single transmission of data but can comparatively be extend much more than
the multi-mode.

ii) Ethernet cable: Ethernet cable is one of the most used network cable on wired networks
to connect devices on local area network. Wires are twisted and insulated so as to
prevent Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). Some of the types of Ethernet cable are
CAT5, CAT6, CAT3, etc. CAT5 consists of four pairs of copper wire which supports Fast
Ethernet speeds up to 100Mbps. Unlike CAT5, CAT6 makes use of its all four pair of
copper wires which supports Gigabit Ethernet speeds up to 1Gbps. An improved version
of CAT6 named as CAT6a supports up to 10Gbps speed. Whereas, CAT3 stands as the
standard of copper cabling which supports up to 10Mbit/s of speed.

iii) Coaxial cable: It is a copper cable mostly used cable TV companies for home and
business use. It is sometimes used by telephone companies and also installed for
business Ethernet network. RG59 is the commonly used type of coaxial cable which
supports up to 100Gbps data transmission.

However, there will be an additional need for devices to establish the network between the sites which
are as follows:

i) Modem
ii) Application server
a. Mail server
b. Filer server

iii) Router: Often included as a part of a network switch, router is a devices that connects two
or more network. It decides to send information which is in form of packets to either sender
or receiver between networks. Information of receiver are included on the packet which is
then sent.
iv) Switch: A switch is a devices that directs incoming data to a specific output port or multiple
ports and will deliver the data to its proposed address. It is also used when multiple ports
are needed in a network to connect devices.

Network diagrams for each of the sites


Fig: Network diagram of Headquarter

Headquarter is based on the Tree network topology. Several other star topology is streamlined to one
single hub i.e. the main switch.

Fig: Network diagram for Factory


Data center
Fig: Network diagram for Data center

b) Technical options to link the company

Wide Area Network (WAN): WAN could be brought into use to connect all company sites together. Data
center 1, data center 2, factory, personal data guard and the headquarter itself are the sites of the
company that needs to linked. Thus, the technology to be used to link these different sites is the internet
under the TCP/IP protocol. A communication/sharing point between headquarter and the Cloud
computing has been established as the communication between the sites will be maintained through
Cloud technology.

Leased line: It is a telephone line that has been dedicated to a certain company to connect
geographically distant offices or sites. The cost of the line is determined by the distance between end

Virtual Private Network (VPN): VPN is establishing a secure connection which allows the networked
computers or devices to connect with public network in a secure and confidential manner. It is like
creating a private network between different sites. VPN creates a secure tunnel for data transmission
within a public network.


i) Secure connection for communication.

ii) Integrity of data is maintained while its transmission.
iii) It keeps data secure and encrypted from the reach of hacker.
iv) Significantly low installation and maintenance cost.


i) Implementation could be tedious due to its complex design.

ii) Security and integrity of data depends up the VPN provider.
Fig: VPN network
Cloud computing: Cloud computing can be termed as storing and accessing those data over the internet
rather than on the computer’s hard drive. It provides remote access to data, application and various
types of communication. Cloud computing is controlled by the vendor which reduces the workload on
the organization.

Fig: Cloud computing

c) Technical options to support easy communication between company and
remote sites

Fig: Easy communication network diagram

VSAT systems provide high speed, broadband satellite communications for Internet or private
network communications. VSAT is ideal for mining camps, vessels at sea, satellite news
gathering, emergency responders, oil & gas camps or any application that requires a broadband
Internet connection at a remote location

i) Capable of transmitting huge amount of data in minimum amount of time.
ii) Accessible for remote location.
iii) It able to scalable to larger extent according to customers’ requirement with low
incremental cost.
iv) It concentrates customers’ communication to one powerful and dynamic network which
makes it easier to adapt to changes in requirement if needed.


i) The cost of installation could be comparatively high.

ii) Maintenance cost is high.
Task 3
Single unified networking diagram

Fig: Single Unified Networking Diagram

Single unified network management controls both the wired and wireless network through a single
interface. A single unified network management product aids in manipulation and control of common
network function through a single workstation. The diagram above shows in detail the layout of network
for Digital Fortress.
Detailed cost breakdown
Cost A represents the higher cost of the hardware whereas Cost B represents relatively lower cost of
similar product.

Networking devices

Item No. Cost A Web source Total Cost B Web source Total
Router 4 $99.99 http://www.ebay.com/itm/T $399.96 $27.88 http://www.ebay.com/i $111.52
enda-AC15-High-Power-802- tm/Original-Xiaomi-
11ac-AC1900-Wireless-Dual- Router-Mini-Intelligent-
Band-Router-WiFi- 2-4GHz-5GHz-Dual-
Repeater-/272239597156? band-Wifi-1167Mbps-
hash=item3f62be9664:g:Tz0 BLK-/262404785300?
AAOSw7FRWXq51 hash=item3d188b4494
Switch 3 $94.00 http://www.ebay.com/itm/L $282.00 $32.00 http://www.ebay.com/i $96.00
(8 port) INKSYS-LGS308-8-PORT- tm/8-Port-1000-Mbps-
SWITCH-/191869197225? Switch-Network-
hash=item2cac4b9ba9:g:rM Gigabit-10-100-1000M-
gAAOSwe7BWumqF High-
POE 1 $57.26 http://www.ebay.com/itm/8 $57.26 $42.99 http://www.amazon.co $42.99
Etherne -Port-100Mbps-IEEE802-3af- m/TP-LINK-8-Port-
t switch POE-Switch-Power-over- Ethernet-Desktop-TL-
(8 port) Ethernet-for-IP-Camera- SF1008P/dp/B003CFAT
RS68-/321975827985? T2/ref=sr_1_1?
hash=item4af7413e11:g:3FY s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=14
AAOSwoydWl0xD 63203124&sr=1-1-

PBX 1 $479.0 http://www.amazon.com/U $479.00 $349.0 http://www.amazon.co $349.00

0 CM6108-innovative-IP-PBX- 0 m/Panasonic-KX-
appliance/dp/B00EDWEU1Q TDA50G-Hybrid-
/ref=sr_1_6? Control-
ie=UTF8&qid=1463203439& Unit/dp/B000T6A136/r
sr=8-6&keywords=ip+pbx ef=sr_1_4?

Modem 2 $57.00 http://www.amazon.com/N $114.00 $18.36 http://www.ebay.com/i $36.72

etgear-CM400-1AZNAS- tm/tp-link-td-8840-
DOCSIS-Download- ADSL2-4-port-Ethernet-
Upload/dp/B0111MRLES/ref Modem-
=sr_1_2? Router-/291755217267
s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=146320 ?
7310&sr=1- hash=item43edf75173:
2&keywords=modem g:5tMAAOSwX8RXHHB

Sever 7 $2399. http://www.amazon.com/Sy $16793.0 $1999. http://www.ebay.com/i 13993.0

(12 Bay 00 nology-RackStation-Diskless- 0 00 tm/NEW-Synology- 0
NAS Attached- RackStation-RS2414-
server) RS2414/dp/B00FOHWD2M/ NAS-Server-12-Bay-
ref=sr_1_12? Hard-Drive-Array-16TB-
s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=146320 HDDs-/301946862061?
7575&sr=1- hash=item464d6f79ed:
12&keywords=12+bay+nas+ g:CY8AAOSwe7BWvP3i

Analog 2 $185.6 http://www.ebay.com/itm/ $371.2 $34.50 http://www.amazon.co $69.00

telepho 0 Used-Cisco-ATA186-Analog- m/Grandstream-GS-
ne Telephone-adapter- HT702-Handytone-
adapter Tested-/311483358346? Telephone-
hash=item4885dadc8a:g:OA Adapter/dp/B007PEIHK
8AAOSwT5tWQxxG E/ref=sr_1_4?

Firewall 4 $661.9 http://www.walmart.com/ip $2647.96 $304.8 http://www.amazon.co $1219.2

9 /Cisco-ASA-5505-Firewall- 0 m/Watchguard-XTM-
Appliance-8-Port-1-x- Firewall-Appliance-
Expansion-Slot/46980497 WG025001/dp/B0077E

Total $22144.3 $15917.

8 43

Item No. Cost A Web source Total Cost B Web source Total
Desktop 14 $799.9 http://www.amazon.com/Ac $11199.8 $399.0 http://www.walmart.co $5586
comput 9 er-ATC-710-UR52-Desktop- 6 0 m/ip/HP-251-a123wb-
er Windows- Desktop-PC-with-Intel-
Professional/dp/B01A0ZRXH Pentium-J2900-
C/ref=sr_1_20? Processor-4GB-
s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=146320 Memory-21.5-Monitor-
9958&sr=1- 1TB-Hard-Drive-and-
20&keywords=desktops Windows-10-

Laptop 5 $626.9 http://www.amazon.com/De $3134.5 $369.9 http://www.amazon.co $1849.5

8 ll-Inspiron-I7548-7286SLV- 9 m/Asus-F555LA-AB31-
Touch-Screen- 15-6-Inch-i3-5010U-
Laptop/dp/B01E4G9U7O/ref Processor/dp/B011KFQ
=sr_1_5? ASE/ref=sr_1_3?
s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=146321 s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=14
0402&sr=1- 63210233&sr=1-
5&keywords=laptop+i7 3&keywords=laptop

Fax 4 $94.97 http://www.walmart.com/ip $379.88 $29.99 http://www.bestbuy.co $119.96

machine /Panasonic-Compact-Plain- m/site/brother-fax-575-
Paper-Fax-Copier-with- fax-phone-copier-
Answering-System-KX- black/7034194.p?
FP215/14291561? id=1099395715350&sk
action=product_interest&ac uId=7034194

Printer 10 $399.9 http://www.walmart.com/ip $3999.9 $182.0 http://www.amazon.co $1820.0

9 /Brother-HL-L8350CDW- 0 m/HP-OfficeJet- 0
Color-Wireless-Laser- Wireless-Printing-
Printer/36209359 A7F65A/dp/B00J8NBVY

Surveilla 20 $99.95 http://www.amazon.com/Sp $1999.00 $50.30 http://www.walmart.co $1006.0

nce y-Tec-Cirrus-Indoor- m/ip/Pyle-PIPCAM5-IP- 0
camera Security/dp/B00YZ8P3SM/re Camera-Surveillance-
f=sr_1_1? Security-Monitor-with-
s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=146321 WiFi/39672012

Smart 15 $49.96 http://www.walmart.com/ip $749.4 $23.54 http://www.walmart.co $353.1

card /HID-Global-Corporation- m/ip/Iogear-GSR212-
reader OMNIKEY-5021-CL- Smart-Card-Reader-
Contactless-Smart-Card- Contact-CableUSB-2.0-
Reader/45498995 Black/46971346

Smartph 10 $269.9 http://www.expansys- $2699.9 $199.0 http://www.walmart.co $1990.0

ones 9 usa.com/htc-desire-eye- 0 m/ip/T-Mobile- 0
unlocked-16gb-blue- Samsung-Galaxy-S4-
267911/ Prepaid-

Fire 18 $16.29 http://www.walmart.com/ip $293.22 $7.67 http://www.walmart.co $138.06

alarm /First-Alert-FIRST-ALERT- m/ip/First-Alert-FIRST-
SA304CN3-Smoke-Alarm- ALERT-SA303CN3-
Escape-Light- Battery-Powered-
FATSA304CN3/16326901 Smoke-Alarm-

Telepho 5 $131.9 http://www.amazon.com/Ci $659.95 $75.49 http://www.walmart.co $377.45

ne 9 sco-SPA525G2-5-Line-IP- m/ip/Avaya-4610SW-IP-
Phone/dp/B003UMCMU6/re Phone-Desktop-Wall-
f=sr_1_1? Mountable-Gray-VoIP-
s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=146321 1-x-Network-RJ-45-
2871&sr=1- Monochrome/4895792
1&keywords=ip+telephone 0

Projecto 2 $549.9 http://accessories.us.dell.co $1099.98 $299.8 http://www.amazon.co $599.6

r 9 m/sna/productdetail.aspx? 8 m/ViewSonic-PJD5155-
c=us&cs=04&l=en&sku=210- LightStream-
AEYJ Entertainment-

Projecto 2 $129.9 http://www.amazon.com/H $259.98 $74.95 http://www.walmart.co $149.9

r screen 9 omegear-120-HD- m/ip/100-D-Tripod-
Motorized- Portable-Projector-
Projector/dp/B00J22TM7Y/r Projection-16-9-Screen-
ef=sr_1_4? 87x49-Foldable-Stand-
s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=146321 1.3/33492870

RH radio 20 $292.5 http://www.amazon.com/Ea $5850.00 $225.0 http://www.amazon.co $4500.0

headset 0 rtec-Simultalk-Wireless- 0 m/RH16C-5-Watt- 0
System- Headset-Spotter-
Communications/dp/B00DR Package/dp/B01BTEMZ
HZ9IG/ref=sr_1_4? BC/ref=sr_1_1?
s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=146321 s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=14
8916&sr=8- 63218916&sr=8-
4&keywords=rh+radio+head 1&keywords=rh+radio+
set headset

Satellite 4 $75.99 http://www.ebay.com/itm/D $303.96 $39.99 http://www.ebay.com/i $159.66

dish ISH-Network-1000-2-HD- tm/Directv-Ka-Ku-
Antenna-Triple-DPP-LNB- HDTV-SlimLine-
Digital-Satellite-Finder- Satellite-Dish-
Compass-/111259348207? REFLECTOR-HD-
hash=item19e792ecef:g:KIA Antenna-Ka-Ku-SWiM-
AAOSwcL5XNgVg SWM-/170696229836?

Walkie 6 $76.99 http://www.walmart.com/ip $461.94 $27.95 http://www.walmart.co $167.7

talkie /4-COBRA-MicroTalk-28- m/ip/Cobra-CX-112-16-
Mile-22-Channel-Walkie- Mile-2-Way-Radio-
Talkie-2-Way-Radios-w-Vox- 2pk/23795137

Satellite 4 $720 http://www.vsatplus.com/pr $2880 $600 http://www.vsatplus.co $2400

router oducts/idirect-evolution-x3- m/products/idirect-
satellite-modems evolution-x1-dvb-s2-

Total $30742.4 $21216.

1 93


Item Cost A Web source Cost B Web source

MS Office $299.99 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Micr $253.99 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Microso
Home and osoft-Office-Home-and-Business- ft-Office-Home-Business-2013-1-
business 2016/46455768 PC/22257981
MS $174.34 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Micr $156.96 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Microso
windows osoft-Windows-8.1-Pro-64-bit- ft-Office-Home-Business-2013-1-
OS 8.1 pro License-and-Media-OEM-Volume- PC/22257981
64-bit PC/48607041

Total $474.33 $410.95


Item Cost A Web source

Cost of $25000 http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0711/the-cost-of-
recruitment hiring-a-new-employee.aspx
and training
of staffs
Amazon $1799.7 https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive/pricing
Task 4
Every task has its share of pros and cons. Similarly, the projected network system has its advantages and
disadvantages too. They are as follows:

Advantages are:

i) The system is made to fit the requirement criteria for the company.
ii) With cloud computing as one of its prime network medium, it is considered to be the future of
iii) The system has been developed with consideration to future requirements so as for the
company to be able to run efficiently for years to come.
iv) Room for upgrade and improvements.
v) Security and authenticity of data has been prioritized with the use of VPN network and firewall.
vi) The communication is highly secured as there is no direct communication between company
vii) Even the remotest of sites have access to reliable communication with headquarter.
viii) Various alternatives have been provided in term of different hardware, software, services and
their cost which gives high return on investment (ROI).
ix) Surveillance system aids in monitoring the main offices and server room which monitors all the
x) Biometric reader only allows access to designated and authorized personnel to company sites
which retains the authenticity and integrity of data and information.

Disadvantages are:

i) Setting up sites and network connection for instance setting up satellite requires trained
ii) To be able to operate networked devices and cloud computing flawlessly, the staffs may need
some additional training.
iii) Sharing of large information like video conferencing, file transfer, etc. on satellite communication
is comparatively costly.
iv) As VPN is a complex network to setup both in terms of hardware and software setting it up can
be quite of daunting task as trainers.


Conceptdraw, (2016) unified network diagram [Online]


J. Boyle, RandyCorporate Computer Security (4th Edition) [Online]


Amazon.com, (2015). Amazon.com: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs &

Stackoverflow (2016) ACID and database transaction [online]


searchsqlserver, (2016) application server [online]


amazon cloud drive, Cloud storage [online]


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