Ab 539 Engineered Composite Systems For Pressure Equipment Alterations
Ab 539 Engineered Composite Systems For Pressure Equipment Alterations
Ab 539 Engineered Composite Systems For Pressure Equipment Alterations
Table of Contents
FOREWORD ................................................................................................................... iv
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1
2.0 DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................... 2
3.0 REFERENCE PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................ 5
4.0 SCOPE AND REQUIREMENTS FOR ECSs ........................................................ 6
4.1 Responsibilities .......................................................................................... 6
4.1.1 Owner-user ..................................................................................... 6
4.1.2 Engineered Composite System Supplier ........................................ 6
4.1.3 Engineered Composite System Designer ....................................... 6
4.1.4 Engineered Composite System Installer Organization ................... 6
4.1.5 ABSA .............................................................................................. 7
4.2 Applicability ................................................................................................ 7
4.3 Limitations.................................................................................................. 8
4.4 Exclusions.................................................................................................. 8
4.5 Registration Requirements ........................................................................ 8
4.6 Alteration Reporting Requirements ............................................................ 9
5.0 ENGINEERED COMPOSITE SYSTEM ................................................................ 9
5.1 Engineered Composite System ................................................................. 9
5.1.1 Substrate ........................................................................................ 9
5.1.2 Surface Preparation ........................................................................ 9
5.1.3 Reinforcing Fibers ........................................................................ 10
5.1.4 Polymer Matrix .............................................................................. 10
5.1.5 Quality Assurance ........................................................................ 11
5.2 Engineered Composite System Material Qualification by Supplier .......... 11
5.2.1 Substrate and Surface Preparation .............................................. 12
5.2.2 Qualification Testing Requirements for ECSs Used on Type A
Defects..................................................................................................... 12
5.2.3 Qualification Requirements for ECSs used on Type B Defects .... 14
5.3 Engineered Composite System Qualification Report ............................... 15
5.3.1 Qualification Report– ECS Elements ............................................ 15
5.3.2 Qualification Report – Laminate (for ECSs used on Type A
Defects) ................................................................................................... 15
5.3.3 Cure Data – Laminate................................................................... 16
5.3.4 Qualification Report – Filler .......................................................... 16
5.3.5 Qualification Report – Primer (if relevant) ..................................... 16
5.3.6 Qualification Report – Adhesion ................................................... 16
5.3.7 Qualification Report – Short Term Pipe Spool Survival Test ........ 17
5.3.8 Qualification Report – Energy Release Rates (for ECSs used on
Type B Defects) ....................................................................................... 17
5.4 Short Term Pipe Spool Survival Test ....................................................... 17
5.4.1 Method.......................................................................................... 17
5.4.2 Test Report ................................................................................... 19
5.5 Qualification for use of ECS’ on Type B Defects on Other Substrates or
using Other Methods of Surface Preparation ........................................... 19
As provided for under Section 40 of the Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation, the
Administrator in the pressure equipment discipline has established that ABSA document
AB-539 “Engineered Composite Systems for Pressure Equipment Alterations”
provides guidelines and specifies requirements that must be met for registration of
alteration designs and procedures that include engineered composite systems.
This document was developed to establish the requirements for the use of engineered
composite systems in the post-construction alteration activities of pressure equipment.
Use of an engineered composite system may be considered, if there is a valid technical
and safety justification, to provide for the safe and continued operation of pressure
equipment that is not compliant with the original registered design until the equipment
can be repaired, altered, or replaced. The pressure equipment owner-user is
responsible for determining if the use of an engineered composite system is appropriate
and if the installation and use can be safely performed.
This document assumes that an integrity and defect assessment has already been
performed and a decision has been made to consider use of an engineered composite
system. This document does not establish guidelines or requirements for pressure
equipment integrity assessments, or defect assessments.
This document does not provide all the necessary information required to perform a
pressure equipment alteration using an engineered composite system. It is the
responsibility of the owner-user, in conjunction with any other organization responsible
for the design, manufacturing, or installation of engineered composite systems, to
ensure that all of the necessary engineering, installation, and safety requirements are
addressed for any given installation.
ASME PCC-2 Part 4 Article 401, and ISO 24817 are standards defining the
requirements for the external application of engineered composite systems to damaged
pressure equipment. Information from these publications, and other relevant good
engineering practices, has therefore been referenced in the applicable sections of this
document to provide guidance on the qualification, design, installation, testing,
inspection, and removal of engineered composite systems.
This requirements document was developed through consultation with the public, plant
owner-users, engineered composite system suppliers, installer organizations, the
Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan, and other stakeholders; their input has
been invaluable in compiling this document. The scope, recommended use and
limitations established by this document reflect common and practical use of ECS for
alteration of pressure equipment. With intent of further consultations, available relevant
information, acquired knowledge and experience, the scope, recommended use and
limitations may be modified in future editions of this document.
Note: Examples of some acceptable accreditation bodies that provide accreditation for testing programs
includes but is not limited to: The Standards Council of Canada (SCC), American Society for Testing and
Materials, the U.S. Department of Defense, American Association for Laboratory Accreditation, National
Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program (NADCAP)
Filler material – material used to repair external surface imperfections prior to the
application of the composite / laminate
Heat distortion temperature – the temperature at which a standard bar of the resin
polymer deflects by a specified amount under a given load
Note: Installation instructions are used as input for the ECS procedure specification.
Note: Composites are composed of discrete lamina or layers which are wrapped or stacked,
one on top of the other. This stacked construction is the laminate. Common alternate terms
used in industry include: repair laminate, and composite material.
Method statement – describes the main procedures carried out prior to and during
ECS applications that are generic in nature for a particular ECS and include the
following information: Health and safety, quality assurance, installation procedure and
environmental information
Owner – a lessee, a person in charge, a person who has care and control and a person
who holds out that the person has the powers and authority of ownership or who for the
time being exercises the powers and authority of ownership
Post cure – additional elevated temperature applied after resin has hardened to ensure
the required glass transition temperature is achieved
Resin – all of the components that make up the matrix portion of a composite
Note: In the context of this document, the wording in the above definition” result of operating pressure
equipment “includes risks related to performing activities for the use of an ECS, while the pressure
equipment is in operation.
Type A Defect – a defect within the substrate, not through-wall and not expected to
become through-wall within the design lifetime of the ECS
Type B Defect – a through-wall defect or a defect within the substrate where at the end
of service life the remaining wall thickness is less than 1 mm
Work Pack – describes the job specific procedures related directly to the procedures
carried out prior to and during ECS application and include the following information:
Scope of work, health and safety, risk assessment, ECS details, Installer qualification
level and specific installation instructions
The following publications have been referenced in this document in a way that some or
all of their content is used as a requirement of this document. Only the referenced
editions listed apply.
The organizations that are involved in the use of ECS shall have access to these
referenced standards, in order to use this AB-539 document.
ISO 8501 – 1:2007 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products — Visual assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 1: Rust grades
and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall
removal of previous coatings
SSPC-SP 10/NACE No. 2, Near-White Blast Cleaning -The Society for Protective
Coatings (SSPC); National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE); The
Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP)
SSPC-SP2, Hand Tool Cleaning-The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC); The
Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP)
SSPC-SP 3, Power Tool Cleaning-The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC); The
Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP)
SP 11, Bare Metal Power Tool Cleaning-The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC);
The Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) Association
SSPC-SP 15, Commercial Grade Power Tool Cleaning-The Society for Protective
Coatings (SSPC); The Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP)
The use of ECSs on pressure equipment may introduce new risks which may further
damage pressure equipment and cause the pressure equipment to fail. Some examples
of the new risks include, but are not limited to, new damage mechanisms initiated under
the composite material, and development of operating and residual stresses due to
constrained differential expansion. It is the owner-user’s responsibility to assess and
address all applicable risks and the impact of damage mechanisms, failure modes, and
the addition of operating and residual stresses when an ECS is used.
4.1 Responsibilities
4.1.1 Owner-user
ECS designers shall ensure that the design of the ECS conforms with all
owner-user design specifications, shall have adequate training and shall
be deemed competent by the pressure equipment owner-user, in the
design, application, inspection, and re-evaluation of ECSs.
ECS installer organizations shall ensure that the ECS is installed to the
satisfaction and acceptance of the owner-user, and conforms to the
registered alteration procedure. The ECS installer organization shall have
4.1.5 ABSA
ABSA shall review ECS designs and procedures for pressure equipment
alterations. This is intended to ensure, within reasonable bounds, that the
relevant technical requirements are documented and addressed by the
owner-user and its representatives, and that all administrative
requirements are met for the purpose of ECSPS and alteration procedure
registration, installation and maintenance.
4.2 Applicability
Refer to Annex A for complete applicability details for each general pressure
equipment category.
1) Design pressure refers to the pressure equipment maximum allowable working
pressure (MAWP) registered with ABSA in accordance with PESR Section 19(1)(-v).
1) Refer to Annex A for complete applicability details
2) This table does not apply to ECS maintenance activities. Refer to Section 6.1.3 of this
document for maintenance and monitoring requirements. It is intended that the maintenance
and monitoring procedures will include the post-installation examination and testing
recommendation provided in Table 8.3 of this document.
4.3 Limitations
4.4 Exclusions
The following types of composite systems do not meet the requirements of this
Refer to Annex B for detailed requirements for ECSPS and alteration procedure
After the ECS installation is complete, the alteration of the affected pressure
equipment shall be inspected, verified and certified on an alteration data report
acceptable to ABSA.
Limitations on the elements allowed for the ECSs are specified in this section.
5.1.1 Substrate
b) Power tool cleaning to ST-3 (SSPC SP3, SP11 and SP15). The
tools and method used in qualification testing shall be defined in
the test reports.
a) Polyester resins
b) Vinyl ester resins
high-alloy steel, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.) for which use of the
ECS is desired.
- The same cure schedule shall be used for all test samples and
specified in the qualification record/report.
a) ECS supplier qualifies the ECS.
b) ECS supplier develops installation instructions for the use of the ECS.
c) ECS installer develops engineered composite system procedure
specification (ECSPS) based on those instructions.
d) ECS installer qualifies the ECSPS.
V-notched beam
shear test (ASTM
Report cure schedule and test
Shear modulus G D5379) or V-
notched rail shear
test (ASTM D7078)
EN 59, ISO 868,
Report cure schedule and test
Barcol or Shore D Hardness ASTM D2583, or
ASTM D2240
ISO 11359-2, ASTM
Thermal expansion coefficient in axial
E831, or ASTM
ISO 11359-2, ASTM
Thermal expansion coefficient in E831, or ASTM
circumferential direction D696
The data recorded in accordance with the requirements in Section 5.2 of this
document shall be presented using a format equivalent to that shown in this
Test Report
Property Detail Symbol Value Units
Test temperature Ttest °C / °F
Tensile strength Circumferential sc MPa / ksi
Tensile strain to failure Circumferential fc %
Tensile modulus Circumferential Ec GPa / ksi
Tensile strength Axial sa MPa / ksi
Tensile strain to failure Axial fa %
Tensile modulus Axial Ea GPa / ksi
Ply thickness tlayer mm / in
Poisson's ratio Circumferential ca
In-plane shear modulus Circumferential G GPa / ksi
µin / in / °F
Coefficient of thermal
Circumferential c or mm /
mm /°C
µin / in / F
Coefficient of thermal
Axial a or mm /
mm / °C
Shore D hardness
Barcol hardness
Cure Time
Property Symbol Temperature Value Units
Tg °C / °F
Glass transition
Test Report
Property Detail Symbol Value Units
Compressive modulus Filler GPa / ksi
Compression strength Filler GPa / ksi
Glass transition Detail cure
Filler °C / °F
temperature schedule
Test Report
Property Detail Symbol Value Units
Glass transition Detail cure
Primer °C / °F
temperature schedule
Substrate tested
Surface preparation method tested
Surface roughness measured
Number of layers used to measure LCL
Cure time and temperature before testing
Test temperature °C / °F
Property Symbol Test Report Reference Value Units
Energy release rate LCL J/m
This section establishes and describes the test method to be used for
demonstration that an ECS is suitable for application on a type A defect. The
purpose of this test is to confirm the ECS has acceptable inter-laminar shear and
bond strength. It demonstrates the structural integrity of an ECS up to the yield
level of the original pipe.
5.4.1 Method
g) A laminate shall be applied over the defect in the test spool and
shall survive a test to the pressure Pf.
h) The thickness of the laminate expressed in terms of number of
layers shall be calculated using the equation below, where ts is
the remaining wall thickness of the pipe spool at the defect and
sc is the characteristic tensile strength of the ECS in the hoop
direction and tlayer is a layer (ply) thickness.
1 𝑃𝑓 𝐷
𝑛𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟𝑠 = ⌈ ( − 𝑠𝑠𝑎 𝑡𝑠 )⌉
𝑡𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑐ℎ 2
D l w
Figure – Schematic of defect to be used for short-term burst test, where l > D/2
and w > D/4
A report shall be prepared giving the test conditions, depth of wall loss for
which the ECS has been qualified, details of the ECS, the pressure test
result and the maximum wall thickness that can be altered using an ECS.
Where an ECS has been fully qualified for one substrate and method of surface
preparation, this simplified qualification procedure may be used for other
Only three tests are required to be completed. The three tests should be identical
to three of the nine tests in terms of laminate thickness and defect size used in
the full qualification test program. mean,substrate2 shall be the mean value of the
three tests completed.
- Fiber orientations
- Fiber content in each orientation
- Total fabric mass per unit area
One test shall be considered applicable to all ECS polymers that use the same
application method. For example, it only needs to be completed using a low
temperature ECS variant where both low and high temperature systems are
offered, provided both systems have been fully qualified separately otherwise,
and both systems have the same form (e.g. both are liquid epoxies). The tests
must be repeated where the ECSs utilize different polymers, for example:
- Repeat for both epoxy and polyurethane systems even if they use the
same reinforcement fabric styles
- Repeat where the form of the polymer changes between ECSs (e.g. for
liquid epoxy systems and pre-impregnated epoxy systems even if they
use the same reinforcement fabric styles)
A laminate of twice the thickness used in the qualification tests in section 5.2.3 of
this document shall be applied to the tee with overlaps satisfying requirements of
ISO 24817:2017, equation (18). The cure time and temperature shall be
equivalent to that used for the tests in section 5.2.3 of this document.
Internal pressure shall be applied and the value at which the laminate begins to
leak shall be recorded. The test will only be considered valid if the failure takes
the form of delamination of the laminate from the substrate, followed by leaking
for the edge of the laminate. Results shall be discarded if failure results through
weeping through the laminate or yielding of the substrate. In this event, a new
test shall be completed using a larger hole size.
The pressure at which the leak is recorded shall be equal to or greater than the
pressure predicted for the thickness of laminate used in the qualification tests in
section 5.5 of this document using ISO 24817:2017 equation (12), with factors fT2
and fleak set to 1 and the value of LCL derived in section 5.2.3 of this document.
5.7 Requalification
If the modified ECS is found to be of lower performance than the original system,
then it shall be treated as a new system and validated according to section 5.2 of
this document.
Requalification tests shall include the testing specified in Table and
Table of this document.
5.8.2 Responsibilities
Responsibilities shall be defined and assigned within the work pack and
accepted by all parties involved. In addition to the responsibilities defined
in the work pack:
ECS design requirements shall be determined by applying the methods given in ISO
24817:2017 Section 7.5, implemented as described here. All requirements of ISO
24817 Section 7.5 not specifically mentioned here shall be applied as written in the
The owner-user has the ultimate responsibility for all pressure equipment within
their care and control. The owner-user is required to determine that the ECS is
suitable for intended application and service conditions, and that the ECS
provides for an equivalent standard of safety to the altered pressure equipment.
In addition, the owner-user shall ensure that the use of ECS and the subject
equipment is managed safely and meets or exceeds all technical, safety, and
regulatory requirements. The owner-user shall have implemented an effective
quality management system (AQP-8000 series PEIMS / IMS) that meets and
conforms to the requirements defined in Section 9 of this document.
The owner-user shall perform a risk assessment, and accept the risks
related to installation and maintenance of an ECS. The owner-user may
seek input from the ECS supplier (where required) as per ISO 24817:2017
Section 7.1.
The ECS and the subject pressure equipment shall be maintained and
monitored to ensure the continued safe operation until a permanent repair,
alteration, or replacement can be made and the ECS safely removed. A
description of the methods of maintenance and monitoring that will be
used while the ECS is installed shall also be established. The frequency of
maintenance and monitoring shall consider the type of ECS, accessibility,
process fluid, service conditions, and the risk assessment results. ECS
suppliers shall provide recommendations to the owner-user for
maintenance and monitoring of the ECS that shall be considered by the
owner-user and implemented into the owner-user’s maintenance and
monitoring plan.
The owner-user shall specify a date when the ECS will be removed and
the pressure equipment permanently repaired, altered, or replaced (i.e.
shall specify the design lifetime of the ECS).
The owner-user shall keep all pertinent information regarding each ECS
until the ECS is removed and the pressure equipment is repaired, altered,
or replaced. The records of each ECS shall be available for ABSA audits.
In addition, each record shall include:
a) Risk assessment
b) Technical justification
c) Detailed design records
d) Root cause analysis
e) Installation procedure (including QA records)
f) Maintenance and monitoring records
g) Re-evaluation records
h) Removal confirmation date by the owner-user
i) Certificate of alteration
j) Any other pertinent information as may be needed to establish
evidence of safe installation and operation of the ECS and
associated equipment
Where the environment is strongly acidic (pH < 3.5), strongly alkaline (pH > 11),
highly saline, or is a strong solvent, e.g. methanol, glycol, benzene and toluene in
concentration greater than 25%; and the repair will be exposed to the line
contents (type B defects only), the ECS supplier shall provide written evidence to
demonstrate the basis on which they have determined the compatibility with the
ECS. This may include:
a) Testing (in which case the test details including test method, environment,
temperature, exposure times, and properties followed must be specified)
b) Experience (in which case successful experience must be documented
including environment, temperature, and time in service)
c) Expert opinion (in which case the basis for the decision should be
The post-cure heating requirements for the ECS shall be specified in the output
of the ECS design assessment and be part of the ECSPS. Post-cure heating
requirements are defined below:
The laminate shall be heated in line with a post-cure cycle verified during
qualification testing to achieve a glass transition temperature of at least
20°C above the operating temperature if:
Yes Yes
Calculated laminate thicknesses shall be < D/12 for pipes of 6” outside diameter
or greater.
Calculated laminate thicknesses shall be < D/6 for pipes below 6” outside
Refer to Annex E of this document for guidance on the design for type B
through-wall defects.
The laminate shall extend beyond the defect by at least the maximum of 50 mm
and the amount determined using ISO 24817:2017, equation 18.
The overlap shall also comply with the considerations in equation 19 when ECSs
have been designed using ISO 24817:2017, equation 12.
Owner-user and installer organizations shall establish and document the competency
requirements for all personnel involved with the installation and inspection of ECSs. The
competency requirements shall consider elements such as qualifications, experience,
and skill in assessing and certifying the competency of those who install and inspect
7.1.1 Training
7.1.2 Qualification
7.2.1 Training
The owner-user is responsible for assuring that the overall quality control, detailed
examinations, tests, and retention of records associated with alterations using ECSs are
performed. All records shall be retained for the duration of the installed life of the ECS.
The owner-user may designate specific examination and testing activities to responsible
parties. The responsible parties for each criterion identified below shall be identified on
an inspection and test plan acceptable to both the owner-user and installer organization
prior to commencing the alteration.
8.1 Pre-Installation
with ISO
Surface In accordance with the ECS design and
8501-1 or
cleanliness registered ECSPS
Visual, replica
Surface tape with
In accordance with the ECS design and
preparation and micrometer,
registered ECSPS
anchor profile digital surface
Defect nature and dimensions are within the
Defect limits of the ECS design, registered ECSPS, Visual, UT, RT
and installer competency
Free of protruding sharp edges and in
Geometry accordance with the ECS design and Visual
registered ECSPS
Confirm that any leak sealing device used
has stopped the leak;confirm size of leak
Leaking defect Visual
sealing device is within defect size
considered in design of ECS
Packaging / Sealed, clear labels with batch number and
8.2 In-Process
Temperature &
specified by the Manufacturer and the instrument
atmospheric dew point temperature.
Area is shielded from adverse weather
conditions, including moisture for the Visual
duration of the installation.
In accordance with the ECS design, the
Surface Calibrated
registered ECSPS, and at least 3°C above
Temperature instrument
Application Visual
In accordance with the ECS design.
of ECS1
1. Application of ECSs includes installation technique, mixing ratio, laminate length, layer
count, fabric orientation, pits, wrinkles, dry spots, foreign matter, and polymer color.
8.3 Post-Installation
Delamination /
and ECS
Edge Lifting
External Corrosion None allowed Visual
Verify axial extent, taper length, and
Geometry laminate thickness are as per the ECS Visual
Pressure In accordance with code of construction and Per code of
Resin Rich
1. Surface defects include pits, wrinkles, dry spots, foreign matter, polymer color, impact
damage, etc.
2. Pressure testing is required except as exempted below.
The owner-user may waive the pressure test when the ECS is installed on live
pressure equipment. In order to waive the pressure test, the owner-user shall ensure
that the following additional requirements are met:
a. The owner-user shall perform a risk assessment to assess and accept the risks
related to waiving of the pressure test.
b. A service test shall be performed after installation of the ECS utilizing process
fluid in accordance with owner-user specification for not less than 10 minutes.
c. Additional daily monitoring shall be performed during the first two weeks of
The owner-user and the ECS installer organization shall be satisfied that the
ECS Supplier has implemented an effective quality management system (ISO
9001 or equivalent).
9.3 Owner-Users
Category ‘D’
Type of Defect
(Note 1)
1) The defect size permitted for temporary alteration using an ECS shall be established
during design of the ECS.
2) Leaks resulting from through-wall penetrations shall be stopped before application of
the ECS.
Use of ECSs on piping systems designed and constructed for CSA Z662
steam distribution pipeline applications, as defined by AER Directive 077,
is not within the scope of this document.
A.2 Boilers
Boilers and boiler external piping shall not be altered using ECSs.
Pressure Vessels, thermal liquid heating systems, and fired-heater pressure coils
shall not be altered using ECSs.
Both registrations shall be obtained prior to starting any physical work. A submitter of an
ECSPS is responsible to communicate to the owner-user any applicable conditions
and/or limitations of the procedure registration.
For complex designs, an Alberta safety codes officer may require the involvement of a
Professional Engineer in accordance with applicable provincial legislation.
Refer to Figure B.4 of this document for guidance on the typical ECS workflow process
and responsibilities associated with ECS activities.
ECSPSs shall be submitted to the ABSA for review and registration. The
information to register this type of procedure includes the following:
The contents of the ECSPS shall meet the requirements of this document
and describe all variables for each ECS. These variables shall align with
the ECS qualification, design requirements in Sections 5.0 and 6.0 of this
document. The information required to be in the ECSPS may be in any
format, written or tabular, to fit the needs of each organization, as long as
every variable is included or referenced.
The contents of the ECSPS shall meet the requirements of this document
and document all variables for each test coupon. All variables, if recorded,
shall be the actual variables (including ranges) as determined from the
test coupons. If variables are not monitored during installation on the test
coupon, they shall not be recorded. It is not intended that the full range of
a given range of variables to be used in production be used during
qualification, unless required due to a specific variable or based on
direction from the ECS supplier. The information required to be in the
ECSPQR may be in any format to fit the needs of each organization, as
long as every variable is included. Also the type of tests, number of tests,
and test results shall be listed in the ECSPQR.
The purpose of the alteration procedure registration is to confirm that the owner-
user has completed the necessary steps to install an ECS safely. The information
to register an ECS alteration procedure includes the following:
a) Owner-user’s name
b) Plant location and address
c) Code of construction, including the relevant edition which the pressure
equipment is compliant with
d) ECS installation location
- For piping, the line number and copies of the registered line list,
P&ID, and isometric drawing showing the installation location
e) The design pressure and temperature
f) Details on the damage mechanism and size / type of defect
g) Details of the ECS design, dimensions, and installation requirements
h) Material specifications
i) ECS procedure specification number
j) Inspection and testing details
k) Design calculations, including the design life of the composite laminate
l) A report of physical tests conducted for the purpose of establishing the
working pressure of the altered pressure equipment (if applicable)
m) Risk assessment summary, including the root cause
n) Maintenance and monitoring details, including for emergency mitigation
o) Timeline for the permanent repair, alteration, or replacement of the
pressure equipment
Any other information that is necessary to determine if the ECS is suitable for
The installer organization is responsible for completing the ECS alteration report
and ensuring that the report:
Provincial Quality Prog. No.: Expiry Date:
Location of Installation
Pressure Piping
Provincial Piping Design Registration No. Composite System Design Responsibility
Owner Alteration Organization
Engineered Composite System Procedure Specification
Provincial Registration No. Engineered Composite System Procedure Specification No.(s) Used
Provincial Registration No. Engineered Composite System Procedure Specification No.(s) Used
Construction Code
Construction Code:
Min and Max Min and Max
Drawing & Rev. Fluid (air / Des. Press. C.A Original Pipe NPS &
Des. Temp. Oper. Temp. Pipe Mat’l Spec & Grade Pipe Coating (existing) NDE
No., and Line No. steam / etc.) (kPa) (mm) Schedule
(°C) (°C)
Nature of Defect:
Surface Roughness / Anchor Profile Specification: Time from completion of surface preparation to application of 1 st layer:
Minimum Temperature During Curing (°C): Maximum Temperature During Curing (°C):
Non-Destructive Examination (Specify type and extent)
Pressure Test
Test Pressure (kPag): Test Type (i.e. Code, service leak, etc.): Test Medium:
Certificate of Compliance
I certify that the statements made in this Report are correct and that all design, material, construction and workmanship on this alteration conform to the requirements of the
Provincial Regulations.
Alteration Organization Name: Quality Program Reg’n No.: Program Expiry Date:
Authorized Representative:
*Include inspector’s National Board commission number and/or provincial certificate number.
Owner’s Statement
As an official, or designate, of the Owner, having responsibility for the integrity and regulatory compliance of the pressure equipment, I accept use of the installed engineered
composite system and all risks associated with its use in this alteration to ensure safe operation of the subject pressure equipment.
I also certify that I have reviewed the details of the ECS installation and confirm that it complies with the User’s Design Specification and registered design specific to this
Official, or designate, of the Owner:
*Include inspector’s National Board commission number and/or provincial certificate number.
The ECS procedure specification, at a minimum, shall demonstrate that the ECS
meets the requirements of this document, and contains the following information:
The PQR is a record of variables recorded during the qualification of the ECS by
the ECS installer organization, using test coupons. It also contains the test
results of the tested specimens by the ECS supplier. Recorded variables for each
PQR normally fall within a small range of the actual variables covered by the
The ECS PQR, at a minimum, shall demonstrate that the test coupon installation
meets the requirements of this document as derived from the PQR test coupons,
and contain the information required by Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7 of
this document.
ISO 24817 and ASME PCC-2 include four calculation methods that can be used to
reliably assess the leak-sealing pressure limits of a repair. This annex explains the
assumptions and limitations of the models and gives guidance on how to select and
apply them accordingly.
The objective of the following graphics is to give a guide on how to select the
most appropriate model provided by the standards for common applications.
Guidance is also given on selecting a relevant defect size to use in the
calculations to ensure the predicted repair performance will match that achieved
in practice. The following text refers to equation numbers in ISO 24817:2017 and
uses SI units only for clarity.
It is recommended that the size of defect used in ISO 24817:2017 formulas (12)
to (15) should be at least 15mm. Defect sizes below 15 mm may be considered if
supported by engineering, and analyses acceptable to ABSA are provided.
Defect sizes below 10 mm shall not be used.
The energy release rate value used with ISO 24817:2017 equation 14 shall be
the lower of the value derived in qualification testing and 200 J/m2 unless
supported by engineering, and analyses acceptable to ABSA are provided.
If there is any doubt about how the pressure will load the repair interface then
assessing performance using equation 14 of ISO 24817:2017 (with a relevant
value of energy release rate) will generally give a lower bound to expected