04 474
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04 474
Prepared for:
July 8, 2004
Synthesis of Material Specification for 100-year Service Life of
Corrugated High Density Polyethylene Pipe
Due to the long required time to fulfill the entire test protocols defined in the full specification,
the Department is creating an interim materials specification, discussed below. The interim
specification is developed based on technical information and specifications of polyethylene
used in other applications, such as gas pipes and geomembranes.
For products made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), their long-term performance is
basically governed by two mechanisms: stress crack resistance (SCR) and oxidation resistance
(OR). The relationship between these two mechanisms with respect to the service life of the
product is illustrated in the flow chart in Figure 1. For scenario (1), the stress cracking takes
place before oxidation degradation is occurring in the pipe. For scenario (2), the failure of the
pipe is governed by the oxidation degradation, which would lead to multiple brittle cracking in
the pipe. The SCR and OR can be evaluated separately or together. When both properties are
tested simultaneously, it is believed that the synergistic effect of stress and oxidation has
greater challenging to the material. The tensile stress enlarges micro-defects in the material
and provides greater opportunity for oxygen to diffuse into the material and react with the
The first draft interim specification for 100-year design life of corrugated HDPE pipes was
proposed in September 2003, as shown in Table 1. The specification consists of two parts
addressing the SCR and OR of the pipe. For the SCR evaluation, the junction and longitudinal
profiles of the pipe are tested under a tensile stress of 250 psi in water at 80oC for duration of
1260 hours. The test duration of 1260 hr was based on the Popelar’s shift factor and 100 years
service life at 20oC. For oxidation degradation, the initial oxidative induction time (OIT) of 25
minutes was required as well as the OIT retained value after water incubation at 85oC after 90
In the last 6 months, new technical information has been reviewed, evaluated and
discussed. The industry put forward the ISO 9080 standard “Plastics Piping and Ducting
Systems – Determination of Long-Term Hydrostatic Strength of Thermoplastics Materials in
Pipe Form by Extrapolation” in which a list of shift factors is provided to extrapolate the SCR
data from different elevated testing temperatures to the site temperature. The shift factors in the
standard are obtained based on the Arrhenius equation and should provide greater confidence
in the extrapolation than the Popelar’s shift factors.
For the OR of the pipe, the variety of antioxidant packages used in the corrugated PE pipes
creates uncertainty in the interpretation of the OIT test results. It has found that the OIT
depletion rate varies significantly among different antioxidant packages, particularly in the water
environment. Unless the correlation between OIT and mechanical degradation is established,
the OIT retained value of a water incubated pipe sample may give misleading information on the
OR of the pipe. Figures 2 to 4 show the response of four material properties in 200 days of
water incubation at a temperature of 85oC for three different pipes. The mechanical properties
and melt index value remain constant throughout the incubation period. Contrary, the OIT
values in all three pipes decrease rapidly in the first 90 days and then level off at approximately
10% OIT retained value (2 to 4 minutes). The test data suggest that the onset of the oxidation
does not occur in a water environment at this low level of OIT due to the low concentration of
oxygen. Thus, the mechanical property together with OIT test should be used to determined the
OR performance.
In this document, the revised interim specification is presented together with the supporting
technical information. In addition, the full specification is developed based on the uncertainly of
the interim specification.
Table 2 shows the details of the revised interim specification, which targets both SCR and
OR using a single test.
This section of the document describes the technical information that is used to determine
the required values in the revised interim specification.
In the revised interim specification, the SCR and OR are evaluated simultaneously using a
constant tensile stress test on pipe junctions and longitudinal profiles. The reaction rates are
accelerated using water and elevated temperature so that a 100-year lifetime can be predicted
within a reasonable time period. Since the current available data are insufficient to determine
shift factors for the extrapolation, the shift factors in the ISO 9080 standard are applied to decide
the testing duration at an elevated testing temperature.
The ISO 9080 standard describes the extrapolation procedure to predict the long-term
hydrostatic strength of thermoplastic pipe. The standard addresses only the SCR behaviors of
the thermoplastic pipes but not the oxidation mechanism of the polymer.
The shift factors (ke) in ISO 9080 are calculated using Equation (1) with activation energy
(Ea) of 110 kJ/mol and test temperature (Tmax) at 110oC. (Note that the shift factor changes with
the test temperature (Tmax); a high Tmax yields a low shift factor with the same ∆T value.) Table 3
shows the shift factors obtained by Equation (1) as well as those listed in the ISO 9080.
⎡E ∆T ⎤
k e = exp ⎢ σ * ⎥ (1)
⎣ R T (T
max max − ∆T ) ⎦
The standard allows the shift factor to be applied to test temperature lower than 110oC (for
example shifting 60oC data to 20oC, ∆T of 40oC, using a shift factor value of 50). For ∆T greater
than 50oC, the shift factor is obtained by plotting ke versus ∆T, as shown in Figure 5. Three sets
of data are presented based on Minimum, Maximum and Average ∆T within each range. The
response curves are expressed by Equations (2) to (4).
Table 4 shows the calculated ke values at ∆T of 70oC (90oC testing temperature and 20oC
site temperature). For 100 years service life, the duration at 90oC test temperature ranges from
36 to 98 days. If one changes the test temperature to 80oC (∆T of 60oC), the test duration time
would be from 98 to 240 days, as shown in Table 5.
In the ISO 9080 standard, it is assumed that pipes are following the scenario (1) path in
Figure 1 with sufficient antioxidants to protect the polymer. However, the OR of corrugated
HDPE pipes is unknown at this time and there is no field data to ensure tch is greater than100
years. Corrugated pipes that passed the SCR test requirement based on ISO 9080 shift factor
(i.e., 155 days at 80oC or 60 days at 90oC), do not guaranty a 100-year OR property. The
reason is that activation energies of the two mechanisms are not the same. The reaction
mechanism with a lower activation energy requires a longer incubation time at the elevated
temperature to validate the 100-year performance than that with a higher activation energy, as
shown in Figure 6. Based on the published literature, Viebke et al (1994)1 used water pressure
test to assess the oxidation degradation of unstabilized HDPE pipes and found the activation
energy for unstabilized pipes to be 75 kJ/mol. It is assumed that the oxidation degradation
mechanism of stabilized and unstabilized PE pipe is the same, i.e., their activation energies are
very similar; the only difference between them is the materials constant (A) in the Arrhenius
equation, as shown in Equation (5).
1 ⎛ − EOX ⎞
Rt ( ) = A exp⎜ ⎟ (5)
lifetime ⎝ RT ⎠
where: Rt = rate of reaction
A = materials constant
Eox = activation energy of oxidation
R = gas constant
T = temperature
The schematic diagram in Figure 7 illustrates the different predicted lifetime of stabilized and
unstabilized PE with the same activation energy but different (A) values. The stabilized material
has much longer lifetime than the unstabilized material.
Since the activation energies of stabilized corrugated PE pipes are unknown at this time, a
conservative approach is to utilize the activation energy from the unstabilized material (75
Viebke, J., Elble, E., Ifwarson, M. and Gedde, U.W. (1994), “Degradation of Unstabilized Medium-
Density Polyethylene Pipes in Hot-Water Applications,” Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 34, No.
17, pp. 1354-1361
KJ/mol). The shift factor (kOR) is determined using Equation (1) and testing temperature of 80oC.
The resulting shift factors (kOR) are shown in Table 6. (Noted that the Viebke’s aging study was
performed at incubation of temperatures 90, 80, 70oC.) The (kOR) shift factors are relatively
close to those obtained from ISO 9080 (kISO). At 80oC incubation temperature, the required test
durations are 155 days and 195 days for (kISO) and (kOR), respectively. Although the (kOR) gives a
longer incubation time than the (kISO), the prediction is based on unstabilized resin. With
additional of antioxidants, the required incubation duration should be shortened. The similarity
between (kOR) and (kISO) makes the combined test for both the stress cracking test and oxidation
resistance test acceptable.
However, as indicated in Table 6, the shift factor increases exponentially with ∆T, so do the
ratio ( ). At 80oC testing temperature, the k ratio is 1.2, while at 90oC the ratio changes to
k OR
1.6. In addition, the uncertainty of the extrapolation increases with increasing ∆T. Therefore, at
a higher testing temperature, such as 90oC, the shift factor and target length of test should be
according to the (kOR) instead of (kISO) to increase the confidence of the test. This results in a
target test length of approximately 96 days rather than 60 days using (kISO).
As demonstrated in the earlier part of this document, the mechanical properties remain
unchanged when the OIT values of 2 to 4 minutes is measured in the incubated pipe samples.
To assure the initial OIT value of 25 minutes is sufficient to protect the HDPE pipe from
oxidation; the OIT values of the junction specimens after the SCR test (either 155 days at 80oC
or 90 days at 90oC) should have an average value of 3 (±1) minutes.
Regarding the applied stress that should be used for the elevated temperature SCR tests,
the ISO 9080 standard does not provide shift factor for the stress. The appropriate question to
predict the applied stress at different test temperature is the rate process method (ASTM D
2837), as shown in Equation (6). However there are no data currently available to determine
the three constants in the Equation (6). The Popelar’s stress shift factor is the only equation
that can offer the temperature and stress relationship, as shown in Table 7. In the full
specification, we should be able to obtain a better stress target at different test temperatures.
B C * log σ
log t = A + + (6)
The approach of the interim specification is based on the activation energy values of PE
pressure pipes on both SCR and OR mechanisms. The PE pressure pipes are made from
resins in the medium density range while the corrugated PE drainage pipes are used resins in
the high density range. Furthermore, the SCR test of pressure pipes is performed using smooth
pipe with no stress concentration along the test specimen; in contrast, the SCR test specimens
of corrugated pipe consist of junction or longitudinal profile, which is a stress raiser. The long-
term specification should provide data to confirm the applicability of the ISO shift factors to the
corrugated pipes.
Regarding oxidation degradation, a conservative activation energy value (75 KJ/mol) based
on unstabilized PE is used in the interim specification. Note that the 75 KJ/mol was obtained
using water/air pressure test on smooth HDPE pipes. The oxidation process, including the
depletion of antioxidant and degradation of polymer, in water environment is not well defined. It
is known that the antioxidant depletion proceeds at a faster rate in water than in air due to
leaching and hydrolytic reactions. On the other hand, the oxidation degradation of polymer
would be slower in water than in air due to lower oxygen content in water.
Table 7 shows the details of the full specification, which evaluates the SCR and OR
Technical Information for Full Specification Requirements
This section of the document describes the technical information that is used to determine
the required parameters for the full specification.
The ISO 9080 standard and ASTM D 2837 are good technical resources in developing a
test protocol for the prediction of the SCR of corrugate HDPE pipes. However, the applicability
of shift factors to corrugate pipe should be validated as part of the full specification. The
validation should be carried out using the SCR junction test on number of pipes with different
diameters and resins. It is proposed to evaluate two pipes with different diameters for each
processing setup. Three different test temperatures and three different applied stresses should
be evaluated. Thus, each pipe generates 45 data points, which are shifted to a lower
temperature, 20 C, using the rate process method (ASTM D2837), and then used to obtain the
temperature and stress shift factors. The shift factors should be independent of the material
and should be similar to those listed in the ISO 9080 standard. Once the temperature shift
factors are confirmed, a pipe junction test at a single stress level and test temperature can be
implemented as part of the qualification testing for other pipe with different diameters.
Oxidation Resistance
In the interim specification, both SCR and OR are evaluated simultaneously using a single
test. The activation energy of the OR is based on the unstabilized resin. There is no
information regarding the oxidation degradation of the stabilized corrugated HDPE pipes in
water. Long-term oxidation resistance should be performed on different antioxidant package to
ensure the 100 years of OR of the pipe. If the predicted lifetime of oxidation degradation (tch) is
longer than the predicted lifetime of stress cracking (tσ), then a single combined test for SCR
and OR can be adopted in the qualification testing.
Table 1 – First Draft Interim Specification for 100-year Design Life of Corrugated HDPE Pipes
(Dated September 2003)
Table 2- Interim Specification for 100-year Design Life of Corrugated HDPE Pipes
Pipe ASTM D 2136 • 10% Igepal solution at As per Final Report for Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Corrugation 50oC NCHRP Project No. 4-26
(molded • 600 psi applied stress
Junction FM 5-572, • 80oC water, 95% statistical Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Procedure B • 250 psi applied stress confidence
≥ 155 days (3720 hr)
Longitudinal FM 5-572, • 80oC water 95% statistical
Profile Procedure C • Applied stress per Eqs. confidence Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
(3) and (4) in test method ≥ 155 days (3720 hr)
SCR Junction OIT test • After 155 days at 80oC Minimum average of the Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
specimens (ASTM D 3895) 3 data points (each data 3 data points shall be
point is average of 2 2 minutes
replicates from each SCR
Table 1 – Cont.
Pipe ASTM D 2136 • 10% Igepal solution at As per Final Report for Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Corrugation 50oC NCHRP Project No. 4-26
(molded • 600 psi applied stress
Junction FM 5-572, • 90oC water, 95% statistical Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Procedure B • 220 psi applied stress confidence
≥ 90 days (2160 hr)
Longitudinal FM 5-572, • 90oC water 95% statistical Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Profile Procedure C • Applied stress per Eqs. confidence
(3) and (4) in test method ≥ 90 days (2160 hr)
SCR Junction OIT test • After 90 days at 90oC Minimum average of the Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
specimens (ASTM D 3895) 3 data points (each data 3 data points shall be
point is average of 2 2 minutes
replicates from each SCR
Notes: NCHRP=National Cooperative Highway Research Program
FM=Florida Method of Tests
Table 3 – Relationship between ∆T and shift factor for polyolefins
Calculated based on Arrhenius Equation ISO listed Values
Test Temperature ∆T Extrapolate T ke (calc.) ∆T ke (ISO)
Tmax (oC) (oC) (oC) (oC)
110 10 100 2.5 ≥ 10 and < 15 2.5
15 95 4.1 ≥ 15 and < 20 4
20 90 6.7 ≥ 20 and < 25 6
25 85 11.2 ≥ 25 and < 30 12
30 80 18.8 ≥ 30 and < 35 18
35 75 32.3 ≥ 35 and < 40 30
40 70 56.2 ≥ 40 and < 50 50
45 65 99.40 ≥ 50 100
50 60 178.92
Table 6 – shift factors of two different activation energies
Table 8 – Full Specification for 100-year Design Life of Corrugated HDPE Pipes
Pipe ASTM D 2136 • 10% Igepal solution at 50oC Will be based on the
Corrugation • 600 psi applied stress recommendation from
(molded the NCHRP 4-26 (due
plaque) August 2004)
Junction FM 5-572, • Test temperatures 70, 80 • Calculate three
Procedure B and 90oC constants
and FM 5-573 • Three applied stresses, • Failure time at 500 psi
at 20oC ≥ 100 years
(95% statistical
Longitudinal FM 5-572, • Four test temperatures, • Calculate three
Profile Procedure C, • Three applied stresses constants
and FM 5-573 • Failure time at 500 psi
at 20oC ≥ 100 years
(95% statistical
Oxidation Resistance of Pipes
Liner and/or Incubation test • Three incubation in water • Predict lifetime of
Crown (FM 5-574) baths at 70, 80 and 90oC antioxidant at 20oC
and • Retrieve incubated sample • Predict lifetime of pipe
OIT test (ASTM every 3-month and perform liner at 20oC based on
D 3895) -OIT test on the liner 20% break elongation
Tensile test - tensile test on the liner retained (95% statistical
(ASTM D638) confidence)
Notes: NCHRP=National Cooperative Highway Research Program
FM=Florida Method of Tests
Service Lifetime of
Corrugated HDPE Pipes
(1) tch ≤ 100 years & tσ ≥ 100 years, lifetime is governed by chemical stability
(2) tσ ≤ 100 years & tch ≥ 100 years, lifetime is governed by stress cracking
Pipe#1 properties change with time
140% OIT-crow n
0 40 80 120 160 200 240
Age (day)
Figure 2 – Material properties change with incubation time at 85oC water for Pipe #1
OIT-crow n
120% OIT-liner
Property Retained (%)
80% MI
0 40 80 120 160 200 240
Age (day)
Figure 3 – Material properties change with incubation time at 85oC water for Pipe #2
Pipe#3 properties change with time
0 40 80 120 160 200 240
Age (day)
Figure 4 – Material properties change with incubation time at 85oC water for Pipe #3
Shift Factor ( k e )
y = 0.8842e0.1008x
y = 0.7733e0.0953x
y = 0.6998e0.0897x
0 20 40 60
delta Temperature ( C)
100 yr
Log E = 75 kJ/mol
(day) E = 110 kJ/mol
1/80oC 1/20oC
Stabilized polymer
1/site temperature
1/T (1/K)