Modeling of Thermal Responsiveness of Automatic Sprinklers: Gunnar Heskestad and Robert G. Bill, JR
Modeling of Thermal Responsiveness of Automatic Sprinklers: Gunnar Heskestad and Robert G. Bill, JR
Modeling of Thermal Responsiveness of Automatic Sprinklers: Gunnar Heskestad and Robert G. Bill, JR
of Automatic Sprinklers
The term "Response Time Index," or RTI, has been adopted (2) for this product,
Le. :
RTI = 1U 1/2, (4)
plunge test, the solution of eq (5) can be written in the following form for RTI:
1/ 2
-t u
RTI 9.n( l-~T I~T) •
ea g
Here, t r is the response or actuation time; u is the gas (air) velocity in the
test section; ~Tea is 6Te at actuation (temperature rating from liquid bath
test relative to ambient temperature prior to plunge); and ~T is the gas
temperature relative to the ambient temperature. Above certa¥n gas temperature
limits(l) where radiant heat exchange between sprinkler and tunnel walls is
insignificant, ten different sprinkler models individually responded with
fairly constant RTI over the velocity range 1.5 - 5.2 m/s and the temperature
range 125 - 430°C. The insensitivity of RTI to gas temperature in these
experiments may be interpreted to mean that the Qeat of fUsion of the solder
for the solder-type sprinklers was not important (5). Furthermore, none of the
(small) variations observed in RTI could be attributed to conduction heat loss.
Based on the first experimental program, a special plunge-test tunnel was
designed and calibrated for further work(l,2), which still serves as a basic
tool for sprinkler response research at Factory Mutual Research Corporation.
Equation (8) can be transformed into a very useful form whenever the gas
velocity, u, is constant, as in a plunge test, or does not change sufficiently
rapidly with time (appears to be practically always the case in fire situa-
tions). Then eq (8) can be written:
*Evans and Madrzykowski(6) have also addressed this question.
~Tev (1+C/u1/2)~Te' ( 10)
RTlv RTI/(1+C/u 1/ 2). ( 11)
Note that eq (9) is precisely in the form of the original model response
relation, eq (5), where ~Te is replaced by ~Tev and RTI is replaced by RTI v'
The quantity ~Tev can be considered as a virtual temperature rise of the heat-
responsive element, and RTl v can be considered as a virtual RTI.
The solution of eq (9) for a plunge test (or fire generating constant
temperature and velocity) is obtained from eq (6) by replacing RTI with RTI v
and ~Tea with ~Teva' The result is:
-t u 1/2
1/ 2 (12)
Suppose that the sprinkler fitting does not remain at ambient temperature
during the fire exposure. This situation can be easily handled in terms of the
temperature rise of the fitting, ~Tf = Tf-T o' Tracing the effect of carrying
the conduction heat loss term as C' Te-Tf) = C'~Te - C'~Tf (rather than C'(T e-
To) = C'~Te)' one establishes simple corrections to eqs (ti) and (9). The
corrections consist of simply writing ~Tg as ~Tg + ~Tgf' where:
~T gf -- (C/u1/2)~T f ( 13)
One anticipated effect of the conduction heat loss can be assessed via eq
(8). Clearly, heatt?~ of the heat-responsive element is retarded as the
conduction term C/u increases, either as a result of an increase in the
conduction parameter, C, or a decrease in the gas velocity. Another effect is
anticipated from eq (9) where it is evident that in a steady temperature
environment, the virtual temperature rise of the element, ~Tev' can only rise
to the value ~T~; in turn, the actual temperature rise is limited to the value
(using eq (10».
significant temperature increase of the sprinkler mount, which would have
complicated the RTI determination. This consideration led to the design of a
rather massive sprinkler mount, combined with the relatively high plunge test
temperature of 191°C and a (standard) plunge test velocity of 2.56 m/s.
The sprinkler mount, made of brass, is illustrated in Figure 1 as
installed in the test section cover plate (several of these combinations were
available). The sprinkler under test was screwed into the mount at A, and an
air line, pressurizing the space above the sprinkler valve to 41 kPa, was
attached at threaded connection B. A well for a thermocouple was provided at
C; the thermocouple was held in place in the well with an electrically
nonconducting cement of high thermal conductivity. Threaded connection D was
provided later in one of the mounts for subsequent measurements of the
conduction parameter. The mount was thermally insulated from the cover plate.
As described elsewhere(1,2), the test cover is hinged to the upstream end
of the test section opening. The sprinkler is plunged into the test stream as
the cover is closed, simultaneously starting a timer. When the sprinkler
actuates, the air pressure is relieved, which stops the timer.
Reference to eq (12) indicates that the plunge test alone is not suffi-
cient for determining RTI when there is a conductive heat loss. The conduction
parameter, C, had to be determined first. This parameter was measured in a
test where the sprinkler mount was held at constant temperature over a
prolonged period by circulating cold (tap) water through the mount, admitting
water at the threaded connection D in Figure 1 and discharging the water at
threaded connection B. The waterway was essentially dry, being plugged with a
rubber stopper to prevent cooling water from entering the tunnel test section
when the sprinkler operated. The steady-state temperature rise (referenced to
the mount temperature) of the heat-responsive element is given by eq (14). If
the gas velocity is increased to a higher value from one prolonged exposure to
the next, the steady state temperature rise of the element increases. For a
sufficiently high air velocity, uc' the element will just actuate in a pro-
longed exposure. At that point:
g 1(1+C/u c 1/2) -- 6T ea ( 15)
which can be solved for C. In order to determine uc' a series of standard test
velocities were selected for the plunge test tunnel, the square root of the
ratio of sequential test velocities being fixed at 1.10. For each test
Figure 1 Brass sprinkler mount
installed in the test section cover
of the plunge test tunnel and used
in the plunge tests. Dimensions
in mm.
Table 1 RTI Values and Conduction Parameters of Selected Sprinkler Models
or Bulb (B)
(deg) F I
(m11 os1/2) (m lIS~s 1/2)
A S 73 90 123 0.82
45 131 (0.87)
" " 22 1/2 145 (0.96 )
" " 11 1/4 163 ( 1. 08)
" " " 0 192 ( 1. 27)
B B 73 90 172 0.88
C S 73 90 135 0.99
D S 73 90 25.3 0.53
E S 73 90 113 0.83
F S 73 90 27.5 0.58
G S 73 90 31.0 0.91
H S 73 90 113 1.17
I S 73 90 183 0.80
J S 73 90 203 1. 52
K S 73 90 25.2 0.52
L B 70 90 199 0.90
" " " 45 206 (0.93)
" " 22 1/2 235 ( 1. 06)
" " " 0 305 ( 1. 38)
M B 72 90 130 0.60
aConduction coefficients measured with sprinklers in original water-cooled
mount; mount temp. in range 12-19°C. Values in parentheses have been cal-
culated from result at 0 = 90° and C ~ RTI.
velocity, a spr-Lnk l er- was exposed for 10 minutes (deemed sufficient to esta-
blish steady state element temperature) until actuation was bracketed between
two successive test velocities. The conduction parameter was taken as the
average of the values C calculated for the bracketing velocities, using eq (15).
Hence, the conduction parameter in this procedure was bracketed within a tol-
erance of ±5 percent. In order not to require unreasonably low air velocities,
the fairly low test temperature of 127°C was chosen, which is still above the
limit where radiant heat exchange between sprinklers and tunnel walls is insig-
nificant (118°C for the actuation temperature of the sprinklers near 73°C).
Results of RTI and C values for the 13 selected sprinklers, coded A
through M, are listed in Table 1. The fourth column indicates the angle 0
between the approach flow and the plane of the sprinkler frame. Most of the
measurements were made with the plane of the sprinkler frame perpendicular to
the approach flow, 0 = 90°. (When the actuation mechanism was not symmetric
with respect to the plane of the sprinkler frame, 0 = 90° corresponded to the
orientation having the greater mass of the actuation mechanism downstream of
this plane). However, two sprinkler models were investigated at several
orientations, A and L; in these cases it is observed that the RTI increased as
o approached 0, i.e., as the heat responsive elements were exposed more and
more to the wake generated by the sprinkler frame. Four of the sprinklers were
designed for fast response, D, F, G and K, and it is seen that these sprinklers
had considerably lower RTI values than the others. The last column in Table 1
lists values of the conduction parameter, C, based on measurements at 0 =
90°. Values listed at other orientations for sprinklers A and L have been
calculated from the measurements at 0 = 90° and the proportionality C ~ RTI
implied by eq (7) for a given sprinkler.
The C value measurements in Table 1 were conducted with constant mount
temperatures which varied in the range 12-19°C from test to test, depending on
the temperature of the tap water at the time of the test. This system was sub-
sequently improved to generate any desired mount temperature within a reason-
able range, using a bypass loop with a cooling coil immersed in ice water.
Figure 2 shows results of conduction parameter versus mount temperature, using
the improved system, for some of the sprinkler models. Ideally, the conduction
parameter should have been independent of the mount temperature, which was not
quite the case. There was usually a slight increase in C with the mount
One suspects that a number of variables along the conduction path may
affect the magnitude of C, such as mounting torque, depth of thread engagement,
the fitting material and sealant, and whether or not the sprinkler waterway is
filled with water. A recent study (9) has indicated that such effects are
generally small.
Room Fire Tests
The room fire tests employed a test room within a larger test building,
Figure 3. There was only one opening to the room, an open door at one end. A
fire source was placed near the opposite end, and ceiling sprinklers together
with associated instruments were located at distances from the fire source of
1.63 and 4.55 m. Each ceiling station incorporated two sprinklers, screwed
into 1/2 in. (steel) pipe couplings extending down 0.038 m from the ceiling,
attached to pipe nipples above the roof. Each nipple was fitted to the center
of a water reservoir, consisting of a 1.6 m long, 1 in. diameter horizontal
steel pipe above the roof with 0.13 m high risers open to the atmosphere at
both ends. After a sprinkler had been installed for testing, the pipe to which
it was mounted was filled with water. A thermocouple monitored the water
temperature within the waterway of each sprinkler. To record the actuation
times, metal electrodes were positioned in the path of the weak spray produced
when the sprinklers actuated, the spray completing an electric circuit which
was monitored. Along with the two sprinklers at a ceiling station, there were
two thermocouples to measure gas temperature and one bidirectional flow probe
3. 6'&--------iI~
1.2 0---+
~----+---'-FAR STATION
5 10 15 20 OPEN DOOR
(1.18 x 2.06 HIGH)
(10) (connected to electronic manometer) to measure gas velocity, all at a
sensing level of 0.076 m beneath the ceiling, very nearly the level of the
center of the heat responsive element of each sprinkler.
As fire source was used either a 0.46 m diameter pool of heptane floated
on water or an oven dried wood crib (pine) measuring 0.51 m x 0.51 m x 0.38 m
high, made from 19 rom square sticks (8 sticks per layer, 20 sticks high).
Remote ignition with an electric match was employed, in the case of the wood
crib, via a 0.10 m dia. pan of heptane underneath the central shaft of the
crib. Both fire sources were continuously weighed on load platforms to monitor
mass-loss rate. The ceiling clearances above the fire sources were 2.24 m for
the heptane pool and 1.90 m for the wood crib.
The mass loss rate of the heptane pool typically reached steady state
after 25-30 s at a heat release rate of approximately 130 kW [assuming a com-
bustion efficiency of 85% (11)]. The wood crib fires grew with the second
power of time according to [assuming an actual heat of combustion of
12,500 kJ/kg (11)]:
where the "growth time", t g, was about 260 s and the effective ignition time,
to' was near 30 s.
Typical measurements of gas temperatures and velocities have been pre-
sented elsewhere(5).
*Hand calculations based on eq (9) and using smoothed curves of Tg, u and Tf
versus time gave very similar results.
'0500 r - - - T " " " - - . , - - - - , - - - - - , - - - : : > I '0300 . - - - - - - - , - - - - - - , - - - - - . . "
e 0 NEAR e 0 NEAR
1. Response times of 13 different sprinklers in realistic room fire
experiments were consistent with calculations according to a modified
sprinkler response model, which accounts for conductive heat loss to the
sprinkler mount. The 13 sprinklers included two which were investigated
at several orientations to the gas flow. Sprinkler characteristics needed
for the calculations, RTI and the conduction parameter C, were measured in
plunge tests and "prolonged exposure" tests, respectively, in the FMRC
plunge test tunnel.
2. According to the modified sprinkler response model, conductive heat loss
effects are primarily important at low gas temperatures and velocities.
For rising temperatures and velocities, as in growing fires, conduction
effects become increasingly more important as RTI decreases and fire
growth becomes slower.
3. The conduction parameter did tend to rise with increasing temperature of
the sprinkler mount, reflecting some departure' from ideal behavior.
1. Heskestad, G. and Smith, H.F., "Investigation of a New Sprinkler Sensi-
tivity Approval Test: The Plunge Test," FMRC J.I. 22485, Factory Mutual
Research Corporation, Norwood, Massachusetts, December 1976.
2. Heskestad, G. and Smith, H.F., "Plunge Test for Determination of Sprinkler
Sensitivity," FMRC J.T. 3A1E2.RR, Factory Mutual Research Corporation,
Norwood, Massachusetts, December 1980.
3. Thorne, P.F., Melinek, S.J. and Theobald, C.R., "The Thermal Performance of
Sprinkler Heads," Fire Detection and Suppression Symposium, Society of Fire
Protection Engineers, Linthicum Heights, Maryland, March 9-11, 1987.
4. Theobald, C.R., "Thermal Response of Sprinklers. Part 1. FRS Heated Wind
Tunnel," Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 12 (1987), p. 51.
5. Heskestad, G. and Bill, R.G., "Quantification of Thermal Responsiveness of
Automatic Sprinklers - RTI, Etc.," Fire Detection and Suppression
Symposium, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Linthicum Heights,
Maryland, March 9-11, 1987.
6. Evans, D.D. and Madrzykowski, D., "Character iz ing the Thermal Response of
Fusible-Link Sprinklers," NBSIR 81-2329, National Bureau of Standards,
Washington, D.C., August 1981.
7. Pep i , J .S., "Design Characteristics of Quick Response Sprinklers," Grinnell
Fire Protection Systems Company, Providence, Rhode Island, May 1986.
8. Pepi, J.S., "Relationship Between Thermal Response and Fire Suppression
Characteristics of Automatic Sprinklers in a Wet-Pipe System," Fire
Detection and Suppression Symposium, Society of Fire Protection Engineers,
Linthicum Heights, Maryland, March 9-11, 1987.
A surface area of heat-responsive element
C conduction parameter; see eq (7)
C' conduction coefficient
c specific heat of heat-responsive element
h convective heat transfer coefficient
m ma~~ of heat responsive element
RTI Tu1 / 2, response time index of heat-responsive element
RTI v virtual RTI, eq (11)
Te temperature of heat responsive element
Tf temperature of sprinkler fitting or mount
Tg gas or air temperature
T initial or ambient temperature
!J.~e T - T
llTea !J.T e atOactuation of sprinkler
!J.T ev virtual temperature rise of heat-responsive element, eq (10)
llT eva !J.Te v at actuation of sprinkler
!J.T f T f - To
!J.T g T - T
!J.T gf tgmper~ture rise defined in eq (13)
t time
tg growth time of fire to 1000 kW for fire growing with square of time
to effective ignition time
tr response or actuation time of sprinkler
u gas or air velocity
uc limiting air velocity for sprinkler response
e angle between approach flow and plane of sprinkler frame
T time constant of heat responsive element