Determination of Rutting Tolerance Index of Asphalt Mixture Using The Ideal Rutting Test
Determination of Rutting Tolerance Index of Asphalt Mixture Using The Ideal Rutting Test
Determination of Rutting Tolerance Index of Asphalt Mixture Using The Ideal Rutting Test
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D8360 − 22
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
6.1.6 Data Acquisition System—Time, load, and LLD (using 8.2.1 Specimen Size—For the mixes with a nominal maxi-
either internal or external displacement measuring devices) mum aggregate size (NMAS) of 19 mm or smaller, the
data are collected at a minimum of 40 sampling data points per specimens are 150 6 2 mm in diameter by 62 6 1 mm thick.
second to obtain a smooth load-LLD curve. For the mixes with a NMAS of 25 mm or larger, specimens are
6.2 Conditioning Chamber—An environmental chamber or 150 6 2 mm in diameter by 95 6 1 mm thick. Test specimens
water bath capable of maintaining the target high test tempera- are prepared without cutting or trimming and their perimeter
ture 6 1.0 °C for conditioning specimens before testing. surface shall be perpendicular to the top and bottom faces and
not depart by more than 6 mm.
NOTE 3—The target high test temperature generally is in the range of 50 8.2.2 Aging—Laboratory-compacted test specimens shall be
6 15 °C.
short-term aged before the compaction.
6.3 Gyratory Compactor—A gyratory compactor and asso-
ciated equipment for preparing laboratory specimens in accor- NOTE 4—For laboratory-mixed and laboratory-compacted (LMLC)
dance with Test Method D6925 are needed. mixes, loose mixes should be short-term aged for 2 h at compaction
temperatures (AASHTO R 30) before the compaction. For plant-mixed
6.4 Saw—A laboratory saw capable of trimming field cores and laboratory-compacted mixes (PMLC), specimens may be compacted
no less than 38 mm or cutting field cores thicker than 95 mm, after reheating the mix to its compaction temperature
if needed. 8.2.3 Compaction and Air Void Content—Prepare a mini-
6.5 Sample Measurement Device—A caliper accurate to mum of three specimens at the target air void content of 7.0 6
60.1 mm shall be used to measure specimen thickness and 0.5 %.
diameter. NOTE 5—A Superpave Gyratory Compactor according to Test Method
D6925 is preferred for compacting test specimens, but other types of
7. Hazards compactors (such as Marshall hammer according to Practice D6926) are
allowed as long as the required dimensions of the test specimens are met.
7.1 Standard laboratory caution should be exercised when The specimen air voids can be calculated using Test Method D3203/
handling, compacting, and fabricating test specimens and D3203M.
asphalt mixtures.
8.3 Samples Cored from Asphalt Pavements:
8. Sampling, Test Specimens, and Test Units 8.3.1 Roadway cores can be used if pavement layer thick-
ness is greater than 38 mm. Roadway core specimens shall be
8.1 This rutting test may be conducted on laboratory- 150 6 2 mm in diameter, and the core perimeter surface shall
prepared test specimens or field cores. Sampling of the be perpendicular to the top and bottom faces and not depart by
laboratory-prepared specimens shall follow the Practice D979/ more than 6 mm. Trim bottom face of all cores and, if needed,
D979M standard procedure. trim the top face to the same thickness to ensure the cores are
8.2 Laboratory-Compacted Asphalt Mixture Samples: as thick as possible, while neither greater than 95 mm nor less
than 38 mm. Testing specimens at a uniform thickness will NOTE 7—The target high test temperature generally is in the range of 50
reduce test error. The air voids of the core specimens shall be 6 15 °C. One can use the same test temperature as that of the Marshall
stability test (Test Method D6927) or the Hamburg wheel tracking test
determined. (AASHTO T 324) or the asphalt pavement analyzer (AASHTO T 340) or
NOTE 6—Care shall be taken to avoid damage to the cores during the flow number test (AASHTO T 378) or incremental repeated load
handling and transportation prior to testing. A core bit 156 mm in external permanent deformation (iRLPD, AASHTO TP 116). Rutting resistance of
diameter may be needed in order to obtain cores 150 6 2 mm in diameter. asphalt mixtures depends on test temperature. The higher the test
For those cores with air voids different from 7 6 0.5 %, the rutting temperature, the poorer the rutting resistance of asphalt mixtures.
tolerance index at 7 % air voids can be estimated, as detailed in Note 11. NOTE 8—Specimens can be tested in either dry or wet condition and the
test results are not significantly different.
8.4 A minimum of three specimens shall be tested for
LMLC or PMLC specimens. A minimum of three roadway 9.2 Inspect the fixture to ensure that all contact surfaces are
core specimens shall be tested. clean and free of debris and then place the fixture into the load
frame and verify proper setup of displacement measuring
9. Procedure device.
9.1 Precondition test specimens at a preselected target high 9.3 Insert the specimen in the fixture, ensuring the specimen
test temperature 6 1.0 °C for 150 6 10 min in an environ- is centered and making uniform contact on the support.
mental chamber or 45 6 5 min in a water bath in wet condition. Generally, it is sufficient to center the specimen by eye.
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