Tg-0068 - 10 TPM Remy - hvh250-115 Mv380-3p-45 Ops and Maint Guide
Tg-0068 - 10 TPM Remy - hvh250-115 Mv380-3p-45 Ops and Maint Guide
Tg-0068 - 10 TPM Remy - hvh250-115 Mv380-3p-45 Ops and Maint Guide
Maintenance Guide
TM4 CO150-M1
Motor Control Unit (MCU) with
REMY HVH250-115 Motor
Product information
Product name: TM4 CO150-A2-M1
Model number: CO150-A2-M1
Document information
Reference: TG-0068 TPM REMY_HVH250-115 MV380-3P-45 Operations and
Maintenance Guide
Release date: 2020-02-27
Version number: 10.0
Template information
Reference: IN-8033_3
Table of contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Scope and target audience ........................................................................................ 6
1.3 What’s new ................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Disclaimer .................................................................................................................. 6
1.5 Safety instructions ...................................................................................................... 7
1.5.1 Format and location of safety warnings in this guide ........................................... 7
1.6 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations .................................................................... 8
1.7 References................................................................................................................. 8
2 Operation ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Safety warnings related to operating the system ........................................................ 9
2.2 Pre-requisites ........................................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 CAN-enabled vehicle controller ......................................................................... 10
2.2.2 High-voltage and auxiliary batteries................................................................... 10
2.2.3 Vehicle management unit .................................................................................. 10
2.3 System calibration .................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 CAN baud rate configuration ............................................................................. 11
2.3.2 CAN addresses and protocol bus configuration ................................................. 11
2.3.3 Motor temperature sensor disconnection detection ........................................... 12
2.3.4 Motor temperature sensor quantity .................................................................... 12
2.3.5 Motor temperature derating configuration .......................................................... 13
2.4 Motor calibration ...................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1 Calibrating the motor position sensor installation............................................... 13
2.4.2 Calibrating the motor phase and connection sequence ..................................... 14 Using the parameters .................................................................................... 14 Using the manual calibration procedure ......................................................... 15
2.4.3 Configuring system limits .................................................................................. 17
2.4.4 Configuring speed control parameters ............................................................... 20
2.5 Control interface ....................................................................................................... 21
2.6 Control operation...................................................................................................... 21
2.6.1 CAN bus............................................................................................................ 21
2.6.2 TM4 MCU system states ................................................................................... 22
2.7 CAN communication ................................................................................................ 24
2.7.1 Initializing CAN communication ......................................................................... 24
2.7.2 Specific application of CAN protocol with REMY HVH250-115 .......................... 24 McuEventInfo1............................................................................................... 24 Attributes used by TM4 MOTIVE™ .......................................................... 24 Attributes not used by TM4 MOTIVE™ .................................................... 24
2.7.3 Operating modes............................................................................................... 25
2.8 Overspeed failure protection .................................................................................... 26
List of tables
Table 1 Related document references ............................................................................. 8
Table 2 CAN baud rate parameter descriptions ............................................................. 11
Table 3 CAN addresses and control CAN bus parameter descriptions........................... 11
Table 4 Motor temperature sensor disconnection parameter description ....................... 12
Table 5 Motor temperature sensor quantity parameter description ................................. 12
Table 6 Motor temperature derating parameter descriptions .......................................... 13
Table 7 Motor phase and connection sequence parameter descriptions ........................ 15
Table 8 Calibration states in motor phase calibration ..................................................... 16
Table 9 Possible calibration sub-states in motor phase calibration ................................. 17
Table 10 System limit parameter descriptions .................................................................. 19
Table 11 Speed control parameter descriptions ............................................................... 20
Table 12 VmuCommand1.OperationRequest value descriptions ..................................... 25
Table 13 VmuCommand2.OperationalMode/
McuCommand1Response.OperationalMode value descriptions ........................ 25
Table 14 VmuCommand2.CommandMode/
VmuCommandSafety.ReferenceCommandMode value descriptions ................. 25
Table 15 McuCommand1Response.TractionDerating/
McuCommand1Response.RegenDerating value descriptions ........................... 25
Table 16 MCUCommand1Response.State value descriptions ......................................... 26
Table 17 Derating limitations ............................................................................................ 29
List of figures
Figure 1 System limit parameters (forward speed) .......................................................... 18
Figure 2 System limit parameters (backward speed) ....................................................... 18
Figure 3 System control interface .................................................................................... 21
Figure 4 MCU state transition diagram ............................................................................ 22
Figure 5 Inspecting for coolant leaks – inlet/outlet ........................................................... 38
Figure 6 Inspecting for coolant leaks – overflow hole ...................................................... 39
1 Introduction
The TM4 CO150-A2 Motor Control Unit (MCU) has been designed for electric and hybrid vehicle
applications. This MCU utilizes the latest technology of automotive grade insulated-gate bipolar transistors
(IGBT) coupled with TM4 Reflex™ driving technology to deliver the industry’s highest specific power and
current densities. It is embedded with advanced control algorithms for optimal power module usage and
The content of this guide relates to the TM4 CO150-A2-M1 in combination with the REMY HVH250-115
1.1 Purpose
This technical guide describes how to use the TM4 CO150-A2-M1 MCU; the main functions of the system,
the location and operation of controls and the maintenance required.
This technical guide is limited to the TM4 CO150-A2-M1 MCU. Refer to the technical documentation of the
motor used in your system integration for motor-specific characteristics.
1.4 Disclaimer
All installation instructions, limits and warnings given in the technical documentation supplied by TM4 must
be respected in order to ensure that the system runs optimally and is not at risk of damage by misuse.
Operating the system outside of the established limits constitutes misuse and may invalidate any warranty.
Note: When more than one safety warning applies to the same procedure, they are grouped together in
one box and identified with the appropriate safety symbol:
General/Irritant/Operational: This warning symbol indicates that you are in a potentially hazardous
situation that could result in damage to the product or in some situations lead to bodily harm or death.
Electrical: This warning symbol indicates that you are in a potentially hazardous situation that is
electrical in nature and could result in damage to the product or in some situations lead to bodily harm or
To remind you of the potential hazards involved, appropriate safety warnings are located throughout this
guide in procedures that if performed incorrectly may harm you or damage the product.
1.7 References
Table 1 Related document references
Reference Title
[1] IN-8013e MCU CAN Protocol v4.1 Specifications
[2] TG-0001 TM4 ODIN v4 Technical Guide
[3] TG-0084 TM4 CO150-A2 Installation Guide
[4] TG-0089 TPM REMY_HVH250-115 MV380-3P-45 System Specifications
[5] See Note 1 TM4 Error Codes and Corrective Action
[6] See Note 2 TM4 Extranet site
1. This html document is generated for each software version and made available with the software package at the time
of delivery.
2. Refer to the latest published version of documentation and/or software package on the TM4 Extranet site Extranet user accounts are managed by TM4 Customer Service, see Section 7 for contact
2 Operation
The TM4 CO150-M1 Motor Control Unit (MCU) is typically operated via CAN message exchange with a
Vehicle Management Unit (VMU). The VMU is in charge of the user interface and also interfaces with the
Battery Management System (BMS) and all other components included in the vehicle architecture.
Typical VMU and BMS operations involved in TM4 MOTIVE™ include:
• Applying power to the system from the auxiliary battery.
• Asserting the enable signal (VMU or vehicle ignition).
• Performing high-voltage battery pre-charge (BMS).
• Applying high-voltage battery voltage to the system (BMS).
• Transmitting CAN messages (VMU) with MCU:
• Start and stop the system.
• Apply a mechanical torque.
• Safely shut down the system.
• Verify operational status.
WARNING Mishandling of this product may damage the product and/or cause injury or death.
• Do not attempt to open or repair this product. In case of damaged casing or suspected product
malfunction, contact TM4.
• Use only recommended points to lift and secure the system.
When manipulating and/or installing this product, you must NOT:
• Modify any part of the MCU.
• Apply any external load to the casing of the MCU.
The product can reach very high temperatures that can cause serious burns and/or other injuries.
Avoid any contact with surfaces during and directly after use.
2.2 Pre-requisites
CAN base address of the high priority message of the system. Referred to
as Can1BaseAddr1 in the CAN Protocol Specifications [1].
CAN base address of the high priority message of the system. Referred to
as Can1BaseAddr2 in the CAN Protocol Specifications [1].
Parameter Description
CAN base address of the communication with the ODIN software on CAN
bus 1. Referred to as Can1BaseAddr3 in the CAN Protocol Specifications
The default value is 0x0660.
CAN base address of the communication with the ODIN software on CAN
bus2. Referred to as Can2BaseAddr1 in the CAN Protocol Specifications
The default value is 0x0680.
Specifies the CAN bus on which the VMU will control the MCU using the
CAN Protocol Specifications [1].
1: The VMU is connected to the CAN bus 1.
2: The VMU is connected to the CAN bus 2.
Refers to the end point of the linear derating based on the motor temperature
Refers to the point at which the system goes in error if the temperature is equal to
or higher than the motor temperature value.
1 Remove high voltage from the MCU by turning OFF the high-voltage power supply or disconnecting the
2 Ensure that the MCU and motor are properly connected and switch ON the auxiliary power (12 V/24 V).
3 Start TM4 ODIN and connect to the system.
4 Open the TM4 ODIN file UserInterface.odn4.
5 From the Parameters tab, expand the Drive and Motor folders.
6 Set the value of parameter PosSensorReverseFromRotor to 0.
WARNING Failure to perform the calibration process each time a new MCU-motor pair is created could result
in potential hazardous behaviour.
Ensure that the calibration process is performed each time a new MCU-motor pair is created after
replacement of either the MCU or the motor. Failure to do so will result in the calibration values of the
previous motor being applied to the new motor which will result in behaviour ranging from unpredictable to
Note: If the system is installed in a vehicle, the vehicle must be raised off the ground.
1 Ensure that the motor output shaft is free to turn (raise the vehicle off the ground if the system is
installed in a car).
2 Ensure that the cooling system is connected and functioning and that coolant is flowing in the MCU and
3 Ensure that the MCU and motor are properly connected and switch ON the auxiliary power (12 V/24 V).
Ensure that the IGNITION input is at the auxiliary power level (12 V/24 V).
4 Start TM4 ODIN and connect to the system.
5 Open the TM4 ODIN UserInterface.odn4.
6 Connect the high-voltage source and apply between 100 V and 450 V.
7 In the System Status tab, verify VBat to ensure that the voltage of the high-power battery is above 100
V at the MCU.
8 From the Calibration tab, expand the MotorPositionSensor folder.
9 Enable the calibration interface by modifying the following item:
• Set EnableManualControl to True
10 Start the calibration operation by modifying the following item:
• Set CalibrationRequest to UCC_CALIB_MOTOR_PHASE
Note: For parameters associated with the numbers in Figure 1, Figure 2, see Table 10.
The following steps describe how to configure the system limits using TM4 ODIN.
1 Ensure that the MCU and motor are properly connected and switch ON the auxiliary power (12 V/24 V).
Ensure that the IGNITION input is at the auxiliary power level (12 V/24 V).
2 Start TM4 ODIN and connect to the system.
3 Open the TM4 ODIN UserInterface.odn4.
4 In the Parameters tab, based on the range and description of each parameter, modify the current value
to the desired system limits.
5 Save the new system limits by changing the DrvParameters.Save item to 1 and wait for it to come
back to 0 to save the parameters to non-volatile memory.
6 Switch OFF the auxiliary power (12 V/24 V), wait 5 seconds and switch it ON again.
7 In the Parameters tab, verify that the configured limits are equal to the values previously entered.
Note: If the system limits were not properly configured the first time, the procedure should be repeated
before contacting TM4 Customer Service; see Section 7 for contact information.
1. The MCU CAN bus can be controlled through the dedicated CAN bus of the VMU or through the
vehicle CAN bus. The dedicated bus structure is preferred to lower the traffic on the vehicle bus;
however, both configurations are supported. For more information on the communication structure,
refer to the MCU CAN Protocol Specifications [1].
2. The enable signal of the MCU can be controlled either from the VMU or from the vehicle ignition.
1. The system changes its state to Failure if incompatibility errors occur during initialization (see Section 2.9.2) or any
other state shown in Figure 4; loss of CAN communication also results in Failure.
Once in Failure, the system cannot be operated but the MCU is still using power from the auxiliary battery. In order
to prevent draining the battery, as soon as the system goes into Failure, one of the following operations must be
a. Send a ShutdownReq via OperationRequest to initiate the Shutdown sequence;
b. Turn the IGNITION input to OFF; after 10 seconds the system will initiate the Shutdown sequence.
2. To activate the MCU shutdown sequence from an operational state, the VmuCommand1.OperationRequest CAN
message can be sent by the VMU with either the StandbyReq attribute and then the ShutdownReq attribute, or
directly with the ShutdownReq attribute.
a. If the StandbyReq attribute is sent, the VMU will wait until it receives the
McuCommand1Response.State MCU CAN message with the Standby attribute confirming it has
reached that state through the completion of the transitional Deactivation state. The VMU could then
send the VmuCommand1.OperationRequest CAN message with the ShutdownReq attribute to the
MCU. The MCU will then go through the Shutdown and the WaitForCooling transitional states before
reaching the ReadyToPowerOff state confirmed by the McuCommand1Response.State MCU CAN
message with the ReadyToPowerOff attribute.
b. If the ShutdownReq attribute is sent, the MCU would transit through the Deactivation state before
reaching the Standby state and then it would transit through the Shutdown and WaitForCooling states
before reaching the ReadyToPowerOff state confirmed by the McuCommand1Response.State CAN
message with the ReadyToPowerOff attribute.
In both cases the MCU will shut itself down only when it has reached a ReadyToPowerOff state and the MCU
enable line (IGNITION input) is low.
3. The WaitForCooling state is configured to be active until the MCU is cool enough to be in an acceptable
temperature zone (non-derating operation state) or up to a maximum period of 10 minutes (in order to protect the
battery from overuse). If the MCU is in this state, this allows the VMU to keep the vehicle cooling equipment active.
4. From an Operational, Standby or Failure state, if the IGNITION key is cycled (ON-OFF-ON) within 10 seconds,
the MCU would transit through the Shutdown state, bypass the WaitForCooling state, transit through the
ReadyToPowerOff state and would directly transit to the Initialization state therefore resetting the system back to
the beginning of the MCU state transition diagram. McuEventInfo1
The McuEventInfo1 message is a notification of major event occurrence in the MCU which may trigger a
safety action in the VMU.
2.9 Troubleshooting
3 System behaviour
This section contains information related to how the system behaves during operation.
3.1 Derating
The system is designed to self-limit the applied torque in order to maintain system integrity. When the
system cannot provide the maximum torque, it reports a degradation cause via the CAN message. See the
MCU CAN Protocol Specifications [1] for more information.
1. The derating cause is reported when the torque available in the system is lower than the maximum
torque the system can provide when there is no derating.
2. The requested torque will be provided as long as the requested value is lower than or equal to the
available torque the system can provide regardless if the system is in derating or not.
Table 17 Derating limitations
Cause code Brief description Detail
System can provide the There is no derating.
maximum torque.
The torque is limited by The specified discharge/recharge currents of the traction
Battery current
the battery current. battery do not allow the system to provide the maximum
These limits are communicated to the system by the
VMU via CAN messages (message VmuCommand1:
MaxChargeCurrent / MaxDischargeCurrent).
Limits on internal Internal limits are set according to the performance
components are reached. battery voltage range. Outside that range, the power will
be limited, thus limiting the torque.
When the battery is within the performance battery
voltage range, the maximum electrical output power is
maintained over the range.
When the battery voltage level is lower than the
minimum level of the performance battery voltage range,
speed derating will be applied according to the motor
When the battery is within the performance battery
voltage range, the maximum electrical output power is
maintained over the range.
Available torque is gradually reduced from maximum to
0 Nm in a zone from the maximum level of the
performance battery voltage range and 2% over.
From VMU (MinBatteryVoltage)
Power is reduced gradually (max power to 0) in a zone
of 20 V above the received MinBatteryVoltage
(minimum battery voltage) CAN message from the VMU.
From VMU (MaxBatteryVoltage)
Power is gradually reduced from maximum power to 0
kW in a zone of 20 V below the received
MaxBatteryVoltage (maximum battery voltage) CAN
message from the VMU.
3.2.2 Cooling
The cooling management algorithms of the TM4 systems are based on complex thermal modeling that
optimizes system performance while maintaining system integrity and durability.
The cooling requirements of the motor and MCU are handled by two signals McuThermal1
[DriveCoolingFlowRequest] and McuThermal1 [MotorCoolingFlowRequest]. Working with the
established maximum coolant flow for each component, these signals return information necessary to
maintaining the necessary coolant flow and require no driver input or interaction.
The VMU relies on the cooling request messages to start/stop or modulate the cooling system pump(s) and
4 Usage constraints
The system is designed to self-limit the speed and the applied torque in order to maintain system integrity.
However, some special usage conditions such as towing, driving down a steep hill or test bench testing
could submit the system to conditions outside of its control which could cause permanent damage.
WARNING Operation of the system outside the specified limitations could permanently damage the system.
The user is required to restrict the usage of the system within the limits of the specifications defined in this
Powering off the system while it is operational may permanently damage the system.
This system may be permanently damaged if it is unpowered while the speed exceeds a value where the
motor back-EMF exceeds the maximum operating voltage of the internal power module of the MCU.
4.2 Towing
TM4 recommends using a flatbed truck to transport the vehicle in case of any breakdown or system failure.
If the wheels are free to turn, as is the case when being towed, motor back-EMF energy could be passed
into the TM4 CO150-M1 MCU and cause further damage to the system.
5 System diagnosis
The TM4 ODIN diagnostic interface is used to verify and program the embedded application, configure and
retrieve the BlackBox information as well as providing access to selected embedded application variables.
For specific operation guidelines, refer to the TM4 ODIN v4 Technical Guide [2].
5.1 Set-up
Connect your TM4 ODIN -equipped PC to the MCU CAN port using a CAN case adapter from Vector as
specified in the TM4 ODIN v4 Technical Guide [2].
The UserInterface.odn4 file can be loaded from TM4 ODIN to quickly view the most commonly used
WARNING Mishandling of this motor control unit (MCU) may damage the product and/or cause injury or death.
• Do not attempt to open or repair this product. In case of damaged casing or suspected product
malfunction, contact TM4 Customer Service; see Section 7 for contact information.
• Use only recommended points to lift and secure the system.
When manipulating this product, you must NOT:
• Modify any part of the MCU.
• Apply any external load to the casing of the MCU.
This product can reach very high temperatures that can cause serious burns and/or other injuries.
Avoid any contact with surfaces during and after use.
This MCU generates high-voltage that can cause an electric discharge or electrocution resulting in
injury or death.
When installing/uninstalling the product, verify that:
• The traction battery (high-voltage battery) is disconnected.
• The auxiliary battery (12 V/24 V battery) is disconnected.
Care must be taken when manipulating electrical equipment.
This product must be installed/uninstalled by qualified and authorized personnel in accordance with
applicable vehicle standards and industry practices. Always use appropriate insulation and protection
before manipulating the product even when the product is disconnected from a high-voltage source.
This product uses differential mode capacitors between the positive high-voltage DC bus (+) and
the negative high-voltage DC bus (-) and common mode capacitors between the high-voltage DC
bus and the chassis. Even when the product is disconnected from the high-voltage source, these
capacitors can hold a voltage high enough to cause an electric discharge or death.
It is important to ensure that no voltage is present on the high-voltage battery wires between both polarities
and from each polarity to chassis before manipulation.
Before opening the access panel, wait 10 minutes to ensure that internal TM4 MCU capacitors are
discharged. After that delay, the access panel can be opened and the TM4 MCU high-voltage battery
inputs can be measured between both polarities and from each polarity to chassis to ensure that no voltage
is present.
The product has been designed to be used with a limited maintenance and inspection schedule. However,
since the first units are still in prototype, special care should be taken.
In addition to the regular maintenance and inspection process, a visual inspection should be carried out
regularly. The following recommendations should be part of this inspection:
• Overall system damage.
• Correct harness and cable connection to the MCU and the motor.
• Coolant leaks.
• Unusual component wear.
The following subsections are part of the regular maintenance and inspection schedule.
WARNING The cooling agent contains ethylene glycol that is a highly flammable product. Ethylene glycol can
burn with an invisible flame that can cause serious burns and/or other injuries.
Always handle the cooling agent carefully wearing appropriate safety clothing and eye-glasses.
The cooling agent can irritate the skin, the eyes and the mucous membranes.
• Always work in a well-ventilated area when handling the cooling agent; breathing in high
concentrations of ethylene glycol can cause nausea.
• In case of contact with eyes and skin, rinse with water and consult a doctor.
• In case of ingestion, seek medical help immediately.
The cooling agent is under pressure when heated; removing the cap when the coolant is hot can
cause serious burns and/or other injuries.
Wait until the coolant reaches an ambient temperature before removing the cap.
All potential dangers of handling cooling agents cannot be listed here.
Consult manufacturer warnings and recommendations for safe handling of the cooling agent.
Coolant inspection should be carried out according to the schedule recommended by the integrator.
Replace or refill coolant as scheduled.
Inspect around coolant inlets/outlets (Figure 5) and the emergency coolant overflow hole (Figure 6) of the
MCU carefully to ensure that no leak is present. Stop operation of the MCU and contact TM4 Customer
Service (Section 7) if any leaks are detected during inspection.
Figure 5 Inspecting for coolant leaks – inlet/outlet
Note: The coolant inlet and outlet are clearly marked on the casing.
7 Customer service
For further technical assistance, please contact TM4 Customer Service: