Depliant Gmdss Rev-0 Eng
Depliant Gmdss Rev-0 Eng
Depliant Gmdss Rev-0 Eng
Via di Valle Caia, 37 - 00040 Pomezia (Rome, Italy) Certified Quality System ISO 9001
Ph: +39 06 91 94 405 Fax: +39 06 91 94 306 P.I. (VAT Number) IT 01003631007 C.F. (Registration Number) 01518520588
Operational functions
The GMDSS System is designed to offer the following main functionalities:
User management
Radio management (VHF/MF-HF radios)
Emergencies at sea presentation (operator console)
Database Management
GMDSS Radio Logbook
User Management
The GMDSS software has a dedicated layer for user management. A System administrator can easily configure operators
access credential and profiles accurately defining all functions they can perform on the system.
Radio Management
The GMDSS software has a dedicated interface to properly
manage remote radio sensors in order to:
Operator Console
The Operator Console enables personnel to receive relevant alarms for all incoming DSC calls The workspace is based
upon a GIS layer on which positions of remote radios and distress vessels is displayed.
Operator is provided with tables listing most recent DSC calls with their priorities and their status. Advanced functions for
rapid coast station acknowledgement or distress relay are provided to speed-up dissemination of critical information for
safety of life at sea.
Database Management
The GMDSS Database is organized to mainly contain the following information:
All necessary data entries are user-friendly and automatic, and can be performed by the facilities provided by the Web
GUI on the operator workplace.
Operators are enabled to perform searches and export on historical database table in order to reconstruct DSC traffic in a
certain period of time or to perform further elaboration on data.
Dedicated sections of the GMDSS Database allow to store NAVTEX messages for query and further analysis.
GMDSS Radio Logbook
The GMDSS radio Logbook is meant to record all operator actions on the GMDSS system. The Logbook provides dedicated
entry for each digital message sent (DSC or NAVTEX). Each action is tagged with information like:
Operator identification
Date, Time and Year of record
Origin/destination MMSI for DSC calls
Frequency and/or channel
Communication Type (DSC or NAVTEX)
Logbook allows to store records regarding VHF voice communication, adding fields like:
Accounting Authority Identification Code (AAIC)
Direction of traffic (coast-ship, ship-coast)
Operators can edit each Logbook entry, adding communication summary, operation details or remark.
Logbook tables can be exported to produce detailed text reports about GMDSS operator actions.