B22: X-Ray Diffraction: 22.1 Objectives
B22: X-Ray Diffraction: 22.1 Objectives
B22: X-Ray Diffraction: 22.1 Objectives
22.1 Objectives
The objectives of this experiment are ‘
• To investigate the nature of the X-ray spectrum pro-
duced when high energy electrons strike a copper tar-
• To investigate X-ray fluorescence and the effects of
various absorbers.
E = hf
The characteristic radiation is produced when an electron 22.3.2 GM-Tube, Scaler and Ratemeter
in an atom in the copper anode is ejected from its atomic en-
ergy level or shell by one of the accelerated electrons. An- The GM-tube can be connected either to a timer/counter or
other atomic electron, in a higher energy level, falls into the a ratemeter. The timer/counter counts the number of X-ray
vacancy created, thereby emitting an X-ray photon whose photons detected during a preset time. Since this time can
energy is equal to the difference between the two levels. be increased as desired, accurate count rates (the number of
The radiation produced is characteristic of the metal, in this counts per second) can be measured. A less accurate but
case copper, of the anode. In this experiment we will be continuous measurement of the count rate can be measured
concerned with the Kα and Kβ lines which arise from tran- with the ratemeter. This is sometimes more convenient; for
sitions from the L to K shells and from the M to K shells instance, when trying to find the position of an intense char-
respectively. The K shell is the lowest energy shell (i.e. the acterstic X-ray line. Both the timer/counter and ratemeter
electrons in the K shell are the most tightly bound in the supply the necessary DC voltage to operate the GM-tube,
atom by the Coulomb attraction of the nucleus), while the L typically about 410 V.
and M shells have higher energies.
22.4 Experiments on the characteristic radi-
22.3 The X-Ray spectrometer ation of Cu
The X-ray spectrum may be analyzed using an X-ray spec- Identify and list any potential hazards associated with this
trometer. The instrument used in this experiment is the experiment. Who are the persons at risk? What are the
TEL-X-ometer, a diagram of which is given in Figure 22.3. existing control measures and are they sufficient?
For a clear view of the various components raise the perspex The aim is to observe the X-ray emission from Cu, and to
scatter shield by moving it bodily sideways to disengage a use X-ray diffraction to measure the wavelengths of the Kα
spigot and keyhole locking arrangement located just behind and Kβ radiation. This is done by looking at the diffraction
the aluminium nameplate. The shield can now be raised of X-rays from a LiF crystal.
from the front about the rear hinges and left in a vertical
position. 22.4.1 Mounting the crystal
Only when the scatter shield is in its central locked po-
sition can the HT to the X-ray tube be energised. Moving A lithium fluoride, LiF, crystal is stored in a small glass tube
the shield sideways automatically cuts off the supply. This containing pieces of silica gel which absorb any moisture in
ensures that at no time can X-rays be produced while the the tube, since LiF is deliquescent. Lithium fluoride (LiF) is
shield is raised. a controlled substance, which may irritate the skin. Please
The X-ray tube is towards the rear of the instrument and use the tongs and gloves provided when handling After use,
the copper-disc anode is clearly visible. The tube current is the crystal must be replaced in the tube. Examination of
Experimental set-up
Mount the rotary holder on the crystal shaft (remove the
crystal clamp). Attach the cable release to the holder, for
rotating the foils (The plastic holder must be flush with the
base plate and the target foils in line with the X-rays - con-
sult a demonstrator if in doubt). Use the GM-tube in posi-
tion 22, connected to a timer/counter. Turn the GM-tube so
that it is at right angles to the X-ray beam. Then the rotary
holder presents the radiator foils at 45◦ to the X-ray beam -
see diagram.
22.5.3 Measurements
Measurement of the fluorescent emission intensity, I0 , from
the radiator foils.
Set the collimator on the X-ray tube in its horizontal posi-
tion. This can be turned by hand. Use the blank slide (with
a central hole) in position 13 (this will ensure that the ge-
ometry of the beam falling on the GM-tube is the same as in
the case when the filters are inserted).
Q12 Calculate the ratio I/I0 for each element and plot a
graph versus the atomic number Z of the radiator.
22.6 Summary
Q15 Write a short summary of your work, outlining the ob-
jectives of the experiment, giving the main results ob-
tained (referring to graphs where appropriate) and the
conclusions you have reached.
Equipment list
• X-ray spectrometer with LiF crystal
• timer/counter
• ratemeter