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BTP Onboarding - Joule With SuccessFactors

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BTP Onboarding
Joule with SuccessFactors
Mar, 2024

About the speaker

Leo Chen
Product Manager Lead – Joule in SuccessFactors, SAP Labs

He put a clear product vision in place, aiming to help customers deliver a dedicated AI Copilot as an HR resource for
every single employee at their companies. Under his leadership, his team built up the AI Copilot solution across SAP
SuccessFactors applications to help customers bring digital experience into their workplaces. Leo has worked at
various high-tech companies, including SAP, Splunk, and HP. He has accumulated 15+ years of experience in
enterprise software development as well as AI/ML application innovations.

Nagesh Caparthy
SAP BTP Onboarding Senior Advisor

Nagesh has 15 years of SAP Experience on multiple topics. He is passionate about customer success and
believes the fundamental first step to ensuring that is a successful onboarding.

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Commercial Models

Joule Provisioning


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Joule in SuccessFactors
Joule in SuccessFactors – GA Release Overview
As part of SuccessFactors 2H 2023 Release

Key Highlights
▪ Built on top of Joule, and enabled through
the BTP platform
▪ Out-of-the-box use cases across various
SuccessFactors modules
▪ Access permission group
▪ Fallback languages for conversational
exception handling
▪ Support for English only
▪ Rollout to a few of selected SF data centers
▪ Accessible from Web Client in both
SuccessFactors and SAP Start

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Joule Use Case List – GA Release plus Monthly Releases Legend:
• GA release i.e., Nov 2023
• Past monthly releases
• Next monthly release (release date Feb 6)

Employee Central 1 People Profile 2 Talent

• Change Chosen Name • View Display Name • Request Feedback 3

• Change Pronouns • View Pronouns • Give Feedback 3

• Change Legal Name • View Title

• Change Location • View Job Code
• View Worker
• Change Job incl. Business Title • View Direct Manager
• Change Working Time • View Direct Reports
• Approve / Reject Time-Off Request
• Change Contract End Date • View Email
• Approve EC workflow request
• Change Cost Center • View Phone Number
• Approve Spot Award
• Transfer • View Location

• Promote • View Time zone Payroll

• Change Probation date • View Department • View pay statement 4

• View Cost Center • View Division • View pay statement PDF 4

• View Location • View Hire Date(s) Time

• View Job incl. Business Title • View Peers • Clock In / Out
• View Legal Name • View Birthday(s)
• View Marital Status
• Create Spot Award

1. Employee Central use cases are only compatible with Employee Central Quick Actions introduced in 2H 2023
2. People Profile use cases are applicable not only for customers who have adopted Employee Central but also for customers who don’t adopt Employee Central
3. Feedback use cases are only compatible with the latest version of Continuous Performance Management
4. Pay Statement use cases only work for Employee Central Payroll and Pay Statement direct integration
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Conversational Patterns

Transactional Navigational Informational *

* Informational pattern is to be available in a following release in 2024, while the other two patterns are available
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Supported SuccessFactors Data Centers

Available data center integrations between SFSF and Joule on BTP

▪ SF DC33 Frankfurt – Joule EU10 (non EU Access) Frankfurt
▪ SF DC55 Frankfurt – Joule EU10 (non EU Access) Frankfurt
▪ SF DC68 Virginia – Joule US10 Virginia
▪ SF DC70 Virginia – Joule US10 Virginia
▪ SF DC41 Virginia – Joule US10 Virginia

New !! – data center integrations to be available in 2024

▪ Q1 2024, SF DC66 Sydney – Joule AP10 Sydney
▪ Q2 2024, EU Access support, i.e. Joule EU11 (EU Access) Frankfurt
▪ A few more to come …

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Joule in SuccessFactors - Demo
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Demo – Time Off Approval
Demo – View Pay Statement and PDF
Demo – Clock In & Clock Out
Commercial Model
Base AI vs. Premium AI capabilities

SAP classifies AI value into two tiers: Examples of AI capabilities Base Premium
In SAP SuccessFactors solutions * AI AI
• Base AI functionality is included at no
additional cost in licensed SAP SuccessFactors Joule messages (up to annual allocation)
Joule messages (exceeding annual allocation)

• Premium AI capabilities will incur an All generative AI use cases

incremental cost that will be paid for through • Job description generation
• Interview question creation
the purchase and consumption of SAP AI Units • Additional use cases planned in 2024 and beyond

* Functionality and use cases planned and are subject to change. Please see Roadmap Explorer for latest updates.

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SAP AI Units

What are SAP AI Units?

SAP AI Units are a “virtual currency” that allow customers to consume Premium AI use cases and cover any
Joule message usage beyond their annual allotment. Features designated as Base AI will not require purchase
of SAP AI Units. Units are based on annual consumption and unused units at the end of the year are not
carried over (“use it or lose it”). The consumption of SAP AI Units will be metered with full usage visibility
available to customers (metering planned for delivery in Q2 2024).

How do you obtain SAP AI Units?

▪ SAP AI Units can be purchased through an SAP Account Executive
▪ Each order will provide an annual amount of 100 SAP AI Units. Upon purchase, the SAP AI
Units are added to a customer’s “bank” that they may draw against to pay for Premium AI

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How many Joule messages do customers receive?

• SAP SuccessFactors customers will receive a Joule message

allocation based on number of licensed, active users (see
Tiered Message Allocation
chart); users licensed for multiple products will only count
Customer tiers and annual Joule message limits

• Joule message allocations will be pooled across each Tier SAP SuccessFactors Joule annual
users licensed message limit
solution area and can be used for use cases across any
licensed SAP cloud applications. Small 1-5,000 users 240,000 messages

Medium 5,001-25,000 users 1,200,000 messages

• Free Joule messages may not be used to support GenAI use
cases. Large 25,001-75,000 users 6,000,000 messages

• Messages will be metered on an annual basis; at the end of X-Large >75,000 users 9,600,000 messages

each term, the annual allocation of free messages will reset

(i.e., no carryover). Example
• A customer who has 50,000 Employee Central users and 50,000 Learning users will
• Customers must purchase SAP AI Units if they exceed their fall into the Large category.
• If a customer also has licensed, active users on other SAP cloud solutions (e.g., SAP
free message allocation during the annual period. Concur), their annual allotment will include additional free messages as defined by
those cloud solutions.

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SAP AI Unit consumption examples

Joule Usage Example Generative AI Usage Example

In this example, YTD usage metering shows the customer has In this example, year-to-date (YTD) usage metering for shows
consumed 50,000 more messages in the current year than their the customer has created 7,000 pages of generative AI content
annual allotment. in the current year.

Annual message 1.20M GenAI Usage: 7,000

allotment: messages pages

Joule Usage: 1.25M Consumption rate: 0.007

messages AI Units per page

YTD usage over 50,000 YTD AI Units consumed: 49 units

messages (7,000 pages * 0.007)
Rate: 7 AI Units
per 10,000 messages over annual

YTD AI Units consumed: 35 units

(5 * 7 AI Units)

A message is defined as any request/response pair transacted via Joule A page is defined as the equivalent of one page (A4/letter) of text content
(excluding initial/welcome greetings and technical/error messages). created by generative AI.
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Joule Provisioning
Get Started - How to enable Joule in your tenants

Data Center Requirement

• SAP has pre-checked your tenant against the related data center requirement and the EU Access Only requirement
• Double check your tenant is located at the supported data centers at Data Center Mapping between SFSF and Joule
• Also make sure your tenant is not an EU Access Only tenant (EU Access support is targeted for Q2 2024 for Joule)


• Reach out to your Account Executive (AE) to purchase the no cost Joule SKU (8017178) and then sign the Ts&Cs
• When necessary, refer to the commercialization material at Premium AI for SAP SuccessFactors Solutions

Activation and Configuration

Follow our documentation to activate, enable and use Joule:
• Initial Set Up & Prerequisites, also see the blog
• Enabling Joule in SAP SuccessFactors
• Joule Capabilities | SAP Help Portal
• Employee Central Quick Actions
• Data Protection and Privacy
• Data Center Mapping between SFSF and Joule
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Joule Provisioning Overview

Prerequisites High Level Joule Provisioning Process

1. Joule Order, i.e., Joule SKU (no cost SKU)
1. BTP Admin
2. BTP Global Account a) Validate the Joule Entitlements
b) Creates a subaccount according to the Data Center Mapping
• Joule Entitlement in a designated global account c) Runs the Joule Booster
3. BTP Subaccount for Joule provisioning d) Configures the Trust between your Subaccount and your Cloud Identity, and
add Trusted Domain.
• Choose a relevant AWS data center per the DC
mapping, i.e. EU10 Frankfurt or US10 Virginia 2. SFSF Admin
e) Creates the required Groups and Manage Permissions Role via RBP
4. SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition configuration and enables Joule in SFSF for the selected users
• Joule uses the Work Zone navigation service f) Verifies the SCIM API version 2.0. If it’s not available then adopt the SCIM
connector for identity provisioning across SAP products (see online doc & blog)
component to deliver the cross-product navigation
experience 3. BTP & IAS / IPS Admins run post booster configurations
• Foundation plan is already Included in BTP Global g) BTP Admin Creates a Cloud Foundry and the Space
Account, no further procurement need h) BTP Admin activates the Work Zone and create the required service key
i) BTP Admin configures destination
5. SAP Cloud Identity Services (IAS & IPS) j) BTP Admin accesses CDM content from SFSF
k) BTP Admin configures Trusted Domains for SAP Authorization and Trust
• These products are bundled in BTP Global Management Service
Account and/or SAP business applications i. IAS / IPS Admin configures IPS, i.e. one critical step for user sync
6. SuccessFactors instance(s) between IAS / IPS and SFSF

7. EC Quick Actions required for most EC use cases Important Note: The Joule provisioning process works against a designated SFSF
tenant, i.e. 1:1 mapping between SFSF tenant and Joule tenant (SAP BTP Subaccount)

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Joule Setup - Demo
Next Steps

Action Items
▪ Did you evaluate your SFSF data center for Joule availability?
▪ Have you reached out to your Account Executives to procure the no cost Joule SKU?
▪ New ! - Getting Started with Joule for SAP SuccessFactors.pdf
▪ Contact at us if you want to get started
– Joule setup related: SAP_SuccessFactors_Joule_Activation@sap.com
– BTP query related: sap_btp_onboarding@sap.com

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Thank you.

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