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Manual de Aplicacion AT500

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Discussion in the AT-SERIES APPLICATION MANUAL includes:



1.1 Basic Models
1.2 Model Derivatives




4.1 Fluids
4.2 Temperatures
4.3 Attitude
4.4 Main Pressure
4.5 Vehicle Towing


5.1 Ratings
5.2 Gear Ratios
5.3 Dry Weight
5.4 Input Inertia


6.1 Vehicle Retardation
6.2 Application Guidelines and Vehicle Performance Analysis


- Torsional Vibration Concerns
- Engine Braking Devices
- Smoke Controls
- Reduced Governed Speed Engines
- "Zero-Droop" Electronically-Controlled Engines

TDATAM March, 1999


Allison installation drawings are frequently referenced in this section to clarify items discussed in the text.
More than one drawing may exist for some topics – and the correct reference for your installation will depend
upon the transmission model and options involved.

The following reference chart will assist in identifying the correct installation drawings for your transmission,
options, and installation. All drawings are filed in the "Installation Drawings" section.

To use the chart:

1. Use the flow diagram at the top to select the column relating to your transmission configuration.
2. Scan down the page to the desired topic on the drawing subject list.
3. Scan across the page to the column for your transmission configuration.
4. Read the installation drawing number for your installation. "N/A" denotes that the subject topic is
not applicable to the transmission configuration selected in the flow chart.

Basic Transmission Model?

Without Lockup Clutch With Lockup Clutch

MODEL NAME(S) AT542 AT545 AT1542P AT1545P
AT542N AT545N AT1542NP AT1545NP
Basic Installation Drawing AS20-032 AS20-007 AS20-039 AS20-037
Adaptation Design Requiements AS20-008 AS20-008 AS20-035 AS20-035
Engine Adaptation Designs AS04-xxx Series AS04-xxx Series AS04-xxx Series AS04-xxx Series
Retarder Option* N/A AS20-041 N/A N/A
Converter Driven PTO Provision** N/A N/A AS20-010 AS20-010
Yoke / Flange Availability AS20-053 AS20-053 AS20-053 AS20-053
Yoke / Flange Design Requirements AS20-014 AS20-014 AS20-014 AS20-014
Parking Brake Mounting Provision AS20-011 AS20-011 AS20-011 AS20-011
Oil Pan Options
5.3-inch Oil Pan and Provisions N/A AS20-030 N/A AS20-030
3.8-inch Oil Pan and Provisions AS20-031 AS20-031 AS20-031 AS20-031
Allison Filter Installation Requirements AS00-097 AS00-097 AS00-097 AS00-097
Neutral Start Switch Information AS00-164 AS00-164 AS00-164 AS00-164
External Hydraulic Circuit Requirements AS20-009 AS20-009 AS20-009 AS20-009
Range Selector Control Data AS20-012 AS20-012 AS20-012 AS20-012
Shift Modulator Installation Requirements AS20-023 AS20-023 AS20-023 AS20-023
Electric Signal Provisions AS20-016 AS20-016 AS20-016 AS20-016
Speedometer Drive Data AS20-013 AS20-013 AS20-013 AS20-013
Retarder Controls AS20-041 AS20-041 AS20-041 AS20-041

*Retarder option is not avialable with PTO.

**PTO provision is not avialable with retarder.

Page 2 March, 1999 AT500 and AT1500P Series Application Manual

The AT-Series Application Manual discusses: AT542 – This four-speed model is best suited for light
• General Description duty on-highway applications such as school and shuttle
• Features and Options buses, motor homes, recreational vehicles, general pickup
• Controls and delivery, and fire/rescue/ambulance vehicles. The
• Operational Specifications AT542 is not suited for industrial or off-highway use.
• Technical Specifications The AT542 is not acceptable for use with front mounted
• Vehicle Applications snow plows.
• Verifying the Engine Selection
AT545 – The four-speed AT545 model is best suited for
The purpose of this document is to provide a general medium duty on-highway applications of a multi-nature,
description of these transmission models, and their such as: school bus, fuel delivery, beverage delivery,
features and options. Transmission operation, technical one-way rental trucks, fire/rescue/ambulance vehicles,
specifications, and vehicle applications are also dis- road sweepers, general pickup and delivery, and limited
cussed. transit coach use. The AT545 is not acceptable for use
with front mounted snow plows. The AT545 may be
1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION considered for use in light-duty refuse vehicles, motor
The AT500(R) and AT1500P Series transmissions are homes, mobile cranes, and locomotive rail equipment.
fully automatic and torque-converter driven, with Government agency maintenance dump trucks are accept-
hydraulic shift controls. These models have four able applications, provided front-mounted snow removal
forward speeds, and are best suited for light-medium equipment is not utilized. Private contractor dump trucks
duty, on-highway applications. are generally considered heavy-duty, and therefore, are
not acceptable applications for the AT545. Off-highway
For the AT542 and AT545 models, torque and speed are and industrial applications are also considered unaccept-
transferred from the engine to the transmission gear pack able vocations for the AT545.
through the torque converter at all times. The AT1542P
and AT1545P models incorporate a lockup clutch in their AT1542P – This four-speed model is best suited for light
design which is automatically engaged, when operating duty on-highway applications such as school and shuttle
conditions permit, to provide direct drive between the buses, motor homes, recreational vehicles, general pickup
input and output sections of the torque converter - and delivery, and fire/rescue/ambulance vehicles. The
effectively providing direct drive from the engine to the AT1542P is not suited for industrial or off-highway use.
transmission gear pack. The input section of these two
lockup-equipped models also includes a damper to AT1545P – The four-speed AT1545P model is best suited
minimize the need for additional engine vibration control. for medium duty on-highway applications of a multi-
The PTO drive provision is standard for the AT1500P- nature, such as: school bus, fuel delivery, beverage
series models. delivery, one-way rental trucks, fire/rescue/ambulance
vehicles, general pickup and delivery, and limited transit
All AT-model clutches are hydraulically actuated, spring coach use. The AT1545P may be considered for use in
released and have automatic compensation for wear. road sweepers and motor homes. Government agency
Hydraulic shift controls provide automatic gear selection maintenance dump trucks are acceptable applications,
in each range, and (for the AT15xx series models) provided front-mounted snow removal equipment is not
automatic engagement of the lockup clutch. All gears utilized. Private contractor dump trucks are generally
are spur-type, arranged in planetary sets. considered heavy-duty, and therefore, are not acceptable
applications for the AT1545P. Off-highway and industrial
A choice of torque converters is available to permit applications are also considered unacceptable vocations
matching the transmission to a wide variety of diesel and for the AT1545P.
gasoline engines. Refer to Technical Document 148
(Engine/Converter Matching) in the GENERAL INFOR- 1.2 MODEL DERIVATIVES
MATION book for additional details on this subject. Several transmission configurations are available within
the four basic transmission model families. In most cases,
1.1 BASIC MODELS the inclusion of a special feature is identified by the
Four basic four-speed transmission models are available addition of a suffix to the basic transmission model
in the AT transmission family, each containing features number. Features so identified are:
which have been designed for specific vocational needs: • Two neutral positions (one dedicated to park brake);
Without lockup clutch With lockup clutch identified with "N", i.e. AT542N
• AT542 • AT1542P
• AT545 • AT1545P

AT500 and AT1500P Series Application Manual April, 2002 Page 3

• PTO drive gear and provision; identified with "P", NOTE: The "P" nomenclature is not used for
i.e. AT1545P. This nomenclature is not applicable to the AT542 and AT545 models.
AT500-series models.
• Input retarder; identified with "R", i.e. AT545R AT545R Model – AT545 transmissions may, as an
option, be equipped with a retarder which may be used
Refer to Figure 1 for more details regarding the composi- to enhance vehicle braking. Transmissions equipped
tion of the model number of an AT500 or AT1500-series with the retarder option are denoted with an "R" at the
transmission as discussed in detail later in this section. end of the model name, i.e. AT545R. The PTO drive
provision is not available with retarder-equipped models.

AT 1545 N P R
Retarder Option Each transmission contains additional standard features
PTO Drive Provision which facilitate installation and operation in typical
(This naming convention is not vehicles which are appropriate for that particular trans-
applicable to AT500's) mission model. In addition, a variety of optional equip-
Two-Neutral Positions (for park brake) ment (options) is also available for each model to
enhance transmission or vehicle operation. The selec-
2 = "Light Duty" Applications
tion and use of these items is normally associated with
5 = "Medium Duty" Applications
the specific intended use of the individual vehicle. To
AT500 = Without Lockup Clutch identify the locations of many of these items, and for
AT1500 = With Lockup Clutch
further details regarding their selection, refer to Section
A: Transmission Familiarization of the AT500(R)/
Figure 1: AT500/1500-Series Model Nomenclature AT1500P-Series Installation Manual.

AT542N, AT545N, AT1542NP, and AT1545NP Models – 3.0 CONTROLS

All transmission models are available in this optional The transmission shifting function is performed through
configuration. These transmissions are equipped with an the use of hydraulically-operated clutches. Refer to
optional control system which provides two separate Section I: Shift Controls of the AT500(R)/AT1500P-
Neutral positions in the shift mechanism and transmis- Series Installation Manual for further details.
sion controls. When so equipped, the transmission
models are denoted with an "N" at the end of the model Each transmission is equipped with a variety of features
name, i.e. AT545N. These transmissions are specially which, when properly interfaced with other vehicle
designed for use in vehicles equipped with parking components, perform functions of vehicle or accessory
brakes which are activated by placing the control in the control, assist the operator in vehicle operation, protect
"second neutral" position. the vehicle or transmission from abuse, or otherwise
tailor operation to specific vocational applications. For
Vocational uses for these models are identical to their further details regarding these requirements, refer to
respective base models. These models include additional Section I: Shift Controls of the AT500(R)/AT1500P-
provisions which, when properly equipped by the Series Installation Manual.
vehicle manufacturer, permit the operator to activate the
vehicle parking brake through a "PARK BRAKE"
position on the shift mechanism. This feature and model 4.0 OPERATIONAL SPECIFICATIONS
are especially desirable in vocations such as one-way
rental trucks or motor homes in which the operator 4.1 FLUIDS
controls are designed to be very similar to those of a These transmissions are designed to operate with
passenger car. DEXRON®-III or type C-4 fluids. Recommended sources
of fluids are summarized in the document Transmission
AT1542P, and AT1545P Models – The standard configu- Fluid Recommendations which is included in the
ration of the AT1500P-series models includes a PTO GENERAL INFORMATION book. For fluid fill volumes,
drive gear as an integral part of the transmission assem- Refer to the Transmission Specifications section of this
bly. Because they are so equipped, the transmission book. For fluid fill procedures and requirements, refer to
models are denoted with a "P" at the end of the model Section D: Oil System of the AT500(R)/AT1500P
name, i.e. AT1545P. The PTO drive gear may not be Installation Manual.
deleted from the transmission assembly.

Page 4 April, 2002 AT500 and AT1500P Series Application Manual

Refer to the Transmission Specifications section of this Transmission weight is affected by the addition of some
book, for operating temperature specifications for: optional features. Refer to the Transmission Specifica-
• start-up tions section of this book for a summary of weights by
• sump temperature during operation both model and optional configuration.
• "To Cooler" temperature
• "Retarder Out" temperature (if applicable) 5.4 INPUT INERTIA
The moment of inertia of those parts which always rotate
4.3 ATTITUDE with the engine is listed with other requirements on the
The transmission must be installed and used in a Engine Adaptation Design Requirements drawings:
reasonably level (horizontal) manner. Specifications for AT542, AT545(R): AS20-008
installed orientation of pitch (fore/aft) and roll (side-to- AT1542P, AT1545P: AS20-035
side) are included in the Transmission Specifications
section of this book. Maximum operating angles, which
include the installed orientation, are shown on Table 4 of 6.0 VEHICLE APPLICATIONS
same drawing.
4.4 MAIN PRESSURE The effectiveness of engine braking systems, such as
Each transmission is equipped with an internal oil pump exhaust and compression brakes, is heavily dependent
which delivers pressurized fluid to the transmission at a upon the feedback characteristics of the torque converter
regulated pressure. Transmission main pressure is an because, in the braking mode, the power flow through
indicator of the condition of the fluid system and is a the converter is towards the engine. In order to maximize
necessary reference during transmission service and the performance of an engine brake, a transmission with
diagnosis. Main pressure varies as a function of the a clutch-type torque converter should be used. Use of
operating state and gear selection. Pressure schedules the engine brake should normally be limited to transmis-
are summarized in the Transmission Specifications sion "lockup" operation. For reference, the AT1542P and
section of this book. AT1545P (plus all MT600 and HT700 series transmis-
sions) incorporate a lockup clutch in the torque con-
4.5 VEHICLE TOWING verter, whereas the AT542 and AT545 models do not.
Vehicles equipped with AT500(R) and AT1500P-series The AT5xx models, therefore, will not allow maximum
automatic transmissions may not be towed (due to engine brake performance because its effectivity is
potential damage from lack of internal lubrication) unless severely limited by the AT500 converter feedback
the drive axle is lifted or the vehicle driveshaft is discon- characteristics. Selection of a retarder-equipped AT5xxR-
nected. series transmission should be considered as an alterna-
tive to the use of an engine brake with these transmis-
sion models.
Technical descriptions and specifications for the trans- In addition to limited braking effectiveness, the use of an
mission models are consolidated in the Transmission engine brake at low engine speeds is often the cause of
Specifications section of this book for each model as transmission cooling concerns.
For further information, refer to the AT500(R)/AT1500P-
5.1 RATINGS Series Installation Manual. Of special importance are
Maximum permissible input power and torque, turbine discussions in Section H: Retarder Provisions regarding
torque, governed speed of the engine, and gross vehicle the selection and use of engine braking devices, and
weight must be within acceptable ranges. Refer to the Section E: Transmission Cooling.
Transmission Specifications section of this book


Mechanical gearing ratio of each drive range is shown VEHICLE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
for all models. The ratios shown do NOT include the The performance analysis of a vehicle requires the
torque multiplication characteristics of the transmission translation of engine power into work done by a vehicle.
torque converter. Refer to the Transmission Specifica- An example may be the speed and gradeability achiev-
tions section of this book able by a truck hauling a given size payload.

AT500 and AT1500P Series Application Manual March, 1999 Page 5

This analysis requires the conversion of engine perfor- brakes to limit vehicle speed during PTO operation. The
mance to net power at the operating conditions encoun- vehicle may require an auxiliary transmission to achieve
tered by the vehicle, plus a matched performance sufficient reduction.
calculation with a selected torque converter, The vehicle
performance calculation should consider the appropriate CAUTION: Do not use the brakes to limit
axle ratio, tire size rolling resistance, wind resistance, and vehicle speed while using the throttle to maintain
various loading or load distribution options. an engine speed above idle when the transmission
is in range. Such operation will cause the
As the analysis is quite long, laborious and subject to transmission to overheat. Extended operation at
undetected errors early in the calculation, Allison has elevated temperatures will result in transmission
created SCAAN (System for Computerized Application damage.
ANalysis), an easily accessible computer program for
calculating vehicle performance, which is readily tailored
to the various input parameters. 7.0 VERIFYING THE ENGINE
An extremely useful feature of SCAAN is to automati- Proper selection of an engine is crucial in creating a
cally compare a transmission application against appro- vehicle which meets customer performance expectations.
priate performance guidelines and transmission ratings. However, selecting an engine based solely on calculated
This assures the customer of a proper transmission vehicle performance is often not adequate to verify that
selection and a vehicle which should perform favorably the engine and transmission are totally compatible in all
as compared to long-term experience in similar applica- expected duty cycles. The following are significant
tions. The following are examples of this type of references to further verify the acceptability of an engine
analysis. / transmission combination in a planned vehicle:
• Reserve gradeability (typically 0.25 percent) at top
vibrations are exhibited at the crankshaft of all recipro-
• Gradeability at a specific converter efficiency point cating internal combustion engines. Powertrain compo-
(which varies by the type of expected duty cycle). nents may be damaged if the system operates in reso-
• Minimum vehicle top geared speed. nance (frequency of the vibration source is at or near the
natural frequency of the powertrain components).
• Minimum tractive effort available to slip the wheels
at a specified converter efficiency point (for on/off- The torque converter drive of non-lockup AT500-series
highway applications). models provides natural damping for the transmission.
AT1500P-series models are naturally more susceptible to
• Minimum calculated Durability Indicator (DI). The DI vibrational problems because they employ a lockup
has been developed to evaluate, concurrently, such clutch in the torque converter. However, each of these
factors as engine governed speed, net input power, transmissions is equipped with a damping device in the
vehicle weight, and the total driveline ratio. This converter to reduce the amplitude and/or frequency of
guideline is applicable only to city bus applications. vibrations generated by most types of engines used with
these transmissions. Thus, engine-induced torsional
To assist the user, a separate document is available in vibrations are typically not a concern for the AT500 or
Book 1 to further discuss the general use of SCAAN for AT1500P models.
vehicle performance analysis, detailed vocation descrip-
tion, and performance guidelines (Technical Document Some vehicles equipped with in-line 4-, 5-, or 6-cylinder
133, Guidelines for Transmission Applications and engines, however, may still require additional protection.
Vehicle Performance.) Refer to Section B: Transmission / Engine Packaging of
the AT500(R)/1500 Transmission Manual for additional
LOW SPEED APPLICATIONS: Some duty cycles require details.
the vehicle to “creep” in range at low vehicle speeds
while maintaining a specified engine speed for PTO ENGINE BRAKING DEVICES: The effectiveness of
operation. The specified engine speeds are usually in engine-braking devices, such as exhaust brakes or
the range of 1000 - 1800 rpm. Examples of the duty compression brakes, is heavily dependent upon the
cycles include paint stripers and feed lot trucks. feedback characteristics of the transmission torque
converter. Braking can be maximized by keeping the
For these duty cycles, the overall drivetrain reduction transmission lockup clutch applied (AT1500P-series
must be such that the operator does not use the service models) during this mode, although operation in lockup

Page 6 March, 1999 AT500 and AT1500P Series Application Manual

at lower engine speeds may introduce torsional vibration higher ratio converter) - particularly if the axle ratio has
concerns. For this reason, the selection of a lockup- also been changed in an effort to maintain the same
equipped AT1500P-series transmission is preferable to a vehicle top-geared-speed (at the lower engine RPM's).
non-lockup AT500 transmission for these applications.
(For more information, refer to Section B: Transmission / Each Allison torque converter is designed to operate
Engine Packaging of the AT500(R)/AT1500 Transmis- within a relatively small range of speed and torque. An
sion Installation Manual). The use of an engine improper match of engine and converter may prevent the
braking device with a retarder-equipped AT500R-series engine from reaching sufficient speed to generate its
model is not permitted. rated torque and power (the converter has "excess
capacity"). Conversely, an improper match with "insuffi-
The entire topic of engine braking devices is discussed cient capacity" may allow the engine to run at sustained
in more detail in Section H: Retarder Provisions of the high speeds while providing minimal torque multiplica-
AT500(R)/AT1500 Transmission Installation Manual). tion - thus transmitting inadequate torque to the driv-
eline. In either case, vehicle performance and transmis-
SMOKE CONTROLS: Smoke controls make it difficult for sion operation will be affected negatively. The recent
turbocharged engines to accelerate from idle while under trend to increase engine torque while reducing operating
load. Although this characteristic is common in varying speed often reduces the possible torque converter
degrees for all turbocharged engines, it is more pro- choices which are available to optimize performance of
nounced with increased high-speed boost pressures the engine/transmission combination.
introduced in recent years. Lower boost at low engine
speed, and resulting poor acceleration under load, The SCAAN program (see Section 6.2) may provide an
hinders accurate matching of torque converter and effective means to evaluate design changes "on paper"
engine - particularly since many published engine before a vehicle is assembled.
performance curves may not accurately represent engine
"acceleration" performance at low (non-turbocharged) "ZERO-DROOP" ELECTRONICALLY-CONTROLLED
speeds. When selecting an engine/converter combina- ENGINES: Electronically-controlled engines which are
tion, be certain that the it has been used successfully. If programmed with no governor overrun (commonly called
there are uncertainties, consult Allison Sales. "zero droop" engines) have been proven to experience
shift problems with Allison products - frequently
For additional information on the subject of smoke exhibiting the inability to shift into higher gears when
controls and their effects on torque converter matching, under load.
refer to Technical Document 115, "Torque Converter
Compatibility with Smoke-Controlled Diesel Engines" Be aware of the potential for shifting problems if an
in the GENERAL INFORMATION BOOK. Allison transmission is used with a "zero droop" engine.
When the choice is available, an engine rating with
REDUCED GOVERNED SPEED ENGINES: Recent trends droop should always be used with Allison products in
in engine design have resulted in reduced engine lieu of the "zero droop" rating. If an engine rating with a
governed speeds in order to lower emissions, reduce droop of less than 125 rpm is used with a hydraulically
engine noise, and improve fuel economy. Frequently the controlled transmission, the transmission shift calibration
decrease in operating speed is accompanied by a must be at least 100 rpm lower than the engine governed
sufficient increase in torque to maintain the same engine speed.
power rating as before - but at the reduced governed
speed. (In extreme circumstances, the higher torque
engine may no longer match the transmission - and will
require upgrading to a different transmission model.) In
order to maintain maximum operating torques within the
transmission gear and clutch sections, the new engine
rating may require use of a torque converter with lower
torque multiplication rates than was previously used.

In these circumstances, it is possible for the resultant

torque to the wheels (using the higher torque engine and
lower ratio converter) to be less than with the original
combination (which used the lower torque engine and

AT500 and AT1500P Series Application Manual March, 1999 Page 7

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