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Ed Process Int J | www.edupij.

ISSN 2147-0901 | e-ISSN 2564-8020
Copyright © 2022 | ÜNİVERSİTEPARK


ARTICLE HISTORY Learner Engagement in Using Kahoot! within

Received February 12, 2022
Accepted May 15, 2022
a University English Proficiency Course
Published Online June 28, 2022 Mohd Zulfadli Mat Husin Ruhil Amal Azmuddin

Background/purpose – Game-based learning is becoming increasingly
CORRESPONDENCE popular among educators in higher institutions. However, it can be a
Mohd Zulfadli Mat Husin daunting task for educators to ascertain which of the currently
zulfadli.mh@umk.edu.my available game-based learning platforms best suits their learners’
University Malaysia Kelantan, needs. This study explored the suitability of Kahoot! as one of the
Malaysia most commonly used game-based learning platforms in education.
The aim of study was to determine whether Kahoot! can be used to
engage learners and reinforce learning for academic purposes in
AUTHORS DETAILS higher education institutions.
Additional information about the Materials/methods – Data were collected among 80 science and
authors is available at the end of the technology undergraduate students enrolled to an “English for
Academic Communication” course, which is compulsory for English
language proficiency at the participant university. The students were
exposed to the use of Kahoot! through several predetermined quizzes
How to cite: Mat Husin, M.Z., & conducted during their lessons over a single 14-week semester. The
Azmuddin, R.A. (2022). Learner study employed a two-part, 24-item, Likert-type scale administered via
Engagement in Using Kahoot! within a Google Forms. The questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach alpha
University English Proficiency Course. reliability analysis, which yielded a score of .97, confirming the
Educational Process: International questionnaire to be a reliable instrument.
Journal, 11(2): 167-180.
Results – The study’s findings revealed that the participant students
found Kahoot! to be fun, enjoyable, engaging, and interesting to use.
Conclusion – The participant students also believed that Kahoot! was
OPEN ACCESS able to consolidate and reinforce learning in academic courses, which
is integral to the higher education context in terms of creating better
Copyright © 2022 by the author(s). This
classroom dynamics.
work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Keywords – Kahoot!, learner engagement, game-based learning,
License (CC-BY-4.0), where it is permissible to English for academic purposes, higher education
download and share the work provided it is
properly cited. To link to this article– https://dx.doi.org/10.22521/edupij.2022.112.9

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Mat Husin and Azmuddin | 168

Gamification in teaching and learning has become part of the new norm. Experts
acknowledge that the concept of gamified teaching and learning can be applied in various
disciplines with the aim of promoting and encouraging certain aspects of human behavior
(Wood & Reiners, 2015). Central to the core discipline of gamification is classroom dynamics.
This shift has led to the wider use of educational spaces (Ruhil Amal et al., 2020) and as such
many educators have opted to utilize gamification to reinforce classroom learning.
Gamification is believed to render positive results for students, with learning content
presented in such a way that impacts teaching and learning on a whole new level. One of the
many benefits that educators realize from gamification is its ability to enhance the learning
process and motivate students (Lopez & Tucker, 2019). Gamification, therefore, is seen to
encourage student learning as a supportive aid tool.
As the world is constantly evolving and adapting to the greater use of technology in
teaching and learning processes, the application of web-based games such as Kahoot!
became inevitable. Kahoot! has been recognized as one of the leading learning applications
based on gamification, which was purposely designed to improve conventional learning
through offering a more exciting user experience that can be accessed using various types of
device. Kahoot! has in excess of 30 million users due to its freely available, real-time
application, and has become widely accepted on a global scale (Chiang, 2020). It allows
instructors to create interesting game-based quizzes, surveys, and other learning-based
content in which students can compete against each other.
Gamification in the higher education context allows for a more fun approach for
students involved in courses with an otherwise academic focus. For example, a study among
Universiti Sains Malaysia communication students found that the application of Kahoot!
encouraged both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, as well as actively supported learning
during lectures (Tan et al., 2018). The aim of that particular study was to examine the effects
of using Kahoot! amongst the undergraduate student population in Malaysia. Similarly,
Licorish et al. (2018) found Kahoot! to be effective when used as a learning tool in the
classroom environment, with gamification assisting teachers to minimize improper
classroom behaviors through its activities.
However, with many options available in game-based learning, it can be a daunting task
for today’s instructors to evaluate whether Kahoot! is truly suitable for their learners’ needs.
What is not yet clear is the impact of using Kahoot! to reinforce learning in the Malaysian
higher education context. Hence, the current study aims to identify the suitability of Kahoot!
to consolidate and reinforce learning for academic purposes among undergraduate students
in Malaysia. The study sought answers to the following research questions:
 Does a significant difference exist between genders in terms of students’ attitudes
and perceptions toward the application of Kahoot! for academic purposes?
 In what ways is Kahoot! suitable for teaching and learning of academic courses at the
university level?
Game-based learning platforms are commonly used since it is believed that they help to
engage learners, and also to increase their motivation, enjoyment, and concentration.
Experts have argued that using games in learning helps to integrate several traits such as
introducing learning theories, skills, and languages (Prensky, 2005). In addition, researchers

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have claimed that well-constructed learning games had been known to improve students’
interaction among themselves as well as their motivation toward learning itself (Tan et al.,
2018). The underlying premise is that gamification allows the learning process to take place
wherein students naturally acquire new knowledge and skills.
In addition, gamification can be defined from the engagement process driven by certain
variables. Groh (2012) defined gamification as a process involving users taking part in
activities with features that aim to motivate. Another definition of gamification is a process
governed by rules, with individual’s self-engaging or with others within an artificial skirmish
that produces a measurable outcome (Salen et al., 2004). Looking at these concepts,
gamification is about the use of game-based elements and features applied within different
settings. The process of gamification mainly requires people to restructure target work
processes with game instruments aimed at adding an element of entertainment and to
provide a pleasant user experience for learners (Wood & Reiners, 2015). In brief, we can say
that gamification is a mixture of multiple parts that push individual skills to build certain
aspects of behavior with the aim of supporting certain processes (Werbach & Hunter, 2020).
Hence, gamification helps transform established activities with the injection of certain
enjoyable elements in order to boost motivation and promote greater user engagement.
Kahoot! is one of many game-based applications currently used in teaching and
learning. It is an application that focuses on a game-based student response system aimed at
transforming the traditional classroom into a game show format (Boden & Hart, 2018). The
application works on various platforms, either via personal computers or through a mobile
device. Educators can set questions or polls on Kahoot! for their students to answer
simultaneously using their preferred type of device. There are also predetermined quizzes
that educators can select and edit based on the relevant personal learning objectives.
Kahoot! provides multiple functionalities that are all widely considered user-friendly.
Kahoot! offers four different mode selections which are teacher, student, workplace,
and social. Each mode presents a completely different set of structures in order to cater for
the respective different needs. For example, in the “teacher” mode, users can control the
game duration such as the timing of the questions, and users can create different sets of
questions with different sets of answers. There are also options for students to respond to
multiple-choice questions or yes/no questions. Additionally, Kahoot! allows students to
participate under a pseudonym, affording a level of anonymity for those with low self-
esteem issues or perhaps shy about the visibility of their responses (Boden & Hart, 2018).
This function encourages learning without users feeling unnecessarily discriminated or
victimized; for example, if their performance falls below that of the average standard.
A considerable amount of literature has been published on the impact of using Kahoot!
in the teaching and learning context. In a study by Tan et al. (2018), the use of Kahoot! was
shown to assist teachers in being more creative, leading to the improved motivation of
students, and concluded that students became more engaged in learning. Supporting the
usefulness of the Kahoot! platform, Licorish et al. (2018) claimed that its use by students in
New Zealand helped to increase their enthusiasm, engagement, and understanding toward
learning course content, as Kahoot! introduces a level of fun to in-class tasks. Several studies
have examined the impact of using Kahoot! on classroom interaction, and have shown that
Kahoot! can facilitate students to be more motivated and more engaged in learning content
in the classroom environment (Ismail & Mohammad, 2017). In addition, Wang and Tahir
(2020) stated that 33 studies have been conducted in which it was claimed that Kahoot!

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enhanced the classroom atmosphere. Hence, it may be said that Kahoot! has been proven to
be a very useful application that aids both teachers as well as students.
Recent research has suggested that Kahoot! should be implemented in the classroom
environment since it can impact on student learning in various ways. Licorish et al. (2018)
holds the view that Kahoot!’s impact is broad and that it can significantly enhance the
classroom dynamic, improve students’ engagement in learning, as well as to help inspire
students in their knowledge acquisition. Their study explored 14 respondents using a
qualitative approach to examine the usage of Kahoot! in a course, and found that students
became more motivated and more focused in the classroom. Also, students were found to
be more willing to take part in the activities, which resulted in a better learning environment
with improved interaction among students and also with their teachers. Kahoot! was shown
to create a positive learning environment that encourages students to feel comfortable
when learning and communicating with each other.
One key aspect of using Kahoot! is that it increases user engagement in learning. For
example, Tan et al. (2018) found that Kahoot! helps to advance the metacognitive aptitudes,
empathy, and teamwork skills of students. The various features of the Kahoot! application
assists teachers in developing the ability of students to collaborate and cooperate among
themselves when solving quizzes or questions they are assigned. Besides, students have
been shown to think critically when completing tasks on Kahoot! as instructed by their
teachers. Licorish et al. (2018) stated that adopting a gamification approach to learning, such
as Kahoot!, can prove useful in helping students. In a study by Novak (2010), the premise
was that in using Kahoot!, teachers were able to apply a meaningful learning approach that
highlights the constructive integration of thinking, emotion, and action that leads to
empowerment for commitment and duty toward the learning process. Learners’
performance and their engagement among themselves, as reported by Bawa (2018), to
significantly improve when Kahoot! was introduced into the classroom environment, with
students found to be more excited to answer quizzes using Kahoot!, thus lowering their
anxiety in learning. Furthermore, using the features of Kahoot!, quizzes can be assigned to
pairs or small groups of students which fosters student discussion in a competitive yet fun
In addition to elevating the learning process, the effectiveness of gamification depends
on whether or not students perceive the games to be appealing, accessible, useful, and of a
sufficiently high quality. These are integral elements required to support learning, especially
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic where learning required massive amounts of time
spent online through distance learning (Ruhil Amal et al., 2020). Kalayci and Humiston (2015)
contended that students’ belief and attitudes toward the use of web-based education such
as gamification was one of the essential elements that would determine its success. It was
found that students rated gamification-based applications as more interesting and more
valued as useful educational tools compared to other educational applications
(Papastergiou, 2009). The study also found that students who continued to use gamification-
based applications throughout the semester stated positive impacts on their learning and
Recent developments in the field of gamification have led to renewed interest in using
Kahoot! for educational purposes. Wang and Tahir (2020) claimed that 48 studies have
investigated the use of Kahoot! in education. One key finding highlighted that Kahoot! was
found to improve students’ test results, and that interaction among students increased

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when used in the classroom environment. It was also found that students had a positive
perception toward the use of Kahoot! in the classroom, thus producing a positive effect on
students’ attention, self-confidence, motivation, and engagement (Wang & Tahir, 2020).
With regards to learners’ age, Kahoot! was proven as suitable for the creation of interactive
teacher-learner situations in the classroom setting through knowledge-based games whilst
embedding the subject knowledge (Tan et al., 2018).
A considerable amount of literature has suggested that Kahoot! is regarded as one of
the best free-to-use learning tools that utilizes web-based technology. It has been proven to
create a more interactive classroom environment that improves the motivation of learners.
Recent studies examining students’ and teachers’ beliefs about Kahoot! have reported
positive attitudes about its use in the classroom, regardless of students’ age or proficiency
level. On the negative side, significant issues with this kind of application have been reported
as Internet connectivity and time. Students have reported that with the requirement to
maintain an active Internet connection, there have been delays experienced which may have
demotivated some from using Kahoot! (Chiang, 2020). Teachers also need to emphasize the
color and font selections when applying Kahoot! in the learning environment in order to
ensure that the questions presented are suitable and visually appropriate for their students.
As such, the current small-scale study aims to investigate the perceived effectiveness of
using Kahoot! at the university level to promote student engagement and to reinforce
learning on academic courses.
The focus of this study was to explore the suitability of using Kahoot! as a game-based
learning platform to engage and reinforce learning within a higher education context. The
study was conducted within a compulsory Level-1 English language proficiency course at a
public university in Malaysia. A mixed-method approach was utilized as the research design,
and the first section of data analysis is reported descriptively.
This study adopted purposeful sampling among 80 students enrolled to the “English for
Academic Communication” course at the university during the first semester of the 2020-
2021 academic year. The participants were from various ethnicities and were enrolled to
various science and technology programs of study at Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
The students were invited to answer a Likert-type scale survey that was posted online
using Google Forms following their use of Kahoot! in their course for a period of one
semester (14 weeks). During the COVID-19 pandemic, all courses were conducted online;
hence, learners received no face-to-face teaching throughout the entire semester that the
current study took place. Table 1 presents the demographic information of the study’s
Table 1. Participants’ demographic information
Profile Categories Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Gender Female 56 70.00
Male 24 30.00
Age 20 years 3 3.80
21 years 21 26.30
22 years 26 32.50
23 years or above 30 37.50

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Profile Categories Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Faculty / Centre Faculty of Industrial Sciences & 13 16.25
Faculty of Chemical & Process 6 7.50
Engineering Technology
Faculty of Civil Engineering 12 15.00
Faculty of Electrical & Electronics 3 3.75
Engineering Technology
Faculty of Mechanical & Automotive 4 5.00
Engineering Technology
Faculty of Industrial Management 8 10.00
College of Engineering 34 42.50
Education entry Matriculation 28 35.00
into UMP STPM/ A LEVEL / Foundation 13 16.25
Diploma 34 42.50
Other (overseas qualification) 5 6.25
Ethnicity Malay 59 73.80
Chinese 10 12.50
Indian 7 8.80
Other: (Kadazan, Bidayuh, Sikh) 1 1.30
Other: Overseas 3 3.80
Home town Urban 27 33.80
Semi Urban 40 50.00
Rural 13 16.30
From Table 1, it can be seen that the students were studying under various science and
technology programs, that 70% (n = 56) were female and 30% (n = 24) male, and that the
participant students were aged between 19 and 24 years old. Most of the students were
Malay (74%), while the rest were Chinese (12%), Indian (8%), and 6% other.
A 24-item, Likert-type scale was used to collect the study’s data. The applied survey was
adapted from Tan et al.’s (2017) study which conducted reliability analysis using the SAS 9.4
software. From their analysis, the Cronbach alpha value obtained was .97, which
represented an excellent level of reliability (George & Mallery, 2003). The two-part survey
was administered online via Google Forms, and the participant students took on average 15
minutes to answer the survey at the end of the semester.
There were three pre-determined Kahoot! quizzes conducted over the 14-week
semester in order to consolidate and reinforce the main topics covered. These quizzes were
selected from the Kahoot! database, but were adapted in order to meet the specific
objectives of the course. For example, after providing input on reading strategies and
completing several reading comprehension exercises, a Kahoot! quiz session was applied so
as to reinforce the lesson on reading strategies.
A total of 90 students from three classes were invited to take part in the study;
however, the researchers only received 80 Google Form responses. Data collection was
performed at the end of the semester after the students had used Kahoot! in their lessons.

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Most of the students showed positive attitudes towards the use of Kahoot! in learning.
An average mean score of 4.57 was revealed related to the participants’ attitudes toward
Kahoot! The highest mean score was 4.74, which was from three statements, “I find Kahoot!
fun,” “I enjoy playing Kahoot!,” and “I respond to each item or question in each Kahoot!
session.” Only six statements recorded below-average mean scores with, “I get annoyed
when I can’t connect to Kahoot!” (M = 4.06), “I am eager to learn via Kahoot!” (M = 4.38), “I
pay more attention during lectures because I hope to win in the Kahoot! sessions”
(M = 4.38), “I respond as accurately as possible to each item or question in each Kahoot!
session” (M = 4.43), “I respond as quickly as possible to each item or question in each
Kahoot! session” (M = 4.44), and “I feel positive when playing Kahoot!” (M = 4.56). Table 2
presents the participants’ attitudes toward using the Kahoot! application for academic
purposes in a higher education context.
Table 2. Attitude toward Kahoot!
No Statement M SD
1 I look forward to playing Kahoot! 4.59 .54
2 I find Kahoot! interesting. 4.73 .62
3 I find Kahoot! fun. 4.74 .59
4 I get annoyed when I can’t connect to Kahoot! 4.06 .88
5 I feel excited when playing Kahoot! 4.70 .49
6 I enjoy playing Kahoot! 4.74 .52
7 I feel positive when playing Kahoot! 4.56 .65
8 I focus on the items or questions in each Kahoot! session. 4.64 .56
9 I respond to each item or question in each Kahoot! 4.74 .44
10 I respond as quickly as possible to each item or question 4.44 .81
in each Kahoot! session.
11 I respond as accurately as possible to each item or 4.43 .67
question in each Kahoot! session
12 I like the competitiveness in our Kahoot! sessions. 4.71 .56
13 I am motivated by the prospect of winning in these 4.63 .62
Kahoot! sessions.
14 I pay more attention during lectures because I hope to 4.38 .72
win in the Kahoot! sessions.
15 I am eager to learn via Kahoot! 4.38 .75
16 There is value in using Kahoot! for teaching and learning 4.61 .61
17 Kahoot! should be used in higher education 4.59 .71

Table 2 provides sufficient evidence for instructors to include game-based learning

platforms such as Kahoot! into academic courses. Overall, the data revealed that students’
attitudes toward using Kahoot! indicated the need to encourage an interesting, exciting, and
competitive environment for learning at the tertiary level. The participant students believed
Kahoot! to be fun and enjoyable, and that it made them more responsive as learners, which
is significantly important as it can motivate students to continue with their learning (Licorish
et al., 2018).

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Furthermore, an independent t-test was conducted in order to investigate gender

differences in the participants’ attitudes and perceptions of using the Kahoot! application for
academic purposes. From the findings, there was no significant difference found in terms of
gender (t (78) = -.859, p = .22) with regards to the students’ attitude toward using Kahoot! in
an academic context.
The study also found no significant gender-based difference between the perceptions of
male students (M = 4.42, SD = .45) and female students (M = 4.55, SD = .48) toward using the
Kahoot! application (t (78) = -1.13, p = .37).
The participants of the study seemed to strongly agree that their Kahoot! sessions
helped them to learn the gist of English language academic communication concepts that
they may have missed during lectures (M = 4.64). In addition, the participants expressed
positive perceptions toward Kahoot! in terms of it helping them to learn the gist of the
English language academic communication course’s features or devices (M = 4.60),
motivating them to learn more (M = 4.59), helping them to learn the gist of writing
techniques for English language academic communication (M = 4.49), and helping to
reinforce their learning of English language academic communication features or devices
(M = 4.48). Moreover, the students agreed that Kahoot! helped them to reinforce their
learning of English language academic communication writing techniques (M = 4.43), and
also to consolidate their learning of concepts related to English language academic
communication (M = 4.39). Table 3 presents the findings of the participants’ perceptions
toward using Kahoot! for academic purposes.
Table 3. Perceptions toward using Kahoot!
No Statement M SD
1 Our Kahoot! sessions motivate me to learn more. 4.59 .59
2 Our Kahoot! sessions help me learn the gist of English for
Academic Communication concepts that I might have 4.64 .51
missed during lectures.
3 Our Kahoot! sessions help me learn the gist of English for
Academic Communication language features or devices 4.60 .52
that I might have missed during lectures.
4 Our Kahoot! sessions help me learn the gist of English for
Academic Communication writing techniques that I might 4.49 .60
have missed during lectures.
5 Our Kahoot! sessions help reinforce (consolidate) my
English for Academic Communication learning of 4.39 .61
6 Our Kahoot! sessions help reinforce (consolidate) my
learning of English for Academic Communication 4.48 .57
language features or devices.
7 Our Kahoot! sessions help reinforce (consolidate) my
learning of English for Academic Communication writing 4.43 .65
Table 3 shows that positive perceptions were revealed toward the students use of
Kahoot! to reinforce learning in their “English for Academic Communication” course. The
students believed that using Kahoot! allowed them to reinforce what they had learned over

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the semester. Moreover, they believed that Kahoot! provided them with the gist of the topic
of study which is important in learning academic materials at a higher education level.
Hence, these findings prove that the utilization of knowledge games in teaching practices
can enable students to learn the required subject matter (Tan et al., 2018).
The final item in the questionnaire was open-ended, enabling the respondents to
provide comments based on their overall experience as users of the Kahoot! application in
their course. Table 4 presents excerpts from the respondents’ transcripts, categorized
according to three main themes.
Table 4. Participants’ open-ended comments
Theme Transcript excerpts
Interesting learning tool I felt excited when playing Kahoot!
It was very interesting and fun to answer the quiz.
Nice platform.
I found Kahoot! sessions really exciting.
Kahoot! is great.
Nice platform.
I enjoyed playing Kahoot!
Such an enjoyable session.
Kahoot! is fun
Very knowledgeable and fun.
Fun and interesting to learn.
Helps to foster learning It is good because Kahoot! helps me recall the things we learned
in class.
Gave me more confidence in class.
Kahoot! really helped me to become faster and more confident.
It has an influence on my learning process.
I find Kahoot! made learning experience fun, enjoyable, and
It is a fun way of learning and I can test whether I can remember
things that I learned in class.
I think it is relevant and we should use Kahoot! in our English
classes since it really helped me a lot, especially when a lecture
is explained further using questions and answers. I enjoy
Kahoot! sessions every time.
It is suitable for our English course.
Motivates to learn & stay Kahoot! also can help release my stress.
focused Kahoot! helped me to feel more relaxed to learn, and it also
boosted my mood a bit.
Learning became more fun.
I focus better in class and don’t fall asleep.
It made me pay more attention in class because I’m trying to win
during every Kahoot! session.

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Theme Transcript excerpts

In addition, Kahoot! helped me to be more focused in order to
find the correct answer. Kahoot! is very interesting because it
shows whether or not students focus well during the class.
I found it fun to use Kahoot! and I can easily remember every
detail taught by the lecturer.
The three major themes categorized were Interesting learning tool, Helps to foster
learning, and Motivates to learn and stay focused. Overall, most of the respondents agreed
that Kahoot! is considered as an interesting tool that can be used in learning as it provides a
different classroom dynamic.
However, the participant students also highlighted several drawbacks related to the use
of Kahoot! in learning, including “I feel annoyed and nervous when I lose [Internet]
connection during the session,” “Kahoot! cannot be used if you have an Internet connection
problem,” “It gives me anxiety,” “I hope the question is in the same place as the answer. It is
hard to look for both the question and answer,” and “Nice, but needs a good *Internet]
connection.” This illustrates the need for educators to consider these potential drawbacks in
making decisions on an appropriate time or task to be set when using Kahoot! in lessons.
The objective of this study was to explore Kahoot!’s suitability for academic application
in the higher education setting. The findings strongly showed that the study’s participants
held a positive perception regarding the effectiveness of using Kahoot! for academic
purposes within a higher education context. It was found that most of the respondents
showed strong positive attitudes toward the application of Kahoot! for academic purposes,
with the following being the three most positive attitude statements; “I find Kahoot! fun,” “I
enjoy playing Kahoot!,” and “I respond to each item or question in each Kahoot! session.”
These statements show that the participant students agreed on the implementation of
gamification for academic purposes in higher institutions as they perceived that it made
their learning more enjoyable and increased their motivation. In addition, several of the
students commented that, “I find that Kahoot! sessions are really exciting,” “Kahoot! really
helps me to become faster and more confident,” “Kahoot! helps me to be more focused in
finding the correct answer,” and “This Kahoot! game is very interesting because it shows
whether or not students focus well during classes.”
The study’s findings corroborate with those of Tan et al. (2018), in which participants
showed strong positive attitudes toward the use of Kahoot! as it can enable tertiary students
to increase their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The current study’s findings also support
the study of Licorish et al. (2018), which revealed that students enjoyed using Kahoot!,
preferred to use it in class because of its features, and that it even helped students to
overcome some of the challenges they experienced with learning in an online environment.
In addition, the current study’s findings also strongly suggested that respondents
perceived that Kahoot! helped them to learn the gist of an English language course’s
concepts for academic communication that they may have missed during lectures. In
supporting this, one student pointed out that, “I think it is relevant and we should use
Kahoot! in our English classes since it really helped me a lot, especially when a lecture is
explained further using questions and answers. I enjoy Kahoot! sessions every time,” whilst
another student stated that “Its suitable for our English course.” This confirmed that Kahoot!

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helps to foster and reinforce students’ learning, a finding found to be congruent with a study
by Licorish et al. (2018) who claimed that participants showed positive reference towards
Kahoot! supporting their learning as it helped them to recall previously covered learning
materials, further developed their comprehension, gave new insight, and eventually helped
to expand their knowledge. Similarly, An (2021) stated that gamified learning such as using
the Kahoot! platform was relevant to student learning.
The results from a t-test strongly suggested that no significant difference was
established between the genders in terms of the students’ attitudes and perceptions toward
the application of Kahoot! for academic purposes in a higher education setting. This finding
is similar to that reported by Chiang (2020), who found that college students showed similar
perceptions regarding learning with Kahoot! regardless of their gender. One possible reason
behind this finding is that both male and female students strongly agreed that Kahoot!
application in the higher education academic context helps enable the learning process to be
more interesting and fun, increases student motivation, and promotes better student
engagement both inside and outside of the classroom environment. However, the finding
also contradicts with that reported by Ismail and Mohammad (2017), who stated that male
tertiary students perceived to be more motivated to use Kahoot! as a tool for formative
evaluation and to assist them in knowledge retention when compared to their female peers.
In addition, several students in the current study highlighted certain disadvantages to
the use of Kahoot! in higher education. Most of the problems reported were due to issues of
Internet connectivity, whereby students were unable to actively participate in using Kahoot!
smoothly or effectively and thus affected their ability to respond to online quizzes. This
perceived drawback is similar to that reported in the findings of Tan et al. (2018), in which it
was highlighted that unstable Internet connections delayed students’ responses to quiz
items. Similarly, Chiang (2020) found that Internet connectivity and time were the main
causes of setbacks in using Kahoot!
However, the benefits that Kahoot! brought in learning outweigh its drawbacks, with
most students having agreed that their motivation to learn increased significantly as a result
of using Kahoot! and they showed positive attitudes toward using Kahoot! in their classroom
The current research presents one of only a few studies that has examined game-
based learning in higher education for academic purposes in Malaysia. The study’s findings
revealed that game-based learning is important to motivate learners and promote better
student engagement. The findings in this study revealed the participant tertiary students to
hold a positive attitude toward the use of Kahoot! for academic purposes, and were in
strong agreement that it enhanced their learning development as it reinforced their
knowledge on topics previously learned. With regards to student gender, the study showed
that no significant difference was found in terms of the tertiary students’ attitude or
perceptions towards the use of Kahoot! The study also provided valuable insight on the use
of Kahoot! for academic purposes in which it can provide a practical, low-cost learning
application that lecturers and teachers can utilize so as to engage better with their students,
whilst at the same time reinforcing their learning.
It is worth noting that although the findings in the current study revealed an
interesting understanding on the effectiveness of using Kahoot! in learning sessions, the
findings cannot, however, be generalized to other tertiary student populations in Malaysia

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or elsewhere. Furthermore, the participant students’ perceptions and motivation towards

the use of Kahoot! as a gamified learning tool may also depend on their past experience and
personality (An, 2021). As such, future research could examine the relationship between
such variables.
A need exists for future research to investigate the effectiveness of using Kahoot!
within other higher education courses such as for the teaching of writing skills or content-
based courses. Educators, students, and policymakers need to collaborate in creating better
tertiary education environments with a focus on optimizing learning using technological
tools such as Kahoot!

Author Contributions Mat Husin, M. Z.: Literature review, data analysis, writing, original
manuscript preparation. Azmuddin, R. A.: Methodology, data collection, data analysis,
review-editing, conceptualization. All authors have read and approved the published on the
final version of the article.
Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Funding The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship and/or
publication of this article.
Ethical Approval All procedures were carried out in accordance with the ethical standards of
institutional and national research committees.
Data Availability Statement The data that support the findings of this study are available
from the corresponding author upon request.
Acknowledgements None.

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Mohd Zulfadli Mat Husin is an Assistant Registrar at Registrar Office, Universiti Malaysia
Kelantan. He is currently pursuing postgraduate studies at the Universiti Malaysia Pahang,
with research interests in technology in education, ESP, and English at the workplace. His
primary research interests include educational leadership and administration, reputation
management, school administration, psychology, and human behavior. He has published
extensively in leading international journals and also authored books and chapters on
Email: zulfadli.mh@umk.edu.my
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5112-560X

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Ruhil Amal Azmuddin, Ph.D., is a senior lecturer at the Centre for Modern Languages,
Universiti Malaysia Pahang. She obtained her Doctorate at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
after completing her Master’s degree in Educational Studies (TESOL) from the University of
Newcastle, Australia, and a Ed (Hons.) in TESL from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. Her
main research interests are reading in ESL, online reading, and technology-enhanced
language learning (TELL).
Email: ruhilamal@ump.edu.my
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6998-6099

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Ed Process Int J | 2022 | 11(2):167-180.

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