1. Classify Tachometers.
2. State the functions of ‘Dynamometer’
3. Define term “Gauge factor’’
4. State the principle of working of slipping clutch tachometer.
5. List different types of Speed Measuring instruments.
6. State the applications of Ultrasonic flow meter.
7. Draw a neat sketch of a sling psychrometer & write its working
8. Explain Bounded type strain gauge with a neat diagram.
9. Draw neat sketch of orifice flow meter & explain its working.
10. Explain with neat sketch sound measurement using electrodynamic microphone
11. Define flow.State the classification of flow transducers
12. What are materials used for strain gauges?
13. Define humidity & state the units for humidity.
14. State the criteria on which strain gauges are selected.
15. Draw a neat sketch of a carbon microphone.
16. List advantages & disadvantages of hot wire anemometer.
17. Explain with a neat sketch working of contact less electrical tachometer.(inductive
pick-up tachometer).(CO6/U)
18. Draw neat sketch of accelerometer & explain its working
19. Explain the working of Rotameter with help of a neat diagram.(CO4/A)
20. Draw neat sketch of transit time (time difference type) ultrasonic flow meter.(CO4/U).