Mis Chap 6
Mis Chap 6
Mis Chap 6
Data & Databases Data is a collection of facts. e.g. population estimates for Pakistan are data. Data are
the raw facts, and may be devoid of context or intent.
Information is the presentation of these facts in an organized manner e.g. presenting population
estimates with other facts like per capita income.
Knowledge refers to the use of information to make informed decisions. Knowledge is human belief or
perception about relationships among facts or concepts.
Managing data allows the government, corporations, and individuals to apply this knowledge to their
everyday lives
Big Data The term refers to such massively large data sets that conventional data processing
technologies do not have sufficient power to analyze them. For example, Jazz Cash process 30 million
transactions every day across Pakistan.
Storing and analyzing that much data is beyond the power of traditional data management tools. – Big
data applications include Watson / Alexa.
Databases A database is an organized collection of related data. In a database, all data is described and
associated with other data
Text: for storing non-numeric data that is brief, generally under 256 characters. The database designer
can identify the maximum length of the text.
Boolean: a data type with only two possible values, such as 0 or 1, "true" or "false", "yes" or "no".
Date/Time: a special form of the number data type that can be interpreted as a number or a time.
Currency: a special form of the number data type that formats all values with a currency indicator and
two decimal places.
Paragraph Text: this data type allows for text longer than 256 characters. Object: this data type allows
for the storage of data that cannot be entered via keyboard, such as an image or a music file.
Database Management System In order for the data in the database to be stored, read, changed,
added, or removed, a software program must access it.
DBMS packages generally provide an interface to view and change the design of the database, create
queries, and develop reports. Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM Db2 are common examples.
Structured Query Language (SQL) Primary way to work with a relational database is to
use Structured Query Language, SQL (pronounced "sequel," or as S-Q-L). From a simple request for data
to a complex update operation, SQL is a mainstay of programmers and
database administrators.
Other Types of Databases Hierarchical database model - parent/child relationship between data.
Document-centric model allow for a more unstructured data storage by placing data into "documents”
Data Visualization Is the graphical representation of information and data. charts, graphs, and maps
Can quickly summarize data in a way that is more intuitive and can lead to new insights and
visualizing data is the first step towards a deeper analysis and understanding of the data collected by an
Data Warehouses Extract data from one or more databases and load it into the data warehouse (which
is itself another database) for storage and analysis.
It uses non-operational data.- using a copy of data from the active databases
Must pull data from the existing databases on a regular, scheduled basis.
The data is time-variant - Whenever data is loaded into the data warehouse, it receives a time stamp,
which allows for comparisons between different time periods.
Benefits of Data WarehousesUnderstand the significance of data being collected and, equally
important, what data is not being collected.
Once all data is identified as consistent, an organization can generate "one version of the truth".
Data mining is the process of analyzing data to find previously unknown and interesting trends,
patterns, and associations in order to make decisions.
An analysis of sales from a large grocery chain might determine that milk is purchased more
frequently the day after it rains in cities with a population of less than 50,000.
A bank may find that loan applicants whose bank accounts show particular deposit and
withdrawal patterns are not good credit risks.