Tefl Group 6 Final Exam
Tefl Group 6 Final Exam
Tefl Group 6 Final Exam
1. Self-directed learning
2. Cooperative script
3. Synergy based learning
4. Cooperative integrative reading and compositin (CIRC)
5. Mall (Mobile assisted language learning)
6. Picture and Picture (PnP)
7. Inquiry Learning
8. Blended learning
9. Concept based learning
10. Technology based learning
11. STEAM Learning (science, technology, engineering, art, and Mathematics)
12. Discovery learning
13. Flipped classroom
14. Experiment based learning
15. Differentiated learning/pembelajaran berdiferensiasi
16. Integrative Learning
Explains based on several methods above based on components below
--Good Luck—
a. According to Supriono (2009, p.67) that picture and picture cooperative learning is an
active a-learning model that uses pictures and paired or sorted into a systematic
sequence, such as arranging pictures in sequence, showing pictures, giving captions
to pictures and explaining pictures.
b. According to Istarani (2011, p.6) "The picture and picture learning model is a
learning model using image media". In operation the images are paired with each
other or may be sorted into a logical sequence.
c. According to Kurniasih, Imas and Berlin Sani (2015: 44), picture and picture is a
cooperative learning model and prioritizes cooperation using picture media sorted and
paired into a logical sequence.
d. Meanwhile, according to Huda (2013: 236) picture and picture learning model is a
learning strategy that uses pictures as learning media, where the images used as
media are logically paired and sequenced.
B. Author/Creator
This method of learning is popularized by Agus Suprijono in 2002, and since then is
widely used by teachers in Indonesia.
C. English Skill To Be Explore
Set of skills to be explored in Picture and Picture Learning Model are many to be
mentioned, such as Speaking, Writing, Reading, and even Listening, and including role-
playing, storytelling, and even speech.
1. Advantage:
a) The teacher knows more about the abilities of each student.
b) Train logical and systematic thinking
2. Disadvantage:
a) Takes a lot of time
b) Many students are passive
The Picture and Picture learning model has advantages in its application, namely:
Number of Students: 24