Agra Wal 2018
Agra Wal 2018
Agra Wal 2018
CONTEXT: Evidence is emerging that preterm infants are at risk for autism spectrum disorder
OBJECTIVES: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis to estimate the prevalence of
ASD in preterm infants.
DATA SOURCES: Medline (via PubMed and Ovid), Embase, PsycINFO, and relevant conference
proceedings were searched in May 2017.
STUDY SELECTION: Original studies in which researchers report on the prevalence of ASD using
diagnostic tests in children born preterm were included. Studies in which researchers used
only ASD screening tools were excluded.
DATA EXTRACTION: Relevant data were extracted independently by 3 authors.
RESULTS: Researchers in a total of 18 studies (3366 preterm infants) used ASD diagnostic
tools. The median gestation, birth weight, and age at assessment were 28.0 weeks (range:
25.1–31.3 weeks), 1055 g (range: 719–1565 g), and 5.7 years (range: 1.5–21 years),
respectively. Meta-analysis revealed that the overall prevalence rate for ASD was 7%
(95% confidence interval: 4% to 9%). The funnel plot and Egger’s test revealed that there
was probably no evidence of publication bias.
LIMITATIONS: The limitations were significant heterogeneity and a lack of studies from middle-
and low-income countries.
CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of ASD is significantly high in the preterm population. Adequate
resources are needed to improve the outcomes of these children.
aNeonatal Unit, King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women and Perth Children Hospital, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia; bSchool of Medicine, University of Western Australia,
Crawley, Australia; and cDepartment of Biostatistics, Institute for Health Research, University of Notre Dame, Western Australia, Australia
Drs Rao and Agrawal proposed the hypothesis and idea for the systematic review and literature search, reviewed studies for inclusion, extracted and checked the
data, wrote the first draft of the manuscript, and contributed to the development and analysis plan; Dr Patole reviewed studies for inclusion, interpreted the results,
reviewed and edited the manuscript, and contributed to the development and analysis plan; Dr Bulsara conducted statistical analyses, interpreted the results, edited
the manuscript, and contributed to the development and analysis plan; and all authors approved the final manuscript as submitted.
The funding source had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or
approval of the manuscript; or decision to submit the manuscript for publication.
Accepted for publication Jun 13, 2018
Address correspondence to Shripada C. Rao, FRACP, Perth Children’s Hospital, Hospital Ave, Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
To cite: Agrawal S, Rao SC, Bulsara MK, et al. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Preterm Infants: A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics. 2018;142(3):e20180134
Our systematic review that included
3366 preterm infants from 18 studies
revealed that when diagnostic tools
were used, the overall prevalence rate
of ASD was 7% (95% CI: 4% to 9%).
This equates to ∼900 000 additional
children each year who will develop
ASD given that globally, ∼15 million
infants are born preterm (before 37
weeks’ gestation), of whom 13 million
survive.57– 59
Our findings confirm
that the prevalence of ASD in preterm
infants is considerably higher than in
the general population, in which the
overall prevalence has been reported
to be 0.76%.60 Researchers in another
study reported a prevalence of 1.46%
(range: 0.57%–2.19%) in the general
pediatric population aged 8 years.61
Although there are many tests used
to screen children for ASD,62 it is
important not to label children who
test positive on screening tests as
having ASD. Such children should
always be assessed with definitive
tests before confirming them as
having ASD. Expert committees (the
Child Development and Behavior
FIGURE 1 Special Interest Group of the Chapter
Flow diagram of the study selection. of Community Child Health, the
Pediatrics and Child Health Division,
Sensitivity Analysis Publication Bias and the Royal Australasian College
The results of the study by Verhaeghe The funnel plot and Egger’s test of Physicians) have advised to use
et al42 appeared to be an outlier; revealed that there was probably no clinical judgement when suspecting
hence, sensitivity analysis was publication bias (P = .294; Fig 3). a child as having ASD and to not rely
conducted by excluding it. The solely on screening tools.63 A recent
prevalence rate for ASD was then 6% Meta-regression survey of health professionals in
(95% CI: 4% to 8%), and statistical Meta-regression analysis Australia revealed inconsistencies
heterogeneity decreased from 85% revealed no significant association in ASD assessment practices across
to 74%. Nine of 53 (17%) children in between gestational age the states and between the private
that study had significant cerebellar (regression coefficient: −0.0075; and public service settings.64 Only
hemorrhage in the neonatal period, 95% CI: −0.0234 to 0.0083; half of the respondents reported
which could have contributed to the P = .315; Fig 4) or birth weight that they include a standardized
high prevalence of ASD; it is well (regression coefficient: −0.0001; objective assessment tool, such as the
known that cerebellar hemorrhage 95% CI: −0.0003 to 0.00001; ADOS, in ASD assessments. The study
and anomalies are associated with an P = .068; Fig 5) and the prevalence raised concerns that clinicians may
increased risk of ASD.12,56
of ASD. not be practicing in a manner that is
TABLE 1 Continued
Serial Study, Year of Birth Study Age at Exclusion of Exclusion Diagnostic Tool Used No. Children No. Former Prevalence
No. Location Population Assessment Children With of Children (Former Preterm Infants Based on
Congenital Anomaly With Major Preterm Diagnosed With Diagnostic
or Syndromes Disability Infants) ASD Tool, %
7 Dudova et al,40 2012–2013 BW <1500 g 2y Not clear Yes ADOS and clinical evaluation by 2 75 8 10.6
Czech Mean BW 1033.1 g; psychiatrists
Republic SD 293.1 g
Mean GA 28.4
wk; SD 2.8 wk
8 Joo et al,51 NA GA <36 wk 3–6 y (mean Not clear Yes CARS Korean version 58 1 1.7
South (mean GA 3.7 y; SD
Korea 30.6 wk; SD 0.7 y)
3.2 wk); mean
TABLE 1 Continued
Serial Study, Year of Birth Study Age at Exclusion of Exclusion Diagnostic Tool Used No. Children No. Former Prevalence
No. Location Population Assessment Children With of Children (Former Preterm Infants Based on
Congenital Anomaly With Major Preterm Diagnosed With Diagnostic
or Syndromes Disability Infants) ASD Tool, %
14 Mohammed 2012–2013 BW 620–1220 g 3y Not clear Not clear Clinical assessment in the 107 5 4.7
et al,54 GA 27–33 wk comprehensive autism
Saudi program included a
Arabia multidisciplinary team of
psychologists, behavioral
pediatricians, and speech
therapists; ASD diagnosis was
based on DSM-IV criteria.
15 Ikejri et al,55 2004–2007 GA <33 wk 30–74 mo Not clear Yes Clinical assessment by 2 59 9 15.2
Japan (mean BW (mean 49.1 pediatricians using DSM-IV Text
857 g; SD mo; SD 15.7 Revision criteria
367.6 g); mo)
mean GA 27
wk (SD 2.2
wk; range
474–1448 g)
16 Joseph et al,46 2002–2004 GA <28 wk 10 y No Yes ADI-R, ADOS 2 857 61 7.1
17 Pritchard 2006–2008 GA <29 wk 2–4 y Not clear No ADOS Generic 169 3 1.8
et al,44 Mean GA 26.7
Australia wk; SD 1.4 wk
18 Padilla et al,47 2004–2007 GA <27 wk 6.5 y Yes Yes Clinical assessment using DSM-IV 84 10 11.9
Sweden (mean 25.1 and ICD-10 criteria
wk; SD 1.1
Mean BW
718.8 g; SD
148.5 g
ADOS 2, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition; BW, birth wt; GA, gestational age; NA, not available.
a Conference abstracts only.
preterm population.
ICD-10: I nternational
10th Revision
CI: c onfidence interval
iagnostic and
Given that ASD results in
Manual of Mental
utism Diagnostic
an enormous burden on the
Statistical Manual of
Observational Schedule
Wellbeing Assessment
hildhood Autism Rating
urgently needed, especially in the
Classification of Diseases,
iagnostic and Statistical
the first systematic review in which
of this review are not generalizable.
primary analysis, and likely absence
Copyright © 2018 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: Dr Agrawal received grants from the Telethon Foundation of Western Australia to conduct research evaluating neurodevelopmental outcomes of
preterm infants receiving probiotic supplementation. This systematic review was part of his Telethon fellowship training.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
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