Rangkuman Biologi
Rangkuman Biologi
Rangkuman Biologi
A. Penyakit Mematikan
1. Stroke
● Disebabkan oleh pecahnya pembuluh darah di otak sehingga menyebabkan
2. Diabetes
● Disebabkan oleh kurangnya responsif sel-sel tubuh terhadap insulin.
3. Paru-paru Kronis
● Disebabkan oleh kebiasaan merokok → kesulitan bernapas.
4. Jantung
● Disebabkan oleh adanya sumbatan pembuluh darah, peradangan, infeksi, dan
5. Sirosis Hati
● Disebabkan oleh kebiasaan minum alkohol yang berlebihan.
6. TBC
● Disebabkan oleh infeksi dalam tubuh manusia.
7. Hipertensi
● Disebabkan oleh tekanan darah yang melebihi batas normal.
8. Kanker
● Disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan sel abnormal yang tidak terkendali di dalam
A. How has life expectancy changed?
1. Pathogens → microorganisms that cause diseases such as cholera and typhoid
(bakteri, virus, protozoa, & jamur).
2. Immunization → helps protect people from the introduction of antibiotics that
help people recover from bacterial diseases.
B. Diseases
1. Infectious of Communicable Diseases
● Microorganism (bacterium, fungus, protoctist, virus)
● Cholera, Influenza, Malaria, Pneumonia, Polio, Ebola, Chicken pox
2. Deficiency Disease
● Lack of a nutrient that the body needs for healthy growth and development (the
lack of different nutrients causes different diseases)
● Anaemia (< Eritrosit / Sel darah merah), Kwashiorkor (< Protein), Night Blindness (<
Vitamin A), Rickets / Rakitis (< Vitamin D), Scurvy / Skorbut (< Vitamin C)
3. Genetic or Inherited Disease / Disorder
● A fault in the DNA (genetic material) in a cell that changes how the cell works
● Sickle cell diseases (Eritrosit berbentuk bulan sabit), Haemophilia
4. Lifestyle Disease
● Factors in the way we live increases the risk of getting these diseases (smoking
tobacco, eating unhealthily, too little exercise)
● Lung cancer, cardiovascular disease
5. Autoimmune Disease
● When the body’s immune system attacks and damages cells in the body.
● Type 1 diabetes.
C. What is disease?
● Pathogens are called
a. communicable or infectious diseases → the pathogen that causes the
disease can be passed from person to person.
b. non-communicable diseases → diseases cannot be passed from person
to person
● Symptoms → An obvious effects of a diseases
D. Immunity
● The body uses different types of white blood cells to kill pathogens that get inside
● Lymphocytes -> Make antibiotics, which are proteins that stick to
microorganisms. Lymphocytes make new specific antibodies to attach to
different sorts of pathogen that infects you.
● Vaccines → Contains parts of the surface coating of a microorganism.
Lymphocytes create antibiotics against these parts, and memory cells are
formed. So, we become immune to the disease without having the disease.
(Vaksin = Virus yang dilemahkan)
E. Control Systems
● Shingles → a disease that happens after the virus that causes chicken pox leaves
nerve cells it has remained in after clearing up.
● Stimuli → The nervous system which is made of nerve tissue formed from nerve
cells which help us to respond and sense changes within and outside the body.
It’s detected by receptor cells in sensory organs, like eyes, ears, and skin.
● The central nervous system → Brain and spinal cord, is connected to the body
via nerves.
● Receptor cells then produce electrical impulses through the nerves and to the
brain via the spinal cord where the information is processed. The electrical
impulses are sent through other nerves to effectors, like muscles or glands to
● R : Receptor
S : Sensorik
O : Otak
M : Motorik
E : Efektor
F. Hormonal System
● Hormones → Substances that act as chemical messengers in the body. They are
made in organs called glands (kelenjar), which release them into the blood
plasma. Target organs respond to hormones in the blood by changing what they
are doing.
Contoh: Hormon adrenalin meningkatkan denyut jantung.
● Sometimes a hormone from one gland causes the release of the different
hormone from another gland.
● Types of hormones :
Impulses act only on the effector Messengers can act o many target
connected to the nerve organs at the same time
H. Treating Diseases
● Drug → a substance that affects how the body works.
● Medicines → drugs that are used to help treat or prevent disease. To treat
communicable diseases, we may use:
a. Antibiotics = to kill bacteria
b. Antirivals = to stop viruses replicating
● We may use vaccines to help stop us being ill when particular pathogens infect
I. Transgenic Organisms
● Contoh: Di usus ada bakteri E.Coli, tetapi E.Coli tidak menghasilkan insulin. Untuk
mendapatkan insulin, gen dari pankreas dipotong & disisipkan ke E.Coli,
sehingga E.Coli memiliki insulin (berubah sifat).
● To produce a lot of hormones, the transgenic bacteria are grown in large
fermenters. At regular intervals, the fermenter is drained & the hormone
J. Ecology
● Individu → satu makhluk hidup yang masih hidup
Populasi → kumpulan makhluk hidup yang sejenis
Komunitas → kumpulan populasi makhluk hidup yang berbeda jenis dan tinggal
dalam 1 habitat
Habitat → tempat tinggal makhluk hidup berada
Ekosistem → hubungan timbal balik antara makhluk hidup & faktor lingkungan
● Osmosis → Perpindahan molekul dari konsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi.
● Small molecules can pass through tiny holes in some membranes by diffusion
(konsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah).
● Osmosis is faster at higher temperatures (becauses particles move faster)
● Semakin tinggi perbedaan konsentrasinya, semakin cepat perpindahan
N. Combatting Pandemics
● Pandemic → An infectious disease that infects many people over a short time
across several countries. (Example: Ebola, SARS, bird Flu, swine Flu / Flu Babi,
● Some diseases can be treated by vaccination, antibiotics, ect. But these
diseases can not.
● It was controlled by isolating infected people (quarantine).
● Many organizations work together to plan and create a vaccine.
1. Was ‘Spanish flu’ a pandemic? Explain your answer.
→ Iya, karena penyakit ini menyebar ke seluruh dunia dan sangat mudah untuk
menular, sehingga membunuh banyak sekali orang.
2. Explain why rapid international travel makes a pandemic more likely.
→ Karena semakin banyak perpindahan antar tempat/negara, semakin mudah
virus untuk tertular dan menyebar. Sehingga akan ada banyak orang yang
terkena virus tsb.
3. Explain why isolation can be used to prevent a pandemic.
→ Supaya menghambat penyebaran virus.
4. Suggest why some countries are more able to control highly Infectious diseases
more than others.
→ Akan membutuhkan lebih banyak dana untuk biaya tempat pengobatan,
biaya obat-obatan, dan biaya perawatan.
1. Apa perbedaan antara infectious diseases dengan autoimmune diseases.
→ infectious diseases disebabkan oleh mikroorganisme seperti bakteri, fungus,
protoctist, virus. sedangkan autoimmune diseases disebabkan oleh sistem imun
tubuh yang menyerang sel-sel di dalam tubuh,
2. Berikan contoh-contoh penyakit deficiency diseases
→ Anaemia (kurang eritrosit), Kwashiorkor (kurang protein), Night Blindness
(kurang Vitamin A), Rakitis (kurang Vitamin D), Skorbut (kurang Vitamin C).
3. Terangkan penyakit yang menurun melalui genetik (minimal 5)
→ Diabetes, buta warna, hemofilia (darah sukar membeku), achondroplasia,
penyakit jantung, thalassemia
4. Sebutkan 8 penyakit mematikan di Indonesia
→ Stroke, Diabetes, Paru-paru Kronis, Jantung, Sirosis Hati, TBC, Hipertensi, Kanker
5. Apakah obesitas termasuk penyakit? Berikan alasan.
→ Tidak, tetapi orang yang mengalami obesitas berpotensi terkena berbagai
macam penyakit.