Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Even though Carbon exists in the same group in a periodic table, then
why Silicon or germanium are used as semiconductor not Carbon?
Periodic table
The periodic table, also known as the periodic table of elements, is a tabular display of
the chemical elements, which are arranged by atomic number, electron configuration, and
recurring chemical properties.
If donor impurities are introduced in to one side and acceptors into the other side of
a single crystal of a semiconductor then a p-n junction is formed. Initially, there are
only p type carriers to the left of the junction and only n type carriers to the right.
Because there is a density gradient across the junction, electrons in n region get
attracted to hole and recombines with it at the junction. As a result, cation and
anions are formed at the junction. The thickness of this region is of the order of
10-4cm = 10-6 m = 1 micron
No bias (V = 0)
Under no bias condition the electric field present at the depletion region blocks the
flow the current in a diode and also without application voltage there is no flow
current in a diode.
Reverse bias
In here -ve terminal of the battery is connected to p type and +ve terminal to n type.
This makes +ve terminal of the battery to attract electrons in n region which flows towards it
and -ve terminal to repel electrons which towards P regions and recombines with holes
present in it.
Due to this depletion region get increased at the junction with continuous
application of reverse voltage breakdown may occur.
Forward bias
In forward bias -ve terminal of the battery push electrons in n region towards junction,
as electrons concentration increases it starts reducing depletion region width.
Finally, when applied voltage is greater than barrier potential of a particular diode,
electron starts penetrating or drift through the junction (here drift means flow of charge
carriers from higher concentration region to lower concentration region) and result in the
formation of current in the circuit.
Diode characteristics