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Wood Products

Cover image:
Wisdome Stockholm
Stockholm, Sweden

Elding Oscarson

Sweden’s National
Museum of Science
and Technology

Main partner:
Stora Enso

Specialist timber
Blumer Lehmann

2 Wood products
Table of contents

The rise of timber buildings 5 Building products 65 Visit our wood

products website
Why build in wood? 7 Timber (CLT) 67
Laminated Veneer
Sustainability 11 Lumber (LVL) 75
Rib Panels 83
Building concepts 19 Glued Laminated
School 22 Timber (GLT/Glulam) 89
Industrial 28 Sawn and planed wood 95
Multi-storey residential 34 Cladding and decking 101
Office 40 Konstruktionsvollholz/
Mixed-use 44 Structural timber (KVH®) 105
Window and door
Sylva™ by Stora Enso 49 components 108
ThermoWood® 115
Sylva™ Services 57 Wood pellets 121

About Stora Enso 127

Photography credits 130
Where we make it 131

The Plus is
designed by Bjarke
Ingels Group as a
global showcase
for sustainable

The Plus // Vestre

Color & Wood Factory
Magnor, Norway

Bjarke Ingels Group

Stora Enso partner:


4 Wood products
The rise of
timber buildings

Timber continues to inspire and shape how we build. On the

following pages, you’ll see how the world's oldest building
material is transforming our cities from concrete jungles into
sustainable carbon sinks.

All of the projects showcased here are built with Sylva™

by Stora Enso or with wood products from our sawmills
throughout Europe. That is to say, the roots of these buildings
are in biodiverse, sustainably managed forests, harvested
with silviculture practices and produced, ensuring no part of
the tree went to waste.

By the time you finish reading this brochure, all of the wood
will have grown back and contributed to the flourishing and
expanding European forests. And while they do, we invite you
to ask yourself this: What if my next building was made with
wood too?

The Plus // Vestre
Color & Wood Factory
Magnor, Norway

6 Wood products
Why build in wood?

There are many compelling, smart, green and beautiful

reasons to build with wood.

This chapter succinctly encapsulates how wood addresses

climate change, boosts health, increases sales, acts as a
successful market differentiator, slashes construction times,
and transforms where we live, work and play for the better.

Take a look for yourself and add to the trending list of reasons
why wood works. Share how wood benefited your project on
social media #thewoodhouseeffect.

Benefits of building with wood

It’s a material world Raw deal

Wood is the only commercially available Add a unique selling proposition to your
building material with such a high portfolio with natural and aesthetically
load-bearing capacity and durability pleasing architecture. Developers
that it can replace steel and concrete report higher sales, rentals, and lease
in mid to large-scale building projects. rates for wood buildings than non-wood
Making it particularly sought after as structures as the climate-conscious
the world grapples with climate change. generation increasingly chooses beau-
tiful and natural wood architecture.
Wood seizes the climate-heating and
damaging greenhouse gas carbon Reduce construction costs with:
dioxide (CO₂) while growing in the forest · a high degree of pre-design and
and safely stores it as carbon in the prefabrication.
building, making it the most efficient · lower logistics costs. Wood requires
way to reduce your carbon footprint 80% fewer deliveries.
immediately. While others research
alternatives for 2030 or 2050, mass Reduce energy bills
timber offers a viable climate solution As energy costs remain high in 2024/5,
today. energy-efficient buildings continue to
be in high demand. Wood’s excellent
Made-to-order and ready-to-go thermal conductivity and precise
industrialised construction prefabrication, exterior envelopes fit
Design for manufacturing and assembly perfectly, resulting in airtight buildings.
(DfMA) is a modern way to enable and
optimise manufactured products and Wood can take the heat
prefabricated assemblies by design. Engineered wood products are
Dramatically reducing a project’s cost, extremely durable. Modern wood
time, complexity, uncertainty, and buildings have comparable structural
environmental impact, DfMA is rapidly performance in fire conditions to steel
changing how everything is built. Wood and concrete buildings and meet the
adapts very well to this way of building, same building code standards.
and you can create an entire building
today from a kit of parts. Breathe new life
Reuse of existing building stock is out-
Ultra-rapid pacing new buildings in some regions
Prefabrication results in ultra-rapid and, in doing so, cutting enormous
assemblies. It’s common for an entire amounts of carbon emissions and
floor of a building to be installed within a tonnes of demolition waste while drasti-
day. Precut walls and floors can arrive cally extending the lifetime of buildings.
coated and with lifting devices already Wood is the material of choice for
preinstalled. Lightweight cranes retrofits because it is low carbon, five
can position into place in a matter of times lighter than concrete and incred-
minutes. The results are 30% faster ibly workable with other materials, so it
construction than with concrete, fewer can be installed in hard-to-reach places
(expensive) tradespeople as the tech- and used to build on top of existing
nical work and CNC cutting have been structures in dense urban areas.
done in safe factory-controlled settings
already, less worksite injuries, higher Naturally good for you
quality control and minimal onsite Biophilia is the word to describe our
inspections. innate human attraction to nature.
Extensive research proves that
Entire schools can be built with exposed wood in a room has multiple
wood over the summer holidays, and positive impacts on us, from lower heart
large-scale factories erected during rates to improved focus and creativity.
the winter months, as you can build
year-round in all climates with minimal
downtime due to bad weather.

8 Wood products
The Plus // Vestre
Color & Wood Factory
Magnor, Norway

The Plus is designed
as a global showcase
for sustainable
manufacturing and
is recognized with
the very highest
classification in

10 Wood products

Spectacular wooden buildings and biodiverse forests breathe With the deadline to
cut emissions by half
hope that fossil fuel use can be reduced by simply cutting only six years away in

demand for them. 2030, we can expect

to see more circular
solutions with wood
construction in
We’re witnessing more and more innovative and ambitious 2024/5. Individual
architects, planners,
examples of low-carbon design. Many are built using wood developers and build-
ers cannot mitigate
because wood is the one material that can deliver instant this global challenge
alone but together
climate benefits on any scale. an incredible impact
can be achieved.
The images on these
Wood does what competing materials can’t: wood grows pages are living proof
we already are.
back. Strong and durable enough to replace steel and
concrete, wood has the unique ability to safely store climate-
damaging carbon dioxide during the building life cycle while
also removing that greenhouse gas from the atmosphere as
trees grow. No other commercially available building product
can do all that.

The Royal Institute
of British Architects
(RIBA) Stirling Prize
winner 2023

Morden College
London, UK

Mae Architects

Morden College

Stora Enso partner:


12 Wood products
Many buildings today have passed Healthy biodiverse forests The heavier the
their intended use and use excessive We know the origin of all the wood we building, the larger
your footprint. You
heat, water, and electricity with out- use: 100% comes from sustainable
can immediately
dated materials and equipment. But sources. We use silvicultural practices reduce the overall
when buildings are demolished, they that ensure we plant more than we weight of a building
produce millions of tonnes of waste harvest, so the wood is regenerated. by simply choosing
and pollution. lightweight and
sustainable wood.
We use various tools and methods to
Renovating existing buildings to meet ensure this, including forest certifica-
modern emission standards is often tion and third-party traceability sys-
the most cost-efficient and sustainable tems such as the Forest Stewardship
solution. Retrofits that extend, fill Council's (FSC® trademark nr. C125195)
gaps or heighten the existing fabric of Chain of Custody/Controlled Wood
buildings is fast becoming the norm. scheme, the Chain of Custody/Due
Lightweight wood is often the perfect Diligence System of the Programme for
solution, particularly in dense urban the Endorsement of Forest Certification
neighbourhoods and hard-to-reach (PEFC), and the ISO 14001 environmen-
rural locations. tal management standard.

Stora Enso’s long-term, vetted Approximately 80% of our total wood

management plans for successional supply originated from third-party
regeneration and biodiversity are a key certified forests, while 100% of the
reason those involved in constructing wood origin was covered by third-party
and producing buildings turn to us for certified traceability.
their sustainability needs.

We know those making daily decisions

about the development of our built
environment and striving to keep our
planet in mind need to know with utter
certainty that the wood they’re sourcing
is truly sustainable.

Stora Enso is an internationally trusted

sustainability partner you can count
on. As one of the world’s largest private
forest owners with mills throughout
Europe, we uphold the highest stand-
ards so you can be confident you’ll
reach your corporate climate responsi-
bilities and ambitions.

Our mills and ways of working Assess the life cycle impacts of
No wood goes to waste at Stora Enso. your building
By following the cascading principle, We offer Environmental Product
we utilise every part of the tree in the Declarations (EPDs) for most of our
most valuable way possible. wood product providing transparent,
third-party verified information about
All our raw materials are carefully the environmental performance
selected and scanned using x-rays and throughout its life cycle and are in line
visually graded to guarantee the best with relevant ISO and EN standards.
possible material quality for each end- You’ll find all the important and relevant
use. Each time you choose our wood, information you need on our EPDs to
you replace a fossil-intensive product assess the life cycle impacts of your
whose production and use release construction projects. You can also use
enormous amounts of CO₂. them for applying for building certifica-
tion schemes, awards and ecolabels.
We apply ISO-based management sys-
tems to ensure responsible, efficient, Our wood products comply with strict
clean and safe working environments, indoor air quality standards. If you plan
(ISO 9 001 quality, ISO 14001 environ- to certify your building according to a
ment, ISO 45001 health and safety and green building certification program, we
ISO 50001 energy efficiency). provide the necessary documentation.

Low-emission transport and Accurate analysis at your fingertips

logistics With initiatives and legislation con-
We deliver prefabricated wood in stantly updating, it can be challenging
optimised loads. Wood is five times to stay informed. Stora Enso actively
lighter than concrete, so deliveries are participates and engages with leading
reduced by as much as 80%. Because non-governmental organisations
you can install wood with mobile (NGOs) and trade associations to
cranes instead of heavy tower cranes, advance industry practices related
transportation and logistics create less to building sector decarbonisation,
noise and air pollution. Businesses and carbon storage, circular bioeconomy,
neighbourhoods usually continue to and sustainable and biodiverse forest-
operate throughout construction. ry. We can equip you with our analysis
of the issues affecting your work.

14 Wood products
Stora Enso Pavilion
at FIS Nordic World
Ski Championships
Planica, Slovenia

Studio Abiro

Stora Enso partner:


16 Wood products
Want to specify sustainably
but unsure where to start?

Would you like reliable and stand- What are EPDs? All of Stora Enso’s
ardised product information to make EPDs provide unbiased product infor- EPDs for wood
products are available
informed decisions about your mation based on objective scientific
in Stora Enso’s
construction project’s overall carbon analysis you can trust. They include Download Centre at
footprint? details on a product’s environmental storaenso.com and
impacts, use of resources and waste the International
We’ve made it easier than ever for production during its life cycle. EPD system.
architects, designers, and developers
to meet their sustainability goals by The information is internationally
ensuring our wood products have recognised and verified by independent
Environmental Product Declarations third parties.
(EPDs). All of our EPDs confirm that our
wood products have some of the small-
est footprints on the market today.

18 Wood products
Building concepts

Inspiration and design ideas for building with

Sylva™ by Stora Enso

Thinking about building in wood and want to know how

to get started? Our pre-designed Building concepts will put
you on the right path with a simple, practical, low-carbon,
cost-effective solution. When paired with your imagination,
our Sylva kit and concepts give you the right parts and pieces,
design ideas and tools to bring your ideas to life. They show
you ideas and options for different building types, layouts,
scales, needs and spatial requirements. And provide you with
key facts on carbon emissions and costs to help your decision-
making process.

In the project's concept design phase, many critical factors

can positively (or negatively) impact the construction process
and overall carbon footprint. Our Building concepts have been
refined and improved along the way for the optimal outcome
using the Stora Enso Sylva kit and platform to point you in the
right direction.

At this pivotal point in the construc- · Value engineering – make informed
tion planning, our building concepts design choices by seeing our con-
help you to: cepts and the end costs with different
· Imagine the ideal mass timber design alternatives.
building in an intuitive, immersive · Price examples: reference cost esti-
experience for your needs. mates for various plan options so you
· View how Sylva products work best can make informed decisions.
together. · Showcase to other stakeholders in a
· Get a better understanding of how way that everyone can understand for
to configure your building design to a more informed, holistic and trans-
create a customised Sylva kit. parent decision-making process of
· Visualise the many possible ideal the impacts and outcomes of different
designs based on scalable, adaptable design options.
modular solutions.
· Understand the potential size of your
· Experiment with a variety of designs project´s carbon footprint from the
based on our Sylva standardised kits beginning. Our concepts can also
to solve challenging projects with help you identify areas and gaps so
various scales, needs, contexts and you can further reduce emissions for
requirements. the overall design.
· Show you where to find detailed · Freely consider the inherent charac-
technical solutions that work with the teristics of materials in your design
concept for different performance palette and how they can mitigate or
requirement levels or countries and expand your carbon footprint before
find up-to-date technical content, things get too technical.
guidelines and manuals via our · Quantify carbon emissions and
Knowledge hub etc. Our concepts are carbon storage advantages and how
developed to be adapted to different they vary with slight changes to
specific regulatory considerations for your design.
Germany, Austria, Sweden, France, · Envision end-of-life scenarios for
the UK and Finland. repurposing flexible building struc-
tures or disassembly.
· Streamline trial and error. Save time
and effort, especially during your pro-
ject's design and procurement phase.
Track and see from the beginning the
top solutions for effective collabora-
tion to incorporate points of view from
different disciplines.
· Mix and match the best products for
different architectural and structural
types for the most advantageous
structural, environmental, and eco-
nomic performance.
· Understand the implications of differ-
ent materials and design choices by
visualising how they look and perform
in a finished design.

20 Wood products
Our concepts work online, and you can
access them on any device. No apps or
downloads required.

On the following pages, you’ll see

buildings inspired by our concepts and
how we’ve used their best features and
lessons to apply to your project. We’ve
studied the key architectural typologies
and listened to thousands of customer
requirements to develop designs that
get the best from our Sylva kit with an
optimal DfMA process.

Get inspired and start designing Find your concept

Select a concept you´d like to adapt
and customise.

Stora Enso Building

concepts incorporate
lessons learned from
award-winning sus-
tainable buildings


This school concept is based on a Sylva CLT Walls are used in this layout
600 m² mass-timber modular system to create a robust timber envelope with
and can be adapted for different educa- the necessary lateral stability. You have
tional typologies and sizes by adding the option to leave wood surfaces ex-
and combining modules in various posed for an organic look and feel. An
configurations from approximately internal beam and column structure is
100 –1 000 students. possible with our long-spanning Sylva
LVL Rib Floors and Roofs to further
The Sylva Beam and Column structure maximise space flexibility.
used here (without any internal structur-
al walls) creates wide open-plan rooms
that maximise flexibility in use. It can
be adapted easily for different teaching
methods and programs in many learn-
ing spaces.

Sylva CLT Walls with visual quality if required

Sylva LVL Rib Floor for long spans and material efficiency

Sylva GLT or LVL Beams

Sylva GLT or LVL Columns

Sylva CLT Walls for lateral stiffening in the gables

22 Wood products
Roof structure
According to context
and desired architecture
with Sylva kit elements
depending on the
project needs

Concrete foundation and floor

Bad St. Leonhard
Bad St. Leonhard,

Stora Enso partner:

Baumgartner GmbH

24 Wood products
Bad St. Leonhard
Bad St. Leonhard,

26 Wood products
venäläinen koulu
(SVK) School
Helsinki, Finland

Frondelius + Keppo +
Salmenperä Oy

Stora Enso partner:

Group Oy


Choose a low-carbon Industrial where employees are inspired to work,

concept and customise it! connect, and create. Our concept
solutions are for Europe's most widely
At Stora Enso, we understand how used commercial designs. They range
important it is to reduce the carbon from small-scale units for light indus-
footprint of real estate assets and im- trial uses to large-scale logistics and
prove the environmental performance warehouse hubs that can be adapted
of your operations. We also know to different scales and needs while
how much it matters to create spaces providing flexibility for the future.

Sylva GLT or LVL Main Beams for spans of

approx. 24 m. The concepts propose
different beam types for different spans

Sylva GLT or LVL Beams and

Columns for stiffening diagonals

Sylva GLT or LVL Beams and Columns

to maximize material efficiency

Sylva LVL or GLT Beams for highly

loaded transfer structures

28 Wood products
LVL 75 mm rafters to
maximize cost efficiency

30 Wood products
The Plus // Vestre
Color & Wood Factory
Magnor, Norway

The Plus // Vestre
Color & Wood Factory
Magnor, Norway

32 Wood products
Agricultural centre
Maishofen, Austria
SPS Architekten zt

Stora Enso Ybbs Mill

Automated coating line
Ybbs, Austria

Multi-storey residential

Our versatile multi-storey concepts

propose simple and smart solutions to
create low-carbon residential buildings
that appeal to a new generation of
eco-minded residents.

Sylva CLT Walls for stiffening cores

Sylva CLT Walls for vertical load

bearing structures
• High rigidity provides large flexibility
for openings in shear walls
• Big elements are reducing
the grooves / joints
• Great fire resistance

Sylva CLT, CLT Rib or LVL Rib Floors

• L arge spans possible
• Optimized use of material
• Gap between the ribs can be used
for installations (water, heating,
•  CLT rib panels for long spans
between 6-7.5m

External walls
(timber frame + timber panel)
• Optimized use of material
• Timber panels act as building
phase protection

34 Wood products
Sylva Roof

Sylva Floors and
steel structure

Stockholm, Sweden

General Architecture


Stora Enso partner:


36 Wood products
Lightweight and
robust Sylva™
enabled high-rise
construction above
the E4 highway that
would not have been
possible to engineer
with concrete to the
same height.

Mélia is the first
residence in
France to be
awarded the
highest level of
excellence by the

Mélia Residence
Taverny, France

Atelier M3


Stora Enso partner:


38 Wood products

Organisations seeking to inspire their The central cores shown here enable
employees to connect, create and vertical circulation and services, so you
collaborate in their offices are increas- have the freedom to add other materials
ingly turning to our office concepts. depending on the local regulations, fire
After all, well-designed biophilic offices regulations and building height restric-
that connect workers with nature tions. This beam and column structure
are scientifically proven to increase is designed with an HVAC distribution
well-being by 13% and productivity by strategy which avoids any intersections
8%. Building with sustainable Sylva or clashes between beams and ducts.
kits is also an immediate way to reach
corporate responsibility goals this year
(not in 2030 or 2050).

You can quickly adapt our flexible

open-plan and modular building
concepts based on the type of tenants
and their business needs. Our range
of office typologies includes beam and
column structures for working spaces
in grids optimised for the most common
working spaces.

Sylva GLT or LVL Columns

High strength and
fire resistance

Sylva CLT, CLT Rib or LVL Rib Floors

Different products for different
spans and requirements

Sylva GLT or LVL Beams

40 Wood products
Sylva CLT, CLT Rib or
LVL Rib Roof

Acoustic ceilings

MEP services
Coordination with
structure to be considered

42 Wood products
Arboretum is
Stora Enso’s largest
delivery to a project
(32 400 m³) and, at the
time of publishing,
one of the largest
solid wood complex
in Europe.

Nanterre, France

Nicolas Laisné
Architectes, Dimitri
Roussel, Leclercq

Ivanhoe Cambridge

Stora Enso partner:



Increasingly urban planners are looking This modular concept uses a flexible
for multipurpose building structures beam and column system with a central
that can serve different uses: a hotel, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
for instance, that could be offices (HVAC) distribution strategy. Depending
tomorrow or used as both today. on the overall architectural look you
want and the local environment and
Designing for adaptability and planning requirements, you are free to
anticipating the market needs and scale these concepts and adapt them
tenants´ use of a building are not just for a building that fits exactly what you
climate-smart; they also increase the know you need today and for what
property’s future value as an asset. you don't even know you will need
When buildings outlive their initial
purpose, they continue to utilise
the resources invested in the initial
development and extend their service
life, reducing construction waste and Sylva CLT, CLT Rib or LVL Rib roof
climate-damaging emissions. Variations available for flat,
green or pitched roofs
Our concepts also lend well to
increased circularity because the
buildings don’t have to be demolished;
they can be reused or upcycled with
relative ease.

Service distribution at central corridor

Connecting distributions shafts at
both ends to allow for mixed-use
HVAC systems simultaneously

Sylva CLT, CLT Rib or LVL Rib Floors

For different spans, construction
depth and visual requirements

Beam and Column system

For a flexible and adaptable
floor layouts

44 Wood products
Sylva GLT or LVL columns
Designed for fire resistance
without additional protection

Sylva GLT or LVL beams

For grids up to 7.5 x 9.0 m

Concrete core
For fire escape routes and
lateral stability

Stora Enso
Katajanokan Laituri
Helsinki, Finland

Anttinen Oiva


Stora Enso partner:


46 Wood products
Sylva™ by Stora Enso
at BAU Trade Fair
for Architecture,
Materials, Systems
Munich, Germany

Stand design:
Note Design Studio

48 Wood products
Find the right solution for every application Read more
on our website

Sylva is Stora Enso’s range of prefabricated wood-based

products for low-carbon buildings. The Sylva kit includes
everything needed to create a modern, sustainable wood
structure. Our custom-made elements, (Sylva Walls,
Sylva Floors and Roofs, Sylva Stairs and Sylva Beams
and Columns) optimise the use of sustainable wood to
suit any application and requirement. And of course, we
ensure your delivery arrives on-site ready to install.

Experience how easy it can be to construct with wood

and choose Sylva for your next building project!

Sylva Beams and Columns Sylva Stairs
An advanced wood product developed Cut to your design with precision
for the demands of today’s construction
industry Are you in search of high-quality, easy-to-
install stairs for your next building project?
Stronger than conventional timber with Sylva Stairs are custom designed and come
a higher strength-to-weight ratio than ready to install on-site with no need for
steel, Sylva Beams and Columns offer specialised tradespeople. Better yet, you can
unlimited flexibility in design opportunities use Sylva Stairs during the construction phase
while reducing your project’s overall eliminating the need for temporary stairs.
carbon footprint.

50 Wood products
Sylva Floors and Roofs Sylva Walls
Experience how easy it can be to Ready-to-fit walls
build with wood
Sylva Floors and Roofs are custom-made, Sylva Walls can be delivered with openings
and prefabricated structural elements that for windows, and doors pre-cut and ready for
can span short or long distances. View our installation. Shorter set-up times and lower
wide range of floor and roof solutions and construction costs will make your next project
see how easy it is to design efficiently for all a breeze.
circumstances without any requirement for
additional beams or support.

52 Wood products
Stora Enso
Katajanokan Laituri
Helsinki, Finland

54 Wood products
56 Wood products
Sylva Services ™

If you are involved in the conception and planning of buildings, Sylva Services

our smart services support you before and during your

construction, both online and in person. Discover the wide
range of services to help save you time and keep your business
at the forefront as the industry pivots to a high-performance,
precision-engineered, prefabricated kit-of-parts approach
to building.
Whether you are a seasoned planner, architect, engineer, or
involved in making decisions about the materials for expanding
our built environment, you will quickly see the benefits of
our aids and services. Read more to discover how they
simplify mass timber construction from design to delivery
to construction with sustainable and long-lasting results.

Calculatis CNC processing

The popular service to optimize With the assistance of modern CNC

materials based on your design technology, we produce custom Sylva™
Let Calculatis by Stora Enso help you kits to enable fast and economical
specify the optimal materials for your assembly on the construction site with
designs based on your parameters and a high degree of prefabrication.
structural requirements. Over twenty
thousand registered users worldwide
access our free, professional online
design tool. Structural engineers par-
ticularly enjoy the design modules for
floors, roofs, columns, beams, headers, Sylva360™
supports, and connections for struc-
tures made from CLT, LVL, GLT and Your digital assistant for
solid timber. It also lets you conduct efficient assembly
hygrothermal and fire design analysis Accelerate construction time, minimise
according to Eurocode and Swiss on-site errors and streamline your mass
building code (SIA). timber installation process with our
leading-edge project management tool.
Connect 3D models with your on-site
crew to quickly identify building ele-
ments and their location from delivery
to final assembly by scanning the prod-
BIM Library uct label QR code. Track your project's
progress and access vital information
in a user-friendly system available to
Download BIM objects of our Sylva™ everyone on the project team with any
range with all the know-how of the device or browser, be it a smartphone,
production process parametrically in- tablet or laptop.
tegrated so you can design for the most
material and cost-efficient way. Find
recommended build-ups for compart-
ment walls/floors, and external walls,
available for download in CAD and PDF
and classified according to the acoustic
and fire certification.

Knowledge Hub

Instantly locate expert knowledge,

best practices, and research updates
on mass timber construction on our
web-based platform, where you can
filter, search, and export what you need
to know.

58 Wood products
CAD drawing
Stora Enso
Katajanokan Laituri
Helsinki, Finland

Our fully automated
coating line applies
high-quality water-
based coatings to
500 000 m² of Sylva
CLT Walls and Floors
every year.

60 Wood products
coatings help
stabilise moisture
content during
the construction

Protect Logistics, load planning
and delivery
Rain or shine
Multi-functional coatings and mem- When you order from Stora Enso, we
branes increase construction speed provide an extensive range of logistics
on-site and deliver outstanding results services to ensure your deliveries
during and after construction. Our arrive promptly and precisely when
experienced technicians offer a com- you need them anywhere in the world.
prehensive service to advise you on the Ask us about our various methods of
proper protective measures. We oper- transportation, 3D load plans, custom
ate a fully automated state-of-the-art packaging, just-in-time delivery, and
coating line to apply the highest quality flexible intermediate storage solutions.
water-based coatings.
Ask us about our UV Hydrophobic
coatings, end grain sealer, temporary
membranes and insecticides.

Expert support

Do you or your team need project

Connect support or assistance? Consult one of
our experts on design, moisture man-
agement, fire safety, building physics,
Let us do the heavy lifting for you and structural engineering assistance
Reduce risks (and headaches) by to gain optimal use of raw materials. We
preinstalling reusable or non-reusable are here for you every step of the way
lifting devices in factory-controlled and invite you to ask us questions or
settings with computer-aided design have us check your planning process.
and precision. Our technical team of
experts advise on the best equipment
and oversees every detail for a smooth-
er overall construction process with a
quick and efficient installation.

62 Wood products
Stora Enso
Katajanokan Laituri
Helsinki, Finland

Hotel Reimar,
Sant Antoni de
Calonge, Spain

Jordi Tió

Hotel Reimar

Stora Enso partner:


Bad Sankt Leonhard
Bad Sankt Leonhard,

64 Wood products
Building products

We sell a wide variety of products including:

· Cross-laminated timber (CLT)
· Laminated veneer lumber (LVL)
· Rib Panels
· Glued laminated timber (GLT/Glulam)
· Sawn and planed wood
· Cladding and decking
· KVH structural timber (Konstruktionsvollholz)
· Window and door components
· ThermoWood
· Pellets

by Stora Enso 65
The Ritz – Carlton
Fari Islands, Male,

Kerry Hill Architects
Pte Ltd

Timber Concept

Main contractor:
Sanken Overseas
(Pvt) Ltd

66 Wood products
Rib Panels

timber (CLT)

Sawn and
Cladding and
CLT is a solid wood construction product consisting of at
least three bonded single-layer panels arranged at right

angles to each other. Sizes of up to 3.45 x 16 metres can be
produced. CLT panels are made up of several layers and are
available in different panel thicknesses. The layers are bonded

with carefully selected adhesives that are suitable for their
respective purpose.

CLT products are long-lasting and safe to use and recycle.

They are continuously tested to ensure that they meet the
strictest requirements in terms of indoor air emissions.
CLT also offers virtually boundless possibilities in terms of
construction concept, style and architecture. It is suitable for
Wood pellets

internal and external walls and for floors and roofs.

GAIA, Nanyang
University (NTU)
Singapore, Asia

Toyo Ito &
RSP Architects
Planners &
Engineers (Pte) Ltd
RSP Architects
Planners & Engineers
(Pte) Ltd


Industries PTE Ltd

68 Wood products
Earth Observatory/
Research Base,
Svalbard, Norway

LPO arkitekter

Norwegian Mapping

Rib Panels

Stora Enso partner:


Sawn and
Cladding and
Heyne Tillett Steel’s
Offices, Chart Street

London, U.K.

Heyne Tillett Steel

Stora Enso Partner:

B&K Structures

Wood pellets

Applications Benefits

CLT is extremely versatile and CLT offers many advantages

can be fully combined with other over conventional construction
building materials. Thanks to its materials:
load distribution properties in · Short construction time,
two directions, CLT sets no limits easy to assemble and high
to architectural building projects. level of prefabrication
For this reason, it is becoming · Up to 10% more living space
increasingly used for the con- gained by using CLT
struction of houses and apartment · CLT is lighter than concrete
buildings, as well as for industrial or brick which can help
and commercial buildings. As unlock more potential
a high-quality structural building building sites
material with an excellent · Environmentally-friendly
strength to weight-ratio. and sustainable
construction method
· Helps to reduce global warming
· Comfortable and healthy
indoor climate
· Thermal insulation properties
· Earthquake-resistant
construction method
· Sustainable, certified
building material

Patina Maldives
Patina, North Malé
Atoll, Maldives

Studio MK27

Pontiac Land Group

Main contractors:
AIMA and LHL Pvt Ltd

70 Wood products
CLT LVL Rib Panels GLT Sawn and Cladding and KVH Window/door ThermoWood Wood pellets
planed decking components

Patina, North Malé
Patina Maldives

Atoll, Maldives
Das Rad Oberländer
bicycle shop
St. Stefan im
Lavanttal, Austria

Stora Enso partner:

ZMP Holzbausysteme

72 Wood products
CLT key data

Service class Service class 1 and 2 according to EN 1995-1-1

Production certification CE-marked with ETA 14/0349

Strength class C24 maximum 10% C16 permitted according to
ETA (C24 maximum 10% C16 permitted lamellas)
Moisture content 6% to 15% according to EN 13183-2

Rib Panels
Wood species Spruce (pine, fir, stone pine/larch and other wood
types on request)
490 kg/m³. Please note a different density may
be declared depending on the need (structural
design, transportation, erection etc.)
Reaction to fire class Sylva CLT Walls: Euroclass D-s2, d0
Sylva CLT Floors and Roofs: Euroclass D-s2, d0

Resistance to fire, charring rate Sylva CLT Walls: Cover layer 0.63 mm/min | More
than cover layer* 0.86 mm/min

Sylva CLT Floors and Roofs: Cover layer 0.65 mm/

Sawn and
min | More than cover layer* 1.3 mm/min

According to ETA 14/0349

*More than cover layer 1.3 mm/min until 25 mm

of charring. Afterwards, the charring rate of

Cladding and
0.65 mm/min on floors only applies up to the
next glue line.
Airtightness CLT is airtight according to EN 12 114
Thermal conductivity 0.12 W/mK according to ETA 14/0349
Vapour permeability 50 (dry) to 20 (wet) according to EN ISO 10456

Wood pellets

by Stora Enso 73
Wisdome Stockholm
Stockholm, Sweden

Elding Oscarson

Sweden’s National
Museum of Science
and Technology

Main partner:
Stora Enso

Specialist timber
Blumer Lehmann

74 Wood products
Rib Panels
Laminated Veneer

Lumber (LVL)

Sawn and
Cladding and
LVL is an advanced wood product developed for the demands
of today’s building and construction industry. It consists of

3 mm spruce veneers glued together and is engineered to be
relatively stronger than steel, yet lighter than concrete, while
being highly workable and durable.

This massive wood product harnesses the power of Nordic
Spruce. LVL has proven its value as the preferred choice for
a wide range of structural applications. LVL is also one of the

strongest wood-based construction materials relative to its
weight, providing an ideal solution when strength, dimensional
stability and high load-bearing capacity are essential. With its
consistent quality and excellent workability, LVL is powering
Wood pellets

a new wave of agile, renewable construction.

Applications Benefits

LVL is the preferred choice for struc- · Twice as strong as steel

tural applications such as beams and proportionate to weight
columns when the ideal solution · Dimensionally stable, no warps,
you’re looking for is strength, dimen- splinters or splits
sional stability, and high load-bearing · Homogeneous
capacity. · Easy to drill, cut, fasten and fit
· Requires only standard wood
LVL delivers high technical perfor- working tools
mance and predictable results with · Precision-engineered and
standard woodworking tools thanks to easily tailored
its uniform and consistent quality. · Low waste of material
· Light and highly portable
· Easily blended and bundled
with other wood products
· Pre-fabrication cuts construction time

Entirely sourced from renewable,

recyclable wood.

76 Wood products
CLT LVL Rib Panels GLT Sawn and Cladding and KVH Window/door ThermoWood Wood pellets
planed decking components

(see previous spread
Wisdome Stockholm

for details)
Types of LVL

S grade – precision beams T grade – precision studs

With S grade all the veneers run in the All the veneers in T grade run in the
same direction enhancing the strength same direction, however these are
properties of the material. This feature, lighter veneers. As such it has all the
along with its light weight and ease of qualities exhibited by LVL in terms of
reworking, makes it the ideal choice dimensional accuracy, structural rigidi-
for the construction industry in a wide ty and lack of twisting. Therefore, the
range of applications – from framing T grade is suitable for structures
to beams and roof components to requiring dimensional stability and
form-work. straightness as well as lightweight.
A typical application is wall studs for
Available dimensions* internal walls.
· Thicknesses (mm): 27 / 30 / 33 / 39 /
45 / 51 / 57 / 63 / 69 / 75 Available dimensions (mm)*
· Widths (mm): 200 / 220 / 240 / 250 / · 39x66, lengths 2 550–6 000
260 / 300 / 350 / 360 / 400 / 450 / 500 / · 39x92, length 6 000
600, up to 2 400 available on request · 45x45, lengths 2 550–6 000
· Max length (m): 24.5
* Other dimensions upon request

X grade – precision panels Multiple glued LVL G

Veneers regularly spaced crosswise Stora Enso LVL G is produced by

through the element makes this ideal multiple gluing LVL S or LVL X
for construction panels and boards. panels and together creating big
The X grade has superior inherent dimension panels.
dimensional stability which opens up
a host of possibilities for how it can be
used – especially where shear strength LVL G L-type
is a design driver.
· LVL G LS and LVL G LX for beams
Available dimensions* and columns and beams structures
· Thicknesses (mm): 24 / 27 / 30 / 33 / · LVL G LX massive panels for
39 / 45 / 51 / 57 / 63 / 69 / 75 horizontal use in flooring or
· Widths (mm): 200 / 220 / 240 / 250 / roofing applications
260 / 300 / 350 / 360 /
400 / 450 / 500 / 600 Available sizes (master panel)
· Panels (mm): 1 200–2 400 · Thickness (mm): 84–500
· Max length (m): 24 · Width (mm): 100–2 400
· Length (m): 6.0–19
(with 100 mm increments)

78 Wood products
CLT LVL Rib Panels GLT Sawn and Cladding and KVH Window/door ThermoWood Wood pellets
planed decking components

and beam
S grade

for post
T grade


X grade
Wisdome Stockholm
(see page 74 for details)

80 Wood products
LVL key data

Service class Service class 1 and 2 according to

EN 19951–1

Product certification LVL is CE marked according to EN 14374
LVL G has ETA-approval ETA 20/0291
Strength class LVL according to EN 14374 and LVL G
according to ETA 20/0291

Rib Panels
Moisture content 10% +/- 2%
Wood species Spruce
Mean density 510 kg/m³ (characteristic density
480 kg/m³)
Reaction to fire class Euroclass D–s2, d0

Resistance to fire, charring rate According to Eurocode 5
βn =0.70 mm/min (notional charring
according to EN 1995–1–2)
Thermal conductivity 0.13 W/mK
Water vapour resistance Wet cup 70

Sawn and
Dry cup 200

Cladding and
Wood pellets

Bad St. Leonhard
Bad St. Leonhard,

82 Wood products
Rib Panels
Rib Panels

Sawn and
Cladding and
Prefabricated Rib Panels by Stora Enso make the perfect
choice for long-span structures and large open areas

featuring unobstructed, column-free spaces. Made of
massive wood, they are lightweight, cost competitive and
environmentally sound.

We offer ready-to-install Rib Panels from CLT, GLT and LVL.
Our Rib Panels can be installed quickly and easily on site and

all are CE marked. Our Rib Panels are powering a new wave of
visionary design. Wood pellets

Applications Benefits

For spans longer than 6 metres, rib Rib panels create flexible, long span
panels provide an effective, economical layouts for especially suited for com-
solution. They have superior strength, mercial office buildings, residential
stability and high load-bearing capaci- buildings, schools, industrial buildings
ty, at a low weight. This provides you and structures with long span roofs.
new possibilities in design, as well as
maximum structural performance using · Prefabrication allows faster construc-
less material. tion and lower cost
· Fast installation, no need for
The space between ribs can be special equipment
used to route service lines or other · Stronger structures with less material
installations. This can be ideal for public savings in foundation costs due to
buildings that require good acoustic reduced self-weight
characteristics. · Allow for long, open spans with less
beams and columns for a flexible
Because the rib panels are prefabri- layout that can adapt over time as
cated and lightweight, you get a faster needs change
work-flow from delivery to assembly · Entirely sourced from renewable
compared with other construction wood
methods. There is no forming or curing
time and no special equipment needed.
Prefabrication also helps reduce
construction costs.

CLT Rib Panels key data

Service class Service class 1 and 2 according to

EN 1995–1–1
Product certification CE marked with ETA–20/0893
Strength class According to ETA–20/0893:
CLT panel according to ETA: C24
GLT ribs: GL 20h – GL 32h and GL 20c –
GL 32c
Moisture content 11% ± 3%
Wood species Spruce (pine or fir also possible)
Typical density ~49 0 kg/m³. Please note a different
density may be declared depending on
the need (structural design,
transportation, erection etc.)
Reaction to fire class Euroclass D–s2, d0
Resistance to fire, charring rate According to ETA–20/0893 Annex 4,
Fire performance classified according
to EN 13501–2
Airtightness CLT is airtight according to EN 12 114
Thermal conductivity of CLT panel 0.12 W/mK) according to ETA–20/0893
Water vapor resistance 50 (dry) to 20 (wet) according to
EN ISO 10456

84 Wood products
LVL Rib Panels key data

Service class Service class 1 and 2 to according to

EN 1995–1–1
Product certification CE marked with ETA 18/1132
Moisture content 10% +/- 2% when leaving mill
Wood species Spruce
Mean density

Rib Panels
510 kg/m³ (LVL S and X)
Reaction to fire class Euroclass D–s1, d0
Resistance to fire, charring rate According to ETA 18/1132– Annex 2,
Fire performance is classified
according to EN 13501–2

1. Open LVL rib single fire board ceiling

structure, up to REI 30
2. Semi-open LVL rib with double fire
board ceiling structure, up to REI 9 0
3. Semi-open LVL rib with triple fire
board ceiling structure, up to REI 120

Sawn and
4. Semi-open LVL rib with double fire
board ceiling structure, up to REI 120

The LVL X panel on the lower side of

LVL rib panel by Stora Enso – closed

Cladding and
type (or inverting a non-closed type)

may be used as a non-load-bearing
protection for the rest of the LVL rib
panel cross-section or as a load
bearing part of the structure in the
design of the resistance to fire.

LVL material charring rate - According

to EN 1995–1–2, Table 3.1
Airtightness LVL has adequate airtightness
according to ETA 18/1132
Thermal conductivity 0.13 W/mK according to ETA 18/1132

Water vapour resistance Wet cup 70 μ
Dry cup 200 μ

Wood pellets

WittyWood Building
HQ Office for
Porsche Digital
Barcelona, Spain

Ballarin & Grinyó

Stora Enso partner:


Høyt Under Taket

climbing center
Skien, Norway


Stora Enso partner:


86 Wood products
CLT LVL Rib Panels GLT Sawn and Cladding and KVH Window/door ThermoWood Wood pellets
planed decking components

Høyt Under Taket
climbing center
Skien, Norway
World of Volvo
Gothenburg, Sweden

Henning Larsen

AB Volvo and
Volvo Cars

Stora Enso partner:


88 Wood products
Rib Panels
Glued laminated

timber (GLT/Glulam)

Sawn and
Cladding and
GLT/Glulam is an engineered wood product for load-bearing
structures. GLT products are stronger and stiffer than

conventional timber. With a higher strength to weight ratio than
steel, it can offer unlimited flexibility in design and construction

GLT is particularly suitable for where there is a requirement for
a natural solid wood appearance without visible joints of
individual lamellas.

GLT consists of at least two dried boards or lamellas made of
coniferous wood that are glued together in parallel with the fibers.
Due to the strength grading of the raw material and the optimized
Wood pellets

positioning of layered structures, the product ensures a stable

quality and has higher load capacities than conventional timber.
The manufacturing process makes GLT a very dimensionally
stable building material. GLT is available in visual or non-visual
quality. Using finger-jointing, lengths of up to 16 metres can
be produced.

World of Volvo
Gothenburg, Sweden

90 Wood products
CLT LVL Rib Panels GLT Sawn and Cladding and KVH Window/door ThermoWood Wood pellets
planed decking components

World of Volvo
Gothenburg, Sweden

92 Wood products
Applications Benefits

GLT is typically used for beams in floors, GLT is highly resource-efficient be-
roofs and columns. GLT beams can cause it consist of relatively thin pieces

span more than 30 metres and can be of timber bonded together to create a
found in every kind of building from material similar in size and strength of
churches to schools to commercial old-growth timber. GLT therefore offers
office buildings or even giant ware- many benefits:
houses and distribution centres.

Rib Panels
· Beams can freely span large
GLT is typically used where industrial distances – the sky is quite literally
strength is required. They can be used the limit when building with GLTs
indoor and outdoor in both very dry and · Versatile and easy to make to size
wet climates. Because of GLT's strength · Manufactured to precise dimensions
and excellent seismic resistance it · Available in both non visible and
is a suitable choice for construction beautiful finishes

that needs to span large distances or · Easy to install and repair – no need
withstand the more dangerous forces for special equipment
of nature, such as earthquakes and · Predictable fire resistance; can
typhoons. Common applications outlast steel beams under the
include: same fire conditions

Sawn and
· Structural parts of a building or bridge
· Posts, beams, studs, floor joists and
roof rafters, lintels, floor beams
· Columns, including round, square,

Cladding and
and complex sections posts

· Curved beams and arches

GLT key data

Service class Service class 1 and 2 according to
EN 1995–1–1
Product certification CE-marked, manufactured according to

EN 14080
Strength class GL24h, GL28c
Moisture content 12% ± 2% (max 15%)
Wood species Spruce

Weight/Density 420 kg/m³ (GL24h), 420 kg/m³ (GL28c)
Reaction to fire class Euroclass D–s2, d0
Reaction to fire, charring rate βn=0.7 mm/min (notional charring
according EN 1995–1–2)
Thermal conductivity 0.13 W/mK
Wood pellets

Water vapour transmission resistance 40

Stora Enso Gruvön
Saw Mill
Grums, Sweden

94 Wood products
Rib Panels
Sawn and planed

Sawn and
Cladding and
Stora Enso offers an extensive range of high-quality rough
sawn, structural or planed timber. Our portfolio includes a huge

variety of dimensions and lengths, and can cut and planed to
exact requirements.

We supply strong, workable and beautiful whitewood and
redwood products in various qualities cut to specific lengths
according to customer needs. Like all our wood products, our
classic sawn products come with the highest environmental


Our sawmills utilise the most modern technology and select the
best raw material for each end use – reducing handling costs
Wood pellets

and raw material waste. Processes are designed for different

customer needs and they are continuously improved. This way,
you are sure to get a reliable delivery and all-round high quality.

Applications Benefits

Our classic sawn wood segment · Highly accurate size tolerances,

focuses to serve industrial integrators, flexible sizes and lengths
merchants and DIY retailers, as well · Superior form stability and surfacing
as wholesalers and trading houses. · Consistent and uniform quality
We supply a wide range of sawn and · High environmental standards
planed wood to choose from: rough, · Utilisation of the latest technology
strength graded or planed sawn goods. and high-quality raw material
Uses include:

·  General construction (both

new build and renovation)
·  Joinery
·  Frame and truss
·  Floorings
·  Garden products
·  Cladding and decking
·  Furniture
·  Packaging

96 Wood products
CLT LVL Rib Panels GLT Sawn and Cladding and KVH Window/door ThermoWood Wood pellets
planed decking components

Värmland, Sweden
House in Vålberg
98 Wood products
Sawn and planed wood key data

CLS items used in USA Framings for Australia

Thickness 2” (38 mm) Thickness 35, 45 mm
Widths 3”–12” (solid), 6” and 8” (FJ) Widths 70 / 90 / up to 190 mm
Lengths 6’–16’ (solid), 26’–36’ (FJ) Lengths 2.4–6.0 m

Rib Panels
Wood species Spruce and pine Wood species Spruce and pine
Moisture content 12% ± 2% Moisture content 12% ± 2%
Grades No2 and MSR grades Grades F5, F8, MGP10, MGP12
Produced in Austria, Czech Republic, Produced in Austria, Czech Republic,
Estonia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania,
Latvia, Poland Poland, Sweden

Hagarazai Japan by Stora Enso CLS Japan by Stora Enso

Sawn and
Thickness 15–45 mm Thickness 38 mm
Widths 40–120 mm Widths 89 / 140 / 184 / 235 mm
Lengths 2.7–3.985 m Lengths 1.830–3.9 85 m
Wood species Spruce Wood species Spruce

Cladding and
Surface Planed Surface Planed
Moisture content 18% ± 2% Moisture content 18% ± 2%
Grades A, B Grades A, B, JAS 2
Produced in Austria, Czech Republic, Produced in Czech Republic

CLS/SCANTS UK by Stora Enso C24/C18 for European market

Thickness 38 / 42 / 45 mm Thickness 45 or 70 mm
Widths 69 / 89 / 94 / 140 mm Widths 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 / 195 /
Lengths 2.4–4.8 m 220 / 245 mm

Wood species Spruce Lengths Falling length 3.0–6.0 m

Surface Planed Wood species Spruce or pine

Moisture content 18% ± 2% Surface Planed and rough sawn
Grades C16 and B
Moisture content 18% ± 2%
Produced in Czech Republic, Estonia,
Grades  ainly C24, C18, but even C30,
Finland, Lithuania, Sweden
C35 and C40
Wood pellets

Produced in Estonia, Sweden, Finland

Paupio Verslo
Centro Terasos
Business Center
Vilnius, Lithuania

Plazma Architecture

Darnu Group

100 Wood products

Rib Panels
Cladding and


Sawn and
Cladding and
Stora Enso provides ready to install products for exterior
claddings, interior walls, ceiling panels and floor boards.

The products are suitable for both new constructions and
renovations and ideal for construction companies, industry
retailers and DIY builders.

Consistent quality and availability of goods are provided due to
many years of production experience, the careful selection of raw
materials and modern technologies. The products are available

uncoated or surface treated. There are several types of coatings
available: primer, paint, wax or lacquer. All of the products are
mini-bundled or neatly shrink-wrapped in order to achieve clean,
long-lasting in user friendly packaging.
Wood pellets

Applications Benefits

A wide range of uses for wood cladding Our wood cladding and decking panels
and decking include: are lightweight, feature precise tongue-
and-groove joints, and have uniform,
· Exterior and interior cladding high quality. This makes them easy to
· Wall and floor panels install and cost-effective. When properly
· Decking and garden furniture/fences maintained, they last for decades.
· Saunas
· Facades
· Building sunshades

Profiles produced by
Stora Enso

102 Wood products

Paupio Verslo
Centro Terasos
Business Center
Vilnius, Lithuania

Rib Panels
Sawn and
Wood Hotel,

Vienna, Austria

Katharo Lodges GmbH

Architecture &

Cladding and
structural design:

Zieritz + partner ZT

Types of cladding
and decking

Exterior cladding Interior cladding and wall panels

Exterior cladding in wood adds a warm, Wood cladding can add interest,
natural look and feel to a building. warmth and comfort to an interior
Choose natural, factory primed, or space. It’s perfect for softening a more
ready finished and painted panels from industrial design and giving it some
all colours on the exterior paint colour character. Our wood interior cladding
chart. Priming will prolong durability panels come uncoated or ready

and help protect the cladding panels finished with wax or varnish. A popular
from sunlight and moisture as well as treatment is a white wax varnish with
provide an excellent adhesion surface water-based pigment content, which
for any top paint coat. lets you leave the wood grains visible.

Wooden flooring
Wood pellets

Solid timber floorboards provide

elegant flooring that’s pleasant to the
touch. Our floorboards are crafted from
sustainably sourced, sound-knotted
pine or spruce and feature beautiful
grain patterns. This durable product
balances indoor humidity and has
natural sound insulation properties.

Pension Bovida
Čenkovice, Czech

Plazma Architecture

Darnu Group

104 Wood products

Rib Panels
Structural Timber/

(KVH )

Sawn and

Cladding and
KVH® is a technically-dried, strength-graded and generally
finger-jointed solid wood product made from softwood (mainly

spruce) and designed for a wide variety of applications in
modern timber construction. Alternative types of softwood
are also available for special uses, such as for thresholds or

for outdoor areas not directly exposed to the elements.

Types of KVH structural timber

Depending on the intended use, we manufacture two ranges
which essentially differ only in terms of their visual appearance:
· KVH-Si for visible areas
Wood pellets

· KVH-NSi for non-visible structures

Applications Benefits

KVH is a solid structural timber typically · Superior dimensional stability

made from spruce softwood and used · Attractive solid wood appearance
in modern timber construction. Other · Finger jointing enables lengths up
softwood types, like pine, are available to 16 m
on request for special uses like · Surpasses requirements specified in
wooden thresholds or outdoor areas German grading standard
not directly exposed to the weather. DIN 4074–1 and other European
grading standards
· Insect-resistant due to kiln drying,
so you can eliminate preservative
treatment in compliance with
national standards for wood
· Custom orders on short
notice possible

Pension Bovida
Čenkovice, Czech

106 Wood products

KVH key data

Grading criterion Requirements Requirements Comments


Technical standard EN 15497 EN 15497 Finger jointed timber
EN 14081 EN 14081 Non finger jointed timber

Strength class¹ Min. C24 Min. C25 Important properties (strength, stiffness and
(acc. EN 338) density) needed for dimensioning acc. EN 1995–1–1

Rib Panels
Grading standard DIN 4074 DIN 4074 Assignment of visual grading standards acc.
EN 1912

Moisture content 15% ± 3% 15% ± 3% Technically dried at minimum 55°C. The specified
wood moisture content is a prerequisite for
dispensing, for the most part, with preservative
treatments, and also the precondition for gluing

Type of cut The cut is made taking into account the fact that on an ideally formed log, For KVH-Si the cutting of a centreboard is possible

the pith is cut through with two-strand cutting (≥ 40mm) upon request

Wane (acc. DIN 4074) Not permitted ≤ 10% of the smaller side of
the cross section permitted

Dimension stability Tolerance class 2: The tolerance of the stability of the length needs
of the cross section < 100 mm: ± 1.0 mm to be defined, principally no negative deviations

Sawn and
(acc. EN 336) d/b ≥ 100 mm: ± 1.5 mm permitted

Knot condition Loose and dead knots are not Acc. DIN 4074
permitted; occasionally faulty
knots or part of knots up to max.
20 mm Ø are permitted

Cladding and
Knot diameter ratio Acc. DIN 4074 (e.g. S10/C24: A ≤ 2/5, not more than 70 mm) Knot ratio A, determined acc. DIN 4074

Ingrown bark Not permitted Acc. DIN 4074

Cracks, radial Crack-width b ≤ 3% of the width Acc. DIN 4074 KVH-Si full fills higher needs as the requirements
shrinkage cracks of the surface acc. S10/C24, DIN 4074
(dry cracks)

Resin pockets Width b ≤ 5 mm – Additional criteria

Discolouration Not permitted Acc. DIN 4074 KVH-Si full fills higher needs as the requirements

acc. S10/C24, DIN 4074

Insect damage Not permitted Acc. DIN 4074 KVH-Si full fills higher needs as the requirements
acc. S10/C24, DIN 4074

Twist Acc. DIN 4074 Acc. DIN 4074 The permissible extent of twisting is not specified in

further detail as no unacceptable twisting should be
expected if all the other criteria are complied with

Crook Acc. DIN 4074 (free of heart centre Acc. DIN 4074 KVH-Si full fills higher needs as the requirements
cutting ≤ 4 mm/2 m) acc. S10/C24, DIN 4074

End finishing Trimmed perpendicular Trimmed perpendicular

Surface properties Planed and chamfered Levelled and chamfered

Packaging Per package 4 sides green wrap Per package 4 sides green wrap White wrap upon request
(single pieces upon request 4 sides
black wrap)

Marking Marked on surface

Certificates Certificates can be sent on request – or downloaded from Stora Enso homepage
Wood pellets

1) Higher strength class upon request

Stora Enso
Katajanokan Laituri
Helsinki, Finland

Anttinen Oiva


Stora Enso partner:


108 Wood products

Rib Panels
Window and door

Sawn and
Cladding and
Stora Enso specialises in quality components. We draw on
generations of innovation to create the best-in-class products

for windows, doors, mouldings, thresholds, and much more.

Our extensive portfolio of offerings caters to a wide range

of luxury and everyday applications. Everything we make is
tailormade. And naturally, as sustainability leaders, we ensure
the most efficient use of raw materials with minimal waste.

As Europe's leading industrial component manufacturer with
multiple production units, and sourcing from our own forests,
we provide peace of mind for our customers that we can deliver.
Wood pellets

Quality Sustainability

All raw materials are carefully We know the origin of all the
selected from our sustainably wood we use. We fully support
managed forests and scanned our customers with their
to guarantee the best possible sustainability needs and
quality, according to customer requirements. Third-party
specification. We exceed stand- certification under FSC®,
ards for all materials and pro- PEFC chain of custody or both
cesses. Quality certificates from ensures traceability of the
the forest to our mills ensure we raw material from sustainably
meet the most rigorous controls. managed forests.
Production certificates include
ISO 9001, ISO14001, ISO 50001,
ISO 45001.

Country specific product qual-

ity certificates include Nordic
Certified Scantlings.

Precision fabrication of all our

products delivers uniform quality
with highly accurate size tolerances,
enabling maximum performance
for windows and doors for dec-
ades to come.

Our wide service

offering includes
both horizontal
and vertical
planing, cut-to-
length, continuous
grain, WoodHeart ®
content and more.

110 Wood products

Our offerings

Door components Effex® Dura—this is one

Stora Enso offers high-quality joinery unique product!

timber for door frames, jambs, posts, Its innovative thin-lamella structure
stiles and rails. The quality starts at is ideal for long-span windows and
the source with carefully selected raw sliding doors where extra rigidity is
materials from sustainably managed needed. Its strength and visible
forests at the heart of our entire properties are also excellent for

Rib Panels
product range. wooden stair handrails, furniture, etc.

Window components · Thin lamella structure on visual

Stora Enso offers high-quality joinery surface is beautiful (stained
timber for window sashes, frames, or lacquered)
posts, skirtings and more – uniquely · Dimensionally stable up to 6 m
engineered to your needs. We provide · Versatile for use with smaller

finger-jointed and glue laminated dimensions in sashes/frames and
products that feature continuous and maximises the overall glass area
uniform quality and highly accurate for expansive panoramic views.
size tolerances, enabling maximum
performance for windows for decades

Sawn and
to come.

Cladding and
Wood pellets

Elitfönster windows
Villa Leander

Key data

Door components

Thickness / Widths / Lengths Customer selectable

Wood species Pine and spruce
Moisture content 10, 12% ± 2%
Processing Planed, finger-jointed, laminated,
module length cut
Surface Planed, rough
Glued products Edge or face glued products
into block profiles
Grades 1–4 side clears, sound knot quality

Window components

Thickness / Widths / Lengths Customer selectable

Wood species Pine
Moisture content 10, 12% ± 2%
Surface Planed
Strength class N/A
Processing Planed, finger-jointed, glue laminated,
module length cut
Glued products Edge- or face-glued products into
L or Block profiles
Grades 1–4 side clears and sound knot

Effex® Dura

Thickness 45–126 mm
Widths 45–306 mm
Lengths Up to 6 m
Wood species Pine
Surface Planed, finger-jointed, laminated
Moisture content Max. 10% ± 2%
Strength class MoE up to 14.4 [kN/mm²] depending
on structure
Grades Depending on customer requirement

112 Wood products

CLT LVL Rib Panels GLT Sawn and Cladding and KVH Window/door ThermoWood Wood pellets
planed decking components

The Fairytale castle
Uldal AS windows

After thermal treat-
ment, the wood
exhibits a uniform
and rich, golden-
brown tone through-
out that showcases
the natural vein of
the wood.

World Ski
Championships 2015
Lugnet Arena
Falun, Sweden

114 Wood products

Rib Panels

Sawn and
Cladding and
Warm, safe and sound wood for decking, cladding and
sauna interiors. Stora Enso ThermoWood is thermo-treated

wood produced using completely natural methods – heat
and steam. The thermal treatment improves the wood’s
properties, opening up a wide range of applications for use

outdoors or indoors.

ThermoWood uses a patented production process and is

a registered trademark that may only be used by licensed

companies that are members of the International
ThermoWood Association.

The raw material for ThermoWood comes from premium-

Wood pellets

quality pine and spruce from responsibly managed forests.

Since no harmful chemicals are added during the treatment
process, ThermoWood contains only renewable substances.
This makes ThermoWood also the perfect solution for a warm,
attractive deck that’s pleasant to walk on and safe for kids to
play on, and is also an excellent choice for interior cladding,
spa and sauna interiors.

Stora Enso Pavilion
at FIS Nordic World
Ski Championships
Planica, Slovenia

Studio Abiro

Stora Enso partner:


Applications Benefits

Thermowood is an environmentally · 100% natural processing with no

sound alternative to pressure-im- chemical additives, biodegradable
pregnated wood. Its natural high-tem- and recyclable
perature treatment makes this wood · Third-party certification under FSC®,
resistant to varying weather conditions, PEFC chain of custody or both
fungi and rot. ensures full traceability of the raw
material from sustainably managed
Because of its decay resistance, lower forests
moisture content and lower thermal · Superior performance outdoors,
conductivity compared with untreated indoors or in different weather
wood, Thermowood is dimensionally conditions thanks to special thermal
stable, durable and possesses good treatment
insulation. It keeps its shape and stands · Possesses high dimensional stability,
up to changing climate conditions durability and decay resistance,
Typical uses include saunas, exterior has colour uniformity and reduced
cladding and facades, decking, fences, thermal conductivity
garden furniture and sun shades · No resin leakage, easy to paint or
for buildings. apply surface treatments

116 Wood products

A versatile product,
a variety of uses

Thermowood is a very popular choice To ensure the best technical perform-

for exterior cladding, decking, and ance, Stora Enso’s Thermowood is
facades. We provide standard and available in two standard thermal
custom wood profiles, or the raw ma- treatment classes, Thermo-S and
terial for further processing. Because, Thermo-D. Thermo-S has improved
Thermowood is resin and pith free, stability, an attractive light golden-

Rib Panels
you can easily apply glue, paint, oil brown tone, and is mainly suitable
finishing or surface treatments like a for interiors. Thermo-D has improved
fire-retardant coating or simply leave durability, a darker brown tone, and
it natural. Thermowood is also an ideal is used in both interior and exterior
material for interior panelling and applications.
flooring, furniture and other building
components. With reduced thermal

conductivity and resin-free, it works
very well in saunas too.

Sawn and
Thermowood key data

Cladding and
Application External and internal cladding and decking, industrial
productions like joineries, window and door manufactures
Heat treatment classes Two standard thermal modification classes –
Thermo-D and Thermo-S

Standard dimension Rough Thermowood out of pine and spruce is available as
standard: 25x125 / x150; 32x125 / x150; 50x125 / x150
Planed sizes are often 19, 26, 42 mm thick and 117 and
140 mm wide. Other sizes available on request

Use class Stora Enso Thermowood with Thermo-D treatment is
suitable for use class 3 (EN 335)
Durability/resistance to rot Thermo-D is falling into durability class 2 (EN 350)
Without additional treatments Thermowood by Stora Enso
is not resistant to termites
Dimensional stability  he thermal treatment process greatly reduces wood’s

tendencies to warp, swell or shrink in different humidity
conditions. The wood’s equilibrium moisture balance
may be decreased to less than 40–50 % compared to
untreated timber
Thermal properties 0.09 W/mK according EN ISO 13787 + EN 12667
Wood pellets

Leaching As no substances are added during the Thermowood

process, no chemical leaching will occur. In addition, as the
resin is removed during the process, the problem of resin
leakage through the knots or pitch pockets is removed
Ecological and safe Thermowood is produced using high temperature and
steam. Since no chemicals are added during the process
Thermowood contains only renewable substances.
Disposal of offcuts can be burned or given into the
normal waste system
Certification PEFC, FSC, CE, KOMO,
International ThermoWood Association member

PENNY Supermarket
Skuteč, Czech

Yuar s.r.o.

Main contractor:
PS Slovacko s.r.o

118 Wood products

CLT LVL Rib Panels GLT Sawn and Cladding and KVH Window/door ThermoWood Wood pellets
planed decking components

120 Wood products
Rib Panels
Wood pellets

Sawn and
Cladding and
Wood pellets — reliable heat from a renewable resource.
Stora Enso's quality wood pellets made only from wood

shavings, dry chips, and sawdust by-products from our
sawmills offer a reliable, renewable energy source for
residential, commercial, or industrial heating. Heating with our

pellets leaves a much smaller CO₂ footprint than heating with
natural gas – and an even smaller footprint than oil, making
them both an economical and environmental positive choice.
Our pellets are also a popular choice for horse bedding that's

comfortable, hygienic and hassle-free.

We take responsibility for the entire supply chain from forest

to front door. As we integrate our wood pellet production from
Wood pellets

several mills across Europe and only sell locally we can ensure
stable pricing, efficient delivery times and environmental
certification. Stora Enso is one of only a few pellet producers
in Europe with a fully transparent, third-party verified,
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).

A complete portfolio to serve
diverse needs

Pellets for residential heating Pellets for horse bedding

At Stora Enso, we source, make and Pellet horse bedding can make a great
deliver biomass pellets. Heating with alternative to wood shavings or straw.
our wood pellets is a natural, sound Stora Enso’s premium horse bedding
way to heat homes and districts that’s pellets are sourced from local and
gentle on the environment. With less sustainably managed softwood. Our
smoke out the chimney and less money horse bedding pellets quickly absorb
from your wallet, Stora Enso has your moisture, transforming them into a fluffy
heating and environmental needs bed, soft and comfortable underfoot.
covered. Heating an average-sized Our pellets contain natural resins and
house with our premium pellets instead oils to combat ammonia, keeping your
of natural gas can save 2.7 tons CO₂ stable smelling sweet.
annually. We offer wood pellets by the
bag or in bulk available year-round in Our pellets are also heat-treated and
easy-to-store containers thanks to their are therefore naturally antiseptic, free
compact nature. And, because our from mould and bacteria. They are a
biomass pellets are a dense form of safe choice and provide a healthy
fuel with high energy content, they burn hoof and limb environment for all ponies
up to 25–50% on average less than and horses. The virtually dust-free
fossil heating fuels. pellet bedding can also benefit horses
prone to respiratory conditions. Unlike
Pellets for industrial heating other bedding materials, this super-
Stora Enso biomass wood pellets offer absorbent and long-lasting bedding
an environmentally friendly alternative results in fewer muck heaps. As a
to gas, oil, and electricity to power result, it’s possible to cut mucking out
industrial plants and commercial time by more than half. Thanks to the
premises. We use only wood shavings, compact nature of wood pellets, the
dry chips, and sawdust to manufacture bags take up minimal space compared
our pellets, meaning our pellets are with similar alternatives.
highly energy-rich and produce a
minimal volume of ash. Easy Pellet Refill
Easy Pellet Refill is Stora Enso’s
When burned in pellet boilers, our service to automatically keep small
consistently high quality premium and medium-sized companies stocked
pellets lower both heating bills and with 100% sustainable pellets. With the
CO₂ emissions. Pellet pricing is more help of a monitoring device, we provide
reliably stable vs speculation-driven peace of mind that your supplies are
energy like electricity and fossil fuels. always enough to meet your needs.
This makes budgeting both affordable
and predictably accurate. Depending
on your country, you could also benefit
from tax incentives and renewable
energy credits.

For companies participating in supplier

transparency and traceability programs,
our pellets come with third-party certifi-
cation from FSC® and PEFC.

122 Wood products

CLT LVL Rib Panels GLT Sawn and Cladding and KVH Window/door ThermoWood Wood pellets
planed decking components

124 Wood products
Applications Benefits

Pellets are an energy-rich, low-ash, · Thanks to years of ambitious and

low-moisture and clean-burning continuous work in our operations

heating source for wood pellet heaters to replace everything with non-
and boilers in residential, commercial fossil or renewable energy solutions,
and large-scale industrial heating and by removing unnecessary
applications. transport, our premium pellets have
an outstandingly small carbon

Rib Panels
Our premium wood pellets also make footprint.
a natural and comfortable choice · Reduces environmental impact –
for equine bedding. They are highly a clean-burning renewable fuel
absorbent, drastically cut mucking out source
time, reduce bedding consumption, · We surpass all legal requirements
and are easy to store and transport. including FSC® and PEFC Chain
of Custody certified wood traceability

system for responsible sourcing.
Our pellets are certified A1 by
the leading independent testing
authorities, including ENplus®

Sawn and
· Cost efficient – costs much less on
average than fossil heating fuels
· Energy rich – with its high energy
content and density, it burns more
efficiently than traditional firewood

Cladding and
· Easy online ordering from the comfort

of your own home and superior cus-
tomer service and delivery reliability
· Convenient to use – can be bought in
bulk or bags and stored in less space
than other biomass fuels
· Absorbent as equine bedding

Pellets webshop Pellets key data

Stora Enso’s quality wood pellets for Diameter 6/8 mm
home use or equine bedding can be
ordered directly to your home from Dry content Approx. 92%
our webshop

Ash content Approx. 0.4%
Ash melting point Approx. 1 400 °C
Density Approx. 650 kg/m³
Energy per kg Approx. 4.85 kWh
Energy per m 3
Approx. 3 250 kWh
Wood pellets

Pellets webshop

126 Wood products
About Stora Enso

Part of the global bioeconomy, Stora Enso is a leading

provider of renewable products in packaging, biomaterials,
and wooden construction, and one of the largest private forest
owners in the world. We believe that everything that is made
from fossil-based materials today can be made from a
tree tomorrow.

Stora Enso shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Oy (STEAV,

STERV) and Nasdaq Stockholm AB (STE A, STE R). In addition,
the shares are traded in the USA as ADRs (SEOAY).

Stora Enso Sawmill
Bad St. Leonhard,

128 Wood products

Photography credits

Cover image pg 27 pg 48, 52 pg 74, 76, pg 104, 106

Gabriel Huber Mats Vuorenjuuri Stora Enso 77 (bottom), 80 Vladimír Kiva Novotný
Focus Format Puurakentajat Note Design Studio Sweden’s National
Blumer Lehmann Museum of Science pg 111
pg 36, 37 pg 61 and Technology Elitfönster
pg 4, 6, 9, 10, 30, 32 Folkhem Tobias Bader Anna Gerdén
The Plus // Vestre pg 113
Einar Aslaksen pg 37 (top) pg 63 (bottom), 86 (top) pg 77 (top) Uldal AS
General Architecture Madergia Model by Elding
pg 12 Oscarson pg 114
Jim Stephenson pg 38 pg 66 Lasse Arvidson
Architectural © Epaillard+Machado The Ritz-Carlton pg 86 (bottom), 87
Photography & Films Maldives Snøhetta pg 118
pg 42 Eirik Evjen PENNY
pg 16, 116 © Patrick Raffin pg 68 Václav Šíma
Miran Kambič Eurban/Steeltech pg 88, 92
pg 46, 47 (bottom) Industries Christian Badenfelt pg 123 (bottom)
pg 17, 94, 96, 97, 98, Rendering by Mikko Nikkinen
110, 120, 123 (top), Anttinen Oiva pg 69 (top) pg 90, 91 (top)
124, 130 Architects Woodcon WiEHAG
Fabian Björnstjerna Henning Larsen
pg 47, 54, 63, 108 pg 69 (bottom) Render by Kvant-1
pg 24, 26, 33, Stora Enso B&K Structures
53 (bottom), 56, 72, Pasi Salminen Ben Clarkson pg 91 (bottom)
82, 128 Puurakentajat R Hjortshoj
Stora Enso pg 70, 71
Rene Knabl Fotografie Patina Maldives pg 100, 103
Georg Roske Ieva Saudargaitė
Darius Gumbrevičius

130 Wood products

Where we make it

Wood Products operates globally and has 14

production units in Europe. Our global distribution
network ensures consistent and efficient shipments
to our customers.

Product Capacity per year

Sawing 5.4 million m³
Further processing 2.2 million m³
CLT 310 000 m³
LVL 85 000 m³
Pellets 460 000 t










Bad St. Leonhard


Partner network

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