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Sample Qualitative Research

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Education is an important aspect in life. It gives the people knowledge of

the world around them and changes it into something better. Part of it is studying,

studying can make students more knowledgeable. It takes an important role in

education as it is essential for a person to develop a complete education and

provide students with the opportunity to develop study habits, time management

skills and self-discipline.

The fact that people lived in a world where everything is updated, mobile

phones became one of the necessities of the students as it could be useful for

their education in today’s society. However, the influence of this useful machine

on youth is undeniably questionable. It is to what Rock said, all these

technologies are very good at distracting people. In line with this development,

online gaming was created to give entertainment to people.

Online gaming is one of the widely used leisure activities by many people.

For most people, online gaming is one of the best past time that they acquire

specially for teenagers, youngsters and students. According to Kuss & Griffiths

(2012), teens who play online games are just having fun. They do not just

actually play because of some sort of seriousness, but also because they just

want to feel relief. During school hours, students tend to feel stressed due to

loads of school works and through playing it will relive their stress.

It is undeniably questionable that playing online games provide them

something that no one can give. According to some researches it is beneficial. It

enables the mind of the players to be more active, especially those puzzle-based

games. Furthermore, it helps the player to come up with decisions in tight

situations, especially those adventure games that keep the players to be alert,

active and strategic.

Students' learning takes place unexpectedly, but the inappropriate usage

of playing online games also leads in some problems such as being distracted in

school. Further, it is where the attention of the child was divided that even their

health and social life is unknowingly affected.

Studies revealed that the human brain is easy to destruct and one of the

reasons is using technology. Because of online games, the study habits of the

students who are playing online games was also affected. The education system

tends to go with the flow with this constant change in the society in order to get

things relevant with the generations today.

The researchers felt the need to explore the experiences of the students in

playing Mobile Legends and its effects in order to come out a solution on what

would be the possible ways to cope up with the effects of playing Mobile



The main objective of this study is to explore the experiences of the

students in Ubay National Science High School playing Mobile Legends and its


Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. In playing Mobile Legends, what would be the:

1.1 Positive effects in the students of Ubay National Science High


1.2 Negative effects in the students of Ubay National Science High


2. Why the students still addicted to it even if it will affect them?

3. How will these students manage their time for playing, for school activities,

and for their social life?

4. How will these students cope with its effects?

Conceptual Framework

UNSHS Students
Mobile Legend Players

Years Spent in Playing


Ways of Coping

Experiences of the Students Playing Mobile Legends and

its Effects

Figure 1. Experiences of the Students Playing Mobile Legends and its Effects


The students nowadays are recently addicted in playing Mobile Legends.

Specifically, this study focuses on the experiences of the Ubay National Science

High School students in playing Mobile Legends as well as its effects.

Mobile Legends Players. The result of this study will help the Mobile Legend

players know that there are various effects of playing Mobile Legends and will

help them know the ways in coping with it.

Students. The result of this study can give those respondents ideas and

information about the effects of playing Mobile Legends and the ways to cope

with the various effects.

Teacher. The result of this study will serve as a guide on what should they do to

the students who are addicted in playing Mobile Legends. This will also guide

them on how they can help these students have time management for their


Community. The result of this study will benefit the community as the curfew

hours will be implemented well, because the number of online gamers who play

at night finding strong signal outside their house would reduce.

Future Researchers. The result of this study will be serving as a guide of other

researchers who would embark conduct of study of similar nature.

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on the personal experiences of the respondents in

playing Mobile Legends, its effects as well as their way in coping the effects. The

research study was conducted at Ubay National Science High School with the

purposively sampled number of 25 students as the prospect respondents. We

ask permission for the conducting of interview and each one of them was given a

free choice in becoming one of our respondents.

Operational Definition of Terms

Mobile Games – are designed for mobile devices, such as smartphones, pocket

PCs, personal digital assistants (PDA), tablet PCs and portable media players.

Time Allotment – amount of time given by the player in playing Mobile Legends.

Game Feature – refers to the interesting or important part of a game

Study Habits – the behavior used when preparing for a test or learning

academic materials.

Time Management – the act or process of deciding how to use something by


Mobile Legends - is a multiplayer (5 vs. 5) online battle arena (MOBA) game

designed for mobile phones and is played by many students in Ubay National

Science High School.



In our modern times today, computer games continuously influence

younger generation specifically students. Online Games is a type of game where

in two or more players in different locations can get while playing online games.

Good for those who know on how to limit their time in playing games and know

how to manage their time. Bad for those students who attached themselves

sitting for a long time playing online games. Students nowadays spend their

vacant time in playing online games instead of advancing their studies that will

affect their lifestyle as a student.

1.1 Foreign Literature

According to the USA Today Network (2018), the World Health

Organization says that compulsively playing video games now qualifies as a

new mental condition; in a move that some critics warn may risk stigmatizing

too many young players.

Also, in the article of Kimberly Young (2009), excessive gaming has

identified as a specific subtype of internet addiction. (Block, 2008) “Video

games may look innocent, but they can be addictive as gambling or drugs

and just hard to kick,” explained by Keith Bakker, director of Amsterdam-

based Smith and Jones Addiction Consultants and founder of the center.

Another worthy article by The Guardians (Przybyliski and Orben, 2018),

video games played on smart phones, tablets, computers and consoles have

been popular form of leisure for some time now. In Europe, recent figures

indicate that games are played by more than two thirds of children and

adolescents, and a substantial number of adults now play games.

1.2 Local Literature

According to the Pinoy Gamer forum, “As gamers; gaming is a form of

leisure, a hobby or an escape from the harsh world we have in Philippines.

We are not saying that this is not serious issue, but we feel as gamers that

the media is being biased with this. So instead of saying gaming is an

addiction, take a look first why on why people are getting addicted from the

first place.”

In the article on Gameshogun (Cuneta, 2011), addiction to Internet games,

particularly massive multiplayer online role-play games (MMORPGS), have

emerged as a threat to public health – a new epidemic. Although they pose

no direct physical danger, they take a toll on the mental wellbeing of players.

This disease is as equally debilitating as an addiction to drugs or alcohol. The

article also posed that the effects of the gaming is not that bad to be

considered as an addiction.


2.1 Foreign Studies

According to the study of Ko, Yen, et.al. (2005), Adolescents in Taiwan

have been encouraged to use the Internet to increase academic

competitiveness. However, Lin and Tsai (2002) reported that 11.7 % of high

school students have developed addiction to Internet use, which can impair

academic performance, psychological well-being, and interaction with peers and

family members (Whang et al., 2003).

Also, in the study of Wittek, Finseras, at. Al. (2015), Video gaming is one

of the most popular contemporary recreational activities. It has been shown that

59% of all Americans play video games (Ipsos MediaCT 2014). An average of

48% of Europeans has played video games (Ipsos MediaCT 2012), and that 56%

of young adults Norwegians (aged 16-40 years) play video games regularly

(Mentzoni et al. 2011). Among adolescents, the proportion of player is even

higher, as demonstrated in a survey showing that 97% of Americans aged 12-17

years play video games (Lenhart et al. 2008).

2.2 Local Studies

According in the study of Cortes et. Al. (2012), studies indicate that

children who play computer games can improve visual intelligence skills. Parents

believed that computer use is related to better academic performance of the

children. It was found that high school students who used educational software at

home scored significantly higher on computer literacy tests than other students.

Computer use at home is also associated with improvements in general

academic performance. Other studies also found that students who own

computers at home had higher over-all grades, particularly in Math and English,

than those without home computers.

Mobile Legends is a prominent online game nowadays. The present

review of current perspectives on online game has shown that research has

progressed significantly over the last years. Further, it indicates that there are a

lot of factors affecting one’s addiction to online game specifically Mobile

Legends. Addiction to Mobile Legends has both positive and negative effects that

is experienced by the students. This urge the researchers to study the

experiences of the students playing Mobile Legends in Ubay National Science

High School and its various effects. This also study how students cope with the



Research Design

The researchers used a qualitative approach in this study, mainly

phenomenology for this is the most appropriate means of exploring the

experiences of the Ubay National Science High School students in playing

Mobile Legends and the way they cope with the effects.

The purpose of this study is to determine the insights of the students of

Ubay National Science High School regarding their experiences and perceptions.

For this reason, we choose a Qualitative: Phenomenology design and designed

an interview to access the perspectives and experiences of the Ubay National

Science High School students. With these findings, it would benefit the students

and they would have a wider understanding about the effects of playing Mobile

Legends and the way they can cope with.

Research Site

This study was conducted in Ubay National Science High School, located

at the southern tip of Barangay Fatima in the municipality of Ubay in the province

of Bohol. This school is a prestigious public high school in the province of Bohol.

It was founded last July 01, 1996 by Erico Aumentado. The school is duly

administered by the Department of Education, it is the second Science High

School in the province of Bohol, next to Tagbilaran City. The school is headed by

Mrs. Loreta Q. Garcia, in which the school has 2 faculty rooms and 41 national

paid teachers for academic year 2019-2020.

Research Questions

This qualitative phenomenology explores the experiences of the

students in Ubay National Science High School in playing Mobile Legends. The

researchers will also explore the effects they have encountered and their ways of

coping those various effects.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. In playing Mobile Legends, what would be the:

1.1 Positive effects in the students of Ubay National Science High


1.2 Negative effects in the students of Ubay National Science High


2. Why the students still addicted to it even if it will affect them?

3. How will these students manage their time for playing, for school

activities, and for their social life?

4. How will these students cope with its effects?


In identifying our respondents, the researchers selected 25 respondents

from Grade 7 to Grade 12 students. The sample is selected based on

characteristics of a population and the objectives of the study in order to attain

rich descriptive for the case.

Data Sources

The researchers used in-depth individual interview and utilized it as the

primary method of the qualitative data collection. The researchers prepared an

interview questionnaire to be answered by the respondents. The answer

gathered serve as data to be interpreted and analyzed by the researchers.

Research Methods

The research approach used in this study is the in-depth interview; the

researchers conducted the interview in an enclosed environment giving privacy

for the interviewees. The researchers asked the respondents 10 questions about

their experiences in playing Mobile Legends and the effects as well as the way

they cope with it, while recording the interview on a voice recorder. The

respondents were given time to answer the interview questions.

Ethical Considerations

The participants in the phenomenology method were informed individually

of the purpose of the study and their role in the study. They were asked if they

would agree to be one of our respondents and they were also oriented that they

can refuse if they wanted to. The researchers ensured goodness and

trustworthiness to the respondents. Trustworthy with regards to the confidentiality

of their identity, opinions, and goodness by treating them right and equally.

Interview Questionnaire

The prepared interview questionnaire of the researchers is composed of

10 questions. The questions were formulated solely by the researchers.

Questions that are to be answered by the respondents are to access the

experiences of the respondents. The researchers have a follow up questions to

the respondents when they are not to answer the prepared questions

significantly, the researchers are to find ways to arrive to the needed data.

Data Analysis Strategy

Data Analysis in this qualitative approach mainly phenomenology method

has a fold purpose to gain more knowledge of student’s experiences. While

interviewing, some notes were taken by the researchers and while interviewing,

the whole process was recorded with the permission of the respondents. The

researcher used thematic analysis in analyzing the data. Thematic analysis is

relating to the theme by making codes through the data gathered and grouped

them according to categories to come up with themes.


The researchers choose a qualitative phenomenology in order to examine

and grasp the experiences of the students in playing Mobile Legends and the

way they cope with the effects. The study took place in Ubay National Science

High School with a total of 25 respondents. The procedure of data collection, in-

depth individual interview and the data analysis used thematic analysis. The

rights and ethical considerations of the researchers to the respondents are



Presentation Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the data of the experiences of the students in Ubay

National Science High School playing Mobile Legends and its effects. The data

gathered where listed, analyzed by making use of coding and categories to

derive a central theme and presented it in tabular form.

Respondent 1

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (00: 03 – 00:07)

Response: Ahhhhhmmm…… 1 year

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (00:05 – 00:12)

Response: Para maka wa sa kuan… nay hustle sa kinabuhi para malipay ba


3. What factor/s influence you to play Mobile Legends? (00:06 – 00:12)

Response: amigo ramay nakainfluenced nako ana, Amigo ra, friends

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (00:05 – 00:14)

Response: para maka rank-up, charot!

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile Legends?

(00:07 – 00:13)

Response Kuan, dili ko dugay matug anang ML, da, daghan mugasto ko sa load


6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (00:06– 00:


Response: Anger, I think?

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started playing

Mobile Legends? (00:07 – 00:18)

Response: Ahmm wala man, wala ko kabantay. Wa ingani rajud ko daan sa

akong kuan, bali maligo man ko, Di ko kapuyan

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing Mobile

Legends? (00:06 – 00:13)

Response: Kuan, naka, dina makauyab niya sahay makabulok, Mao ra


9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (00:04 – 00:14)

Response: Ug naa koy kay project dili man ko mag kuan dili sako magduwa sa

Mobile Legends ako sang humanon daan

10. How will you cope with its effects? (00:05 – 00: 27)

Response: Wa man koy nabating effects sa akong kaugalingon. Yes, ako rang I

limit kay di man pod ko kuan tag 2 to 4 hours raman ko mag duwa so naa

gihapoy limit sa akong kaugalingon so mao to. Paglimit ra sa duwa

Respondent 2

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (00:05 – 00:11)

Response: So, I’ve been playing Mobile Legends, 3 years.

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (00:04 – 00:15)

Response: Well for me I engage in playing Mobile Legends because for me

games is for fun, I need inspiration to be motivated in school.

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (00:04 – 00:08)

Response: Influenced by friends

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (00:03 – 00:14)

Response: Ahhh I played Mobile Legends sometimes in class days because naa

amn guy.. theres a time that it will be boring ana I want to kuan ahong

kaugalingon ba para di sya boring

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile Legends?

(00:06 – 00:17)

Response: Kuan lang ig vacant nako muduwa, Aww yeah, mugasto ko og paload

para makaduwag Mobile Legends

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (00:05 –


Response: I think kuan to, nagkatapuwan , nagkatapuwan

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started playing

Mobile Legends? (00:06 – 00:15)

Response: Ahh for me kay ang result man gus Mobile Legends, for me kay good

man sya noon nidako man akong grado sa Academics

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing Mobile

Legends? (00:06 – 00:21)

Response: Maybe, aside from, kuan, magkatapuwan and bata for me kay kuan

sad, ahm kuan man gud tong Mobile Legends daghan man trashtalk murag bad

influence sad syas uban ba, Murag makalearn bad words and uban

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (00:05 – 00:16)

Response: Well sa akong kaugalingon is naa man jud kay kuan kanang.. time

management so tanan nahung himoon is scheduled na ba.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (00:04 – 00: 14)

Response: I will control myself in getting into that situation.

Respondent 3

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (00:04 – 00 12)

Response: So kanang nag start ko pag grade 8 pero nahunong man grade 9, 10,

11, so 3 years!

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (00:04 – 00: 13)

Response: Kay… kuan unsa na curios og kanang influence rapod sa friends

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (00:05 – 00:16)

Response: Pareha giingon nako ganina kay kanang friends og kanang pag grade

9 kay kanang hasta ang teacher kay muingon najud na manuwa ta ninyo haha..

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (00:05 – 00: 14)

Response: Kuan kanang usahay raman ko muduwa kong wajuy… way klase..

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (00:05 – 00:21)

Response: Ay di man depende raman na nimo kung kanang kintahay kana

bitawng maibog jud kas mga kuan.. mugasto ka para ana nga duwa.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (00:05 –


Response: So kanang tigduwa kay di jud ka magpasamok kay di man gud kapoy

man gud kong masamok na

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (00:06 – 00: 12)

Response: Kanang maglibog naka kung unsay imong unahon ang duwa ba or

ang kanang magtuon.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (00:05 – 00: 14)

Response: Kanang kuan unsa na… kana bitawng wa nakay fucos sa study nimo

magsige nalang jud kag duwa…. Mao na siya

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (00:04 –

00: 12)

Response: Kuan kong ako usahay magduwa una sunod magbuhat so karon

karon kay magbuhat unsa sunod magduwa na

10. How will you cope with its effects? (00:04 – 00: 13)

Response: Kanang kuan mao lage na mag time management na niya ta nya

unahon sa gyud ang mga study ana nya magduwa na.

Respondent 4

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (00:04 – 00:06)

Response: Ahhmm…. 1 year

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (00:05 – 00:14)

Response: Kuan ra kanang na imp… kuan ra sa friends ba, nainfluence ko then

para walas stress

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (00:03 – 00:07)

Response: Barkada

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (00:03 – 00:08)

Response: Kuan pawalas stress namo kanang kuans mga bulohaton.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (00:05 – 00:27)

Response: Ahh wala, wala, satisfy? Ay dilil wala para kuan rajud na dp.. kakang

bitaw duwa-duwa ra ba para malingaw ka

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (00:05 –


Response: Tapulan… mao ra

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started playing

Mobile Legends? (00:06 – 00:12)

Response: Kanang di nako ganahan mo study mao rana oy

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing Mobile

Legends? (00:05 – 00:09)

Response: Kanang kadugayan magsakit na akong mata

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (00:04 – 00:13)

Response: Kuan kanang ig magduwa ko dapat magkuan jod ko kanang unahon

jud ang dapat buhaton kaysa ana

10. How will you cope with its effects? (00:03 – 00:22)

Response: Kuan ra….. cope up? Ahmm muundang na lage ko.

(00:03 – 00:22)

Respondent 5

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (00:03 – 00:06)

Response: Ahhh only for 5 months

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (00:04 – 00:07)

Response: Because I’m bored and got nothing to do

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (00:04 – 00:06)

Response: Obviously, my friends, yeah mao to

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (00:04 – 00:21)

Response: Ayy, I don’t play Mobile Legends in class days, vacant, Ahh got

nothing to do

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (00:05 – 00:10)

Response: Ahmmm.. maybe top up

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (00:04 –


Response: *clear throats* Ahmmm trashtalks

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (00:06 – 00:13)

Response: Ahh I’ve … no, nothing nothing still the same

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (00:06 – 00:11)

Response: Ahhhh kuwang og tug ingana, just like that

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (00:04 –


Response: Ahhhh finish my assignments or projects first then play

10. How will you cope with its effects? (00:03 – 00:11)

Response: Ahhhhhmm di lang magpada, di magpalabi og duwa og skwela sag


Respondent 6

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:08)

Response: I have been playing for two years.

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:20)

Response: because when I was in Grade 6, my classmate who is also here in

Science High told me to download the game and I had no interest in it at first but

once I started playing it, I got interested on it.

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:10)

Response: My classmates in Grade 6 who are boys.

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:04-0:15)

Response: There is one time in lunch time that I played Mobile Legends and my

phone got confiscated… actually I don’t know, but its fun to play with your


5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:07-0:10)

Response: Ranking up

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:05-


Response: My stubbornness

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:08-0:13)

Response: Yes… managing my time like… my studies and one at point to play.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:09-0:17)

Response: Students… aren’t getting enough sleep… the grades are getting low.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:05-0:11)

Response: I will do those stuff first, then if I finished everything I’ll start playing.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:04-0:18)

Response: Coping with its effects plus it actually changes your lifestyle… like

how you manage your time and stuff like that… I tried to… like stop playing, like

for a while.

Respondent 7

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? 0:04 -0:06)

Response: for 2 years

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:06 – 0:08)

Response: because it is fun

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:05 – 0:07)

Response: classmate pag grade 6

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:05 – 0:15)

Response: I do not play games during class days…. It depend on the situations

te ba kung nay klase te ba, kanang way tarung ba, ana… way lingaw

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile Legends?

(0:06 – 0:12)

Response: dili ko gusto mugastog mga gems te, wa pako kasuway… upat nga

oras nga nagduwa

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:05 – 0:12)

Response: I’ve become friendlier and more helpful to others… livelier ba

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started playing

Mobile Legends? (0:06 – 0:10)

Response: Personality usahay… personality nako usahay

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing Mobile

Legends? (0:06 – 0:09)

Response: Your emotions to others

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:06 – 0:11)

Response: I will not play ML if I have assignments

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:04 – 0:11)

Response: kanang dili nako ipagawas te ba….. I am able to control my

personality and emotions sad

Respondent 8

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:05)

Response: 1 year.

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:15)

Response: Because my..my friends..murag gi-invite ko nila ba

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:06-0:09)

Response: Akong mga kuan..friends, mga amigo

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:04-0:06)

Response: To keep myself away from stress.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:06-0:60)

Response: Skip ug kaon… ug di ko mobuhat sa akong assignment usahay

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends?


Response: I became friendly…murag na hambugon ko gamay kay dako-dako

naman akong rank

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you

started playing Mobile Legends? (0:07-0:019)

Response:Kuan te kanang maka addic,addiction…kuan te kanang sa mental kay

usahay kay madugayan naman ug tungod sa sige rag duwa .

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:07-0:19)

Response: Answer:Kuan te kanang maka addict, addiction…kuan te kanang sa

mental kay usahay kay madugayan naman ug tungod sa sige rag duwa .

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:05-0:11)

Response: Usahay kay di na naho na… di na naho mabuhat ang ubang

assignment tungod sa sige nag duwa ug ML

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:03-0:09)

Response: By studying.. kuan kay sukad ni dako na ahong rank murag usahay

nalang ko magduwa kay dako-dako naman pud akong rank

Respondent 9

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:08)

Response: For about...kuan,..since I was grade 6 man to, 2 ½ years man to…

maybe 2 ½ years

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:10)

Response: because I thought it was, ano , fun gud like the other games so I have

to blend in.

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:13)

Response: Ahmm… some factors are my friends, and social media, etc.

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:06-0:16)

Response: I don’t usually play on class days but I prefer to do, ahmm, my school

works before doing ML., if there are no teachers around.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:07-0:12)

Response: I spent money for ML and kanang sleep pud, less time in sleeping

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends?


Response: I was addicted to it, maybe laziness

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:07-0:13)

Response: when I started, of course, my grades has started to get low, because I

was really addicted to it.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:06-0:15)

Response: maybe, sleep deprivation.. Ofcourse the lower of your grades, etc.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:04-0:16)

Answer: for example, naa ko dire sa school, so I, muduwa lang ko dire sa school

nya adto rako maghimo og project sa balay, unya vice versa.. i-manage jud nako

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:04-0:18)

Response: Coping with its effects plus it actually changes your lifestyle… like

how you manage your time and stuff like that… I tried to… like stop playing, like

for a while.

Respondent 10

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:05)

Response: 3 years

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:06)

Response: friends

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:05)

Response: friends

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:04-0:05)

Response: Because it is fun.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:05-0:23)

Response: kuan…, mu-spend ko ug money gikan sa baon

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:04-


Response: Become evil…trashtalker..trashtalking

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:13)

Response: hmmm.. less time (in studying)

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:12)

Response: kuan ka nang maka not enough sleep

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:04-0:16)

Response: I will finish my stuff and will play Mobile Legends (after).

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:03-0:13)

Response: Kuan kanang addictive.. maka adik pero kontrolon nako.

Respondent 11

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:17)

Response: Since grade eight

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:11)

Response: Loneliness. Kanang tired of socializing. Nangitag lingaw ngana

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:04)

Response: Classmates

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:03-0:09)

Response: Mag-duwa ra ko ug walay tarong klase unya dili musulod ang


5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:07-0:14)

Response: Kanang di matug ug kanang di mukaon. Load kay magpaload man

jud ka.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:14-


Response: Kulbaan ko makakitag tawo. Ug di nako katingug nig reporting.

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:16-0:27)

Response: kanang nay bring home activity, mag-duwa daan. Play first before


8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:06-0:41)

Response: Effect gyud sa pagduwa ug ML kay mura syag makadaot kay mag

istorya ka sa imong kaugalingon. Maka affect sa imong pagkaon, kay di ka maka

maintain sa imong pagkaon kay dugay man gyud mahuman ang duwa. And

duwa man gyud ang pinaka importante kay trashtalkun man ka.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:03-0:19)

Response: Di sa magduwa, unahon ang pinaka importante.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:10-0:14)

Response: I less ang pagduwa ug ML.

Respondent 12

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:05)

Response: My estimation is three years.

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:05)

Response: It’s fun and it’s famous.

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:08)

Response: My friends.

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:04-0:10)

Response: Bored man or (got) invite sa barkada.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile Legends?


Response: Usahay way tulog.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:06-0:15)

Response: Teamwork and hand muscle movements. And trashtalking.

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started playing

Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:10)

Response: wala man, kay di naman ko kayo ganahan ug ML.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing Mobile

Legends? (0:05-0:10)

Response: Mental, physical and death.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:08-0:13)

Response: I will do the important things first.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:08-0:14)

Response: Managing my time and playing Mobile Legends after I finish my


Respondent: 13

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:06)

Response: It’s been one year.

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:30)

Response: I engaged mobile legend because, in my grade 11 year and grade 12

year there’s a lot of free time.

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:02-0:05)

Response: My classmate and my friends at home.

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:03-0:28)

Response: It’s true that mobile legend is very addictive that’s why I play mobile

legend, so for me as media illiterate I control myself and I could suggest that we

should play mobile legend at a right time.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:04-0:08)

Response: Just be responsible enough in playing mobile legends.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:05-


Response: I develop being friendly.

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:06-0:16)

Response: there is no changes at all because we need to be responsible enough

and control our self.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:24)

Response: For me there is no effect and I could say to everybody that we should

be responsible enough and control ourselves, in a social media itself.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:03-0:15)

Response: I will manage my time by myself and also depending on a person that

I’m going to socialize and depending on my schedule.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:03-0:07)

Response: I will cope with this effect through myself only.

Respondent: 14

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:02-0:04)

Response: Three years.

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:06)

Response: Hobby and pampalipas oras.

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:06-0:10)

Response: My cousins and friends.

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:06-0:11)

Response: Pampawalag laay.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:06-0:10)

Response: Mo gastog kwarta kung nay events.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:04-


Response: Team work, Awareness, and, Reflex.

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:07-0:20)

Response: Walay nausab kay and Mobile legends, pampalipas raman nahug

oras sa balay.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:06-0:24)

Response: Positive, kay kadtong mga teamwork while sa negative and uban kay

mapasagdan ilang kaugalingon or dali na masuko.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:04-0:20)

Response: Sa ahung part pampalipas oras rana nako pero kung sa uban

prioritize kung unsay mas importante.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:04-0:15)

Response: Listen and focus sa mga importanteng butang.

Respondent: 15

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:06-0:09)

Response: Since grade 10, December.

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:23)

Response: I want to try mobile games because I’m also interested in Dota but I

cannot go to computer shop.

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:10)

Response: Ang nakadani jud nahu kay ako rapong mga friends kay nakita raman

nahu pud nga sige silage duwa.

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:03-0:16)

Response: Nagduwa kog mobile legend aron mawala akong stress pero during

free time man lang jud ko magduwa.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:09-0:26)

Response: Magduwa kog kadlawn kay tungod kusog ang signal unya bisan

walay kwarta mang redeem lang ko para makaduwa lang jud kog mobile legend.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-


Response: Kay tungod kay di man kayo ko maka socialize mao nay akong paagi

aron maka socialize ko.

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you

started playing Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:20)

Response: Kay tungod makamata naman kog kadlawn kay para makaduwa kog

Mobile Legends unya makalung-ag na lang pud ko para kan-on inig eskwela.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:06-0:29)

Response: Makaapekto jud nis pag-eskwela, kung dili nimo ma manage ug

tarung, kay di na maka focus, kay usahay mo consume jud kag time para lang

makaduwag Mobile Legends.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:05-0:17)

Response: Kay akong phone, kay dali raman siya malowbat, mga 3 games ra

unya kung mag charge ko dili nalang nahu pud duwaan, so mao ratoy akong gi

limit sa pagduwa ug Mobile Legends.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:03-0:23)

Response: Sa sige nahug duwag Mobile Legend mauwahi nahug buhat akong

mga buhatunon pero, para nahu is maapas raman pud nahu siya ug dalig buhat.

Respondent 16

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:05)

Response: Almost 9 months.

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:05)

Response: To have fun!

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:08)

Response: Classmate’s advice.

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:05-0:13)

Response: To have fun and para mawala ang stress.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:06-0:12)

Response: Magsige duwa, unya dugay matug.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-


Response: Trashtalking.

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:05)

Response: Makatapol jud siya.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:20)

Response: Makaapekto sa eskwela, makaniwang kay magpuyat, makaapekto sa

appetite kay sige rag duwa, di nasad maka-focus sa study.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:05-0:12)

Response: Mahimo, every weekends nalang ko magduwa, unya kong wala

nalang say buhatunon sa balay.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:03-0:12)

Response: Dili kaayo magpaapekto sa mga bad-effects nga pwedi masinati.

Respondent 17

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:03 – 0:00:12)

Response: ahmm I’ve started playing Mobile Legends since May 21, 2019

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:04 – 0:00:17)

Response: I was on a summer break then I went bored because my phone don’t

have other games and I found out Mobile Legends and downloaded it.

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:00:04 – 0:00:08)

Response: na curious lang ko tungod rapod sa pagka bored

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:00:5 – 0:00:14)

Response: Ahmm time keller raman pod sya although a lot of trashtalk but most

of the time is time killer.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile Legends?

(0:00:06 – 0:00:17)

Response: Although magduwa man ko during lectures but I only treat Mobile

Legends an a regular game and I don’t over do it… overplay it.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:05 –


Response: trashtalking

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started playing

Mobile Legends? (0:00:06 – 0:00:21)

Response: I don’t know but my wage of phone, that is secondly… sometimes

kuan.. sometimes no skip.. ahong unahon ang ML kay sa study but most of the

day lang.. no change

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing Mobile

Legends? (0:00:08 – 0:00:15)

Response: Aside sa trashtalkan.. uhm daghan man kaayong mga bata na ingana

but uhm to other positive effects it.. there is a maka-inflict sya like.. uhm

teamwork, proper coordination and proper planning but on the negative effects

uhm daghan jod na trashtalking mga kuan all the bad effects

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:00:04 –


Response: I list out all my.. listed out all everything that I do and properly divide

them in time… with time.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:00:03 – 0:00:11)

Response: one of the ways.. reduce the playing time of playing Mobile Legends

or either stop it… either those two choices.

Respondent 19

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:04 – 0:00:05)

Response: 1 ½ years

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:04 – 0:00:07)

Response: to have fun and enjoy

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:00:05 – 0:00:10)

Response: friends and my own curiosity

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:00:04 – 0:00:11)

Response: when there’s a free time and there is no teacher around we play

Mobile Legends

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile Legends?

(0:00:05 – 0:00:14)

Response: sa akong mini- hero nipalit kog usa ka skin then mao rajud to..… kas

a wala ko katug

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:05 –


Response: trashtalk

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started playing

Mobile Legends? (0:00:07 – 0:00:10)

Response: the same raman, normal raman, the same raman gihapon

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing Mobile

Legends? (0:00:06 – 0:00:11

Response: kanang nahambogero

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:00:05 –


Response: sa karon nga time dili na kaayo ko tigduwaan og ML kay daghan man

og buhaton

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:00:03 – 0:00:10)

Response: di sa lang magduwa kay daghan ,am og buhaton

Respondent 20

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:03 – 0:00:04)

Response: 2 years

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:04 –


Response: lingaw lingaw og mga barkada pod

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:00:05 – 0:00:07)

Response: barkada

4. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:00:04 – 0:00:07)

Response: laay man

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:00:06 – 0:00:10)

Response: kanang kuan magbilar kauban mga barkada

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:05 –


Response: kahibaw na mo kuan… kahibaw na mamalikas

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:06 – 0:00:08)

Response: tapulan te

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:00:08 – 0:00:15)

Response: kuan kanang maka addict sakit pod sa mata

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:00:04 –


Answer: kanang di magduwa

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:00:04 – 0:00:06)

Response: i-delete ang ML

Respondent 21

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:03 – 0:00:4)

Response: 1 year

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:04 –


Response: barkada

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:00:05 –


Response: barkada pod

4. Whay did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:00:05 –


Response: kanang kuan te, kanang way mga maistra, kanang laayon na

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:00:06 – 0:00:09)

Response: mu-skip og meals

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:05

– 0:00:07)

Response: trashtalk

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:06 – 0:00:09)

Response: mahimong tapulan te

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:00:05 – 0:00:11)

Response: it can affect your mental or your health.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:00:03

– 0:00:09)

Response: I will manage my time wisely te.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:00:06 – 0:00:013)

Response: mag-adjust ko ate unya dili sa lang mag duwa ug ML.

Respondent 22

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:10)

Response: I’ve been playing Mobile Legend since grade eight.

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:34)

Response: Ako syang na discover through Playstore.

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:10)

Response: It is because I want to gain rank. I want to be at the highest one or

something I want.

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:04-0:08)

Response: Famousity of the game

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:05-0:16)

Response: Spending money.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:04-


Response: trashtalking kay dili man gud na mawala. Then kanang pagka patient

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:07)

Response: I become more arrogant.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:07)

Response: Mental health problems.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:09-0:13)

Response: I will do that stuff first.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:03-0:05)

Response: by limiting it.

Respondent 23

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:03 – 0:00:08)

Response: I’ve been playing ML since grade six so approximately three to four


2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:03–


Response: it became as a habit napud then as a way to express myself.

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:00:03 –


Response: Mostly myself and other games kanang usually PC games na ma


4. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:00:03 – 0:00:09)

Response: Sometimes when I’m bored and to try to make myself happy through

Mobile Legends.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:00:12– 0:00:23)

Response: spending money, ang largest amount na akong na spent so far kay

200 raman. Also skipping meals.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:04–


Response: Mostly kanang being patient and relying on others.

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:00:05 – 0:00:19)

Response: In terms of kanang negative kay I’ve been very thin napud kay tungud

kay mag skip ug meals.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:00:04 – 0:00:15)

Response: improves your social skills

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:00:03 –


Response: I actually have a schedule and I know my limitations

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:00:02– 0:00:11)

Response: I always try to limit myself into not playing too much. And I have

more important things to do other than playing ML.

Respondent 24

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:10)

Response: if I were to remember it was since grade 7 until now, actually.

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:15)

Response: at first I did not like this game but I saw it in my friends that they play

this game and I found it absolute quite fun so now I’m playing that game

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:16)

Response: well as a fact that, that people get bored so..when I’m bored I play

Mobile Legends… mostly my friends influenced me to play this game that’s all.

4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days? (0:03-0:18)

Response: actually, for example, now that were having a performance task and

I’m already done..ahm.. its quite a leisure of time to.. to playing.. just.. just

because that..teacher is not around.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile Legends?


Response: not that extent that, I will abandon my studies and also but I have a

limit to.. ahm playing….wala man kanang mostly magduwa rako MLkung..naa

koy free time, not to the fact nga ma-addict napod ko..ing-ana.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:26)

Response: I’m quite ashamed to say but I develop some sort of bard word in

playing this game and I, I admit it but thus also learned to be obedient kay lag

man lagi akong mga kauban…nakalern pud ko ug gamay ug bad word kay

tungod kay trashtalk-kon ta.

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started playing

Mobile Legends? (0:05-0:21)

Response: well, a for negative effect there was a time na kanang nag rank ko

unya kanang nikalit ug sud among maestra then, not to the fact nga gikasab an

ko, naka feel ko ug embarrassment so which led nga wa nako adtong time-ma

nagtarong ug tuon kay murag na ashamed ko ga gikasab an ko kay nagduwa ko

ug ML.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing Mobile

Legends? (0:04-0:24)

Response: well, I can see sometimes in social media that reports of people

kanang na involve sila sa mga accidents just because of playing Mobile Legends,

like kanang playing on the roads, nya naligsan sila, then murag mga addiction

na, murag na malnourish na sila kay di na sila ganahan mo kaon.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:04-0:28)

Response: uhm, aside from, aside that I play this game when I have other time

uhm I go to libraries and read, study, and sometimes go to the gym and play

basketball and stuff,, naglimit ko kay kahibaw man jud ko nga ML maka addict

gyud na, so naglimit jud ko kay kasab an palang kong mama ug mubagsak ko sa

akong grado.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:06-0:15)

Response: uhm. As I said nga one thing prevent yourself from being addict to

this game is to have self-control and self-discipline….

Respondent 25

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends? (0:02-0:08)

Response: ahh… since the game inception.

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:10)

Response: well I found that it was fun and entertaining and also challenge some

of the capabilities I have as a gamer.

3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:02-0:13)

Response: definitely, the strategic factors of the game, it required you to perform

things that which mostly mental, you need needed mentally calculated.

4. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:12)

Response: ahh it was a method of ahm it was a method of stress release from

the stresses of the school.

5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile

Legends? (0:07-0:19)

Response: one match is typically enough. I was more like a situation where I

would sometimes to go to my neighbor ask for the WiFi password and connect to

the WiFi.

6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends? (0:05-


Response: ahh I did definitely swear a lot, I develop a habit of trashtalking very

much, and so I did notice my fingers and reflex speed definitely increased.

7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started

playing Mobile Legends? (0:03-0:11)

Response: I did become more introvert, uhm not that I was already an extrovert

but it added to my introvertness as well.

8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing

Mobile Legends? (0:04-0:30)

Response: the key effect would be addiction, since you would be trap in sort of

fantasy where you wouldn’t care about not even you most basic needs, but you

would also neglect you duties and priorities as well for example, you would

neglect cleaning you house perhaps you room even you would neglect even you

would neglect even your most basic needs such as drinking water, going to the

bathroom, eating food, you would not only damage you reputation and your body

but also others trust with you as well.

9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time? (0:04-0:16)

Response: I would definitely focus on the other more important things but if truth

be told, If I to say it, it would be pass for longer time or it would be easy to do, I

will play Mobile Legend first and do the other things afterwards.

10. How will you cope with its effects? (0:04-0:10)

Response: quit the game.

Category Theme
Axial Coding Selective Coding
½ yr.
1 yr.
Years Spent in
2 yrs.
3 yrs.
4yrs. Experiences
No Teachers Around
Remedial Class
Time Killer Factors
Peer Pressure Experiences of
Trend Social
Social Media the Students
Cooperative Playing Mobile
Enhance Strategic
Skills Legends and its
Improve Hand Muscle
Reflexes Effects
Improve Social
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Teary Eyes
Spending Money
Trash talking
Limiting One’s Self
Ways of Coping
Time Management

Table 1. The Thematic Analysis of the Experiences of the Students in Ubay

National Science High School Playing Mobile Legends and its Effects.


Based on the analysis and interpretation of the data, most of the students

of Ubay National Science High School who are interviewed played Mobile

Legends for 1-3 years and they are mostly ranked from legend to epic while

some of them are ranked from grandmaster to epic. Two of them played it for

over 4 years and have ranks legend and mythic. One of them played it for 6

months and had ranked master.

The respondents experienced positive and negative effects in playing

Mobile Legends. Some of them answered that playing Mobile Legends can make

you being competent; cooperative; enhanced your strategic skills; and improves

hand muscle reflexes and social interaction as the positive effects. They also

added that it can test your patience because in the game, you need to wait for

other players to join and also it can make you trust other people.

As it have positive effects on students that can be used in school, there

are also negative effects. Most of them answered that playing Mobile Legends

can make you become addicted to it and can cause many negative effects like

having a headache because of skipping meals and longtime exposure on

cellphones. The respondents also answered that they are experiencing tardiness

because of sleepless nights. Some answered that it can make you become short-

tempered, stubborn, lazy, trash talker, and can even make you spend money.

Some also added that playing Mobile Legends can cause neck pain, shoulder

pain, and teary eyes.

Students are still addicted in playing Mobile Legends even if it has

negative effects as it is their time killer when there is a vacant period or when

there are no teachers around. Another reason is that they got invited by their

peers. They are also playing it as a way of relieving stress from school works.

The respondents experience different negative effects but they still

manage to cope with those effects. Most of them answered that limiting and

controlling one’s self can help cope with its effects. Some even said that

adjusting one’s self can help cope with its effects. Overall, the respondents may

have experienced all those effects caused by playing Mobile Legends but they

manage to cope wit it and overcome those effects.

Chapter V

Discussion, Research question, Conclusions, Recommendation


The researchers came up with this interpretation from the thematic

analysis of the experiences of the students in Ubay National Science High

School playing Mobile Legends and its effects by assigning relevant codes that

describe the respondents’ answers to the given question. There are 33 codes

derived in this study, namely: year, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, master,

epic, legend, mythic, curiosity, no teachers around, remedial class, time killer,

peer pressure, trend, social media, competent, cooperative, enhance strategic

skills, improve hand muscle reflexes, improve social interaction, headache, neck

pain, shoulder pain, teary eyes, short-tempered, stubbornness, spending money,

trash talking, laziness, tardiness, limiting one’s self and time management.

The codes were grouped accordingly to its likeness, and assigned

category. In this study, the researchers derived four categories namely:

experiences, factors, effects, and ways of coping. Under the category of

experiences, the codes are namely: year, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years,

master, epic, legend, and mythic. Curiosity, no teachers around, remedial class,

time killer, peer pressure, trend, and social media are the codes that falls under

the category of factors. The third category have the codes competent,

cooperative, enhance strategic skills, improve hand muscle reflexes, improve

social interaction, headache, neck pain, shoulder pain, teary eyes, short-

tempered, stubbornness, spending money, trash talking, laziness, and tardiness.

Meanwhile, limiting one’s self and time management are the codes under the

ways of coping.


The researchers came up with these findings that led to the conclusion of

this study. Therefore, the researchers conclude that the students in Ubay

National Science High School who plays Mobile Legends have experienced both

positive and negative effects. These students have experienced headache, neck

and shoulder pain, teary eyes, being short-tempered, stubbornness, laziness,

tardiness and even as far as trash talking and spending money because of

Mobile Legends. Even though they experienced some negative effects, they also

become more competent and cooperative upon playing Mobile Legends. They

have also enhanced their strategic skills, improve their hand muscle reflexes and

improve their social interaction because of Mobile Legends. The researchers also

conclude that the students who plays Mobile Legends are still able to cope with

the various effects by limiting their playing time, setting their priorities and having

proper time management.


After the analysis and findings, the researchers came up with the

recommendations for the students and to the future researchers. The

researchers recommend that all students who plays Mobile Legends should be

aware of the effects that they may encounter. The students should know that

there are variety of ways they can use to overcome and cope with those effects.

These students should know proper time management so that they will not

neglect their studies while having fun in playing Mobile Legends.

Lastly, we recommend future researchers to indulge in the joy of

qualitative research, exploring depths unknown and to ask permission from the

original researchers if they are to borrow any question/s from the in-depth

interview questionnaire.


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Appendix A

Interview Questionnaire

1. How long have you been playing Mobile Legends?

2. Why did you engage yourself in playing Mobile Legends?
3. What factor/s influenced you to play Mobile Legends?
4. Why did you play Mobile Legends during class days?
5. To what extent can you do just to satisfy yourself in playing Mobile Legends?
6. What behaviors did you develop upon playing Mobile Legends?
7. What are the changes in your lifestyle as a student when you started playing
Mobile Legends?
8. Based on your own opinion, what could be the other effects of playing Mobile
9. If you have other stuffs to do, how will you manage your time?
10. How will you cope with its effects?

Appendix B
Republic of the Philippines
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Ubay National Science High School

Fatima, Ubay, Bohol
February 27, 2020

UNSHS School Principal


We the researchers of Ubay National Science High School would like to conduct
connection with this we would like to ask a permission from your good office to
conduct a survey to identify our respondents from the students of UNSHS to
support our study in gathering the information.
We are hoping for your kind consideration and positive response to this request.
Thank you and God Bless!

Sincerely yours,

(SGD) Bambe, Glencyll Diane Marie T. (SGD) Estoquia, Michael Angelo A.

(SGD) Bayron, Jay Ian L. (SGD) Legara, Jeric L.
(SGD) Cajes, Princess Louren S. (SGD) Tanghal, Frenz M.
(SGD) Cutanda, Lejyl C.



Practical Research 1 Adviser


School Principal

Republic of the Philippines
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Ubay National Science High School

Fatima, Ubay, Bohol
February 27, 2020

To the respondents:
Good day!
We the researchers made questionnaires used as the research instrument and
tool in gathering necessary data for the research conducted in the fulfillment of
the requirements for Practical Research 1 in Grade 11 Curriculum. The
respondents identified were the students of Ubay National Science High School
S. Y. 2019-2020, by using purposive sampling.
Our research is entitled “ML ADDICTION: A STUDY ABOUT THE
we humbly ask your utmost cooperation by truthfully answering each question on
the given questionnaire. Putting your name on the questionnaire is optional.
Your cooperation is a big help to us. Thank you and God Bless!
Sincerely yours,
(SGD) Bambe, Glencyll Diane Marie T. (SGD) Estoquia, Michael Angelo A.
(SGD) Bayron, Jay Ian L. (SGD) Legara, Jeric L.
(SGD) Cajes, Princess Louren S. (SGD) Tanghal, Frenz M.
(SGD) Cutanda, Lejyl C.



Practical Research 1 Adviser

Curriculum Vitae


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