Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug of Action
Brand Name: Pantoprazole Indicated in • known allergy to • Nausea, Before:
is a proton the either the drug or Assess for history of
pump • Drowsiness,
management the drug allergy to the drug to
Panto plus inhibitor
of components. • Flatulence, reduce the risk of
(PPI) that
gastroesophag hypersensitivity
binds • Dry mouth.
Generic eal reflux reaction.
Name: and disease; non- Monitor vital signs to
specifically ulcer establish baseline data
to the proton dyspepsia,
Pantoprazole pump, During:
+ gastric or
thereby Administer drug
Domperidon reducing duodenal
before meals because
gastric acid ulcer, food ma dela
secretion. dyspepsia, absorption of the drug
Domperidone bloating, for up to 2 hours or
blocks fullness,
s: longer.
belching, Follow with water
receptors in
the gut and in NSAID- after ensuring that the
Proton Pump induced patient swallowed the
Inhibitor and
the part of
the brain dyspepsia. tablet whole.
Agent linked to
vomiting. After:
Route: administration of drug
Monitor patient
response to the drug
Oral (PO)
40 mg/tab
OD AC meal
Footnote: 2007 Edition PDR Nurse’s Drug Handbook by Spratto, G. & Woods, A.
Drug Mechanism Indication Contraindications Side Effects Nursing Responsibility
name of Action
Brand Name: Alverine acts Symptomatic • known allergy to • Nausea Before:
directly on treatment of either the drug or Assess for history of
the muscle in gastrointestinal • Headache
the drug allergy to the drug to
Avarin the gut, disorders such components • Pruritus avoid hypersensitivity
causing it to as irritable reaction.
relax. This bowel syndrome • intestinal • Rash
Generic prevents the
Monitor vital signs to
or peptic ulcer obstruction or
Name: muscle • Dizziness establish baseline
that consist of paralytic ileus
spasms which data.
abdominal • Hypotension or
occur in the
Alverine + discomfort; temporary During:
gut in
Simethicone treatment of lowering of BP
conditions Administer drug after
such as dysmenorrhea.
• Anaphylaxis meals to ensure the
irritable therapeutic
Classification bowel
s: effectiveness of the
syndrome. drug.
Follow with a full
reduces the
Antiflatulent formation of glass of water after
/ administration.
gas in the
stomach. It
also helps in After:
easing the Document
removal of administration of drug
excessive gas Monitor patient
in the response to the drug
Oral (PO) Advise patient to
tract by
notify health care
changing the
surface professional if
Dosage: symptoms are
tension of the
300 mg/ 60 gas bubbles. persistent
Footnote: https://go.drugbank.com/drugs/DB01616