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Emergency Drugs

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John Ray Enimedez Our Lady of Fatima University 4Y1 – 4D

Action /
Name of Drug Indication Contraindications Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibility
Generic Action: Contraindicate in patients nervousness, >Monitor V/S. and check
Name: Stimulates beta Asthma with angle-closure glaucoma, tremor, vertigo, for cardiac
Epinephrine receptors in lung. shock (other than anaphylactic pain, widened dysrhythmias
Bronchitis shock), organic brain damage, pulse pressure, >Drug increases rigidity
Brand Name: Relaxes bronchial cardiac dilation, arrhythmias, hypertension and tremor in patients
Injection, OTC smooth muscle. Emphysema coronary insufficiency, or nausea with Parkinson’s disease
nasal solution: cerebral arteriosclerosis. Also > Epinephrine therapy
Adrenalin Increases vital All cardiac arrest, contraindicated in patient Side Effects: interferes with tests for
Chloride capacity anaphylaxis receiving general anesthesia headache urinary catecholamine
 BP,  HR,  PR with halogenated Avoid IM use of
Used for symptomatic hydrocarbons or cyclopropane parenteral suspension
Decreases airway bradycardia. and in patients in labor (may into buttocks. Gas
resistance. delay second stage) gangrene may occur
Relief of bronchospasm r IM
Classification: occurring during Some products containing injection to counteract
Beta2 Adrenergic anesthesia sulfites and are possible
Agonists contraindicated in patients vasoconstriction.
Exercised-induced with sulfite allergies > Observe patient
bronchospasm closely for adverse
with local anesthesia, reactions. Notify doctor
epinephrine is contraindicated if adverse reaction
In pregnant woman, drug is > If blood pressure
contraindicated. increases sharply, rapid-
acting vasodilators such
In breast feeding do not use as nitrates or alpha
the drug or stop breast blockers can be given to
feeding. counteract
Name of Drug Action / Classification Indication Contraindications Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibility
Generic Name: Action: Disturbances of GI Contraindicated with restlessness, >Monitor BP carefully
Metoclopramide Stimulates motility of motility allergy to drowsiness, fatigue, during IV
upper GI tract metoclopramide insomnia, dizziness, administration.
Brand Name: without stimulating Relief of symptoms of anxiety >Monitor diabetic
Maxolon gastric, biliary, or acute and recurrent GI hemorrhage patients, arrange for
pancreatic secretions; diabetic gastroparesis transient alterations in insulin
appears to sensitize Mechanical hypertension dose or timing if
tissues to action of Nausea and vomiting obstruction or diabetic control is
acetylcholine; relaxes perforation nausea and diarrhea compromised by
pyloric sphincter, Metabolic diseases alterations in timing
which, when Epilepsy of food absorption.
combined with Short-term therapy
effects on motility, for adults with Use cautiously with
accelerates gastric symptomatic previously detected
emptying and gastroesophageal breast cancer,
intestinal transit; little reflux who fail to lactation, pregnancy,
effect on gallbladder respond to fluid overload, renal
or colon motility; conventional therapy. impairment
increases lower
esophageal sphincter Prophylaxis of
pressure; has postoperative nausea
sedative properties; and vomiting when
induces release of nasogastric suction is
prolactin undesirable

Antiemetic, GI
Pamittan, Vasnijoy A.
4Y1 – 4D
Emergency Drugs

Adverse Nursing
Drug Action Classification Indication Contraindications
Effects Interventions
Generic Competitively H2 Receptor Short-term Contraindicated headache, 1. Administer oral
Name: inhibits the Blocker treatment of active with allergy to malaise, drug with meals
Ranitidine action of Antagonist duodenal ulcer and ranitidine, dizziness, and at bedtime.
histamine at benign gastric ulcer lactation somnolence, 2. Decrease doses
Brand Name: the H2 insomnia, in renal and liver
Zantac/ receptors of Maintenance Use cautiously vertigo failure.
Aciran the parietal therapy for with impaired 3. Provide
cells of the duodenal ulcer at renal or hepatic tachycardia, concurrent antacid
stomach, reduced dosage. function, bradycardia therapy to relieve
inhibiting basal pregnancy pain.
gastric acid Short-term rash, 4. Administer IM
secretion and treatment for alopecia dose undiluted,
gastric acid GERD. deep into large
secretion that constipation, muscle group.
is stimulated Pathologic diarrhea, 5. Arrange for
by food, hypersecretory nausea and regular follow-up
insulin, conditions vomiting, including blood
histamine, (Zollinger-Ellison abdominal test, to evaluate
cholinergic syndrome) pain, effects
agonists, hepatitis
gastrin and Treatment of
pentagastrin heartburn, acid
indigestion, sour
Drug Action Classification Indication Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions
Generic Increases the Antiasthmatic PO Chronic Nausea, vomiting, Give immediate-release, liquid
Names: level of cAMP & COPD bronchospasm as abdominal pain, dosage forms with food if GI
Aminophylline resulting in Preparations hydrate diarrhea, effects occur.
bronchodilation headache,
Brand insomnia,
Maintain adequate hydration.
Names: dizziness,
Atlantic anxiety,
Aminophylline restlessness; Take serum samples to
Theofil amp tremor, determine peak theophylline
palpitations. concentration drawn 15–30 min
after an IV loading dose.
Potentially Fatal:
cardiac Ensure that diazepam is readily
arrhythmias, available to treat seizures.
hypotension and
sudden death Take this drug exactly as
after too rapid prescribed; if a timed-release
IV injection.
product is prescribed, take this
drug on an empty stomach, 1 hr
before or 2 hr after meals.

Administer rectal solution or

suppositories after emptying the
Alexander Ramos
Pres. Diosdado Macapagal Memorial Medical Center

Drug Action Classification Indication Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions

Generic:  Calcium  Calcium  Hypertensive  Peripheral  Patients with hepatic
Nicardipine channel Antagonist emergencies edema, impairment should receive
HCL blocker that or urgencies, headache, lower dose.
inhibits peri-op & post- tachycardia,
Brand: Calcium ion op HTN, palpitations,  Monitor blood pressure.
Cardepine influx hypertensive localized Allow at least 3 days
across states of NPO thrombophlebitis between dosage
cardiac and patients. & hypotension. adjustments to achieve
smooth steady plasma levels.
cells, also  Advise patient to report
dilates immediately if experiencing
coronary chest pain
arteries and

Drug Action Classification Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions

Generic  In low doses,  Adrenergic  Hypersensitivity  Sweating,  Explain the drug to the
Terbutaline act relatively, inhalants, to the drug nausea, patient
selectively at selective vomiting,  Take Terbutaline exactly
Brand: beta - beta-2- lethargy, as directed by your doctor.
Brethine, adrenergic adrenorecept tinnitus, Do not take more or less
Bricanyl receptors or agonists. tachycardia, than instructed by your
palpitations, doctor.
muscle  Continue taking
cramps, Terbutaline even when
headache, you feel better. Do not
paradoxical stop taking it unless
bronchospasm instructed by your doctor.
 Transient
, transient
Name of
Action Classification Indication Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions
Generic Neutralizes Alkalizing Hyperacidity GI: Gastric Monitor urinary pH, calcium,
Name: gastric acid Agent, Buffer, distention, belching, electrolytes and phosphate
Sodium Antacid, Peptic ulcer flatulence. levels.
Bicarbonate Decrease electrolyte Metabolic:
pepsin Hyperkalemia metabolic alkalosis, Record amount and
Brand activity hypernatremia, consistency of stools.
Name: Soda Tricyclic hypokalemia,
Mint antidepressant hyperosmolarity Clients on low-sodium diets
OD (with overdose). should evaluate sodium
Other: Pain and contents of antacids.
Shock associated irritation at
with severe injection site.
uncontrolled DM

Reflux esophagitis

Valerio Carlo
Our Lady of Fatima University
Emergency Drugs
Name of
Action Classification Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions
Generic Inhibits Non Steroidal Contraindicated Headache, dizziness, Administer drug with food or
Name: prostaglandi Anti – with allergy to bsomnolence, after meals if GI upset occurs.
Diclofenac n sythetase inflammatory NSAIDs, insomnia, fatigue,
Sodium to cause Drugs significant renal tiredness, dizziness, Arrange for ophthalmologic
antipyretic impairment, tinnitus, ophthalmic exam during long-term
Brand and anti- pregnancy, effects. therapy.
Name: inflammator lactation. •
Voltaren y effects: the pruritus, sweating, Institute emergency procedure
exact Use cautiously dry mucous if overdose uccurs.
mechanism is with impaired membranes,
unknown. hearing, allergies, stomatitis.
hepatic, CV, GI
conditions, and in Dysuria, renal
elderly patients. impairment.

Nausea, dyspepsia,
GI pain, diarrhea,

Bleeding, platelet
inhibition with
higher doses.

Zacarias, McHarris M. Our Lady of Fatima University Emergency Drugs
4Y1 – 4D Pres. DMMMC

Name of
Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions
Tramadol Inhibits Moderate to Acute CNS and GI Assess for level of pain relief
HCl prostaglandin severe pain intoxication with disturbances. and administer dose as
sythetase to alcohol, Nausea, needed but not to exceed
(Dolcet) cause hypnotics, dizziness. the recommended total
antipyretic narcotics, Fatigue, daily dose
and anti- centrally-acting constipation, dry
inflammatory analgesics, mouth. Discontinue drug and notify
effects: the opioids or the physician if s/sx of
exact psychotropic hypersensitivity occur
mechanism is drugs.
unknown. Hypersensitivity Take appropriate safety

To be taken with food to

avoid GI upset.

Name of
Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Interventions
Calcium Replaces Hypocalcemia, Hypercalcemia, GI irritation Use cautiously in patients
gluconate Calcium hypocalcemic ventricular hemorrhage with sarcoidosis and renal or
and tetany, fibrillation, renal constipation cardiac disease and in
(Kalcinate) maintains magnesium canaliculi vomiting digitalized patients.
Calcium toxicity, hypo thirst
level parathyroidism renal canaliculi Monitor blood calcium level
hypercalcemia frequently

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